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Paddington 2

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Paddington 2 is a British/France 2017 live-action animated comedy film and a sequel to 2014 film Paddington. After Paddington is framed and imprisoned for a burglary that he did not commit, he and his family have to find the real culprit and prove his innocence.

Directed by Paul King. Written by Paul King and Simon Farnaby.
Magic. Mystery. Marmalade.  (taglines)


  • Dear Aunt Lucy, you sent me to London to find a home. I have a wonderful family. I've really got to grips with how things work.
  • Dear Aunt Lucy, life in London has been better than ever. I really feel at home.
  • Aunt Lucy said: "If we're kind and polite, the world will be right."
  • I may look like a hardened criminal, but I'm innocent.

Knuckles McGinty

  • I don't do nothin' for no one for nothin'.
  • I want those petits fours NOW!
  • [nervously] You don't have to tell me about hard stares, I practically invented them. Pretty good for a bear, though, I'll give you that.
  • If you're going to clear your name, you're going to need our help.
  • If anyone can recognize a criminal, it's us.

Phoenix Buchanan

  • We're rich again.
  • Exit bear, pursued by an actor... ugh!


  • Mr. Barnes: [giving Paddington a lift on his dustcart] Clear the road! This is a refuse emergency!
  • Mary Brown: Paddington is innocent. I'm going to prove it.
  • Warden Walker: Forget the medic... better send a priest.
  • Judge Gerald Biggleswade: Don't shush me, Gertrude! I have just been spilled upon by chilled liquid!
  • Chakrabatics Instructor: Open your minds, and your legs will follow.
  • Barry the security Guard: Attention all units: An unusually attractive nun is causing mayhem in the cathedral dome. Activate emergency protocol. Stop that stunning sister!


Paddington: I think you're in great shape for a man your age Mr. Brown.
Henry Brown: Oh, thank you Paddington...Hang on, how old do you think I am?
Paddington: Oh, about eighty.

Paddington: Have you ever been fired, Mr. Brown?
Henry Brown: Well, no. But, er...are you, you quite sure you're ready for the workplace, Paddington?

Phoenix Buchanan: They do say that at Madame Kozlova's all your dreams come true. So, if you had one wish tonight what would it be?
Paddington: Oh that's easy. I'd like to get my Aunt Lucy a birthday present.
Crowd: Awwwwwwwwww!

Mary Brown: What happened to the man I married? He'd have believed me.
Henry Brown: Oh, him. He's gone.

Mrs. Bird: Well I believe you, Mary. Actors are some of the most evil, devious people on the planet.
Mary Brown: Are they?
Mrs. Bird: They lie for a living.
Mary Brown: Crikey.

Phibs: Don't worry! I used to be a restaurant critic. It's not as bad as it looks.
Paddington: Oh?
[Paddington chokes on the disgusting prison gruel]
Phibs: It's worse.

Paddington: Thank you, Mr. McGinty.
Knuckles McGinty: Don't thank me yet. I don't do nothing for no one for nothing.
Paddington: beg your pardon?
Knuckles McGinty: You get my protection so long as you make that marmalade. Deal?
Paddington: Deal.

Paddington: I’m sorry, I’m finding this a very stressful working environment. Aunt Lucy said-
Knuckles McGinty: Aunt Lucy!? I’ve had it up to here with Aunt Lucy! She sounds like a proper old bag to me.
Paddington: [offended] I beg your pardon?
Knuckles McGinty: I said, your Aunt Lucy sounds like the most naïve, gullible, mushy-brained...What’s going on?
[Paddington begins giving Knuckles a HARD STARE. It is having a remarkable effect]
Knuckles McGinty: [uncomfortably] What are you looking at me like that for? It’s awful hot in here. Are you hot? I’m hot. Did I leave the oven on?

Henry Brown: Would you excuse us a moment?
[Mr. Brown flips what he thinks is the microphone switch]
Henry Brown: What are you doing?
Mary Brown: Talking to the nice men.
Henry Brown: Nice men? Mary, we can't trust these people. I mean look at them! Talk about a rogues' gallery. Hideous! And as for that bearded baboon in the middle, he's hardly got two brain cells to rub together.
Knuckles McGinty: We can still hear you, Mr. Brown. That was the light you turned off. The microphone is on the other side. It's got 'microphone' written on it.
[Judy turns the light back on]
Henry Brown: [awkwardly] ...Gentlemen.

Henry Brown: [Following Mary into Phoenix's house] This is breaking and entering!
Mary Brown: We haven't broken anything!
[Henry accidently knocks over a vase and it smashes on the floor]

Mary Brown: A secret room!
Henry Brown: It's an attic.
Mary Brown: A secret attic!
Henry Brown: It's an ordinary attic.
[Mary heads up, followed by Henry]
Henry Brown: Every house on the street has one. See? Just a perfectly normal... [he sees Phoenix's many costumed mannequins] Oh my god, he's a weirdo!

Mr. Curry: [into megaphone] We don't want him here.
Henry Brown: No, of course you don't. YOU never have! As soon as you set eyes on that bear you made up your mind about him. Well Paddington's not like that. He looks for the good in all of us and somehow, he finds it! It's why he makes friends wherever he goes. And it's why Windsor Gardens is a happier place whenever he's around. He wouldn't hesitate if any of us needed help! So stand aside, Mr. Curry. 'Cause we're coming through!

Mary Brown: You wanted to get that book so Aunt Lucy could see London, didn't you?
Paddington: It was always her dream.
Mary Brown: Well we thought... why look at London in a book? When she could see the real thing?
[doorbell rings]
Mary Brown: Why don't you go and answer that?
[Paddington gingerly walks to the front door and opens it. There, standing in the snow, is Aunt Lucy. Paddington gasps and Aunt Lucy drops her things. He flies into her arms and nuzzles against her.
Aunt Lucy: Oh, Paddington!
Paddington: Happy birthday Aunt Lucy.


  • Magic. Mystery. Marmalade.
  • It Takes A Bear To Catch A Thief.
  • A New Chapter Begins.
  • Free Paddington.
  • One Small Bear Will Scale The Heights To New Adventure.
  • Small Bear. Big Trouble.
  • Paddington Is Back. Join The Adventure.


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Paddington 2 quotes at the Internet Movie Database