Party Central
Party Central is a 2013 computer animated short produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Kelsey Mann. It debuted August 9, 2013 at the D23 Expo in Anaheim, California and was shown in theaters with Muppets Most Wanted on March 21, 2014. Party Central is the second short in the Monsters, Inc. franchise and takes place shortly after the events of Monsters University.
[edit]- [last lines; in the post-credits scene]
- Mom: Timmy? Can we sleep with you tonight?
- Dad: There's monsters in our closet!
- Timmy: That's what I've been trying to tell you!
Voice cast
[edit]- Billy Crystal as Mike Wazowski
- John Goodman as James P. Sullivan
- Peter Sohn as Scott "Squishy" Squibbles
- Julia Sweeney as Sherri Squibbles
- Charlie Day as Art
- Nathan Fillion as Johnny Worthington III
- Dave Foley as Terry
- Sean Hayes as Terri
- Bobby Moynihan as Chet Alexander
- Joel Murray as Don Carlton
- Colleen O'Shaughnessey as Mom
- James Kevin Ward as Dad
- Cristina Pucelli as Timmy