Persona 4: The Animation
Persona 4: The Animation is an anime series based on the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 video game by Atlus. The anime is produced by AIC A.S.T.A. and directed by Seiji Kishi. P4:A revolves around the Protagonist of Persona 4, named Yu Narukami, a second year high school student from Tokyo who moves to Inaba to live for a year with his uncle and cousin. After acquiring a mysterious power called "Persona", he embarks on a journey with his new friends to uncover the truth behind a bizarre series of murders involving the distorted TV World, as well as a phenomenon called the "Midnight Channel".
Recurring Quotes
[edit]- Igor: Welcome to the Velvet Room. (ようこそ我がベルベットルームへ Yōkoso waga Berubetto Rūmu e)
- Persona!
- spoken by Yu Narukami and other Persona-users, starting with Episode 01
- spoken by Teddie during mini-breaks in Episode 08
Season 1
[edit]I'm youself, you're myself [1.01]
[edit]- Yosuke Hanamura: S-Someone!
[Chie's scream is heard outside, grabbing Yu and Yosuke's attention. They run out of the room.]
- Yosuke: What is it?! What's wrong?!
[Standing in front of the trio is a bear with a costume-like appearance.]
- Yosuke: What is that?
- Teddie: [getting over his shock; angrily] Geh—I'll ask you the same thing!
- Chie: It-It can talk!
- Teddie: Well, of course! I am a bear! I've lived here since bear-ever!
- Yosuke: Wh-What's with this guy? It's beyond me!
[The bear cowers from Yosuke's outburst.]
- Teddie: Keep your voices down, will ya? [starts to waves his arms rapidly] Now go on! Get out of here! Run along and hurry back to your den!
- Yu: Izanagi!
The Contractor's key [1.02]
[edit]- Yosuke: [after forcibly removing Teddie's head; jumps back in fright] Ah—! Wh—What the hell?!
[The camera switches to Teddie's headless—and empty—body, his arms still waving up and down]
- Yu: Huh. There's nothing inside.
- Yosuke: Oh, weird! How the heck does it work?
[Yu walks over and returns Teddie's head to his body.]
- Teddie: Ah! [to Yu] Thanks a lot, nice guy!
- Yosuke: [to Yu] Yo, dude, does anything rattle you?
- Yu: ?
- Yosuke: [after Yu punches him in sync with Izanagi punching Yosuke's Shadow; falls over, holds his cheek] Ow! Dude…!
- Yu: [mildly surprised; as Teddie suppresses giggles of glee] Oops. Wrong guy.
- Yosuke: [shocked] Huh? What do you mean, "wrong guy"?!
We are friends, aren't we? [1.03]
[edit]- Chie: [shocked after Yu is bitten]: Whoa, it left teeth marks, too...! Are you okay?
- Yu: I think I might be dying...
- Chie: [irate] Mmm... No, you're not.
Somewhere not here [1.04]
[edit]- Shadow Yukiko: I'm so sick of these damn chains!
- Teddie: So, who's the grizzly who threw you in here?
- Yukiko: [seeing Teddie for the first time] Huh? Who're you? Rather...what are you?
- Teddie: [waves] I'm bear-y much a bear!
- Yukiko: I'm sorry, but I'm not following.
- Yosuke: [to Teddie] See? Everything you do causes confusion, so just shush up already.
- Teddie: Hmph! Your oppression is un-bear-able!
Would you love me? [1.05]
[edit]- Ai Ebihara: Seeing you up close pisses me off even more. I can't believe I lost to a hound like you!
- Chie: [confused] A hound? You lost?
- Ai: I'm going through hell because of you!
- Chie: I've got something to say, too: the way you treat Narukami-kun is terrible!
- Ai: [smirking] What? You've got the hots for him, too?
- Chie: [indignantly] He's my friend!
I'll beat you, and beat you good [1.06]
[edit]- Yosuke: So, you were going to make a mean picnic basket?
- Yu: Yeah, just for fun.
- Yosuke: But seriously, the fact that you were gonna do that is pretty impressive. It means you already got better cooking skills than Chie! [laughs]
- Chie: Wait a sec…! What the hell makes you think I don't know how to cook?! Huh?!
- Yukiko: [surprised] Wait, so you can?
- Yu: [unpreturbed] You can cook?
[Awkward beat of silence.]
- Chie: … [gets up; in an attenpt to intimidate Yosuke] Okay, so it's a cook-off between you and me!
- Yosuke: [grinning] Ha! You're on!
[Kanji notices the Investigation Team watching him across the street.]
- Kanji: Wha—!? Hey!
[The group reacts—he'd caught them.]
- Kanji: What're you looking at?!
- Yosuke: [to the others] Run for it! [They run off.]
- Kanji: Tch… What's their problem…?
- Kanji: You are dead! You are so friggin' dead!
Suspicious Tropical Paradise [1.07]
[edit]- Teddie: ...Hey, why isn't anyone opening the door?
- Yu/Yosuke/Chie/Yukiko: !?
We've lost something important again [1.08]
[edit]- Yosuke: We've lost something important again...
- Kanji: WHAT THE HELL?!
- Yu: Let's leave him be.
No one sees the real me [1.09]
[edit]- Yu: [holding out Rise's cell phone] Here. You dropped this.
[Getting over the shock, Rise snatches it back.]
- Rise: Y-You could've told me a whole lot sooner!
- Yu: [a little taken aback by her response] My bad. I'm sorry about that.
- Rise: [softening a little] …You did give it back to me instead of keeping it… So thank you.
[The elevator reaches the ground floor. As the door opens, Yu smiles and walks out of the elevator. He stops just outside of the threshold.]
- Yu: [looking back] By the way, that strap…
- Rise: Huh?
- Yu: Looks pretty tasty. [leaves]
[Rise looks at her phone, realizing that Yu was talking anout her ganmodoki-shaped cell phone strap. The elevator doors close.]
- Chie: [when Yosuke looks at her legs after talking about Rise's figure; blushes while covering her legs] Hey! If you don't like my legs, then don't look at them!
- Yukiko: [to Yu] Narukami, what do you think about this?
- Yu: Her legs are fine.
- Chie: Ah!
- Yosuke: [shocked by Yu's response] What? No!—! …Dude, on this, we disagree.
- Chie: [ticked off; kicks Yosuke in the stomach] Jiraiya!
- Chie: Yo! What are you three doing [standing in the shadows like that]?
- Yukiko: You look…pretty suspicious.
- Yu: [to Yosuke] Are you the killer?
- Yosuke: Piss off.
Real Me Doesn't Exist [1.10]
[edit][When Shadow Rise is about to kill the group; with Teddie and Rise watching, unable to help]
- Yu: Teddie… Take Rise and get out of here, now!
- Teddie: But Sensei…! I can't just a-bear-don everybody! I don't wanna be alone again!
- Shadow Rise: [aims her "pole cannon array" at group] Say goodbye...forever.
- Teddie: [when…something…says that they is "no true self"] Huh? Who said that? [turns aound to find his Other Self staring at him] Ah! What the heck is thaaaat?!
- Kanji: Oh, b***s.
- Chie: Wait, is that freaky-looking thing Teddie's other self?!
- Shadow Teddie: Let me impart one bit of truth on you: You are all going to die here.
Catch Me If You Can [1.11]
[edit][When Teddie took off his head for the first time, revealing his new human form]
- Teddie: Phew, nice breeze.
- Yu: [gasps] That was in him?
[Yosuke screams]
- Chie: No... no way!
- Teddie: [finishes his drink with his human hands] I feel totally refreshed. See, I grew this body so I could try and score with Chie and Yukiko.
- Chie: You grew human just to score?
- Yukiko: I really do wish we could drop that subject.
- Teddie: Oh, yeah. Are there any clothes around? I'm naked as a newborn baby right now.
[The girls become shocked and drag Teddie away to buy some clothes for him]
- Chie: Hey, by the way: Has anyone seen Teddie's head?
[Yu becomes shocked, meanwhile back at the table where Teddie's head was, a kid is crying at the sight of it]
[Later, after Yu prevented Mitsuo from grabbing Nanako]
- Nanako: But, tell me, what are you doing here?
[Yu is shocked again, at a display spot, the same kid is crying at the sight of Teddie's head on it]
It's Not Empty At All [1.12]
[edit]A Stormy Summer Vacation 1/2 [1.13]
[edit]A Stormy Summer Vacation 2/2 [1.14]
[edit]The Long-Awaited School Trip [1.15]
[edit]Although the Case Was Closed [1.16]
[edit]I Want to Know the Truth [1.17]
[edit]- Kanji: Look, I really suck at making friends, too! But who gives a shit?!
- Naoto: But now we know for certain: this case is far from over.
Anniversary to Become a Family [1.18]
[edit]It's School Festival Day! Time to Have Fun! [1.19]
[edit]We'll all meet at the AMAGIYA Hotel [1.20]
[edit][In the large baths, the girls scream as the screen shakes]
- Rise: Pervert!
- Chie: What's your problem!
- Yosuke: Dumbass! If the open-air bath is opened to guys right now, then this one will be opened to chics!
- Kanji: Dammit!!
- Teddie:Oh-oh-ow-ow! My head is gettign all lumpy!
- Yu: Run away!
[edit]It's just like Heaven [1.22]
[edit]In Order to Find the Truth [1.23]
[edit]The World is Full of Shit [1.24]
[edit]- Yu: You're pathetic.
- Adachi: you're so freaking naive brat! That makes you very annoying! Every breath you take is a waste! There's a new world coming and what it really doesn't need is annoying assholes like you!