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Prashna Upanishad

From Wikiquote

The Prashna Upanishad is one of the principal Upanishads.


  • This [Lifebreath] burns as fire—this as sun;
This as rain and Maghavan, this as wind;
This as earth and the divine substance;
As real and not-real;
And what is immortal.
  • 2.5
  • The lifebreath here arises from the self (atman).
As this shadow here, upon a man,
So this mind is stretched upon lifebreath;
And it enters by a path created by the mind.
  • 3.3
  • The origin, entrance, position,
the fivefold expansion of lifebreath;
how it relates to what's in the body—
A man who knows this becomes immortal.
  • 3.12
  • That on which rest the breaths and beings,
and, with all the deities, the intelligent self;
Whoever knows that, my friend, as the imperishable;
He, knowing the whole world,
has entered the whole world indeed.
  • 4.11
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