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Reign (TV series)/Season 2

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Reign (2013-2017) is an American historical drama centering around Mary, Queen of Scots that aired on The CW, who is facing political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.

The Plague [2.01]

Queen Catherine: Welcome to your rule, My Queen. And welcome to the real France.

Queen Catherine: A favour for a favour, and it keeps you on the throne.

King Francis: The truth is, that child is whoever I say he is.

Nostradamus: I'm immune to the plague, My Queen, but not fire.

Queen Mary: I won't allow you, when Francis returns-
Queen Catherine: He will thank me for saving his realm from his very young, naive queen!

Lord Narcisse: A new king needs to know who his real friends are.

Queen Catherine: I simply didn't have time before falling ill to murder that household.

Queen Catherine: There's something else you should know: I didn't want to be me either. But I blame Henry, because being a queen unloved by your king is excruciating.

Queen Catherine: Don't let Lola come between you, because you are nothing but a guest in this court without the support of your King.

Louis of Condé: I know what it is, to make a mess of love.

Queen Mary: I am the Queen of France and you are my subject.

Eduard Narcisse: My father will free me!
Queen Mary: No, he won't. Because he'll never find you.

King Francis: You can't leave on that boat. You won't take away my son.

Eduard Narcisse: There is nothing older or stronger than royal blood.

Drawn and Quartered [2.02]

Queen Catherine: One bedroom for husband and wife. Good luck to both of you with that.

Lord Narcisse: We are the outside world and we surround you.

Queen Mary: Out of all the people you could have slept with, did it have to be one of my ladies? One of my closes friends?!

Queen Mary: If you bow to Narcisse now, you'll be doing it for the rest of your rule.

Greer Norwood: I pray the day will come when I no longer regret that I loved you.

Leith Bayard: If you go, don't come back.

Queen Catherine: He will never be king, but he might be your only chance at being a father and I can promise you that raising him will be the singular joy of your life.

Nostradamus: You think you're untouchable, that your sins will stay buried, but they don't.

Louis of Condé: Innocent men shouldn't die alone. You won't die alone.

Lord Narcisse: We'll see whose death is more painful. Yours, or my son's.
Nostradamus: I've seen your death. You suffer too.

King Francis: I don't like you.
Lord Narcisse: I don't care. You need me.

Coronation [2.03]

King Francis: And it won't hurt to show the nobles, many twice my age, that if you obey me, they can too.
Queen Mary: Are all powerful men so insecure?
King Francis: A few. Many. Most.

Queen Catherine: But how can I possibly help you? I'm irrelevant.

King Francis: There's plenty of time until then.
Queen Mary: Tell that to the people starving outside our walls.

Lord Narcisse: You didn't come here because your heart bleeds for your starving countrymen. What are you hiding?
Queen Catherine: Perhaps I'm hiding a bleeding heart.

Sebastian: We just need the courage to fight.
Lady Kenna: Not if fighting means dying. I won't risk the loss of you. I can't.

Sebastian: I will always fight for what I believe, risk or not.

Lord Narcisse: She speaks for you in this?
King Francis: "She" is my queen.

Louis of Condé: You're a wonder. Queen, diplomat, white knight.

King Francis: I want the same world as you do, the better one. And the only way to build it is together. We do greater things when we act as one, when we trust each other as equals. This is not a coronation for a king. It is for a king and queen.

Queen Catherine: What are you doing out here? There's a party inside to celebrate the new king.
Lord Narcisse: And queen.
Queen Catherine: Her too.

The Lamb and the Slaughter [2.04]

Queen Catherine: Well done avoiding the whole thing. Few queens have ever attended the christenings of their husband's bastards. I say that with growing affection for my grandson.

Queen Mary: I am with child. Our child, at last!

King Francis: I don't think I've ever been this happy in my entire life.

Queen Catherine: Good morning. How's the happy trinity? Father, mother, unborn son - oh, I'm hoping for a son! Plenty of time for daughters later.

Queen Mary: I am more than your friend. I am your queen.

Queen Catherine: This ball is as enjoyable as a clergyman's eulogy.

Lady Lola: Despite what the law says, Estelle is a person. Not a thing to be taken or given.

Lady Lola: Have you ever been in love?
Lord Narcisse: That is a rare jewel I've yet to see.

Greer Norwood: You value me. Not as a prize, but as a partner.

Sebastian: There is always a reckoning. And human or Devil, I think the Riders play a part. Dark times are upon us. Plague, famine, kings falling. The reckoning has begun.

King Francis: The world can be dark, Mary, and uncertain and cruel. The only thing that matters is that we face it together. No matter what happens, you are my light.

King Francis: Whatever the future brings, you are my light.

Blood for Blood [2.05]

Louis of Condé: If you release them, you will be smiling on murder.

Queen Catherine: You may go, Marie. And please, your hair.

Queen Catherine: Henry died. I live.

Lady Kenna: Talk to him, see if there's more to him than...
Lady Lola: Everything we already know.

Lord Narcisse: Perhaps you are not your father after all.
King Francis: As long as I'm never given a reason to be.

Lord Narcisse: If the people learn that you killed your father, they will never believe your queen didn't know it. Your heads will be on two pikes side by side. I know you're both very romantic, but I doubt this is the future together you had in mind.

King Francis: Mary, I can't always be your husband first. Sometimes I have to be king.

Queen Catherine: Honestly, is Greer dragging out the suspense to make a grander entrance? Will she be arriving on flying swans?

Greer Castleroy: I've spent my life grasping for security, safety. But you offer something more interesting, something more challenging. You stand by your convictions and principles. You strive to make the world what it should be.

Queen Mary: Do you worry that I can't bear you a child?
King Francis: Yes! I worry because, as a king and a man, I want heirs.

King Francis: Mary, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I wish...
Queen Mary: For something I can't give you.

Three Queens [2.06]

Queen Catherine: I may not care about peasants individually, but in general, I care a great deal.

Queen Catherine: My feet are too dainty to get caught in a foxhole!

Queen Catherine: Purses are for servants.

Queen Catherine: I swear on the blessed saints, I shall have my dinner!

Queen Catherine: Alas, my poor ankle. My daughter shall have to work for the both of us.

Queen Catherine: We must think practically. We need to buy a horse!

Queen Mary: There's a physician in Beauvais who is celebrated for his knowledge of women's problems.
Queen Catherine: I assume you mean fertility, because other than that, no man has an inkling about women's problems.

Queen Mary: Francis has become distant. He doesn't share his problems with me like he used to. If this goes on, what will our marriage become?
Queen Catherine: Normal.

Queen Catherine: Mary, I know you think that I belittle your marriage by comparing it to mine. But that is not why I talk to you the way that I do. I walked this road first. That's all. And I learned that if you hold on to foolish romantic expectations, it'll make it that much harder.

Queen Catherine: Where do these stories come from? It was one man and I only stretched him a little. Nails, indeed. First, you should know he was a terrible, terrible hat-maker.

Lord Narcisse: The beginning is often promising. The trick is to keep it going that way.

Mary Impostor: Well, aren't you a little short to play queens?

Queen Mary: If I learned one thing at French court, it's worth keeping a dagger on you.

Queen Catherine: I don't carry poison everywhere! I might accidentally kill myself.

Queen Catherine: My dear, never give up a crown. To anybody.

Queen Catherine: She has a childlike belief that a woman should trust her husband. I wish it were true.

The Prince of the Blood [2.07]

Princess Claude: I remember you, too. Now close your mouth.

King Francis: Narcisse can force me to do anything, sign anything. I have lost control of my country.

Sebastian: And Mary?
King Francis: She can never know. She must be able to deny, on oath before God, that she knew anything. It's the only way to keep her safe.

Queen Mary: Take a stand, my love. I'll take it with you.

Queen Mary: If you treat people as your enemy, that is what they become.

Josephine: How do I go back to my husband now?
Louis Condé: Discreetly.

Queen Mary: Unfortunately, my husband isn't giving me what I want. So I've come to ask you instead.

Lady Kenna: This castle used to be fun.
Sebastian: Well, on behalf of France, I'd like to apologize for the plague, famine, and religious violence.

Queen Catherine: A ride home, indeed.

Lord Narcisse: You asked me what it was about baths that I liked. I suppose it's the vulnerability. The sense of comfort one feels, covered, embraced, when in fact, one is quite exposed.

Princess Claude: How did Bash and Kenna get together?
King Francis: It's a very romantic story, actually. Father threatened to kill them both if they didn't marry.

King Francis: A compromised king is not a king at all.

Lady Lola: Do not seek to take before I give.

Queen Mary: You are not the man I fell in love with. And you are not the king I want to rule beside.

Terror of the Faithful [2.08]

Queen Catherine: Rise and shine, Claude. The only people in bed past noon are drunks and reprobates.

Princess Claude: I have no interest in being married. Now, or ever. My brother is the king! I don't see why I have to become the property of any man.

Lord Narcisse: Oh, wait, what is that I see in the distance? Is that someone coming to your aid? No, sorry. Perhaps it's a very big wolf.
Lady Lola: You're the wolf.

King Francis: Do not threaten the Crown. And if what you say is true, we will find these explosives. Even if I have to bleed it out of you.

Lord Narcisse: Fruit often tastes sweeter when it's forbidden.

Queen Catherine: I couldn't convince the count of your chastity, but surely God can.

Louis of Condé: A minister much beloved by his flock. The people know nothing of the dire threat he has made. If the minister is killed, the people can use his death as justification for almost any bad act. They would create...
Queen Mary: A martyr.
Louis of Condé: And his death would inflame even the most pacifist of Protestants.

Princess Claude: I slept with her fiancé. Just once. On a dare.

Queen Catherine: I love all my children. Protecting them, keeping them safe, it's what drives my existence.

Queen Catherine: Oh, the things I have done for you, how I have protected you. You think that I don't love you? You don't see? In my way, I have mothered you more than any of my children.

Queen Mary: You did this to us. To France. For all that you claim you are trying to protect us, I have lost all faith in you. And the man I thought you were.

Acts of War [2.09]

King Francis: It is the season for giving. Not judging.

Princess Claude: What is he, a whore chaser?

Princess Claude: The only alliance I'm interested in is temporary, delicious, in bed.

Louis of Condé: You know you could sell the ocean a cup of water, don't you?

Princess Claude: I don't need a husband. I already have a mother to make me miserable.

Queen Catherine: Do not lay a hand on her future.

King Francis: Do you think he was convinced?
Sebastian: I'm not sure I want you to be king anymore.

Princess Claude: A look is not a purchase.

Princess Claude: No one forces me to do aything.
Lord Narcisse: As king, he trumps us all.

Lord Narcisse: If you want something to die for, I can give it to you.

Princess Claude: I'll think about it. As I trust you'll think about me.

Princess Claude: I care about me, not France. That's your job!

King Francis: I'm asking you to step forward in a way you never had to, never been asked to.

Lord Narcisse: Are you prepared to die for this marriage?!
Princess Claude: At least my family will cry at my funeral.

Queen Catherine: Stay away from my daughter!

Queen Mary: They say that marriage is like a promise, and it is that. But the best ones are based on certainty. An inexplicable faith in someone else.

Queen Catherine: One can barely hear the sound of people choking on the news.

Queen Catherine: I know you don't want to be touched, that's all right. But you're safe. I don't know how you managed to escape, but you did. You are alive. You will survive this. I know this because I survived. You know that too. They tried to destroy you by taking your pride and your strength, but those things cannot be taken. Not from you. Not ever.

Queen Catherine: These next moments of your life will either define you as a victim or a powerful queen, untouched by a failed assassination attempt. They will define who you are perceived to be, your place in history. Do not let them win.

Queen Catherine: Take my hand. Trust that I can get you through this, because I swear to you that I can.

Queen Mary: My loyal subjects. I reassure you, that your King, and your Queen, remain untouched. These murderous traitors who invaded the castle tonight have achieved nothing. Have altered nothing. And will die, for nothing.

Lord Narcisse: What happened tonight was reckless. It was the act of a people who feel that they have nothing to lose. To rob people of hope is a dangerous mistake, and I suspect it may have been my doing... I feel this nation is burning and I am the man who lit the match.

Mercy [2.10]

King Francis: What's Mary doing here?
Queen Catherine: She's looking for her rapist. And if you don't catch him soon, that's what she'll be doing for the rest of her life. In every room and in every crowd.

Lady Lola: We don't care about the Monarchy, we're your friends, we care about you!

Lord Narcisse: You need me!
King Francis: Nobody needs you!

Lord Narcisse: It is a new France, and I shall be loyal to you, I swear.

Louis of Condé: Mary, you're not even armed. (Mary pulls out a knife) Good Lord!

Leith Bayard: When you took my lands away, you said that you'd make it up to me one day. Well, this is that day. I want repayment. Let Castleroy go.

Leith Bayard: Whatever you do, don't come back.

Queen Mary: You will be hanged for what you did to me. You will suffer and die, and I will live. In a hundred years, as queen, I will be remembered, and your name will be forgotten. You'll see that you are erased from history. And God have mercy on your soul.

Queen Mary: Kill them, and let them burn with their sins.

Queen Mary: I've had some time to think. I believe that we should lead separate lives.
King Francis: What does that mean?
Queen Mary: That we will continue to work together as king and queen, but that I will be your wife in name only.
King Francis: I can't do that. I won't.
Queen Mary: We wouldn't be the first people in history to do so.
King Francis: If you're talking about my parents, we are nothing like them. I would do anything for you, Mary. I love you and you love me.
Queen Mary: Look where that love has brought us.

King Francis: You cost me more than you could possibly imagine. But your debt will be paid.

King Francis: You're my puppet now. And should you outlive your usefulness, I'll have you slaughtered in the dead of night.

Getaway [2.11]

King Henry: My God, I've missed the way you mix garlic with arsenic.

Lady Kenna: Are you talking to me?
Queen Catherine: ...Why would I talk to you?
Lady Kenna: You just said something about my ass.
Queen Catherine: Not everything is about your ass, Kenna.

Queen Mary: I apologise for dropping in unannounced.
King Antoine: Nonsense, you were just announced.

Greer Castleroy: Good heavens. What if the King chooses me to be paired with someone? We should leave.
Leith Bayard: Yes, uh. One of us should leave... the married one.
Greer Castleroy: ...Good night then. (hands Leith her cup)

Louis of Condé: Why don't I have a normal family?

Louis of Condé: Mary has no romantic feelings for me.
King Antoine: What, you've never changed a woman's mind before?

Queen Mary: How do we know what's normal? All I have to go on is Catherine. If there are any other noble woman who have been... Well, they're keeping it to themselves. As am I. All of us, alone.

Greer Castleroy: You will recover fully, because you're strong.

Queen Mary: I feel like I'm sleeping walking and I can't wake up.
Greer Castleroy: If your heart wants to sleep, let it. Many things can be forced out of duty. But not the heart.

Princess Claude: What do you know? You're only a tart my father lost his taste for and pawned off on his bastard son!

Queen Mary: None of us are responsible for our hearts, only our actions.

Queen Mary: What we once had was so natural. I miss how easy it was. We'd make love and fall asleep in each other's arms like branches growing together. We didn't have to think about anything and now it's so complicated. I don't know if I'm ready.
King Francis: That's love, Cardinal. When you care more about someone else's suffering than your own.

King Francis: All he needed was his father's arms.
Lady Lola: Or the poor thing finally exhausted himself.
King Francis: Well, I like my story better.

Queen Catherine: I suppose there are other monsters in the world. Their mothers have to lie for them, too.

Banished [2.12]

Lady Kenna: Who will be bowing to me, by the way?

Diane de Poitiers: If Claude's looks could kill, I do believe you'd be bathing in your own blood.

Queen Mary: Ah, embezzlement. Excellent choice!

Louis of Condé: One of us utterly failed to protect her, just when she needed it most.

Queen Catherine: Why are you helping me?
Sebastian: That's a very good question.

King Francis: Doubts like these start wars. You put your country at risk, as well as your life.

Queen Mary: Oh, is that caring? It sounds like a man trying to tighten his grip on a woman. You'll understand if I don't stay to hear more.

King Henry: I have always loved you. And the children!
Queen Catherine: When it was convenient. When it didn't keep you from your indulgences that you craved!

Queen Catherine: Return to your hell and leave me to mine!

Sebastian: I can't bear to look at you as you are now, much less hanging from a rope.

Lady Lola: I don't care if your heart leads you my way or not, but I won't have it lead you to Mary.

Queen Mary: [Knock on the door] One more moment!
Greer Castleroy: One more moment, is that all we have?!

King Francis: I don't want you to feel so alone.
Queen Mary: But I am alone. We both are.
King Francis: We don't have to be.

Queen Catherine: It never occurred to me that a mother would do this to another mother's child.

Queen Catherine: This is for killing my babies! This is for taking my husband, tearing my family apart and this is for turning my daughter against me!
Diane de Poitiers: I did it for Henry! All of it!
Queen Catherine: How perfect! He did it all for Henry, too!

Sins of the Past [2.13]

Queen Catherine: French refugees, please! More like he's run through his wife's money and she's cut him off. Refuse him and send him home!

Queen Catherine: Oh, that is so like him! A last gift so I'll never forget him or his whores.

Queen Catherine: Say that I died of consumptions while helping orphans!

Lady Kenna: I know I can be my own worst enemy, but I don’t want to be your worst enemy.

Lord Narcisse: Though Navarre may be a tiny nation, his foes don't tend to survive.
King Francis: Another thing that makes you the man for the job.

Lady Kenna: You are terrible.
King Antoine: Tell me about your husband, then.

Lady Lola: I can't believe you're still making these suggestions. The king discredited you. You don't even have a house now.

Lady Lola: [Finds Narcisse making out with Claude] I just saw Narcisse with Claude.
Lady Kenna: In there? Really?... Oh, I'm so sorry!

Lady Lola: I'm being courted by a handsome prince, literally.

Lord Narcisse: There are those who merely believe they have power, and there are those who actually have it.

King Francis: How could you send me to another? How?!
Queen Mary: Because I love you. And one of us should be happy.

The End of Mourning [2.14]

Lady Lola: Isn't this what husbands are for?
Lady Kenna: ...Servants.

Lady Kenna: So strange, isn't it? Both of us married and yet more alone than ever.

Queen Mary: You sound like Catherine.
Duke of Guise: Why she hasn't assassinated them while they're here at court is a mystery to me.

Queen Catherine: I crave sweets. Everything else tastes like metal.

Queen Catherine: So much for your investigatory skills!
Sebastian: I helped you and Claude!
Princess Claude: You're just angry with him because Diane was here.

Queen Catherine: No one hurts my family and lives to tell the tale. Whoever they are, they will pay the price. And their family will weep tears stained with blood!

Queen Catherine: Look who survived the plague.

Queen Catherine: I do as I please in my own home.

Queen Catherine: The fact that you've heard about this proposal from your still active network of spies does not mean it's open for discussion.

Louis Condé: Are we merely chess pieces that no longer need to be moved?

Greer Castleroy: Would you excuse me? I have to speak to the whore next door.

King Antoine: We must not be stained by the crimes of the dead. Not when life and peace are so fragile. I forgive you. For the sake of your soul and peace between our two nations. And my brother will do the same.
King Francis: Let it be so. Let our feuds die with our fathers.

Louis Condé: When I'm near you, I am aware of every breath you take. And when I'm away, even the wind in the trees reminds me of you.

Queen Mary: [To Louis Condé] You will be the death of me. And I of you.

Forbidden [2.15]

Lady Kenna: You want to give me 300,000 gold deniers? To go shopping?

Marie de Guise: You are on the cusp of losing your country.

Marie de Guise: Either you or Elizabeth will rule Scotland and England. Make an heir and it will be you.

Sebastian: I don't think it's a good idea for me to go to a social event hosted by a man who knows I killed his brother.

Lady Kenna: How many more battles for you and lonely nights for me until it's all done?

Lady Lola: It was one night!
Marie de Guise: "One night". Don't flaunt your bountiful womb to me!

Marie de Guise: Do you know what happens to disposable queens? They are disposed of!

Marie de Guise: Remember your role in her demise. I know I will.

King Francis: I don't want to move on with others, with anyone. But... you do?

King Francis: Did you come to me because you're afraid you'll go to him? Or because you want to secure your rule in Scotland before you do?

King Antoine: Who knew vengeance could be quite so invigorating.

Lady Lola: Oh, it's nice that you're here. That you were willing to marry our son to that ugly baby because you are a good person!

Queen Mary: I am more than a marker to hold an alliance, or a breeder for the next generation or the next. I am my own person. A woman grown, and tonight I realize that I am utterly and completely alone. But when I look at you, I feel I am better for it.

Lady Lola: He didn't even offer me a bath! And he always offers a bath.

Marie de Guise: I wanted the world for you. I wanted France and England to fall at your feet.

Queen Mary: Lay down your burdens, Mother, so I am no longer your worry.

Queen Mary: Since I was a babe, I have been a queen. Since a child, I have been alone on foreign soil. I know how to keep my life, and my crown, and I will.

Tasting Revenge [2.16]

Lord Narcisse: What a king won't stoop to grasp, his subjects must offer.

King Antoine: Fetch me something. I don't care what it is, but fetch it from far away.

Sebastian: Let's go to Paris.
Lady Kenna: Paris? Why?
Sebastian: Because you love Paris.
Lady Kenna: But you hate it.
Sebastian: I will love it for you.

King Antoine: End it with Mary, or I will end both of you.

King Francis: I cannot bear to see you in pain. And I will not be the cause of any more suffering.

Greer Castleroy: It's a hard enough life without the look of your disapproval.

King Antoine: Francis will find a way to kill you for this. When this is over, you will be running for your life.

Tempting Fate [2.17]

Queen Mary: Forgive the sins of my body, my Lord, for they give my heart the strength it needs to heal.

Sebastian: To lose a wife is a difficult thing. As you well know, from the look of you.

Queen Mary: It may not be my throne by the time I get there. And that girl, who knew no fear... I'm not her anymore.
Lady Lola: No. You are wiser and stronger. Remember that strength that so many have tried to take from you. It is in you still, my friend. My queen.

Leith Bayard: But I love her! Your Majesty, I love her.

King Francis: As a king, I often want to solve the world's problems.

King Francis: Leith, my friend. Let her go.

Queen Mary: If you do not confess by tomorrow morning, I will send Elizabeth that basket with your head in it.

Queen Mary: I will spill blood to defend what is mine.

Reversal of Fortune [2.18]

Queen Mary: You helped me find myself again. Part of myself I thought I'd lost.

Queen Catherine: Do you know what told me that your infidelity was fact and not rumor? The look of pain on my son's face when he lied for you. To protect the woman that he loved more than anything.

Queen Catherine: The truth of your betrayal was the last thing that he heard before he collapsed.

Queen Catherine: Nostradamus always said that you would be the cause of my son's death. I never imagined that you would kill him by breaking his heart.

Queen Mary: I want you to live! Please, please live.

Greer Castleroy: I want a man I love, not a man I have to depend on.

Queen Mary: England doesn't want peace. They want Scottish blood and my crown.

Queen Mary: I'm trying to save my country!
Queen Catherine: Your country is all but lost! Do not drag us down with you.

Queen Catherine: You may have the authority, but I will move Heaven and Earth to stop you.

Queen Mary: Today, I am king.

Queen Mary: Remember your son. Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury.

Princess Claude: [At a brothel] Is that you, hiding behind a whore? How lovely to walk in and find I know so many people!

General Renaude: You're a skilled rider, Lady Kenna.
Lady Kenna: Never discount a lady's skills. Our daily lives consist of making hardships seem effortless.

Clarissa: Why is Catherine doing this?! I'm her child!
Sebastian: I'm doing this for her other child, your brother, the king.

Queen Mary: I remember when I couldn't be this close to you or even hear the sound of your breath. I cling to that sound now. I don't want it to end.

Queen Mary: I have to ask the same question. Why?
King Francis: You mean why, when you were about to leave France? To turn your back on the country that sheltered you as a child and abandon the crown you were given? And me, the husband you swore an oath to?

King Francis: Make of that what you will, but I have been given a second chance at life, and I intend to live it more wisely. So the next time I'm staring at death, I can have no regrets.

King Francis: I think you should leave.
Queen Mary: Leave this room? Or leave France?
King Francis: That's up to you.

Abandoned [2.19]

King Francis: Well... you were planning on abandoning our marriage, flee France, and run off with my cousin, so... I no longer care what you do.

Lady Kenna: We're all basically fallen women. An unwed mother, a divorcee, eventually, and now a madam. So I say to hell with what people think.

Queen Mary: I'm so sorry, I thought that our love would-
Louis of Condé: Be enough? No, you didn't. You warned me and warned me that you are queen.

Queen Mary: You gave me back my life. Now let me save yours.

King Francis: Contempt alone is not enough to condemn a man. Even the contempt of a king.

Lord Narcisse: Careful, Lady Lola. Tongues less discreet than my own will wag.

General Renaude: I may look out for myself, Lady Kenna, but I don't take things that don't belong to me. And it sounds like you don't belong to anyone.

King Francis: This may mean the end of our reign!

Fugitive [2.20]

Lady Kenna: No, I find it refreshing for a man to speak so frankly about ambition.
General Renaude: Well, I'm always happy to know I've pleased a lady.

Leith Bayard: One thing I will never do is risk getting on Catherine de Medici's bad side.
Princess Claude: You'd rather get on my bad side?!
Leith Bayard: Ha! A million times, yes.

Louis of Condé: My treason was in loving you.

Queen Mary: We can't risk meeting again.
Louis of Condé: For the rest of our lives.
Queen Mary: I hope that yours is a long one. Go. Live.

Lady Lola: You told me to protect my reputation, and now you've hurled it in the mud.

Lady Lola: You said you cared about me, and now you-
Lord Narcisse: I say a great many things. The mistake was yours in trusting me.

Lord Narcisse: Do you think, because we shared a few nice moments, that you saw some good in me that no one else had ever seen before?

Lord Narcisse: Give up this idea that nobody can know you and still love you.

General Renaude: I would never wed unless I heard from a woman's own lips that she desired me.

King Francis: You will always see him just as I will always see you. Naked in each other's arms.

Leith Bayard: I thought we could count on our love for one another. That's what I've always believed, but you never have, have you?

Sebastian: You mean that you encouraged the love of a man below you in rank? Because he found himself drawn into political intrigues he knew nothing about, with enemies he'd never had before? Because he found himself doing things he'd never contemplated, getting in deeper and deeper.
Queen Mary: Oh, God, Bash.
Sebastian: Yes. I walked this road first.

Queen Mary: Only a king could survive my love, and no one below. My rank is poison.

Sebastian: I'm sorry. Brave Mary, I'm sorry.

Queen Mary: We are king and queen, chained together as surely as prisoners in a dungeon. And if we are not to suffer as prisoners do, we must make peace with each other.

King Francis: France has been through so much. Most of this country is like dry tinder, just waiting for a spark. All that is needed is a face, a claim, a bloodline, and someone who is willing to die for the cause.

The Siege [2.21]

Queen Mary: What could Condé have to gain from striking out against you?
King Francis: The throne. All that stands between him and the crown is my head.

King Francis: Save your apologies. Your words have no meaning to me anymore.

Louis of Condé: Deliver a message to King Francis. Tell him Prince Condé is coming.

Lady Kenna: Bash! I've been looking for you all day. If you could excuse your woodsman, we have business to discuss. Oh, good Lord. You're a woman! Oh, you must be Bash's mysterious friend who lives in the forest.

Sebastian: Renaude? The mercenary?
Lady Kenna: Former mercenary. Quickly becoming Francis's right-hand man. No offense.
Sebastian: None taken.

Queen Catherine: Well, I may be cooped up in a castle, but never forget, my reach is far.

Queen Catherine: I knew it was a matter of time before Condé showed his true colors. I should have poisoned him when I had the chance!

Queen Catherine: I won't be needing a teary farewell, as I'm staying in the castle as long as you are.

Lord Narcisse: Should anything happen to either of us, I hope that you will remember me not as the man who lied, who betrayed you. I hope you will remember me as the man who would have cherished you, if he had had the chance.

King Francis: A fight is upon us, and a king must stand his ground.

Queen Catherine: I ease my fears because they're mine, because they matter. I'm a woman. I won't accept what that means anymore. I won't bow to a lover. I was forced to do that once for a king. But you are most certainly not a king.

Queen Mary: I wish there was a way to end this without bloodshed.
Queen Catherine: Whose blood concerns you more? Your husband's or your lover's?

Louis of Condé: Surrender, Francis... or we'll attack at dawn.

Delphine: Don't worry, I think you'll be pleased.
Marcel: Is this because we're all gonna die?

Burn [2.22]

Louis of Condé: If Francis does not offer up his life, I will attack. And by tomorrow night, either he or I will be dead.

Queen Catherine: If we die, it is at her hands. And if we live, I will never forgive her for this!

Princess Claude: I'm telling you, I know what I saw. The danger is not only outside the walls. It's inside as well.

King Francis: Now is the time to attack.
Sebastian: Attack? Even if half his army runs, Condé still outnumbers us. Our men will balk.
King Francis: Which is why I'm going to lead the charge.

Queen Mary: I love you, Francis. I always have.

King Francis: I am ending this struggle with diplomacy, not war.

General Renaude: Kenna, I'm so sorry. If there was anything I could do to remove suspicion from you...
Lady Kenna: It wouldn't matter. I'll carry our relationship with me, no matter what.
General Renaude: You don't have to. Say whatever you want about my memory. I'll be dead.

Louis of Condé: I didn't want to be king. Not at first. But when Francis had me captured, it was Elizabeth who saved me. And she would only continue to protect me if I made my claim on the Crown. I came to want it, to believe a new France under my rule would be better. And I wanted you.

Lord Narcisse: As it turns out, there is one thing worse than being hated by Catherine de Medici. That is being loved by her.

Queen Catherine: The moment Condé became your lover, he needed to die. Even he understood that.

Queen Catherine: Ruling requires that your hands be drenched in blood.

Lady Kenna: I want to remember you all like this. As the girls we once were. I hope you'll remember me that way, too. Oh, such dreams we had. I believe they can still come true.

Queen Mary: It's terrible. Especially if we think we can save each other. We can't. We can only love each other.

Queen Elizabeth: Catherine de Medici. What a pleasure to meet one so legendary. Common lore is that your teeth are filed into points and your eyes are black with rage. And yet here you are, as lovely as a sunny day... You radiate warmth and beauty yourself. Though I know that you are personally responsible for the death of nearly a thousand men in France, just this month alone. My son was nearly one of them... Oh, you mustn't listen to gossip.