Reign (TV series)/Season 1

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Reign (2013-2017) is an American historical drama centering around Mary, Queen of Scots that aired on The CW, who is facing political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.

Pilot [1.01]

Narrator: Since Mary queen of Scotland was a child, the English have wanted her country and her crown... She is sent to France to wed it's next king... To save herself and her people... A bond that should protect her... But there are forces that conspire, forces of darkness, forces of the heart... Long may she reign...

King Henry II: She's on her way.
Prince Francis II: Mary Stuart, you mean. I heard.
King Henry II: You don't sound very enthusiastic. You were playmates once.
Prince Francis II: She had skinny legs, a missing front tooth, and strong opinions.
King Henry II: I'm sure the other tooth has come in. The opinions you can ignore. Isn't that right Catherine?

Prince Francis II: Love is irrelevant to people like us.

Mary: [Speaking into the night] I don't know who you are, or why you hide, but your warning saved me. Danger surrounds me here, and I am in your debt.

Mary: [Lightning flashes] Are you in danger too?

Mary: I was at French court before, you know, when I was your age. I never saw any ghosts.
Rose: But what if they saw you?

Nostradamus: [To Queen Catherine] I saw your son's future... his union with Mary. She will cost Francis his life... Mary will bring your son's death.

Queen Mary Stuart: I don't know who to believe or to trust.

Mary: I'll protect you.
Lola: You can't even protect yourself.

Queen Catherine de' Medici: Have your visions altered?
Nostradamus: No. Mary will bring your son's death. You cannot relent. You must continue to sacrifice.

Prince Francis II: When you came to my room, I-I shouldn't have said what I did. There were other ways of handling this.
Queen Mary Stuart: Handling what? Me? You do do realize that we're going to be married someday, don't you?
Prince Francis II: Believe me, I know.
Queen Mary Stuart: I know you had a life before I got here.
Prince Francis II: It's not about that.
Queen Mary Stuart: Don't you think that we owe it to each other, to our families, to our countries, to give it a chance?
Prince Francis II: It's not that simple.
Queen Mary Stuart: Not that simple? What's not simple? We've been engaged since we were six! It's all arranged. How awful must you find me to do this?
Prince Francis II: It's not you. You're-you're beautiful and clever and unpredictable, but it-it... it doesn't matter. What matters is what's right for my country.

Queen Mary Stuart: I thank you for your protection last night, but I need to speak with Colin.
Queen Catherine de' Medici: Speak to your assailant? Why?
Queen Mary Stuart: Because he is the love of my dear friend. And if there was any misunderstanding, if I sent the wrong message in my joy at the wedding...
Queen Catherine de' Medici: Take care, child. If anyone knew you were even asking this...
King Henry II: Catherine, she needs to know.
Queen Catherine de' Medici: Gossip poisons, too. It can poison a young queen's reputation, her heirs' right to the throne, an entire kingdom.
King Henry II: You may have behaved foolishly, but you are not responsible for your countryman's actions.
Queen Mary Stuart: Colin McPhail is my subject. I am his queen, and I demand to speak with him.
King Henry II: Witnesses have come forward. The boy played a role in an English plot to destroy your engagement and Scotland's alliance with France.
Queen Mary Stuart: An English plot. You're sure?
Queen Catherine de' Medici: You must know if he'd been successful in his assault, you'd be unfit to marry our son; to marry any royal. My dear, this was not an action of passion. It was treason.
King Henry II: But it's all settled now. Colin's been executed.
Queen Mary Stuart: What?
King Henry II: He was beheaded this morning.

Prince Francis II: France is not as strong as you might think, or care, which maybe you don't, but I do. I'm going to be king someday, responsible for my people. And right now, an alliance with Scotland could destroy France.
Queen Mary Stuart: You don't want to marry me. You don't want this at all.
Prince Francis II: Things could change.
Queen Mary Stuart: Well, it isn't your decision, it's your father's.
Prince Francis II: You don't see him pushing a wedding either, do you? All engagements really do is hold alliances. He's betting we might need Scotland, I'm betting we'll find more support elsewhere. I know it's not what you want to hear.
Queen Mary Stuart: But you won't love me. You won't let yourself.

Abbess: You must leave immediately. This was an assassination attempt. You were nearly poisoned.
Queen Mary Stuart: By who?
Abbess: Someone with ties to the Protestant throne of England, no doubt. They'll be found and dealt with.
Queen Mary Stuart: Poor Sister Helen. I didn't know...
Abbess: That she was your taster? Every meal you've eaten has been tasted for poison since you left your mother's breast. Mary, you are the queen of Scotland.

Queen Mary Stuart: I brought you something to decorate your swords with.
Prince Francis II: Now's not a good time.
Queen Mary Stuart: Oh.
Prince Francis II: Next time, you should be announced. My page is there for a reason.
Queen Mary Stuart: I don't understand.
Prince Francis II: You shouldn't be here.
Queen Mary Stuart: Why do you sound so... are you alone? Are you with someone?
Prince Francis II: If you are ever going to be the Queen of France, you need to understand something. Kings do not answer to their wives.

Kenna: Is that Francis? He's gorgeous.
Queen Mary Stuart: No, that's not Francis. I know it isn't.
Lola: Then that must be Sebastian, the king's bastard; Diane's son.

Queen Catherine de' Medici: Tell me, Nostradamus, what have you seen?
Nostradamus: I've had fleeting images, but as yet, their meaning is unclear. Perhaps if you were more specific about your concerns.
Queen Catherine de' Medici: Well, will he love her? Will she love him? How do I control a daughter-in-law who's a queen in her own right?
Nostradamus: Is that what bothers you? Her power? Or the fact that she's young and pretty?
Queen Catherine de' Medici: I've just had a vision. I see you, beheaded at my command. Said with gratitude for the secrets we share.
Nostradamus: Be patient. Answers will come.

Nostradamus: His reunion with Mary

Nostradamus: She will cost Francis his life.

Queen Mary Stuart: You have no intention of marrying me!

Nostradamus: [Waking from a nightmare] She's coming.

Snakes in the Garden [1.02]

Prince Francis: I hope to be a good king some day, which is why I'll never put anything, any love, ahead of the love for my country.

Sebastian: My heart says I should be with you, no matter what!

Kissed [1.03]

Mary: I'd rather have hope with you than certainty anywhere else.

Hearts and Minds [1.04]

Mary: Almost agreed? You and King Henry have been talking for days! What have you been discussing, the weather?

Lola: I'm not scared of death anymore; I'm scared of being alone.

Lola: Bash, how do you feel?
Sebastian: Close to death, apparently.

A Chill in the Air [1.05]

Sebastian: To see you smile is to feel the sun, your grace.
Mary: Do you flirt with everyone?
Sebastian: Absolutely everyone.

Prince Francis II: And once I did that, I'd probably invite you to the harvest festival.
Mary: I'd probably say yes.
Prince Francis II: And I'd probably try to kiss you.
Mary: And I probably wouldn't let you... at first.

Sebastian: The real warning is that there are people who matter more and people who matter less. Those who will be remembered and those who will be forgotten.

Aylee: I take things sometimes. It makes me feel better.

Chosen [1.06]

Prince Francis II: We have positioned ourselves for the worst kind of pain.

Diane de Poitiers: I don't care what you learn, as long as you don't forget.
King Henry II: Not with you to remind me.

Left Behind [1.07]

Catherine de' Medici: Men must find something to kill from time to time.

Sebastian: You're talking about changing the line of succession. And that's the kind of talk that gets bastards - and mistresses - beheaded.

Prince Francis: Tell me when you want me to stop.
Mary Queen of Scots: Never.

Catherine de' Medici: History is written by survivors, and I am surely that.

Olivia: Accept that I have lost. I have.

Fated [1.08]

Nostradamus: All images of Francis' death are tied to your union. You will be blamed for the death of the Queen's firstborn. You will blame yourself, most of all. I see Francis, barely older than he is now, cold to your touch. You are wed but childless. Alone at this court without a friend to comfort you.

For King and Country [1.09]

Queen Catherine: Women don't often say no, to Henry. When they do he thinks it's a game. It usually is. But Mary isn't your usual girl. She is Scotland. She is its queen.
King Henry: All right then. Let's negotiate. As leaders. Shall we start with your desire to protect Bash? You're fond of him, aren't you?
Mary: Aren't you? He's your son. He was protecting me. Bash did nothing wrong.
King Henry: And you, you shared a bed with him. There are witnesses.
Mary: They're lying. But go ahead, ruin me. I could give a damn about my reputation in France.
King Henry: In Scotland?
Mary: They will believe their queen.
King Henry: A queen with blood on her hands who let her lover die? Sebastian ran off with the future king's fiancée. Destroying an alliance between our countries.
Mary: Don't do this.
King Henry: You want to be treated like a ruler? Someone who can say no? Do you need lives at stake to take this seriously?
Queen Catherine: Henry, you wouldn't.
King Henry: You'll marry my son Francis and accept our nation's support, as you and your new husband, lay claim to England. Or I will execute my son, my subject Bash, for the treason of costing me England. You can watch him bleed to death on your wedding altar.

Sacrifice [1.10]

Farmer: I could tell it wasn't worth but two chickens. But when I went to milk the goat, she was dry as dust. And this liar took four of my chickens, good laying chickens, in trade. I deserve them chickens back.
Lord Hugo: My Lord Regent... the good man is speaking to you. He seeks the crown's judgment.
Bash: (Sitting up straighter) So sorry, Lord Hugo. My judgment. My judgment is that I have no way of knowing what this other man promised or didn't. But I know that if you had tried to milk that goat before you took her, there'd be no issue.
Farmer: So, we'll have no satisfaction?
Bash: I suppose not. Unless you eat the goat and the taste delights you. (laughs)

Inquisition [1.11]

Kenna: Catherine tried to poison me once. You could tell them that in court.
King Henry: No one cares, Kenna.
Kenna: That part’s true.
Queen Catherine: My dear Henry is only interested in offenses against himself. (To guards): Aren't you supposed to wait outside the door, so I can conduct my defense privately? (To Kenna) Off with you, child. You've killed me enough for one day.
King Henry: Did you miss me?
Queen Catherine: This is judicial murder, Henry. We all know how this plays out when a king tries to cast off a queen.
King Henry: I’ll have a line of witnesses to your adultery a mile long, all eager to say whatever I want them to say. Nobles, servants, stable boys, the man who clips the hedges in the garden, it doesn’t matter. Twist and squirm all you want; you can’t outlast them, because I’ll have another, and another.
Queen Catherine: All to wed Mary to your bastard son, and get her to stake her claim to the English throne. It won’t look good, Henry.You’re doing all this for England. You’re killing me for England. When you go back to the Vatican all set to legitimize Bash, you need to give them a fig leaf. You need the appearance of fairness. So that you and the Pope don’t look like the power-hungry bastards you are.

Royal Blood [1.12]

Lord Hugo: I marvel that you could have been brought up at court and still understand it so poorly. For a royal, there's no such thing as safety.
Bash: I realize the notion of my being king disappoints you, Lord Hugo.
Lord Hugo: It did once. But not anymore.
MARY: You've switched sides?
Lord Hugo: I'm head of the king's Privy Council for two reasons: I know how to manage men and I know how to pick the winning side. In light of recent events; the queen's pending execution and Francis's continuing absence from court... that side is yours.
Bash: How lucky I am to have such steadfast support.
Lord Hugo: If steadfast is what you require, there's only one way to achieve it. Factions need a flag to rally behind, and every young prince with a claim to the throne is another flag. But, if those flags were taken away... perhaps permanently ....
Mary: Are you suggesting... killing the boys?!
Lord Hugo: I would never presume to make such a suggestion. Those boys are the king's own blood. You asked about safety. This morning's attack was mild.
Bash: We are aware of that and share your concern.
Lord Hugo: There are plots being set on both sides, no doubt... and with deadlier consequences. Sooner or later, blood will be spilled. It's just a matter of whose. Yours and Mary's... or another's.

The Consummation [1.13]

Nostradamus: They have children, as he is alive.
Queen Catherine: Children? [Catherine becomes emotional]
Queen Catherine: You see them years beyond their union?
Nostradamus: Yes. [Catherine becomes overcome with emotions and puts her hands into prayer thanking God] Use this to save yourself. Tell Henry you've had a change of heart. That you won't stand in the way of their union.
Queen Catherine: This has gone so far beyond me standing in the way of anything. I am convicted of adultery! Of treason! Mary is with Sebastian. And my son Francis...
Nostradamus: ...Has returned to court.
Queen Catherine: [Annoyedly] You are brave to come to me with this. Because if I can't convince Mary to wed Francis, if I can't undo your mistakes, I will lose my head. But not before I watch you burned to death. I promise you that.

Dirty Laundry [1.14]

Prince Francis: You're very quiet. Are you warm enough?
Queen Mary: (Chuckles) I just wish that we could go back to two months ago, do it all over. Me in my wedding gown, walking down the aisle to you at Notre Dame.
Prince Francis: But instead, we have to come back to reality. That's what you're thinking.
Queen Mary: (Sighs) Politics, backstabbing, murder. Just another day at French Court. Francis, can we turn around and go back to the country house at Anet? Everything we felt there alone, far away from Court. Somehow, our love seems so fragile suddenly.
Prince Francis: Things are different now... we're married, the future King and Queen. My mother is no longer an obstacle.
Queen Mary: Mhm...
Prince Francis: Nostradamus's prophecy no longer a threat. And Bash is far away in Spain.
Queen Mary: I hope he's safe, and that he finds happiness.

The Darkness [1.15]

Bash: Is that blood? Did the Blood Cult do this? Rowan, tell me the truth.
Rowan: It means my family has been chosen. One of us will be sacrificed to the Darkness.
Bash: These beliefs, these misguided terrors, they've threatened others I've known and cared about. I won't let anyone hurt you or your family. Whatever it is, we have to fight.

Brother: [Bash holds up an axe] Doesn't matter. It can't be stopped.
Bash: I'm telling you, we're not dealing with a monster. We're dealing with a small group of ignorant Pagans. If you don't want to fight them, why don't you leave?
Brother: And go where? To a village, where we'll be burnt for our Pagan beliefs? We live here. We couldn't leave now if we wanted to. Besides, it's too late now-- we're chosen.
Rowan: Because what would we be doing? Leaving the Darkness to choose from another home?

King Henry: You're up early.
Queen Catherine: Keeping an eye on you requires vigilance both day and night.
King Henry: Is that your role now? Guardian of the king?
Queen Catherine: How are you feeling today?
King Henry: Quite well. I saw the physician. He gave me some tonics for my headaches, and now I feel better, having further isolated the cause of my discontent.
Queen Catherine: And what... is that?
King Henry: I am king, and yet, for months, I have been subject. To fate, to lesser people, to women, of all things. Waiting on the queen of England's death. Lied to... by you, by my mistress. Put in a corner as Mary, Queen of Scots, dangled herself in front of my sons and dangled England in front of me. But... no more. I dozed, as you suggested, and do you know what I awoke to?
Queen Catherine: No.
King Henry: Christ hanging on the cross. A crucifix above my bed, the sun glinting off my crown. it was... dazzling. Invigorating. A glorious reminder that I am chosen by God to rule this nation. To bend anyone I like to my will. To bend them, to break them.
Queen Catherine: To throw them from windows and crush their throats?
King Henry: It was a lesson I think each woman understood in her last moments about who is king... and who is not. Others will learn, as well... soon enough.
King Henry: You're up early.
Queen Catherine: Keeping an eye on you requires vigilance both day and night.
King Henry: Is that your role now? Guardian of the king?
Queen Catherine: How are you feeling today?
King Henry: Quite well. I saw the physician. He gave me some tonics for my headaches, and now I feel better, having further isolated the cause of my discontent.
Queen Catherine: And what... is that?
King Henry: I am king, and yet, for months, I have been subject. To fate, to lesser people, to women, of all things. Waiting on the queen of England's death. Lied to... by you, by my mistress. Put in a corner as Mary, Queen of Scots, dangled herself in front of my sons and dangled England in front of me. But... no more. I dozed, as you suggested, and do you know what I awoke to?
Queen Catherine: No.
King Henry: Christ hanging on the cross. A crucifix above my bed, the sun glinting off my crown. it was... dazzling. Invigorating. A glorious reminder that I am chosen by God to rule this nation. To bend anyone I like to my will. To bend them, to break them.
Queen Catherine: To throw them from windows and crush their throats?
King Henry: It was a lesson I think each woman understood in her last moments about who is king... and who is not. Others will learn, as well... soon enough.

Monsters [1.16]

Bash: Do you believe me now? This creature is the cause of all the horrors in those woods. If you want to protect your realm from these devils, you must kill the monster they serve.
Francis: I don't believe in monsters. I never have. But I do believe in fear. And whoever this Darkness is, the Pagans fear him enough to terrorize and slaughter my people.

Liege Lord [1.17]

Queen Catherine: [To Mary] Welcome to being a ruling queen, Mary. Men will trust you and die. These are the first, but they won't be the last.

Queen Penelope: Henry is adding diamonds to my crown to sparkle as I do, he says. Don't you think a royal crown suits me?
Queen Catherine: Of course, Your Majesty. It makes your head look smaller. Almost back to normal size.
Scotsman: You're a saucy one, aren't you?
Queen Catherine: I beg your pardon? [Laughs] Saucy?
Scotsman: Don't be offended. It's a good word, "saucy." It's sauce that makes food worth eating. And women like you that make life worth living.
Queen Catherine: You're outrageous.
Scotsman: Oh, don't take yourself away from me, beauty.

No Exit [1.18]

King Henry: Don't hide yourself away, or I'll have to come find you.

Queen Catherine: That's enough merriment for you two. We have problems.

King Henry: I will not be so demeaned by a woman!
Queen Catherine: Yes, I can see that.

Queen Mary: My country and I are one and the same. Forget that, and you've forgotten who I am.

Lady Kenna: I'm too high-spirited to be a widow. People will talk.

Prince Francis: What happens when being a good king means being a bad husband?

Mary: [Pacing back and forth] Locked in the tower? Did you think that I would slink out of my rooms like a rat in the passage ways?
Francis: Not like a rat. Like a defiant Queen. You will be released as soon as your brother has cast off. I told him that we'd follow as soon as we could.
Mary: So you lied.
Francis: It is not a lie, when I know that it is safe to-
Mary: [Shouts] It will be too late! [Claps of thunder and lightning] We both know that day will never come. I will not help you with the cardinal if that's what you think.
Francis: [Approaches her] I know. My mother and I will do what we have to. We'll find a way. You may hate me right now, but I've done this for you. I love you and I've put you first.
Mary: [Visibly upset] You love a girl, you don't love a Queen, or you would allow me to be one. You are putting yourself and your country first, just as you always have.
Francis: That is not true.
Mary: If Scotland falls I will never forgive you! [Claps of thunder and lightning] You will lose my country and you will lose me. I warned you Francis. We are one and the same.
Francis: Scotland won't fall. And neither will we.
Mary: I can't hear another word. Get out!
Francis: [Exits] I'll be back when you had a chance to calm down.

Toy Soldiers [1.19]

Queen Mary: Words don't bother me. Threats don't bother me, either. Losing bothers me.

Queen Mary: Trust is a luxury I can no longer afford.

Queen Mary: Nothing bothers me more than problems I've already solved coming back to be problems again.

Queen Catherine: Expect me to make you a lesson to my other problems by grinding you into the dust you no longer see fit to sweep.

Queen Catherine: I wouldn't be so smug, my dear. You just let the devil into our home.

Duke of Guise: Don't trouble yourself over niceties. I don't.

Queen Catherine: Don't make friends with rats. They bite.

Lord Castleroy: A good businessman always knows what something is worth. And to me... Greer is priceless.

Higher Ground [1.20]

Hortenza de' Medici: I always enjoy his company. As I know he greatly enjoyed mine.
Queen Catherine: Except for the day when he left you in tears because he decided to marry me. Oh, life is full of surprises, isn't it?

Queen Catherine: You're a queen. Don't beg.

Prince Francis: I am in your debt, Leith Bayard.

Lord Julien: You have a strength you have yet to realize.

Prince Francis: We stay and finish this, or we die trying.

Greer Norwood: If the end of your story is a happy one, then does how it began really matter?

Leith Bayard: No one risks their life for some lord's strategy. We do it for those we love.

Hortenza de' Medici: I don't mind getting the heel of my shoe bloody.

Prince Francis: I have lost good men, and I'm not prepared to sacrifice any more, especially if I can help it. Live, Leith Bayard. Live.

Queen Catherine: I suppose innocence is all relative. I wonder how long Mary's will last. Because once gone, it can never be reclaimed.

Lord Julien: All I have to offer you... is me.

John Priveaux: They're monsters.
Queen Mary: Indeed they are. But they're my monsters now.

Long Live the King [1.21]

Queen Catherine: Don't get sentimental about a father who was never sentimental about you.

Queen Catherine: I can't think about myself. We need to think like queens now.

Queen Catherine: We cannot save Henry, but we can still save those men.

Lady Kenna: Bash, I am of many things. Enchanting, noble, beautiful...

Prince Francis: You have already achieved the glory, now do the good.

Slaughter of Innocence [1.22]

Queen Catherine: I miss the girl you were.
Queen Mary: Many will. She was easier to kill.

Leith Bayard: When you are alone and miserable, remember this as the moment that you threw your happiness away. And I will remember you as the woman who told me I wasn't enough. I will become everything you are so convinced you need. I will rise, and rise, and rise, until I am rich and powerful. But I will never be yours again.

King Henry: Such games we play against those we love.

King Henry: Betraying someone you love blackens your soul. It's a weight you carry all of your days! Can I let it go now?

Leith Bayard: A new government is forming between toasts and whispers. So let's have that drink now.
Yvette Castleroy: What's changed? You were in such a hurry when last we met.
Leith Bayard: I wasn't thirsty then. I am now.
Yvette Castleroy: Another time. As this hour I am destined to meet another.
Leith Bayard: Aren't you a heartbreaker.
Yvette Castleroy: Not at all. Don't you be one either.
Queen Mary: It isn't fair, the privileges we are given. Or the prices we must pay for them.