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Reign (TV series)/Season 4

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Reign (2013-2017) is an American historical drama centering around Mary, Queen of Scots that aired on The CW, who is facing political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.

With Friends Like These [4.01]

Queen Mary: I'm not looking for a man to love, I'm looking for a weapon to use against her and her throne.

Queen Elizabeth: Tell your son to come to court. Or I will have him dragged here. On his knees.

Queen Leeza: The Prince of Spain came to France whole, and left with an enormous piece of wood sticking out of his skull.
Queen Catherine: That is not true. We had our finest surgeon remove it.

Earl of Clan Gordon: You're going to marry my son.
Queen Mary: The hell I am.

Princess Claude: You don't want me to marry Martel either?
Queen Catherine: I had his father killed. Do you think I want him rising in station?

James Stuart: We believe it was Clan Gordon who took her. Their proposals to the queen had gone unanswered.
John Knox: So they kidnapped her, as is their tradition. They're lovely people, aren't they? Good Catholics.

Queen Catherine: A daughter joining her mother for an evening stroll is hardly a crime.
Princess Claude: No, but murder is!

Queen Catherine: The tears might be a bit much.
Princess Claude: The tears are real!

Lord Narcisse: She wasn't your friend, Elizabeth, she was your prisoner. What a grotesque curse of royalty that you cannot even tell the difference.

James Stuart: Do not threaten me. I am half brother to the queen. My family has royal blood in our veins. The people believe that God chose us to rule, while you merely spout His teachings.

A Grain of Deception [4.02]

Queen Catherine: Why, Claude, how nice of you to take time away from your grief to criticize me.

Queen Mary: Men forget that women have ears.

Queen Catherine: Charles, if I could have a moment.
King Charles: Not now, I need some air.
Queen Catherine: Well, you can breathe while I talk.

Lord Narcisse: So, are you killing Knox, or am I?

Queen Leeza: I've received word from my husband, King Philip.
Queen Catherine: I'm aware who you married, Leeza, you don't have to keep saying it.

James Stuart: Trust is given, but loyalty is earned. And you, my queen, have not earned mine.

Greer Castleroy: Even a queen cannot change how people are.

Leaps of Faith [4.03]

Queen Elizabeth: Oh, do shut up, Lord Blackburn.

King Charles: I'll take it under advisement.
Queen Catherine: You'll take what under advisement? What, you're just going to mouth kingly words?!

Lord Narcisse: We don't take on the competition, we eliminate it.

Lord Narcisse: What exactly is Leeza's grudge against you?
Queen Catherine: That I was a terrible mother. I mean, all my children say that, but in Leeza's case, she's right.

Gideon Blackburn: I am asking you to marry me, but I am begging you to save your own life.

Lady Bianca: You could tell me.
King Charles: Did they ask you to do that? To listen to me? A task foisted on a stranger because no one wants to hear it, not really.

Gideon Blackburn: Do you think we can be happy together?
Queen Mary: Yes.
Gideon Blackburn: For tonight, that's all I need to know.

Queen Leeza: Having a disability doesn't disqualify a skilled applicant, not in Spain, and not here.
Queen Catherine: Yes, Spain is known for its equality and compassion. The Inquisition taught everyone that.

Princess Claude: You poisoned a blind man?
Queen Catherine: He wasn't blind until I poisoned him. Don't make it sound so cruel.

Queen Leeza: A saint can become a witch very quickly in the eyes of an angry mob.

Queen Mary: My child will be heir to her throne, to both nations.

Gideon Blackburn: Mary, this is a course you cannot step back from. And if you take it, I fear I'm looking at a dead woman.
Queen Mary: We all die, Gideon. The question is what we stood for while we lived.

Queen Elizabeth: Only one queen can survive. And I intend it to be me.

Playing With Fire [4.04]

Queen Catherine: The only monster in this castle is gossip. And we must not feed it, or it will bring us to our knees.

Queen Mary: Are you saying that we should marry?
Lord Darnley: Would it be the worst thing?

James Stuart: From the day we met, we have both burned for this.
Emily Knox: I will burn for this.

Queen Leeza: What about the shame you've brought to this family? Not to mention this country and to God himself?!
Queen Catherine: Enough! God himself has seen much worse and survived.

Queen Mary: Although I am curious. Have you already named our children? Or did you leave at least that part for me?
James Stuart: Well, I hope one of them will be called James. After our father.

Queen Mary: Where Knox has sown hatred, we will scatter seeds of hope.

Queen Elizabeth: I am nothing less than a Tudor queen.

Lord Narcisse: I must admit, since first hearing of it, I have given a great deal of thought to Claude in a nunnery.
Queen Catherine: Why is that?
Lord Narcisse: Because it arouses me.

Queen Catherine: Luc may appear to be a decent man, but I've learned to never trust the beginning of a book.

Queen Catherine: I may not be able to get you back from a nunnery, but when the time is right, I can make you a widow.

Lord Darnley: I am an ambitious man. And if this is my one chance at king, I will take it. And if I am king for only as long as you live, then I say, "Long live the queen."

Queen Leeza: May matrimony set you on a more honorable path. God will be watching should you stray from it. As he watches all of his creatures.
Luc Narcisse: Thank you, Your Majesty. God should be pleased to know that I have every intention of providing a happy life for Claude.

Greer Castleroy: What is survival without even the hope of love?

Highland Games [4.05]

Queen Catherine: We need to prove that you're not a monster by showing them what you really are, a king.

Lord Taylor: Earn my respect then, as I earn the respect of my men. In combat!
Queen Mary: Duels only lead to dead men, not respect.

James Stuart: He does have his father's history to overcome. You knew that when you chose him.
Lord Darnley: Chose me like a prized pony.

Lord Darnley: I do have a first name, you know. It's Henry.
Queen Mary: Darnley...
Lord Darnley: Darnley it is, then.

Lord Darnley: Mary, if you want something enough, you have to be willing to break the rules.

Queen Mary: I've asked my brother James to help train you for your fight with Lord Taylor.
Lord Darnley: The man who lost to Taylor three times is going to teach me?

Queen Catherine: Charles will put his weight behind this.
Lord Narcisse: Well, then perhaps I should withhold my news from the huntsman.
Queen Catherine: And perhaps I shall have your throat slit in your sleep. Or let the villagers do it for me when they come for all of us to root out the beast we have protected.

Lord Taylor: Bastards and cheaters are not welcome on the Scottish throne.

Lady Lennox: I heard the nobles will support your union with Mary if you fell a brute named Taylor. Lovely country, Scotland.

Lord Darnley: I don't want to find love. I want to be loved.

Greer Castleroy: Are you asking for a divorce?
Lord Castleroy: No.
Greer Castleroy: But you could. You are Protestant.
Lord Castleroy: And you are Catholic. You could never marry again.
Greer Castleroy: Perhaps I've taken all the chances at love that I deserve. I'm sorry that I failed to love you in the way that you deserve. Now that you have found it with another, I won't deny you your happiness. I release you from this marriage.

Lord Narcisse: A royal marriage gives one political clout. I will not be alive forever, and that power, the kind afforded to very few in this very cold world, will protect you and your descendants once I am gone. Do not let Claude go.

Leith Bayard: And how do we know we can trust you?
Luc Narcisse: Because being married to a woman who is in love with another isn't exactly the ideal union I dreamed of either.

Love & Death [4.06]

Lord Darnley: I let you win that race.

Queen Mary: Oh really, Lord Darnley? I was unaware that your crushing defeat was an act of charity.

Lord Darnley: How dare you, didn't you notice that I defied the Queen of England for you?!
Queen Mary: Oh, you enjoyed it.
Lord Darnley: I did!

Gideon Blackburn: Stop making promises you don't have the power to keep.

Queen Elizabeth: A queen must be there for her friends.

Luc Narcisse: Leith, you can't let me die out here.
Leith Bayard: Actually, I can.

Queen Mary: Now, you take your assassin and you get out of our country. Or we will drive you out.

Leith Bayard: Pay me what I ask, and their future is secure.
Lord Narcisse: Look how far you've come. Trading your heart to rise in station... I'll draw up the papers.

Leith Bayard: I feel a poison in my heart. How long before I give in to it?

Lord Darnley: I want you to tell me why you keep pushing me away. I'm going to be your husband!
Queen Mary: I had a husband! And I loved him and he was murdered in cold blood before my eyes.

Queen Mary: As King and Queen, our lives will always be in peril.
Lord Darnley: We're going to be in danger no matter whether we're together or not. Because of who we are, Mary. Because of our blood.
Queen Mary: Elizabeth will keep coming after us.
Lord Darnley: Let her come! Let the danger come!

Hanging Swords [4.07]

Lord Narcisse: We have a problem.
Queen Catherine: If you're referring to the fact that Charles hasn't been seen in weeks and he gave his crown to a peasant, we don't have a "problem," Narcisse. We have a disaster.

Lord Narcisse: Perhaps Charles would respond better to a strong, male authority figure.
Queen Catherine: But in the absence of such a man, I'll settle for you.

Queen Mary: Darnley is a better man than you think.
James Stuart: Really? Who told you that? Darnley?

Lord Darnley: You forged a letter to end my relationship with Keira, how could you do this?!
Lady Lennox: It wasn't easy, I paid a fortune.

Queen Catherine: You are King of France, and your sister, the Queen of Spain, is using your absence to threaten the sovereignty of our nation.
King Charles: Listen to yourself. You don't even care that I, your son, am alive, well and happy.
Queen Catherine: Alive and well and King of France.
King Charles: Only if I choose to return to court, which I don't.
Lord Narcisse: ...Perhaps we should all.. stop talking before this delicious soup gets cold.

Lord Narcisse: Looks like the King's been using his hands to work more than just the earth. No wonder he's better.

King Charles: Being King of France is a duty I was born to. I accept who I am and I will not abdicate.
Lord Narcisse: Spoken like France's one true king.
Queen Leeza: Or a well-coached puppet.

King Charles: I'm saying that I, Charles de Valois, King of France, am a Protestant.

Queen Catherine: [Referring to Charles converting to protestantism] This is your fault.
Lord Narcisse: I should have your entire family burned at the stake.

King Charles: I will not lie about my beliefs. Not to the Queen of Spain or anyone.

Queen Elizabeth: I will not be remembered as the queen that drew first blood.

Queen Mary: You will be my husband in name only. And we will never be happy. And I will never forgive you.

Uncharted Waters [4.08]

John Hawkins: A fruit from the New World. It's called a tomato.
Queen Elizabeth: This is a fruit?
John Hawkins: Some say vegetable. Standing argument.

John Hawkins: I brought something back called a turkey. Ugly bird, to be sure, but quite delicious.
Queen Elizabeth: Ah, yes. My guards warned me of the large, angry chicken. They've deemed it unsafe.

John Hawkins: The world is bigger than Europe, Your Majesty.

David Rizzio: You will have love or an heir, but not both. If you choose a child, it will be a son, and he will rule both nations. England and Scotland, united at last, and in peace. This is your fate.

Pulling Strings [4.09]

Lady Lennox: We have much in common. Both mothers of kings, soon enough.
Queen Catherine: I meant great affection for Mary, Queen of Scots. Though, as to our sons, I suppose king consort is a kind of king.

Queen Catherine: I've learned not to put much stock in what "they" say. Just today, I heard that your son, well, he's been greeted with skepticism from the established royal families. It's a shame so few are willing to accept a royal upstart.

Queen Mary: Be that as it may, Scotland has one true ruler, Mary, Queen of Scots, daughter of James V, crowned on her sixth day and appointed not by the Pope, but the Almighty Himself. It is my duty, my God-given birthright and my crown. And I will defend it from anyone who attempts to take it.

James Stuart: Don't let shame about your past cloud your future.

Queen Mary: You made this? Yourself?
Queen Catherine: You think that political manipulation and poisoning are my only skill?

Queen Mary: I want to forgive, and I want forgiveness. I want to start anew.
Lord Darnley: And I want to be a better man. I do. But what are the odds of that?

Greer Castleroy: I can't help wishing that at the right time, I'd met someone like you.

Queen Elizabeth: You say some of my lands are now a part of Scotland. How many lands?
Gideon Blackburn: Half a dozen more than we thought possible. They were disputable regions.
Queen Elizabeth: But they were English! Until she married Darnley.

Queen Elizabeth: Damn your ego! Insisting on having a son when you had me! Your own flesh and blood!

Queen Catherine: Mary, you cannot live the life of a nun.

Queen Mary: The Vatican's man. Wouldn't the Pope be proud.

A Better Man [4.10]

King Darnley: Mary! I'm glad you've come! What do you think?
Queen Mary: Well, you commissioned it for your coronation. It only needs to please your ear.

James Stuart: Be patient with me. Please.

Queen Mary: I had hoped that our marriage would be a partnership in every way. But with your drinking, your cheating, your blind ambition-
Lord Darnley: I am trying to be better!
Queen Mary: Then try harder.

Queen Catherine: I was starting to think you didn't have it in you.
Lord Narcisse: Oh, I played her masterfully. And all it cost me was the desecration of Lola's memory.

Greer Castleroy: How many more people will you sacrifice? Was there no other way?

King Charles: I understand that sometimes a king must wield a sword to protect his people.

Dead of Night [4.11]

Queen Mary: I fear there is a cost for everyone I love.
Greer Castleroy: Well, Darnley should be safe, then.

Queen Catherine: When one Valois is weakened, the entire line is threatened.

Nicole Touchet: It's all right, Charles. You can do this. You're the King, after all. Brilliant, strong, master of all you survey. And I adore you!

Prince Henri: I've led armies. What's Charles done?
Queen Catherine: He was born first. That's all he has to do.

Queen Mary: She would know that you were behind it, as well.
King Darnley: Would she? If I confirmed your efforts to destroy her, allowing her to justifiably come after you, would she care?
Lord Bothwell: With or without your crown, I would do anything for you.

Princess Claude: Luc, you're a good man, but you should know that... I'm not in love with you.
Luc Narcisse: I'm not in love with you, either. [Princess Claude smiles]

Lord Narcisse: Foolish Henri. You had a chance to make amends tonight, but you squandered it. Now I see no other option but to inform Spain that their prized pony dabbles in the occult.
Prince Henri: Or... you could do nothing.

Lord Narcisse: Let me offer some advice: next time you threaten someone, make sure you have proof. A theory is nothing more than a feather. It tickles.

Queen Catherine: I don't care if he is my child. He wants to act like a young buck, I will make him a doe!

Lord Narcisse: Henri is a king. Look at him! In the few weeks he has been here, he has already shown more confidence, cunning and boldness than Charles has, and ever will!
Queen Catherine: By taking out his brother with a ball full of rocks!

Lord Narcisse: I am on no one's side but my own.

King Darnley: I will be a true king, and we will finally be equals.
Queen Mary: I made you King. But we will never be equals.

Lord Bothwell: Lie to me again, and I will open you up right here, in your own house.

The Shakedown [4.12]

[After cutting Henri's hand with an arrow]
King Charles: He's fine! But he's not the King. [Extends hand] Nicole.
Nicole: [Angrily whispers] My love!

Gideon Blackburn: Elizabeth, you are safe. Your food is regularly tested for poison.
Queen Elizabeth: Perhaps I'd feel more relaxed if my court were regularly tested for traitors.

Princess Claude: Mother, what in God's name are you doing?
Queen Catherine: It is none of your business. What are you doing sneaking into my chambers?
Princess Claude: Returning your earrings and uncovering your pact with the devil, apparently.

Queen Catherine: I was only trying to help Charles feel stronger.
Princess Claude: Are you telling me that this heresy is the reason Charles has been so aggressive lately?
Queen Catherine: No. Maybe.

Princess Claude: I'm not going to lie for you, Mother. That's not who I am.
Queen Catherine: [Scoffs] Since when?

Queen Mary: You can't expect everyone to be glad you are back at Court, Darnley. Some of us know you.

Gideon Blackburn: Julia and Bernard have a good life.
Queen Elizabeth: I envy them. Although they are quite poor and powerless, and their clothes itch.

Gideon Blackburn: Jane has done nothing. She's only guilty of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. How will you feel with her blood on your hands?
Queen Elizabeth: Safe! And when you are the Queen of England, that is the only feeling that matters.

Coup de Grace [4.13]

Captain Evans: Isn't it enough that your brother already butchered the man who owned this ship?!

Prince Henri: It is not.

Nicole Touchet: You think Narcisse is manipulating me?
Prince Henri: I think you're a beautiful, ambitious, young woman who's learned to pull the strings of men, and yet can't see when her own strings are being pulled.

Lord Narcisse: No one understands loss until they've felt it.

Queen Mary: We are married because I couldn't take England without you. What makes you think that you can take England without me?

A Bride. A Box. A Body. [4.14]

Queen Elizabeth: I'm the queen of England. I represent something glorious for everyone. And if you want to banish every person who is dazzled by me, we'll be a nation of mainly women. And even then our ranks may be depleted.

Queen Catherine: Select one of these marginally acceptable creatures, or risk losing the backing of Spain, and your throne along with it!

Gideon Blackburn: You've put a sea between us. You didn't have to send me to a three-year-old's birthday party in Prague to do it.

Queen Mary: He will hang. And I will enjoy watching him die.

Princess Claude: I've missed you. Perhaps that's reason enough for you to stop being an ass and stay for the party.

Prince Henri: Though I have to hide it from narrow minds, I won't deny myself the feeling it brings. Power, excitement, pleasure. Liberation from a world determined to tell me who to be. I am who I am. I want what I want. And I take what I want. If that scares you, if it repels you, then you're with the wrong man.

Queen Elizabeth: You are more precious to me than my nation, and if I could give up England for you and survive, I would.

Queen Elizabeth: I will always, always be yours.

Lord Narcisse: Everyone will pay in their own way.

Lord Narcisse: Mary, revenge is not meant to ease pain. It is meant to balance the scales.

King Darnley: Have you been well?
Lady Lennox: I've not been in a dungeon, as you have.

Blood in the Water [4.15]

Queen Catherine: Leeza, my child, oh, it's been so long.
Queen Leeza: Spare me the pleasantries, Mother. I'm not here to see you.

Queen Leeza: Well, then I suppose there's nothing to be done... except stay for the King's wedding.
Prince Henri: You can't be serious, Leeza!
Princess Claude: I was almost sent to a nunnery for following my heart!

Prince Henri: Admit it, you don't love Charles - you love me.
Nicole Touchet: It doesn't matter. He can make me Queen of France. Which means I cannot love you, Henri.
Prince Henri: Well, it seems we're agreed then. We shouldn't love each other, and yet we do.

Luc Narcisse: You should go to Leith.
Princess Claude: What? I-I can't. You and I are married. Until death do us part.
Luc Narcisse: If you stay, it's your heart that will die. So will mine. As much as I've wanted this marriage to work, it can't. You love another.

Queen Elizabeth: His family's business depends on the gold it carries.
Jane: You're going to sink it?
Queen Elizabeth: No, I'm going to steal it.

Queen Leeza: I am married to the most powerful man in the world, and I will not be threatened by my damaged brother who is unfit to rule.

Queen Mary: Greer, I love you!
Greer Castleroy: I love you too!

Queen Catherine: Keeping your promise because you want to be good and honorable isn't the same as keeping your promise because you truly love someone.

Queen Leeza: Stop starting at me, witch!

Queen Elizabeth: Speak! While there is still mercy in my heart!

All It Cost Her [4.16]

Queen Catherine: Tell me, how is Mary?
Lord Narcisse: Struggling to maintain her throne.

Queen Catherine: This is Stéphane Narcisse, he's the Lord Chancellor of France. Stéphane, this is a witch that my pious daughter, Leeza, rounded up amongst other heretics.
Emanuelle: I didn't care for her. Clearly, you don't, either.

Emanuelle: Don't worry. Spain will still be a bother, but its queen won't be a problem much longer. Complications with her third child. A girl.

Emanuelle: Nicole is inches from the grave. She just doesn't know it yet.

Princess Claude: I lost both the man I loved and the man I could have loved.

King Darnley: My son, you mean... My God, I think I left him somewhere!

Queen Elizabeth: I do not require a lesson in suffering from the likes of you!

Queen Elizabeth: I am England and I need no one to save me! Not from Spain, not from the Catholic Church, not from anyone. I am Elizabeth Tudor and I will bow to no man. I will face ever threat to my reign with sword in hand. And any who shall stand in my way shall fall.

Queen Catherine: I have always put my children first. I have done terrible things. I have always done it for their good. But are they worth it?

Emanuelle: The key to your survival, should you choose it, is your daughter, Margot. Blood will flow, but it won't be yours, if you have Margot at your side.

John Knox: Men will never willingly bow to the weaker sex.
Queen Mary: And they will suffer greatly for it.

Queen Elizabeth: Because I cannot have her blood on my hands. And I cannot let her go.

Queen Mary: I put my trust in you, my Lord.