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Reign (TV series)/Season 3

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Reign (2013-2017) is an American historical drama centering around Mary, Queen of Scots that aired on The CW, who is facing political and sexual intrigue in the treacherous world of the French court.

Three Queens, Two Tigers [3.01]

Queen Catherine: Men don't like taking orders from women. They can barely stand speaking to them.

Lady Lola: You hurt me to please your lover!

Queen Mary: Elizabeth's real war is with me.

Robert Dudley: Let me hold you in my arms, Elizabeth, or let me leave court.

Queen Elizabeth: I need you near, to see you, even if I can't touch you.

Lord Narcisse: I am going to marry you. And I can promise you that it is not a mistake, because we are right for each other. You don't see it, but I do. And I am prepared to wait until you see it, too.

William Cecil: You must rule your own heart as firmly as you rule your subjects.

Betrothed [3.02]

Queen Elizabeth: I am their queen. Their whispers are treason.

Queen Elizabeth: I am paying the price! I feel like a prisoner.
William Cecil: Some prison.

Princess Claude: It's hard for all of us, being part of this family.

Queen Catherine: Who cares about right or wrong if you're dead?

Queen Catherine: He knows I speak the truth. You've lost, Mary.

Queen Mary: Am I really planning a life, a future, without you?

Extreme Measures [3.03]

Prince Charles: I know I'm young, and you may assume I'm inexperienced, but I promise I'll give you an heir.

Queen Mary: I am just as strong and as stubborn as Elizabeth. I will not live in fear of her!

King Francis: You are the prettiest vampire I've ever seen.

Princess Claude: I really do have an abundance of good taste. It feels good to share it with a commoner.

Queen Mary: Are you trying to blame a woman for a man's choices?

Lord Narcisse: From now on, you're only allowed to dream about me.
Lady Lola: As you wish, Lord Narcisse.

Lord Narcisse: Will you marry me?
Lady Lola: To marry you is to defy my king, to risk Catherine's wrath and the judgment of my friends, and yet... you make me feel stronger than I've ever felt before. I can't believe I'm saying this, but... yes! Yes, I will marry you!

Lady Lola: For so long, I've resented that my life belonged to a king. But now I realize my life really belongs to my son.

Lord Narcisse: I have raised children of my own, you know. Some of them turned out quite well.

Lady Lola: As long as Francis has doubts, so will I.

Princess Claude: God, I wish mother were here. She manages tragedy with ruthless clarity.

Prince Charles: You want me, the Dauphin, to get you a bucket of water?

Queen Catherine: I'm Catherine de Medici, Queen Mother of France. Maybe you've heard of me.

Queen Catherine: I don't have much to live for these days, but I can still die for my children.

Queen Catherine: Withdraw your offer, or I will burn Elizabeth's name to the ground.

Lord Narcisse: You may not be king, but your actions reflect on Francis, and he has the weight of thousands of lives, just like this one, on his shoulders. Be wiser next time.

King Francis: The measure of a man is what he does when no one is looking.

King Antoine: Have you gone mad?
King Francis: You misjudged me, Antoine. I am my father's son.

Queen Catherine: I'm sorry I wasn't the mother that you wanted me to be. I did my best.
King Francis: I know. In your own way.

The Price [3.04]

Queen Mary: I would go to any lengths, Francis. Any lengths.

Queen Elizabeth: Bring the Spaniard before me... and we will see.

Lady Lola: Catherine. You startled me.
Queen Catherine: Why would my presence startle you? Oh, because you married my lover.

Don Carlos: Your Highness, you are a vision.
Queen Elizabeth: And you a charmer, I see.

Don Carlos: Many queens might meet my needs, but only you meet my desires.

Queen Mary: I hope your wings are strong, you vulture. You will be circling for quite some time.

Queen Catherine: Get ready to charm, darling.

King Francis: Remember, being king's a performance.

King Francis: All that's left now is to enjoy my final hours.

King Francis: I love you. And I thank God for the time we've had.

Queen Elizabeth: It is a fact of our time. A man rules his wife. Even if his wife is a queen.

Queen Elizabeth: I will show England their leader is fierce and brilliant and strong. I will draw them to me, and they will love me and thank me for loving only them.

William Cecil: Mary, Queen of Scots, will forever threaten you.
Queen Elizabeth: Then it will be the challenge of my life not to kill her.

Sebastian: What's the cost of a king's life?

In a Clearing [3.05]

Nicholas: I may be the enemy, but I'm not without my manners.

Queen Catherine: I would never want to ascend to power if it meant losing you. For what is France without my Francis?

King Francis: You did it!
Queen Mary: No, you did it!
King Francis: Well, that's not the way I'll remember it.

King Francis: Well, I suppose you're going to have to settle for being the queen of two nations, not three.

Delphine: You will survive this, I promise you.
Sebastian: I'm trying to forget the alternative is an option.

King Francis: You cannot keep me in a cage. Even one built with love.

Queen Mary: I always knew we would be wed, even when I first returned and you were nothing but worry and reservations.
King Francis: Did you, now?
Queen Mary: Ever since I caught your eye, watching me dance with my ladies at your sister's wedding. Feathers falling from nowhere.

King Francis: We were meant to be happy, and we were, but I have another fate, predicted long ago.

King Francis: You must wed again. You must love again.
Queen Mary: I can't. I will never love anyone the way I love you.
King Francis: I pray to God that you do.

Queen Catherine: That isn't Francis, he's gone.
Queen Mary: I can't let him go.
Queen Catherine: Let go and hold onto me.

Queen Mary: The only way I am no longer a threat to Elizabeth is if I am gone!

Queen Mary: I will take back what is mine, and if you want to stop me, you'll have to kill me.

Queen Mary: England has taken enough from me this day.

Queen Mary: This is not how we were supposed to go to Paris. We were supposed to dance under the stars.

Nostradamus: Only with the Queen of Scots' help will you rule France.

Queen Catherine: Francis was his own man, who made his own choices. Long ago, he chose to love you. Your love... it gave him so much joy. And that is what you must remember as you move ahead in this life.

Fight or Flight [3.06]

Greer Castleroy: Mary, you are not fine. You just lost the man you love, and now they're moving you to a lesser room, treating the Queen of Scotland like she's-
Queen Mary: An outsider? That's because I am.

Queen Mary: I may still be a queen, but I am no longer the Queen of France.

Queen Catherine: How can I pray to God when I'm certain he does not hear me?

Queen Catherine: My election could mean the end of your nation.

Leith Bayard: Why do you want to help me?
Princess Claude: Because you're going to end up with someone. Why not someone a step above, but within reach?

The Hound and the Hare [3.07]

Christophe: I stack firewood. My head isn't made of it.

Queen Mary: No matter what you might think, I can't just force men to fall in love with me.

Gideon Blackburn: (After carrying Mary and putting her down) You're light as a feather, I swear!

Sebastian: My men will be stationed throughout the tavern, posing as customers.
Prostitute: [Points at Leith] That customer's mine.

Queen Mary: Are you wearing your mink-lined boots?
Queen Catherine: Well, if I have to run, I want to look good doing it.

Greer Castleroy: Love is never simple. Not that I'm any expert.

Greer Castleroy: Life is full of surprises, and what we make of them is up to us.

Queen Catherine: I didn't say bargain. I said take.

Queen Catherine: If I can't disprove these charges, I will swing from a rope!

Queen Catherine: Don't you see, Mary? We've broken the Prince of Spain! The wrath of his father will rain down upon us.

Our Undoing [3.08]

Queen Mary: What if he dies?!
Queen Catherine: Oh, you just pray that's exactly what happens to him.

Queen Catherine: We were here. We were playing a game of chess - which I won.

Queen Mary: It's not what Francis wanted, or what France needs.

Queen Catherine: From the moment you were born, our relationship has been complicated. We live in a world that undervalues women. I may be guilty of favoring my sons over my daughters, but I love you, I swear. And when you're wed and you leave this home, you'll break my heart. I will beg for word from you, for a letter, for a visit... just as I am begging for your forgiveness now.

Queen Catherine: You are offering me a kindness and consideration I have rarely shown you through the years. Why?
Sebastian: Someone recently came into my life. She taught me to trust where my feelings lead me. I feel love toward my dead brother and anger that people think you could harm him. Those feelings lead me to stand here with you.

Queen Catherine: Don Carlos is going to survive.
Queen Mary: It's a miracle!...And our downfall.

Queen Catherine: There is but one solution. We must kill Don Carlos ourselves.

Queen Catherine: That is not a strategy.
Queen Mary: No, it's the truth.

Queen Mary: Those particular Scots may serve France, but they obey me, their queen.

Queen Catherine: To run is an admission of guilt!
Queen Mary: To stay is an acceptance of death.

Queen Catherine: The heir to the Spanish throne, he's like a nice potted plant. Just take him back to your country and water him.

Lord Narcisse: What is power without love?

Lord Narcisse: Please, God. Let it end here.

Queen Catherine: I have endured many trials, but nothing as painful as being forced to look upon the decaying corpse of my firstborn son.

Queen Catherine: It must be difficult for you to see my head still resting so comfortably on my shoulders.

Wedlock [3.09]

Gideon Blackburn: I never said I was a good man, but one can receive good advice from a bad person.

Queen Elizabeth: If you love me, William, you will support me.
William Cecil: Help you steal a husband?

Greer Castleroy: There is always a risk. At least when you love someone, it's worth taking.

Christophe: Why are you here?
Queen Catherine: I had you followed. I am the Queen Mother.

Queen Catherine: What do you hope to gain from being my lover?
Christophe: Well, I won't lie to you. Poverty takes its toll.

Delphine: If I start healing others again, maybe I'll heal myself.

Queen Mary: I am a queen, about to marry a broken prince for power.
Greer Castleroy: You're also a widow, grieving the man you truly loved.

Queen Mary: I need proof before the wedding happens.
Gideon Blackburn: That's tomorrow.
Queen Mary: Yes. So you'd better get to it, then.

Don Carlos: A prince answers to his father. A king answers to no one!

Lord Narcisse: Be grateful for the fun you had, you must have known your time would come.

Queen Mary: [Referring to romantic love] I feel lucky to have had it once.

Bruises That Lie [3.10]

Princess Claude: Stop saying you have no choice, Charles. You're the King!

Queen Catherine: Is it so unthinkable a crime might take place in this castle that I had no hand in?

Queen Mary: Ambassador Gideon. You look like a man working out his frustrations. Perhaps I should take a swing, as we are both frustrated with the same Queen.

Leith Bayard: You should be marrying someone who knows you. Someone who loves you. Someone like me.

Martin de Lambert: Choose because of what you think, not what others might.

Leith Bayard: Sons of goatherds don't get to be with princesses.

Greer Castleroy: I need to believe that who we are matters more than our station.

Queen Mary: I think I'm doing pretty well for a queen who used to rule two realms and is now barely holding onto one. A queen who is reduced to playacting for someone else's servant to convince him that she's lost her foolish heart to a spy and a fraud.

Queen Mary: As if I don't have enough problems, Catherine, you give me the Duke's stolen gold!

Princess Claude: I'm a princess!

Lord William: People are suspicious, Majesty, after so many spurned proposals. Perhaps if you told me why marriage was suddenly so important.
Queen Elizabeth: The Queen changed her mind. How about that?

Queen Elizabeth: Amy is dead. Our baby is gone. And to what end? We are lost to each other.

Robert Dudley: I will always love you, Elizabeth. Always.

Queen Elizabeth: The English did this to me. To punish me for daring to love who I want. Perhaps they were right. Perhaps I forgot what it means to be a queen.

Succession [3.11]

Sebastian: Show people you are worthy of the post you hold, and no one will remember how you rose to it.

Sebastian: The butcher still insists on his innocence.
Queen Catherine: As all men do before they swing.

Queen Mary: I will not be chased out of my country before I've even returned.

Queen Mary: I will fight fire with fire.

Queen Mary: I am a queen and a fighter, and a woman who will stop at nothing to save Scotland.

Gideon Blackburn: The day may come when we, you and I, find ourselves facing off against each other across a battlefield. What would you do then?
Queen Mary: I will be forced to strike you down.

No Way Out [3.12]

Queen Mary: The Vatican has refused to fund my mission to reclaim my throne, respectfully. Gideon, I have lost everything. My mother, my husband, and now my country, and not even Rome will help me get it back.

Queen Catherine: Just remember, enjoy him but never trust him. If forced to take a side, Gideon will always choose Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth: They wanted a successor, so I gave them one.

Queen Catherine: It must be difficult to know your wife would rather be in enemy territory than your bedchambers.

Queen Catherine: Being the Regent of France, I'm extremely busy. You understand.

Lady Lola: Do you treat all your political hostages so kindly?

Princess Claude: What's the play about, anyway?
Sebastian: It's a comedy about the love lives of royals.
King Charles: I hear the princess is worth looking at.

Queen Catherine: I'm not your wife. I won't be frightened into your arms by a dead rat or a dead cardinal!

Gideon Blackburn: A relationship born in deceit often dies there.

Robert Dudley: How could you do this to me? Marry me off to your rival, your enemy? You know I love you.
Queen Elizabeth: I know, and I believe you will be loyal to me until the day you die.
Robert Dudley: Then why?
Queen Elizabeth: To save you. Live in France with her, live in Scotland, I don't care, but live.

Lady Lola: Despite your heartbreak, I must warn you, I show no mercy.

Strange Bedfellows [3.13]

Robert Dudley: Impressive. Where did you learn to shoot like that?
Queen Mary: My late husband. He thought it was a skill that would serve me well.
Robert Dudley: Well, King Francis was right. Now that I've seen your abilities with a bow, I certainly won't be crossing you.

Robert Dudley: It's funny, isn't it? The two of us here, both knowing we've already had our one true love.

Sebastian: I assure you, if your child is still alive, he is no monster. Only a man.

Queen Elizabeth: The traitor has been brought home to England, where I have ordered him to be drawn and quartered. That will serve as an example to anyone who dare threaten my reign.

Queen Elizabeth: As for Mary Stuart, I am rescinding my offer. I shall never name an heir, unless it is my own child. To name a successor is to place a target on oneself. And so long as I live, I shall be the queen of England. And when I am dead, whoever has the most right shall succeed me.

Queen Catherine: If you think you are not going to talk, you are mistaken.

Greer Castleroy: The blackmailer lectures me on morality?

Queen Elizabeth: [Referring to Gideon Blackburn] I sent him to France to woo Mary. He's more a male prostitute than a master of diplomacy.

Queen Catherine: From where I sit, which is on the French throne as its regent, I see the Vatican pushing around female monarchs, and I don't appreciate it one bit.

Queen Catherine: We are no longer lovers, Christophe. Just two people who keep each other's secrets.

To The Death [3.14]

King Charles: Why didn't you tell him those anarchists are the Red Knights?
Queen Catherine: And remind him we killed the last group of soldiers we couldn't pay?

Queen Catherine: How do I look?
Queen Mary: Like a queen men would die for.

Queen Mary: My life is once again the sum of my choices, not someone else's crimes.

Queen Catherine: A king must always deliver good news in person. Bad news should be sent via messenger, or let them find out on their own.

Lord Narcisse: No one life is more valuable than France.

Greer Castleroy: What odd turns our lives have taken. Mary, I can't believe this is goodbye.

Safe Passage [3.15]

Queen Catherine: We need to keep the servants quiet. Bash, gather them up. Offer them bribes for their silence. If they refuse, tell them I will cut off their heads!

Christophe: You can tell me whatever it is that's troubling you.
Queen Catherine: Because I like to make a point of telling my blackmailer everything.

Lord Narcisse: I love my wife.
Queen Mary: [Scoffs] No, you love power.

Lady Lola: Ambassador Blackburn.
Gideon Blackburn: Lady Lola. You remember me.
Lady Lola: Yes. You extended Elizabeth's invitation for me to visit England. I've been visiting ever since.

Queen Catherine: It is time that we move forth on our own, as queens of separate nations.

Queen Catherine: Go take back your country.

Lady Lola: If you refuse John Knox as you suggest, it tells him you are a decisive and formidable ruler who will not be bullied.
Queen Elizabeth: Which I am.
Lady Lola: Which is what he really hates. So stall. Avoid a decision he can rally against. Let him think you are indecisive, innocuous...
Queen Elizabeth: Feminine.

King Francis: [Voiceover] My dearest Mary, if you're reading this, then you are leaving France to reclaim your Scottish throne. I always knew this day would come, and I wish I could be at your side as you set sail to take back what is yours. In the darkest of times, you were my conscience. Your heart was a light, Mary, and it burned so very bright for France. No matter how far you go, that light will burn forever.

King Francis: [Voiceover] I love you, Mary Stuart. Forever.

Christophe: I think I need a tourniquet.
Sebastian: Why? So you can kill again? I don't think so.

Queen Mary: If you turn against her, you turn against France. And I will fight you like I would fight them. To the death.

Lord Narcisse: I want to fight for Lola. I want to save her. I want to save what we shared before our union is damaged beyond repair.
Queen Catherine: Damaged by me? By us?
Lord Narcisse: Yes.
Queen Catherine: That is the most flattering thing that you have ever said to me.

Sebastian: Since you are the real King of France, consider this my resignation as your deputy.

Queen Mary: France, I think I shall never see you again.

King Charles: You may be Regent, but I am King. And you will pay for what you've done.

Clans [3.16]

Queen Mary: It's Bash, he's alive! We have to stop them.
Lord Narcisse: Give me your sword.
Queen Mary: It's gone.
Lord Narcisse: Then we have no choice. Look away.

Lord Narcisse: What the hell kind of country do you have here?

Lady Lola: Elizabeth, men in general like to win.

Lord Narcisse: I cannot help you be Queen! Or Scottish! Time and again, you have shown an uncanny ability to emerge from adversity unscathed and on top. You did it in France, much to my great annoyance, and you will do it here.

Queen Mary: I will rip out his heart as he did mine.

Intruders [3.17]

Sebastian: Francis would never have wanted you to risk your life avenging his.

Princess Claude: Please tell me that wasn't you.
Queen Catherine: It's complicated.
Princess Claude: Honestly, Mother! How many people have you killed?!
Queen Catherine: Shhh!

Queen Catherine: I promise you, Claude, your mother's not going down without a fight.

John Knox: Fornication is a sin. Even if it is a perk of the regency.

Queen Mary: I would have stayed in France for the rest of my life, but you brought me here. You took my heart. And now I've come to repay you.

Queen Mary: I am Mary, Queen of Scots, and I have come for my throne.

Spiders in a Jar [3.18]

Sebastian: Where are you going?
Queen Mary: To show John Knox that queens do not bow to their subjects. It is, in fact, quite the other way around.

Queen Mary: Help me bring all of my people together, or may God and your queen have mercy on your soul.

Lady Lola: I feel like I was a child before I knew you. I was able to judge you and the things you did because I never understood the darkest truths of this world.

Lady Lola: Please go while I still have the courage to say goodbye.

Queen Catherine: Leith, protect my daughter. Cling to each other. May you have a long and happy life. I give you my blessing to wed.

Princess Claude: You can stop trying to prove yourself to my family. Charles is out of danger and my mother has given us her blessing.
Leith Bayard: But none of that matters unless I can keep the Valois safe. Most importantly, you.

Lady Lola: There can only be one queen. And I had to choose mine.

Lady Lola: It's incredible, really. I march to my execution very soon, and yet you are the one to be pitied.

Queen Catherine: You show your enemies such weakness, and they will keep coming.

Queen Mary: I have invited you here so that you may know that under my rule, all men will be judged not by their faith but by their actions. Because, regardless of my faith, I am not a Catholic queen, I am not a Protestant queen, I am not a French queen, I am your queen.

Queen Mary: I believe in a Scotland that is independent, prosperous, and peaceful. A Scotland that cannot be frightened, bullied, or bought by anyone. If you agree, then you will stand with me and tell this English delegation, who would urge you to bow to their queen, what we have told countless invaders before them. That this is our land. And that, though they may spill our blood, they will never take the Scotland that pounds in our veins!

King Charles: You can't use your children as pawns in your schemes to gain power. You have no power 'cause I've taken it all away.

Lady Lola: Stéphane. Let me go.

John Knox: They're like two spiders in a jar. They can't coexist, they can't let the other survive. Still, sometimes, someone needs to give the jar a good shake.

John Knox: If you care about your sister, you won't give her reason to misstep.
James Stuart: And if I care about my sister, what do I do about you?!

Queen Catherine: My dearest son, you can't hug your big brother whenever you like. He's King. At the moment.

Gideon Blackburn: Do not kill Elizabeth. There will be much retaliation.
Queen Mary: I have no intention of killing her. I will dismantle her power bit by bit. Every choice I make, who I fight, who I support, who I marry, will be in service of taking her throne.