Steven Universe: The Movie

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Steven Universe: The Movie is a 2019 animated musical produced by Cartoon Network. The events of the film follow Season 5 of Steven Universe.


White Diamond: [narrating] Once upon a time, the Gem Homeworld was ruled by Diamonds -- White, Yellow, Blue, and the littlest Diamond, Pink. While the other Diamonds conquered many worlds across the galaxy, Pink had only one -- the planet Earth. One day, Pink fled the comforts of Homeworld. On Earth, she made a new home, new friends, and finally, new life, giving up her form to bequeath her gem to her half-human son. Without Pink, Gemkind entered an era of despair. But, when Steven Universe learned of his heritage, he reunited with his fellow Diamonds and championed a new era of peace and freedom across the furthest reaches of space. [shuts book] And now, dear Gems everywhere, I'm pleased to announce that Steven is finally ready to take his rightful place on Pink Diamond's throne!

Steven: How's it going, everybody? I know you all might be thinking of me as the new Pink Diamond, but you don't have to put me on a throne. I already have a rightful place, and it's on Earth. It's a beach house, where I live with my friends, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. As much as I've loved dismantling the empire and saving all your planets, I can't wait to get home and spend some quality time with my friends.

Spinel: I'm so excited to meet you!
Steven: You're not mad?
Spinel: Mad? Why would I be mad at my best friend?!

Peridot: She rode in on that?!
Steven: Yeah. She said my "human half" wouldn't stand a chance against her Injector.
Lapis: What does that mean?
Peridot: Why don't we just ask her?
Steven: Well, here's the thing- [Spinel creeps up from behind him and pokes at his shoulders] Hmm? What? Where'd she- [Spinel pops up from behind him and he gets startled] Aah!
Steven: Here she is... My new best friend, Spinel.
Spinel: [bows] A pleasure to meet you all.
Bismuth: I thought you said she was just trying to kill you.
Lapis: Wow. Quick turnaround.
Peridot: No kidding. It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven.
Bismuth: I say it took me a day- day and a half?
Lapis: I'm still on the fence.
[The three laugh]
Peridot: Alright, let's see this thing she hit you with.
Steven: Uh, right. [pulls out the deactivated scythe and hands it to Peridot]
Peridot: Whoa. Was there, like, uh, a laser or-
Bismuth: [snatches the weapon from Peridot's hands] Be careful with that! It's a Rejuvenator. Homeworld used to use these things on Gems that started steppin' out of line. One hit with this... you're back to how they made you. [sadly looks at Ruby and Sapphire]
Ruby: What are you lookin' at?
Peridot: Oh my stars, I touched it! I could have lost all my character development! Wait, how did you survive being hit by that thing, Steven?
Steven: I- I think I didn't. My human half kept me from poofing, but- but my Gem half, it took the hit! She sent me back, it's like I'm a kid again! I can barely control my powers! How do we reverse this? Oh no. Do I need to get the Diamonds?
Lapis: You're the one with healing powers. If anyone can fix this, it's you.
Steven: I can't believe this. For the first time in years, everyone's in danger. Everybody needs me, and I'm useless! Bismuth, what do we do?
Bismuth: I'm sorry, Steven. [sighs] I don't know.
Steven: [turns to Ruby and Sapphire] Garnet would know what to do. Garnet always knows what to do.

Steven: Spinel, where are we going?
Spinel: Back. To where I never left.

Spinel: All that stuff's easy for you to say. When you change, you change for the better. When I change, I change for the worse! [lunges at Steven, as he easily defends her blows with his shield] I used to be just not good enough! Just not good enough for Pink, but now -- now... I'M NOT GOOD AT ALL! [grows her fists to ridiculous sizes, slams them down at Steven's shield, further cracking the injector's surface; Noticing her collapse to her knees and wind down, Steven simply listens to her final breakdown] (laughs and cries) That's funny, r-right? A-At least you found me entertaining. You actually liked me, didn't you? What am I doing? Why do I wanna hurt you so bad? I'm supposed to be a friend. I just wanna be your friend.

Blue Diamond: Knock, knock, Steven.
Yellow Diamond: It's us.
White Diamond: The Diamonds? Are we interrupting something?
Steven: Uh, yeah. [Spinel hides as the 3 Diamonds descend from the ship] Yellow, Blue, White, what are y'all doing here?
Yellow Diamond: Well, Steven, we were all talking and -- [sniffs] I'm sorry, but what is that smell?
Steven: I don't smell anything.
Yellow Diamond: Ugh. that's 'cause you live here.
Blue Diamond: Anyway, we were talking, and we decided --
White Diamond: This is taking too long! Steven! We've come to Earth to live with [points her massive finger at Steven] you!
Steven: What?! My house isn't big enough for all of us.
White Diamond: Oh, well, I'm sure we could make do with, um... [looks out at Beach City's ruined state: land split open, houses ruined, and injector debris scattered] Has your planet always been this... [waves her arm] destroyed?
Blue Diamond: Not that we're judging.
White Diamond: Goodness, no, because judging anything based on appearance is wrong!


Happily Ever After

Steven Universe: Here we are in the future
Here we are in the future and it's bright
Nothing to fear
No one to fight
I can't believe we've come so far
Happily ever after, here we are

Who We Are

Steven: Here we are in the future
Here we are in the future and it's wrong
Just a second ago, we were singing this song
And now, they're gone, because of her
Happily ever after, there we were


Steven: I'll be ready every day
For as long as I can say
Here I am in the future with my friends
(I can make a change)
That's why
Happily ever after never ends
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