The Adventures of Blinky Bill
The Adventures of Blinky Bill is an Australian animated television series based on Dorothy Wall's books about Blinky Bill, and is a sequel series to the 1992 film Blinky Bill: The Mischievous Koala. The series is produced by the Yoram Gross companies: Yoram Gross Film Studios (from 1993 to 1995) and Yoram Gross-EM.TV (from 2004 to 2005), with the main co-production of EM.TV and WDR. All three seasons of the series and the TV film were animated overseas by Colorland Animation Productions Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong. Set in Greenpatch, a fictional Australian bushland town, the series presents stories through the activities and misadventures of Blinky Bill, as well as his family and friends.
Blinky Bill's Favourite Cafe
[edit]Blinky Bill's Fire Brigade
[edit]Blinky Rescues the Budgie
[edit]Blinky Bill's Fund Run
[edit]Blinky Bill the Teacher
[edit]Blinky and the Red Car
[edit]Blinky Breaks the Drought
[edit]Blinky Saves Granny's Glasses
[edit]Blinky Bill's Ghost Cave
[edit]Blinky Bill's Zoo
[edit]Blinky and the Magician
[edit]Detective Blinky
[edit]Blinky and the Heart of the Tree
[edit]Blinky and the Strange Koala
[edit]Blinky Bill's Gold Mine
[edit]Blinky and the Film Star
[edit]Blinky Bill's Treasure Hunt
[edit]Blinky Bill and "Club Pet
[edit]Blinky Leads the Gang
[edit]Blinky Bill Finds Marcia Mouse
[edit]Blinky and the Monster
[edit]Blinky Saves Twiggy
[edit]Mayor Blinky Bill
[edit]Who is Blinky Bill?
[edit]Blinky Bill's Mothers Day
[edit]Blinky Bill's Wedding Picnic
[edit]Blinky the Hypnotist
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Old Wombat's Home
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Baby Show
[edit]Blinky Bill Meets Mr. Echidna
[edit]Blinky Bill and the House Guest
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Mystery Pollution
[edit]Blinky Bill's Blue Mystery
[edit]Blinky Bill Goes Camping
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Earthquake
[edit]Blinky Bill Down on the Farm
[edit]Blinky Bill is Kidnapped
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Lost Puppy
[edit]- Blinky: That’s silly. You must had a name. Everyone has one. My name is Blinky, Blinky Bill. That’s Flap platypus and Shifty Dingo. They dugged you out that hole.
Blinky Bill & the Winter's Tale
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Polar Bears
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Lighthouse
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Apple Thieves
[edit]Blinky and the Egg Rescue
[edit]Blinky Bill's Holiday
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Bird Smugglers
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Crocodiles
[edit]Blinky and Gretel
[edit]Blinky Remembers Nutsy's Birthday
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Real Estate Swindle
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Feud
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Possum's Cinema
[edit]Blinky Bill and the Balloon
[edit]The Great Escape
[edit]Antarctic Adventure
[edit]Polar Peril
[edit]Flap's New Family
[edit]A Stitch in Time
[edit]Leo Leads the Way
[edit]Monkey Business
[edit]Diamonds Are Forever
[edit]Blinky's Birthday Surprise
[edit]Baby Elephant Walk
[edit]Operation Free Flap
[edit]Crouching Dragon, Hidden Koala
[edit]Panda Pandemonium
[edit]Jungle Bungles
[edit]Double Trouble
[edit]Tico's Choice
[edit]Poisoned Penelope
[edit]All at Sea
[edit]Tico Takes Charge
[edit]Tiger Taming
[edit]Monkey See, Monkey Do
[edit]A Dog's Best Friend
[edit]Blinky Bill Superstar
[edit]Paris Au-Go-Go
[edit]How Green is My Greenpatch
[edit]Blinky Bill’s White Christmas
[edit]Voice cast
[edit]- Robyn Moore - Blinky Bill, Nutsy, Mrs. Koala, Miss Magpie, Marcia, Daisy Dingo and Mrs. Dingo
- Keith Scott