The Amazing World of Gumball

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The Amazing World of Gumball (2011–present) is a British-American animated television series created by Ben Bocquelet for Cartoon Network. The series revolves around the lives of 12-year-old Gumball Watterson, a blue cat, and his goldfish best friend—adoptive brother 10-year-old Darwin, who attends middle school in the fictional city of Elmore. They frequently find themselves involved in various shenanigans around the city, during which time they interact with fellow family members—younger sister Anais, mother Nicole and father Richard—and an extended supporting cast of characters.

Season 1


Nicole: I knew it. (to Gumball and Darwin) You are in so much TROUBLE!
Gumball: We need to get to Laser Video before Mom kicks our butt!
Nicole: (Slams the door open) WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME?!

The Responsible

Anais: So, you're not angry at us for trashing the house?
Nicole: Oh, no. Angry doesn't BEGIN to cover it!

The Kiss

Gumball: (Banana Joe and Tobias make noises.) (screams) MAKE IT STOOP!

Gumball: (Screaming) (Relieved) Aw man, that was intense.
Soup: Give us a kiss!
Gumball: (Screaming) Noooo!
Anais: (Screaming)
Darwin: (Screaming)
Gumball: (Sighs In Relief)

The Date

Gumball: I'll guess I'll have to show them. Come here, little fella. Who's a good spider? Who's a lovely little spider? Oh, good boy, Mr.-- (SCREAMING) Get it off!

The Curse

Gumball: (gets stomped/bullied on by Hector)

(Gumball's swollen face, right black eye and swollen right black eye are seen in the cafeteria.)

Season 2

The Banana [2.6]

Banana Joe: (to Gumball/Darwin) Hey, turn around, you cowards.

Banana Joe: (to Gumball/Darwin) Turn around and face The can of butt-whooping that i'm-a open upon ya!

Banana Joe: (to Gumball/Darwin) TURN AROOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUNDA!

Banana Joe: (screams and cries) Ow. ow.

The Storm [2.27]

Alan: No, I love you more because I also love loving you!

Gumball: Sorry to interrupt... But could you please stop these?!

Alan: What?
Gumball: (to Darwin/Alan) I'm so sick of your stupid pet names and your gross lovey-dovey faces, you don't see me and Penny acting like that...!
Darwin: Because yo ain't goin' no out with her!

Idaho: (to Gumball/Penny) You two are so beautiful, it makes me believe I too can find love, but when I look in the mirror, I realize I'm just a dirt covered ball of starch!

Gumball: (to Alan) (Alan keeps being jealous of Gumball about Carmen and looking mad at Gumball) Why do you keep looking at me? I mean- My head's going to explode.

Gumball: (to everyone for sexually, emotionally, verbally, mentally and physically abusing, picking on, harassing, insulting and bullying Gumball) (throws a banana peel back at Banana Joe for abusing, harassing, insulting and bullying everyone) HEY, (throws a banana peel at Gumball) STOP CALLING ME NAMES, I THOUGHT YOU WANTED THEM TO SPLIT UP ANYWAY, YOU HATED 'EM!
Jamie: Yeah?! Well, now, we all hate you! (Everyone (except Gumball) storms out/off and Gumball sighs.)

Alan: (to Masami) Hey, I'm-! (Gumball and Masami hit Alan.)

Gumball as Zach: (changes his voice) (shocked by Masami) Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, (to Masami) (in a low pitched/man voice) you lied to me, (has his voiced not low pitched) THAT'S IT, I'M TELLING EVERYONE!
Masami: No, you aren't, unless you want Penny to find out you kissed Carmen!
Penny: (accidentally shocking Gumball) Too late!

Carmen: (to Gumball) RUN!
Gumball: I CAN'T, I HAVEN'T GOT any legs anymore..!
Alan: AND I'VE NEVER had any before!

Masami: (to Alan) Oh, my gosh, you are such a wet cheese ball!

Gumball: Penny, promise me we'll... never be like that (getting in Gumball's face).
Darwin: There ain't no risk of that because yo ain't goin' no out with each other! (gets thrown something pink at by Penny)

The Photo

Gumball: (to Alan) Because your face is a muscle. The more you train it, the more awesome it looks.

The Limit

Gumball: (acts like a toddler) I WANT THAT CHOCOLAAAATE!

The Castle

Gumball (pours and puts whipped cream in Anais (in a hole there's a black background with)'s mouth

The Voice

Darwin: (hits William with the racket and hits William out of school)

Season 3

The Coach

Gumball: You apologized. (The "You apologized." fades in and out.)
Jamie: Yeah, whatever, you better shut up if you don't want pain/pain to invite you to dinner, they only serve filet-o-fists!
Gumball: Let that anger go, you touched our hearts yesterday.
Jamie: With my fist!
Gumball: Quite a vivid image, but understand You don't have to be a bully anymore, coach saw what we were all blind to see, that you're really a sweet, thing with, uh, a hat or a wig or some kind of a helmet and horns that we're proud to call our friend.
Jamie: I am not anyone's friend, the only friends I need are grandma and grandpa fist, they don't give candy, I'm gonna show you, I'm gonna do something so bad, and it'll go down in SCHOOL HISTORY!

Darwin: Just because she fed Anton to the ducks? or that- she chewed Teri's body to spit it back in her face? or that- she ate a little bit of Sarah and Banana Joe?

The Name

Gumball: (Gumball's sweat pours out and Gumball's organs are crying.) I'm weak.

Nicole: (to Gumball) Your real name is Zach.

Red Construction Man: (to Gumball as Zach) Hey, kid, get in line like everyone else!
Crocodile Woman: (to Gumball as Zach/Darwin) You've got 3 seconds to move or I'll bingo-wing you.
Red Construction Man: (to Gumball as Zach/Darwin): Get back in the line.
Darwin: (to Gumball as Zach) aah, dude, you can say sorry to these people before they get heavy items at the bottom of the car?!

Darwin: (to Gumball as Zach) NO, WAIT, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!

Darwin: (to Gumball as Zach) No wait!
Crocodile Woman: (to Gumball as Zach/Darwin) I warned you.

The Gripes


Banana Bob Grunting: THEY LIED TO UUUUUUS!

Gumball: we (Gumball/Darwin) DIDN'T LIE! (to Darwin) We're mega poor, right, Darwin?!
Banana Bob: (to Gumball/Darwin) PROVE IIIIIIT!

Gumball: EVERYBODY, LISTEN, I think we all learned a very important lesson today and this lesson is...don't complain, be happy with what you got! no, that's.... uh, quite right?! uh, be careful of what you say! nah, no, that's not it either uh, don't jump to conclusions, no, no, don't try to be something you're... not... 'cause uh,... be yourselves?! I don't know, man... maybe the lesson is sometimes, some people do stuffy, things happen and it kind of goes nowhere, anyway, thanks for the check bye!

The Shell [3.20]

Gumball: Oh, what have I done?!

The Mirror

Gumball: (Thumbs up) Eh!

The Pizza

Gumball: uh,what do you want?!

Gumball: what?! are you planning to eat us?!

Gumball: are you serious?!

Gumball disguising himself as Zach: Because, it's the apocalypse and- because… well, it-it's the apocalypse!
Anais: (to Larry) Society collapsed as soon as you resigned!

The Saint

Alan: (screams "AAAAAAAAAAH"!) Can you please stop making that NOISE (saying "UGH!)"?!

Gumball as Zach: What?! I don't understand.

Gumball as Zach: (Alan grunts/screams "AH!" and roars "ROOOOOOOOOAR!".) HAHAHA!

The Countdown

Gumball: You can push us?

The Society

(Prinicpal Brown gives Gumball detention (as Gumball's punishment) for accidentally doing wrong things)

Banana Joe: (storms away from Gumball)

Idaho: (storms off)

The Triangle

Prinicpal Brown: (throws Gumball out of the locker room and on the ground.)


Gumball: (pushes Leslie for inserting gum in and sabotaging Darwin's whistle) NOOO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Gumball: (pushes Leslie) Dude, you're a flower, boy, who plays a flute in a school band?! You don't want this to get violent!
Leslie: You were talking to someone who was a dancer since the year he was born in! (slaps Gumball and punches and kicks Gumball to give him a black eye)
Gumball: What I meant (takes the Archie heard off) (Gumball's black eye and swollen face are shown.) was violence is never the answer, dude, you're supposed to be happy for your friend's success, this isn't about Darwin being good at something, it's about you refusing to make the effort to better yourself, you know what the definition of that kind of person is?!
Leslie: You!
Gumball: Exactly!
Leslie: No, I don't want that to happen!
Gumball: So, why don't we just enjoy the success of our friend even if it means that we get left behind?!
Leslie: You're right!
Gumball: Quick, he's about to play the solo! (Darwin plays his solo.)
Man: He (Darwin)'s terrible!

Season 4

The Traitor

[Darwin steps in front of Alan in determination, tears off his surgical mask, and begins to blow in air to re-inflate the balloon; at that moment a band-aid doctor throws open the operating room door]
Doctor: What's going on he–
[He sees Darwin, gasps and backs away. The door swings closed]
Darwin: Uh– I think the anesthetic's worn off!
Gumball: How can you tell?
Darwin: What do we do!?
[Darwin and Alan are both screaming; Gumball, unamused, licks a finger and pokes it into the balloon opening, like a plug]
Gumball: ..Okay, now look for his flatulum.
[Darwin takes a step and slips on an invisible organ]
Darwin: AAH! Found it...
Gumball: [Determined] Then scrape it off your shoe and prepare for surgery.


Gumball: [opens hospital door and says to Alan] YOU BUT GUSTED!

Season 5


  • Logan Grove (born July 24, 1998) (seasons 1-2, season 3, epsiode 1: The Kids (2011-2014))/Jacob Hopkins (seasons 3-present (2014-Present)) - Zachary "Gumball" Watterson/Zach
  • Logan Grove - (seasons 1-2) - Zach
  • Kwesi Boakye (seasons 1-3, episode 1 (2011-2014))/Terrell Ransom, Jr. (seasons 3 (2014-Present)) - Darwin Watterson
  • Kyla Rae Kowalewski - Anais Watterson/Little Gumball/Little Zach/Little Darwin
  • Jessica McDonald (born 1971?) - Masami
  • Teresa Gallagher (born 1971?) - Librarian (season 2 (2012-2013))
  • Mic Graves/Hugo Harrison/Maria Teresa Creasy - Alan/Librarian (season 3 (2014-2015))
  • Jessica McDonald (season 1 (2010-2011))/Hugo Harrison (season 2 (2012-2013))/Maria Teresa Creasy and Rupert Degas (season 3 (2014-2015))/Mic Graves (season 5 (2015-2016)) - Jamie