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The Flash (film)

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The Flash is a 2023 American superhero film about Barry, who travels back in time to prevent his mother's murder, which brings unintended consequences. It is the thirteenth installment in the DC Extended Universe.

Directed by Andi Muschietti. Written by Christina Hodson, based on the DC Comics character of the same name.
Worlds collide.(taglines)

Barry Allen / The Flash



  • This can't be happening. I completely broke the universe! I created a universe with no metahumans, and now there's no one to defend us!
  • If I can't undo what I did, if I can't get back, there may not be a future.
  • You have no idea how lucky you are! No idea! You take everything for granted, you don't appreciate-- You just walk around thinking that you're so funny! And so cool! And it's embarrassing because you're NOT ANY OF THOSE THINGS!
  • I'm slow.
  • Look, I'm sorry. I'm not very good with people. Even myself.
  • We are short one literal goddess, one friendly terminator and supermermaid. We could definitely use a Batman.
  • No matter what we do, this world dies, today. Look around, look at the damage we're causing. Now we have to stop.
  • Not every problem has a solution. Sometimes we just have to let go.


  • This is my face. You stole my face.
  • This is mad trippy.
  • Our kids are gonna want to see this.
  • Look, I was just doing my laundry, you're the one that came and told me that I'm a superhero! And now you're saying that, what, y-you don't want me to be? Well, guess what?! It's too late! I am... the Flash.
  • You tell mom I love her.

Dark Flash


Kara Zor-El / Supergirl

  • I will help you fight Zod.

Bruce Wayne / Batman



  • I lost my parents. That pain made me who I am. Not sure if I know who I am without it, actually. I spent a lifetime trying to right the wrongs of the past, as if putting on a cape and fighting crime would bring my parents back. You actually did it.
  • You changed the future and you changed the past.
  • Want some help?
  • Yeah. I'm Batman.
  • You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts.
  • We try not to die.
  • Flash, you're strapped to your parachutes.


  • You can handle the hospital, Barry. Somebody has to save the rest of the world, so I was gonna do that, if you don't mind.
  • My ego's far too big to say "Thank you" to someone else.
  • I'd do a lot better just giving my money away, because if I really wanted to end crime, I should end poverty.
  • If you were to go into the past, any interaction you have with your parents or yourself -- you step on the wrong blade of grass, you have no idea what the consequences could be!
  • [last words] Not this time. Maybe some other time.


  • Hey, Barry.
  • What's wrong with you?

General Zod

  • My name is General Zod, I come from a world far from yours, for some time, your world has sheltered one of my citizens, I request that you return this individual to my custody.
  • Kara Zor-El. We've been waiting for you.
  • Your uncle Jor-El, hid the key to Krypton's rebirth inside a Kryptonian child. All the genetic material needed to start again, coded inside the DNA and sent to Earth in an escape pod.
  • The terraforming has begun. This world must die so that ours may live again.


Barry Allen (Earth-1): I could save her. I could save both of them, I... could save your parents.
Bruce Wayne (Earth-1): Barry, these scars we have... make us who we are. We're not meant to go back and fix them. And there's nothing broken with you that needs to be fixed. Take it from an old guy whose made a lot of mistakes. Don't live your past, live your life. Don't let tragedy define you.
Barry (Earth-1): What if it's supposed to define me? Your tragedy made you a hero.
Bruce (Earth-1): It also made me alone.

[The Flash is using the Speed Force to travel back in time through the Chronobowl. Inside the Chronobowl, he sees images, and hears voices, of events that happened throughout his life. The first memories he sees are of his Justice League teammates.]
Wonder Woman: [as a shirtless Superman comes into view, punching forward] Kal-El, son of Krypton.
Aquaman: [pointing at The Flash] This is a bad idea.
Bruce Wayne (Earth 1): [throwing a Batarang] So, you’re fast.
[After passing memories of Captain Boomerang and Henry Allen in prison, The Flash faces memories of Nora Allen’s murder.]
Unknown Woman: Your Dad’s a murderer. Your Dad’s a murderer.
Henry Allen: [holding a mortally wounded Nora]: Call 911 now!! NOW!!!

Bruce Wayne (Earth-89): Tell me something -- if you get your powers back, you can go anywhere. You can go to another timeline. Another universe. Why do you wanna stay and fight to save this one?
Barry (Earth-1): Because this is the one where my Mom lives. I went back in time to save her. I'm not gonna lose her again.
Bruce (Earth-89): The kid doesn't know, does he?
Barry (Earth-1): How do you tell someone something like that?


  • Worlds Collide.


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