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The Mighty Kong

From Wikiquote

The Mighty Kong is a 1998 film about a film crew that discovers a giant gorilla.

Directed by Art Scott. Written by William J. Keenan.
The Classic Story Of KING KONG Comes Alive For Kids Young And Old! (taglines)

Carl Denham

  • Put that girl down at once!
  • That does it! You'll never work in this town again!
  • You know, chaps, when you write this story, remember: it wasn't the fall that killed Kong; it was beauty that killed the beast.


Carl Denham: [referring to King Kong] If the big fellow's able to pull out of this, I'm gonna find him his own island.
Police officer: Oh, sure. And that'll be just fine, as long as it's not Manhattan!


  • The Classic Story Of KING KONG Comes Alive For Kids Young And Old!


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