Female genitalia
(Redirected from Vulva)

Female genitalia or vulva is the external reproductive system of biological women. It consists of the outer vagina, clitoris, and labia.
[edit]- Coynte ase columbine, such hire cunde ys.
- Anonymous, Harley Lyrics, art. 28, l. 15 (ed. Susanna G. Fein, 2015)
- Then the lady took the cup, and drank it off to her sisters' health, and they ceased not drinking (the Porter being in the midst of them), and dancing and laughing and reciting verses and singing ballads and ritornellos. ... They ceased not doing after this fashion until the wine played tricks in their heads and worsted their wits; and, when the drink got the better of them, the portress stood up and doffed her clothes till she was mother-naked. However, she let down her hair about her body by way of shift, and throwing herself into the basin disported herself and dived like a duck and swam up and down, and took water in her mouth, and spurted it all over the Porter, and washed her limbs, and between her breasts, and inside her thighs and all around her navel. Then she came up out of the cistern and throwing herself on the Porter's lap said, "O my lord, O my love, what callest thou this article?" pointing to her slit, her solution of continuity. "I call that thy cleft," quoth the Porter, and she rejoined, "Wah! wah! art thou not ashamed to use such a word?" and she caught him by the collar and soundly cuffed him. Said he again, "Thy womb, thy vulva;" and she struck him a second slap crying, "O fie, O fie, this is another ugly word; is there no shame in thee?" Quoth he, "Thy coynte;" and she cried, "O thou! art wholly destitute of modesty?" and thumped him and bashed him. Then cried the Porter, "Thy clitoris," whereat the eldest lady came down upon him with a yet sorer beating, and said, "No;" and he said, "'Tis so," and the Porter went on calling the same commodity by sundry other names, but whatever he said they beat him more and more till his neck ached and swelled with the blows he had gotten; and on this wise they made him a butt and a laughing-stock. At last he turned upon them asking, "And what do you women call this article?" Whereto the damsel made answer, "The basil of the bridges."
- The Parts serving for Generation in Women, do some of them agree after a sort with those in Men, as the spermatick Vessels, the Stones, and the Vasa deferentia, or Vessels that carry away the Seed. Others are wholly different, as the Womb with its Bottom, Orifice, and Neck, the Hymen, the Mantle-shap'd Caruncles, the Vulva with its Wings, the Clitoris, and the little Hillocks.
- Thomas Bartholin, Bartholinus Anatomy (1668), Book I, Chap. XXV
- And trewely, as myne housbondes toldë me,
I had the bestë quoniam mightë be.- Geoffrey Chaucer, The Prologe of the Wyves Tale of Bathe, ll. 607–8 (ed. Skeat)
- What eyleth yow to grucche thus and grone?
Is it for ye wolde have my queynte allone?
Why taak it al, lo, have it every-deel;
Peter! I shrewe yow but ye love it weel!
For if I wolde selle my bele chose,
I coude walke as fresh as is a rose;
But I wol kepe it for your owene tooth.
Ye be to blame, by god, I sey yow sooth.- Geoffrey Chaucer, The Prologe of the Wyves Tale of Bathe, ll. 443–50 (ed. Skeat)
- The Spring of Bliss, the bubbling Fount of Love.
- Samuel Croxall, The Fair Circassian (1729)
- Yeah, you fuckin’ with some wet-ass pussy.
- Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion, "WAP" (2020)
- Woman's reproductive organs are far older than man's and far more highly evolved. Even in the lowest mammals, as well as in woman, the ovaries, uterus, vagina, etc., are similar, indicating that the female reproductive system was one of the first things perfected by nature. On the other hand, the male reproductive organs, the testicles and the penis, vary as much among species and through the course of evolution as does the shape of the foot — from hoof to paw. Apparently, then, the male penis evolved to suit the vagina, not the vagina to suit the penis.
- Proof that the penis is a much later development than the female vulva is found in the evidence that the male himself was a late mutation from an original female creature. For man is but an imperfect female. Geneticists and physiologists tell us that the Y chromosome that produces males is a deformed and broken X chromosome — the female chromosome. All women have two X chromosomes, while the male has one X derived from his mother and one Y from his father. It seems very logical that this small and twisted Y chromosome is a genetic error — an accident of nature, and that originally there was only one sex — the female.
- In civilized societies today … clitoris envy, or womb envy, takes subtle forms. Man's constant need to disparage woman, to humble her, to deny her equal rights, and to belittle her achievements — all are expressions of his innate envy and fear.
- Elizabeth Gould Davis, The First Sex (1971)
- In a physical way we’re closer than any civilian pair could be, since in full combat jack we are this one creature with twenty arms and legs, with ten brains, with five vaginas and five penises. Some people call the feeling godlike, and I think there have been gods who were constructed along similar lines. The one I grew up with was an old white-bearded Caucasian gent without even one vagina.
- Joe Haldeman, Forever Peace (1997)
- My pussy can drive men mad and throw them into the sea. My pussy can cause natural disasters. It is a force to be reckoned with— you’re just jealous.
- Projekt Melody, Chaturbate stream
- The clitoris contains 8,000 nerve endings. It makes it easy to have sex. With yourself.
- Dannii Minogue, Maxim (UK edition) (December 2001)
- Mother of Men, and bearded like a male.
- Phelps Putnam, "Sonnets to Some Sexual Organs" (1971)
- Once on a time the Sire of evil,
In plainer English call’d the devil,
Some new experiment to try
At Chloe cast a roguish eye
But she who all his arts defied,
Pull’d up and shew’d her sexes pride:
A thing all shagg’d about with hair,
So much it made old Satan stare,
Who frightend at the grim display,
Takes to his heels and runs away.- Thomas Rowlandson, "The Hairy Prospect or the Devil in a Fright" in Pretty Little Games (1845)
- Miss Chloe in a wanton way
Her durgling would needs survey.
Before the glass displays her thighs
And at the sight with wonder cries,
“Is this the thing that day and night
Makes men fall out and madly fight?
The source of sorrow and of joy
Which King and beggar both employ?
How grim it looks, yet enter in,
You’ll find a fund of sweets begin!”- Thomas Rowlandson, "The Curious Wanton" in Pretty Little Games (1845)
- Thence passing forth, they shortly do arrive,
Whereas the Bowre of Blisse was situate;
A place pickt out by choice of best alive,
That natures worke by art can imitate:
In which what ever in this worldly state
Is sweet, and pleasing unto living sense,
Or that may dayntiest fantasie aggrate,
Was poured forth with plentifull dispence,
And made there to abound with lavish affluence.Goodly it was enclosed round about,
Aswell their entred guestes to keepe within,
As those unruly beasts to hold without;
Yet was the fence thereof but weake and thin;
Nought feard their force, that fortilage to win,
But wisedomes powre, and temperaunces might,
By which the mightiest things efforced bin:
And eke the gate was wrought of substaunce light,
Rather for pleasure, then for battery or fight.- Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, Book II, canto 12
- So a proud bitch does lead about
Of humble curs the amorous rout,
Who most obsequiously do hunt
The savoury scent of salt-swoln cunt.- The Earl of Rochester, "A Ramble in St. James's Park" in Poems (1680)