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Wikiquote talk:Wiki-sisters

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Latest comment: 2 months ago by Dronebogus in topic Who is Quote-tan?

Who is Quote-tan?


Just wondering. Ottawahitech (talk) 21:32, 26 December 2021 (UTC)Reply

Wikipe-tan’s sister, along with Commons-tan. Dronebogus (talk) 03:38, 27 December 2021 (UTC)Reply
I think 'sister' may have actually been a mistranslation on the part of a Commons categoriser early on of the word 'musume', but I'm not sure (lost the bookmark that made me think that). In the 4-page manga they seem more like friends and schoolmates, although I suppose those things aren't exclusive with family. But thinking too hard about their backstory is probably a fools' errand (although, keeping in mind who is in this comment chain, heh) since at the heart of it, they're your basic everyday OS-tan-style anthropomorphism. Anyway, I decided to make one page for all three since they were created together for the same purpose basically, so the included quotes would probably have a lot of overlap between them. Arlo Barnes (talk) 05:10, 5 January 2022 (UTC)Reply
This has a humor nav box and an about section where Jimbo Wales talks about pedophilia, are we suggesting his comments are jokes and that he jokes about pedophilia like a frat boy does rape, or that all mascots are inherently humorous? Uncle Sam and Columbia don't strike me as being particularly funny outside of newspaper comics and parodies. I'm not laughing at this page and if it's a joke it's too contrived. CensoredScribe (talk) 18:05, 24 November 2024 (UTC)Reply
Okay, removed Dronebogus (talk) 02:30, 25 November 2024 (UTC)Reply