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Cesare Cantù

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Cesare Cantù
Cesare Cantù signature

Cesare Cantù (December 5, 1804 – March 11, 1895) was an Italian historian, writer, archivist and politician. An immensely prolific writer, Cantù was one of Italy's best-known and most important Romantic scholars.


  • There you meet Lierna in a fairly spacious redoubt, then the Fiumelatte is revealed by the citizens of the foaming waves; and it is not curious that he does not visit it and that he does not portray it. From a cave the very cold waters leap for 300 metres, almost plumb... Three men in 1383 ventured into the cave from which it flows: after having gone perhaps 6 miles, they got lost; and having wandered for three days, they came out with such fear that they died... and not far away the "Uga" spring, which without ever increasing or diminishing, flows from a cave to spray a laurel pergola (Laurus Nobilis), and to revive the artificial waterfalls of the delicious "Capuana".
    • Ivi incontri Lierna in un ridotto abbastanza spazioso, poi il Fiume Latte è rivelato dalla cittadinanza delle onde spumeggianti; e non è curioso che nol visiti che non ritragga. Da una caverna trabalza per 300 metri quasi a piombo le fredissime acque...Tre uomini nel 1383 si avventurarono nella grotta donde sbocca: inoltratisi per forse 6 miglia, vi si smarrirono ; e vagato tre giorni, uscirono con tale spavento che ne morirono... e poco lungi la fonte "Uga", che senza crescere né scemare mai, sgorga da una grotta a spruzzare un pergolato d'alloro (Laurus Nobilis), e ad avvivare le artifiziali cascate della deliziosa "Capuana". (Ancient Italian)
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