Age of Aquarius

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And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. ~Jesus in Matthew 28:20
The cycle of Aquarius already operates and coexists with the end of Pisces. Usually the beginning and end of a cycle is very gradual... Aquarius has brought already a considerable shift of consciousness... ~Agni Yoga
This coming age will be as predominantly the age of group interplay, group idealism, and group consciousness... Selfishness, as we now understand it, will gradually disappear, for the will of the individual will voluntarily be blended into the group will. ~Alice Bailey
For the next 2,500 or so years we will be absorbing the cosmic energy of Aquarius, which will transform all life on the planet... it draws together, fuses and blends, while the energy of Pisces... now ending, has separated and divided the world ~Benjamin Creme
It is the Age of Aquarius; a time of change, of breaking of barriers, of new interactions, innovation and disruption towards a better world. Technologically, the Fourth Industrial Revolution holds promise for such a world of peace where humankind lives in harmony with nature. ~Arup Dasgupta
Every space scientist will agree... that, by virtue of the present position of the earth’s precession with the sun to the distant constellations of the Zodiac, the earth-sun system is now in a transition period, moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. ~Rick Roark
The book of new discoveries and the light of daring is open before humanity... the calling foundation of the New Era will be the power of thought... we call you to understand the great significance of creative thought, and the first step in this direction will be the opening of consciousness, freedom from all prejudices and from all tendentiousness and forced concepts. ~Helena Roerich

The Age of Aquarius in astrology, is the current and forthcoming astrological age, depending on the method of calculation. Astrologers maintain that an astrological age lasts for 2,160 years.


  • The cycle of Aquarius already operates and coexists with the end of Pisces. Usually the beginning and end of a cycle is very gradual, and thus is affirmed the harmony of the actual evolutionary process... Aquarius has brought already a considerable shift of consciousness...constructiveness is necessary. Even with an unprepared eye one may notice the alternate influence of Pisces and Aquarius.
  • The Great Epoch is beginning, because the spirit understanding is linked with the Mother of the World. Even to those who know the date it is marvelous to behold the physical approach of the predestined. The approach of this very great Epoch is important; it will substantially change the life of the Earth. A Great Epoch! I rejoice so much, seeing how the new rays are piercing the thickness of the Earth. Even though in the beginning they are hard to bear, yet their emanation induces new elements, so needed for the impetus. New rays are reaching the Earth for the first time since its formation.
    Today is the beginning of the feminine awakening. A new wave has reached Earth today, and new hearths have become alight; for the substance of the rays penetrates deeply.
    It is joyous to feel the approach of the New Epoch.
    • Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, p. 138, (1925)
  • The stronger the thunder, the more powerful the lightning. All reiterate—the New Age arrives in storm and lightning. For the lightning there are needed positive and negative energies. If Maya does not furnish the negative evidence, how then can flash forth the sword-blade of positive reality?
  • The Mother of the World appears as a symbol of the feminine Origin in the new epoch, and the masculine Origin voluntarily returns the treasure of the World to the feminine Origin. Amazons were the embodiment of the strength of the feminine Principle, and now it is necessary to show the aspect of spiritual perfection of woman.
    In the name of Christ great crimes have been committed. Therefore, Christ nowadays clothes Himself in other garments. One must discard all the exaggerations. We are not speaking of slightly embellished works only, as even through the volumes of Origen corrections were slipped in. Therefore, it is time to change conditions in the world.
    The springs cannot act before the appointed date, and to hasten means to cut the wires.
    • Agni Yoga, Leaves of Morya’s Garden II, 138. (1950)
  • The generation which will come into active thought expression at the end of this century... will inaugurate the framework, structure and fabric of the New Age [of Aquarius], which will start with certain premises, which today are the dream of the more exalted dreamers, and which will develop the civilisation of the Aquarian Age. This coming age will be as predominantly the age of group interplay, group idealism, and group consciousness, as the Piscean Age has been one of personality unfoldment and emphasis, personality focus, and personality consciousness. Selfishness, as we now understand it, will gradually disappear, for the will of the individual will voluntarily be blended into the group will.
  • We are passing through the transition period between the old age and the new, and the true mission of Christ, so deeply and frequently obscured by theological implications and disputations, embodies in itself the coming revelation. The development of humanity guarantees the recognition of Christ and His work and its participation, consciously, in the kingdom of God. (Forward)
  • |It would be of value here to remember that the condition of humanity at this time is not the result of simply one factor, but of several — all of them being active simultaneously, because this period marks the close of one age and the inauguration of the new. This is a transition period between the passing out of the Piscean Age, with its emphasis upon authority and belief, and the coming in of the Aquarian Age, with its emphasis upon individual understanding and direct knowledge.
  • The ancient symbol for the sign Aquarius (into which our Sun is now entering) is that of the Water-carrier, the man with a pitcher of water. This passing of the Sun into the sign Aquarius is an astronomical fact... not an astrological prognostication. The great spiritual achievement and evolutionary event of that age will be the communion and human relationships established among all peoples, enabling men everywhere to sit down together... and share the bread and wine (symbols of nourishment). Preparations for that shared feast (symbolically speaking) are on their way, and those preparations are being made by the masses of men themselves, as they fight and struggle and legislate for the economic sustenance of their nations, and as the theme of food occupies the attention of legislators everywhere. This sharing, beginning on the physical plane, will prove equally true of all human relations and this will be the great gift of the Aquarian Age to humanity.
  • Astronomically, we are not yet functioning fully within the influence of Aquarius; we are only just emerging from the Piscean influence, and the full impact of the energies which Aquarius will set loose has not yet been felt. Nevertheless, each year carries us closer to the centre of power, the major effect of which will be to induce recognition of man's essential unity, of the processes of sharing and of cooperation.
  • Energies emanating from...Aquarius...will (through the effect of its potent force) stimulate... men into a new coherency, into a brotherhood of humanity which will ignore all racial and national differences and will carry the life of men forward into synthesis and unity. This means a tide of unifying life of such power that one cannot now vision it, but which—in a thousand years—will have welded all mankind into a perfect brotherhood. Its emotional effect will be to purify... men so that the material world ceases to hold such potent allure, and may in its later stages bring about a state of exaggeration as potent in the line of sentiency as that which we have undergone in the line of materiality! The final stages of all signs produce over-development of the factor on which they most potently work. At present the effect of this sign is constructive among the pioneers of the race...
  • Many religions speak of the End of Days. It refers not to the end of the world, but rather the end of our current age – Pisces, which began at the time of Christ’s birth, spanned two thousand years, and waned with the passing of the millennium. Now that we’ve passed into the Age of Aquarius, the End of Days has arrived.
  • It is a new age that we are entering, the age of Aquarius, and of course this is an astronomical, not an astrological event. It is to do with the relationship now being formed in cosmos between our solar system and the constellation of Aquarius. For the next 2,500 or so years we will be absorbing the cosmic energy of Aquarius, which will transform all life on the planet. It is a synthesizing energy: it draws together, fuses and blends, while the energy of Pisces, the age now ending, has separated and divided the world. This process will go forward... and, gradually, humanity will understand the reality of its spiritual nature.
  • As we enter a new age, everything changes. Political, economic, religious and social forms inevitably change under the impact of the new, powerful, cosmic energies that enter our lives. The foretold destruction I believe is altogether exaggerated. Countries will not go under the oceans. The oceans will not rise as mountains. The cataclysm which has been foretold by so many, emanating in the main from the astral planes -- the planes of illusion -- has little foundation in fact. Change there will be, but change for the better.
    • Benjamin Creme Maitreya's Mission Vol. III, Share International Foundation (1997)
  • It is the Age of Aquarius; a time of change, of breaking of barriers, of new interactions, innovation and disruption towards a better world. Technologically, the Fourth Industrial Revolution holds promise for such a world of peace where humankind lives in harmony with nature. For geospatial systems it is time that it becomes a part of the mainstream which is good but it is a time when it loses its identity as something different and standalone.
  • Although I am unacquainted with astrological lore, I was drawn to the symbolic power of the pervasive dream in our popular culture: that after a dark, violent age, the Piscean, we are entering a millennium of love and light—in the words of the popular song, "The Age of Aquarius," the time of "the mind's true liberation." Whether or not it was written in the stars, a different age seems to be upon us; and Aquarius, the waterbearer in the ancient zodiac, symbolizing flow and the quenching of an ancient thirst, is an appropriate symbol.
  • The only imperatives of this [Aquarian] ‘wave’ are Freedom and Unity. These ideals reside in ALL human beings regardless of ideologies and dogmas. This is the new ‘exclusivism’ because freedom and unity are principles at the foundation of human consciousness and they exceed and extend beyond all sectarian, ideological boundaries of recent vintage. They can be suppressed for a while... as witnessed in the last millennium, but they cannot be eradicated totally from the heart and mind of humanity.
  • The Age of Aquarius is distinguished by its universal character. It is the Earth that is blessed to host this transformation of all her inhabitants, everywhere. We see this happening before our eyes. These facts make a mockery of doomsday prophecies concerning 2012 and speculations regarding ‘end time’. The universal zodiac of 12 of our civilization, rather than the Mayan time-reckoning, offers humanity a reliable key to the Vision, the true pre-Vision – that of the evolution of the human species which carries the world to the next stage: the Age of the supramental Truth-Consciousness. ...'
    • Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet in The Magical Carousel and Commentaries, Chapter 11, ISBN: 978-1948096478 (1973)
  • Every space scientist will agree that, as the earth undergoes its various cycles of rotation, orbit and precession, these cycles simultaneously define the time of the day, of the year, and of the age, respectively. They will further agree that, by virtue of the present position of the earth’s precession with the sun to the distant constellations of the Zodiac, the earth-sun system is now in a transition period, moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Within the science of astronomy, as well as within esoteric astrology, there is little attention paid to the process by which the astronomical transition to the New/Aquarian Age is occurring. In light of events now unfolding in the world by virtue of this transition, this subject will undoubtedly become more interesting to scientists and laymen alike in the coming years.
  • The book of new discoveries and the light of daring is open before humanity, and you have already heard about the approach of the New Era. Every epoch has its Call, and the calling foundation of the New Era will be the power of thought. That is why we call you to understand the great significance of creative thought, and the first step in this direction will be the opening of consciousness, freedom from all prejudices and from all tendentiousness and forced concepts.
  • Not tyranny but true cooperation is necessary. Broadest cooperation is inscribed upon the Banner of the New Era. The main quality of a leader is to be able to assemble co-workers of the most diverse natures and unify them in the same striving. Is not our unification achieved by our devotion to the Teacher? Thus, let us remember that the Teacher directs our advancement by magnanimous cooperation, not by force. Wise concessions in small details to the consciousness not fully grown may not give completely satisfactory results, but at least it will not breed a ruinous atmosphere of irritability and disagreement.
  • Let us, therefore, without delay raise the great Banner of the New Era—the Era of the Mother of the World. Let every woman enlarge the boundaries of her hearth to encompass the hearths of the whole world. These countless fires will strengthen and embellish her own hearth.
  • The Banner of Peace and the Unity of Women in the name of the New Era of Culture are two of the gigantic historical tasks. Please try to realize how serious is the world situation, and apply all your abilities in order to introduce these salutary ideas. Every step of yours should be thoroughly weighed, and should be in conformity with your great tasks. But never listen to the advice of grey conventionality! All delays will bring even worse wreckage. Uphold the Banner of Culture and the pure affirmations you have received. "Sow widely; it is not right to spill the precious seeds only in your own garden.” The most important is not to be afraid of any hostile condemnations because all our offerings for the General Good have not in them a trace of destruction or selfishness! Insist on your rights in the name of the offerings you bring to your own country!
  • In conclusion, I want to remind you about the absolute inevitability of the New Era. The fiery energies are in their greatest tension attracted toward Earth, and if not accepted, realized and assimilated they will cause terrific earthquakes and other cosmic perturbations, and also revolutions, wars and new epidemics. We are now at the very entrance of a New Era, a New Race, and therefore our time may be compared with the times of Atlantis, the existence of which becomes more and more evident to our science.
    Watch out for all unusual and destructive signs in all spheres of life, and many things will be clearer to you. You will see where are the sparks of the New Era, the era of spiritual knowledge and great cooperation of peoples under the sign of culture. Realization of the coming of this great time should multiply the strength of every sensitive person and should direct him toward joyous, constructive work for the General Good under the Banner, which we shall call the Banner of Peace and Culture.
  • Precisely, the New Epoch will shine with a new realization of the Teaching of Christ. Enlightened spiritual teachers (and there are such already) will return to the true covenants of Christ, to the covenants of the first Fathers of the Church, and to the works of the great beacon light of Christianity, Origen, who laid the foundation for the whole philosophy of Christianity.
  • The New Epoch is marked by the sign of Aquarius, and its ruler is Uranus... the affirmation of the power of the rays of Uranus always coincides with new trends in the whole life of our planet. It is also significant that the co-ruler with Uranus is Saturn, this symbol of the dark forces. Thus, all great epochs were marked by these two opposites, this struggle of the forces of Light with the forces of darkness. The tension of one side correspondingly intensifies the opposite side.
  • The New Epoch... will bring the renaissance of woman. The Epoch of Maitreya is the Epoch of the Mother of the World. It is remarkable to observe the rapid rise of the women of India. There one can see women occupying the posts of ministers and other responsible positions. Many women of India are excellent speakers. The Indians readily elect women, because they have faith in the common sense of their wives. But, of course, there are also opponents of the liberation of woman.

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