Anwar Sadat

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Anwar Sadat

Anwar Sadat (December 25, 1918 – October 6, 1981) was an Egyptian politician who was President of Egypt from 1970 until his death in 1981. He led Egypt in the Yom Kippur War of 1973, and then negotiated the Egypt–Israel Peace Treaty, for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978.


  • Any life lost in war is the life of a human being, irrespective of whether it is an Arab or an Israeli. The wife who becomes widowed is a human being, entitled to live in a happy family, Arab or Israeli. Innocent children, deprived of paternal care and sympathy, are all our children, whether they live on Arab or Israeli soil.
  • Today I tell you, and I declare it to the whole world, that we accept to live with you in permanent peace based on justice. We do not want to encircle you or be encircled ourselves by destructive missiles ready for launching, nor by the shells of grudges and hatreds.
  • Conceive with me a peace agreement… based on the following points: First: ending the Israeli occupation of the Arab territories occupied in 1967. Second: achievement of the fundamental rights of the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination, including their right to establish their own state. Third: the right of all states in the area to live in peace within their boundaries, which will be secure and guaranteed through procedures to be agreed upon... Fourth: commitment of all states in the region to administer the relations among them in accordance with the objectives and principles of the United Nations Charter... Fifth: ending the state of belligerency in the region.
  • I am convinced that we owe it to this generation and the generations to come, not to leave a stone unturned in our pursuit of peace.
  • The goal is to bring security to the peoples of the area, and the Palestinians in particular, restoring to them all their right to a life of liberty and dignity… This is what I stand for.
  • I do not deny the State of Israel’s right to be recognized by all countries of the region, provided that the whole situation is normalized. A peace agreement should provide for the establishment of a Palestianian State in the West Bank of the Jordan and the Gaza Strip, and Israel should withdraw from the territories it occupied in 1967.
    • Sadat, Anwar (1978). In Search of Identity: An Autobiography. Sydney: Collins. p. 297. 
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