Elektra (2005 film)

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Elektra is a 2005 Canadian-American superhero film ,a spin-off from the 2003 film Daredevil, starring the Marvel Comics character Elektra Natchios, an assassin who must protect a man and his prodigy daughter from another assassin sent by The Hand.

Directed by Rob Bowman. For the screenplay, Raven Metzner, Zak Penn, and Stuart Zicherman received "written by" credit. Mark Steven Johnson received credit for "motion picture characters" and Frank Miller for "comic book characters."
Starring Jennifer Garner, Goran Višnjić, Will Yun Lee, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Terence Stamp.


Stick: Don't look for your opponent. Know where he is. I'm blind, and I see more than any of you, because I don't look.

DeMarco: I guess it's all true. The red outfit, the knives. What happens now? You just kill me, straight out, just gulp?
Elektra Natchios: Don't worry. Death's not that bad.
DeMarco: How do you know?
Elektra Natchios: I died once.

Elektra: I like your bracelet, by the way. Do you know what those are? Here. They're warrior beads. They're from Indonesia. Centuries ago, you had to be the best fighter in your village to earn them.
Abby Miller: Wow. I bought 'em off eBay.

About Elektra (2005 film)

  • Bowman: In the Director's Cut, when [] DeMarco [played by Jason Issacs] is killed, she skewers his pistol through the trigger; the trigger guard. I had to take that out because the MPAA thought it was too early in the movie to see that. Kirigi (Will Yun Lee) could not cut McCabe (Colin Cunningham), the agent, couldn't cut his head off. Then there was Typhoid's death at the end, when [she] throws the sign through her head, I had to trim 3 frames off the head of that. That was so there wasn't such a visceral impact on it, and it just softens it. But you need a visceral release when she kills Typhoid, because Typhoid theoretically just killed Abbey. So, among other things, these frames are back in there.
IGN: Does the MPAA send you notes on these changes?
Bowman: It comes through the studio. But what I would say is, 'This has to be adjusted and this has to be adjusted.' They'd say, 'You can't cut an agent's head off and Typhoid's death has to be softened.' So, I would send them versions that were one frame less, two frames less, three frames less. And I was like, 'Man, this whole movie is so much about the relationship between Elektra and the little girl, and Stick trying to expose Elektra to feelings from her past, before she became enraged. It's like an awakening.' And for them to be that picky about it&#Array; you know, that's what they do. They're there to protect the public. I just thought was, after seeing other movies around that, I thought, 'Why do I get this?' I mean, I felt like it was almost like I was making a G-rated movie.
  • IGN: Jennifer obviously really loves the part. Did you get the feeling that the press gave her a hard time about it?
Bowman: In the reviews, oh yeah! And the funny thing was that they commented on it being a big budget movie. It wasn't. I only spent $43 million bucks on it. I mean, only. That is somewhere in the nature of $110 million dollars less than something like Spider-Man, and cost half as much as Daredevil. It was never intended to be a comic-book-spectacle-super-summer-blockbuster. It was a character study. Once I'd read-up enough about the Greek mythology on Elektra and then Frank Miller's Elektra, I thought, 'This woman is just so internally tortured and basically has no place in the world except to extinguish bad guys.' She doesn't know what her value is. It's not until she realizes her value is to prevent a second coming of her from occurring that she realizes this girl could grow up and be just like her. And that's not okay. So she thinks, as it says in the movie, now my job is not to be the treasure, but to protect the treasure. And at least now I have some worth. At least now I know what I'm supposed to do, because I don't want one life to ever become what I am.
  • Q:Didn't Elektra die in Daredevil?
A: Yes, but like in her comicbook, she's brought back to life. She's resurrected by Stick, who is the head of this group of ninjas who have a bend towards good. She's come back different from who she was, but it's not because she was killed and brought back to life; it's more because everything in the world that she cares about - her father, Matt Murdock, and eventually Stick - disappear from her. She's completely isolated and becomes an assassin for hire.
Q: Does Elektra's story connect with her appearance in Daredevil in any way?
A: We do reference Elektra dying in Daredevil, but other than that Daredevil isn't a huge influence on the film. It has a very different look, and it has a very different type of story and sensibility about it. It's pretty dark for a comicbook movie. We definitely follow what her character was going through in Frank Miller's Elektra comicbooks.
  • Elektra is one of the reasons I got into television. I spent a year writing the movie, and it was supposed to be this gigantic movie, and then they decide they’re not going to make an $80 million movie, they’re going to make a $30 million movie, they bring in a director we didn’t know, you get fired, someone else comes in and rewrites the entire movie, but you still get credit because you wrote the first draft. Then you go to the premiere in Las Vegas, and 30 seconds into the movie you’re like, ‘Oh, [expletive].'
  • I literally, to this day, am still so embarrassed by that movie. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I know Jennifer Garner is too. She hired us to write the movie, which was pitched as something much more smart and sophisticated … it’s a blemish.


  • She's the last thing that stands between good and evil.
  • Looks can kill.
  • She was left for dead. Now she's back with vengeance.
  • Born to fight. Trained to kill.
  • Before she can find peace she will wage war.


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