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Gentleness is an aspect of kindness, the characteristic of being tender and amiable, and having a considerate or kindly disposition.


  • ternura, la palabra pequeña, familiar/que cabía en mi boca.
    • tenderness, the small familiar word/that fits exactly in my mouth.
    • The selected poems of Rosario Castellanos (1989)
  • Gentleness, as opposed to an irascible temper, greatly contributes to the tranquility and happiness of life, by preserving the mind from perturbation, and arming it against the assaults of calumny and malice.
    • Epicurus, as quoted in Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers (Half-Hours with the Freethinkers) by Charles Bradlaugh, A. Collins, and J. Watts (1877)

Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations

Quotes reported in Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations (1922), p. 311.
  • Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re.
    • Gentle in manner, firm in reality.
    • Claudio Acquaviva, Industriæ ad Curandos Animæ Morbos.
  • He is gentil that doth gentil dedis.
  • Peragit tranquilla potestas
    Quod violenta nequit; mandataque fortius urget
    Imperiosa quies.
    • Power can do by gentleness that which violence fails to accomplish; and calmness best enforces the imperial mandate.
    • Claudianus, De Consulatu Mallii Theodori Panegyris, CCXXXIX.
  • La violence est juste où la douceur est vaine.
    • Severity is allowable where gentleness has no effect.
    • Pierre Corneille, Héraclius, I, 1.
  • The mildest manners and the gentlest heart.
    • Homer, The Iliad, Book XVII, line 756. Pope's translation.
  • Plus fait douceur que violence.
  • At caret insidiis hominum, quia mitis, hirundo.
    • The swallow is not ensnared by men because of its gentle nature.
    • Ovid, Ars Amatoria, II. 149.
  • Gentle to others, to himself severe.
  • What would you have? your gentleness shall force
    More than your force move us to gentleness.
  • Those that do teach young babes
    Do it with gentle means and easy tasks:
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