Lady and the Tramp

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Lady and the Tramp is a 1955 animated feature produced by Walt Disney, first released to movie theatres in the United States on June 22, 1955. The 15th animated feature in the Disney animated features canon, the film is adapted from a story by Ward Greene, Happy Dan, the Whistling Dog, published in 1937.

The story centers around a female American Cocker Spaniel named Lady who lives with a refined, upper middle-class family, and a friendly male stray mutt called the Tramp. A direct-to-video sequel, Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure was released on February 27, 2001.


[First lines]
Jim Dear: [giving Darling a hatbox] It's for you, Darling. Merry Christmas.
Darling: Oh, Jim Dear. It's the one I was admiring, isn't it? Trimmed with ribbons?
Jim Dear: Well, it has a ribbon, huh?
[The box is opened; inside is a young cocker spaniel]
Darling: Oh, how sweet!
Jim Dear: You like her, darling?
Darling: Oh, I love her. What a perfectly beautiful little lady.

Tramp: [looks into a pet shop window and sees three adorable puppies, sleeping, until one of them walks closer to him] Aw, cute little rascals! [the puppy yaps happily] A-cootchie-cootchie-cootchie-cootchie-coo!

Tramp: Hey. Psst. Psst.
Bull: Blimey! Look, Peg. It's the Tramp.
Tramp: Shh.
Peg: Hiya, handsome. Come to join the party?
Tramp: All right, all right. No time for wisecracks. I've gotta get you out. I'm tellin' ya, the pressure's really hot. Signs all over town.
Peg: Gee, thanks.
Bull: You're a bit of all right, chum.
Tramp: Okay, okay, get going.
Dog Catcher: Hey, what's goin' on over there?
Tramp: Scram! And be careful.
Dog Catcher: What? You mangy mutt. Hey, let go. Let go of me!'

Tramp: Well, here we are.
Lady: The zoo?
Tramp: Sure! No, no. This way. Follow me.
[the zoo security guard hums an Irish folk song]
Lady: Oh!
Tramp: What's the matter, Pige?
Lady: We can't go in.
Tramp: Why not?
Lady: Well, the sign says, "No Dogs Allowed."
Tramp: Yeah, well, well, that's... That's the angle.
Lady: Angle?
Tramp: Look, we'll just wait for the right... [the professor appears reading a book] Uh-oh! Here we are now. Just lay low.
[Tramp whistles at the zoo security guard, then barks]
Zoo Security Guard: Hey, you!
Professor: [closes his book] Uh, I beg your pardon? Were you addressing me?
Zoo Security Guard: What's the matter!? [shows the professor the "No Dogs Allowed" sign] Can't you read!?
Professor: Why, yes. Several languages.
Zoo Security Guard: Oh, a wise guy, eh? [Tramp growls viciously at the zoo security guard] All right, now... [points to Tramp with his nightstick] ...what's this creature doing here?
Tramp: [barks at the zoo security guard's nightstick]
Professor: He's not my dog. [Tramp jumps into the professor's arms]
Zoo Security Guard: Oh, he's not, eh!? [Tramp barks at the zoo security guard]
Professor: Let go! Go away! Go on! Why, certainly not, officer.
Zoo Security Guard: Aye, and I suppose you'll be telling me next that it was the dog that was whistling, eh!?
Professor: I-I-I'm certain I don't know.
Zoo Security Guard: Oh, so, I'm a liar now, am I!? [angrily] Well, you listen to me! AHA! Resisting an officer of the law! [Tramp tears off the back of the professor's suit, in order to provoke him into getting into trouble with the zoo security guard] Oh, you're going to pay! [Tramp bites the zoo security guard's buttocks] OW!! Pull a knife on me, would you!? Trying to assassinate me, are you!? Carrying a concealed weapon! [the zoo security guard's and the professor's fight makes some nearby elephants, lions, and giraffes think the zoo security guard and the professor both have gone crazy, as they watch the fight from their exhibits]
Tramp: [continues barking, then to Lady] Come on, Pidge. The place is ours. [he enters the zoo with Lady, as the zoo security guard and the professor continue fighting]

Tramp: We'd better go through this place from A to Z. Apes. No, no, no, no. No use even asking them.
[one of the apes in their cage scratches his head at the two dogs, while the other two both look at the audience]
Tramp: They wouldn't understand.
Lady: They wouldn't?
Tramp: Uh-uh. Too closely related to humans. Uh-oh! Alligators. Now, there's an idea! [to the alligator about the muzzle] Say, Al? Do you suppose you could nip this contraption off for us?
Al the Alligator: Glad to oblige. [Opens his mouth wide to the point where Lady's entire head can fit in it]
Tramp: Whoa, WHOA!!!! [The alligator nearly, and accidentally, bites Lady's head off, but the Tramp saves her at the last second and a hyena laughs hysterically in his cage at both Lady and Tramp] Huh! If anybody ever needed a muzzle, it's him.
Beaver: [off-screen] TIMBER!!!!
Tramp: Hey, Pigeon! Look out! [a tree falls over close to the two dogs] Now, what hair-brained idiot would--? [notices a beaver gnawing on the tree] Hey, look! A beaver! Here's the answer to our problem!
Beaver: [inspects the tree] Let me see here... 6 foot 6 and 7/16 inches.
Tramp: Uh... Pardon me, friend! I wonder if you'd do us a little...
Beaver: Busy, sonny! Busy! Can't stop to gossip now. [tries to push the tree] Gotta slide this sycamore to...the swamp.
Tramp: Yeah, well, this will only take a second of your time.
Beaver: Only a second!? L-Listen! Listen, sonny! Do you realize every second 70 centimeters of water is wasted over that spill-way?! [points to his unfinished dam]
Tramp: Yeah, but...
Beaver: Gotta get this log moving, sonny! Gotta get it moving! T'ain't the cuttin' takes some time! It's the doggone haulin'!
Tramp: [notices the leash to Lady's muzzle and the limb on the tree] The haulin'! Exactly! Now, what you need is--
Beaver: I'd better bisect this section here. [begins gnawing on the log]
Tramp: What you need is a log puller! [the beaver gnaws loudly] [screaming] I SAID A LOG PULLER!!!
Beaver: I ain't "deaf", sonny. There's no need to... Did you say, "log puller"!?
Tramp: And by a lucky coincidence, you see before you, modeled by the lovely little lady, the new, improved, patented, handy-dandy, never-failed, little-giant log puller! The Busy Beaver's Friend!
Beaver: You don't say!
Tramp: Guaranteed not to wear, tear, rip, or ravel! Turn around, sister, and show the customer the merchandise. And it cuts log-hauling time 66%!
Beaver: 66%, eh!? [chuckles] Think of that! Well, how does it work?
Tramp: Why, it's no work at all. You neatly slip this ring into the limb like this... [slips the leash of Lady's muzzle into the limb of the log] and haul it off!
Beaver: Say, you mind if I slip it on for size?
Tramp: Help yourself, friend! Help yourself!
Beaver: Okay, don't mind if I do! [pulls on the rope to Lady's muzzle] How do you get the "consarned" thing off, sonny?
Tramp: Glad you brought that up, friend. Glad you brought that up. To remove it, simply place the strap between your teeth.
Beaver: Like this? [puts the strap of Lady's muzzle between his teeth]
Tramp: Correct, friend! Now bite hard! [the beaver bites the strap of the muzzle, removing it from Lady] You see?
Lady: It's off!
Beaver: Say, that is simple!
Tramp: Well, friend, we'll be on our way now, so...
Beaver: Uh-uh-uh-uh! Not so fast now, sonny! [puts on the muzzle] I'll have to make certain it's satisfactory before we settle on a price.
Tramp: Oh, no! It's all yours, friend! You can keep it!
Beaver: Uh, I can, huh? I can!?
Lady: Uh-huh. It's a free sample. [Tramp is astonished by this remark]
Beaver: Well, thanks a lot! Thanks ever so... [the log rolls down the hill, causing the beaver to tumble with it; when the log hits the river, it blocks it completely, completing the dam] Say! It works swell! [water squirts out of the beaver's mouth]

Lady: But when she put that horrible muzzle on me...
Tramp: Oh, say no more. I get the whole picture. Aunts, cats, muzzles. Well, that's what comes of tying yourself down to one family.
Lady: Haven't you a family?
Tramp: One for every day of the week. The point is, none of them have me.
Lady: I'm afraid I don't understand.
Tramp: It's simple. You see... Hey! Something tells me it's supper-time. Come on. I'll show you what I mean. Now take the Schultzes here. Little Fritzie... That's me, Pige. Makes this his Monday home.
Lady: Monday home?
Tramp: [in German accent] Ach, ja! Mondays is Mama Schultz cooking der Wiener schnitzel. [normal voice] Delicious! [in Irish accent] Now, O'Briens here is where little Mike... Sure and that's me again, Pige. Comes of a Tuesday.
Lady: "Of a Tuesday"?
Tramp: Begorra and that's when they're after havin' that darlin' corn beef. [normal voice] You see, Pige, when you're footloose and collar-free... ah, you take nothing but the best.

Tony: [to Lady and Tramp in an Italian accent] Now-a, first-a we fix-a the table-a.
Joe: Here are-a your bones-a, Tony! [comes with a plate of bones]
Tony: OK-a. Bones. [look in confusion then hits the plate of bones in the air] BONES-A!? What's-a the matter-a for-a you-a, Joe?! I [rolls an R] break-a your face-a! Tonight-a, Butch-a, he's-a get-a the best-a in-a the house-a!
Joe: Okay, Tony. You the boss-a. [goes into the kitchen to cook Lady and Tramp something fancy]

[Last lines]
Trusty: [to Lady and Tramp's puppies] As my grand pappy, Ol' Reliable, used to say...I don't recollect if I've ever mentioned Old Reliable before.
Annette, Collette, and Danielle: [in unison] No, you haven't, Uncle Trusty.
Trusty: Huh? I haven't? Well, uh, as Old Reliable used to say... He'd say, uh, uh... He'd say, uh, uh... Doggone. You know, I clean forgot what it was he used to say.


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