One Tree Hill (Season 4)

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One Tree Hill (2003–2012) is an American teen television drama airing on the WB network (now the the CW network) in the United States.

Season 4

The Same Deep Water As You [4.01]

Lucas: [voiceover] My name is Lucas Scott. I'm a senior at Tree Hill High School. Tree Hill is just a place somewhere in the world. Maybe it's a lot like your world. Maybe it's nothing like it. But if you look closer, you might see someone like you. Or someone like my best friend, Haley. If you're married, a senior in high school, and not sure if your husband is still alive, then I'd say your world is a lot like Haley's. Today was supposed to be the best day of her life. But it's amazing how things can change in the blink of an eye. Or, in this case, in 29 minutes.

Rachel: Slut.
Brooke: Bitch.
Rachel: Whore. [pause] Well, I know I'm not in heaven 'cause they'd never let Brooke Davis' skanky ass through the gates.
Brooke: And your ass wouldn't fit. At least not the old one.

Karen: We need to talk about this pregnancy.
Lucas: Keith would be so happy. I mean I can't believe you're having his baby.
Karen: I'm not talking about that pregnancy. Whose test did you find at the reception? Was it Brooke's?
Lucas: I'm not sure yet.
Karen: I'm your mother Lucas, and considering that I was pregnant at 17. I just want to know if history is repeating itself with my son and his girlfriend.

Rachel: Do you think people can change, Brooke? I mean, truly change.
Brooke: Well, I'd like to say yes. But, honestly I don't really think people can change. You know at the end of the day you are who you are, and it's probably who you've always been.
Rachel: But, what if who you've been is pretty horrible?
Brooke: I brought you back your house keys. It's a very nice house -- big rooms, no parents. I used to have one of those.

Lucas: [voiceover] My name is Lucas Scott. I'm a senior at Tree Hill High School. I play basketball -- at least I used to. I have a girlfriend -- at least I used to. And I have a best friend. Tree Hill is just a place somewhere in the world. Maybe it's a lot like your world, maybe it's nothing like it. But if you look closer, you might see someone like you. Someone trying to find their way. Someone trying to find their place. Someone trying to find their self. Sometimes it seems like you are the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, or unsatisfied, or barely getting by. But that feeling's a lie. And if you just hold on, just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes. Someone to help us hear the music in the world, to remind us that it won't always be this way. That someone is out there. And that someone will find you.

Things I Forgot At Birth [4.02]

Lucas: [voiceover] There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads...afraid, confused, without a roadmap. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back. But once in a while, people push on to something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone and just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because it´s only when you´re tested that you truly discover who you are. And it´s only when you´re tested that you discover who you can be. The person that you want to be does exist, somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith, and belief and beyond the heartache and fear of what lies ahead.

Brooke : Happy Birthday Brooke, welcome to 18. You've certainly made a mess of it.

Skills : So, Brooke just broke up with ya?
Lucas: Yup.
Skills: Man, that's cold dawg.
Lucas: Oh yeah.
Skills: Although you did kiss Peyton.
Lucas: You want me to get you a tryout with the Ravens, or what?
Skills: Yes I do. But, that still don't mean you didn't kiss Peyton.
Lucas: I love Brooke, Skills.
Skills: I know you love her. So what, you gonna try and get her back?
Lucas: Yeah.
Skills: Hmm.. I'm not too sure that's the what to do it, but hey. [to Peyton, who walks by] Wassup homewrecker!?

Peyton: Imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true. You know, it's the greatest moment of your life and you get to experience it with one person. Who's standing next to you?
Lucas: Umm, Kate Bosworth.
Peyton: Luke, come on, it could be anybody you know. Your mom, Haley...
Skills: Your boy Skills.
Peyton: Who’s it gonna be?
Lucas: Brooke.
Peyton: Alright, if that's what you really want, then I have a way for you to get her back.

Hayley: I found your ball at home.
Nathan: I was kind of hoping you would.
Haley: I need you to talk to me.
Nathan: Haley, I'm not trying to shut you out okay. I just don't understand it enough to let you in yet.
Haley: Whatever it is, we're going to get through it together. I'm right here Nathan. I'm not going anywhere.

Good News for People Who Love Bad News [4.03]

Lucas: [voiceover] You ever look a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background?. It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other peoples life have we been in. Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true or were we there when their dream died. Did we keep trying to get in? As if we were somehow destined to be there or did the shot take us by surprise. Just think, you could be a big part of someone else's life, and not even know it.

Haley: Stay the hell away from my husband.
Rachel:I was just giving him a proper thank you.
Haley: Please. Your thank you's send people to the free clinic.
Peyton: Ha!!!
Brooke: What are you laughing at? Your "I love you"'s send people to their grave.
Peyton: Well in that case, I love you, Brooke.

Nathan: I need to be tutored, I think I'm failing marriage.
Haley: You try sleeping with the teacher?

Haley: [sees Lucas talking to a girl] You gonna kiss her now too?
Lucas: Excuse me. What?
Haley: Brooke told me that you kissed Peyton, again. Luke, that's the dumbest thing you've done since the first time you kissed her, what the hell were you thinking?
Lucas: I was thinking that she was dying. She's lying in my arm, blood is pouring out of her leg and she kissed me. And anyway, you know.. Do you really wanna go there?
Haley: What does that mean?
Lucas: What leg were you shot in when you kissed Chris Keller?

Lucas: Brooke, you got a second?
Brooke: This kind of feels like déjà vu.
Lucas: Not really. You told me to fight for you and I did. But, you never fought for me.
Brooke: And I'm not going to.
Lucas: Okay, then I guess I was wrong. I'm not the guy for you Brooke Davis.

Can't Stop This Thing We Started [4.04]

Lucas: [voiceover] There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path? Will others tell you who you are or will you label yourself? Will you be haunted by your choice or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up.

Peyton: Hey, did you talk to Brooke? Is it true?
Lucas: I don’t know yet. Listen, what did Derek exactly say to you about me and Brooke?
Peyton: [smiles] That’s … so not important.
Lucas: No, no, no, I need to know.
Peyton: He said he heard you say you would cut me out of your life if she would take you back. And it’s fine, Luke, I get it. I get it! OK?
Lucas: Oh, my God, Peyton! I would never say that--I would never cut you out of my life.

Dan: Everything we say in this room is confidential, right? I killed my brother.
Therapist: You say you killed your brother. Can you explain that?

Deb: Nathan.
Nathan: Mom, what are you doing here?
Deb: You have something that belongs to me.
Nathan: Mom, I'm not doing this.
Deb: I want my pills. I’m not leaving here until I get my damn pills.
Nathan: OK. Go ahead, take them, but I'm warning you it's either the pills or me.

Haley: Stay away from him! For all I care you can go to hell, but I won't let you take Nathan with you.
Deb: Talk to me in a few years Haley, when your dreams are dead, and your child betrays you. Then we'll see what kind of mother you'll be.
Haley: No, no, I will never, ever be like you Deb.
Deb: Pretty soon Nathan's going to realize playing college basketball is a lot more fun than playing house. I'll save you some pills.
Haley: Who are you kidding Deb? Junkies don't save pills.

I Love You But I've Chosen Darkness [4.05]

Nathan: Hello? … Yes, sir … [chuckles] a full scholarship, yes, sir, I, uh, tell Coach K. I won’t let him down, thank you. Yes! Haley!
Hayley: [smiling] What?
Nathan: [big grin] I’m going to Duke.
Haley: I’m pregnant.
[Nathan’s smiles drops, he looks at her stomach for a moment not believing what he just heard, Haley laughs nervously waiting for his reaction]
Haley: It’s not Brooke, it’s me.
Nathan: What? Well, how long have you known?
Haley: A few weeks
Nathan: A few weeks?!
Haley: I’m sorry, I didn’t know how to tell you.
Nathan: Oh.
Haley: Can you talk to me? Can you tell me what you’re thinking?
Nathan: Do you still want to go to Stanford?
Haley: What?
Nathan: Stanford, for college?
Haley: Um, yeah, I mean of--of course I do but I don’t--
Nathan: I have to go.
Haley: What do you...? Nathan, Nathan!
[Nathan turns]
Haley: [smiles] I’m pregnant … [smile fades] we're pregnant, at least just tell me how you feel about that?
Nathan: I feel like you should’ve told me a few weeks ago..that’s how I feel.

Rachel: I feel like we are connected somehow Nathan. Like we're the only two people on the planet trying to understand this. Well, maybe we can help each other through it.
Nathan: Haley's pregnant.
Rachel: You mean Brooke.
Nathan: No, the rumors are wrong. It's Haley. You know, ten minutes ago, I was this close to my dream. For a moment, I actually knew who I was going to be, and now...
Rachel: I didn't see Keith. I'm sorry, I heard you talking to Peyton at the party, and I'm an idiot.
Nathan: Figures.
Rachel: Nathan, you're gonna be okay.
Nathan: Sure. I owe thousands of dollars in hospital bills, my wife's pregnant, and I think my dead uncle saved my life.
Rachel: Your parents have money, your baby's going to be beautiful, and maybe your dead uncle saved your life because you're destined for greatness... If Haley wasn't pregnant, did I have a shot?
Nathan: Not for a second.

Nathan: As many of you know, I called this press conference today to announce where I'm planning to play basketball in college. I got a lot of great offers but its always been my dream to play in Duke University, so ah... that's where I plan to go but... You know, my father said that today will be the greatest day of my life, and you're right dad, it is. But it's not because of basketball. You see, today I learned that my wife Haley is pregnant. It's an absolute honor to be recruited by Duke University. I guess what I have to say to you today is this: where I play basketball, if I play basketball, is no longer a decision for me to make alone. It's a decision that I make with my wife and my family's best interests at heart, and when I do I'll let you all know. My wife couldn't be here today so, I just wanted to say one thing to her: Haley, no matters what happens, we face it together. I promise you, I've never been happier. Everything is gonna be okay. I love you. Thank you.

Nathan: You know, I thought it was a miracle that I survived that accident. And I guess I never really felt worthy of it. Now I know that miracle wasn't for me. It was for us. All three of us!

Peyton: Can you believe this? Derek. Is it any wonder that I have commitment issues?
Lucas: Yeah. You're pretty much the Bermuda Triangle of relationships.
Peyton: Thanks [Looks at her watch] Oh crap. Turn around.
Lucas: What?
Peyton: Turn around: I have to change.
Lucas: Oh. [turns around]
Peyton: [While changing] You know, I just can't believe what a creep he turned out to be. And I just let him waltz into my house. Like "Hey, I'm a crazy psycho, can I come in?", and I'm all like "Yeah, sure! Wanna see my bedroom?"
Lucas: Peyton.
Peyton: And he's still out there.
Lucas: They'll find him, OK? The detectives said they'll call when they do and then we'll finally have some answers. Until then, you're safe with me, I promise!
Peyton: You're always saving me.
[Lucas smiles]
Peyton: OK, you can turn around.
Lucas: [Turns around and sees Peyton in her cheerleader's uniform] Whoah! is this your way of saying thank you?
Peyton: Nice try! A few of the cheerleaders have to be at Nathan's press conference.
Lucas: Oh wow! I forgot about that. Wouldn't you be safer just to avoid the whole thing?
Peyton: No, I'm not gonna hide out because of Derek. No way.
Lucas: Actually I meant because Brooke might be there.

Where Did You Sleep Last Night? [4.06]

Lucas: [voiceover] When life comes at you out of the darkness, who will you choose to face it with? Will they be wise? Will their love for you help them to lead you to the light, or will they lose their way in the darkness? Will they make noble choices, or will that person be someone untested, someone new? Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness. And when it does, is there someone you can depend on when it does?

Lucas: We'll protect you.
Peyton: I can take care of myself.
Lucas: Hey, I know that...but, it's okay to be afraid from time to time.
Peyton: Really, what are you afraid of?
Lucas: This morning I asked Whitey if I could play again.
Peyton: That's great Luke.
Lucas: Yeah, but with my heart condition, it still doesn't change the fact that it's scary.
Peyton: Well, then why are you playing?
Lucas: 'Cause it's who I am -- and you [lifts her hat off her head] need to be who you are.
[girls look and whisper, Peyton takes her hat back and walks away.]
Peyton: I'm out of here.
Lucas: Wait! Peyton, if you let this change you... he wins.
Peyton: Well, maybe he wins.

Lucas: [looking at Peyton's drawing] Kinda dark, isn't it?
Peyton: I love you, Luke, but I've chosen darkness.

[Whitey hands Lucas a jersey with the number 22.]
Lucas: This is Keith's number.
Whitey: Yup, and I'm pretty sure he'd want you to have it.

Whitey: [to Lucas] You know, it took every ounce of strength your mother has to come in here and ask me to take you back. She loves you that much, enough to put your dreams ahead of her fears. You've got fifteen minutes a game to make her proud... and a lifetime to make them both proud.

All These Things That I've Done [4.07]

[Haley reaches for some stacked bins in the closet.]
Nathan: Hey! Come ooon... [pulls her down]
Haley: Hey. [laughs] I was getting that.
Nathan: You shouldn't be straining yourself. You can't risk falling and stuff.
Haley: Relax, I'm pregnant, not elderly.

Hayley: You've been so supportive of me and my dream for music, so I just wanna be supportive of you and your dream for playing at Duke. So I wanna do this for us, okay?
Nathan: How did I get so lucky?
Haley: It helps that you're hot.
Nathan: Well thank you, you're gonna be so happy there.

Nathan: I wanna say thanks. I know how hard it was for you to throw those points away. Look, I'll make it up to you and the team at State okay? Point shaving was just a one time thing... it's over now.
Lucas : Nathan... you know I'll always be there for you. But, never again.

Nothing Left To Say But Goodbye [4.08]

Lucas: [voiceover] Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some are small , like when we do a bad thing, for a good reason. Some are bigger, like when we let down a friend. Some of us escape the pains of regret by making the right choice. Some of us have little time for regret, because we're looking forward to the future. Sometimes we have to fight to come to terms with the past. And sometimes we bury our regret, by promising to change our ways. But our biggest regrets are not for the things we did... but the things we didn't do. The things we didn't say that could save someone we care about. Especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way.

Hayley : Rachel. Asked me. To tutor her.
Lucas: You're tutoring Rachel?
Haley: Hell no, I said she asked me.

Whitey: [after being presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award] Let me tell you, this award means an awful lot to me. I might have given a lifetime to this team, but the players, the players have given me so much more. You know, basketball was my first love. And, as most of you in here realize, you don't forget your first love. My only regret is that I can't share this wonderful moment with the other love of my life, my late wife, Camilla. Camilla was the only person who ever fully understood me. Being with her made everything else seem less important. The moment I met her, I knew that I was looking at my future. And I knew no person could ever come between us. I know Camilla would have liked this group of boys. I want to thank them, and I want to thank all of you for allowing me to spend a lifetime with my first love. Thank you.

Lucas: Listen I just wanted to say I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend more time together tonight.
Peyton: How'd it go with Brooke?
Lucas: I realized tonight that it's over between me and Brooke and she realized it, too.
Peyton: I love you Lucas.
Lucas: I love you too Peyton.
Peyton: You don't understand. I've been holding this in for a really long time... I just need you to know. -- I love you... I'm in love with you.
Lucas: Oh.

Some You Give Away [4.09]

Skills: You said "Oh!"? Hold on. Peyton says "I'm in love with you" and you say "Oh"? Nice work player!
Lucas: She caught me by surprise, what was I supposed to say, huh?
Skills: Not "Oh". Ok, what else did you say?
Lucas: Uh...I mumbled something about us being friends and then I left.
Skills: And you believe that? That you and P. Sawyer are just friends!?
Lucas: Look, you know what Skills? For a long time I thought that maybe we'd be something more. It just never seemed to work out, you know? So, at a certain point you just gotta face the fact that it's not meant to be.
Skills: Even if she wants more?
Lucas: She's just a little confused. She's had a hard year and I happened to be her rescuer a few times.
Skills: So maybe you the one who's confused! Cause you didn't just happen to rescue her a few times. You didn't just happen to run into the school that day or save her from Pscyho-Derek. Peyton happened to be there, but you chose to be there. So, maybe you gotta think about that.

Brooke: I can't believe Whitey wouldn't let us ride the bus. And thanks to Haley having to pee every other mile, we're gonna be late. This sucks.
Haley: Brooke, I'm pregnant and I don't feel very well.
Brooke: That's not why it sucks. It sucks because Peyton's here
Rachel: You guys really need to work it out. When I was in fat girl therapy- Role play
Haley: Okay I'll go first. Hi my name's Rachel and I'm a dumb ass who's failing calculus and really likes to hit on married guys.
Rachel: Good kinda like when I slept with Nathan. Damn that was good
Brooke: Peyton here: I like to steal boys but I'm afraid to tell them how I feel
Peyton: Speaking of stealing, hi I'm Brooke I stole my friend Peyton's artwork for my designs and didn't bother to say thank you!
Brooke: Okay. Peyton here again. Did I mention that if you love me your probably gonna die soon? See mothers 1 and 2.
Haley: Brooke!
Bevin: My name's Rachel and I have red hair!
Brooke and Peyton: Aah!
Haley and Rachel: Hey!(repeated)
Everyone: (Screaming)
Rachel: You know pacing isn't going to make me smarter.
Haley: I'm not pacing for you, I'm pacing for Nathan. He's been working his whole life for this.
Rachel: You know, I wouldn't have slept with Nathan even if he wanted. But we definitely would have made out.
Haley: Can you just finish the exam?
Rachel: Our friend has been waiting a long time.
Nurse: And she's going to keep waiting.
Brooke: Look she's pregnant and in a lot of pain
Nurse: I know you cheerleaders expect special treatment, but I never liked the cheerleaders at my school.
Rachel: Its probably because you looked like that.
Nurse: Guess who's going to wait even longer.
Peyton: Like hell she will come on Haley.
Nurse: Don't make me call security.
Brooke: Fine call them call the police and tell them your discriminating against cheerleaders.
Rachel: Nice Brooke.
Nurse: Wait a second.
Doctor: What's going on here?.
Peyton: Our friend here is pregnant and in a lot of pain and this bitch is about to get her ass kicked.
Doctor: Calm down I'll look at her. You go wait in the lobby and cheer about something.
(In unison)
Peyton: Bitch.
Rachel: Slut.
Brooke: Whore.
Bevin: Thank you.

Nathan: I need to ask you a question. If I don't go to Duke, if I don't play college basketball- I mean if today is the best it ever gets for me, will that be enough?
Haley: Of course! Nathan, as long as you are a good husband and a good father to your son.
Nathan: What?
Haley: It's a boy Nathan. You're gonna have a son! Although I have to tell you, someday he's gonna tease his father for playing like crap at the state championship. You might wanna change that.

Whitey : You have made a hell of a comeback. You played as team. Even if we lose this thing, it's still a damn fine moral victory. Now, maybe that's okay with you. Maybe you want to look back and tell your grandkids about the state championship you almost won.
Nathan: No way. We're winning this game, right, Luke?
Lucas: You tell me.
Nathan: We're winning this game.

Lucas: Peyton! It's you.
Peyton: What?
Lucas: When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me. It's you. It's you Peyton.

Mouth:(Mouths touching speach to the audience)You know, say what you will about the ravages of sports in this corporate age where overpaid athletes expect prima donna treatment, but there's still something som unifying about sporting in it's purest form, when athletes rise above themselves and touch greatness, and in doing so remind us all that we all have greatness inside of us.

Dante: 'to Dan' I didn't pick Nathan because he was the star of the team. I picked him because he's Dan Scott's son. But it turns out the kid actually has a soul. I never would have bet on that.

Lucas: How is my little nephew?
Haley: Fine, how's his uncle's heart?
Lucas: Oh, it's fine.
Peyton: How are you feeling, Haley?
Lucas: Hales, you know my girlfriend Peyton, right?
Peyton: Oh, God. (Peyton leaves, embarrassed)
Haley: What? Since when?
Lucas: Since now, I hope! I'll let you know.
Lucas: Can I talk to you? (to Peyton)
(They kiss)
Peyton: I'm liking this conversation
Lucas: Would you like to have it exculsivly?
Peyton: Sure, with who?
(both laugh and kiss)

Songs To Live and Die By [4.10]

Lucas: Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world...or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives. For better...or worse.

Keith: Just breathe, Lucas. It's all gonna be okay.

Peyton: Can we be friends again?
Brooke: Sure.
Peyton: Like before?
Brooke: I don't think so, like before is gone, Peyton.

Nathan: (After Haley's accident, she's unconscious and he's in the church talking to God.) I know I did a horrible thing, OK. But I deserve to e punished for that, not Haley! She's a good person and she'd be a great mother if... Look I know it must suck how people are always asking for things and never giving anything back and I know that Keith saved me at that bridge, but Haley saved me long before the accident. There has to be a miracle left for her, please, please, don't take her from me, don't take our child from her.

Keith (whispering to Nathan): It's ok Nathan.
Nathan: Why'd you have save me Keith?! Huh? If I would have died, then there's no Dante, and there's no accident, and Haley and the baby are fine. C'mon Keith, you can save me but you can't answer me? Thanks for nothing.
Lucas: So it was you?
Keith: No, it was him. Most people are stronger than they know... they just, forget to believe in it sometimes.
Lucas: This is my fault. I wanted to win the state championship, I could have let him lose that game. I should have been more supportive of him and Haley!
Keith: Right. We'll let's take another look at that world, you know, where you're a lesser guy.

Hayley: (Haley wakes up as Nathan opens the door to see her.) Hi!
Nathan: (Nathan grabs her hand and begins to cry.) Hi! (Kisses her forehead.)

Keith (to Lucas): It's a special thing.. saying 'I love you' to people you love. Because you never know when you'll lose them, or when they'll lose you.

Peyton: [putting earphones in Lucas' ear] You've saved me so many times. Please let me find a way to save you...

Lucas: I have to go back.
Keith: Are you sure?
Lucas: I never told Peyton I love her. I wanna go back.
Keith: Ok. Well, I guess this is the hard part...
Lucas: Keith...
Keith: Luke, you know I love you. And I always will... but I'm afraid it’s time for me to go.
Lucas: But I don't want you to go!
Keith: Luke, it's ok.
Lucas: God, I am going to miss you so much.
Keith: But why? I'm with you every day. I'm with you every day. Besides, we'll see each other again.
Lucas: We will?
Keith: You believe that. Now uh, this is gonna hurt a little bit. I love ya kid. --- It's ok Lucas, just breathe. It's gonna be ok.

Everything In Its Right Place [4.11]

Peyton: Sorry I was being a weirdo earlier.
Lucas: You mean when you didn’t kiss me on the quad or when you said dreams are e-mails from ghosts.
Peyton: Both.
Lucas: What's wrong Peyton?
Peyton: I wanna kiss you Luke. I do. I just dont want to lose you.
Lucas: Hey, what makes you think you think you're gonna lose me?
Peyton: Only the fact that I lose everyone I care about. Anytime I open up to someone they walk out of my life or they die or they move away or they get shipped off to Iraq or they turn into freakin' Norman Bates or
(Lucas cuts her off by kissing her)
Lucas:: Not everyone!
Peyton:: Luke, the last time we kissed you had a heart attack.
Lucas:: And I didn't die. I couldn't die. Do you know why? Because I had to come back and look into those green eyes of yours and tell you I love you. I do! I love you Peyton. You didn't push me away. I came back for you. And no matter how long it takes, I'll wait for you.

Haley: Why is it that it’s so much easier to forgive a stranger than someone you love?

Brooke: A little late for a Clean Teen meeting, don't you think?
Rachel: What else does virgins have to do at night?

Shelly: Well, the door's always open.
Brooke: Just like Rachel's legs.

Brooke: I'm not book smart, I'm Brooke smart and there is a big difference.

Lucas: Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real when you woke up you didn't know what to believe? What would you do if what you thought was true wasn't, and what you thought wasn't true was. Would you retreat into your dreams with the hope of finding a more perfect reality? Sometimes life is stranger than a dream, and the only way to wake up is to face what lies are hidden in your soul. And you can only hope that in those moments of dark reflection, that you are not alone.

Lucas: Hey I've been waiting for you
Peyton: I think we've waited long enough
(They kiss)

Deb: I don't belong here, I'm a good person. So I pop pills, I haven't killed anybody. Sure maybe I started a fire once, and I did discharge a firearm recently, but it was an accident. The bottom line is... I don't need this place.
Counselor: Deb, I've been in your shoes.
Deb: Gucci? I don't think so.

Resolve [4.12]

Teacher: Well, well, passing notes Mr. Scott? How about we share this with the class?
Lucas: I'd be happy to. Ahm, it just says, Peyton you look amazing. And I can't wait until class is over so I can look at those green eyes and kiss your perfect lips. Did I miss anything?
Teacher: No, that, that pretty much covers it. Peyton, care to respond? (Peyton leans over and kisses Luke) Oh, young love. At least you'll be together in detention.
Peyton: (to Lucas) So worth it.

Nathan: So how naked do we have to get?
Skills: See I knew you would come around.

Rachel: Nathan looked good tonight, no wonder you're pregnant.

Chase: Wow! Good grade. I have the toughest time with Calculus.
Brooke: Yeah, most people do.
Chase: Maybe you could tutor me?
(Rachel chuckles)
Brooke: Yeah, sure. Anytime. (to Rachel whispering) Check me out! I'm a smart virgin!
Rachel: Great! You're the new "Mouth".

Chase: So, I was thinking since you said you can tutor me in calculus?
Brooke: I did. But what's in it for me?
Chase: Well, I can feed you.
Brooke: Like a monkey in a cage?
Chase: Feed you like a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant.
Brooke: That sounds nice too.
Chase: How about tonight?
Brooke: Yeah.

Peyton: So what do you guys need this music for anyway?
Skills: Well, me and Nathan... Let's just say we entered a dance contest.
Peyton: Wait.. Nathan Scott? No way! What aren't you telling me?
Skills: Let's just say you gotta show some skin to win.
Peyton: You guys are stripping?! Shut up! Please can I tell Lucas?
Skills: Better than that.. Why don't you tell some girls, because the way he move we're gonna need all the home cooking we can get.

Brooke: What do virgins talk about?
Mouth: Oh, we like rainbows and kittens!

Brooke: Did you do something slutty?
Rachel: Let's just say I started the morning off with a bang.

Pictures of You [4.13]

Peyton: So I guess I was right about the partial nudity thing. Boys locker room?
Nathan: Just following the assignment.
Peyton: Ok.
Nathan: You see this? The summer I decided to really dedicate myself to basketball, my dad said I was way too skinny to ever be a great player. He said I wasn't tough enough, that I wasn't strong enough. So to prove him wrong, I spent every single day in this training room. It was like a thousand degrees in it, but I wasn't gonna let him be right.
Peyton: Anger's motivation.
Nathan: Anger and inspiration. Every time I benched another ten pounds, I scratched two letters, under the plate.
Peyton: What does it say? PS?
Nathan: It was the same summer we started dating. We were pretty good together weren't we?
Peyton: Gimme your hand. Ok, I want you to feel this.
Nathan: Jeez what happened?
Peyton: I broke that knuckle punching something after we've broken up for like the twentieth time! We were horrible together!
Nathan: Yeah, I know, I was kinda hoping you forgot.
Peyton: No.

Glenda: So I've been thinking about your manuscript. You need to give it to someone who won't go easy with you, someone who's gonna tell you the truth...
Lucas: Someone like you?
Glenda: I haven't actually been that truthful, I mean not about school. The truth is I'm gonna miss this place. And it's all my fault. I just wish I would have tried harder, and I just didn't wanna look like an idiot.
Lucas: I think everybody feels that way sometimes. You know like people don't see them for who they really are. It's not just you.
Glenda: You would have made a great goth you know? A little tortured, a bit of a loner, but kind.

Glenda: But we walked out of the doctor's, and my mom handed me the prescription, and she turns and say "Well, I don't know who would sleep with you, but here you go."
Lucas: That's terrible...
Glenda: [chuckles] Well see, then I turned and said "Well I don't know who would sleep with you, but here I am."

Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers [4.14]

Dan: You don't wanna be the guy looking back at blue ruffles.
Lucas: Ah, good point. So what'd you wear to prom?
Dan: Blue ruffles.

(Lucas and Peyton make out on his bed.)
Peyton: Your mom is gonna come in any second.
Lucas: She's working at the cafe, nobody's gonna walk in.
(Brooke enters)
Brooke: Okay, my discomfort meter is pretty much pegged.

Skills: Damn, Nate mom like the alcoholic Easter bunny.

Haley: Uhm, have you guys seen Rachel?
Chase: She was holding court in the living room.
Haley: Clothed or unclothed?
Brooke: Clothed, but it was about ten minutes ago, so you never know.

Skills: Don't look now, Mouth, but Shelly all up in here right now.
Mouth: Where?
Skills: 12 o'clock and closing fast.
Mouth: Okay, on the count of three we're out of here. ready? Three.

Nathan (Sees Lucas holding a picture of Keith): Luke, you gotta help me find some booze, man, or it's going to get ugly down there. You gotta let this go man. Keith's gone, Luke. Jimmy's gone. Nothing's going to bring them back. But you got a ton of people that love you out there and in a few months, most of those people are gonna go their separate ways. So what do you say big brother? Let's have some fun.

Nathan: Haley! I heard you were fighting Rachel. You punched her?
Haley: It was more of a bitch slap...

Rachel: (While Rachel is dancing to her boys that are cheering for her, she kept on dancing after she stops) (To the boys) Thank you! Thank You! Tip your waitressess, or me. (dances excitedly off the table until Haley steps in with a drink in her hand)
Haley: So, how did you do it, Rach?
Rachel: Do what?
Haley: Don't play dumb ass with me girlie you stole those test, and I wanna know how you did it. Steal my keys while I was in the hospital. Yeah I bet you did, didn't you. You know I could have spent my time tutoring someone that actually needed it and now I'm not gonna have that opportunity again thanks to you.
Rachel: Whatever ...
Haley: So... (Throws a drink in Rachel's face) That is for getting me fired!
(Haley back hands Rachel in the face)
Haley: And that (Haley grabs Rachel's chin) is for trying to sleep with my husband.
Rachel: Bitch, you're lucky you're pregnant!
Haley: Honey, you're lucky that I'm pregnant!! I think its time you get your insecure, cheating, skank ass out of this house RIGHT NOW!
(Rachel tries to push Haley; Skills stops her)
Skills: Yo ma I think it's time for you to leave. (Rachel Leaves as Haley watches and Skills got closer to Haley) I told you I got the kid's back. (Hugs Haley, who watches Rachel, who angrily disappeared out of sight in Nathan's very own home)

Lucas: (Voice-over) If you could go back and just change one thing about your life, would you? And if you did, would that change make your life better? Or would that change ultimately break your heart? Or break the heart of another? Would you choose an entirely different path? Or would you change just one thing? Just one moment. One moment that you've always wanted back.

Lucas: I thought you said you wanted to wait.
Peyton: Do you remember what you said the last time we were here? You said you wanted it all and... I walked away. I made a big mistake that night because all I wanted was sex.
Lucas: What do you want now?
Peyton: Now I want what you wanted. I want everything with you

Prom Night At Hater High [4.15]

Rachel: (Talking to Brooke about Peyton) Didn't you F her BF when you two were still BFFs?

Haley: (Talking to Nathan after the whole video of him and Brooke) How am I supposed to compete with all the girls that you've been with?
Nathan: You don't have to compete with all the girls.
Haley: All the girls?! How many girls have you slept with, Fabio?!

Brooke: (After everyone watches the tape on Nathan and Brooke, Peyton walks up to Brooke while Haley steps aside and Peyton stares at Brooke with a mean look and knew that Brooke has screwed Nathan behind her back.) Peyton I.. (Peyton punches Brooke in the face.)

Peyton: Duck! Duck! Duck! (To Brooke) Bitch!
Brooke: Peyton, hey I'm so sorry ok what else do you want me to say?
Peyton: Well, what I want you to say is punch me in the face again, Peyton please. I deserve it.
Brooke: Okay, you're not exactly perfect here either.
Peyton: That's right, you cut me out your life and made me feel guilty for kissing Lucas when you screwed Nathan behind my back.
Brooke: And you guys were broken up because that-
Peyton: Keep telling yourself that because if it makes you feel better but you're a back-stabbing ain't gonna work. (looks at Chase walking in) Hey, good luck with your cheating girlfriend.

(Flashback to two years earlier)
Peyton: Why don't you spit in my mouth next time? It'll be sexier!
Nathan: Hey, baby, whats wrong?
Peyton: What, you mean why won't I let you mount me in front of the entire basketball team after you've made out with half the cheerleading squad?
Nathan: Well, yeah.
Peyton: I am so sick of this! All you care about is getting drunk and having sex! (Nathan watches a passing girl) HEY!
Nathan: Hey, you left out basketball.
Peyton: No! I left out that you are inconsiderate bastard and we are through!
Nathan: For ten minutes this time, or till tomorrow? I need to know how to plan my night.
Peyton: How does forever work? Now you can go screw whatever skank you want.
Brooke: (To Nathan) I'm drunk.
Nathan: Peyton dumped me. (Brooke looks at Nathan, which he looks at her and they begin to have sex in the bedroom while Nathan and Brooke drink up)
Brooke: So do you guys really broke up?
Nathan: Yeah, need another drink?
Brooke: No (Drops drink on the table and also takes her top off)
Nathan: Oh never mind, you're good. (They begin to have sex on the bed when Nathan stops and looks at his video camera and turns it on while Brooke watches what Nathan is doing)
Brooke: (After Brooke watches what Nathan is doing with the camera) What are you doing?
Nathan: Oh, just having a little fun, don't worry!
Brooke: Promise you'll erase it?
Nathan: Done! (They continue to have sex until Brooke excitedly laughs)

Rachel: (Handing Brooke an icepack) Well, it could've been worse. You could've gotten your ass kicked by a pregnant girl half your size.
Brooke: The day is still young.

Peyton: Do you ever actually defend the person you're dating?
Lucas: Look, Peyton, I know you're upset okay but; I also know that you can take the high road. This is comepletly beneath you.
Peyton: Like... Nathan beneath Brooke or is that Brooke beneath Nathan?

Brooke: Open up, Peyton!
Peyton: Or what, you'll huff and puff and blow my house down?
Brooke: Yes, pig. Chase broke up with me, are you happy now?
Peyton: I dunno, did you tape it?
Brooke: The thing with Nathan and I happened a long time ago, Peyton and you guys were broken up.
Peyton: Well in case you don't remember Nathan and I broke up all the time.
Brooke: Oh, really, how could I forget, thats all your relationship ever was Peyton, just a string of miserable one night stands thrown together.
Peyton: Now you're describing your life with every guy in Tree Hill!
Brooke: It was one time, and it meant, NOTHING!
Peyton: Well it means something to Chase. And it meant something to me!
Brooke: You know what meant something to me? You and Lucas having an ongoing affair behind my back, because P.S, we weren't broken up either time that you went after him.
Peyton: Okay. My fault. See I was stupid, cos I thought I ruined our friendship, when you ruined a long time ago. We were NEVER friends. (Slams the door)

Lucas: (Lucas heard a knock on the door and Lucas opens the door and in comes Nathan, who comes in the house to talk to Lucas about his apology tour) Hi.
Nathan: Hey, I just thought and stopped by during my Nathan Scott apology tour.

Peyton: (While in her room, an egg is seen breaking through the window and Peyton investigates and finds the egg yolk and Peyton angrily rushes to the front door. The person that Peyton saw throwing the egg in the house is none other than Brooke, who throws another egg on the window when Peyton rushes outside to find a furious Brooke throwing the next egg) Seriously, you're egging my house?!
Brooke: Well, are you going to give my dress back to me, the guy told me at the store says he has it, it described it down to your bony ass.
Peyton: So go naked, think of all the times you're gonna say hooking up with someone else's boyfriend.
Brooke': You are one to talk, you are one to talk Peyton, (shows a glass of her to Peyton) ok you said we were never friends, huh? Never meant anything to you?! (throws glass on the door step and breaks) Fine! You wanna see something else?!, (Reveals a picture of Lucas and Peyton during Brooke's birthday) here's a picture of you and Lucas on MY birthday, SO WHO'S THE WHORE NOW?! (throws picture on the door step)
Peyton (so mad that she charges in on Brooke and puts Brooke up and slams her to the ground with a spine buster and started a fight which Brooke grunts as they continued fighting).
Brooke: God, stop it just let go, I'm the one with no boyfriend, no prom dress, and a black eye, you're going to prom with the guy you love so you win. (Peyton hears what Brooke said and stops fighting with her) Okay Peyton, you win. (Peyton, with a mean look, lets go of Brooke as Brooke shaking her legs away from Peyton, who turns to the front door to go inside the house and Brooke gets up) Why do you even care anymore?
Peyton: (Peyton stops and turns around breathing sadly) Why do I care? Brooke this has been one of the worst years of my life, and I needed my best friend now more then ever and you... cut me out because I was honest with you and you were never ever honest with me!
Brooke Peyton-
Peyton: You made fun of my mom's death Brooke. You knew her, you cried with me when she died and now you use her as a punchline for.. a joke to hurt me. (Brooke watches sadly and heard what Peyton said) Oh! It hurt, it did, (breathing sadly) but not anymore cause you and me, we're done. You're right, she's dead and as far as I'm concerned so are you! (Peyton turns around and walks sadly into her front door to go inside the house leaving Brooke shocked at what Peyton told her and also Brooke turns her head the other way as the cutscene changes away)

Lucas: Hi.
Peyton: Hi.
Lucas: Can we just put this whole thing behind us, and have a good time at prom?
Peyton: I'm not going.
Lucas: Why? Did something else happen?
Peyton: No, I just don't care about prom.
Lucas: Peyton. We don't have to see Brooke. It'll be fun. I promise you that.
Peyton: It's not about Brooke I just really don't wanna go anymore. You can still go if you want.
Lucas: Look I think you're going to regret not going. I know that I'll regret not going with you.
Peyton: I just can't. I'm sorry.
Lucas: Oh I really hope you change your mind, because I'm coming back later and I'm picking you up. And if you open that door, I know that you're gonna look beautiful, and that we're gonna have a great night. And if not I guess I'm going alone.

(Peyton's boxing)
Nathan: Did you name him Nathan?
Peyton: Why? Did he screw my best friend?
Nathan: I'm sorry. Okay, I know I'm late, I should've been here two years ago.
Peyton: Well why weren't you?
Nathan: Because I was a jerk
Peyton: (Stops boxing) Why Brooke? Did you really hate me that much?
Nathan: No! I didn't hate you! I just didn't care about anybody but myself. Look, I hooked up with Brooke because she was drunk, and I was a bastard. It didn't mean anything. Just a mistake we both wanted to forget.
Peyton: Explains why you taped it.
Nathan: Did I mention I was a stupid jerk? Look, when you get to prom-
Peyton: I'm not going!
Nathan: Hey, I know you're mad at me and Brooke but; don't take this out on Lucas-
Peyton: I'm not! I just don't care. I'm you, 2 years ago.
Nathan: No, you're not. You never were. wh-why do you stayed with me when I treated you so bad?
Peyton: I'm a masochist-
Nathan: Because you cared, that's who you are. You care about Lucas because he know he loves you and... you propably still care about me and Brooke because you know we love you too. Just face it, Peyton you care. So get dressed and go with Lucas. I'll see you there. (Doorbell Rings)

Fergie: (to Junk) Please, you could never get with Fergalicious.

Brooke: I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, and apparently half of them are naked.

Peyton: (Peyton is seen happily walking down the stairs and just in time to get an apology from Lucas and ready to go to prom with Lucas and she hears her doorbell which she thinks its Lucas. She stops to look at the mirror to keep her smile cool and turns to the door and opens the door.) Lucas-
Psycho Derek: (After Peyton opens the door, the figure is not Lucas and it was none other than Psycho Derek, who came back for revenge on Peyton and he turns around and Peyton is shocked to see her internet stalker returning for one final attack on her and Psycho Derek smiles on a scared Peyton) Hi Peyton. (Peyton panics and Psycho Derek punches Peyton in the face when the scene fades to a flash of white)

You Call It Madness, I Call It Love [4.16]

Peyton: Are you ready for this Brooke Davis?
Brooke: Welcome to prom, P. Sawyer.

Lucas: She told me she loved me. I just figured it was because she lost a lot of blood. But at some level I knew it was true. I was just too afraid to admit it because, it would've hurt Brooke.
Glenda: You ever think maybe that's why you have trouble writing about that day? Maybe you block things out because you're afraid if you face the truth, it could hurt the other people you love.

Peyton: Why did you come?
Brooke: We've been talking about senior prom since we are 8. I knew something was wrong.
Peyton: So you told someone you were coming?
Brooke: No, at least I came!
Peyton: You should have told someone!
Brooke: That is your problem, you are so ungrateful.
Peyton: You're an idiot!
Brooke: Don't call me an idiot, bitch!
Peyton: I hope he kills you first.
Psycho Derek: That's a good idea. I know how much you hate her, Peyton. I was outside today watching and I heard you tell Brooke that she was dead from you...(grabs Brooke by the neck and threatens to kill her by slitting her throat as Brooke panics) and now I'm going to make it...official.
Brooke: (Brooke panics in terror)
Peyton: (Peyton saw Derek touching Brooke) Derek, wait.
Psycho Derek: Don't you see Peyton? I've been searching for some way to show you how much I love you. I'm gonna hurt her as much as she hurt you.
Peyton: (While Brooke panics she whispered) Derek! Derek! hey! hey, look at me. If you really really loved me, let me do it. This is my chance for revenge you.. funny you should know that look you were right about me all right, okay? Hey! You were right! We are so much alike. I have all the same feelings that you do and all the same desires.
Psycho Derek: I don't believe you.
Peyton: Its true. (Psycho Derek continues to touch Brooke by killing her when was interupted again by Peyton) Hey! I just couldn't admitted before... I'll prove it to you now. Just untie me.
Psycho Derek: You're lying!
Peyton: (Peyton, with an evil smile while the screen turns sideways according to the beats of Nux Vomica by The Veils, looks gladly at Derek) Come on, Derek. (Psycho Derek continues to almost kill Brooke but; was interuptted one more time by Peyton) Pick up the knife and I'm half of your size. Hey, Baby.
Psycho Derek: (He heard what Peyton told him and he lets go of Brooke as Brooke gasping for air frightened by the touching and he unties Peyton) You better not be lying, Peyton!
Peyton: No baby, I promise.

Peyton: (to Brooke) All this time you said I was a backstabbing bitch. You had no idea how right you were! (She uses her evil smile on a terrified Brooke and changes her face and stabs Derek in the shoulder as Psycho Derek moans and she pushes him to a stack of boxes as Brooke gasped at what Peyton did.)
Brooke: Oh god, why did you have to hit me so hard.
Peyton: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry. (Derek moans in pain and he tried to move)
Brooke: (Who saw Derek moaninly moving while trying to be untied by Peyton) Peyton! Peyton! He's moving! Just get out of here!
Peyton: No I'm not leaving you!
Psycho Derek: That was... so disapointing! (As Peyton tries to untie Brooke) You know what... I changed my mind! I think I'll kill you first! (Psycho Derek painfully takes the knife out of his shoulder as tears running down to his eyes)
Brooke: (While trying to wait for Peyton to set her best friend free, Brooke saw Derek grabbing the knife from out of his shoulder and turns her head to Peyton) Peyton run!
Peyton: (Leaves Brooke alone to try to untie herself as Peyton runs and throws her flower on Derek and runs upstairs as Psycho Derek watches her leaving)
Psycho Derek: Yeah Peyton! Run! (He chases after Peyton leaving Brooke struggling to untie the ropes) You shouldn't lie Peyton! Its not very nice!

Psycho Derek: (Derek painfully goes upstairs and knew the door to Peyton's room is locked and he knocked 2 times) Open the door Peyton! You already know that I'm gonna break it down! (Derek opens the door and knew that Peyton was missing and also forgot to lock it which this was still unlocked because Peyton is nowhere to be seen) You forgot to lock it.
Peyton: I didn't forget! (Tases him in the neck as he screams) Doesn't feel so good, does it?! (Derek collapses on the floor and he falls to the floor) I'm not gonna run from you anymore Derek! Not gonna run anymore period now get up! (Derek gets up and Peyton punches him in the face and he falls onto the floor.)
Psycho Derek: (Laughs) you've been trainning?
Peyton: Yeah, that's right! With my real brother... And he taught me this. (Punches Derek again) This is what you get for sleeping on you crazy two face son of a bitch! (Derek grabs Peyton and he hurts her head on the bed.)
Psycho Derek: You think.... (Peyton screams after her dress was ripped) You couldn't beat me. A girl?
Brooke: (Brooke comes in from out of nowhere with a brown stick and hits in on Derek) How about 2 girls?!

Rachel: Quit talking about Shelly.
Mouth: Yeah, I know. I'm boring you.
Rachel: No, you're making me jealous.

Rachel: You know I lied to you when I told you my flight was late. The truth is that I just wasn't ready to get on it.
Mouth: Why not?
Rachel: Because I wanted us to have our last dance.
Mouth: Let's have it.
Rachel: You're gonna break a lot of hearts Mouth McFadden.

Hayley: You know after everything we've been through in the past year your mom taking us to prom feels pretty good.
Nathan: Kinda like we're kids again.
Haley: Yeah, like you know maybe tonight we don't have to be married and pregnant. We can just be teenagers.
Nathan: Well, in that case what's your curfew.

Brooke: I guess now it's hoes over psychos.

It Gets the Worst At Night [4.17]

Lucas: (Voice-over) William Blake once wrote: “There are things that are known and things that are unknown. And in between, there are doors”

Peyton: (reading text message) Honey Grove, Texas.
Brooke: Need ass? I don't get it; he left with Rachel, why would he need ass?
Lucas, Nathan and Skills: ASSISTANCE!

Haley: Okay, Karen and I made sandwiches and I got chips and drinks and we're all set.
Skills: I brought red vines, you can't have a roadtrip without red vines.
Lucas: I brought some old yearbooks, thought it might give us a laugh. What'd you bring Nate?
Nathan: I brought Haley, who brought the food. Brooke?
Brooke: I brought my hot body and Rachel's Danali. She might have left but at least we got her car.
Haley: You sure it's not stolen? Oh, wait that's only calculus exams.
Nathan: My girl's not a big Rachel fan. Peyton, what did you bring?
Peyton: Road mix.

Haley: Ok Brooke, freshman year..."Lance Bass'"? '"Really?"
(All laugh)
Brooke: He was cute, okay?
Nathan:I'm not sure I should go there Hales, check this out, "Luke, stay cool forever-Haley"
Haley: So, what's wrong with that?
Lucas: Ok you think that's bad, check this out. Peyton wrote to me in my sophmore yearbook--"Peyton Sawyer"
(All laugh)
Peyton: C'mon I didn't even know you then.
Lucas: You know how hard I worked to get my yearbook infront of her? Then she signs her damn name, I was crushed.
Haley: Okay how about this one, "Lucas-you know you want me!"--Taylor James
Lucas: Damn, I wonder what she wrote in Nathan's yearbook
Nathan: Heyy
Haley: Oh stop
Skills: Hey look, "Luke your a great friend, thanks for lookin out for me. See you around"
Brooke: Who wrote that one?
Skills: Jimmy Edwards, sorry.
(Everyone goes quiet at the sound of Jimmy Edwards name)
Haley: Why won't we just try to let go of all the pain on this trip and really focus on the good things in our life, okay who's with me?
Peyton: Hurray for that
Brooke: Definitely
Haley: Okay Luke?..Lucas...Lucas?
Lucas: Yeah...sure.

Mouth: Hiya guys, I'm Mouth.
Jail Guys: Mouth, eh?
Mouth: I mean, Marvin. Look, I really don't want any trouble. I mean... I like girls

Lucas: I don't know, it's all electronic I can't figure it out.
Brooke: Sorry
Lucas: But I do know, we should've stuck to the interstate and not taken the backroad just so Haley could see this sandwich shaped like "Elvis"
Haley: Hey!
Peyton: Okay hold on a second. I too, wanted to see the sandwich shaped like "Elvis".I'm pretty sure we all did, right?
(Everyone raises their hands)
Haley: Thank You
Peyton: And Lucas admit it, you wanted to see the "Elvis" sandwich too, didn't you?
Lucas: Fine! I wanted to see the "Elvis" sandwich okay? But that still doesn't change the fact that we haven't a single car pass by since we stopped.
Lucas: Until now
Nathan: It's a bus
Brooke: It's a tour bus
Peyton: Oh please be the Foo Fighters!
Skills: Please be Kanye
(Bus stops as everyone looks on to see someone get out of the bus)
Chris Keller: Well, well.
Haley: Stupid "Elvis" sandwich

Chris Keller: Let's see here: (looks at Brooke) slept with you, (looks at Haley) kissed you, (looks at Peyton) got slapped by you. Just like any other night on Chris Keller's tour bus.

Chris Keller: Honey Grove! We're rolling right through there you guys should just totally Crash with me. Come on it'll be just like old times.. except without Nate tryin to kill me for singin' duets with Haley. Haley could sleep in my bed
Chris Keller: Though you're looking a little plump, Hales. (sighs) What the hell, I've had bigger chunk in my bunk.
Hayley: I'm pregnant, you idiot!
Chris Keller: Oh.(looks at Nathan) Dude! Totally not mine!

Brooke: I live with my friend Rachel, she is so funny and she had all this plastic surgery and she just got suspended and now... she is kind of... missing.

Hayley: Tell me a secret.
Nathan: Risky, okay. For the past few months I've been pretty freaked out about being a dad, but lately I... I know it's gonna be okay. It's gonna be great actually.
Haley: You are so sexy when you talk like that.

Peyton: Lucas Scott, will you go to prom with me?

The Runaway Found [4.18]

Lucas: (Voiceover) Sometimes i wonder if anything's absolute anymore. Is There Still right and wrong? Good and bad? Truth and lies? Or is everything negotiable,left to interpretation, grey. Sometimes we're forced to bend the truth, transform it, cause we're faced with things that are not of our own making. And sometimes things simply catch up to us.

Abby's mom: You need to get out of here!
Dan: I want to talk to you.
Abby's mom: I said get out!
Dan: Stop! Just calm down! Shut up! Will you shut up? Just..Okay look, I need you to sit down. Just, just go sit down. Sit down.

[Abby and her mom sit on the coach]

Dan: You're Abby Brown. Look I don't know what you think might have seen-
Abby's mom: She didn't see anything.
Dan: Shut up! Just, you made a mistake.
Abby: No. I saw you. I saw everything.
Abby's mom: Abby. She's not well.
Abby: I know what you did, and so do you.

[Dan shuts the door]

Dan: My brother Keith was always better than me. He had a bigger heart. People liked him more. Hell, they loved him. Karen loved him. But-

[Dan sits down in front of them]

Dan: Karen was mine. She was suppose to be mine.
Abby: I hope you burn in hell.
Dan: So do I.

Brooke: Oh my God, his girlfriend looks just like you, if you..
Peyton: If I what?
Brooke:If you were dead.

Psycho Derek: (looks at Peyton and Brooke) Well, if it isn't Tease 1 and Tease 2.

Lucas: (wakes up) Abby?
Abby: I need to talk to you. I know what my mom said and I'm sorry she lied, but I need to tell you some things.
Lucas: You were hiding in the hallway.
Abby: I got scared and I ran. But I was worried about the others and Jimmy too. I saw it in his eyes when he let me go, he was just scared too.
Lucas: You came back. What happened after that? Huh? Abby come on, you gotta tell me, please.
Abby: Your uncle Keith, he tried to help Jimmy. But he couldn't. Jimmy-
Lucas: Jimmy what? Jimmy what?
Lucas: Was my uncle still alive when Jimmy shot himself?

(Abby nods)

Lucas: Who shot him, Abby?
Abby: I thought once he realized someone knew the truth he would come forward, so I stalked him with messages and threats, I thought he would turn himself in. I thought I would be safe. But he found me.
Lucas: Who? Who killed my uncle Keith? Who killed my uncle?
Abby: Your father. It was your father, Dan Scott. He killed Keith.

(Lucas sits down the bed in shock)

Abby: He was there, and he picked up the gun. And you know I'm right, don't you? In your heart.
Lucas: You have to come forward. You gotta tell somebody Abby! Abby you have to tell somebody!
Abby: I did. I told you. I'm sorry.

Karen: Dan..?
Dan: I have done some horrible things, unforgivable things. Lucas didn't need a father, he had one. He had the person who helped him bridge the shame of my cowardness. Everything I've touched has diminished: Deb's life, Nathan's talent.Keith...
Karen Roe: Come here. You're not without redemption. I've seen it, I see it!
Dan Scott:: That's not true, it's not true. I just wanna...wanna go back, you know. I just wanna go back. I...I wanna take that little kid that I used to be and just grab him and shake him and say you stop, stop, JUST STOP! I wanna wake up from this nightmare, you know, I wanna breathe again. I wanna, I wanna breathe again, Karen. Can you help me breathe? Can you help me quiet these voices in my head that tell me that I've lost you? 'Cause I know I have... If only I would've stayed with you..(Then the song starts with the words: gonna make a man out of you)

Lucas: (Voiceover) Truth is still absolute. Believe that. Even when that truth is hard and cold, and more painful than you've ever imagined. And even when truth is more cruel than any lie.

Ashes of Dreams You Let Die [4.19]

Peyton: Maybe you should have opted for that 'skateboarders are cool' version.
Brooke: This is not funny. You know what this means don't you? I can never show my face at the school again.
Peyton: Yea. It's a good thing high school's almost over.
Brooke: Shut up.

Chase: Everything you wrote to me, I feel it too. I just didn't know how to put it in words.
Brooke: You just did.

Peyton: (after Lucas kisses her) Excuse me I have a boyfriend.
Lucas: Really? Where is he?
Peyton: Good question I’ve been wondering that myself for two days.
Lucas: Yeah, I guess I deserve that.
Peyton: Makes a girl feel cheap. Give it up in Honey Grove and then poof vanishing boyfriend.
Lucas: Poof?
Peyton: Poof!

Whitey: (to Nathan) When somebody says you can't do something you fight back. You prove them wrong.
Nathan: They took away my scholarship coach, they don't want me anymore.
Whitey: Then find somebody who does. Nathan, where is the fire that made you the best player I ever coached?. Show me it's still there. If it's not, put down that ball and walk home. People love a guy who rises from the ashes. Remember that.

Nathan:(to principal Turner) Do you have a wife, Principal Turner? Isn't she the best part of you? Would you want her to pay for your mistakes? We all make mistakes. And, believe me, I'm paying for mine, but --- Haley is a good person. She's worked for four years to be valevictorian. She deserves to be recognized.

Dan: What are you doing, Lucas?
Lucas: Protecting my mother. (pulls out a gun and points it at Dan)
Dan: You're gonna shoot me?
Lucas: Yes, I am. Just like you shot my uncle Keith.
Karen: Lucas, put that down!
Lucas: I can't.
Karen: Lucas!
Lucas: You know that text message Dan just got? I sent it. I pretended to be Abby. You know, the girl who watched him murder Keith?!
Dan: Don't listen to him Karen, he's delusional.
Lucas: Maybe you should tell the truth when I have a gun pointed at your head!
(Karen suddenly faints)
Dan: Karen?! (leans down to check her)
Lucas: Do not touch her! Mom?! Are you okay?!
Dan: She could be having a miscarriage!
Lucas: I said don't touch her!
Dan: Lucas!
Lucas: That is my mother! I swear to God I'll kill you!!
(Dan goes for Karen. Lucas fires the gun as the screen goes black)

The Birth and Death of the Day [4.20]

Haley: My best friend recently reminded me of a quote, by William Shakespeare,that seems appropriate. "There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound up in sorrows and in miseries. On such a full sea, are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves or lose our ventures." I think that what that quote means is that life is short and, opportunities are rare, and we have to be vigilant in protecting them. And, not only the opportunities to succeed but, the opportunity to laugh, to see the enchantment in the world, live, because life doesn't owe us anything. As a matter of fact, I think we owe something to the world. And, if we can just believe...(Laughs nervously a few times) I'm sorry, I have more I just, think I'm having my baby. (Everyone looks startled. Nathan stands up as Haley smiles at him nervously.)

Bevin: (to her father) My boyfriend's black.
Mr.Taylor: That's ok, honey. My son's black too. We deal with it.

Lucas: I wish we never left that hotel room in Honey Grove, 'cause you're perfect, and we're perfect, and that night was perfect.
Peyton: Well saying that just earned you another one.
Lucas: I have to get back to the hospital.
Peyton: Can I come with you?
Lucas: Sure, Just let me hold you for a few more minutes. That's what's gonna fix me.

Brooke: Hey.
Peyton: Hey! What's wrong?
Brooke: Nothing...
Peyton: Oh come on! We're gonna be graduating soon! We all know graduating plus partying equals Brooke Davis minus her clothes.

Brooke: You know when I was a freshman I wasn't a very good person. I mean sure I was popular and dated seniors....but as a person I was pretty lost. And over the last 4 years I've been forced to grow up. I stopped letting boys define me and I started believing in myself and in my potential. I ran for student council president and I designed a clothing line and somewhere along the way, the lost little party girl became the girl on the wall of honor. I know what I did was wrong, Mr.Turner, I know. But the girl I was when I came to this school, I'm not so sure she would've. And isn't that the point of high school? I mean isn't that what you've been trying to teach us for the last 4 years?

All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone [4.21]

Dan:My name is Dan Scott. I killed my brother.

Lucas: I say we move on. Let's never go see Dan... ever.
Nathan: You know, this may sound kind of mean, but I'm okay with that. I mean, I got a great wife, I got a beautiful baby son, and I got a hell of a brother.
Lucas: Yeah, a hell of a brother who's gonna be your coach.
(Nathan gives him a confused look).
Lucas: Whitey offered me an assistant coaching job. I'm gonna take it.
Nathan: What? When did you decide this?
Lucas: About the same time I found out I was a godfather.
Nathan: That's great, man. We'll do it together.
Lucas: By the way, make sure you play well on December 9. If Skills beats us, we're never gonna hear the end of it.
Nathan: (Laughing) Yeah.

Lucas: (to Peyton) I want you to stay but I won't let you. Do you know why? Because I told you before... You're destined for greatness and it starts tomorrow morning.
Peyton: It doesn't whether I stay or I go. I'm gonna love you forever Lucas Scott

Hayley: Ok, we'll have fun. I'm just saying maybe I should give Deb one quick call just to check in.
Nathan: Hales, come on. I miss the boy too but we're not going to be those crazy obsessive parents, alright?

Skills: Drink baby, drink.
Bevin: I don't want to drink. I just wanted to be upside down.

Skills: (singing) If u wannabe my lover, you gotta get with my friends
(Lucas gives him a look)
Skills: What? It's catchy

Peyton: All right, let me see that baby. (Nathan takes out the picture of Jamie) Oh God.
Nathan: Not bad huh?
Peyton: Good work buddy.
Nathan: I made that.

Peyton: Hey, you, what have you been up too?
Brooke: (jokingly) Flirting with Lucas.
Peyton: Oh, yeah? How'd that turn out?
Brooke: Eh, so so. You know love triangles are so high school.
Peyton: Seriously.
Brooke: We made it, didn't we? Through all the tragedy and jealousy and confusion. We made it.
Peyton: Yea, hoes over bros, right?
Brooke: I love you, P. Sawyer.
Peyton: I love you too, B. Davis.

Random Boy: Name?
Brooke: Brooke Davis.
Random Boy: I'm Sorry. I've got strict orders not to admit Brooke Davis.
Brooke: Excuse me? Whose stupid party is this anyway?
Rachel: It's mine, bitch. And your fat ass isn't invited.
Brooke: Ahh! (They hug) Oh my god!

(Nathan and Lucas playing at the river court)
Nathan: You sure you're up for this old man?
Lucas: I could do this forever, little brother

Hayley: (talking to Deb on the phone about baby James) And he likes his little- (Deb hangs up on Haley)- giraffe.
Rachel: (flicks Haley in the back of the head)
Haley: OW!
Rachel: That was for soaking me at the last party. The bitch slap I deserved.
Haley: (throws her drink on Rachel) That was for flicking me in the back of the head.(Haley walks off)
Rachel:I'm gonna miss this

Nathan: You know theres a party tonight, right?
Hayley: Yeah, I know- but what are gonna do with the baby?
Deb: (Appearing round the door holding stuffed toys) Cue the crazy gradnmother. And FYI, if you ever call me 'grandmother' in public, I'll use my gun. (Sees Haley's face) Which, is safe at the range, out of the way of the most beautiful baby in the world (Takes Jamie from Haley) Next to you Nathan, of course. Aaah who am I kidding?
Nathan: We would go mom, but were underage, and theres gonna be drinking, probably some drugs-
Deb: Go. We insist. Bring me home some drugs! (Walks off with Jamie) Isn't Gwandma funny?

Nathan: Mom? What happened to the phone?
Deb: I unplugged it. The two of you were driving us crazy.
Hayley: The TWO of us?
Nathan: (Looks shifty)I may of called a couple of times...
Deb: Six times.
Hayley: You crazy obsessive parent!
Deb: You called eight.

Hayley: UNBELIEVABLE. He's only mellow when we play rap music? What happened to the classical I played for nine months?
Nathan: I have a confession to make. Whenever you fell asleep I tuned into old school hip-hop. (Rocks Jamie) Thats right my boy. We like some old school hip hop? Yeah? Yeah? (Laughs)

Karen: I have a daughter. Her name is Lily. And someday when she's old enough, she's going to ask me where her daddy is. Who he was and how he died. And on that day, I'm going to look into her beautiful eyes, eyes that don't know of malice and jealousy, and evil, and I'm gonna say, your father loved his younger brother very much, and that brother took him from you for your entire life. (Dan starts to cry) Made sure you would never know your father.
Dan: Karen.. (Karen spits on the glass)


Former Cast

Season 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9