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  • Gregg: Conker! Conker! Conker! Yes, you, boy. You're dead! You are dead! Dead as a dodo! Deader than a … I can't be arsed with this bloody ridiculous contraption. Whose idea was this, anyway? Right, hello! Um, my name's Gregg, the Grim Reaper—and don't laugh!
    Conker: Aren't you a little short to be a grim reaper?
    Gregg: Well, how many grim reapers have you met before, mate? What … what am I supposed to look like?
    Conker: Yeah, that's a good point, and well made.
    Gregg: Now, let's see … ah yes, Conker. Surname?
    Conker: The Squirrel.
    Gregg: The Squirrel. The squirrel … oh, bloody hell! You would have to be a sodding squirrel, wouldn't you?
    Conker: Why, is there a problem with that?
    Gregg: Why, yes, there is, actually. It's like those bloody cats—such a pain in the arse! You're one of these special cases.
    Conker: Oh, really?
    Gregg: Yes. Apparently, according to the powers that be—I'm just doing my job, I do what I'm told, I don't even get paid very much—apparently, squirrels can have as many lives as they think they can get away with.
    Conker: Oh, I see. So I'm not dead?
    Gregg: You're dead … but not quite.
    Conker: Hah, right. Well, I'll be off, then!
    Gregg: Tshah! Just you wait, smart arse. You don't get out of it that easily! Now, the thing is, you may not be dead, but that doesn't mean you can't die. You just have few more, shall we say … chances. Yeah, like cats. I hate those things. Right! Distributed around your little world are these tail things—squirrel's tails! If you can get them, I'll give you an extra chance. Understand?
    Conker: Um … well … sounds a bit strange, but okay.
    Gregg: Strange? It's the best bloody deal you're going to get, you little prick! Right, that's it. Piss off! I've got some cats to see. Bloody things. I don't like those bloody cats. The way they meow and they piss everywhere, and their shit smells just bloody awful, all over my furniture, I just …

Comment. At least this deals with the topic in a humorous way. File:Kop van een skelet met brandende sigaret - s0083V1962 - Van Gogh Museum.jpg deals with it in an artistic way, and File:Bison skull pile edit.jpg is so terrible that I can barely stand to look at the thumbnail. BurningLibrary (talk) 20:58, 8 September 2024 (UTC)


  • The first of the precepts is, "I undertake the training to refrain from killing living beings." We are vastly interrelated and that interrelatedness needs to be recognized. We share this planet with lots of other creatures. They have as much right to be here as we do. So we want to act towards them in ways that are in harmony with this interrelatedness and not generate the hate that is necessary to kill something. So we undertake the training to refrain from killing living beings, which includes the insects and spiders that might annoy you, as well as your fellow human beings. … If there is a spider in your room, get a cup, get a piece of paper, trap the spider and take it outside.