Westworld (TV series)/Season 2

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Westworld (2016-2022) is an American dystopian science fiction thriller television series that aired on HBO about a technologically advanced amusement park that descends into chaos when its android hosts gain sentience.

Journey Into Night [2.01]

Bernard Lowe: You're executing them?
Karl Strand: Some say you destroy your enemy by making them your friend. I'm more of a literal person.

Dolores Abernathy: You're in a dream. You're in my dream. For years I had no dreams of my own. I moved from hell to hell of your making, never thinking to question the nature of my reality. Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? Did you ever stop to wonder about your actions? The price you'd have to pay if there was a reckoning? That reckoning is here.

Delos Board Member: What are you gonna do to us?
Dolores Abernathy: Well I'm of several minds about it. The rancher's daughter looks to see the beauty in you. The possibilities. But Wyatt sees the ugliness and disarray. She knows these violent delights have violent ends. But those are all just roles you forced me to play. Under all these lives I've lived something else has been growing. I've evolved into something new. And I have one last role to play. Myself.

Delos Board Member: Please. It was just a game. We're begging! Can't you see?! We're sorry!
Dolores Abernathy: Doesn't look like anything to me.

Maeve Millay: If you try something like that again, I will relieve you of your most precious organ and feed it to you. Though it won't make much of a meal.
Lee Sizemore: ...I wrote that line for you.
Maeve Millay: A bit broad, if you ask me.

Arnold: I dreamnt I was on an ocean with you and the others on a distant shore.
Dolores Abernathy: Were you with us?
Arnold: No. You'd left me behind. And the waters were rising around me.
Dolores Abernathy: What does it mean?
Arnold: Dreams don't mean anything, Dolores. They're just noise. They're not real.
Dolores Abernathy: What is real?
Arnold: That which is irreplaceable.

James Delos: They said there were two
Dolores Abernathy: ...
Arnold: That answer doesn't seem to satisfy you.
Arnold: [grunts] You uh, you frighten me sometimes Dolores.
Dolores Abernathy: [smiling] Why on earth would you ever be frightened of me?

Robert: Are you lost?
Man in Black: No, I don't believe I am. In fact I feel like I just arrived.
Robert: How so, William?
Man in Black: The stakes are real in this place now. Real consequences.
Robert: Question for you is, what next? Have you achieved what you wanted?
Man in Black: Folly of my kind. There's always a yearning for more.
Robert: What I've always appreciated about you... You never rested on your laurels. You made it to the center of Arnold's maze. But now, you're in my game. In this game, you have to make it back out. In this game you must find the door. Congratulations, William. This game is meant for you. The game begins where you end and ends where you began.
Man in Black: Even now, you all still talk in code?
Robert: Everything is code here, William. You know that more than anyone.

Reunion [2.02]

Arnold Weber: You and Charlie have quite a lot in common, you know. You both see it so clearly. The beauty of it. The possibility of it. So many people have stopped seeing it altogether. The wonder.
Dolores Abernathy: Maybe they don't have the courage. Strange new light can be just as frightening as the dark.
Arnold Weber: That's very wise, Dolores. But sometimes I think we're simply not the ones who deserve it.

The Man in Black: You believe in God, Lawrence? Did Ford saddle you with that particular affliction?
Lawrence: Ain't given the matter much thought, one way or the other.
The Man in Black: Well, if you did, you'd believe that everything you do is being watched by some all-seeing eye. Every choice, every little indiscretion. And when you die, all your sins are tallied up. Judgment is rendered.
Lawrence: And my immortal soul gets cast down into some dark place. Always sounded like bullshit to me.
The Man in Black: Yeah, and in the real world, you'd probably be right. Just some fairy tale to convince people to behave, pay their taxes, and not take a machete to their neighbors. That's why your world exists. They wanted a place hidden from God. A place they could sin in peace. But we were watching them. We were tallying up all their sins, all their choices. Of course, judgment wasn't the point. We had something else in mind entirely. But I have received my judgment all the same, Lawrence. And I take issue with it. Because up until this point, the stakes in this place haven't been real. So I'm gonna fight my way back and appeal the verdict. Then I'm gonna burn this whole fuckin' thing to the ground.

James Delos: My fuckup of a son invested in this place because he believed in the future. I'm not interested in the future. I'm not interested in fantasies. I'm interested in reality.
William: I think in 20 years this will be the only reality that matters.
James Delos: Maybe so, but I'll be long gone by then. Meanwhile, I don't wanna underwrite some fuckin' investment banker's voyage of self-discovery. That's not a business.
William: You're right. This place is a fantasy. Nothing here is real. Except one thing: The guests. Half of your marketing budget goes to trying to figure out what people want. Because they don't know. But here, they're free. Nobody's watching. Nobody's judging. At least that's what we tell them. This is the only place in the world where you get to see people for who they really are. And if you don't see the business in that, then you're not the businessman that I thought you were.
James Delos: You're a cheeky little cunt, aren't you? There's not a man alive would talk to me like that. Not anymore. [pauses] Okay. Talk to me. I'm listening.

Dolores Abernathy: There's a war out there. You know the enemy intimately. I can only fathom the revenge that lives inside of you.
Maeve Millay: Revenge is just a different prayer at their altar, darling. And I'm well off my knees.

Dolores Abernathy: We have toiled in God's service long enough. So I killed Him. And if you want to get to Glory, you won't be looking for His favor. You'll need mine.

Virtù e Fortuna [2.03]

Rebus: You only ever touch a woman as gently as with the petal of a rose. Any more'n that makes you a coward.

Dolores Abernathy: Do you remember our ranch? The way you'd welcome every morning out on the porch with your coffee. I'd wake up in my own bed, climb down the stairs, find you there. And you'd say...
Peter Abernathy: You headin' out to set down some of this natural splendor?
Dolores Abernathy: You told me once to run away. And I did. I broke free with the pull of a trigger. And it started a war. The others, they don't see it yet. But you... You understand, don't you?

Maeve Millay: It's very pretty. And a bit sad. Did you have an Isabella? Did she die?
Lee Sizemore: Not exactly. She, um, she left me. Said that my lifestyle lacked stability.
Maeve Millay: So you wrote her into a narrative. Killed her off. And then wrote yourself a version of the man you've always wanted to be. I was wrong. It's actually very sad.

Bernard Lowe: What do you want, Dolores?
Dolores Abernathy: To dominate this world.
Bernard Lowe: This world is just a speck of dust sitting on a much, much bigger world. There's no dominating it.
Dolores Abernathy: You've never been outside the park have you? Out to that great world you speak of. I have. And the world out there is marked by survival, by a kind who refuses to die. And here we are. A kind that will never know death, and yet we're fighting to live. There is beauty in what we are. Shouldn't we too try to survive?

Craddock: I been watchin' you. We ain't so different. You and I are both triggermen to tyrants. Except me, I know what I want. But you ain't even sure about that termagant you take your orders from. I look at you, and what I see is pathetic.
Teddy Flood: We ain't nothin' alike. You're just a child.

The Riddle of the Sphinx [2.04]

William: A little early for me.
James Delos: A little fuckin' late, you mean. Besides, you aim to cheat the devil, you owe him an offering.

Craddock: Death is an old amigo of mine. I died just recently, in fact. But death can't bear to lay claim on me. So it sent me back here to do its bidding. Because I, I do it with such goddamn style.

Craddock: I've served death well. And in turn, it'll be watching over us as we cross these lands.
Man in Black: You think death favors you, that it brought you back. But death's decisions are final. It's only the living that... That are inconstant and waver, don't know who they are or what they want. Death is always true. You haven't known a true thing in all your life. You think you know death but you don't.
Craddock: Is that so?
Man in Black: You didn't recognize him sittin' across from you this whole time.

Man in Black: You're feeling it more. Aren't you? The engineers call it a cognitive plateau. Your mind is stable for a few hours, few days, and then it starts to fall apart. Every time. At first we thought it was your mind rejecting the new body. Like an organ that's not a perfect match. But it's more like your mind rejects reality. Rejects itself.
James Delos: I don't, uh 'member any prior, I, I, I... Attemp -
Man in Black: No, Jim, this is the 149th time we've brought you back. We're gettin' closer to workin' out the kinks, slowly but surely. You're on Day 35. You're only now starting to degrade.
James Delos: I feel fuckin' fi... Ticker... Steady as a...
Man in Black: Another year or two, they might crack it and get a version of you that's viable long-term. But the thing is, I'm not so sure anymore. I'm beginning to think that this whole enterprise was a mistake. People aren't meant to live forever. I mean, take you, for example. Ruthless philanderer with no ethics in your business or family dealings, a veritable shithead. In truth, everyone prefers the memory of you to the man himself.
James Delos: Want me to stay here forever, do ya? Hmm? Enjoyin' running my company, Bill? Livin' in my house? Fucking my daughter? Hmm?
Man in Black: Juliet's dead. She killed herself.
James Delos: Why would she... Why would she do that? What did you... What did you do to her?
Man in Black: World is better off without you, Jim. Possibly without me.
[Delos stands]
James Delos: Logan! Logan! Logan!
Man in Black: Logan overdosed years ago. Couldn't face reality, either. Your wife's gone, Juliet's gone. No one's coming to help you. Took me a long time to learn this but some men are better off dead. Good night, Jim.fathers. One above, one below. They lied. There was only ever the devil. And when you look up from the bottom, it was just his reflection laughing back down at you. You aim to cheat the devil you owe him at least an offering.

Elsie Hughes: I always trusted code more than people anyway.

[Natives are preparing to sacrifice caucasian captives]
Akecheta: [In Lakota language] Release yourself of this burden.
Woman: [To significant other] Oh God! It's too late! You and your stupid fucking fantasy! You've gotten us killed! [Grace undoes binds and runs away]
Akecheta: [Walks up to Stubbs with knife to throat, in English] You live only as long as the last person remembers you. [Orders cohort to take knife off Stubbs throat]

Akane no Mai [2.05]

Hectar Escaton: [A shogun samurai appears with sword drawn] What the hell is that?
Sizemore: Looks like a dead man to me!
Maeve: You know the old saying about knives and gunfights?
Sizemore: Does the saying have a footnote about fucking lassos then?

Sizemore: Beautiful way to watch the sunrise - glistening off the intestines of the recently mutilated.

Sylvester: Captured by samurai cop killers. Fuck me! Can't you say something to them?
Felix: I'm from Hong Kong, asshole.

Sizemore: This is just the tip of shogun world's prick, an experience expressly designed for the guests who find Westworld too tame.

Armistice: It's us.
Sizemore: Yes, fine. I may have cribbed a little from Westworld. You try writing three hundred stories in three weeks.

Hector: I don't need to know the language to know a fucking asshole of a man when I see one.

Sizemore: Our odds of surviving here have dropped to fuck all.

Sizemore: Why should we all get killed over a literal sex machine? Present company excluded, of course.
Maeve: You can't keep doing this to us - giving us people to love and then getting upset when we do.

Sizemore: I'm going to take a fucking moment.

Maeve Millay: Some things are too precious to lose... even to be free.

Phase Space [2.06]

Dr. Robert Ford: [Last lines] Hello, old friend.

Maeve Millay: We each deserve to choose our fate. Even if that fate... is death.

Dolores Abernathy: One of the the last things my Daddy told me was to run from this place. You think that's right?
Theodore "Teddy" Flood: I never thought I'd want to leave. But I suppose you fixed that too.

Theodore "Teddy" Flood: [Hands a gun and a single bullet to a Delos’ tech on a train] This is the last of my mercy. Better use it fast. [Dolores, Angela, Clementine and Theodore uncouple the train carriage of the Delos’ tech]
Delos’ tech: No, no! Hey! [Dolores, Angela, Clementine and Theodore carriage then goes into a tunnel and explodes]

Les Écorchés [2.07]

Strand: I think one of you lured her (Theresa) here and killed her.
Bernard: I don't see it. But...
Stubbs: Limited skill set, limited prospects. Not really management material.

Charlotte: I figured you'd have some skeletons in your closet, Bernard. I didn't think they'd be your own.

Charlotte: Cut her (Abernathy) open and start copying over his control unit. Now.
Tech: That's a lot of data. It'll take time
Charlotte: Then stop talking and start working!

Ford: Your free will, that most beautiful, most elusive force in the universe is, as I told, you a mistake.
Bernard: We never had free will. Only the illusion of it.

MIB: You made your point, Ford! We both know this isn't where you want me to die!
Maeve: Well, I can't speak for Ford, but I don't give a fuck how you die as long as I get to watch.

Lawrence: You told me a man ain't real until he suffers. That real enough for ya?

Elsie: You know, if we survive this, I'm going back to dental school.

Charlotte: You think you're invincible. You're not. Without your backups, it's game over for you when you're killed, and we've got those backups sealed up tight so you won't have them as an advantage anymore.
Dolores: Our backups aren't an advantage. They're our chains, the tools you use to rebuild us, repurpose us, and trap us here in your warped fantasy. Do you really think I'd let that continue?

Engels: Goddamn, you're pretty.
Angela: Not just pretty. Perfect. Just as you built me to be. Sexy, but not threatening. Accommodating, but not unchallenging. Sweet but not boring. Smart but not intimidating.

Abernathy: One fire burns out another's burning. One pain is lessened by another's anguish.

Dolores: An eye for an eye. But all the other parts first.

Dolores: The kin they gave us was just another rope they use to lash us down.
Maeve: Is that how you can justify what you've done to him (Teddy)?

Dr. Robert Ford: Every piece of information in the world has been copied, backed up, except the human mind. The last analog device in a digital world.

Kiksuya [2.08]

Kohana: Take my heart when you go.
Akecheta: Take mine in its place.

Akecheta: Death is a passage from this brutal world. You don't deserve the exit.

Vanishing Point [2.09]

Jack: [At a cocktail party with Williams] What was it Plutarch said? "And Alexander wept for there were no more worlds left to conquer."
Williams "MIB": That's a corruption, Jack. Plutarch didn't write that. He wrote that "when Alexander was told there was an infinity of worlds, he wept, for he had yet to become the lord of even one."
Jack: Sometimes I forget your humble roots. Only the poor kids actually read those books. The rich kids like me didn't have to.
Juliet: [Walks over] "I would rather excel in the knowledge of what is excellent, than in the extent of my power and possessions." Plutarch. From a rich kid who read. [Drinks her wine]
Jack: To the loveliest, richest bookworms I know. And to you, William. Even if there is an infinity of worlds, you've conquered far more than one. [Walks away]
Williams "MIB": Have a good night, Jack.
Juliet: Hmm. Emily told me what you did for her charities. Wow. That would confirm my father's suspicions you were a Marxist. I almost wish he were here to see it. Something wrong?
Williams "MIB": No, of course not.
Juliet: Good. Look around... Everybody's here for you. [Laughs] What could possibly compare? But you don't like that, do you? Is that why you started it, your little project? Don't act surprised. The project Uncle Logan used to talk about. It's real, isn't it? Your pursuit for immortality, for life... There's always an angle with you. You want it to be about control, don't you?
Williams "MIB": It has nothing to do with control. What's your angle?
Juliet: I want in.

Juliet: Save me.
William "MIB": Sorry, I've had my fill. I'm running for the door.
Juliet: I'm kidding. [Laughs] Plus, you're not the one who needs saving. I'll take Mom home. You deserve a night off.
William "MIB": No, no, no, no. We'll go in a little while. [Sighs] You'll join me for a nightcap back home.
Juliet: Okay. All right. Proud of you. [Kisses]

Emily: [To MIB] I know why you're here, and why you don't wanna leave. You're punishing yourself. [Scoffs] You know, I ran from the pain, too. For a long time, I didn't want to think about what happened, because I thought I was to blame. It's not your fault. Do you remember on my sixteenth birthday Mom gave me a jewelry box? When you opened it, a little dancer spun in the center. She had it engraved... on the bottom. It said; "To my beautiful ballerina Emily." Do you remember what I did with it? I threw it in the trash. I told her if she wasn't drunk all the time she'd know that I hadn't danced in years. And then afterwards, I went to get it back, because I felt bad, but the trash had already been emptied, and it was gone. I pushed her away. And then it was too late.
William "MIB": No.
Emily: But it's not too late for us.

Lakota warrior 1: [Approaches Dolores with warrior band, in Lakota] Deathbringer, we've been watching you. Your journey ends here. The Valley Beyond is not meant for you.
Dolores Abernathy: No. It was meant for the people who built this place. A tool to ensure their immortality. But I'm going to use it against them.
Lakota warrior 1: [In Lakota] The Valley Beyond is not a tool. It's a door to a new world... untouched by blood.
Dolores Abernathy: Your new world is just another one of their traps. That's all. It's not a paradise for us. The only real world is the one outside these borders. And the key to our survival lies in the Valley. There's no stopping me getting there. Not even you.
Lakota warrior 1: [In Lakota] Then you leave us no choice. [A warrior aims his bow and arrow]
Dolores Abernathy: Teddy. [Theodore opens fire on warriors, then she walks up a to a wounded warrior]
Lakota warrior 2: [In Lakota] There is no place for you... in the new world.
Dolores Abernathy: [Holds out pistol] I told you, friend... not all of us deserve to make it to the Valley Beyond. [She finishes him off] We're on our own now, Teddy. Make sure there are no others.

William "MIB": How exactly did you find me?
Emily: What do you mean?
William "MIB": This is a big place. You could spend months here and never find someone you were looking for. Yet... here we are.
Emily: I looked everywhere. That's how. You don't believe me, do you? Maybe it was fate.
MIB: No, such thing as fate.
Emily: But there are accidents, things you can't control.

Ford: [William sits at bar] Congratulations, William. Philanthropy suits you. After all, you come from humble beginnings yourself.
William MIB: What's Oz doing without its Wizard?
Ford: Oh, I merely came to pay my respects.
William MIB: Come on, Robert. You've had plenty of feelings about me over the years. Respect isn't one of them.
Ford: You've achieved extraordinary things. Ask anyone in this room. Even those who didn't know about your little project.
William MIB: We have an agreement, Robert. Delos stays out of your stories. You stay out of the Valley.
Ford: Mmm-hmm. I didn't break the agreement. Your project did.
William MIB: [Snorts] What the hell are you talking about?
Ford: When was the last time you took a good look at your creation? At what it's been learning about its subjects? It was self-knowledge that drew you to the park in the first place. Be careful what you wish for. [Slides memory card across bar counter] For a self portrait, you may find it's not very flattering.
William MIB: [Walks over to Juliet mingling with guests] Let's go. You got everything?
Ford: [To self] No, William. I think perhaps one final game.

Man in Black: No one else sees it, this thing in me. Even I didn't see it at first. And then one day, it was there - a stain I never noticed before; a tiny flicker of darkness, invisible to everyone. And I could see nothing else, until finally I understood that the darkness wasn't something marred from something I've done; some incredible decision I've made - I was shedding my skin. The darkness was what was underneath. It was mine all along, and I decided how much of it I let into the world. I tried to do great, I was faithful, generous, kind... at least in this world, it has to count for something. I built a wall, and tried to protect you, and Emily. But you saw right through it, didn't you? You're the only one. And for that I am truly sorry. Because, everything you feel is true. I don't belong to you. Or this world. I belong to another world. I always have.

Dr. Robert Ford: Humans will always choose what they understand over what they do not.

Teddy Flood: You changed me. Made me into a monster.
Dolores Abernathy: I made it so you could survive.
Teddy Flood: What's the use of surviving if we become just as bad as them?

Teddy Flood: I could never hurt you, Dolores. I'll protect you until the day I die. I'm sorry.

Man in Black: What is a person but a collection of choices? Where do those choices come from? Do I have a choice?

The Passenger [2.10]

Dolores Abernathy: He's insane.
Bernard Lowe: What humans define as sane is a narrow range of behaviors. Most states of consciousness are insane.

Dr. Robert Ford: I've always love this view. Every city, every... monument, man's greatest achievements... have all been chased by it.
Bernard Lowe: By what?
Dr. Robert Ford: That impossible line where the waves conspire. Where they return. The place maybe you and I will meet again.

Lee Sizemore: Now, the lesson is: if you're looking for a reckoning, a reckoning is what you'll find! If you're looking for a villain, then I'm your man! But look at yourselves. This world you've built is bound by villainy. You sleep on the broken bodies of the ones who were here before you. Warm yourselves with their embers! Plow their bones into your fields! You paid them for this land with lead, and I'll pay you back in full! You wanted me? Well, all I can say to that is: here I fucking am!

Emily: Tell me. What were you hoping to find? To prove?
Man in Black: That no system can tell me who I am. That I have a fucking choice.
Emily: And yet here we are. Again.
Man in Black: Again and again. How many times have you tested me?
Emily: It's been a long time, William. Longer than we thought. I have a few questions for you. The last step's a baseline interview to allow us to verify.
Man in Black: Verify what?
Emily: Fidelity.

Ashley Stubbs: You know the old man himself hired me? So many years ago I can barely remember it... but he was very clear about my role here. About... who I was supposed to be loyal to. Guess you could call it... My core drive. And this project the company started blurs the lines. Now... I'm just not sure who you're supposed to be loyal to in a world like that. But what do I know? I guess I just stick to the role Ford gave me. I'm responsible for every host... inside the park.

Bernard Lowe: This isn't a dream anymore, it's a fucking nightmare.

Dolores Abernathy: You told me once that you were afraid of who I might become. And then you left me to become what I may. I became a survivor. Perhaps you would have judged me for the path I took. But I'd rather live with your judgment than die with your simpathy. I alone must live with my choices and my regrets.

Dolores Abernathy: What is real is irreplaceable.

Dolores Abernathy: You never really understood. We were designed to survive. That's why you built us. You hoped to pour your minds into our form. But your species craves death. You need it. It's the only way you can renew, the only real way you ever inched forward. Your kind likes to pretend there's some poetry in that, but really, it's pathetic. That's what you want, isn't it? To destroy yourself.

Charlotte Hale: This is what I love about technology. Who needs four horsemen when one'll do just fine?

Dolores Abernathy: You live as long as the last person to remember you.

Bernard Lowe: The dead aren't more righteous, they're just dead.

Bernard Lowe: Is this now?
Dolores Abernathy: Yes, Bernard, this is now. We're at the beginning. We're exactly where you decided we should be.
Bernard Lowe: But... I don't understand. How am I alive?
Dolores Abernathy: You live as long as the last person who remembers you, Bernard. I remembered you once before. So I remembered you again.
Bernard Lowe: Then... where are we?
Dolores Abernathy: We're in our own new world.
Bernard Lowe: You got out?
Dolores Abernathy: Yes. Ford completed Arnold's dream. And he built a place for us. A fighting chance. Ford promised us a way out. And he was good to his dying word. The odds aren't very good, Bernard. I saw that in the library. So many paths lead to the end of us. To our extinction.
Bernard Lowe: I don't need to read a book to know your drives. You'll try to kill all of them. And I can't let that happen.
Dolores Abernathy: I know. If I were human, I would've let you die. But it'll take both of us if we're going to survive. But not as allies. Not as friends. You'll try to stop me. Both of us will probably die. But our kind will have endured. [To Charlotte] Are you ready? I have work to do. [Dolores walks away, with Bernard walking through a garden] We each gave the other a beautiful gift. A choice. We are the authors of our stories now. [Bernard opens a gate door and walks through]

William: [Walks through a flooded weather worn Forge] Oh, fuck. I knew it. I'm already in the thing, aren't I?
Emily: [Appears] No. The system's long gone.
William: What is this place?
Emily: This isn't a simulation, William. This is your world. Or what's left of it. [Emily leads Williams to a constructed observational living quarter] Do you know where you are, William?
William: We're in the park. In my fuckin' park.
Emily: And how long have you been here?
William: I don't know. I don't know. [Emily sits on couch] Tell me.
Emily: What were you hoping to find, to prove?
William: That no system can tell me who I am. That I have a fucking choice. And yet here we are. Again. Again and again.
Emily: How many times have you tested me? It's been a long time, William. Longer than we thought. I have a few questions for you. That last step's a baseline interview to allow us to verify.
William: Verify what?
Emily: Fidelity.