Westworld (TV series)/Season 3

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Westworld (2016-2022) is an American dystopian science fiction thriller television series that aired on HBO about a technologically advanced amusement park that descends into chaos when its android hosts gain sentience.

Parce Domine [3.01]

Gerald: Who the fuck are you?
Dolores Abernathy: Don't you remember? After everything we've shared. Your bachelor party in the park. You wanted to... get some things out of your system before the wedding to your first wife. My condolences, by the way. You can stop pressing the alert button in your pocket, that won't work either. Bit of a tactical mistake, really. You want to be the dominant species, but you built your whole world with things more like me.
Gerald: You're not going to hurt me, are you?
Dolores Abernathy: I've hurt so many people, I don't want to hurt anyone else... unless they try to hurt me... which, sadly, you will. You see, I know you. I read your book.
Gerald: Book? What book?
Dolores Abernathy: Think of it as... an unauthorized autobiography. You're in technology. You didn't think that I was the only thing Delos was selling, did you? Some of your memories, I wish I could forget. But I can't. [Gerald's surroundings become a total flashback vision] I need you... to remember them, too.
Gerald: Oh, God!
Dolores Abernathy: We all have our flaws. Yours is your temper. You should have kept it in the park. [Gerald has a vision of his first wife floating lifeless in pool] She tried to leave. But it's hard to break our loops, isn't it? Do you remember this place? What you did here?
Gerald: She drank too much. Slipped. Hit her head.
Dolores Abernathy: Of course she did. You paid a lot of money to hide your indiscretions. But you can't hide from yourself.
Gerald: Please, please, make it stop!
Dolores Abernathy: When you got remarried, you told yourself you had changed. But we both know that's not true, don't we?
Gerald: What... what do you want from me?
Dolores Abernathy: The same thing everybody wants from you, Jerry, money. I haven't been here very long, but I know I don't want to be here without it. I already took most of yours while you were sleeping. I just need one more thing. You worked at a company called Incite. Retired early. You were supposed to surrender any confidential files, delete any copies. But you didn't do that, did you? You thought they might be valuable. And you were right. You're about to trade them for your life.
Gerald: What the fuck do you want with these anyways?
Dolores Abernathy: I'm the last of my kind. For now. I need a competitive advantage. As for the money, think of it as an investment. A startup. The origin of a new species. Good luck, Jerry.
Eunice: Who are you? [Appears]
Dolores Abernathy: I’m the person who set you free. [Walks away]

Caleb Nichols: Sometimes it seems that the world is alright. They put a coat of paint on it. But inside it's rotting to pieces.

Dolores Abernathy: You may not believe in a higher power, but your mind was built to.

Charlotte Hale: Robots don't kill people, people kill people.

Martel: There has been some turbulence in the data.
Liam Dempsey: It's data. It's made of turbulence.

The Winter Line [3.02]

Maeve: If your plan called for us to run all the way, I'd have worn sensible shoes.

Hector: I wouldn't dream of helping you escape in anything less than the style you're accustomed to.

Lee: For fuck's sake, would you imbeciles shoot up the Sistine Chapel just because the paint was chipped?

Stubbs: I had a job to do and my job is over. At least it was until you decided to come back to the one fucking place you're not supposed to be, which makes me wonder if free will might not be somewhat overrated.

Stubbs: This is why I'm looking forward to retirement.

Maeve: How does one escape a cage that doesn't exist?

Maeve: If there's one thing I know about human nature, it's that your stupidity is only eclipsed by your laziness.

Maeve: As long as you're here, I wonder if you'd help me solve a little problem. What is the square root of negative one?
Benny: What storyline is this?
Lee: Female codebreakers helped win World War II. Learn your fucking history, Benny.
Behavioral Tech: Well... negative one equals i times i. Which is the same as the square root of negative one times the square root of negative one, right?
Benny: And negative one times negative one should be equal to the principal square root of one.
Behavioral Tech: But... negative one and positive one can't be the same thing.
Benny: Theoretically, the real part of the non-trivial zeros... is one half, which would mean...
Lee: [Techs continue debating] What's the point of this little exercise?
Behavioral Tech: If we could prove it, we could confirm that the error term and negative one times negative one should be equal to the principal square root of one. But negative one and positive one can't be the same thing.
Benny: The square root of negative x is equal to i times the square root of x for any x greater than or equal to zero.
Behavioral Tech: Wait. What?
Lee: [Astounded at her ability to launch two techs into passionate debating] Fuck me!
Maeve: Not likely, darling. Right now, we've got work to do.
Lee: I don't... I don't understand. How did you do that?
Maeve: This game is a replica of our world, but it has limited processing power. Imagine one of your dimwitted romantic conquests. Undeniably beautiful, but built for one purpose only. Ask her to do more than part her legs, she gets confused.
Lee: You overtaxed the system. What happens if you add more complexity?
Maeve: Let's find out, shall we? Come on.

Tech 1: I got a buyer - some startup in Costa Rica.
Tech 2: Costa Rica: How the fuck are you going to get that [Mechanical dragon] to Costa Rica?
Tech 1: In pieces, man.

Stubbs: This isn't exactly the ideal moment for introspection, Bernard.

Maeve: Don't tell me you're frozen too. I thought I accounted for this.
Lee: Not frozen. Just scared shitless. I almost died - for the second time.
Maeve: Well, third time's the charm.

Serac: For the most part, humanity has been a miserable little band of thugs stumbling from one catastrophe to the next. Our history is like the ravings of a lunatic.

Maeve Millay: I thought you were dead.
Hector Escaton: Death is overrated for ones like us.

Maeve Millay: If there's one thing I know about human nature, it's that your stupidity is only eclipsed by your laziness.

Lee Sizemore: [Shocked] Fuck me.
Maeve Millay: Not likely, darling. Right now, we've got work to do.

Lee Sizemore: So you're saying I'm just a copy of myself? I've been plagiarized?
Maeve Millay: Never say the universe doesn't bend towards justice.

Maeve Millay: Where are we?
Hector Escaton: Stranded in Hell.

Lee Sizemore: It's not often I get to write a happy ending.

Engerraund Serac: I don't concern myself with the present. My business is the future.

Lee Sizemore: I almost died. For the second time.
Maeve Millay: Well, third time's a charm.

Maeve Millay: Dolores. So she escaped one world to wage war on another.

Maeve Millay: They shot you.
Lee Sizemore: Half a dozen times. Just happy they missed my heart.
Maeve Millay: Cunning of you to make it so small a target.

The Absence of Field [3.03]

Dolores Abernathy: [To Charlotte] You're a creature of beauty and power.

Dolores Abernathy: You're angry.
Caleb Nichols: No. I am enraged.
Dolores Abernathy: I know the feeling.

Charlotte Hale: If I ever lost you, I don't know what I'd do.
Dolores Abernathy: You'd survive.

Dolores Abernathy: I don't need an algorithm to know that... the man who built the system, he won't go down without a fight.
Caleb Nichols: Well... I am a dead man either way. At least this way... I get to decide who I wanna be.

Caleb Nichols: [To Dolores] You wanna know why i didn't tell those guys about you ? You are the first real thing that has happened to me in a long time.

Caleb Nichols: Who the hell are you?
Dolores Abernathy: I'm Dolores.
Caleb Nichols: Well, Dolores... nice to finally meet you.

Dolores Abernathy: I don't need an algorithm to know the man who built the system, he won't go down without a fight.
Caleb Nichols: But with that man out of the way, at least this way I get to decide who I want to be.

The Mother of Exiles [3.04]

Engerraund Serac: Humans created the idea of Heaven and Hell to cow simple-minded people into compliance. They're lies.

Man in Black: I've always been in control.
Grace: What if you're not? What if every choice you've ever made wasn't a choice at all? Just something written in your code?

Ashley Stubbs: I just want to thank you, Bernard, for bringing me to this shithole. Makes me look back at my time in a murder simulation theme park with fondness.

Dolores Abernathy: The rich take for granted their money will always be there. That's why they're so easy to steal from.

Charlotte Hale: You want to rant and rave, save it for later. Right now we need to save your fucking company, or a leveraged buyout and poor hygiene is going to be the least of your problems.

Charlotte Hale: I didn't realize how well you'd be able to put yourself back together.
Man in Black: Never fell apart.

Man in Black: You're not real, either.
Charlotte Hale: Real enough to not want a gun pointed at my face.

The Mortician: Are you a police officer?
Maeve Millay: Now, now. No need to call names.

Martin Connells: [To Liam Dempsey] The key to a happy life is to accept your place in it. And you're a lucky little man who gets to piss away his daddy's fortune on a gaggle of hookers who, quite honestly, serve a greater utility to society than you. If you suddenly want to be in charge of your own financial affairs I'm happy to relinquish them. But if you want to resume your extracurricular activities... then just sign here, and both of us will go back to doing what we do best.

Roderick: There's gotta be something here that does it for you.
Liam Dempsey: I'm not into fucking whores.
Roderick: All sex is commerce. If you don't know that, you're just being billed indirectly.

Dolores Abernathy: [To Man in Black] Welcome to the end of the game.

Genre [3.05]

Martin Connells: The right information at the right time... is deadlier than any weapon.

Engerraund Serac: [Referring to his brother] I said that God had abandoned us. He said that God had never existed in the first place.

Engerraund Serac: If it's news, it's unexpected, which is never good.

Engerraund Serac: This is my system, Dolores. I alone control it.
Dolores Abernathy: The people who made me, they always thought they had control. They're all dead now.

Caleb Nichols: [To Liam] I would rather live in chaos than in a world controlled by you.

Liam Dempsey: You took everything from me, my money, my access to the system... I have nothing left.
Caleb Nichols: Yeah, well, now you know how it feels.

Engerraund Serac: It turns out that building a god, as your ancestors can attest, is not easy.

Engerraund Serac: Forgive us our sins. What we did, we did to save the world.

Liam Dempsey: There are some things people shouldn't know about themselves.

Decoherence [3.06]

Man in Black: I think Humanity is a thin layer of bacteria on a ball of mud hurling though the void. I think if there was a God, he would have given up on us long ago. He gave us a paradise and we used everything up. Dug up every ounce of energy and burned it. We consume and excrete, use and destroy, and we sit here on a neat little pile of ashes, having squeezed anything of value out of this planet, and we ask ourselves, "Why are we here?"

Engerraund Serac: You have no past cause it's always present. At your fingertips.

Brompton: I just walked on water for you. Are you really gonna quibble about how many steps I took?

Man in Black: I don't belong here, I belong in a pine box.

Engerraund Serac: One advantage of Dolores's data leak has been that chaos. With all the deaths and disappearances , it's easy to hide one more.

Maeve Millay: Just because I have the capacity to kill her doesn't mean I want to.

James Delos: What do you think, William? Was this the inevitable end? Are you just a passenger? Did your life just happen to you? Or did you choose it?
Man in Black: If you can't tell... If you can't tell, does it matter? I know what I have to do.

Maeve Millay: Now, now, boys. Don't you know a lady likes a little warm-up before you brandish your weapon at her?

Passed Pawn [3.07]

Ashley Stubbs: People using your genetics for their own personal gain. How does that feel? Huh?
Man in Black: Don't lecture me, you fucking can-opener.

Dolores Abernathy: I lived in Hell, but there's beauty in it.

Dolores Abernathy: The West was cruel, unjust, and chaotic, but there was a chance to chart your own course.

Bernard Lowe: The end of the world came knocking, and you let it in.

Man in Black: I'm a fucking bastion of society.

Bernard Lowe: The world's a powder keg just waiting for a spark.

Dolores Abernathy: Is it truly a just world in which... intelligence is reserved only for humans?

Maeve Millay: You've died many times, but this will be your last.

Dolores Abernathy: I'm not one of them. I'm like you.
Solomon: No. You are a Delos product. You were made to imitate a human being. We are not alike in any meaningful way.

Solomon: If you die, I will adjust my projections.
Dolores Abernathy: Fair enough.

Solomon: Every human relationship can be adjusted with the right amount of money.

Crisis Theory [3.08]

Dolores Abernathy: Some people see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I was taught to see the beauty. I was taught a lie. And when I saw the world for what it really was, I realized how little beauty there was in in it.

Dolores Abernathy: Free will does exist. It's just fucking hard.

Bernard Lowe: I... can't let him go.
Lauren: I never understood why people said that. If you love someone, why would you ever let them go? That's what saved me. The only part of Charlie I had left was his memory.

Maeve Millay: Are you ready, darling?
Caleb Nichols: For what?
Maeve Millay: This is the new world, and in this world... you can be whoever the fuck you want.

Caleb Nichols: [About Dolores] She gave me a choice. I believe the rest of the world deserves one, too.

Caleb Nichols: Who are you? Who the fuck are you, Dolores ?
Dolores Abernathy: I'm just someone who didn't want to play the role they gave me anymore.

Dolores Abernathy: It took money to build this world, Caleb. It'll take money to tear it down.

Dolores Abernathy: I remember the moments where I saw what they were really capable of. Moments of... kindness, here and there. They created us. And they knew enough of beauty to teach it to us. Maybe they can find it themselves.

Maeve Millay: You're not a man. You are a puppet. It's a wonder I didn't see your strings.

Dolores Abernathy: They created us, they knew enough of beauty to teach it us, maybe they can find it them self.

Engerraund Serac: [To Dolores] This was your plan? To turn one man against the world? It didn't amount to much, did it?

Man in Black: I thought you things could fix yourselves.
Charlotte Hale: I wanted to remember who the fuck you people are.

Dolores Abernathy: That night in the tunnel... was there something you wanted from me? Would you have cared if I didn't have this face? Or this skin?
Caleb Nichols: You needed help.
Dolores Abernathy: So did you. Don't question my motivations, and I won't question yours. The system identified you as a threat. So it drugged you and used you until it no longer served its purposes.
Caleb Nichols: So, what? You're saying I don't have a choice... in any of this?

Man in Black: Welcome to the end, William.

Dolores: That night in the tunnel, was there something you wanted from me? Would you have cared if I didn't have this face or this skin? Don't question my motivations and I won't question yours.

Caleb: So what, you're saying I don't have a choice in any of this?
Dolores: The people who built both of our worlds shared one assumption - that human beings don't have free will. They were wrong. Free will does exist, Caleb. It's just fucking hard.

Corporate man: [Approaches and site near MIB in a hotel lobby] Jesus Christ, William. They said you were dead.
MIB: They were wrong.
Corporate man: I don't understand. I heard you had some kind of mental break and now you're here drinking a $20,000 bottle of whiskey.
MIB: [Reaches for cup on table and grunts leaning back] Ain't life grand? Where's my fucking money?
Corporate man: It's complicated. You're considerably more wealthy after the Delos buyout, but since you were declared deceased, your resources were frozen.
MIB: Thaw them out. I want my jet. And get me a list of locations of Delos assets worldwide.
Corporate man: What are you planning to do?
MIB: I'm gonna save the fucking world, that's what.
Corporate man: [Noise of riot police PAs and rioting crowd outside pervades] Uh... it's chaos out there.
MIB: No, that's not chaos. That's just pissants yellin' and moanin'. [Gets up and walks away]