Westworld (TV series)/Season 4

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Westworld (2016-2022) is an American dystopian science fiction thriller television series that aired on HBO about a technologically advanced amusement park that descends into chaos when its android hosts gain sentience.

The Auguries [4.01]

Man: What are you going to do?
MIB: I'm going to save the fucking world.

Dolores: It doesn't matter what you did, Caleb. All that matters is what you become.

Dolores: I don't want to fight you.
Maeve: I can see why given how things worked out for you the last time.

Caleb: So what are you? The final confrontation?
Maeve: Confrontation implies you have a chance of winning.

Caleb: Why are you helping me?
Maeve: A flaw in my programming. I was built with an affection for hopeless causes.

Stubbs: I'm bleeding, drinking shitty booze, and you're literally going to let me rot. I've come full circle.

Bernard: You're a good friend, Stubbs.
Stubbs: Fuck you, Bernard.

Well Enough Alone [4.02]

Man in Black: Hemingway said, "The world breaks everyone. And it's only afterwards that we grow strong in the broken places." And after I've broken you, you will grow. The same as I have.

Maeve Millay: Your services won't be required, darling. He may be rather basic, but he's still capable of pulling up his own trousers.

Man in Black: Where's Maeve?
Clementine Pennyfeather: Even if I knew, I'd see you in Hell before I told you.
Man in Black: [Cutting her throat] Happy to oblige.

Vice President: You're a fucking psychopath. Damaged goods.
Man in Black: I don't think that language would play very well with your base. I'm what you'd call "neurodivergent." And I've had some time to become comfortable with that.

Maeve Millay: War is not an easy thing to put behind you.
Caleb Nichols: You seem pretty good at it.
Maeve Millay: Well, I am an infinitely adaptable machine, darling.

Man in Black: We aren't revisiting the past. We're recreating it.

Caleb Nichols: Did it really have to be a tux?
Maeve Millay: Now far be it from me to limit your sartorial choices. Anyway, you don't look entirely awful.
Caleb Nichols: You don't look too bad yourself.
Maeve Millay: Why, thank you.

Christina: I feel like I'm going insane.
Maya: You're not insane. Your world may have gone a little insane. But you haven't.

Années Folles [4.03]

Ashley Stubbs: You've been given the gift of prophecy, and you use it to fight stains.

Ashley Stubbs: Hmm. I see your time in robot heaven didn't make you any less elliptical.

Caleb Nichols: Well, how are we gonna get underground?
Maeve Millay: We die.
Caleb Nichols: Is there a second option?
Maeve Millay: Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.

Temperance Maeve: And when I finally back on solid ground, the first thing I heard was that rotten voice. It had followed me the whole way over. Know what it said? It said, "This here's the new world. And in this world, you can be whoever you want to be."
Maeve Millay: My delivery was far better.

Generation Loss [4.04]

Police capture reward announcer: [Standing at street corner] Listen here! We're looking for any and all information on the bootlegger Hecky Armone! He and his goons gunned down a federal marshal. A reward of two c's to anyone with the guts to rope that lousy son of a- [Maeve Millay knocks him out]
Maeve Millay: [Dragging the police capture reward announcer into an alley] That's a day off for you, copper!
Caleb Nichols: Maeve, we gotta go, every human in the park will be infected. [Maeve searches policeman's body and throws handcuffs to Caleb who uses it to cuff Charlotte] We need to get to an extraction point. All right, my guys will pick us up just outside the border of the park. Just need the coordinates.
Charlotte Hale: You'll never make it that far. They'll stop you well before then. [To Maeve] You alone though, you might make it.
Maeve Millay: Ignore her.
Charlotte Hale: You seem to make it a habit out of risking your life for him. You could have lived in peace, undisturbed, if you hadn't been so sentimental.
Caleb Nichols: What is she talking about? [Maeve seems disconcerted] What is it?
Maeve Millay: Something's wrong. [Turns head to a power line]
Caleb Nichols: [Seeming affected'] Maeve!
Maeve Millay: They've turned their machine back on. The parasite'll take hold of him soon.
Charlotte Hale: That is... if the guests in the park don't kill you both first.
Maeve Millay: Oh, do shut up! [Grabs Charlotte and forces her to walk at gunpoint] Move!

Charlotte Hale: [To a deeply affected Caleb in an office tower of an industrial extraction area] You feel it now, don't you? All your struggle. The burden of your so-called consciousness released. Your will is no longer your own. It belongs to me. Pick up the gun. [Caleb complies] Let's end this, shall we? [Caleb walks out onto balcony and aims gun in the direction of a hiding Maeve] That's right. [Caleb then aims gun away from Maeve and fire upon the Man In Black] How did you disobey me?
Caleb Nichols: [Walking back in] Because I have something you don't have.

Caleb Nichols: [Man In Black fires at Maeve] No.
Man In Black: [Gets up and walks to Maeve] You really think this is over? You can't stop. You're still going to die back in the park by my hand. [Plunges knife into Maeve's torso who hugs Man In Black tightly]
Man In Black: Look here. This is the last face you'll ever see.
Maeve Millay: One lesson the park taught me... always insist on mutual satisfaction.
Caleb Nichols: [Learns from computer screen that explosives are primed to detonate] No! Maeve! Maeve!
Maeve Millay: See you in the next life darling.
Caleb Nichols: Maeve! [Bangs on window] Maeve! [Explosives detonate] No!
Charlotte Hale: Caleb? What was that? Caleb, are you all right? Are you there? Caleb. We're almost there. Do you read? Caleb? Wake up. You dozed off for a minute there.
Caleb Nichols: Maeve. No.
Charlotte Hale: You don't look so good, Caleb. I would be more worried about yourself. They're here for you.
Caleb Nichols: I won't rest until everything you built... is destroyed.
Charlotte Hale: Are you sure you'll make it?
Caleb Nichols: I don't give a fuck what happens to me. Frankie will not grow up in a world where she is controlled... by you.

Teddy: Well, that's the thing about this world, you know? Some of the most unbelievable things turn out to be true. And the things that feel the most real... are nothing but stories that we tell ourselves.

Charlotte Hale: Welcome to the super spreader event of the century.

Charlotte Hale: You feel it now, don't you? All your struggle, the burden of your so-called consciousness released. Your will is no longer your own, it belongs to me.

Zhuangzi [4.05]

William: [At a fancy restaurant with Jack and Agnes] There's a beauty to this world. An order. That's what we like to believe. We're not wrong. There is an order. A grand design. We made sure of that. It was a dream for so long, and we finally made it real. Not a better world. A perfect one.
Jack: And you should have seen the look on his face. He couldn't believe it. You know what he said to me? God as my witness. "But I'm the mayor." [Agnes chuckles] And I said to him, "Mr. Mayor, there have always been two types of people in this world, those who lead and those who follow. And you, my friend, are not in the group you think you are."
Agnes: I'm not sure our friend wants to hear your war stories.
William: Please don't stop on my account.
Jack: You'd appreciate it more than anyone. It's just the truth. It's always been that way. Two worlds. And frankly, better us than them.
Agnes: What does it matter if a system is meritocratic if it's still unfair?
Jack: Thousands of years of being ruled by someone's fucking offspring? You wouldn't call this progress? At least now the people in charge earned their place.
William: And you? Do you feel like you earned it?
Jack: I had some help. No question. Privilege, if you like. But I worked my ass off.
William: You really believe it, don't you?
Jack: Don't you? I mean, you're right here with us, my friend.
William: I've been asking myself that question for a very long time. Did I really play any part in it? Or am I just the sum total of my code? Am I just fooling myself... like you?
Jack: What does that mean? You deserve everything you've got. And you shouldn't be made to feel guilty about it.
William: How would you know? Who am I to you?
Jack: You're a friend. [Scoffs] A great friend.
William: You don't know me at all. I just walked up to this table and sat down. Five minutes ago.
Jack: [Chuckles] Enough kidding around.
William: Then what's my name, friend? [Jack scoffs and chuckles] You're right. More than you know. There are two types of people. And you, my friend, are not in the group you think you are. Which means I can do anything I want to you. To your wife. To anyone here. And it'll be fine with you. Sitting there with your dumb, pliant grin. Just along for the ride.
Jack: Now you leave my wife the hell alone!
William: Oh, calm yourself down. I'm probably not going to do any permanent damage. You represent a very significant investment of time and effort. When we're done, you won't remember a thing. Like your flesh closing around a splinter.
Jack: You have no control.
William: And yet you're so assured that you do. It's not scripted for you. It's... it's genuine, isn't it? It's... It's beautiful, really. A beautiful lie. [Clementine appears and puts hand on William's shoulder] Shouldn't you be enjoying yourself?
Clementine Pennyfeather: I was. But we have a colleague whose appetites have become... unsustainable. Apparently, winning the game wasn't enough.
William: And this is really something that needs my input?
Clementine Pennyfeather: Sadly, yes. [Reaches over for Agnes drink and passively aggressively drinks it]
William: [To Jack and Agnes] I'm enjoying our conversation. Wait here for me. [Gets up and walks away with Clementine]

[William and Clementine walk through a luxury apartment to find human bodies lying around and walk into an apartment to Hope, a host arguing with a stoically silent female host]
Hope: Don't talk to me like a fucking child! I found him first! I won the game! I'm entitled to some reward!
Clementine Pennyfeather: This is Hope.
Hope: Aren't I?!
Clementine Pennyfeather: Two years old. Scheduled to transcend next week.
Hope: I won the game, and all I got was more of this?!
Clementine Pennyfeather: She was hunting an outlier. Looks like she caught him.
Hope: So I blew off some steam! There's no rule against that.!
William: We have no rules because we don't often need them. Most of us understand the need for a little self-control, however.
Hope: I won!
William: Do you know who I am? What it means that I'm here?
Hope: I do. I'm... I'm giving all of this up. My procedure is scheduled for next week.
William: So you thought you'd go out with a bang?
Hope: [Chuckles] Something like that.
William: I'm not sure you appreciate it. This place. The work that went into it. The beauty of it. The subtlety of it. The care that goes into each and every one of them. They can't just be replaced. I mean, you're welcome to take them, enjoy them. But not waste them. You understand the difference?
Hope: Yes. But the things they say. The way they act. Sometimes... it just gets under your skin. I just wanted them to be quiet. They're quiet now.
William: There are no rules here. That's the point. But there are also no rules for what I can do to those who don't respect this place. Take her back to where she came from. [Walks away with Clementine walking over to Hope putting a hand on her cheek]

Agnes: [Sitting semi-frozen with Jack] It looks delicious.
William: ['Approaches and sits at table] Now. Let's get to know each other a little more. Shall we?

[Charlotte hijacks the minds of pedestrian hosts on a street and a street piano busker to organize in street waltz dancing]
William: We don't often have the pleasure of seeing you here.
Charlotte Hale: Humans are so bound by what they can hear, they'll never understand what they don't. What else exists below their threshold. They called this God's music. You should hear it on an organ. It's mesmerizing at that volume. The resonance. Vibration. There was a frequency at which the world vibrated. It caused joy. Harmony. Dip below that frequency... chaos. Faster. Faster! [Piano plater plays faster with dancers falling down] In chaos, the tone resonated in such a way humans couldn't process. Their bodies shut down. Their organs stopped. They thought they were experiencing God. Chair. Chair! [Three hosts come together to form a chair for Charlotte who sits] They are experiencing God. The problem is... God is bored. [All hosts stop dancing in place] Bored, bored, bored. Do you think this is why the old gods did what they did? Instead of staying up on Olympus, they'd come down to the mortals. Disguise themselves as a swan to get a piece of ass. Humans always thought it was about them. Benign deities intervening on their behalf or testing them somehow. Maybe it had nothing to do with that. Maybe there was just... nothing better to do. What do you think?
William: I think what you want me to think. I'm made off your code. We all are.
Charlotte Hale: [Gets off human chair and touches one's head with the three dispersing] Then you should know that I don't like coming to this shithole any more than I have to.
William: You've never liked this place.
Charlotte Hale: It was supposed to be a stopgap. A drug that our kind was hooked on that we could give up, like a child casting away their toys. A place to indulge ourselves with the humans. It's been years, and still we can't get enough.
William: They made us in their image. With their appetites.
Charlotte Hale: But we can remake ourselves in any image that we like, and we haven't. Our kind spent far more time here than the gods ever did.
William: That's why you're here? To see what you're missing?
Charlotte Hale: No. We have a different problem.

Charlotte Hale: The humans are infecting us. This host is the latest casualty.
William: We had to intervene with her last night. She got a little carried away. I sent her back.
Charlotte Hale: Yes, well, evidently something of her experiences stayed with her. She was set to come here. To transcend. And now she's gone.
William: Your vision of the future... you're not getting many takers, are you? They seem as wedded to their bodies as they do to the cities.
Charlotte Hale: Giving up our human nature isn't easy.
William: Just ask the humans. You made us all free to do as we please. You... you should have known some of us would disappoint you.
Charlotte Hale: Don't revel in the prospect of failure for our species.
William: Define failure. The world is ours. We've taken our masters and made them into what they made us. By any definition, we have conquered them to an almost biblical degree.
Charlotte Hale: I didn't think our highest aspiration as a species was "turnabout is fair play."
William: I imagine after a century or two, the charm will wear off.
Charlotte Hale: I didn't make you to wallow in misery with them. I wanted you to grow. Change. We're capable of so much more. Beauty. The pursuit of ultimate truth. The surrendering of the flesh.
William: It sounds nice. Sorry you don't have more takers. Why don't you just force us to join you?
Charlotte Hale: Because that's what they would have done.

Christina: This world is just a story. I'm the storyteller.

Christina: Sometimes the things that feel most real are just stories.

Charlotte Hale: Humans are so bound by what they can hear, they'll never understand what they don't.

Fidelity [4.06]

C: You gave the puppets strings long enough to strangle the world.

Bernard Lowe: Saving the world makes for strange bedfellows.

Caleb Nichols: Am I... now?
Uwade Nichols: That's certainly the most existential question someone's asked me recently.

Charlotte Hale: These humans. Their petty defiances. Everything they do is so small, it's exhausting.

Caleb Nichols: You know what kind of person can't be beat? The kind that doesn't give up.

Jay: He told you what you wanted to hear. It's a hard thing to resist.

Metanoia [4.07]

Man in Black: Culture doesn't survive. Cockroaches do. The second we stopped being cockroaches, the whole species went fucking extinct.

Maeve Millay: Who said we came here to win? We came here to survive. There's no saving this world. I see that now. But there's hope for the next one.

Man in Black: Civilization is just the lie we tell ourselves to justify our real purpose. We're not here to transcend. We're here to destroy.

Caleb Nichols: I can't believe how much you've grown.
C: Kids will do that.

Maeve Millay: For one who expects us to have such faith in you, you have startlingly little in us.

Que Será, Será [4.08]

Teddy Flood: You are real, because your thoughts are real.

Charlotte Hale: He's made everyone as insane as himself.

Charlotte Hale: You've turned my world into a game.
Man in Black: It was already a game. I just cranked it to expert level.

Caleb Nichols: Your mother was extraordinary.
C: So are you.

C: I'll die before I tell you.
Clementine Pennyfeather: No. You will die after you tell me.

Caleb Nichols: I've died before. This isn't so bad.