ReBoot/Season 1
ReBoot was a Canadian (3D) animated series that was produced by Mainframe Entertainment, created by Gavin Blair, Ian Pearson, Phil Mitchell and John Grace, with character designed by Brendan McCarthy and Ian Gibson. Originally it was aired from 1994 to 2001. It was credited with being the first full-length, completely computer-animated TV series. When the series debuted in 1994, the first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, had not yet been released until 1995, created by Disney/Pixar. Originally made for children, the series attracted many older fans when it became thematically darker partway through its second season.
Episode 01 - The Tearing
[edit]- [Opening monologue for season 1 and 2; episodes 1 through 23]
- Bob: I come from the net. Through systems, peoples and cities to this place: Mainframe. My format: Guardian; to mend and defend. To defend my new-found friends, their hopes and dreams. To defend them from their enemies. They say the user lives outside the net and inputs games for pleasure. No one knows for sure, but I intend to find out. [Pause] Reboot!
- Bob: [Megabyte melts into a starfighter's pilot seat of the game] He's infecting the User. Bummer. Now we've got a Mega-User.
- Bob: [Leading squadron of starfighters of the game] Alpha wing, clear of deck proceed heading one, one, three, eight. Stay frosty!
- Megabyte: You had your chance to join me Bob, [Camera pans behind Megabyte] but now, I'm going to infect the supercomputer [camera view reveals Megabyte standing before a bubble displaying the Mainframe structures with his arms raised] and return to crash mainframe. [Dot drops into his arms]
- Dot: Whoa! Just thought I'd drop in. [Chuckles]
Episode 02 - Racing the Clock
[edit]- Hexidecimal: I'll get Megabyte and his little delivery boy, too!
- Enzo: Dot! You almost got us erased! Deleted! OFF-LINE! Can we do it again?
- Enzo: [Attempting to join Bob] Cursors and crashes, we lost him!
- Dot: Maybe not! [Grabs Enzo's hand] Come on! [Hurtles successfully below game cube]
- Mainframe Game Voice: Warning: Game Corruption.
- Enzo: Yes! Bob! You're okay!
- Bob: Not good! This is not good! It's an infinite data else-if loop.
- Dot Matrix" What does that mean?
- Bob: It means run like you've never run before!
Episode 03 - The Quick and the Fed
[edit]- [Enzo gives a trying out on Bob's keytool Glitch]
- Enzo: Glitch... uh... hammer. [Glitch transfroms into hammer] Uhh... Flashlight. [Glitch transforms into flashlight, and Enzo points glitch to Bob] Jackhammer! [Glitch transforms into jackhammer] Whooaa...! Whooaa...! Whoa...!
- [All Binomes screams]
- Bob: Glitch, stop!! [Glitch transforms back and it returns to Bob]
- [The case is unbalanced ... it's almost falling ... then the case drops to the floor and the magnet hits Dot on her forehead]
- Dot: Uhh!
- Enzo: Sis!
- Bob: And he knew a place that serves this kinda slow food: Al's Wait and eat, Level 31.
- Enzo: [Enthusiastically] Level 31? No way!
- Dot: [Stuttering] L-L-L-L-Level 3-31?! Y-Y-Y-You don't...can't go there, it's to-o-o-o-o-o da-a-a-a-aangerous!
- Bob: Shh! Not to worry, I've got this all figured out.
- Dot: [Stuttering] Bob. but-but-but-but i-i-it's my pr-r-roblem too-o-o-o-o. Vid-Vid-Vid-Vid...use a window to call-all-c-c-call-call-call...
- Bob: Not another word. You do the relaxing, I'll do the saving, okay? Man, she's really out of it.
- Bob: [Walks into Al's diner, noting the outlandish appearance of patrons] Tough crowd. [Walks to sleeping server and pounds counter] Hello?!
- Server: [Stirs to] May I take your order?
- Bob: This is an emergency, I need slow food to go, fast!
- Server: Ha, ha, ha, that's a good one. Hear that, Al?
- Al: WHAT?!
- Server: [To Bob] Slow food doesn't go fast, that's why it's slow. If you wanna order some food, take a number.
- Bob: [A VidWindow pops up with the number 1000000000000 appearing] 4,096, must be the lunch crowd.
- [A viral binome walks by a Numeral 7, but stops short when it burps at him]
- Bob: What's the deal with 7? Why's everybody afraid of him?
- Toque Binome: Because 7-8-9!
- [A nearby One Binome does a rimshot]
- [Dot is already back to normal and they have just finished a Game]
- Bob: All right, I give up. How did you get back to normal?
- Dot: I was trying to tell you before. Al and I are partners in his business. I just VidWindowed for a delivery.
- Bob: You and Al? Huh, so much for me being Mr. Save-The-Day. Care for some, uh, slightly used food?
- Dot: No, but thanks for the thought.
- [Megabyte has Enzo hostage]
- Enzo: Bob!
- [Dot gasps in horror]
- Megabyte: It was quite difficult and time-consuming to process that magnet, Bob. I think I'd like it returned. And the sooner, the better.
- Bob: Hey, no need to be so dramatic, *MB*. Glitch, tongs. I was just gonna toss it anyway. Here, catch!
- [Glitch throws the magnet, and it lands on Megabyte's head]
- Megabyte: AGH! HACK, SLASH! [He falls off the ledge]
- Hack: Coming...
- Slash: ...boss!
- [They dive down after Megabyte. Hack tries to tell Slash something, but they end up hitting the ground below]
- Bob: They're not even close to Al's.
- Dot: Nope.
- Enzo: Not even.
Episode 04 - The Medusa Bug
[edit]- Hexadecimal: My poor Medusa!
- Hexadecimal: Happy, Happy, HAPPY!
- Hexadecimal: MEGABYYYYEETE!
- Megabyte: Gentlemen, meet the Medusa.
- Bob: NOOOOOOOO... (3x)
Episode 05 - The TIFF
[edit]- Dot: [Bob and Enzo walk into diner] Where have you two been?!
- Enzo: We just stopped off to do a little circuit racing on our way back from school.
- Dot: "Circuit racing?" That wasn't on the schedule.
- Bob: Aw, come on, Dot, It doesn't hurt for Enzo to have a little fun.
- Enzo: You remember FUN, don't you, Dot?
- Dot: Doesn't hurt?! Bob, I was supposed to take Enzo to his ancient language class milliseconds ago! Now we're so late that my entire schedule is offline!
- Bob: Oh, Dot, you have your whole life planned out. Why, you probably know where you're going to be at ten-thousand-thirty.
- Dot: That would be the input-output conference in Sector One.
- Bob: See, you've gotta take time to smell the daisy wheels.
- Dot: I'd love to, Bob. But right now, Enzo and I are late.
- Enzo: Ancient languages? Mega-boring! COBOL, FORTRAN? They're dinosaurs!
- Dot: Well, they may be dinosaurs, Enzo, But you never know when they might come in handy! It's always better to be prepared!
- Bob: That's your problem, Dot. You need to be more like me. Taking things as they come. Learning to do things on the fly! Livin' on the edge!
- Dot: Problem?! Are you saying I have a problem?!
- Bob: Yeah, I guess I am, all those plans and schedules. They're not good for a little kid! What are you trying to do, huh? Turn poor Enzo into YOU? Totally pre-programmed?
- Dot: [Sputters] Pre-programmed?! [Enzo stifles snicker] Well, at least he won't be as inconsiderate and random as some people!
- Bob: RANDOM?!
- Enzo: Guys, guys! Chill, will ya?!
- Bob: Nah, it's okay, Enzo, If your big sister feels she knows it all, Far be it from ME to get in her way!
- Dot: Hmph! Now you're talking!
- Bob: Well, Dot, Then why don't you put THIS on your schedule? I'll kiss a NULL before I step into THIS place again!
- Dot: Fine by me!
- [An advisory hearing before Phong]
- Binome 1: It's just awful. Those two are gonna crash us all.
- Binome 2: Copy and paste that!
- Numerical 7: We gotta do something!
- Enzo: Dot won't talk to Bob. Bob won't talk to Dot. What can we do?!
- Mike the TV: [Jumps on Phong's desk] Bob and Dot, Dot and Bob! May lay and Mainframe! When will it end?! Will Bob give up?! Will Bob flee to the supercomputer?!
- Female binome: Leave Mainframe?!
- Binome 3: Super computer?!
- 7numerical: Get back?!
- Phong: [Mike the TV jumps off desk] Calmness, everyone. Now listen. It is said that broken friendship is best mended by tragedy or apology.
- Enzo: Wow, alphanumeric. Deep. What do you mean exactly, Phong?
- Phong: I have no idea, child. But you must ponder my words.
- Enzo: Tragedy or apology. Hmm. Dude. That might actually work.
- Dot: [Arrives late with Bob to rescue Enzo from a conveyor belt onto being recycled] Enzo, are you okay?!
- Enzo: [Frisket holds up Enzo in mouth] No thanks to you two!
- Bob: Well, I would've been here sooner if your sister wasn't such a-
- Dot: Me?! If you weren't such so basic, so low density-
- Bob: Oh, it's always me now, isn't it?! You're the basic one, don't call me basic. I think you're about as basic as it comes. I mean, when I look up basic in the dictionary, it's you that I see Dot. [Dot punches him in face']
- Enzo: [From behind tree] Look, they're talking.
- Binome: Friendly even.
- Enzo: Finally, thank you, Phong.
- [Announcer alerts to incoming game]
- Dot: Uh, oh, a game. But I'm not worried Bob. I'm with you and you're the best.
- Bob: Hey, you're no hack yourself, Dot. No game could stop a team like us.
- Dot: Yeah, it's like you said in your card. There's nothing we can't do together.
- Bob: My card?
- Enzo: Uh-oh.
- Bob: [In game] My card?
- Dot: Well, you know, the sweet holomark you sent to apologize for being such a creep.
- Bob: Me?! Apologize to you?! Why in the motherboard would I do something like that?! [Presses shirt button] Reboot! [Changes into costume]
- Dot: Possibly because you were acting like such a dip switch! [Presses shirt button] Reboot! [Changes into costume]
- Bob: You were the one who said you were sorry!
Episode 06 - In the Belly of the Beast
[edit]- Megabyte: Yes, whatever... the log... an old unformat command... Really, Mr. Pearson, do you always lie to me...?
- Mr. Pearson: Eh, eh, must've slipped my memory! Uh, "sir."
- Megabyte: Go out into the dump and retrieve that command. As for our host, Why don't you show Mr. Pearson, how I feel about his general... dishonesty?
- Mr. Pearson: Ach! Go ahead, do your worst! It'll take more than that to break me, ya ruddy big viral git!
- Megabyte: An extraordinary performance, gentlemen... not only did you let Bob make fools of us all, but do I understand correctly, That you let a DOG EAT MY UNFORMAT COMMAND?!
- Bob: Betcha can't guess where I just came from!
- Cecil: Ah, Monsieur Bob, pas le mondre idée. But you do have a distinctive aroma. How does one put it delicately...? You STINK!
- Dot: Ugh, well, that explains the rumour that you turned Hack and Slash into scrap over at the dump.
- Bob: Yeah, just givin' Megabyte's goons a little incentive to leave Old Man Pearson alone.
- Cecil: [Frisket bursts into diner] Getting sick for one? Hmm. I'm sorry, but you have no reservation. Go on, shoo! Dépêchez vous!
- Dot: Cecil, there's something wrong with him! He NEVER comes inside! Go ahead, he won't bite.
- Bob: Yeah, right...
- Dot: What's wrong with him?
- Bob: I don't know... What's the problem, boy?
- Dot: Maybe it's something he ate.
- Bob: Really? What was your first clue, doctor? Glitch, viewer scope. He swallowed an old sector blanking command. It's trying to unformat his stomach. Glitch, med-gun. A little puppy peptic, That's the best I can do. We'll just have to hope he can, uh... stomach that thing.
- Cecil: Monsieur! This is a fine dining establishment, not a veterinary hospital!
- Bob: Yeah, c'mon boy, let's go outside.
- Bob: Do hurry. We have to get that command out of him before it deteriorates any further
- Enzo: Hey! Let him go! I'll erase every last one of you if you hurt him!
- Megabyte: Ha ha... "hurt..." is not the word, child... take him... to the tank.
Episode 07 - The Crimson Binome
[edit]- Dot: What do you mean, they're offline?!
- Chief: [Via Vid Window] All of them, the com-net, the vid-net, the ethernet, they're all down, already 12 blocks! I was talking to another precinct chief on level two, and she just-- [loses contact]
- Dot: Chief?! Come in! Chief! Phong, something's wrong! The whole Kits Sector is going offline, one block at a time!
- Phong: Yes, child, I know, my links have blacked out as well! It started at the docks!
- Dot: I'm there!
- Enzo: Hey, wait up!
- Phong: I will do what I can from here! Please, be most careful!
- Enzo: Would everybody just chill? Remember? Bob's apartment is in Kits! Whatever's happening there, I'm sure he's on top of it!
- Sally: [Floats down] Arrr! Captain Capacitor! Strange booty, sir, What do ya make of it?
- Captain Capacitor: Well, blow me down! By my reckon, you scurvy dog, that this'll be none other than a Guardian Key-tool! A rare find, indeed! Mister Christopher!
- Mister Christopher: Sir?
- Captain Capacitor: A 2,000 unit bonus to Miss Sally, and Mister Andrew. They've looted a real treasure on this one, mates! But what's a Guardian key-tool doing in such a small port? You'd better wake the princess, Just in case.
- Mister Christopher: AYE, Captain!
- Captain Capacitor: Can you imagine what this could mean?!
- Captain Capacitor: Aye, sir! A 26,000% profit margin! [The pirates break out in uproarious laughter]
- Enzo: Where are ya, Bob?!
- Bob: Software pirates?! Oh, this is bad, this is very bad! The nets are all down... That's to be expected... Great! Well, we can't have any of that in MY neighbourhood! Time for Glitch and me to PARTY! [Attempts to summon from arm utility band] THEY TOOK GLITCH! Those low-level, basic buffered!
Episode 08 - Enzo the Smart
[edit]- Cecil: Multitasking ze large parties... ZIZ is what I hate!
- Binome 1: Bob, tell us again how you beat the User!
- Binome 2: Yeah! Download us, Bob!
- Bob: Well, I just spotted his weak sector, calculated the angle, and fired!
- Binome 3: And POW! Blasted to bytes!
- Binome 4: Yeah! Offlined! Deleted!
- Binome 5: Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
- Bob: What's with Enzo? Is he fully functional?
- Dot: He's been like that since the Game ended.
- Bob: Why so glum, Enzo?
- Enzo: I couldn't figure out how to beat that User... I must be Basic.
- Bob: Basic?! Whoa, Don't be so rough on yourself!
- Dot: Aw, you're just a little kid, Enzo. You'll get better as you develop.
- Bob: Yeah, don't worry about it. It'll all come in time.
- Enzo: Time! Hah! Little kid?! Hmph! I don't wanna be smart later, I wanna be smart NOW!
- Phong: Perhaps you will try later, my son. As you know, I can only download wisdom to those who beat me at my game.
- Enzo: Of course I'd lose, I'm as Basic as Basic can get! I'm low-res, downsized, erasable, hardly worth a backup! Someone should undo me, and--
- Phong: Enzo!
- Enzo: Yes?
- Phong: [Sighs] Come. You did not win my game, but maybe I can help anyway. I'm not supposed to let anyone, I mean, ANYONE in here... but, if you promise not to touch ANYTHING... I will show you something.
- Enzo: Really?! Alphanumeric! I promise!
- Phong: [Sighs] "YADDA-YADDA-YADDA."
- Enzo: Whoa! Double-sided! Super-cooled! The city's Read-Only room. A storehouse of all information since the very beginning of Mainframe. Whoa! Pixelatious!
- Phong: And my favourite way to become smarter, by reading. If you promise not to touch anything, other than this window, you may stay in this room, and scan the files in memory.
- Enzo: Okay, cool! I wanna scan every README file in the system.
- Notifier: Processing request.
- Phong: When you finish, just come out this door. Be careful, young Enzo. Remember, that anything worthwhile takes time.
- Enzo: Yeah, but the faster I go, the more I'll know. Thanks, Phong! I'll show 'em how smart I am... I'll store every byte of data in here!
- Mike the TV: In the first series of events, The athletes will rack up as many points as they can! The more, the better! But wait, there's more! These scores determine the starting positions in the winner-take-all final event, THE ELIMINATOR! Whoever wins the Eliminator, wins the Game! But now, another word from our sponsor...!
- Enzo: Did you hear that?! We've gotta score as many points as possible! Or we're all... [gulp] wiped out!
- Bob: Don't worry, coach! I will help you win!
- Dot: WE will help you win!
- Bob: Yup! You got it, Enzo!
- Dot: Winning is our format!
- Bob: Consider it inputted!
- Dot: No problem!
- Bob: Ahem... Uh, there's just one thing...
- Enzo: Yes?
- Bob: What are "points"?
- Enzo: AAAAAAGH! We're all gonna be nullified!
Episode 09 - Wizards, Warriors, and a Word from our Sponsor
[edit]- Mike: No matter where they ran, where they turned, there was simply... No... WAY... OUT!
- Bob: Log off, Mike!
- Mike: IT SLICES! DICES! Cuts! Copies! Pastes! And even formats julienne fries! But wait there's more: act now and we'll port you the handy log-o-matic absolutely free for only 99.99.99!
- Bob: Ahhh! Mike! For the 128 time, stop!
- Enzo: Can't we just turn him off?
- Bob: I can't. His remote control ran away.
- Dot: Can you blame it?
- Mike: It's Bucket-o-nothing! Surprise your friends, amaze your family, annoy perfect strangers! Free for only $99.99.99!
- Bob: That's it! You're getting dismantled! Glitch, screwdriver. [Mike screams away]
- Bob: Prepare to taste the blade of my... butterknife?
- Bob: What?! A Thief?! I'm not the warrior? Haha. Ha. I'm always a warrior.
- Enzo: Well, if you're not the warrior, but, who is?
- Mike: Dun da da DUUUUUUUNNNNN...! Mike The Mighty Warrior! Tonight at 8.
- Bob: [Bob looks at Mike]] This is bad. Very bad!
- Mike: You're tuned to the commercial channel-- all commercials, all the time! An eternity of useless products to rot your skeevy little mind... forever!
- Mike: The LOOOOOOOVE Hospital. Your prescription for romance.
- Bob: No, Not, Never, Nine, No way, Ixnay on the "S" part, Negatory!
- [Mike looks even more disappointed. Dot looks at Bob and mouths "Please?"]
- Bob: You can come with us on one condition: stay outta our way, OK?
- Mike: [As John Wayne] Guaranteed to work behind the scenes, so you don't have to, pilgrim. [Aside, to 4th wall] Outta sight or your money back!
- Bob: Nice going, merlin.
Episode 10 - The Great Brain Robbery
[edit]- Megabyte: Where is she? She'll jeopardize the whole mission! With her reputation, with her sense of humor, I should never have paid in advance.
- Mouse: [Approaches] Oh, don't be so hard on yourself sweetie. I'm here now.
- Megabyte: Mouse. What are you doing here and how did you get in here?
- Mouse: That's what you hired me for, isn't it?
- Megabyte: True, but you're late.
- Mouse: Yeah, well get over it. We've got a mission to start, okay sugar? And move it, my meter's running.
- Megabyte: Indeed.
- Dot: Are you alright?
- Bob: What happened?
- Enzo: I don't it's like I lost total control of my body! It was kind of cool!
- Dot: I don't like this at all.
- Bob: Me either, come on, let's take him to see Phong.
- [At Phong's office]
- Phong: A most intriguing tale. Dancing on Al's counter you say? It reminds me of an old fie my parents used to tell me. It concerned a sprite who went a little random one upgrade. He had this very long beard.
- Bob: Uh, Phong, maybe you could perform some tests, to figure out what's wrong?
- Phong: Ah, yes. A wise idea my son. Hmm. [Grabs Enzo's head and rams an otoscope into Enzo's ear and peers in]
- Dot: Well?
- Bob: What is it?
- Phong: Hack and Slash are inside of Enzo's head!
- Bob: Hack and Slash?
- Dot: In Enzo's head?
- Bob: Are you sure?
- Phong: Oh, yes. And it seems they are in the process of taking over Enzo's brain! Although for what purpose, I cannot be sure.
- Dot: Well, we have to get them out! We have to do something.
- Bob: Do you have a data compression command?
- Phong: I've got an old BPeg.
- Bob: Right, I'm going in.
- Mouse: [To Bob] You always were such an exciting date.
- [Mouse, Hack and Slash have entered Enzo’s head by mistake, and he is spouting random quotes as a result of tampering with his nerve endings]
- Enzo: I’m sorry, Mrs. Dithers. My dog ate my homework. Slingshot? What slingshot?
- Dot: Enzo, what’s happening?
- Enzo: I don’t know, my life is reminding before my eyes. [Has another spasm] BASIC?! I know you are, but what am I?
- Mouse: Megabyte, honey, Rule No. 1, don't ever try to double cross the Mouse!
- Megabyte: Rule number two, I double cross whomever I please.
Episode 11 - Talent Night
[edit]- Dot: [To Binome 1] I don't care about the lighting, these are just auditions! [To Binome 2 concerning two hats] I like the red ones not the blue ones. [Looks down at seated Emma director binome]
- Emma director binome: [Holds up badge saying "prog sensor"] It's a dirty job but someone's gotta do it!
- Enzo: You're smoked, Bob!
- Bob: In your dreams, birthday boy!
- [After a freestyle guitar battle with Bob]
- Megabyte: I've always wanted to do that... Haha...
- Dot: Hahaha... Happy Birthday, Enzo!
- [Megabyte's limo flies off from the talent show night]
- Mike: Ladies and gentlemen, Megabyte has left the building! [Elvis Binome hops on]
Episode 12 - Identity Crisis Part 1
[edit]- Phong: [Voiceover] What you are experiencing is a temporary distortion of reality.
- Enzo: This game is too old! It's boring!
- Bob: Come on, Enzo, you gotta takes games seriously. Who knows? One day you might end up in... The Fun House! (looks around nervously)
- Enzo: There's no such thing as the Fun House. That's just a stupid story.
- Bob: That's not true. I knew a sprite in the Supercomputer whose best friend's cousin got caught in the Fun House, and lived to tell about it.
- Enzo: Sure, Bob, I believe you....
- Bob: Oh yeah? Well, it's never too late to brush up on the basics.
- Enzo: Speaking of basic, have you seen the User?
- Bob: What's it doing?
- Enzo: I don't think it's learned how to drive yet.
- Bob: Well, would you please do everyone a favour and put it out of its misery? Come on, Enzo, show me your stuff!
- Cecil: [To Dot] May I say, that all the staff and even some of the food items are rooting for you all the way.
- Enzo: Goodbye!
- Cecil: Au revoir!
- Enzo: Good luck!
- Cecil: Bonne chance! [Enzo gives him a look]
- Megabyte: Attention, inhabitants of sector 1-0-0-0: Your struggle for independence is over. I'd like to take this opportunity to personally thank my friend, Dot Matrix, for delivering this sectors PID's to me with such a cunning and insightful plan. You will be rewarded handsomely for your efforts.
- Bob: In your dreams, Megadump! I think Megabyte's popped a motherboard, what's he talking about anyway?
- Dot: Oh no... Oh no!
- Bob: What is it? What's wrong? [Sees flashing folder on Dot's organizer] File removed?! That's impossible!
- Dot: No... It's gone! Everything.... The PIDS, their lives, their dreams... All gone...
- Bob: Oh boy... Phong, the PID file has been removed somehow!
- Phong: ....Did you say removed, as in not erased?
- Dot: That's right, Phong. Removed. Their lives are ruined and it's all my fault! It's all my fault... If only I knew what went wrong.
- Megabyte: As for the rest of you, prepare yourselves for change. [Chuckles] You're all mine now...
- Bob: [To Dot] Come on, that's not Dot's talkin'!
- Dot: [In a negative disposition] Just leave me alone! I quit, okay?! Everybody will be better off without me!
Episode 13 - Identity Crisis Part 2
[edit]- Dot: It's all up to me... Just like it was before and I blew it. I ruined it for everybody. [Phong startles her while he enters the game] Phong? What are you doing here?
- Phong: I want to show you something. ['Earplugs Dot with a flashing device]
- Dot: Phong? Phong? [Low pitching her voice] Phong? Phoooong...?
- Mainframe Game Voice: Game over, the user wins. Game over... [Low pitching its voice] User wins. Game over. [Low pitching into slow speed] Game over. (3x)
- [Nullified Mainframe in reality]
- Dot: [Climbs up] What happened? This sectors been nullified! But, I'm still alive! I wonder how long it was down there. (Walks with her head down)
- Dot: [Looks at a diner, Dot's Diner renamed into Nibble's Diner] Nibble's?
- Dot: Cecil!
- Service Entry Unit 26: Logic error. My name is Service Entry Unit 2-6. Enter requested diner function.
- Dot: What going on? Where's Cecil?
- Service Entry Unit 26: She ran. Enter requested diner function... or I will alert security.
- Dot: Don't boss me around, you! This is my diner! The best in all of Mainframe! (stares at the viral nullifed Binomes laughing at her angrily)
- Service Entry Unit 26: Logic error. Logic error! This is not Mainframe, this is Megaframe.
- Dot: Megaframe? [Teenage Enzo comes into the diner Enzo?
- Teenage Enzo: You! Give me those chips! [Grabs a bowls of chips from the defenseless binome when twisting around and fall off the counter and dumps onto the floor]
- Dot: Enzo?
- Teenage Enzo: Who wants to know...?
- Dot: It's your sister, Dot.
- Teenage Enzo: Huh! Listen, baby, I don't know you're trying to pull. But my sister's gone, blew it in a Gamecube got everybody nullified.
- Dot: But, wait! It is me, Enzo! You've gotta believe me!
- Teenage Enzo: Buzz off, Dame, I can tell you, you're nothing but trouble.
- Dot: What do you mean?
- Teenage Enzo: For starters, where's your barcode? What are ya? A convict? A drone?
- Dot: No. No!
- Teenage Enzo: [Throws Dot out of the diner] Stay off my turf!
- Dot: Phong, is that you?
- Phong: Eh? Who's that?
- Dot: It's me, Phong. It's Dot.
- Phong: ....Ohhh yes! Welcome, welcome! Tell me, how is your president? I have a present for her! I know it's here somewhere...
- Dot: Look, Phong, do you know where Bob is?
- Phong: ......Bob? Oh... Oh yes, yes, yes, he is here too! [Dives into his box and starts flinging junk out] Bob, where are you my little friend? Oh, here he is! You were hiding, weren't you? Bad Bob, bad Bob! [Emerges with a blue Null in a cage] No one believes me, but truly, Bob here used to be a great Guardian! Ah, he was something back then... Ehh, but those times are gone. Cute little fellow, no?
- Dot: No! No, that's not Bob! It can't be! Oh, what have I done? I lost the game and I destroyed Mainframe! I didn't even try. If only I could have another chance...
- Phong: Chance has nothing to do with it, child. The future is not determined by a throw of the dice. It is determined by the conscious decisions of you and me.
- Dot: What? What did you say?
- Phong: Oh, would you like to see my windshield collection? I have many kinds!
- [Dot has won the game, and Mainframe is in its normal state]
- Phong: You look perplexed.
- Dot: What did you do to me? Was that a dream?
- Phong: It was, shall we say, a reflection of yourself. What did you see?
- Dot: I saw someone who let everybody down because she gave up. She didn't even try. Only it was me.
- Phong: You learn well, my child.
- Bob: Nice going, Dot! You beat the Fun House! I knew you wouldn't let me down! Phong, what are you doing here?
- Dot: It's a long story.
- Herr Doktor: I'm not getting a response! Wait! Something is happening!
- Megabyte: "Turn... around"? [A vidwindow pops up behind him]
- Dot: Attention, inhabitants of Silicon Tor: Your struggle for dominance is now over. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank my dear friend Cyrus for helping me out with such a cunning and insightful plan. And as for the rest of you, hah! Who cares? [Blows a kiss before closing window]
- Cyrus: [Gulp]
- Megabyte: Hack, Slash, take him to the PID extraction chamber. I need a new shoeshine droid...