ReBoot/Season 4

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ReBoot was a Canadian (3D) animated series that was produced by Mainframe Entertainment, created by Gavin Blair, Ian Pearson, Phil Mitchell and John Grace, with character designed by Brendan McCarthy and Ian Gibson. Originally it was aired from 1994 to 2001. It was credited with being the first full length, completely computer-animated TV series. When the series first aired in 1994, the first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, had not yet been released until 1995, created by Disney/Pixar. Originally made for children, the series attracted many older fans when it became thematically darker partway through its second season.

Episode 40 - Daemon Rising

[An armada of Daemon's ships comes out of portal]
Bob: Matrix, they're Guardians! Every one of them! That's what I've been saying, but we can't Guardians, there must be another way!
AndrAIa: Bob, we know how you feel about deletion, but what choice do we have?
Bob: We can drive them back, seal the system again, that's it!
Matrix: Look, Mainframe comes first, we must defend our homeland.
Bob: Yeah, mend and defend, not delete and defend. [Matrix takes off on bike]
AndrAIa: All right, what's the plan?

Dot: [Observing on Vid Window] What is he doing? He is placing himself between the armada and our long-range guns!
Little Enzo: Maybe he's got a plan!
Dot: Bob's never had a plan in his life, he's making it up as he goes along!

[Nulls have completely covered a glowing Hexadecimal, and Nibbles has just joined the pile]
Nulls: I live, daughter... Help...!
Bob: Whoa. Now that's new.
Dot: Enzo..?
[Little Enzo looks as though he is about to cry]
Matrix: I- I can't believe it...
AndrAIa: What is it? You two look like you've seen a ghost.
Little Enzo: Sis...That's dad isn't it? That's our dad!
Bob: What?
Dot: Bob...that's our father. That thing is Welman Matrix.

Episode 41 - Cross Nodes

[Opening monologue for episodes 41 through 44]
Daemon: I am Daemon. I am the Word. My format: Supervirus. My function: To bring unity to the Net. All must hear the Word.

Episode 42 - What's Love Got To Do With It?

[AndrAIa is telling Daemon of her love for Matrix]
AndrAIa: You should have seen us fight that first game together. He was so brave. He said he was a Guardian! Showing off to impress the girl. I knew he wasn't a Guardian, of course, I could hear everything they said, but...I didn't care. I was in love. It was love at first sight.

[The newborn Hexadecimal and Megabyte gaze around Lost Angles, Mainframe's ruined twin city.]
Hexadecimal: I LIKE it here!

Dixon: One more virus for the deletion chamber.
Bob: He can hear you.
Dixon: So? Hey, Killabyte! Ready for oblivion?
Bob: Do you have to be so callous?
Dixon: It's a virus, cadet. A dirty, no-use virus.
Bob: Look, you don't know his story, what made him this way, how-
Dixon: A User made him this way. A User programmed him to destroy, to infect, to corrupt. Why a User does such a thing is beyond our capacity to understand, so there's no point trying.
Bob: I don't believe a User would knowingly release a virus on the net.
Dixon: Why, I forgot who I was talking to! I suppose you've written a readme on the psyche of Users?
Bob: Well, actually, I-
Dixon: You're never gonna pass the finals, kid.
Bob: What?
Dixon: Guardians are here to mend and defend, OK? Not sit around trying to work out the way a User thinks and why viruses are introduced into systems. I'm just glad the Prime Guardian hasn't read any of your works.
Bob: I had a meeting with Turbo just last second. He really thought my ideas to reprogram viruses for the good were radical.
Dixon: 'Radical.' He used the word 'radical' and you think- what- the?!
Killabyte: RAAAAAARGHH! [Breaks free of his restraints]

Episode 43 - Sacrifice

Daemon: I am Daemon. I am not an entity - I am a time. My time is now. The word is Cron.

Phong: How is Enzo taking your transformation?
Welman: Well...
Enzo: Hi, Phong! Dad's a null monster now! It's so cool! He can change shape and things! Hey, there's Frisket! [Runs off after]
Welman: Quite well actually.

Hexadecimal: I infect the entire net. I have spread through systems, peoples and cities from this place: Mainframe. My format: Virus. The Queen...of...Chaos! [Laughs maniacally]

Episode 44 - My Two Bobs

[Opening monologue for episodes 44 through 47]
Bob: I come from the Net. Through systems, networks, and sprites, to this place: Mainframe. My format: Guardian. To mend and defend. To defend my friends, their hopes, and dreams. To defend them from all of their enemies.

Enzo: Hey, it's Cecil, our foreign stereotype comic relief!

[Matrix, Bob and Frisket have arrived in a fighting game]
Bob: [Sighs] No Glitch, no game stats...
Matrix: No problem. This one was old when I was young. I can't believe the User still plays it.
Bob: You've played this one before?
Matrix: Oh yeah. Welcome to the dojo level of Pantsu Hebi... [Strikes a few poses with requisite sounds] ...X! Basic multi-level fight game... with a twist!
Bob: Okay. What do we do?
Matrix: Wait.
Bob: What?
Matrix: This is the final level, Bob.
Bob: So, the User might not even get here?
Matrix: Maybe. The Game Sprites might defeat him.
Bob: This is good!
Matrix: But, if the User does make it this far, he's gonna have power-ups out the yin-yang.
Bob: This is not good.
Matrix: Let's see what we've got... C'mere, boy. Reboot! [Reboots into a Son Gohan-esque boy, while Frisket turns into a small Pikachu-like creature] Oh no...
Frisket: Frisket! Frisket!
Bob: [Sniggering] You were right though. Just like old times.
Matrix: Oh, you can laugh now. We know what you're gonna reboot as.
Bob: Okay... Reboot! [Is trapped inside a small prism]
Matrix: Told you there was a twist.
Bob: This is bad.
Frisket: Frisket!

Bob: Frisket's really starting to freak me out now! Just tell me the point of this game. Why am I stuck in here?
Matrix: I'm a Pantsu Hebi trainer, you're a Pantsu Hebi X. A mutant creature. I keep you in that tiny container and release you to fight for me.
Bob: You keep creatures in cages and release them just to fight?
Matrix: Yeah.


Episode 45 - Lifes a Glitch

[In Rocky the Rabid Raccoon 2, Enzo has rebooted as a Anakin Skywalker-esque puppet]
Little Enzo: (speaking in a wooden, halting way) What are....these things??
Bob: You appear to be some sort of mannequin.
Little Enzo: Mannequin...? Badwalker??
Matrix: Oh, you aren't gonna be any help.
AndrAIa: Rocky's searching for a way in. It's time to do it, lover!
Matrix: Okay... Reboot! [he reboots as a Darth Vader-esque figure, while Bob and AndrAIa turn into a soldier and Barbie-style doll respectively]
Matrix: What happened to Phong and the idiots?
Phong: [In a Yoda voice] Yogurt, I am- *ahem!* (normal voice) I am.
Hack: Ahem We're here.
Slash: Right in front of you. [They have rebooted as soda cans]
Hack: Yeah, and we heard the idiots line.

[at the very edge of the game cube]
Phong: Perfect, this is!
AndrAIa: [Puts down Phong and the game sampler] Good. You're certainly not low-fat yogurt.
Phong: The green button, you must press.
AndrAIa: [Pushes it] We need to get back to the game!
Phong: Automatic, sampler is. Leave it, we can.
AndrAIa: Why are you talking like that?

Episode 46 - Null Bot of the Bride

[The wedding ceremony still hasn't started]
Bob: Is she here yet?
Matrix: Yeah.
Bob: Great.
Matrix: But we can't find Phong and Enzo.
Bob: What?
Matrix: Look, Bob, don't worry. We're on it. At least the bride showed up.
[Phong and Little Enzo arrive]
Bob: [Pointedly] Go and get her.
Matrix: Oh. Uh... Yeah. Right.
Little Enzo: Wait. We've got someone else to do that.
[The music starts up and Dot arrives, led down the aisle by Welman in a robotic suit]
Matrix: Dad...?
Welman: You look beautiful, princess.
Dot: This is the happiest second of my life...

[Glitch Bob has returned to his original form, and the Bob Dot was marrying has transformed into a remodelled...]
Dot: M-Megabyte...?!
Megabyte: I see my charade is at an end. A pity... We would have made a perfect couple.
[Matrix looks frantically for Gun]
Mouse: Ugh, this dress don't come with a katana!
AndrAIa: I've got him.
Bob: No! He's mine!
Megabyte: I've missed you, Guardian. Welcome back.
Bob: Back and fully charged. Let's do it!

Episode 47 - Crouching Binome, Hidden Virus

[Megabyte has been captured and placed in a cell behind a firewall]
Megabyte: So I imagine the real Gateway command is in a safe place.
Bob: The safest.
Megabyte: Safer than the Archive? The Core room. [Chuckles] Now why didn't I think of that?
Bob: You must be slipping, Megabyte.
Megabyte: You know, I really must congratulate you, Bob. It was the perfect trap.
Bob: Thank you, but I can't take the credit.
Megabyte: No, no, you never were the brains of the opposition, were you? I assume I have the lovely Dot Matrix to thank for my present circumstances.
Bob: Seems fair, after what you tried to do to her!
Megabyte: Oh, this must go a long way to satisfy your overactive sense of fair play.
[Bob and Matrix glare at him]
Matrix: Let's get this over with!
Megabyte: So what now? Deletion?
Bob: No. Just a scan. I don't believe in deletion.
Megabyte: You can't go against your code.
Bob: And neither can you. That's the problem. It's not your fault. You're programmed to be this way. We've just gotta work out a way to reprogram you.
Megabyte: So... I won't be a Virus?
Bob: That's the plan.
Megabyte: Ah... so, a fate worse than deletion. And they call me a monster.

Megabyte: Attention. As you are no doubt aware, the Principal Office is now under my complete control. You're probably looking forward to one of my erudite speeches about me, Megaframe, the new viral dawn, et cetera et cetera. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you. There is no grand scheme here. This is about revenge. Viruses are predatory by design, and it is time for me to follow my function. Prepare yourselves... for the hunt!