ReBoot/Season 3

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ReBoot was a Canadian computer animated series that was produced by Mainframe Entertainment, created by Gavin Blair, Ian Pearson, Phil Mitchell and John Grace, with character designed by Brendan McCarthy and Ian Gibson. Originally it was aired from 1994 to 2001. It was credited with being the first full length, completely computer animated TV series. When the series debuted in 1994, the first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, had not yet been released until 1995, created by Disney/Pixar. Originally made for children, the series attracted many older fans when it became thematically darker partway through its second season.

Episode 24 - To Mend and Defend

[Opening monologue for episodes 24, 25, and 27]
Megabyte: I come from the Net. Infecting systems, people, and cities, to this place—Megaframe, my domain. My format: Virus. To corrupt and conquer!

The User: Undead before I dawn! Undead before i dawn!

Deer head: [Dodges the User's gun, which gets stuck in the wall; Scottish accent] It's only funny 'till someone loses an eye!

Episode 25 - Between a Raccoon and a Hard Place

AndrAIa: [Mouse gives her a reboot button] Thank you Mouse. Does this mean I can reboot like Enzo?
Mouse: I hope so, sweetie. Just remember, it's untested. We got no way of knowing if they'll work for either of us.
Enzo: Are you sure about this, AndrAIa?
AndrAIa: I've never been more sure about anything!
Mouse: You know Megabyte will try and stop us.
Enzo: Hey, a guardian's gotta do what a guardian's gotta do! Anyway, Dot'll think of something, she always does!

Megabyte: Fire when ready!
Hexadecimal: Ready!
[Hexadecimal turns towards the energy cannon and fires it at the Principle Office shields, the shield shimmer and weaken on impact]

Episode 26 - Firewall

Enzo: Wait - where are the recovery teams? We should have been picked up by now.
Megabyte: They have been... delayed.
[Enzo and AndrAIa turn to see Megabyte, along with Hack, Slash and a fleet of his forces]
Enzo: Megabyte! [AndrAIa stands in front of him protectively, aiming her wrist crossbow at Mebabyte]
Megabyte: There's no need for that, child. I only wish to talk to the boy.
Enzo: Then talk!
Megabyte: I have a message for your sister.
Enzo: I am a Guardian! I'm not your messenger!
Megabyte: You are what you have always been: a mere delivery boy. [Grabs Enzo by the throat and lifts him to face level] Do not provoke me further; it is by my will alone you survive this encounter. Be well advised to remember that. [Throws Enzo to the ground] Now listen carefully, boy...

AndrAIa: ...And he said we might be safe here behind the principal office shield but the citizens of Mainframe are helpless. He said we were hiding while others suffered and he would make sure they suffered alot.
Dot: Thanks AndrAIa. [Turns to an extremely tormented Enzo] What do you think we should do, guardian?
Enzo: Don't humor me! I'm not a guardian! I'm just a little sprite! A delivery boy! Megabyte's messenger!
AndrAIa: Enzo, Megabyte could've deleted us, but he didn't! This is worse! I now understand what prop- pr- pro- propaganda is! [Pokes up Enzo's chin] You can't give up! You must fight!
Enzo: But, but we can't win! Look! [Motions to Vid Window of Megabyte standing before forces of APCs]
Mouse: [After a moment of dejectedness] Then Megabyte's won! He's beaten the defender of the system with words! I'm only glad Bob can't see this.
Enzo: Bob, Bob wouldn't hide in here while Megabyte took over. A guardian would find a way to stop him! A way to lock him up! Mega breath should be the prisoner, not us!
Mouse: Well, I do declare out of the mouths of babes!
Phong: Cage the tiger and you may walk the forest freely. [Enzo shrugs in encouragement and Dot shrugs in agreement]
Mouse: A firewall or an inverted firewall
Phong: Exactly! It could work!
Dot: Time out, people! What are you talking about?!
Phong: Enzo thought of it and I must say it is a brilliant plan young guardian!
Enzo: It is?! Oh, I mean, it is! Thanks, Phong!

Megabyte: [Hexadecimal wakes hanging from recuperation machine] Oh, feeling better I see.
Hexadecimal: I will tear you apart once I am free from this infernal collar! That thought alone keeps me well! Dear, brother! [Laughs maniacally and Megabyte squints at her]
Megabyte: Hmm, yes, we've heard this before. [Turns to binome] Hey doctor, it is time.
Doctor binome: Double madcrossed and bitter Hexadecimal is repaired, fully charged and totally under your control!
Megabyte: So finally I have the power to crush all who stand against me! Prepare transportation to the stasis chamber. It is time to put my new toy to use.
Doctor binome: [Waddles to control panel] Throw this hitch, [Pulls lever] and ready weapon Hexadecimal or battle! [Recuperation machine fires up with Hexadecimal extremely enraged]

Megabyte: Call off your dog, boy. [Indicates Hexadecimal trapped in his machine] Now that I command Hexadecimal's power, none can stand against me!
Enzo: You did that?! To your own sister?!
Megabyte: [Chuckling] Yes, yes, yes - it's rather good, isn't it?
Enzo: You're sick, Megabyte! I won't rest until I've stopped you!
Megabyte: I believe that's an idle threat. It ends now. [Unsheathes his claws]

Episode 27 - Game Over

Slash: I cannot do this. It is bad!
Hack: What do you think you're doing?
Slash: I am saving the little fellow from what, to me, looks like certain death.
Hack: Yeah, that's right! And we're supposed to BE that certain death!
Slash: [Encouragingly] Go, little fellow. Run! Be free!
[Cyrus runs for it]
Hack: Now you've done it. Megabyte's gonna be mad!
Slash: Oh, what's new?! I miss Bob!
Hack: WHAT?! [Makes frantic shushing noises] You crazy?!
Slash: Bob always stopped us before we could do anything really bad. [Sniffs] Now nobody does...
Hack: Hey! I never thought of it like that before...
Slash: Let's get back to the Tor. I do not like it down here...
Hack: Okey dokey!
Slash: Are you gonna tell Megabyte what I did?
Hack: Yep!

Megabyte: I'm glad you find this amusing.
Hexadecimal: Oh, I was just picturing what I will do to you once I am free of your little toy. You have no idea of the power you try to control! Chaos will ALWAYS triumph over Order! It is the way of things.

Phong: What does someone have to do to get a cup of cocoa around here?!

Dot: Enzo... no.... NO...!

Episode 28 - Icons

[Opening monologue for episodes 28 through 31]
Enzo: I live in the games. I search through systems, peoples, and cities, for this place—Mainframe, my home. My format: I have no format. I am a renegade, lost on the net. [Pause] Reboot!

Enzo: [Jumps upon praying mantis virus head's aiming gun] There's no guardian here, I'm Matrix, the renegade. [Praying mantis virus glossolalianes] Mercy to a virus? Never. [Shoots praying mantis vanquished]

Episode 29 - Where No Sprite Has Gone Before

AndrAIa: AndrAIa's log, game date unknown. We've entered a new system with the hope of finding Mainframe. Once again, we're met with failure. With every passing system, Matrix grows more despondent [Matrix throws key tool at ground in frustration] and I fear if we don't find Mainframe soon [Frisket picks up key tool holding up to Matrix] he'll give up all hope with ever finding home, AndrAIa out.

Rob Cursor: [Matrix grabs his shoulder with his gun drawn and Rob turns drawing his lightsaber]
Matrix: I could ask you the same.
Rob Cursor: You're not one of us!
Matrix: No, we're not.
Rob Cursor: Well, then allow me to introduce myself. I am Captain Rober Cursor, leader of the Hero Selective.
Matrix: I'm Matrix. AndrAIa and I used the last game to enter your system.
Powerlock: Then you're to blame! No one is to play the games! The user must win! Only then will the Spectrals listen!
AndrAIa: Why would you want to lose? Don't you know the damage it'll cause?
Powerlock: Don't speak to me of things you know nothing about!
Rob Cursor: Powerlock, please. They are new to our system! Treat them with respect!
Pixel: Captain, I calculate that in 3.6 nanoseconds, the Spectrals will return in force.
Rob Cursor: A logical assumption, Pixel as always! Follow me to the hard drive and I will explain everything.
Matrix: Your system, does it have a Guardian?
Rob Cursor: "Guardian". I am not familiar with the term. Come, it's not safe here.

Matrix: [Walking through cave lair] It's quite a place you got here.
Rob Cursor: You know Matrix, your friend is right. The Hero Selective IS purposely damaging the system.
Matrix: That doesn't seem very heroic.
Rob Cursor: No, it's not. Yet, it's the only way we can get the Spectrals to listen to our demans.
Matrix: Why bother, looks like you got the distinct advantage?
Rob Cursor: I'm sorry, but you're wrong. They're the ones controlling us.
Spectral: Traitors! You betrayed your race and now your betray your function!
Powerlock: You're the traitors! You betrayed us! So be quite or I'll- [AndrAIa uses spear to block him]
AndrAIa: Do nothing! [Frisket growls]
Rob Cursor: AndrAIa, you must understand! We were like them! Once we were Spectrals!
AndrAIa: If this is true, why did you change?
Pixel: Spectrals are unable to reboot when the games first came, there was no defense. Then a way was found to convert Spectrals into Sprites.
Rob Cursor: We volunteered. Our mission was to seek out new game cubes and new applications. We boldly went no Spectrals had gone before.
Gigagirl: That was five cycles ago! Now we want to go back!
Spectral: Liar, you were seduced by the flesh and rejected your Spectral state. The games have turned you into barbarians. You no longer belong in the Spectral selective.
Copy Girl: But we've grown tired of the games and want to return.
Spectral: No, your format is to defend the system from the games. Anything else is a wasted of resources and a threat to our existence.
Pixel: Captain, the Spectral raises several valid and logical points.
Gigagirl: Logic?! How can you talk about logic? We're talking about our lives here.
Powerlock: Gigagirl's right! There's no reasoning with them! We have to make them listen!
Rob Cursor: Unfortunately old friend, I must side with the others.
Cold Boot: Captain, might I suggest we all drink for us all. I find a cool shake soothes hot tempers.
Rob Cursor: Good idea, Boot.

Episode 30 - Number 7

AndrAIa: Is it possible they found a way to convert the entire city to game sprite mode?
Enzo Matrix: "Is it possible?" No it's not. The city's firmware and that wouldn't explain Bob or a functioning glitch.
AndrAIa: Why didn't you call out to them?
Enzo Matrix: I wanted to, but I couldn't.
AndrAIa: So, is this a game or not? Let's reboot and see what happens.
Enzo Matrix: No! I can't. I might reboot his little Enzo.
AndrAIa: Little or large, size doesn't matter. I will always love you.
Enzo Matrix: I've worked hard to become what I am. I put that weak little boy behind me! There's nothing of him in me now!
AndrAIa: Well, there's only one way to find out.
Enzo Matrix: Okay, let's do it. Reboot! [He becomes a Megabyte avatar, with AndrAIa becoming a Hexadecimal avatar and Frisket becoming a Scuzzy avatar]

Megabyte/Matrix: I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered! My life is my own! YOU WON'T HOLD ME!

Megabyte/Matrix: TELL ME! WHO IS NUMBER ONE?!
["For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" plays as a VidWindow pops up. Suddenly, Megabyte/Matrix's reflection moves on its own]
Megabyte: I am Number One. I am the driving force in your life. I am hatred! I drive you on and consume you.
Megabyte/Matrix: NO...!
[Matrix smashes the Megabyte VidWindow, which turns him back to normal, but another one pops up, this time with his own reflection]
Reflection Matrix: *I* am Number One. I care for no one.
Matrix: That's not true, I love AndrAIa!
Reflection Matrix: No, you don't, you love only yourself. [Mockingly] Just looking out for Number One.
[Matrix shoots his own reflection, but afterwards, he looks in horror]
Matrix: No, not you!
[Matrix's former self, Enzo, emerges from the darkness]
Enzo: I am Number One, the original. Do you think this is a game? DO YOU?!
Matrix: [Confused] But how? You're me!
Enzo: But you hate me. You must! Look at what you've become!
Matrix: You're wrong! I had to become bigger! Tougher. I had to be ready for Megabyte, to survive the games!
Enzo: Did you like the games more than Mainframe? More than your family?
Matrix: No! No, I didn't! I was trapped in the games!
Enzo: Games, games, games. "It was only a game!" YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!
Matrix: MY FAMILY!
Enzo: YOU'VE FORGOTTEN YOUR FAMILY! You've let yourself become a prisoner of the games! What would Bob think of you now?
Matrix: [Softly] Bob...
[Enzo holds up a golf ball.]
Enzo: There can be only one. [Holds the ball in front of his right eye] Be seeing you.

Hexadecimal/AndrAIa: [Megabyte/Matrix hovers down in a tri bike to meet Hexadecimal/AndrAIa] That's a nice bike.
Megabyte/Matrix: What is it with you and bikes? [Hexadecimal/AndrAIa shrugs] They didn't believe me. Why should they? I, Megabyte did nothing to prove otherwise.
Hexadecimal/AndrAIa: What's wrong with being Megabyte?
Megabyte/Matrix: How can you say that? Everything about Megabyte is wrong!
Hexadecimal/AndrAIa: Is it really? The strength, the control, the power. Isn't that everything, you wanted?
Megabyte/Matrix: Yeah, that is what I wanted, but not like this. Not at the expense of Bob and others. I gotta make them see that I'm sincere. I have to prove that I'm Enzo. Even if I have to [extends his claws] delete them all to do it.

Episode 31 - The Episode With No Name

Maxine: [Mopping up tourist seeing boat] Ugh, how many times do I have to say it, if you feel the need to vomit, don't. UGH!
AndrAIa: [Walks up with Frisket] Hello, I'd like to book passage with you.
Maxine: Do you have a strong constitution? My last group didn't.
AndrAIa: We can hold our own.
Maxine: Okay, you got your authorization codes?
AndrAIa: What do you mean?
Maxine: Well, I can't take you anywhere without authorization codes.
AndrAIa: But we have to get back to Mainframe!
Maxine: Internet travel is restricted, where you been? Playing games?
AndrAIa: Well, yes, actually. Wait a nano, who restricted travel?
Maxine: Well, you have been out of the loop haven't you? The guardians did! [Camera dramtically zooms to AndrAIa's shocked face]
AndrAIa: Why would the guardians restrict net travel?
Maxine: Something about controlling the known net.
AndrAIa: We are talking about the same guardians, right? To mend and defend?
Maxine: Yes, the same guardians. But now it's divide and render for their own cause.
AndrAIa: Do you know of anyone who can help us?
Maxine: I do, but they're all in that prison, [motions to hilltop complex] locked up in a waiting deletion courtesy of the guardians.
AndrAIa: What did you say your format was again?
Maxine: I'm a search engine. [AndrAIa and glance at each other, Maxine chuckles] I'll explain. [Flashes of gunfire seen in village] What in the net?!
AndrAIa: Matrix, gotta go!
Maxine: And I thought I loved excitement.

Matrix: [Walks into the SIBEDAR] I/O shot, please. [Bartender binome promptly plunks shot glass and bottle on counter shaking with fear, then stops swiveling bottle, then Matrix speaks over shoulder] You have something of mine, I want it back, NOW!
Slimey Goober: I, I, don't know what you're talking about.
Matrix: Glitch, homing signal! [Slimey Goober reaches into jacket searching] You were saying? [Slimey Goober has stood up with monstrous goons, Matrix turns around and stands up] Hey, take it easy! We can do this the hard way. [To gun] Gun, target. [Gun puts red dots on goons foreheads] Or we can do this my way. [To gun] Gun, death blossom mode! [Gun spins at Matrix's side and Slimey Goober kicks key tool to Matrix] Anyone who wants to live, leave! I just want a quiet drink! [Bar patrons stampede out, Matrix is about to drink when he speaks over shoulder] You got a deletion wish?
Turbo: I'm looking for Guardian 4-5-2.
Matrix: Imagine that, so am I!
Turbo: What have you done with Bob?!
Matrix: [Stands up and turns around] Who are you?!
Turbo: I am Turbo, prime guardian!
Matrix: Turbo, you ruined my life! [Unholsters gun]
Turbo: Copeland containment field! [Deploys force field string wrapping around Matrix] I am happy we've established who I am. Now mind telling me who you are and what you're doing with Bob's guardian protocol?
Matrix: I'm not telling you anything, you tried to destroy Mainframe!
Turbo: Mainframe! You're from Mainframe?! What's your name, son?
Matrix: You can call me Matrix.
Turbo: Matrix. Enzo Matrix?!
Matrix: Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Turbo: Copeland! Release field! [Force field string unravels and Matrix falls into chair] Where in the code have you been, Matrix?
Matrix: Game hopping. After Megabyte shot Bob into the Web, I was Mainframe's only hope. But I was only a little sprite. I played a game I couldn't win. Instead of being deleted, AndrAIa, Frisket, and I stayed with the game. We've been trying to get home ever since...
Turbo: You haven't been away for as long as you think. By my reckoning, you should only be 1-1.
Matrix: What?!
Turbo: Don't you know game time is accelerated? You compiled up faster in there relative to our time.
Matrix: Then there's still hope for all of them! Especially Bob!
Turbo: [Key tool chitters and bounces up] Glitch. Hello, old friend. Uh, you've been very honored Matrix. A key tool selects their guardian, few were chosen, and I know Glitch would never choose poorly.
Matrix: Glitch is broken. He was when I got him. Megabyte.
Turbo: Yeah, I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do to help. Listen, I came to warn, thinking you were Bob.
Matrix: Warn me about what?
Bright green sprite: You in the bar! [Opens fire with Matrix and Turbo diving behind counter]
Matrix: You were saying?
Turbo: I'm not the only guardian that knows you're here!
Bright green sprite: We're here for the rogue guardian Bob! Throw down your weapons and come out!
Matrix: Do you your drones have personality chips?
Sprite: No, why? [Matrix and Turbo open fire destroying spider drones]
Matrix: You were gonna warn me about something?
Turbo: [Feeling glowing vein-like patterns on his temples and icon] This. It's the infection. But I'm strong, I can still fight it.
Matrix: Megabyte?
Turbo: No. Much worse. A super virus - Daemon. She's infected the entire Guardian collective, except for you...
Matrix: ...And Bob. But I'm only a cadet, version 1.
Turbo: Yeah. But you're clean. Are you sure your friends are okay?
Matrix: They always are.
Turbo: Good, Matrix, I have to get back. I've away too long already. What I need is a tear. [Matrix blows up espresso machine to reveal a tear] Thanks cadet. Copeland, portal. [Copeland envelopes the tear into a reflective bubble]
Matrix: Why don't you come with us to search for Bob.
Turbo: I'm more valuable to you where I am. You'll always have a friend on the inside, as long as I can fight off this infection.
Matrix: Then I guess this where we part ways.
Turbo: No hard feelings. [Salutes him and dives into bubble which condenses into completley disappeared]

AndrAIa: [Arrives to battle scarred village street with two sprites hovering down with guns drawn, to Frisket] Don't you just hate these little delays?

Bright green sprite: What took you so long?
AndrAIa: I came as fast as I could.
Bright green sprite: And my men?
AndrAIa: Don't ask. [Frisket growls] He was wondering if your drone has a personality chip! [Drone jumps in alarm and darts away]

Episode 32 - Return of The Crimson Binome

[Opening monologue for episode 32]
Enzo: I come from the Net. I search through systems, peoples, and cities, for this sprite! Bob, my friend. My format: I have no format. I am a renegade, lost in the Web.

Mr. Christopher: Maybe we should turn ourselves in. It could be our only chance to show a profit!

Captain Capacitor: [Frisket just leapt toward the Captain and he froze him with his sword, Frisket's teeth showing] Glory be! I know those teeth! [Matrix and AndrAIa round the corner] Bail up, ye knave, or I'll-
Matrix: Gavin, wait!
Captain Capacitor: How do ye know me true name?
Matrix: I'm Matrix. Enzo Matrix. Dot's brother?
Captain Capacitor: Not little Enzo!
Matrix: Not any more... They call me Matrix.
Captain Capacitor: Okay, Matrix... Where's me dear friend, Dot? Is she with ye? By the code, how I've missed her!
Matrix: So have I...
Captain Capacitor: And Bob?
Matrix: He's in the Web.
Captain Capacitor: The Web?! He be done for!
Matrix: No! I know he would have found a way to survive!
Captain Capacitor: And you be?
AndrAIa: AndrAIa.
Captain Capacitor: [Takes her hand to kiss] Matrix has exquisite taste me lovely lady. [Kisses hand]
Matrix: You're a charming rogue, Gavin.
Captain Capacitor: Thank you, Menzel. Back in your pardon, Frisket! [Unfreezes Frisket who growls at Capacitor]
Matrix: Easy, boy.
Captain Capacitor: Shiver me templates! It really is Enzo! I've had me doubts lad, but that settles it! But how ?
Matrix: Game hopping. You compile faster. We were lost in the net and did it to survive. [Turns to AndrAIa] No regrets. [To Capacitor] Captain, we need your ship.
Captain Capacitor: Then you'd best look elsewhere. The guardian's lap dogs have seized me ship and taken me crew prisoner! [A hovering screen reveals a ransom for Capacitor and his first officer] Don't pay any attention1
Matrix: 10,000 units! What'd you do?
Mr. Christopher: Well, when Mainframe closed down, we tried to open honest trade routes with other systems, for some reason, the guardians took exception to that. We've been on the run ever since.
AndrAIa: Captain, we need your help into the web.
Captain Capacitor: I'd be glad to try for God's sake, but why the web?
Matrix: I told you, that's where Bob is, we have to find him. He's our only way back in the Mainframe.
Captain Capacitor: Well I can't do it without me crew, they're being held in yonder prison.
Mr. Christopher: And there's no way of breaking them out.
AndrAIa: Ah, but now you have a secret weapon. Something they aren't expecting. Something that can't be stopped.
Captain Capacitor: And what would that be?
Matrix: Me.

Captain Capacitor: [Runs up to shut door with Matrix taps on gate opening code pad] Job blasted mock-up codes!
Matrix: My turn. [Fires at code pad, with gate doors opening slightly]

AndrAIa: [To two hovering police patrols] Hey bits for braid, how many CPUs does it take to catch one sprite?! [Police patrols open fire at AndrAIa fleeing]

Ray Tracer : Matrix, a shot over here.
Matrix: [Fires directly at Ray to open locker door with Ray sprite narrowly missing] Next time, it's your head.
Ray Tracer : [Hops on levitating surf board] Well, a good day to you all, I'm riding the grid waves out here. You want my advice, head straight to the edge of the arm, they'll never catch you there. [Flies away]
Matrix: Told you he was useless! Move out!

Episode 33 - The Edge Of Beyond

Ship helmsman: It's the density of the data, sir. I don't know how long the scanners will hold out, sir.
Captain Capacitor: What have we gotten ourselves into?
Ship helmsman: It's like navigating through an invisible lake of soup, sir.
Captain Capacitor: Don't worry boy, she'll hold together.

Mr. Christopher: I don't like the look of this sir, we're heading right into a storm, sir.
Captain Capacitor: I bet we are Mr. Christopher, now brace yourself there, there be rough seas ahead.

Ray Tracer: You steered into a data storm?! Only a hard headed psychopath could be so stupid!
Matrix: I did it for AndrAIa. I need the energy back from that web creature!
Ray Tracer: You could've gotten everyone deleted, including AndrAIa!
Matrix: I don't need this!
Ray Tracer: Well, you're going to hear it! [Matrix punches him in face with surfboard catching him falling to boxes, to Captain Capacitor] Stay, I'm okay. [Gets up, walks to Matrix] This is my digital domain, if you want to survive in the web, you better do as I say. [Matrix points gun at Ray]
Captain Capacitor: [Pulls gun down] There'll be only one captain on this ship and I give the orders, but I will take your advice. And as for you Enzo Matrix, it's only for the sake of your sweet sister Dot that I tolerate this behavior. I'll not warn ye again.
Ray Tracer: If he keeps this up, he'll destroy us all.
Captain Capacitor: The sad thing lad is the Enzo I knew would have agreed with ye, but that Enzo be no more.

Captain Capacitor: [Observing Ray Tracer's chomped surfboard] It's a terrible thing, he's been taken. He was a brave lad, foolhardy but brave.
Matrix: He gave his life for AndrAIa, but for me, that's not right! I'm going out there!
Captain Capacitor: I knew it would come to this. Princess Bula! [Bula walks up with protective suit]
Princess Bula: [Hands over protective suit] Keep you safe.
Captain Capacitor: The lads have been working on this for you.
Matrix: [Steps out in suit] Take care of her for me. Now there she'll degrade.
Captain Capacitor: Say no more. [Matrix puts on helmet] Ready asloop!

Ray Tracer: [To Matrix about to be sucked into a vortex] G'day mate, do you lift?
Matrix: We have to follow the pod, I've lost the target!
Ray Tracer: No, mate, we should go back to the ship! [Back at ship with Matrix] It's a fashion statement! I told you I had it covered!
Matrix: Covered my ascii, what were you?
Ray Tracer: A search engine! Next generation!
Matrix: You are the surfboard.
Ray Tracer: You are smarter than you look!
Captain Capacitor: Look who's back, the pods moved off! There's nothing out there!
Matrix: You're wrong captain, there IS something out there. I suggest you order battle stations.

Episode 34 - Web Riders On The Storm

Bob: [Takes off helmet mask] You just can't talk in these things!
Enzo: Bob! [Starts to run over to tackle Bob]
Bob: Whoa! [Holds out his hands, causing Enzo to stop] I think you're a little too big for that!

Episode 35 - Mousetrap

Bob: [Stands up and taps mug for a toast at a feast, in the Riders' language] To the Captain and crew of the Saucy Mare. [In English] To the finest bunch of cutthroat binomes who ever sailed the two seas! [Saucy Mare crew cheers]
Captain Capacitor: [Jumps on table] To the Web Riders, the ugliest bunch of blaggers I've ever had the pleasure of sailing with! [Crew applauds and cheers with Capacitor falling backwards]
Ray Tracer: Matrix and AndrAIa, the sprites who brought us all together. [Crew applauds and cheers]
Matrix: I'll drink to that! [Drinks]

AndrAIa: What's the matter, lover?
Matrix: For once AndrAIa, nothing's the matter. We did it, we found Bob! With Bob around, I know everything's gonna be all right. I can't tell you how good it is to see him.
AndrAIa: Don't tell me, tell him.
Matrix: It's the problem, I can't. We've been through so much. I've changed. What if he doesn't like what I've become. When he was this, my hero.
AndrAIa: Come on, let's get back to the party, two old friends have some catching up to do.

[Ray is standing up, head tilted back and holding a wriggling leech-like worm above mouth, showing it off]
Matrix: [To Captain Capacitor] I never got used to that stuff, it wriggles all the way down.
Web rider 1: [To Web rider 2, in own language] He has guts, I'll give him that.
Web rider 2: [In own language] I never got used to the way it wriggles all the way down. [Ray swallows the worm, grabs throat with both arms and falls to table unresponsive, with all feasters staring in silence]
Ray Tracer: [Ray stands back up holding up both fists] Yeah, alright! [All feasters cheer]
Web rider 1: You are a warrior. You have Honour. [Swipes Ray sent flying to door bumping into Matrix who pulls Gun on both Ray and the Web Riders]
Ray Tracer: [In the Riders' language] Handbag... teakettle.... barbeque!
Web Rider 1: What in the web is he talking about?
Web Rider 2: I think he wants us to calm down!
Bob: Enzo, what do you think you're doing? Put that gun down, NOW!
Ray Tracer: Come on, man.
AndrAIa: [Comes up behind Matrix and pulls arm down] Don't worry, Bob, crisis over!
Matrix: I didn't mean to, I just reacted. I couldn't stop myself. I'm- I'm sorry. [Walks away]

[The Saucy Mare is being attacked by huge bolts of energy and has powered down]
Matrix: I can see through the shielding. It's getting worse out there. The charges are increasing in frequency and strength. We're like rats caught in a trap.
Bob: Or mice. That's it! This is one of Mouse's traps! She's the only other sprite who knew Mainframe's address. She's sealed and protected the location.
Matrix: Mouse.... We might have stood a chance against the Guardians, but Mouse?
Bob: I know... This is bad. Very bad.

Matrix: [Sitting down] I'm- I'm sorry. I wanted you to be proud of me and I blew it. What have I done? What have I become?
Bob: [Standing up] Look, you survived the games and brought this crew together and rescued me. I am proud of you, Enzo.
Matrix: I've done... questionable things.
Bob: You did what you had to do. We've all changed, all grown up and now it's time to fight back.
Matrix: A lost guardian and a renegade, not a key tool between them.
Bob: And a big job to do. We'll be okay. The surfer can get us back to Mainframe. We'll deal with Megabyte and then Daemon, together. [Extends open hand] You ready?
Matrix: Yes. [Grabs hand and Bob pulls him up, they walk together] Bob, it's good to see you.
Bob: It's good to see you too, Matrix.

Episode 36 - Megaframe

[Opening monologue for episodes 36 to 39]
Dot: I look to the net. I search through systems, peoples and cities, for these sprites: My family. My format: of what was once Mainframe. Reboot!

Bob: [Draws gun at Hack and Slash] Easy Matrix, they we never THAT bad.
Hack: Um, Slash, does that not look a little bit like Bob?
Slash: "Like Bob"? Why, yes, it does!
Both: Bob! [Rushes to Bob] Oh, Bob, Bob!
Slash: We have missed you so much!
Hack: We do have! You have no idea! Oh, oh, I like the new hair!
Slash: It is very exciting look for you!
Bob: Whoa, whoa, easy boys!
Slash: Bob, who is that big green fellow?
Bob: That's... Enzo.
Hack: Oh. Enzo. It is a good thing he is on our side.
Slash: You bet.
Both: ....ENZO?!
Slash: Oh my goodness.
Hack: Oh, boy, wait 'til she sees you!
Slash: Oh yeah!
Hack: She is gonna have a connection!
Slash: Come on, let's go see Dot!
Bob and Matrix: Dot?!
Hack: Yes, we have been taking very good care of Dot!
Slash: Oh yeah, very good.
Hack: Very good indeed!
Slash: Just like a baby in our arms.
Hack: Just like! Goodness, I wonder what happened to his eye.
Slash: Gee I dunno, but I wouldn't wanna see the other guy.

Hack: Dot, look!
Slash: We have brought you a surprise!
Hack: Yes, a very big surprise!
Slash: Huge! [They present Matrix, and Dot looks at him curiously]
Matrix: Uh- hi, sis...
Dot: Enzo...? Enzo... [Hugs him while crying] Oh, Enzo! I thought you were nullified... I thought I'd lost everything...
Matrix: I had a promise to keep. I brought Bob home.
Dot: Bob's here?
[Bob is being passionately kissed by Mouse]
Bob: It's...nice to see you too, Mouse...

Mouse: [Referring to notices on monitor] This is not good!
Binome: [Referring to notices on monitor] Sir, the inner defenses are failing! We can't hold him off any longer!
Dot: We have to!
Binome: Why would troops have entered the principal office?!
Phong: We must evacuate now!
Dot: We can't abandon the principal office!
Phong: Megabyte has won this battle my child but you must survive to ensure that he does not win the war!

Megabyte: [Brings up a domed tank with Phong's head] Ah, and how are we feeling today?
Phong: Spare me your platitudes virus!
Megabyte: Very well, you have some information I require.
Phong: I will tell you nothing, Megabyte!
Megabyte: Excellent, prepare the extraction device. I thought I'd ask nicely but my scientists do so enjoy their work. [Nods head to Herr Doktor]
Herr Doktor: Throw this switch. [Pulls lever and Phong's head is shocked mercilessly]
Megabyte: Come no Phong, spare yourself the pain.
Phong: I will fight you to the last virus.
Megabyte: Fight all you want you old fool, you're merely delaying the inevitable. [Herr Doktor mercilessly shocks Phong's head]
Herr Doktor: [The sphere atop the principal office explodes turning into a tear] Phase one is complete now, Megabyte! We have a tear that will serve our purpose!
Megabyte: Excellent.

Mouse: [Enters Dot's quarters] Okay sugar, what do you think you're doing?
Dot: Oh, Mouse, I was just-
Mouse: Can the fearless leader routine, I want to know what's going on between you and Bob. If you're still mad about that little kiss I gave him
Dot: No, no, it's not that...
Mouse: Then what in the net is it?!
Dot: I can't face him, not after what I did. I gave up hope. I didn't think he'd ever come back. I stopped believing in him.
Mouse: Dot, we've all lost hope, and we've all changed, except for one thing; your love for that sprite out there, and his love for you. Go to him.
Dot: [Wipes away tears] You're right, Mouse. Thank you.

Episode 37 - Showdown

Megabyte: All your friends are persistent, but in the end, they will fail. I, on the end, will. [Turns head to two scientist binomes that display excessive hypodermic needles, hammers and power saws]
Phong: Not do what you will with me the virus, I will never tell you the mortal command.
Megabyte: Herr Doktor, this process is taking far too long, he's all yours.
Herr Doktor: [Holds up syringe] Good for him today, I will make him squeal like a pig...
Binome: Sir, the rebels have entered the building!

Herr Doktor: [Enters control chambers] You took one step closer and touch his head, Phong gets it!
Matrix: I don't like binomes who threaten my friends. [Opens fire at two binomes who flee] Phong, it's me.
Phong: Forgive me my not standing to greet you. I am glad to see you, my son.
Matrix: I am glad to see you, too. Where's Megabyte?
Phong: Behind you. [Matrix turns to Megabyte attempting to slash him]
Megabyte: At last, Enzo. Why, yes, it is... young Enzo Matrix, home from the games. My, how you've grown. And such toys... Does your sister know you're playing with them? Where is that annoying chatter of yours? "Megabreath" this and "Megabarf" that. Why don't you put that gun away, boy, and try fighting like a real sprite?

Megabyte: [About to fight Matrix] Still the pretender, aren't you, boy? Where's your sister to protect you now? Better yet, where's your firewall? I shall enjoy this...

Megabyte: You are become an annoyance, boy!
Matrix: Trust me, it gets worse!
Megabyte: IT DOES NOT! [Punches the ceiling, releasing a block that sends Matrix sliding down the stairway]

[Matrix pins down Megabyte and aims his trident at his head]
Megabyte: You can't do this... It goes against everything you stand for...
Matrix: You took away my life, destroyed my home, caused nothing but pain and suffering to everyone I held dear! [strikes to the side of Megabyte's head, to his surprise] Surprised? Don't be. You're not worth it. Mainframe will always endure. Remember this defeat, this humiliation. Remember you can never win. [Makes Megabyte fall onto the beam]
Megabyte: No. YOU remember, boy. How I turned defeat into victory! How I left you with a dying system! (Activating the portal of the supercomputer, control it at the end of the beam, and walk with one leg to go near the portal of the supercomputer)
Mouse: [Watching Megabyte on the VidWindow] Oh, no you don't. [Hacking a small panel] One last double cross, sugar?! [Pressed the button for switching the portal of the supercomputer into the web portal by trapping Megabyte into the web, while Megabyte is touching the portal; the web creature tentacles came out of the portal and grab Megabyte into it]
Megabyte: NNNOOO...!
Ray: [Gets out of the portal] Good day, mates! Who was that guy? He seemed to be miffed.
Matrix: Surfer! [Light glow teleported Bob in front of him] Bob!
Bob: So, what'd I miss? [Feeling Principal Office is shaking, look around and look at the city of Mainframe is falling] The System! It's shutting down! This is bad...
Matrix: Very bad.

Episode 38 - System Crash

Megabyte: I won't you...

Bob: Try and... stop me!

Mike: Heeey...! Is there rumor of this private show for cameo by everyone's favorite talking television?

Bob: Phong, how are we doing?
Phong: The news is not good, my son.
Bob: What do you mean?
Phong: We have survived Megabyte's bane, but Mainframe is still... doomed. [Bob, Matrix, Dot and Frisket look down deeply dreading]

Episode 39 - End Prog

[Mainframe is being fully restored along with all deleted binomes]
Phong: Oh thank the User! We are saved!

Dot: Don't ever leave me again.
Bob: I promise.

[Another Enzo, in his original appearance, has just knocked Bob down]
Little Enzo: Hey Bob, what happened to your hair? It's so cool! And your costume? Alphanumeric! Can I have a costume like that? Or is that just a Guardian thing? Well, one day I'm gonna be a Guardian too, and then you'll see! So are we going jet-balling again? You promised we would if I did my homework.
[Matrix and AndrAIa realise that Matrix still has his icon set to Game Sprite mode]
Little Enzo: Hey! Who's the big ugly green guy?

Mike the TV: This is Mike the TV coming to you live from the heart of downtown Mainframe! The city has been restored, and all our heroes can take a well-earned break. Soooooo, I guess that leaves me in charge! [Laughs maniacally] Hey! Hey, hey, where're you going? Wait, wait, there's more! A special offer! For those viewers out there who missed ReBoot season 3 and have no idea what's going on, we proudly present, for your appreciation, this cycle only, the marvellous, magnificent Mainframe Strolling Players!

[An opera production of an overview of the season's plot begins with Bob, Dot, Matrix, AndrAIa, Mouse, Ray, Phong, Little Enzo and Frisket watching]
Binome Dot: [Singing] The web invaded Mainframe. Sprite and virus battle side by side. Attempting to reclaim the city from the rift which opened wide. But Megabyte betrayed Bob and He threw him deep inside the pit. The pit was closed and Bob was hosed and all that he could say was...
Binome Bob: [Hoisted up by rope] NO!
Binome Mouse: Without Bob to protect us we thought we would have no barrier, from he who would infect us, except Enzo which was scarier.
Binome Dot: The city shivered terrified from of the Infector's touch.
Binome Enzo: I guess your fear was verified, I wasn't a protector much.
Binome line dancers: I guess our fear was verified, he wasn't a protector much. [Repeated three times]
Binome Mouse: It wasn't Enzo's fault at first, he only was a little Sprite
Binome Phong: At best he was the worst but then he slowly learned to do it right.
Binome Dot: And just as he was getting skilled a Game came down he couldn't win. I thought for sure they'd both been killed, first Bob, then Enzo. Not again!
Binome chorus: And just as he was getting skilled, a Game came down he couldn't win. She thought for sure they'd both been killed, first Bob, then Enzo. Not again!
Binome Matrix: I went from Game to Game, I aged, I grew, and lost my innocence. I soon became enraged by each and every bad experience. The Sprite you knew was gone, I had become a grim aggressor man. I knew from that point on that I was truly Bob's successor man
Binome chorus: The Sprite we knew was gone, he had become a grim aggressor man. He knew from that point on that he was truly Bob's successor man.
Binome Bob: I met up with the Webriders and took the form of Interface.
Binome Matrix: I joined my gun with pirate swords and sailed the seas of cyberspace.
Binome Bob and Matrix: When at last the pair of us were finally reunited guys, Our shouts of joy did blare because we were really delighted guys.
Binome Bob: [Takes deep breath] We soon made tracks to Mainframe so our friends could reunite us. We made it back and Megabyte was waiting there to fight with us. When Bob went face to face with Hexadecimal. [Takes deep breath]
Binome chorus: His chance for survival shrank from small to infinitesimal. [Repeated four times]
Binome Hexdadecimal: Bob helped to de-fragment my head, while Matrix fought with Megabyte. I thought he'd wind up dead, but Matrix put up a terrific fight
Binome Matrix: I'd dreamed of this each lonely night, of doing in that virus trash. But just as I had won the fight, he engineered a system crash!
Binome chorus: You dreamed of this each lonely night, of doing in that virus trash. But just as you had won the fight, he engineered a system crash!
Binome Bob: What Megabyte had hoped to do was cause his death to crack us up. I gambled on the User to reboot and thereby back us up. It worked! We were all born anew and rid of things barbaric. Now we're back together, everything is alphanumeric!
Binome chorus: It worked! We were all born anew and rid of things barbaric. Now we're back together, everything is alphanumeric! Now we're back together, [sustained] EVERYTHING IS ALPHANUMERIC! [Audience stands in applause with Phong taking pictures]