Soul and body
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Quotes about body and soul.
- Adam and Eve began the mass production of the human body, but Cain and Abel began that of the soul. (Stanisław Jerzy Lec)
- Was anyone asking to see the soul? | Look at your shape, your appearance, people, substances, animals, trees, running rivers, rocks, sands. || All contain spiritual joys, which later emanate; | How can the real body die and be buried? || Of your true body, and of the true body of each man, of each woman, | each element will escape the hands of the gravediggers by transmigrating towards appropriate spheres, | carrying with him all that has enriched him, from the moment of birth to the hour of death. || The characters arranged by the printer do not convey the impression, the meaning, the main sense, | more than the substance and life of a man make him in body and soul, | indifferently, before death or after death. || Observe, the body includes and affirms the meaning, the main purpose, includes and affirms the soul; | whoever you are, how superb and divine is your body, or each part of it! (Walt Whitman)
- He who has a well-disposed body resists heat and cold; Likewise, those whose souls are in good condition can tolerate anger, sadness, great joy and every other emotion. (Epictetus)
- What the eye is to the body, reason is to the soul. (Erasmus of Rotterdam)
- As a body everyone is individual, as a soul never. (Hermann Hesse)
- Just as the spider, standing in the center of the web, as soon as a fly breaks one of its threads, it notices it and quickly runs to it as if it feels bad for the thread breaking, so the soul of man, when a part of the body is injured , quickly goes there as if it could not bear the injury to the body to which it is permanently joined and according to a specific relationship. (Heraclitus)
- Just as the bark protects its trunk from cold, wind and water, so our body must protect our soul from temptation, greed and bad weather. (San Gabriel)
- How can we not see that nature asks us for nothing else with imperious cries, other than that the body be free from pain, and that the soul enjoys a joyful feeling free from worries and fears? (Tito Lucrezio Caro)
- How can harmony exist between body and soul if the latter is ready at any moment to save itself at the expense of the body. (Stanisław Jerzy Lec)
- Body and soul, or they will be two hands clasped in eternal adoration, or two wrists cuffed for eternal captivity. (Charles Péguy)
- Just as pain is a sensation necessary for the preservation of our body, suffering is necessary for the preservation of our soul. (Lev Tolstoy)
- "Heart" indicates precisely this overall play of man's perceptive forces, in which the correct intertwining of body and soul is also at stake, which belongs to the totality of the creature called "man". The fundamental affective disposition of man also depends precisely on this unity of soul and body and on the assumption that he accepts both his being body and his being spirit; who subjects the body to the discipline of the spirit, without however isolating reason or will but, accepting himself from God, also recognizes and lives the corporeality of existence as a richness for the spirit. (Pope Benedict XVI)
- Since our inner experiences consist of reproducing and combining sensory impressions, the concept of the soul without the body seems completely meaningless to me. (Albert Einstein)
- It is better not to have the health of the body than to compromise the life of the soul. (Santina Campana)
- – Is it true that the soul has a body?
– What are you saying? It is the body that has a soul.
– Too bad, I thought the opposite. (Je vous salue, Marie) - From the origin of life, therefore, body and soul perceive the same vital movements and share them, even when the human being is still in the maternal womb, so that their separation determines their mutual end: their unique survival, as their nature is unique. (Tito Lucrezio Caro)
- I have declared that the soul is not worth more than the body, | and I have declared that the body is no more than the soul. (Walt Whitman)
- I have always had this relationship for a long time... this bad relationship with my body and this terrible fear of sex and this terror of impurity that had been instilled in me since I was little. [...] I have always had close to me, in an enveloping (and also murky) way [...], priests who have always inculcated this idea of chastity in me. Chastity, impurity, impurity and chastity. Continuously. These priests followed me. They also often came to my house, they were friends of my parents. They were very concerned about my spiritual life. Indeed, it seemed to me that they almost wanted to cultivate in me a chosen, particular creature like that. They wanted to take care of my soul a lot, but in taking care of my soul they made me experience my body in a schizophrenic way as if it were a shell to be forgotten. (You live in love)
- Pleasure unites bodies, pain unites souls. (Guido Ceronetti)
- Our bodies are prisons for our souls. Blood and skin are but the bars of our confinement. But you need not fear. Flesh is destined to decay, death turns everything to ash, and in doing so frees the soul from its jailer. (The Fountain - The tree of life)
- The body is the story of the soul. (Nicolás Gómez Dávila)
- The body can give in to desire, without the soul participating. (Anatole France)
- The pain of the soul is much worse than the pain of the body. (Publilius Syrus)
- The features of the soul surpass those of the body in beauty. (Zeno of Citium)
- The pallor shows us the extent to which the body can understand the soul. (Emil Cioran)
- The bread of the body, without that of the soul, reduces man like a beast, and concerns him only with the life that passes, while he wanders in the world to achieve immortal life. It is an immense suffering to see that men only talk about material affairs, to see them anxious to make money, and completely or almost completely forgetful of their soul! (Dolindo Ruotolo)
- tantra does not condemn the body. Tantra is a total acceptance of things for what they are. Christian theologians and those of other religions condemn the body. They create a dualism, a dichotomy, splitting you in two and saying that the body is the enemy, evil and must be fought. This duality is fundamentally wrong: it will divide your soul in two and create a split personality. (Osho Rajneesh)
- Your body is the harp of the soul and it is up to you to make sweet music or confused sounds from it. (Khalil Gibran)
- In reality, however, our life consists only of the awareness of the spiritual being enclosed within the confines of the body. (Lev Tolstoy)
- The soul helps the body and at certain times lifts it. It is the only bird that supports its cage. (Victor Hugo)
- The soul of man is nourished by learning, just as the body is nourished by food. (Bartolomeo da San Concordio)
- The soul desires to be with his body, because, without the organic instruments of this body, it can do nothing or feel anything. (Leonardo da Vinci)
- The soul is the body that functions; the body is dead, the soul is dead. (Luigi Capuana)
- The soul and the body are not two different things, but just two different ways of perceiving the same thing. Similarly, physics and psychology represent just two different attempts to unify our experiences through systematic thinking. (Albert Einstein)
- The soul came to the body and the body to life for the purpose of evolving. (Neale Donald Walsch)
- Is the soul a shadow dwelling in the sin chest? Or is the body really in the soul as Giordano Bruno thought? (Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray)
- The soul is born old but becomes younger: this makes life a comedy. The body is born young but gets old: this makes life a tragedy. (Oscar Wilde)
- The harmony of soul and body... what a great thing! In our madness we separate them and have invented a realism that is vulgar and an idealism that is empty. (Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray)
- The intention of the soul is more powerful than the bondage of the body. (Teresa d'Avila - The interior castle)
- man truly becomes himself when body and soul find themselves in intimate unity; the challenge of eros can be said to be truly overcome when this unification is successful. If man aspires to be only spirit and wants to reject the flesh as a merely animalistic inheritance, then spirit and body lose their dignity. And if, on the other hand, he denies the spirit and therefore considers matter, the body, as an exclusive reality, equally loses its greatness. (Pope Benedict XVI)
- Man can do everything for his soul, but he can do almost nothing for his body. He can be saved from everything, even hell, but he cannot be saved from being a miserable, miserable animal. (Vittorio Giovanni Rossi)
- Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body. (François de La Rochefoucauld)
- Never tell a child: you have a soul. Teach him: you are a soul, you have a body. (George MacDonald)
- Neither the soul nor the body, taken separately, is man: what is called by this name is what is born from their union. (Pope John Paul II)
- I don't care about the body - I love the soul, the shy, modest, shy soul - which hides because it is afraid, and the bold and intrusive body - sorry ma'am, did you call me? (Emily Dickinson)
- No, it is not the body that is sick. It's the soul! Rather than a doctor... a confessor. (Alexandre Dumas, father)
- It is not possible to give satisfaction to the Soul and to the body, one of the two must lose it, but lose, lose the body, for it too will one day benefit greatly. (Benedict of Urbino)
- There is no need to search whether the soul and the body are one, just as one does not do so for the wax and the imprint. (Aristotle)
- O little soul, wandering, joking, | host and companion of the body, | where will you go now, | pale, cold, naked, | deprived of the usual entertainment? (Hadrian)
- Every man is a synthesis of body and soul, destined to be a spirit, that is, to live in the house; but man prefers to stay in the cellar, that is, in the determination of sensuality. (Søren Kierkegaard)
- For one of those infernal laws that dominate existence, there is no possible agreement between the spirit and the body: one only shines on the ruins of the other. (Mario Andrea Rigoni)
- The more a man lives for the soul, the better he realizes the unity of himself with all living creatures. Live for the body, and you will find yourself alone among strangers; live for the soul, and the whole world will be familiar to you. (Lev Tolstoy)
- Then, perhaps, Paola's body had succumbed to her soul. To the immortal soul, to the sentimental soul, to the beautiful soul: and behold, the joyful truth of her body had become clouded, she had become distorted; she had become an inferior good. Temptation, lies: as in the book of Genesis. Except that the temptation had been the soul: the immortal or the sentimental or the beautiful. It is the soul that lies, not the body. "Our body is the good dog that leads the blind." (Leonardo Sciascia)
- Know that the soul is the master of the chariot, that the body is the chariot itself, reason is the coachman and the reins are thought. (Kaṭha Upaniṣad)
- If a beautiful body does not have a beautiful soul, it resembles an idol rather than a human body. (Pierre de Bourdeille)
- We have been carrying around the dualism of mind and body, soul and flesh for centuries or even millennia. Even before the results of biology and neurophysiology, this dualism was however dismantled by two great protagonists of modern philosophy: the rationalist Baruch Spinoza and the empiricist David Hume. Starting from very different premises, the two converge in telling us that our Io which claims to be immortal is nothing more than a mode of nature. (Giulio Giorello)
- All Bibles, sacred codes, have been the cause of the following Errors:
1. That in man there are two real principles of existence, that is, a Body and a Soul. (William Blake) - I see that those who touched my soul were unable to awaken my body, and those who caressed my body were unable to reach my soul. (Paulo Coelho)