Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light

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Seasons: 1 Duelist Kingdom / 2 Battle City / 3 Enter the Shadow Realm / 4 Waking with Dragons / 5 Grand Championship, Capsule Monsters and Dawn of the Duel | Movies: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light / The Dark Side of Dimensions / Bonds Beyond Time | Main


Tristan: Kicks to the face don't work.
Joey: Neither do kicks to the head.

Tea: Hmm... wonder what all the commotion's about?
Joey: Dunno, but I haven't seen this many people running from school since they served meatloaf surprise last year.

Joey: If you wanna get to the king of games, you got to get past the... uh... the, uh, Godfather of games, capice?

[Yugi runs from the mummies]
Joey and Tristan: [In unison] Yugi!?
Yugi: [Runs past them] Talk later! Run now!
Joey: What's with him? [He and Tristan see the mummies run towards them]
Tristan: Zoinks!

Tea: Yugi?
Yugi: [Opens eyes after his vision] Tea... would you read me the story about the bunny?
Tea: ...I'm going to pretend that was the concussion talking and forget about it.

Anubis: Shadows take life, creatures be born! Now let's see how well you play this game when the monsters are real!
Joey: Monsters?!
Tristan: For real?!
Tea: Oh no.
Anubis: [After he is revived as a monster] It is no longer time to duel. Now it is time to die!

Pegasus: [after Anubis was defeated] No one could return after suffering a defeat as thoroughly devastating as that. Well, no one but Kaiba, that is. I'm sorry, did I say that aloud?

(Yugi and Tea finds Solomon in the museum)
Yugi: Hey! It's my grandpa! What are you doing here?
Solomon: Oh, it looks like great minds think alike.
Yugi: So, you've came to see that pyramid too?
Solomon: Yup.
Tea: This says it's called the Pyramid of Light.
Solomon: In all my years of Egyptology, I've never come across this relic before. But it says here it belong to an evil sorcerer who tried to bring about the end of the world.
Yugi: Well I guessed it's pretty to say his plan didn't work, right?
Solomon: Legend say a brave pharaoh destroyed him using the mystical Dagger of Fate.
(Yugi looks at his Millennium Puzzle)
Solomon: The same pharaoh who many believed possessed your Millennium Puzzle. Come, I'll show you.
(They went back to see the sarcophagus)
Solomon: See, there's the knife.
Tea: (disgusted) Can we leave?
Yugi: (looking at the inscription) What's it say here on his sarcophagus.
Solomon: Let's see. It's some sort of prophecy:
The eye that see what's yet to come
Its vision shall be fulfilled
Unless blinded by events predetermined
Thus light and shadows both be killed

Pegasus: You see, Kaiba thinks he got that card from me. When in fact, this has all been arranged by an evil lord who tried to take over the world five millennia ago and is now back to finish the job. I looked it up. Now this Anubis has created the Ultimate Shadow Game, and he's getting much stronger every moment.
Solomon: Then the prophecy is being fulfilled.

(Anubis is draining the life force of the Pharaoh)
Anubis: (laughs) Foolish mortals, there is nothing you can do to stop my rebirth. I have infiltrated the realm of the Pharaoh and his life force now feeds mine.
Yugi: We won't stand here while you sucked the life out of others to save yourself. We're going to take you down, Anubis!
Joey: I'd stay in that casket if I were you.
(Mummies begin to rise from the dead)
Yugi: What do you want anyway?
(Anubis shows them the terrible future that is going to happen)
Anubis: Behold the future, since you won't live to see it for yourself. Soon my beasts of destruction shall annihilate all traces of life on Earth and I will finally complete that which I started millennia ago. It was by your very hand that this devastation will occur, mortal. For when you released the Pharaoh, you released me as well.

(Anubis grabs Kaiba by the head)
The Pharaoh: Kaiba! No!
Anubis: You have served me well, little worm! But you have outlived your usefulness!
(He throws Kaiba to the side)
Pharaoh: Kaiba!
(The Pharaoh watches as Anubis is fully restored to life)
The Pharaoh: So, it's been you behind this whole duel! Manipulating Kaiba all along! The Egyptian Lord of the Dead, Anubis!
Anubis: I am pleased that you remember me after all these years, my Pharaoh. It will be my ultimate vengeance, all the sweeter. You will fall and my reign of destruction shall begin!
Pharaoh: We'll see.
Anubis: The souls of your mortal friends have already fallen! Trapped within your Puzzle!
Pharaoh: My friends.
Anubis: Lost in a labyrinth of the dead!
Pharaoh: You're wrong, I can still sense their presence. And I will fight to defend them! No matter what happens, I won't not let your evil plan come to pass, Anubis!
Anubis: All I need to do is defeat you in this duel and the prophecy will be fulfilled! You will be destroyed! The magic of the Shadow Games that you locked away centuries ago, will once again be unleashed into the world! And I shall finally take my rightful place as the pharaoh of this realm! With the Pyramid of Light at my command, there is nothing you can do to stop me! The Ultimate Shadow Game is just beginning!

Voice cast
