Monarch: Legacy of Monsters
Monarch: Legacy of Monsters is an American monster streaming television series developed by Chris Black and Matt Fraction. It is the second television series in the MonsterVerse and takes place between the events of Godzilla and Godzilla: King of the Monsters. The series follows members of the organization Monarch as they encounter Godzilla and other monsters, known as "Titans", over the span of a half century.
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Season 1
[edit]- Bill Randa: Hey, buddy. I don't know if this will get to you. I hope so. Actually, I don't, because it'll probably mean I'm dead, which you may not feel too busted up about. Sorry, I gotta keep this short. You may never forgive me for what I took from you, but I can't go back in time and fix all the mistakes that I made. But maybe I could leave something for the future: a legacy. And you'll realize it was all worth it.
[edit]Secrets and Lies
[edit]Parallels and Interiors
[edit]The Way Out
[edit]Terrifying Miracles
[edit]- Lee Shaw: If it's not one of our bogies, then what is it?
- Bill Randa: The three most beautiful words in the English language: "I don't know".
Will the Real May Please Stand Up?
[edit]Axis Mundi
[edit]Beyond Logic
[edit]- Anna Sawai - Cate Randa
- Kiersey Clemons - May Olowe-Hewitt
- Ren Watabe - Kentaro Miura
- Mari Yamamoto - Keiko Miura
- Anders Holm - William "Bill" Randa
- John Goodman (older)
- Joe Tippett - Tim
- Kurt Russell - Lee Shaw
- Wyatt Russell (young)
- Elisa Lasowski - Michelle Duvall