Steven Universe (season 5)

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The following is a list of quotes from the fifth season of Steven Universe.

Stuck Together

Aquamarine: Say, Rose, how do I look?
Steven: Awful, small and mean!

The Trial

Blue Diamond: Where is the accused?
Yellow Diamond: Is that Rose Quartz? Look at this hideous she's taken. Forget the trial, we should shatter just for looking like that.
Blue Diamond: No. I want to hear her make her case. I want to know what she thinks we're going to do with her. Because I want to do something worse.
[Steven gulps nervously]
Yellow Diamond: [warps in their throne chairs] Fine. Let's just get on with it, shall we?

Blue Diamond: How did you do it? How did you shatter Pink Diamond?
Steven: [nervously] Um, well...I did it on Earth in front of Pink Diamond's palanquin. I was probably like "Stop!" And she was all like, "No!" So we fought -- I think. And she probably did some cool moves. I probably did some cool stuff, too, some jump-kicks and stuff. But I was most likely deeply conflicted about deciding to shatter her. Definitely crying. I probably had to use the Breaking Point to do it.
Blue Diamond: It was a sword! [covers her eyes, crying and a blue light fills the room, making everyone except Lars tear up] You... shattered her... with a sword! [starts sobbing]
Yellow Diamond: [walks up and comforts Blue] That's quite enough testimony from you! We shall take a short recess.

Defense Zircon: What are you saying in there?! "Maybe" this, "probably" that! Oh, what do you mean, probably?!
Steven: Look I just... I don't actually know how it happened, okay?
Defense Zircon: You don't know?!
Steven: I...
Defense Zircon: [grabs Steven by the shirt collar and picks him up] Don't tumble my rocks! Both our gems are on the line! Did you do this or not?!
Steven: It was me, alright! [Defense Zircon let's go of his shirt and drops him] Rose Quartz did it, and I've got her gem, so I'm the one who's got to pay for this.
Defense Zircon: You don't know how it happened. [Steven shakes his head] I get it. There's a reason they want you to explain how you did it.
Steven: Huh?
Defense Zircon: It's because it doesn't make sense!

Yellow Diamond: You think you can get away, Rose? You stood your ground on that little speck called Earth. But you're on our world now.

Off Colors

Padparadscha: Oh my gosh, something incredible is going to happen to Lars!

Lars' Head

Steven: But it doesn't feel right to just leave you here.
Lars: You said yourself that everyone on this planet is out to get you. You won't be safe until you're back on Earth.
Steven: But, Lars--
Lars: Don't argue with me! You're always trying to help me. You brought me back to life. Just let me be somebody who deserved it.

Dewey Wins


Raising the Barn

Back to the Kindergarten

Peridot: This used to make sense to me. I thought life was generated in a kindergarten. Formless, aimless energy channeled into new, useful gems. But life doesn't start in a kindergarten. It ends here. I've gotten used to plants everywhere. Bugs and breeze and sunshine...all of that has been sucked out of this place.

Sadie Killer

Kevin Party

Lars of the Stars

Emerald: [on screen] It's over! I've got you now you miserable off-colors!
Lars: You'll never take us alive, Emerald!

Jungle Moon

Stevonnie: [squealing in excitement] Whoa, cool! Yellow! [jumps up to her chair]Hey, Yellow.
Yellow Diamond Oh, you're still here.
Stevonnie What are you doing?
Yellow Diamond I'm commanding the dropships to colonize this planet.
Stevonnie I wanna command a dropship!
Yellow Diamond Well, when you have your own colony, you can command whatever you want.
Stevonnie I want a colony!
[Yellow Diamond presses buttons on the panel with four diamonds]
Stevonnie: I want one now! [screen unlocks revealing a dropship on the panel] What's this?
Yellow Diamond: I'm contacting the leader of the fleet.
Stevonnie: [amazed] Let me do it! [starts pressing buttons on the screen but Yellow Diamond grabs her arm]
Yellow Diamond: [angrily] DON'T TOUCH THAT!
Stevonnie: [irritated] Why not? You have so many worlds and I don't even have one! It's not fair! I want ONE! I want my own army! I want my own planet! I deserve it! I'm just as important as YOU!
Yellow Diamond: [angrily] Then why don't you act like it, Pink?!
[Stevonnie walks away, holding their arm, angry; approach a window and their fist clenches; Pink Diamond is seen through their reflection and the hand punches the glass smashing it; She suddenly wakes up from the dream, falling out of the hammock on the ground]
Stevonnie: (talking through Connie) Whoa! [breathing hard] Steven, what was that? (talking through Steven) Diamonds. I'm having Diamond dreams again. But, why now? Why here? [looks up and see a mural of Yellow Diamond] No way.

Your Mother and Mine

Pink Diamond: Quartz, what have you been saying down there?
Rose: My Diamond, it has come to my attention that your colony, Earth, bears life. While I know these organic life-forms serve no purpose, I ask that we leave this planet and spare their lives.
Garnet: Pink Diamond thought for a moment and then laughed, a wicked, empty sound.
Pink Diamond: [laughing] You wish to save these life-forms at the expense of our own? Ha! Don't be absurd. Return to your post, and I will forget your insolence.
Garnet: And with that, Rose Quartz was dragged back to her kindergarten for duty. [A gem drags Rose away and she continues working] Only Rose could no longer stand to continue aiding in the destruction of Earth. She had no choice. She had to fight.
Rose: [Stops working and jumps into the air, changing her uniform into a dress before destroying an injector; stands on the broken injector and speaks to the other Quartzes] Is this what you want -- to inject, to build? I've seen the life that exists for itself, and it lives here. Will you destroy it, or will you join it?

Padparadscha: I predict this story won't have a happy ending.
Rutile Twins: We were all told different stories. But they all ended the same way.
Fluorite: With Rose Quartz... being... defeated.
Rhodonite: This new version of the story is even worse! So, she was great, and they beat her? What are we supposed to get out of this -- that we can never win?!
Garnet: We haven't yet, but we can, and we will. They said they annihilated Rose's rebellion, but here we are. They said they annihilated all of you on Homeworld, but here you are! They think they have us on the run, but they're the ones that are running from the truth. And the truth is we... are... everywhere!
Rhodonite: But how many more of us can there be?
Steven: Way more than you think! I was only on Homeworld for, like, an hour before I ran in to you guys. There must be Off Colors all over the place.
Garnet: Rose used to say there was something about Earth -- something that set Gems free. But it's not just Earth. Look at you. Love, freedom -- it's universal. You all prove it every moment you live as yourselves. You can show everyone.
Fluorite: We... can do that?
Lars: Not while we're floating out here like sitting ducks.

The Big Show

Pool Hopping

Garnet: I think I get it.
Steven: Hm?
Garnet: Why my future vision has been so off. I have to change the way I think about you.
Steven: What?
Garnet: I've been looking into probable futures where you act like a child. I keep expecting you to run from responsibility and to turn to me for help, but you don't do that anymore. Those futures aren't probable at all. There's nothing wrong with this timeline or my future vision. I just need to factor in that you've grown up.

Letters to Lars

Can't Go Back

A Single Pale Rose

Steven: It better not turn out that her phone was in her pocket...or she left it on the dresser or dropped it in the toilet. Seems about as likely as putting it away in your repressed war memories.

[Steven returns from Pearl's gem after learning the truth about how Rose Quartz "shattered" Pink Diamond]
Steven: I know.
Pearl: [crying] I wanted to tell you for so long...
Steven Mom was Pink Diamond...
[Garnet and Amethyst stand in shock behind Steven]

Now We're Only Falling Apart

Amethyst: Let me get this straight. Rose Quartz, leader of the Crystal Gems, Steven's mom, was actually Pink Diamond?!
Steven: She faked her own shattering, and reformed to be Rose all the time.
Pearl: Pink Diamond's final command to me was that no one could know, but now that Steven does, I can finally tell you all everything!
Amethyst: Phew! I mean, a pink lion, a pink sword, and now Pink Diamond?! Huh, if you told me Rose invented cotton candy, I'd believe it. Right, Garnet? Uh, Garnet?
Garnet: [shaking and gets up] Rose. She... she... [struggles to stay stable and defuses into Ruby and Sapphire]
Ruby: Sapphire...
Sapphire: [betrayed and heartbroken] SHE LIED TO US! She lied about EVERYTHING! She held our hands, looked at us right in the eyes, and told us to never question who we are as Garnet. We never questioned ourselves, or her!
Ruby: We couldn't have known!
Sapphire: No, you couldn't have known. You never know what's going on. That's what I'm for!
Ruby: Sapphire...
Sapphire: But I never looked into her, I trusted her... I let her make fools of us all!
Ruby: Sapphire, wait!
Steven: Guys! [slips on the ice Sapphire had caused due to her stress]
Ruby: Please...We can just stay calm and talk about this, right? Let's just, talk.
Sapphire: Talk about what? How our relationship is based on a lie? What else is there to say? [warps to Rose's Fountain]
Pearl: Ruby, I am so sorry...
Steven: Come on, Pearl. Help me explain everything to Sapphire.
Pearl: Right.
Steven: Sit tight, Ruby. We'll go and get Sapphire.
Ruby: Okay. [starts crying]

Sapphire: Everything we were running from, she was right there all along...using us for her little war...smiling at us with those knowing eyes... Making me believe in a better future that I couldn't see, because it wasn't real, and now here we are, our friends, shattered, and corrupted...of course she was a Diamond. What a long road she took to torture us all like this.
Steven: It wasn't like that. You know she didn't want anyone to get hurt.
Sapphire: I don't know that! I clearly don't know anything.
Pearl: You deserve to know everything. I was given to Pink Diamond a few thousand years before she was given the Earth. I was supposed to make her happy, I just never could.

Pearl: Is everything alright, my Diamond? You seem troubled.
Rose: All this life that's been growing wild here on Earth...none of it will survive my invasion. We're not creating life from nothing. We're taking life, and leaving nothing behind.
Pearl: Forgive me, my Diamond. I shouldn't have brought you to such a place.
Rose: No. I needed to see this.
[scene shifts back to the fountain]
Steven: So she did want to protect Earth. She didn't realize what the colony was doing to the planet.
Sapphire: So what?! She suddenly started to care about Earth? Why did she have to rope us into all this? Why couldn't she just stop the colonization herself?
Pearl: She tried. When she told the other Diamonds she didn't want to go through with the colony, they told her to finish what she started. When she told the other Diamonds she wanted to preserve life on Earth, they created the zoo and threw a handful of humans in. She did everything she could as Pink Diamond. But her status meant nothing to Blue and Yellow. So she decided to make a stand, as someone they couldn't ignore. She was going to scare every Gem off the planet. But everything changed when she saw your fusion.

Pearl: Before Garnet, Rose was only fighting for Earth. But Garnet changed everything. Rose wanted to fight for her, she wanted to fight for Gems! And maybe she was foolish, and maybe even...selfish, but she was-
Sapphire: Following us.
Pearl: What?
Sapphire: This whole time, we thought we were following her, but she was following us. How could she not after you swept her off her feet?

What's your Problem

The Question

Made of Honor

Bismuth: Hey, everyone. Did you guys... Bis-miss-th me?
[Pearl, Sapphire, Ruby and Amethyst drop their sodas simultaneously]
Peridot: Ha! I win! Also, less importantly, who are you?
Steven: I... invited Bismuth! I hope that's cool.


Sapphire: Ruby, my future used to look like one single, obvious stream, unbending 'til the end of time. In an instant, you pulled me from that destiny and opened my eye to an explosion of infinite possible futures, streaking across space and time, altered and obliterated by the smallest force of will.
Sapphire: What I mean is, you changed my life.

Blue Diamond: Rose Quartz. So you escaped Homeworld and crawled back here. This is [raises her head revealing her face full of anger; with tears drooping from her eyes] Pink's world! How dare you use it as your hiding place?! Come! Answer for what you've done!

Blue Diamond: You cannot fathom how much I've mourned, what thousands of years of grief has done to me!

Blue Diamond: I know this sword. This is the sword that SHATTERED HER! [shatters the sword, which made Connie fall down only to be caught by Lion. She looks at the broken handle of her sword and notices the Cluster faltering against Yellow Diamond's ship] You deserve this -- all of you!

Garnet: Blue Diamond!
Blue Diamond: Who are you supposed to be?
Garnet: I am the will of two Gems to care for each other, to protect each other from any threat, no matter how vast or how cruel. You couldn't stop me 5,750 years ago, and you can't stop me now!
Blue Diamond: It's you, that Ruby and Sapphire that disrupted my court.
Garnet: This is supposed to be MY day!
Blue Diamond: You hope to defeat me by clinging to my feet?
Garnet: I just needed to keep you from taking three steps to the right.

Blue Diamond: Lapis Lazuli? Does every Gem that comes in contact with this planet turn traitor?!

Garnet: With all our strength together, we can take her down!
Steven: That's right! This is our home, our planet, our friends and family! We are the Crystal Gems!
Blue Diamond: Pathetic! You are NOTHING!

Peridot: Ha! I told her off, once. I can do it again. [jumps off Bismuth's hands and runs up to Yellow Diamond] Hey! Yellow Clod! REMEMBER ME?!
Yellow Diamond: No. [zaps and poofs Peridot to her gemstone]
Steven: Stop! [jumps off Garnet's hands and runs up to the Diamonds] Don't do this! Listen to me, I'm the one you're missing! I'm Pink Diamond!
Yellow Diamond: [shocked; angry] You! [charges towards Steven as he summons his shield]
Garnet: Steven!
[Yellow Diamond stomps her foot on Steven in fury; knocking him out unconsciously]

Lapis Lazuli: What else have you got?! I've only just begun to fight! [gets zapped and poofed to her gemstone by Yellow Diamond]
Steven: [shocked gasp] Lapis!

Yellow Diamond: How miserable I knew Pink couldn't handle her own colony. But, I gave in. And now, I'm to blame for her fate.
Steven: Ah, her thoughts are too strong!
Blue Diamond: What good will any of this do? The more I make these Gems suffer, the more I long to see you again, Pink.

Blue Diamond: This feeling, I know it!
Yellow Diamond: It must be a trick! Show yourself, foe!
Steven: I'm not your foe. Please, just listen to me!
Yellow Diamond: There!
Steven: Please, the fighting has to stop. We aren't enemies. We're family. Please listen to me. I need you to know who I am!
Blue Diamond: Impossible.
Yellow Diamond: This aura...
Blue Diamond: It's you! Pink!

Legs from Here to Homeworld

Bismuth: Bismuth, are you ready?
Bismuth: I'm not gonna join a Diamond entourage! I know what you're doing, I get why you gotta do it, but I'm not gonna lay my gem on their anvil.
Steven: Anvil?
Bismuth: Okay, let me put this in Earth terms for you: you're about to enter the lion's den. Luckily, you're a lion too. You gotta roar at them in their language. You're the one that has to do it.

[While traveling to Homeworld]
Steven: Should I have brought a gift for White Diamond? We are dropping in unexpectedly, and… I want to make a good first impression. Her help will mean everything for the Corrupted Gems.
Pearl: Steven...
Yellow Diamond: Hmph. "Good impression"? We'll be lucky if she ever speaks to us again after this.
Steven: But...
Blue Diamond: The thing is, White... can be... difficult.
Yellow Diamond: When we show up in this ship, it will be irrefutable that the last 6,000 years are now the biggest galactic embarrassment that's ever happened. And we're the ones to blame. (to Steven) If you don't want to be in a bubble for the next few millennia, I suggest you let me do the talking.


Steven: Pearl!
Pearl: Steven! [runs over to Steven and hugs him] Oh, thank the stars! You're okay! What did White Diamond do? Did she hurt you?
Steven: No, she was like, "Welcome home." I don't think she understands that I'm not Pink Diamond. Where's Connie? And Garnet and Amethyst?
Pearl: They're still on the ship. [summons a hot dog bag] I'm only here because I'm bringing your things. And they consider me one of your things.
Steven: Yeesh.
[Diamond chime plays]
Pearl: The Diamond chime -- it's Yellow.
[Door opens and Yellow Pearl is seen standing right there]
Yellow Pearl: [doing the Diamond symbol] Pink Diamond, my Diamond has requested your presence in the extraction chamber.
Pearl: Let's get you into a suit. [opens the bag]
[Steven, wearing his yellow swimsuit, Pearl, and Yellow Pearl walk through a yellow hallway]
Steven: Swim trunks don't seem very formal.
Pearl: Trust me, this will be more comfortable than jeans.

Yellow Pearl: Pink Diamond.
Steven: Please, call me Steven.
Yellow Pearl: Pink Steven.
Steven: No, just Steven.
Yellow Pearl: Just Steven.
Steven: Call me... Lasagna.
Pearl: Steven, stop. You're going to break her. [opens the extraction chamber door]
Yellow Pearl: Have a nice extraction, Pink Lasagna.

Yellow Diamond: Pink.
Steven: Hi, Yellow. Cool sauna.
Yellow Diamond: It's new. Have a seat. [Steven uses his floating powers to jump up and takes a seat] So, you met with White. How was it?
Steven: All I got to say was, "Hi," and, "um," and, "I."
Yellow Diamond: Two and a half words -- that's a record.
Steven: Two and a half words isn't enough. I still need to talk to White about healing all the corrupted Gems!
Yellow Diamond: Hmm. Good luck. White never leaves her own head these days, and she never lets anyone in -- except you, I guess. It's so unfair. I have hundreds of successful crystal system colonies, but you get to see her because your one colony is a failure!
Steven: Maybe you should just... fail?
Yellow Diamond: [looks momentarily shocked, then starts laughing] Oh, Pink, you always did have quite a knack for making me laugh. You're almost worth the trouble.

[Steven, Pearl, and Blue Pearl walk down a blue hallway]
Steven: We barely talked about White at all. She had to rush to do a report, and I couldn't go with her. I get they're, like, busy, 'cause they're dictators and everything, but I need more time! (gasps and face-palms) I should have asked her what she was doing after the Citron thing!
Pearl: She'll be at that for a while. Yellow Diamond oversees all aspects of Gem production on every single one of her colonies. And when she's not doing that, she's off with her army, conquering the next one.
Steven: What about their days off, weekends?

Pearl: Blue Diamond is just up the stairs. I'll wait for you here.
Steven: [runs up the stairs] I'll be back in a bit!
Blue Pearl: [turns to Pearl] Welcome back.

Blue Diamond: You're here! Come in.
Steven: Okay! [runs and jumps into the pool, laughing] Whoo-hoo! (laughing) It's funny! I -- I live right next to the ocean, but I end up going to space to swim.
Blue Diamond: [laughs, causing the pool to shake a bit] You haven't changed. So silly. So small.
Steven: I'm not done growing. I'm not sure I can catch up to you and Yellow, though.
Blue Diamond: I'm so glad you're back... Steven.
Steven: Y-You actually said my name!
Blue Diamond: Steven. Steee-von? (chuckles) It's such a funny sounding name. You're so creative, Pink.

Steven: (sighs) This is so weird. Was this some sort of spa day or something? And what about Pink? Did she have a job here, or did she just sit in a room while they were off doing whatever?
Pearl: Before her colony, Pink used to throw massive balls.
Steven: [surprised] She was a juggler?!
Pearl: No -- Well, yes. But she would also throw parties for the other Diamonds to mark their many accomplishments. Every member of every court would show up to bask in the presence of all four Diamonds.
Steven: Even White would come?
Pearl: Oh, yes! Huh. I wonder what's even become of Pink's court.

Steven: ♫ Oh, I'll get them all together in one place / And once we're all together face-to-face / I'll show them all the error of their ways / And stop their spread of terror across space! ♫

Steven: I figured it out! Remember back when I was little and maybe kind of annoying, and I couldn't come along on adventures? You guys would still drop everything to hang out with me! That's Pink Diamond! I know I can do this! Just watch -- I'm gonna throw a huge ball, and I'm gonna invite everyone!

Together Alone

Pearl: The Pebbles have been working all night. What do you think?
Steven: It almost feels like home.
Garnet: Almost.

Yellow Diamond: A ball? We haven't had a ball in 6,000 years.
Blue Diamond: We haven't had Pink in 6,000 years!
Steven: Yeah! When White Diamond shows up we can tell her why we need her help on Earth!
Blue Diamond: And, this can also mark the beginning of Era 3.
Yellow Diamond: You're right, it's brilliant.
Steven: Thank you, Yellow! Thank you, Blue!
Blue Diamond: If White is going to be there everything has to be perfect! Pink, can you manage this on your own? Our Pearls can help you get started.
Blue Pearl: At your service, Pink Diamond.
Yellow Diamond: Make sure you go through all of our customs with Pink, since she has so much trouble recalling her past here on Homeworld.
Yellow Pearl: Yes, My Diamond.
Pearl: Era 3! Steven, you're already changing the world!
Steven: Yeah! Come on, party Pearls!
Yellow and Blue Pearl: We are at your command, Pink Diamond.
Steven: Just call me Steven.
Yellow and Blue Pearl: Whatever you command, Pink Diamond.

Steven: Balloons everywhere! Confetti cannons too!
Amethyst: Dibs on being the confetti cannon!
Yellow Pearl: Cannons are forbidden inside palace walls. These "balloons" you're referring to, are unprecedented and therefore out of the question.

Yellow Pearl: Pink Diamond! Your subjects will do the dancing for you! Why would a Diamond want to dance?
Steven: Because dancing's fun!
Yellow Pearl: What is "fun"?
Connie: You know, it's when you do something you wanna do, just because it feels good.
Yellow Pearl: I don't think we do that here.

Blue Diamond: The Sapphire will need to enter with the other Sapphires of course, and the Ruby will need to enter with the guard.
Steven: Woah, woah, woah. Are you talking about Garnet?
Blue Diamond: Garnet? Does "that" call herself a Garnet? What would you have her do? Enter with the Demantoids, the Hessonites, the Pyropes? Pink, I'm being very generous, but you can't expect me to-
Garnet: I won't go.
Steven: Garnet?
Blue Diamond: At least the Sapphire in there has some sense.

Yellow Pearl: Everyone, behold! The daunting, beauty and elegance that is, Yellow Diamond!
Yellow Diamond: Not a bad turnout, Pink.
Steven: I appreciate your attendance, Yellow.
Blue Pearl: Ahem, everyone prepare yourselves emotionally for the overpowering elegance that is, Blue Diamond.
Blue Diamond: You're doing great.
Steven: Thank you, Blue.
White Pearl: To those in attendance of the Era 3 ball, White Diamond... has more important things to attend to.
Steven: WHAT?!
White Pearl: Therefore, I will be here to observe in her place. Welcome to Era 3.
Steven: Gra!

Yellow Diamond: (through gritted teeth) Pink, what are you doing?!
Stevonnie: I was just dancing! (sees they have fused and everybody else looks in shock)
Blue Diamond: Pink, this is completely unacceptable! Unfuse or I'll make you!
[Ruby and Sapphire fuse and become Garnet]
Garnet: You'll have to go through me!
Pearl: (gasp) And me! (Runs over to Amethyst and fuses into Opal)
Amethyst: Yeah!
[two jades quickly fuse as well]
Lemon Jade: And me! [Opal and Stevonnie look at Garnet, and she shrugs] I knew it! I knew I couldn't be the only one!
[Yellow Diamond strikes the Jade Fusion, Opal, and Garnet with her lightning powers, causing them all to poof]
Stevonnie: Opal! Garnet!
Yellow Diamond: Pink, you've gone too far even for you. [picks up Stevonnie and throws them into a dark room] Stay in here and think about what you've done!
Stevonnie: No, wait!
[Yellow Diamond closes the door, ends the episode]


Stevonnie: [singing] ♫ I guess I have to face, that in this awful place, I shouldn't show a trace... of doubt. / But pulled against the grain, I feel a little pain, that I would rather do... without. / I'd rather be free-ee-ee, free-ee-ee, free... / I'd rather be free-ee-ee, free-ee-ee, free... / Free-ee-ee, free-ee-ee, free... / from here. ♫

Change Your Mind

Steven: [wakes up and looks up at the prison tower window] Oh, right -- prison.
[Blue Diamond enters]
Blue Diamond: I cannot believe you! Making a scene like that.
Steven: We weren't trying to make a scene! We were just... [turns to see that Connie is not present] dancing?

Blue Diamond: I cannot believe you -- making a scene like that!
Steven: Whoa -- dejá blue.
Connie: We didn't mean any harm! I asked Steven to dance; he wasn't trying to cause trouble!
Blue Diamond: What do you know about this, human?
Connie: [chuckles] You think I've never been grounded before?
Blue Diamond: "Grounded?"

Steven: This isn't normal. How many times did you lock her in here? How many times did you make her cry?!
Blue Diamond: [defensive] I didn't, I... and I'm doing it again... aren't I?

Yellow Diamond: What... are you doing?
Steven: I'm taking back my friends!
Yellow Diamond: [closes her eyes as she looks up from Steven to readdress Blue; annoyed] What are you doing, Blue? Take Pink back to the tower.
Blue Diamond: She prefers to be called "Steven."
Yellow Diamond: [slams her hand so forcefully against her throne that it cracks, stands up and assumes an angered stance] What are you talking about?! You can't keep bending the rules for her, Blue! She has to set an example, and we have to set an example! If we bend the rules for her, we have to bend them for everyone!
Connie: Well, maybe you should!
Yellow Diamond: Take them back to the tower, now!
Blue Diamond: I won't.
Yellow Diamond: Then I'll do it myself.

Yellow Diamond: When we thought Pink was shattered, when she abandoned us, I alone was there for you, and you would use your power against ME?!

Yellow Diamond: You'd hurt a fellow Diamond?!
Blue Diamond: Didn't we hurt Pink?! She was suffering in silence for ages -- just like our Gems -- just like me! And I know you're suffering in silence, too!
[Yellow Diamond claps her fist and uses her lightning power on Blue, causing her to begin to destabilize and scream]
Steven: Stop! [pulls out his shield and chucks it towards Yellow Diamond's hand, disrupting her concentration] You don't have to do this!
Yellow Diamond: Yes, I do! This is what White Diamond expects of all of us. From a thin flake of mica to the deepest, hardest stone, we all must make sacrifices for the sake of our perfect empire.
Steven: Does this look perfect to you?! My dad says if every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs.
Yellow Diamond: And that means... what?
Steven: It means if you try and make this empire perfect -- if you just wipe away everything you see as flawed -- you lose all the things that make you happy -- like hot dogs.
Blue Diamond: Or our Pink.
Yellow Diamond: Uhh... [falls to the ground on her knees in an uncharacteristic emotional breakdown] Stop. Stop it, Blue. Stop using your power on me...!
Blue Diamond: I'm not.

Steven: Hey, White, I know I was in there with you for a second, but I barely got to talk to you at all. There are so many Gems that are hurting right now. Even Blue and Yellow are hurting. You should hear what they have to say. [to Blue and Yellow; whispers] This is it.
Yellow Diamond: [struggling] We... W-we... We need to talk! About us. I've conquered so many worlds for the sake of the empire. I do everything you ask, and I do it all perfectly. But your very high standards put us all under a lot of pressure. A Gem could crack under so much pressure. We Diamonds may be hard, but we're also brittle.
Blue Diamond: [steps forward] White, we used to be close. Don't you remember? When Pink would make us laugh -- all those silly things she did for no reason. There was a reason. She wanted us to be happy together. But we weren't, and we're still not. I know my purpose isn't to be happy, but I find it harder and harder to enforce your rules when they make me miserable. When they make us all miserable.

Rainbow Quartz 2.0: Well, what do you know? It's Rainbow 2.0! Now, this is a fine mess we're in. (gasps) That won't do. (blows raspberry) Rainbow Quartz powers, activate! Ah, yes. Now that's two stones, with one bird.
[Steven and new reformed Pearl unfuse]
Amethyst: Wow! Nice form, Pearl.
Pearl: Oh, [chuckles] thank you. I'm particularly excited about the jacket. Aah! Steven! We fused!

Sunstone: Awwwwwwwwwww yeah! You better step off! Chillax, my dudes. Your rockin' pal Sunstone is holdin' it down.
Pearl: Wow!
Amethyst: Holy...
Connie: All right!
Peridot: Unbelievable!
Sunstone: Oh, you better believe it.
Peridot: Okay!
Connie: Sunstone, what are we gonna do? White Diamond's never going to listen, and she's never going to let us leave.
Sunstone: If she won't listen, we'll make her listen.
Amethyst: And how are we gonna do that?
Sunstone: I know she's in there. We'll bust into her head and change her mind.
Everyone: Right!
Sunstone: Let's take that bully down! [to the viewers] But remember kids: if you ever have to deal with a bully, be sure to tell an adult. [yanks Pearl and Amethyst onto their shoulders and sprints towards the giant pink foot of the ship] Ally-oop! [summons her suction cups] Kids, don't try this at home. Ha! Bungacowa!

Garnet: We need to be bigger.
Steven: Then let's fuse. All four of us. It's the only way we're gonna get up to her head.
Amethyst: I'm in!
Pearl: I'm in, too.
Garnet: Then it's decided. It's time to form Obsidian.
[Connie, Bismuth, Peridot, and Lapis back away to give some space for Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven to perform their fusion dance; Obsidian is formed by letting out a big loud cry for battle]
Peridot: [amazed] They're HU-U-U-U-GE!!

Steven: You're wrong! I'm not my mom!
White Diamond: But don't you know things about her that you couldn't possibly know?
Steven: I-I've just been connecting with her. My powers, they-they help me to connect to others. I'm not her. I'm just feeling her feelings.
White Diamond: Isn't it obvious? Even though you've embedded yourself in that human child, your light can't help shining through!

Connie: Don't listen to her Steven! She's just trying to mess with you!

White Diamond: What is this?! Where is Pink?
Pink Steven: She's gone.
White Diamond: What did you say? Answer me!
Pink Steven: [shouting] She's GO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-NE!!!!!!

White Diamond: Agh! Don't you raise your shield at me! I only want you to be yourself! If you can't do that, I'll do it FOR YOU!!!

Connie: Steven! [rushes to Steven and hugs him] Are you back together? Are you you?
Steven: Yeah. Yeah! I’m me! I’ve always been me.
White Diamond: NO! You are Pink Diamond! That is Pink Diamond's gem! You do not look like this! You do not sound like this! You are not half-human! You're just... acting like a child!
Steven: I am a child. What's your excuse?
White Diamond: [starts blushing, and notices the Gems under her control doing the same] What's happening? What is this? What's wrong with them? They're turning... pink! I don't understand, I'm in control, I-- [gasps] Something's wrong! With ME! No!

White Diamond: What is this? I feel... ridiculous. Yellow, Blue...
Yellow Diamond: [gasps] She's off-color...
White Diamond: This can't be happening. I can't have a flaw, I'm supposed to be flawless! If I'm not perfect then... who am I? If you're not Pink, then... who are you? Who is anyone?
Steven: You know, if you just let everyone be whoever they are, maybe you could let yourself be whoever you are too.
White Diamond: But I'm not supposed to be like this! I'm supposed to know better, I'm supposed to be better, I'm supposed to make everything better!
Steven: You can. But first, you're gonna have to leave your own head.

Padparadscha: I predict our long journey through space will soon be over.
Lars: Welcome home, guys.
Rhodonite: We finally made it! Earth! No more running, no more hiding! No more Diamond Authority! [they notice the Diamonds, who have heard everything] Well, we're cracked.

Sadie: Lars... Look at you! You're... you're a space pirate!
Lars: Look at you! You're a rock star!
Sadie: [Laughs] Well... [Laughs]
[They both laugh in unison]
Lars: I think it suits us!
Sadie: Yeah. Me, too!

Steven: [singing] ♫ I don’t need you to respect me, I respect me. / I don’t need you to love me, I love me. / But I want you to know you could know me, / If you change your mi-i-i-i-i-i-ind, / If you change your mi-i-i-i-i-i-ind, / If you change your mi-i-i-i-i-i-ind, / Change your mi-i-i-i-i-i-ind. ♫