Steven Universe Future
Steven Universe Future (2019–2020) is an animated limited series produced by Cartoon Network as an epilogue for Season 5 of Steven Universe and Steven Universe: The Movie.
[edit]Little Homeschool
[edit]Steven Mwah! (Steven kisses his finger, coating it in his healing spit, and dips it into the water, turning it into rainbow-colored healing water. He then reaches for a bubbled gem next to him.) Steven ♪ Happy welcome-back day~ ♪ (Steven places the bubble in the bathtub and it pops, dunking the gem into the water. The formerly-corrupted Gem begins to reform, revealing to be a Cherry Quartz. Startled by her own return, the Quartz stumbles in the bathtub.) Steven Hello! Cherry Quartz Where am I? Who are you? Steven That used to be a loaded question, but now I can say with confidence that I'm Steven Universe! And you're in my bathroom. Cherry Quartz *looks at herself in the mirror* What happened to me? *gasps and grabs the plunger* What is this?! *points it at Steven in rage* Steven You never told me! And that is a plunger... *lowers the plunger down* [Trans. Int. Beach House] (Steven and Cherry Quartz walk out of the bathroom into his house.) Steven Let me fill you in on everything you've missed. Cherry Quartz Buttercream! Steven We have some reading material, available in both English and Gem Glyph. (Steven hands a pair of brochures to Cherry Quartz, titled "You & Your New Horns" and "Era 3 & Me!".) Steven Spanish translation forthcoming. [Trans. Ext. Crystal Temple] (Outside on the beach, the Dondai Supremo is parked on the sands, as Steven twirls the car keys on his finger. He proceeds to take the driver seat.) Steven Watch your head. (The big-sized Cherry Quartz curls on the passenger seat. Steven inserts a cassette tape into the music player and begins driving the car.) Steven (Narrating) Life is a little different these days. The Diamonds have ended their reign of terror. The intergalactic war is over, and Earth is officially an independent planet. We're all safe to explore our dreams. Lars opened up his own pastry shop, and it's got a real cute space gimmick goin' on. (Lars is seen sweeping the ground outside of his bakery, and he waves at Steven as he drives by.) Steven (Narrating) Sadie's been touring with The Suspects, promoting their new album, and Connie has been getting a head start on college prep. She's two years away from applying, but she says it doesn't hurt to start early. (Sadie Killer and the Suspects are seen rocking out, and Connie is seen studying in her room.) Steven And speaking of higher education, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and I have been cooking up a dream of our own! Cherry Quartz I have no idea who you're talking about. Steven *chuckling* Don't worry about it. You'll learn all that, and more, right here at Little Homeschool. (Steven drives into the Gem town, as a Roaming Eye is seen flying off from it.) [Trans. Int. Little Homeworld] (Steven begins touring Cherry Quartz around, as various Gems are seen enjoying themselves in their own activities.) Steven Here at Little Homeschool, you have a chance to rediscover yourself and learn to live on Earth if you like. You can forge a new identity. (Bismuth is seen teaching a blacksmith class while the Heaven and Earth Beetle watch on.) Steven Grow your own ideas. (Peridot is seen teaching a gardening class to Blue Lace Agate.) Steven And even find your inner Morp! (Vidalia is seen teaching an art class. Yellow Pearl is posing elegantly, while Crazy Lace Agate, Bixbite, a Nephrite and Blue Pearl draw her.) Cherry Quartz Wait, what's a "Morp"? Steven That's exactly the kind of question we love to hear! (Steven brings Cherry Quartz to Garnet, who is seen teaching what looks like a yoga class to various Gems, such as Topaz, Zebra Jasper and a Ruby.) Garnet Find your center, your very core. Remember - your body isn't just a projection of light, but also a reflection of your inner soul. Steven *standing upside-down* Garnet teaches, uhh... All sorts of stuff! (Pearl is seen teaching some Gems too, such as Snowflake Obsidian, Larimar and Orange Spodumene, as she speaks on her cellphone.) Pearl Hello? Pearl speaking. Holo-Pearl *speaking on another cellphone* This is Holo-Pearl. Pearl Oh hi, Holo-Pearl. To what do I owe the pleasure of your calling? Holo-Pearl Just calling to see how you are. (Holo-Pearl then instantly disappears, and its phone drops onto the ground.) Pearl That's an example of the use of the human short-range telecommunications device, called a phone. Steven Pearl will teach you all about human technology. Cherry Quartz Whose Pearl is that? Steven Mm, that- that's not how things work here; nobody belongs to anybody. On Earth, you can decide for yourself what you want to do. Cherry Quartz Really? How? (Lastly, Steven brings Cherry Quartz to attend Amethyst's class, where Ocean Jasper, Biggs Jasper and Onion are gathered.) Amethyst Hello. I'm Professor Amethyst. Go on, take a seat wherever. I'll be teaching "How to Decide Stuff for Yourself 101". Today's lesson is: there is no lesson. *casts aside her glasses* Just do whatever you want for an hour. *turns to Steven* Hey, Steven, you wanna grab some lunch? Steven Sure! (Steven and Amethyst begin to walk off, leaving a confused Cherry Quartz behind with the class.) [Trans. Beach City Boardwalk] (Steven and Amethyst are seen sitting on a bench, eating fry bits and drinking soda.) Amethyst *sighs* This school thing's such a cool idea. I love being a teacher. No one's ever looked up to me before, you know? Except for, uh, widdle baby Steven! (Amethyst playfully rubs Steven's belly, causing the latter to laugh.) Amethyst Seriously, dude, it's been going great! Everyone wants to come and learn how to be an Earthling. Steven Uhh... not everyone. Amethyst Pfff! Man, forget her! Steven I don't know, I'm worried. We healed all these Gems, and built that town and the school, because I wanted to fix some of the bad things the Diamonds did. Knowing there's someone out there still hurting because of the Diamonds, because of... my mom... Uh- I mean, I know it's not my fault, but if there's a chance I could make it better, shouldn't I try? (Amethyst slurps loudly at her soda, unimpressed by Steven's remark.) Amethyst I think you... should stop trying to fix everyone. Steven Yeah. You're right... [Trans. Int. Beach City Woods] (Some time later, Steven walks up into the woods at the outskirts of Beach City alone. He then comes across a clearing in the woods, with a rock cave with a drapery entrance, devoid of trees, plants and animals in its surroundings. Steven attempts to take a step forward, when someone yells out to him.) ??? Hold it! (Steven looks around and notices a cloaked figure on top of the cave. The figure takes off the cloak, revealing to be Jasper, and she glares down at Steven.) Jasper Ugh! What do you want now?! Steven Jasper... I just want to talk! (Jasper scoffs and jumps down, landing in front of Steven.) Steven So, umm... how's it going? I know it's been a while since we last, uh, talked... (Jasper glares to the side, as Steven notices a beetle entering the clearing.) Steven Aww, it's a cute little- (Without hesitation, Jasper stomps her foot on the bug, to Steven's horror.) Steven Why did you do that?! Jasper Any Earthling that invades my space gets crushed. Took forever to yank those puny green Earthlings out of the ground. Steven You mean grass? Jasper I don't know their names! Steven So what's with the rocks? Jasper Training. (Jasper grabs a giant boulder in one hand and hurls it on top of a pile of rocks in front of the cave.) Steven Oh, I thought maybe- Uh! (Jasper walks past Steven, intentionally bumping into him.) Steven -Maybe you were getting into art? That pile really complements the decor. (Unamused, Jasper kicks the rock pile, causing a rock to roll towards Steven, who inches aside to dodge it.) Steven Okay. What are you even training for? There's no one left to fight. Jasper There's always someone to fight! There's just no one left worth fighting. Steven In that case, maybe you could come join us at Little Homeschool? Jasper No. Steven Come on. We're all learning and growing together. (Jasper snorts in disinterest.) Steven An-And you could be a part of that. Jasper Sounds dumb. Steven You know, half those Gems are soldiers who fought by your side before they were corrupted and turned into monsters. They're lost and confused and still a little messed up, but they're getting the help they need. Jasper So? Who cares? Steven *getting angry* I do! And if I didn't care, you'd still be a monster too! Jasper And what? Now I owe you? Steven No! Jasper You think because you did something I never asked for, I'm going to obey you? Steven No! That's not- Jasper Like all the other Gems you used. Steven *frustrated* Arrggghhh!!! I only came here because I felt bad for you, but all of this is your own fault! All the other Gems were corrupted by the Diamonds, but- but you corrupted yourself just to win a fight, which you lost, to me! No one's making you stay here all alone in the middle of nowhere ready to fight a war that's been over for years! Are you just gonna sit here for centuries waiting for someone to give you a purpose?! Because I'm TRYING to give you one! Jasper Listen, weakling! You might have Pink Diamond's gem, but you are not my Diamond! *presses her finger on Steven's forehead* And I am not going to take orders from some weak, sappy, useless piece of dirt! If you think you're hard enough to tell me what to do, then fight me and prove it. *walks off* Steven Fine! Jasper *pauses, and turns around excitedly* ...Really?! (Steven takes on a fighting stance.) Jasper Huh, well then! Why don't you throw the first punch? (Jasper beckons tauntingly at Steven, and he punches her in her arm, knocking her back a short distance. All revved up, Jasper laughs menacingly and charges at Steven.) Steven I... guess we're doing this. (Steven quickly summons his bubble shield and Jasper punches him away, sending him rolling into the woods. Steven begins rolling away from Jasper, who chases after and attempts to punch him. She then deliver a kick, knocking Steven into a tree, which causes a bird nest to fall off a branch.) Steven No, no, no, no! Babies! (Steven catches the bird nest and uses it to catch the falling baby birds. He then bubbles the nest and throws it into the bush, putting it out of harm's way.) Steven Touchdown! (Jasper quickly approaches, and Steven summons his shield to block her attacks, which knocks him off his feet.) Jasper Stop trying to help those tiny flapping Earthlings, and fight me! Steven I'll never stop trying to help them! Or you! (Jasper kicks Steven's shield away, causing it to dissipate as it hits a tree.) Jasper I don't need your help! *stomps on Steven* You're the one that needs help. You think you've beaten me, but you've never beaten me on your own. You've always been a fusion! You've always had your FRIENDS! Because you're nothing without them! You think everyone needs help! Steven *tears up* I- I just... Jasper But it's only you. No one is as pitiful as you! (Shaken by Jasper's words, a pink glow suddenly envelops Steven. Manifesting this new power, Steven pushes back against Jasper's stomp with great strength, knocking her into the air.) Steven Whoa. *examining his pink state* What? (Steven summons a bubble glove on his hand and charges at Jasper.) Steven I'm... not... pitiful! (Steven punches Jasper hard enough to send her flying through the woods, felling many trees in her path with unprecedented strength. Despite that, Jasper chuckles in amusement, as Steven approaches.) Jasper Ha, not bad. (Jasper and Steven continue their brawl, with Steven in the upper hand. Jasper charges at Steven with a spin-dash, and he catches her easily in his hand.) Jasper Nice catch. Steven You should see my throw! (Steven throws Jasper up in the sky and jumps after her, unleashing a flurry of air lunge attacks at her, while she continues to laugh in amusement.) Steven STOP LAUGHING!!! (Steven punches Jasper downwards, slamming her into the ground and causing a humanoid-shaped crater. Steven gasps in shock as he slowly descends down to the ground, and his pink power slowly fades away, returning him back to normal.) Steven ...Jasper! (Jasper, seemingly unharmed, easily picks herself off the ground and shakes the dust off of her.) Jasper Hmph. I didn't think you had it in you. Steven I don't- I-I don't know what that was. I'm sorry. Jasper Ugh... Don't apologize. *rolls her eyes* Steven I... think I had you all wrong. Maybe, you don't have something to learn from me. Maybe, I have something to learn from you. (Confused, Jasper raises an eyebrow.) Steven Would you ever be interested in teaching? Jasper Tssh! At your crummy little school? Steven No, just me. You brought something out of me I didn't know I had. (Jasper walks up to Steven, places her hand on his shoulder, and kneels down to him.) Jasper Consider that fight back there your first, and only, lesson. *begins walking off* Steven Well, can I come back to see you sometime? Jasper Do what you want. *walks away* (Finally coming to a form of reconciliation with Jasper, a happy Steven begins walking back to town.) Steven (Narrating) There are fundamental things about ourselves that we know to be true. It's important to remember those things when you find yourself in a tough situation, or you need to make decision from the heart. (As Steven strolls through the woods, he comes across a damaged tree from the brawl earlier, and he heals it with his spit. He then puts the bird nest from earlier back in the tree where it belongs.) Steven (Narrating) But it's equally important to know that you can surprise yourself too. I thought I'd finally figured myself out, but it looks like I still have more to learn. Man, life is a wonderful mystery. (Steven avoids stepping on another beetle, as he eventually makes his way back to Little Homeworld.) Steven Am I right? Cherry Quartz Yeah... So, uh... Can you sign off on my class schedule? Steven Oh, uh, right. Let me help you with that.
[edit]Amethyst Two steps to the left. There's a chair right behind you. Sit down and... okay. (The "someone" reveals to be Steven, as he removes his blindfold and finds himself inside Fish Stew Pizza.) Amethyst Ta-da! Steven Fish Stew Pizza- What a nice surprise! Amethyst That's not the surprise! Notice anything different? (A Gem is seen walking into the kitchen behind Kiki at the counter.) Steven Bixbite? I-Is she working here? Amethyst Yeah, dude! And she's crushing it! Bixbite is an expert at slicing and dicing, so now she can put her skills to use in a pizza shop. (Bixbite dexterously slices the pizza ingredients and tops a pizza crust with it. Kiki scoops the pizza away, as Kofi Pizza brings in a freshly-baked pizza. Bixbite then skillfully cut the pizza with a pizza cutter, and brings it to Steven and Amethyst.) Steven That's awesome! Mmm~ Amethyst Look at that 'za, brah. (Amethyst begins measuring the pizza, shapeshifting her finger into a ruler and a protractor.) Amethyst Each slice exactly the same length; 45 degrees. (Amethyst picks up a slice of the perfectly-cut pizza.) Amethyst Wow, pure perfection. I am so proud, I almost feel bad eating it. (Amethyst chomps on the pizza slice without hesitation, as Bixbite walks away.) Steven I didn't know Bixbite wanted a career in the culinary arts. Amethyst Yeah, we talked a lot about her interests and experiences. Then, I spoke to Kofi and set her up here. Steven This was your idea? Amethyst Yeah, and she's just the beginning. I wanted to do something big for the school, so I've been pairing Gems up with human jobs. The results have been amazing! I call it: the Gem-Human Excellence Mentorship, or G-H-E-M. Steven Oh, I get it, like GEM. Amethyst No, it's GHEM. There's an "H". (Just then, a Ruby, dressed in black with shades, kicks the door open and somersaults inside.) Ruby 1 All clear, my Mayor. Ruby 2 *tries to somersault too* All clear. (The two Rubies stand on guard, as Mayor Nanefua arrives afterward.) Steven You've got Rubies in your program, too? Amethyst Yeah, and these two are Nanefua's new bodyguards. (A Ruby helps Mayor Nanefua to her seat, while the other keeps on lookout on the table.) Steven How many other Gems are working in Beach City? Amethyst Glad you asked! [Trans. Int. Beach City Funland] (At the Funland, Steven sees various Quartzes tending to the game booths and rides.) Steven Blue Lace Agate? *gasps* Biggs Jasper? Crazy Lace? The Quartzes have taken over Funland? Amethyst Yeah, man. Mr. Smiley has been understaffed for so long. I figured he could use a whole army of help. Steven *worried* Army? Amethyst Ooh, check it out! Nephrite is doing some skywriting. (A Nephrite is seen flying Andy's phone in the sky, drawing a face of Steven in smoke.) Amethyst With all her experience flying dropships, she's better in the air than Andy! Mmm, guess she's a perfectionist, though. (Nephrite begins drawing a big cross over her drawing, as several of her other failed drawings are seen in the sky. Steven and Amethyst then begin walking along the boardwalk.) Steven Umm... Amethyst? Isn't this all a little... on the nose? Amethyst Oh, oh look! Snowflake Obsidian and Little Larimar found some ice-related jobs on the boardwalk. (Their job in question is making snow cones; Snowflake Obsidian summons a pillar of ice, and Larimar begins scrapping at the ice, making a snow cone for Mayor Nanefua.) Steven Hmm... I don't know about this. Amethyst About what? Steven Ice Gems doing ice stuff, pilot Gems doing pilot stuff, guard Gems doing guard stuff. Isn't this exactly what they were doing on Homeworld? Amethyst Ah-huh, no. Ruby 1 It's just like we used to do on Homeworld! *high-fives Ruby 2* Ruby 2 Thanks, Amethyst! Amethyst These are the jobs they wanted. Steven Well, sure, they think they want to do this stuff. But, it's up to us to get them out of their comfort zones. Amethyst I dunno, man. Comfortable can be good too. Steven Bear with me for a sec. *turns to Snowflake Obsidian and Larimar* Hey guys, I was wondering what you two did on Homeworld. Snowflake Obsidian I dug ice trenches for their armies. Larimar I made ice sculptures for the Diamonds. Steven So ice is kind of like your default mode? Snowflake Obsidian *exchanges looks with Larimar* Yes. Steven Did you ever think of trying something else? Snowflake Obsidian Like, filling ice trenches? (Just then, Nephrite flies overhead in Andy's plane.) Steven Well... How would you like to fly a plane? [Trans. Grassland] (Steven brings Snowflake Obsidian to an open grassland, where he instructs her to pilot Andy's plane, with a worrying Andy onboard.) Snowflake Obsidian Uhh... I don't snow about this. Steven What? Can't hear you! You're gonna do great! [Trans. Int. Beach City Funland] (Steven brings Larimar to the funland next.) Steven I had an idea for you, Larimar. You could operate the Funland roller coaster. It's a great job, and you get to help people have fun. Larimar What is this wonderful noise? Steven Those are the joyful screams of people on a roller coaster. Larimar Human screams are my favorite of the Earth's delights. I want to hear the human screams forever. Steven Okay. That's kind of troubling, but your heart is in the right place. Larimar One day, I'll make you scream, Steven. (Steven brings Larimar to the Appalachian control room, where he instructs her the control.) Steven You push the lever up to speed up and pull down to stop. Why don't you give it a go? Larimar *steps forth and pushes the lever* Give me the screams! Steven See, Amethyst? With just a small tweak, your good idea is working even better. Amethyst I don't know about this, man. Steven Come on! Let's go help some more Gems! (A montage begins to play of Steven pairing various Gems with random human jobs, while Amethyst disapprovingly watches. Zebra and Ocean Jasper are assigned to Fish Stew Pizza, Bixbite to balloon handling, and a Ruby bodyguard to flower selling.) [Trans. Int. Fish Stew Pizza] (Steven enters the pizzeria and sits at a table in triumph, congratulating himself for a job well done.) Steven Wow, sure feels good to help people. Can't wait to see how everyone learns and grows outside their comfort zones, but until then, I guess my work here is done. (The classic star iris begins to close in on Steven's smiling face... when suddenly, a pizza splatters onto his face, and the star iris retracts.) Zebra Jasper Order up! (More pizza splatter onto Steven, as Zebra Jasper forcefully shreds the pizzas with pizza cutters. Ocean Jasper puts the shredded pizzas into boxes and begins violently delivering them by hurling the boxes at people outside.) Ocean Jasper Delivery! Delivery! Delivery! (The Ruby selling flowers begins approaching the downed people, putting flowers on them and taking their valuables.) Ruby 1 Here you go, and I'll take that! Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Here you go. Mission complete! *sets the valuables on fire* (A pizza box hits Bixbite in the head, causing her to accidentally pops and loses her helium balloons with her pincer hand. The balloons float up and obstruct Snowflake Obsidian's view as she flies by, causing her to create ice in fear and lose control of the plane. Steven gasps in horror as he observes the chaos unfold around him.) [Trans. Int Funland Arcade] (Steven quickly retreats into the arcade to avoid the chaos, and finds Amethyst inside, who is being served snow cone syrups by a Nephrite.) Amethyst Hit me with another. Hey, Steven. Want a snow cone? Steven Amethyst, I need your help. Our brilliant plan is falling apart. Amethyst Why would you want my help? You haven't liked any of my ideas today. Steven That's not true. This Gem mentorship thing was a great idea! Amethyst It was a great idea when Gems were picking their own jobs, but you came in and told everyone what they can and can't do, even me! Steven I was wrong. I should've trusted you with your Gem mentorship program. I don't know why I thought I could just... take it over like that! I'm so sorry. Amethyst Well, I'm glad you've come around, because, we've got our work cut out for us now. (Steven glances back at the chaos still happening outside.) Steven No kidding... Can you help me unhelp all the people I helped? Amethyst Yeah, all right. (Amethyst gasps in shock as she notices Snowflake Obsidian losing control of the plane in the sky. Steven and Amethyst hastily run out of the arcade, leap into the air, and they both fuse together.) Smoky Smoky! (Landing back on the ground Smoky summons their yo-yo and uses it to wrap around the plane's tail. Smoky gives a tug, but yanks only the tail off, instead of the whole plane.) Smoky Oh, whoops! (The plane continues spiraling out of control, as Snowflake Obsidian and Andy scream for their lives. Smoky summons another yo-yo and uses it as a propeller, flying into the sky and giving chase. They then summons a third yo-yo and forms a net of yo-yo strings, successfully catching the plane and lowering it to the ground.) Smoky *nervously chuckles* Hey, guys! You cool? Get it? Because of the ice. *chuckles again, and quickly panics* No, but seriously, I'm so sorry. Are you guys okay? (A shaken Snowflake Obsidian and Andy nod their heads in response.) Smoky Phew. That's good. (Just then, distant screaming is heard. Smoky levitates in the air and spots more chaos in Beach City Funland. The Appalachian has lost control, zooming at an uncomfortable speed, while Larimar struggles to regain control of the lever.) Larimar These are not the screams I wish for! (Smoky begins running towards the fun fair, when the roller coaster structure begins to break apart.) Smoky Geez, seriously? We're not gonna make it. Got to go faster! Come on! Smoky (Amethyst) If Steven can save the universe, I can save a roller coaster! Smoky (Steven) But saving the universe took time! I don't have any time! (More of the roller coaster structure breaks off.) Smoky (Amethyst) Aah! what do I do!? Smoky (Steven) I don't know! I don't know! Just- ugh, give me A SECOND! (Just then, Steven's gem begins to glow, enveloping turning Smoky's body entirely pink, and they begins sprinting at great speeds.) Smoky Whoa! Cool! [Trans. Int. Beach City Funland] (Smoky makes it to the Appalachian in time and jumps onto the roller coaster rails.) Smoky Got ya! Huh? (Smoky notices the roller coaster and her surroundings are moving in slow motion, upon gaining a higher temporal perception due to their pink glowing body.) Smoky Whoa! Okay, that goes here, grab the phone! (Smoky puts the cap back on Bill Dewey onboard the roller coaster, and takes a "wefie" with Sour Cream's phone, who is also onboard.) Smoky And put that back here. *returns Sour Cream's phone* Okay, time to go! (Smoky proceeds to pull everyone off of the roller coaster, bringing them back to safety on the ground.) Smoky Here you go! (Smoky tosses the humans on the ground, who descend in air slowly, due to their heightened temporal perception.) Smoky There you go. *lowers the people to the ground* All right. Now time to stop that roller coaster- (At that moment, Smoky's normal color returns fades and poofs away, and everything returns back to normal speed. The roller coaster is not stopped in time and is launched off of the broken rail into the ocean.) Smoky Well, sometimes you save all the people, but the roller coaster still crashes into the ocean. (The roller coaster explodes in the water.) Smoky And that's okay. [Tran. Beach City Boardwalk] (It is the evening, Steven and Amethyst sit on the boardwalk, eating snow cones, after resolving all the chaos.) Amethyst Dude, what was that!? It was like everything was in slow motion because we were going so fast! Steven Yeah, it was pretty intense. Amethyst It was awesome! (Steven looks around at the Gems he had returned back at their original jobs, including Ruby 1, who quickly ditches her flower-selling job to protect Mayor Nanefua again, from an agressive dog.) Ruby 1 Back off, buddy. Steven You know, you were really spot-on with everyone's jobs. Amethyst Yeah, I know, dude! *scoffs* I mean, it's not like I just guessed. I talked to everyone about what they wanted. Everyone here has kind of a weird history. I just thought they should be able to choose how they feel about it and choose their own future, you know? Steven Yeah. I get it. Amethyst I feel like I finally figured out what I'm supposed to do. I spent so long not knowing who I was or what I was made for. I- I had to figure that out for myself. And now, I think I'm good at helping other Gems figure that out for themselves, too. Steven Yeah! Amethyst So! What about you? Steven *nervously chuckles* What about me? Amethyst Now that things are settling down a bit, what are you going to do? Come on! Let's talk about your future! Ha! The doctor is in; the first session is free. Steven *chuckles* I don't know. I still want to help people, but... Maybe I'm losing my touch? Huh? (Steven is suddenly poked on the shoulder by Larimar, who is hiding a giant stuffed bear behind her small body.) Larimar Hey, Steven! It's me, Little Larimar. I got you a surprise. Can you guess what it is? Steven Uh... No. Larimar It's a stuffed bear! Steven That's so nice, but... What's the gift for? Larimar I just wanted to say thanks for the amusement park job. I'm not great at the roller coaster operation, we know. But I found out I'm good at handing out prizes to children, and I love their laughter. Steven Aww... Larimar It sounds just like screaming. Steven Aah... Hmm... Larimar I think the kids really like me, too. I've never been this happy. (Feel congratulated, Steven and Amethyst share a sweet smile. Just then, the wreckage of the roller coaster drifts past across the shoreline, and Steven gets up in panic, spotting someone still in the seat.) Steven Oh no, we forgot Onion! ...Eh, he's fine.
Rose Buds
[edit]Steven All right, Mom. Where should you go? (Steven takes the painting off the wall and hangs it above the Temple Gate.) Steven Yeah! ... Hmm. (Steven puts the painting inside his conservatory next, leaning onto a potted plant.) Steven How about... Here? ... Hmm. (Steven warps to the Temple Hand next and tries to see where he could place the painting.) Steven Ughh... (Steven continues trying out different places to put the painting, such as his bed, outside on the Beach house, his bathroom and finally, back to its original placement.) Steven Perfect. ... Ugh! (Steven scratches his head in frustration, when Greg and Amethyst enter the house.) Greg Yo, Schtu-ball! Still looking for a place to hang that painting of your mom? Steven *sighs* Yeah. After everything that's happened, I don't know if I still want her hanging over us, you know? Amethyst I'm telling you, man, it's not the placement. It's the frame. (Just then, the environment gradually gets darker and darker.) Greg Is it me, or is it getting kinda ominous outside? Greg & Amethyst Woah! Steven Oh-ho ho! Hey! (Steven, Greg and Amethyst run outside to the porch to find the Human Zoo has made its way to Earth.) [Trans. Int. Steven Conservatory] (Steven enters his conservatory to make contact with the Zoomans on his Diamond control panel.) Wy-Six Ste-van! Greetings! Steven Jay-Ten, Wy-Six, how'd you get your space station all the way here? Wy-Six We took the Zoo ship and made it a cruise ship. (Greg and Amethyst walk into the room.) Greg Oh hey, Jay-Ten... Wy-Six... I haven't seen y'all since the Choosening. Wy-Six You mean since you didn't choosen us? (Jay-Ten turns a cold shoulder to Greg and walks away.) Wy-Six Don't you have some sound discs to listen to in your wheeled conveyance?! Greg Y-Yes, I do... (Greg backs away slowly, as Wy-Six glares at him with a pouty face.) Wy-Six Now that he is gone, we'd love it if you came by for a visit. Steven Sure thing. I-Is it ok if Amethyst comes by to say hi to the Famethyst? Wy-Six As long as she is not Ga-reg, she's welcome. [Trans. Int. Human Zoo] (Steven and Amethyst enter the Human Zoo, which has gotten a huge overhaul. The Famethyst and Zoomans are seen chilling out and enjoying life together.) Wy-Six Ste-van, welcome to our ca-ruise! Steven Wy-Six, it's so different here! Wy-Six Humans have control of the ship now, while the Amethysts laze about like delinquents all day. Did I say that right, Holly Blue? (Wy-Six turns to Holly Blue Agate, who is seen yelling at an Amethyst, who is ignoring her while relaxing.) Holly Blue Stop relaxing and get back to your posts! Ugh! How can you stand this total lack of order? An Amethyst Chill out, Holly Blue. You know you want to. *places a flower crown on Holly Blue's head* Holly Blue I give up. No one answers to me, and I answer to no one. I'd give anything for an order from the Diamonds, but all they talk about is "Steven, Steven, Steven-" Steven! Steven Hi, Holly! (Holly Blue Agate awkwardly salutes to Steven while blushing in embarrassment, and quickly walks away.) Bye, Holly. (Holly Blue Agate runs away, still blushing in embarrassment, as the Famethyst laugh at her.) Amethyst YO! Famethyst~ The Famethyst Amethyst! (Amethyst charges up a spin-dash and rolls straight into the Famethyst, crashing into them like bowling pins and knocking them over.) The Famethyst We missed you! Aw, yeah! (Amethyst and the Famethyst laugh together in joy, while a happy Steven watches.) Wy-Six Ste-van, I have some special friends who wish to meet you. Isn't that wonderful? (Wy-Six leads Steven out of the Zoo and they begin walking through a tunnel hallway.) Steven They want to meet me? Wy-Six Yes. It was they who wanted us to visit Earth. (Wy-Six leads Steven to the door leading into Rose Quartz Bubble Room.) Wy-Six I cannot wait to see the look upon your face when you see their faces. (Wy-Six opens the door, revealing "Shy" Rose Quartz standing at the doorway. Steven's face tenses in shock by the sheer and striking appearance of the Rose Quartz to his mom.) Wy-Six Yes! This is the look I wished to see! ("Superfan" and "Hippie" Rose Quartzes then rush out the door, joining "Shy" Rose Quartz's side. Steven glances past the three Rose Quartzes into the room and gasps in surprise.) Steven So... many... Rose Quartzes...? (In the room, many Rose Quartzes, now unbubbled and free, are seen relaxing and enjoying in their own recreation too, as the door shuts behind the three Rose Quartzes.) Steven H-How did the- "Superfan" Rose Oh, now that it's Era 3, we were all unbubbled, so now, we're making up for lost time. Hi! I'm Rose Quartz! *shakes Steven's hand* And you, you're Steven! *lifts him up* You are so much smaller than I imagined! Is it because you're half organic? Can you believe it, Rose Quartz!? *shows Steven to "Hippie" Rose Quartz* "Hippie" Rose It's like, we were bubbled, but now we're like, not bubbled. Steven Th- It's really- It's really great. "Superfan" Rose Oh, isn't Steven wonderful? He's just so supportive and kind and handsome and athletic and smart, and we haven't seen the Earth since we emerged, so what's it like, Steven? ("Shy" Rose peeks from behind "Hippie" Rose, and Steven gets distracted from her appearance again.) Steven Huh? What? "Superfan" Rose The Earth! We haven't seen the surface in forever. *puts Steven down on the ground* What's a typical day like for the legend? Steven Uh, most days, I'm pretty busy. I get up kind of early and- "Hippie" Rose What's your house like? Steven Uhh... It's nice. It's next to the ocean. "Superfan" Rose I've never seen the ocean! "Hippie" Rose I've never smelled the ocean. ("Superfan"and "Hippie" Rose place their hands on Steven's shoulders, as he grows increasingly disturbed.) "Superfan" Rose What's it like breathing? Steven It's mostly nitrogen. Connie says that- "Hippie" Rose I bet you sleep all the time. Steven Huh... not all the time. "Superfan" Rose What's it like eating food? Steven Wh-Wh-Why don't you come to dinner and find out?!? (Steven chuckles as he looks at "Shy" Rose in unease.) Steven I mean.. if-if you want dinner? (At that moment, the Famethyst parade past in a conga line, chanting "Da-da da-da da... DA!" on repeat.) Amethyst Yo, Steven!- (Amethyst's face instantly tenses up in shock too, upon seeing the Rose Quartzes beside Steven.) Steven F-Family reunion...! (Amethyst continues staring in shock, as she and the Famethyst parade away.) [Trans. Int. Beach House] (Back home, Steven eats his dinner while the three Rose Quartzes, Garnet and Pearl watch on.) "Superfan" Rose He's cutting one of those carrot beans again. Going... up... to... his... mouth! Ah, and it's gone! Wow! No one can eat a carrot bean like you. Steven I've been doing this for 16 years, now. I'd hope- Greg Hey, Schtu-ball. *enters the house, dejected* Any idea how long the Zoomans are going to be around? I haven't had this many exes show up at once since- "Superfan" Rose Hi! How are you? (Greg halts in his track upon seeing the Rose Quartzes, as Pearl gives him an unassuring shrug.) Greg I can feel the rest of my hair falling out. Steven Dad, wait. You want to join us for dinner? Greg Nope! (Without hesitation, Greg runs out of the house, leaving Steven in slight dejection.) Steven Uh... "Superfan" Rose All right! Back to this eating thing. *takes Steven's plate* So, you take this food stuff, and you put it in your face hole like this! Steven Yeah, you got it. (Pearl looks down at the table in discomfort, when "Hippie" Rose begins talking to her.) "Hippie" Rose You know, if I could have had a Pearl, I would've wanted her to be just like you. Have you tried this "butter" stuff? *pushes a stick of butter to Pearl* Pearl Oh, it's okay, but thank you, Ro-o-o-ose... *gets uncomfortable* "Shy" Rose Excuse me, Pearl. Are you feeling okay? Pearl *sighs* I'm going to the bathroom! (Pearl gets off from the table and walks towards Steven's Bathroom. "Hippie" Rose then turns her attention to Garnet) "Hippie" Rose Hey, you're looking kind of tense. How about I give you a nice, relaxing massage while we talk? Garnet I'm also going to the bathroom. *gets up and leaves too* "Superfan" Rose Okay, Steven. I totally got this eating thing down! Here, open your face hole. *feeds Steven a carrot* Oh, wow! Good job! Steven Mmm, thank you. I should, uh, probably see how they're doing in there. "Superfan" Rose We'll come with you! Steven Uh, that's- that's okay. You guys wait here. I'll be right back. *backs away* "Hippie" Rose Let's check it out when they're done. Steven *holds onto the bathroom door handle* They're not her. It's not weird. [Trans. Int. Steven's Bathroom] (Steven opens the bathroom door and enters.) Steven How are you guys doing? Pearl Steven, isn't this super weird!? Garnet Pearl... Of course it's super weird! Steven *closes the door behind him* Come on, we can't be like this. They were bubbled just because they look like Mom. Now, they're finally free, and we're ditching them to whisper in the bathroom for the same reason? Garnet I know it's wrong, but... I'm overwhelmed. Pearl They don't just look like her, they are like her. She made them. I thought I'd be more ready for this... Steven Okay, fine, stay here. But I'm going back out there to make sure they have a good time. [Trans. Int. Beach House] (Steven exits the bathroom, sighing, and bumps into "Superfan" Rose unexpectedly, who grabs his hands and twirls him around.) "Superfan" Rose *squealing* Hello, Steven! Steven *chuckling nervously* Sorry, you surprised me. But it- it's fine. (Steven back away, only to bumps into "Shy" Rose behind him. "Shy" Rose then notices the painting of Rose Quartz by the stairs, and seems to understand.) "Shy" Rose Maybe, we should get back. We don't want to wear out our welcome. "Hippie" Rose But we're having so much fun. "Superfan" Rose Do you not want us here? Steven What? No! Yo-you're totally welcome here. You- You should... stay over! "Superfan" Rose For the night? Steven Mmm... *reluctantly* Slumber party! We should have an Earth-style slumber party! "Hippie" Rose Cool. What is slumber? "Superfan" Rose This is so great! I'm dying! I'm dying! I am dead! I am dead Rose Quartz! (Steven chuckles nervously at "Superfan" Rose's morbid exaggeration.) [Trans. Int. Steven's Room] (It is night-time, Steven and the Rose Quartzes are watching movie on his TV in his bedroom.) "Superfan" Rose Wow, so that's a movie? Let's watch another! Steven Take your pick. "Superfan" Rose How about this one? "Hippie" Rose This is like, so chill. Steven *chuckles anxiously* I know, right? ("Superfan" Rose enters the tape into the TV player, and Rose's message to Steven begins to play.) Rose Quartz (TV) "Steven, we can't both exist." Steven GAAH! Rose Quartz (TV) "I'm going to become half-" Steven *hastily shuts off the TV* Time for bed! [Time-Skip] (Steven puts the Rose Quartzes into sleeping bags, zipping "Superfan" Rose's one up to her chin, and turns off the lights) Steven Is everyone comfortable? "Superfan" Rose Yep! ("Shy" Rose remains silent.) "Hippie" Rose Me too. Steven Good! I'm also very comfortable. "Superfan" Rose So, how do you sleep? Steven You just lay down, close your eyes, and don't say anything. "Superfan" Rose It's a shame we're leaving tomorrow. Steven Yeah, I wish you could just... stay here forever...! "Superfan" Rose Do you mean it? "Hippie" Rose Of course, he means it. Why would he say it if he didn't mean it? "Superfan" Rose Then yes! The answer is yes! We would love to live with you! Steven *taken aback* Aah! I mean, you c-c-c-could, but then, uhh... L-Lion might get mad...? He can be very territorial and, uh- "Shy" Rose Can't you guys take a hint? He doesn't want us to be here! He doesn't like us. "Hippie" Rose What? "Superfan" Rose There's no way that's true, right, Steven- *gasps loudly* Your face! Steven *chewing his blanket in anxiety* It's not that I don't like you. It's- It's j-just... "Superfan" Rose Wow, he really does hate us. "Shy" Rose I'm going back to the ship. *gets up* Sorry for bothering you, Steven. *leaves by the balcony* "Hippie" Rose Man, this is such a bummer. *leaves too* "Superfan" Rose *sniffles* Never meet your heroes. ("Superfan" Rose sobs loudly and hops away, still cocooned in her sleeping bag.) Steven Aww... Wait! [Trans. Int. Steven's Conservatory] ("Shy" and "Hippie" Rose stand on the Warp Pad, preparing to leave, as "Superfan" Rose hops in.) "Hippie" Rose Let's get out of here. "Superfan" Rose I'm trying! I-I just got to get this sleepy sack off! Steven Wait! *runs in* Please, please don't leave like this! I- I'm really sorry. It's not like I don't like you or don't want you here. It's just that... you look so much like her; like my Mom. I thought I was ready to move on and not have her hanging over me anymore, but I can barely be in a room with you because I still feel all twisted up about her. I've been pretending that I'm fine because it's not your fault, but... I'm not fine... "Shy" Rose We've been pretending, too. Steven Huh? "Shy" Rose To be fine. "Superfan" Rose We're not pretending! We're having so much fun! "Hippie" Rose Come on, let's give it a rest. "Superfan" Rose Fine... "Shy" Rose Your mom created us, too, and got us all bubbled, just for being Rose Quartzes. "Hippie" Rose But, you know, it's cool. It's whatever. "Shy" Rose It's not whatever. I don't expect you to understand. I swore I wouldn't talk about this. Steven But I do understand. Ah, man... If anyone can understand how you feel, it's me. I've been thinking about you guys like my mom times three, but we're really more like siblings. "Superfan" Rose Siblings? What's that? Steven Well, Mom created all of us, and we've all been living in her shadow. *unzips "Superfan" Rose from her sleeping bag* We'll always be related to her, but that means, we'll always be related to each other. "Superfan" Rose That's pretty awesome! "Hippie" Rose I'm so glad we're related. "Superfan" Rose Yeah! Siblings forever! *hugs Steven and giggles* Steven So, wait. Do you all still want to live here? "Superfan" Rose Oh gosh, no! I don't know why I said that. Steven Well, feel free to visit if you want. N-No pressure. "Shy" Rose Thanks, Steven. Steven Later, Rose Quartz. (Steven waves goodbye as the three Rose Quartzes warp away in content, just when Amethyst warps back in.) Amethyst Famethyst for life! What'd I miss?
[edit]Steven So, how would you like your magical spit administered today? (The patient revealed to be one of Mayor Nanefua's Ruby bodyguards with a cracked gem, causing her neck to be extended.) Ruby 1 Ah, geez, uh... the not kissing one? Steven You got it! (Steven licks his palm and applies healing spit onto the Ruby's gem, healing the crack and her neck retracts back to normal.) Steven Man, what kind of enemies does the mayor have to keep you landing in my office? Ruby 1 That's classified information, nurse-citizen Universe. Steven Okay, well, try not to classify too hard out there. Oh, don't forget your lollipop. *hands the Ruby a lollipop* Ruby 1 Yeah! *chuckles quietly* Steven Next patient, please. (A bunch of Quartzes enters into the house, all with cracked gems and physical deformities.) Steven Uh... Volleyball must have gotten really wild, huh? [Trans. Ext. Beach House] (Steven heals the Quartzes and bids them farewell, walking out onto the porch.) Steven Come again! Just, like, not too soon. And remember, volleyball isn't a contact sport! Pink Pearl *standing on the porch* Excuse me? Steven Oh, it's you! Pink Pearl I heard you might be able to help me with this. *points at her cracked eye* [Trans. Int. Beach House] (Steven leads Pink Pearl into the house.) Steven You came to the right place. I'll have you fixed up in a jiffy. (Steven motions Pink Pearl to sit on a chair and licks his palm.) Pink Pearl Uh... Steven Oh, sorry. I-It's never not gross when I do this. (Steven pats his palm onto Pink Pearl's gem and waits... as nothing happens.) Pink Pearl ... Did it work? Steven Maybe if we try applying it directly to the injury? (Steven licks and pats his palm onto Pink Pearl's cracked eye, which again results in nothing.) Steven Huh!? Is it me? (Steven runs over to a potted plant in the living room and plucks a leaf from it. He then taps on the stem with his healing spit, which results in a flower bouquet blooming.) Steven It's super not me. Hmm... I'm sorry if it's a sore subject, but can you remember anything that happened while you were under White Diamond's control? Pink Pearl Nope! 8,000 years just, blip, gone! Steven So, you must not remember getting this crack in the first place. Pink Pearl Oh, no, no. This is from before. Steven White hurt you before she controlled you? Pink Pearl What? Oh, stars! What a misunderstanding. This is all Pink Diamond. Steven My mom?! (Steven tenses up, briefly turning pink, and Pink Pearl gasps in shock. Steven quickly notices and shakes.) Steven Sorry! It's just baggage. Pink Pearl Is everything... all right? Steven Yep, but this is not about me! We're gonna get you fixed up, and I know just the Pearl to help us! [Trans. Ext. Crystal Temple] (Steven drags Pink Pearl out onto the beach, when he barely dodges an incoming volleyball. On the beach, a volleyball court is set up, where the Quartzes are playing volleyball aggressively while Pearl acts as the referee.) Angel Aura Quartz Think fast! *smacks the volleyball* Zebra Jasper Gaahh! *gets hit in the head by the volleyball* Pearl *blows a whistle* Next set. *notices Steven* Well, if it isn't my favorite medical professional. Steven Pearl, do you have a minute for me and my friend? Pearl *notices Pink Pearl* ... Sure. Did you come to compete? Pink Pearl Pardon? Pearl Oh, I mean... *blushes sheepishly* In the volleyball tournament. Steven Oh, actually, we came here because we need your help. Pearl Oh, what can I do for you? Steven So, this is Pearl. She was Mom's- I mean, Pink Diamond's Pearl, too, a long time ago. And, Pearl, you remember Pearl? She was also Pink Diamond's Pearl- Argh, that's too many Pearls! We should probably give you a nickname. Pink Pearl *blushes slightly* A nickname? Steven *chuckling* Yeah. A nickname, you know? Pink Pearl Oh, no, I know what a nickname is. It's just that it reminds me so much of Pink. She used to give silly little names to everything. *reminiscing over Pink* She was so funny like that. Pearl Looks like someone's still got it bad. Steven What about... *gets hit by a volleyball* "Volleyball"? Pink Pearl *giggles* "Volleyball"? That's so funny. You're just like her. Steven No, no, no. I'm not like... *sighs* Anyway, we're here because of the crack on her face. Pearl Oh, poor thing. *whispers* It's such a shame what White did to her. (Steven tenses up again, turning pink once more.) Pearl Steven? Angel Aura Quartz Waahhh! (Angel Aura Quartz gets knocked flying across the place in the background and crashes into the sand, which snaps Steven out of his pink state back to reality.) Steven It doesn't matter how it happened! What matters is finding a way to fix it. My healing powers didn't work on her. We thought maybe you know what to do. Pearl Well, when a Pearl was damaged, they were usually brought to the Reef. Pink Pearl Yes! That's exactly what Pink would do. Pearl Well, I was her Pearl. Pink Pearl Me, too! We were very close. Pearl *chuckles* I love your energy. It reminds me of when I was younger. Pink Pearl I'm older than you. (Pearl gets hit in the head by a volleyball, as she glares at Pink Pearl in unrest.) [Trans. Int. The Reef] (Following Pearl's advice, Steven and the Pearls warp through toward the oyster-shaped facility.) Pearl Here we are. Steven This is The Reef? Is this where Pearls are made? Pearl Were, but yes. Pink Pearl It also serves as a luxury boutique and a center for refurbishment and repair. Steven Repair, yes! Just what I wanted to hear. (Steven places his hand on a hand pedestal in the center of the room and activates the facility.) Shell Welcome, Pink Diamond. Steven Uh, no. I'm Steven Universe. Shell Welcome, Steven Universe. I am Shell, your guide to the Reef. Steven Uh, hi, Shell. My friend, Volleyball, has a crack on her face, and we were hoping you could fix it. Shell Understood. Please follow the illuminated path to the Care Center. Pink Pearl You really didn't have to come all the way out here for such a trivial thing. Steven It's not trivial. Soon, we'll all be able to put the past behind us. Pearl Don't worry, Volleyball. I'll be right here holding your hand. (Steven and the Pearls begins following the lit pathway, entering a boutique hallway display various Pearl holograms and accessories.) Steven Whoa-ho! Shell Please feel free to take your time looking through the latest offerings in accessories and appearance modifiers as we make our way to the Care Center. Pink Pearl *gasps* Look at these darling fans! Steven What about you, Pearl? Any rush of nostalgia? Pearl Please, nothing like looking at glitzy tchotchkes to get you nostalgic for a simpler time. *looks at a ribbon wand* I mean, really, who even needs junk like this? Right, Volleyball? Pink Pearl *gasps* What a sweet ribbon wand! It's just like mine. (Pink Pearl summons a ribbon wand of her own and twirls it around elegantly.) Pink Pearl It was a gift from Pink. Isn't it exquisite? What did Pink get you? Pearl *laughs* It's sweet that you have these keepsakes, but, well, no need to be overly... attached. (Out of spite, Pearl attempts to snatch the ribbon wand away from Pink Pearl, unmoved and gripping onto it tightly.) Steven Guys, can we keep moving? Pearl Yes, let's. *stomps off* I've certainly had about enough of this circus of objectification. [Trans. Int. Care Center] Shell Welcome to the Care Center. We have everything here to update or repair any Pearl. (Pink Pearl steps onto a panel in the middle of the room.) Shell Scanning in progress. Pink Pearl So, how do I look? Shell I am sorry. There is nothing I can do. Steven But you just told us you could repair any Pearl! Shell Her physical form shows damage, but her pearl is perfectly fine. This injury must have been so impactful that it continues to manifest despite the fact that her pearl has been repaired. Steven So, it's like... psychological? Pink Pearl That's absurd! I am fine. (Pink Pearl turns to Steven and Pearl, forcing a smile, as more cracks manifest on her eye.) Steven *frightened* Ahh... Pearl How could White be so careless? Pink Pearl *chuckling* Oh, no, Pearl. You've got it all wrong. Pink did this. Pearl What did you say? *approaches Pink Pearl* Steven Pearl, no! Pink Pearl It's a funny story, really. Once, Pink got tired of asking Yellow and Blue for her own colony, so she went straight to White. Of course, White told her she wasn't fit to run one, and, well, that set her off. Pearl "Set her off?" What are you talking about? Pink Pearl You remember how she was with her destructive powers, throwing tantrums left and right. She had a scream that could crack the walls. She didn't mean to hurt me. *chuckles* I just happened to be standing too close to her that time and- Steven *covers his ears in anguish* Doesn't matter, I'm gonna fix it! Pearl Destructive powers? Pink didn't have destructive powers; she was a healer! She didn't throw tantrums; she kept her feelings secret. Pink Pearl The Pink I knew couldn't keep a secret to save her gem. Pearl Are you kidding? If anything, she was too good at keeping secrets, even from me! (Steven glares furiously. His entire body turns pink.) Steven *groans loudly* Stop it! I can't deal with one more horrible thing she did, Okay?! (The Pearls gasp.) I don't want to hear about it! I don't even want to think about it! Pearl Steven...! Steven I just... want to fix it!! (Steven unleashes a room-wrecking shockwave from his rage, causing a crater beneath him and cracks everywhere in the room. Pink Pearl cowers in sheer fear, traumatized by her past experience. Steven glowers with his entire body still pink. He looks down at the cracked floor seeing his glowing reflection and immanently regrets his actions as he changes back to his normal color. Suddenly, The room turns red.) Shell I am terribly sorry for the troubles these defective Pearls have brought you. For Pearls exhibiting problems this severe, rejuvenation is required. Steven What!? (A pair of oyster shells then encases Pearl and Pink Pearl on the panel.) Shell When the process is complete, they will obey you without fail. Steven No, no, no, no! What have I done? *bangs on the shells* Shell, stop it! Shell Do not worry, Steven Universe. Your Pearls are about to be better than new. Feel free to watch their progress on the view screen. (A pink rejuvenation electricity begins zapping both Pearls, and they both scream and groan in agony. As pink circuitry courses through their bodies, Pearl places her hand over Pink Pearl's shoulder.) Pearl I'm sorry for not believing you. It looks like I'm still making excuses for her. Pink Pearl Is that what I've been doing?! But she didn't mean to! Pearl But you were hurt- badly hurt! Pink Pearl I was badly hurt- How did you stop hurting? Pearl *hugs Pink Pearl* I didn't. (Reciprocating the hug, the two Pearls begin glowing together, as the screen dissipates. Steven flinches backwards as the shells begin to crack and burst open, presenting Mega Pearl.) Steven You fused! (Stabilizing her body, Mega Pearl stands proudly and confidently. Shell's core begins glowing red in high alert.) Shell Warning: Unauthorized entity found within the facility. Defense protocol activated. (Claws emerge from the walls towards Mega Pearl, who dexterously and elegantly slices away with her ribbon wand.) Steven Quick, let's go back to the entrance to shut down the Reef! Whoa, whoa! (The door to the Care Center suddenly closes. Mega Pearl picks Steven up and slices through the door. Lasers begin blasting from the walls, and Mega Pearl maneuvers through them with grace.) Steven Yeah, almost there! (As one last defense, giant clam shells emerge from the walls to block the exit, and tendrils grab hold of Mega Pearl to halt her movement forward.) Mega Pearl It's up to you now, Steven. (Mega Pearls transforms her ribbon wand into a lance and hurls it, piercing through the many shells up front. She chucks Steven through, and he slides with his shield to the hand pedestal, shutting the Reef down and deactivating its defenses just in time. Exhausted, but relieved, Steven and Mega Pearl smile at each other, and depart from the Reef at last.) [Trans. Ext. Beach House] (It is night-time, Steven sits alone and somber on the beach, drawing in the sand, when Mega Pearl approaches from behind.) Steven ... I'm so sorry. The whole trip was for nothing. Mega Pearl No, it wasn't for nothing. Your mother's Pearls never had the whole picture. One knew your mother was trying to change, but she couldn't understand why. The other never expected her to change at all. Now, I get to understand everything. Now, they finally get to have each other.
[edit]Steven: Hey, all you Gems out there in the universe! Have you been feeling lost and confused in this new era? Then come on down to Little Homeschool! Are you used to destroying things? Then learn to be constructive instead! Are you used to plotting? Then you can tend to this plot of land! Feeling lost without direction from the Diamonds? Come and find your center. Everyone deserves a chance to change, so come on down today! And, cut. *picks up the camera* Thanks for helping update our commercial, guys. Larimar I'm an actor. Steven I'll get this home and do some editing. Peridot Steven, you smell good. Steven Uh, what? Peridot It's written on your back. Steven Huh? (The writing on Steven's back says "Tell Me I Smell Good".) Peridot *laughs* You obviously wrote this yourself. Steven No, I didn't. *slurps tomato soup* Mnh! Bleh! Tomato soup? Peridot I thought you loved tomato soup! Steven Yeah, but... where'd my juice go? *sees toilet paper on Steven's car* Oh, no! The Dondai's been, um... kinda covered in toilet paper? (Steven hears someone laugh mysteriously.) Steven Hey! Whoever you are that's "pranking me," you've got a really weird idea of what a prank is. *sighs* At least I don't have to pick up more toilet paper. [Trans. Int. Beach House] (Steven drives in to his house who plays Haven't You Noticed (I'm a Star).) Steven Hmm? Whoa, another welcome party. A new Gem must've arrived. [Trans. Int. Living Room] (Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl let Steven join in.) Amethyst Yo, dude, come over here and introduce yourself. Steven Welcome to Earth! My name's- Short Fusion Gem *cockney accent* Well, well, well, if it ain't the old Gem savior himself, Steven Universe! Steven *gasps* (Steven notices that "Eyeball" and Aquamarine knows about fusion.) Bluebird Bluebird Azurite, at your service! All right, give us a hug then! *hugs Steven* Steven Oh! Heh. Garnet Cute. Bluebird Mmm. Oh! You like food, yeah? Steven Yeah? Bluebird Well, sit tight, then. I'll be right back! *flies away* Steven What?! Pearl Yeah, she just got here and is already exploring Earth cuisine. (Bluebird flies back.) Steven What is this? Bluebird Just some old Earth things. Clams, peanut butter, and a side of fresh cut grass. *begs* Please enjoy it. I'm begging you. Please! Amethyst Gosh, Steven, don't make her beg. Steven S-Sure! Heh. I'll just, uh... dip this here.... *eats the fresh cut grass* Mmm. Bluebird *offscreen* Is is good? Steven Yeah, it- it's great. Bluebird *laughs* Brilliant. Steven Can I see you guys in the bathroom? [Trans. Int. Steven's Bathroom] (Greg brushes his hair and Steven knocks on the door.) Steven Sorry, Dad. Emergency meeting. Don't panic. I think Bluebird is a fusion of Aquamarine and "Eyeball"! Amethyst Well, duh. Garnet It's pretty obvious. Steven What?! Well, how come you're all so calm about this? Did you forget that Aquamarine kidnapped me? How about the fact that "Eyeball" tried to stab me and ratted me out while I was on trial? They must've fused because they both hate me! Garnet That was them. This is Bluebird. Steven But she pranked me earlier today! She put a sign on my back that said I... smelled good, switched my juice with tomato soup, neatly stack toilet paper... on top of my car? Pearl None of that stuff sounds particularly malicious. Amethyst Besides, don't you like tomato soup? Steven Yeah, but isn't it convenient that Bluebird just showed up here at my house? Pearl Steven, you've literally invited all problematic Gems from across the universe to come here and learn a better way of living. Steven Well, right. Greg Listen, Schtu-ball, if you don't want this Gem around, that's totally fair. Steven No, you guys are right. Everyone deserves a chance to change. Garnet Don't worry. If she tries anything funny, we'll be there to squash her. Steven Thanks, Garnet. [Trans. Int. Living Room] Steven Hey, Bluebird! What's up? Bluebird Steven Universe! I'm sorry. I gave you all that food without something to, uh, wash it down with. Steven Okay, thank you! (Steven's juice squirts on Steven.) Bluebird How'd that 'appen? Steven You obviously shook it. Garnet *clears throat* Chance to change. A-hem Steven You obviously shook it... by accident. (Bluebird giggles.) [Trans. Ext. Beach House] (Steven walks down and sees Bluebird who's got a knife.) Steven ... Hmm? *gasps* PEARL! Bluebird's got a knife! Pearl How else are we gonna cut this cake she made for you? Bluebird Surprise! [Trans. Int. Little Homeworld] (Steven sees Garnet being pinned by Bluebird.) Steven Wha? Bluebird's got Garnet pinned! Let Garnet go RIGHT NOW! Garnet Hey, Steven. Bluebird was helping me do some stretching before diving into a bit of advanced yoga. Bluebird It's very important to stretch! [Trans. Int. Beach House] (Steven sees a drawing that says "Steven".) Steven ... Ugh. Amethyst What's up, dude? Steven Bluebird's really getting to me. I mean, look at this terrible drawing she made of me. Amethyst *interrupts* Steven, I- Steven These, too! I've been finding this junk all over the place. Amethyst Steven, those are my drawings! *runs away crying* Steven Amethyst, I'm sorry! Bluebird What's with the waterworks, love? Amethyst My art career is over before it even got off the ground! Bluebird I don't know what art is, but this is the best art I've ever seen! Amethyst Awww, thanks, Bluebird! I'm gonna work on my art right now! You wanna come? Bluebird Lead the way, Amethyst! [Trans. Int. It's a Wash] Steven Hey, Dad! (Steven hears Greg yelling.) Steven Dad, are you okay?! Greg What's up, Schtu-ball? Just showin' Bluebird some of my old classic sci-fi horror movies. Bluebird Yeah! They're hilarious! Greg So, what're you doin' over here? Got somethin' on your mind? Steven You know what, Dad? I think I'll be okay. [Trans. Int. Beach House] (Steven wakes up and yawns. He looks at himself in the mirror and sees his face with scribble marks of Bluebird's gemstones.) Steven Huh? Oh, Bluebird, classic prank. (The Warp Pad whooshes, tires squealing.) Steven What!? Huh? How'd the van...? Oh, gotcha. Welp, I guess Bluebird and Dad must be having a ball together. Greg *offscreen* AAAH! Steven Sounds like they're watching another horror movie. I'm sure everything's just fine. Greg *offscreen* Heeeeelp!! Steven O-Okay, Steven. Your dad is fine. Bluebird is cool. Dad? Greg *offscreen* Up here, son!! *back onscreen* *straining* Steven A-Are those screams of fun?! Greg NO!! Bluebird An era ago, there were two Gems celebrated for taking down Homeworld's greatest traitor. But then, they were cast out, forgotten, when the traitor duped all of Homeworld into loving him instead. Now, they've come to Earth for their revenge! And forever shall he rue the names -- *unfuses* Aquamarine Aquamarine! "Eyeball" And Ruby! Aquamarine Well?! It's us! "Eyeball" It's always been us, and you never knew! Steven I always knew. Everyone knew. Aquamarine What?! "Eyeball" If you knew, they why were your Gems bein' so nice to us, huh?! Steven That's 'cause they're nice! They're nice people! Aquamarine Enough of this! *grabs Greg's hair* ("Eyeball" pulls a chisel knife out of her gem.) Steven Whoa! Hey, careful with my dad! If this is another one of your pranks, you'd better cut it out! "Eyeball" That was just us softening you up! Now, the real torture begins! Aquamarine We've learned so much about your life, Steven. Especially how much you love your precious "My-Dad". But, if you want him back, you'll have to do us a favor or two, such as... destroying your house! "Eyeball" Yeah! Aquamarine Bubble your friends! "Eyeball" Yeah! Aquamarine And burn Little Homeworld to the ground! "Eyeball" DO IT! Steven No! Aquamarine Then "My-Dad" gets it! "Eyeball" Gets what? Aquamarine Gets hurt. Just do what we saw in that movie. "Eyeball" Oh, yeah! *laughs maliciously* Greg ... Aah! That's enough! "Eyeball" Hey! (Greg swipes "Eyeball"'s chisel knife and cuts his hair and falls.) Steven No!! Aquamarine What!? (Steven catches Greg.) Steven Dad, are you okay? Aquamarine Ugh! Disgusting! *throws Greg's hair* Greg *whimpering* Oh, my baby! *crying* Aquamarine *offscreen* How could you let that happen? "Eyeball" *offscreen* You distracted me! Aquamarine *offscreen* I was directing you! Steven Father, go inside. (Greg goes inside. Steven turns pink.) Steven I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS! (Steven jumps up and fights "Eyeball" and Aquamarine.) Aquamarine We have to fuse if we're going to beat him. ("Eyeball" and Aquamarine fuse and fail.) "Eyeball" What was that?! Aquamarine You were uncoordinated. Try again! ("Eyeball" and Aquamarine constantly try to fuse but fail each time.) "Eyeball" That's it! I've had it with you! ("Eyeball" and Aquamarine fighting as Steven changes back to his normal color.) Steven Tsk, tsk, tsk. You guys fused just because you hate me, didn't you? "Eyeball" and Aquamarine Yes! Steven If that's the only reason, then it's no wonder you can't keep it together. Aquamarine What are you talking about? Steven There are so many other reasons to fuse, like friendship and responsibility... and love. Imagine how much better it would feel to fuse to support each other instead of tearing someone down. Your life would fill with warmth and friendship and joy, and love and -- "Eyeball" Wowie, wow! He is so annoying! Aquamarine I hate him so much! "Eyeball" and Aquamarine I know! Me too! *they fuse again* Steven Are you kidding me? Bluebird Back at last! *summons her sword and laughs* (Steven summons his shield.) Bluebird En garde! (Swords whooshing. Bluebird fights Steven.) Pearl Steven, why is Greg crying in the bathroom? Amethyst Tell him he's gotta move his dang va- AAAAAAH!!!! Bluebird DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!- Now, if it isn't my favorite trio. (They fuse into Alexandrite.) Bluebird Oh, no. (Alexandrite slaps Bluebird into the ground. They unfuse.) Steven Are you two okay? Aquamarine Oh, we've been defeated. "Eyeball" Yep. Aquamarine I've completely learned my lesson. "Eyeball" Huh? Aquamarine I'm sorry, Steven. Accept my apology? *swipe* Gotcha! *laughs* You may have gotten us this time, but we'll be out there. "Eyeball" Hating you! Aquamarine Forever! "Eyeball" You smelllll....! *disappears into the sky* Amethyst I guess, there really are Gems out there that hate you. Steven Yep, but I'm not the one they hurt. (Greg sits on the shore, coping with his loss.) Steven I'm really sorry, Dad. I never should have given Bluebird a chance. Greg *sighs* I love how you believe in everyone. You stuck to your principles, and I'm proud of you. I mean, everyone can change, but not everyone wants to. Steven Yeah. Greg *lets lost hair flow into the ocean* Goodbye, old pal. You're finally free.
A Very Special Episode
[edit]Character 1 Thank you, Explorer Gal, from saving us from this dastardly bandit guy! "Explorer Gal" (Unintelligible speech) Character 1 For your heroic efforts, please accept... (A one-dollar bill is passed from one hand to the other.) Character 1! Our city was a mess without you, but now... (Rainbow Quartz 2.0 and Onion are shown.) Rainbow 2.0 Well... I suppose it's still a mess. It's been so fun playing, but now we have to clean, which is also fun! Are you ready to tidy up? (Onion is shown throwing up a piece of broccoli out of his mouth.) Rainbow 2.0 Oh, Onion, don't be that way. Your best friend Rainbow will help you tidy up. (While taking out Rainbow Quartz 2.0's Parasol) Let's get things a little bit more animated in here! (Onion's toys start moving. Rainbow Quartz 2.0 starts singing "The Tidying Song".) Rainbow 2.0 Stick by stick, the little blackbird builds a nest. A mess to some, but the little blackbird isn't stressed. Stick by stick, the little blackbird builds a nest. And then he naps, 'cause even blackbirds need to rest. The fun won't stop if you have a friend around. The fun won't stop if you have a friend around. And when you laugh, it is my favorite sound. And that's what life is all about. Rainbow 2.0 *spoken* What the-?! Next time wash your dishes. Can you... (A plush is shown waving Steven's hand.) Rainbow 2.0 ...please explain what this is? All right. Thank you for the kisses. (Steven's Phone starts ringing.) Rainbow 2.0 Okay, I'm gonna need like... 5 minutes. (Pearl and Steven unfuse.) Garnet Steven, you're late. I need you for the Sunstone Safety Geminar. Steven Oh, no, that was today? But Rainbow Quartz promised to hang out with Onion today. Garnet Don't worry. I'll handle the Geminar. I'll explain to them every possible future where they get hurt in this house. Steven I don't know if that's a good idea. I'll be right there. Pearl, I'll be back as soon as I can. Will you hang out with Onion while I'm gone? Pearl Of course. He's been a dream for Rainbow. I can take things from here. Steven Are you sure? Pearl I'm sure it'll be fine. Oh, look at him now, making a collage. Steven Uhh... Garnet Heaven Beetle, Earth Beetle, there's a future where you fall into the garbage disposal and nobody notices until it's too late. Steven I gotta go, but I'll be back as soon as I can. Pearl Take your time. We'll be fine here. *gasp* wow, Onion, that's a beautiful bag of hair. Whose is it? [Trans. Int. Beach House] Ocean Jasper I slip on the stairs? Garnet Yes. You shatter on impact. Ocean Jasper Nephrite AAAH!!! Steven Garnet, I'm here. Garnet Steven, help. I think I'm scaring them. (Heaven and Earth Beetle sound scared.) Steven It's okay. We got this. Let's get this safety Geminar started with a very special guest speaker. (Steven and Garnet dance and fuse into Sunstone.) Sunstone Your rockin' pal Sunstone's here to shine. Ocean Jasper Watch out, Sunstone. It's dangerous in here. Sunstone Not if you practice home safety. Don't slip up. Clear objects off the stairs. *picks up a water bottle* Foul shot! *tosses bottle in trash* Make sure you cover your trash, or you might attract wild animals. Come on. Let's go! Don't leave the water running. It could flood your house! Put protective covers on electrical outlets, especially when kids are around. And, most importantly, turn off motion smoothing on your TV. Ocean Jasper Wow, everything looks so much better. (Steven's Phone starts ringing.) Sunstone Alright, hold tight. I gotta take a phone call. In the meantime, check out this commercial. (Steven warps into Little Homeworld in Bluebird) Steven "Hey, all you Gems out there in the universe! Have you been feeling lost and confused in this new era? Then come on down to Little Homeschool!" (Garnet and Steven unfuse.) Steven Hey, Pearl. How's it going? Pearl Hi, Steven. *chuckles nervously* Just wondering if you're coming back soon. Steven Is everything alright over there? Pearl Well, just as soon as you left, Onion got a little... frustrated. He's really doing a number on the house. I think he misses Rainbow. Steven Aah, I'll be right there. [Trans. Int. Onion's House] (Pearl and Steven fuse.) Rainbow 2.0 Rainbow is back! Now, now, Onion, we do not go about hitting things, alright? My, did all that havoc make you sleepy? Why don't we take a little nap? (Rainbow sends Onion up the stairs.) Rainbow 2.0 And off we go! Rest well. (Immediately, Onion goes down the stairs. Rainbow sends Onion up the stairs again.) Rainbow 2.0 Off we go again! (Onion goes down the stairs again. Rainbow sends Onion up the stairs again. Onion, again, goes down the stairs.) Rainbow 2.0 (While sending Onion up the stairs.) Alright, Onion. Last one... Oh, dear... I wonder how Garnet is doing. [Trans. Beach House] Steven Garnet, I'm back! I- (Steven opens the door, revealing the Beach House destroyed inside.) Steven What happened? Garnet Hey, Steven. We set up a home safety obstacle course, but then, we got distracted. Steven *gasps* Motion smoothing??? Garnet It's great for football. Steven Everybody out of the house! [Trans. Beach City] Sunstone Alright! Change of scenery! You guys wanna see something cool? The cool thing is that I'm wearing... a helmet. *inspires the observers to follow suit and skate* Now you're getting it. (Onto the road.) Sunstone Alright, next lesson. Woah, hold up! *car nearly hits them* You know what's also cool? Respect. Respecting crosswalk signals that is. (Sunstone and the Gems wait.) Sunstone You're doing great. (The Gems cross the road as the walk light turns green. Steven's phone starts ringing. Garnet and Steven unfuse.) Steven *exhausted* Please. Please have everything under control. Pearl STEVEN, EVERYTHING'S OUT OF CONTROL! Steven Yup. Pearl It's getting really weird here. Steven, you were never like this. You were such a good kid. I'm so sorry I never told you that- *drops phone* AAH! I-I can hear him, but I can't see him. I think he's in the walls. I don't know how he got there, and I don't know how to get him out! Steven *gasps* Garnet, can you handle things on your own for a little bit? Garnet No problem. Our students love me. *walks over to them* Let me tell you all the ways you can get hit by a car. Steven Agh, Garnet, forget it. I'll stay. I'll stay- (Steven's phone starts ringing) Pearl STEVEN, THERE'S A SNAKE! *screaming heard* Steven Never mind! [Trans. Onion's house] Steven Hello? (Pearl appears between the stair railing.) Pearl STEVEN!!!!! Steven Ahh! Pearl! Pearl It's not safe here! HIDE! Steven Pearl, you got to chill out. Steven looks ahead as an open jar of mayo is rolled onto the ground into sight. He walks towards the kitchen. Pearl Steven, no, the danger! *falls on the ground* Oof! Steven and Pearl walk into the kitchen with the lights off and they look around, finally seeing Onion with glowing eyes. Pearl *screams loudly* That's it! *summons her spear* (Steven calmly turns on the light in the kitchen.) Pearl Oh. What? Steven Aw, I guess he really wants Rainbow, and cookies. *sees Onion with a jar of cookies on top of the fridge* Wait, is he going to jump? Onion, don't you do it. ONION! It's okay, I'll catch you, Onion! (Onion bounces onto his head and to the ground.) Okay, th-th-that's fine, too. Pearl Ooh, are you going to share some with me? (Onion breaks the cookie jar.) Steven and Pearl Nope! (Steven and Pearl fuse in the background.) Rainbow 2.0 Come here, you naughty dumpling. Gotcha! Why play with sharp objects when you can play with my sharp wit? Crack jokes, not cookie jars, as I always say. Ha ha! But I'll tell you what isn't a joke- this horrendous mess. Now, this just won't do. *uses umbrella to magically clean up the mess* Phew! You are quite the handful, my boy, *laughs* literally! [Trans. Outside Onion's house] Rainbow 2.0 Okay, you're coming with me. Garnet It's important to keep in mind that all these horrible things did happen to you in alternate timelines. Safety is fun. Rainbow 2.0 Hey, Garnet, how's about taking another student? I'm feeling a little bit... (Rainbow Quartz makes a silly face and blows a raspberry. Pearl and Steven unfuse.) Garnet You shouldn't have brought him here, Steven. Steven No, no, no, it's fine. I-It's good. No one needs safety training more than Onion. *exhausted* I'm combining all my responsibilities into one responsibility. It's brilliant. It's- It's brilliant. It's fine. I'm fine. Really, it's fine. It's fine. I'm fine... (Onion picks up a piece of grass and makes it whistle. This interests the Gem class to follow Onion around.) Steven I'm fine... I'm fine... Really, just fine-... Huh...? (Steven and others chase the class and Onion until they reach a hill. Onion throws the leaf into the wind. As if hypnotized, the class Gems walk off the cliff and fall.) Pearl Oh no! Garnet Steven, quick, Sunstone can save them. Steven Okay. Uh- *fuses* Sunstone Oh yeah! Pearl No! Let Rainbow save them. *swipes Steven and fuses* Rainbow 2.0]]: I'll catch them with this. Amethyst Hey, wait! I need Steven. (Pearl and Steven unfuse.) Steven What is it, Amethyst? Amethyst I just missed you, man! I haven't seen you for, like, 11 minutes! (Steven falls over.) Pearl STEVEN! Steven I shouldn't have overbooked my schedule. *groans and dies* Garnet ...Noooooo! (But it turns out to be a public service announcement by Sunstone this whole time.) Sunstone Hey, kids, don't let this happen to you. Always try to manage your time wisely. You can't be everywhere at once. Don't pull a Steven, am I right? Speaking of which, hey, shouldn't you kids be at your guitar lessons? Ocean Jasper But we don't have any g- *gasps* Wowzers! Thanks, Sunstone! Sunstone No problem, dude. It's cool to want to help people, but it's also cool to just say you're too busy. Pearl Who are you talking to?- *volleyball hits her in the head* OW! Sunstone And most importantly, never jump off a cliff, unless you're a trained professional, that is! [END]
Snow Day
[edit]Steven *wakes up from alarm* All right, Little Homeschool. What's on the docket for today? *stretch* You can do it! *sighs* (Steven gets some filtered water, but Amethyst comes in with raw eggs for eyes.) Amethyst You really gonna skip the most egg-ssential meal of the day? Steven Of course not. I've got all my morning nutrients in this protein shake. Amethyst ... *pokes yolk to leak* Dude, you're making me sad. Garnet Steven. I packed everything you're gonna need for today in your cheeseburger backpack. Steven Uh, I don't really use that anymore. Besides, I packed my own bag. Garnet At least pet this cat. Cat Steven Meow. Steven Why was I going to need... *sigh* Never mind. Got to go. Pearl Hold it. According to my weather application, it's going to snow all day and overnight. You're going to freeze if you don't put on a puffer, a hat, and two scarves. Better make it three. Steven *muffles in denial* Pearl, I need to get going! Pearl But classes don't start for another couple of hours. Garnet Wait for us. We can head over together. Amethyst Why are you taking the old Dondai anyway? We have the warp technology. *slurps eggs off face* Steven It's because I've got errands to run in town before classes start. Garnet Of course. Go get 'em, champ. *places hand on Steven* Amethyst & Pearl Yeah! *places hand as well* Go get 'em! (Steven does his errands and returns home.) Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl Surprise! Amethyst We were sitting in the dark! Steven Hey, guys. Amethyst Guess what we've got lined up tonight. "Pupcopter's Sky-High Adventure"! Pearl Sheet masks with cute animal faces! Garnet And, most importantly, pizza. Steven Uh, guys, I've been a vegetarian for, like, a month, and "Pupcopter" is for 6-year-olds, and I have my own skin care routine. Anyways, it's cool. I already ate. *walks upstairs* Amethyst Oh well. We'll just watch the movie with Cat Steven. Garnet My bad. I was sure we were in the pepperoni timeline. [Time-Skip] (Steven wakes up to turn the alarm off but accidentally slides it to the ground. He rushes down the stairs to leave, preparing the usual protein shake.) Pearl Look, Steven. Together Breakfast! Just like old times. Steven Too much sugar for me, but thanks. *opens door* See you at work, guys. (But Steven can't leave, for the door is flooded with snow.) Steven Okay, just have to take the warp, then. Garnet Steven, I wouldn't do that if I were you. (Steven gets collapsed with more snow from the warp tunnel.) Amethyst *laughs* Steven Looks like we have to cancel Little Homeschool for the day. Pearl, can you send out a mass text? Pearl On it. Amethyst Hold up! Are you saying we have the day off? Pearl Ooo, we can re-read No Home Boys. Garnet And I'll do all the voices. Steven No, I don't need you to read to me. I-if anything, I need to sit down with the calender. Snow-pocalyse is going to affect the third-quarter schedule. (Steven gets out his notebook.) Amethyst Man, you had a better work-life balance when the Diamonds were trying to destroy the planet. Steven That was then. This is now. Amethyst *groans* ... Hey, you know what we haven't done in a long time? *shapeshifts into Young Steven and jumps on table* STEVEN TAG! Steven Aah! *rolls backwards* Amethyst, what the heck?! Amethyst You know the rules, buster. You get tagged, you have to turn into Steven. Steven But I'm already Steven! Amethyst Nah, bro. Classic Steven. Steven Classic Steven?! Aah!! (Amethyst gives chase, ending in the bathroom.) Amethyst *laughs* Ste-e-ve-en! Come out and Pla-a-ay! *laughs* Steven I'm not playing. Amethyst *tries entering* Aw, dang. He got me with the towel. Ugh, fine! It's not like we need you to play Steven Tag anyway. (Cautiously, Steven opens the door and looks around. Suddenly, Garnet is spotted on the ground.) Steven Hey, Garnet. Lose something? Garnet It's Cat Steven. Haven't seen him all morning. Steven Oh. Weird. Garnet Steven, you should check the cabinets. Steven Uh, okay. In here? Garnet *pats Cat Steven* Yes. Steven Huh- (Amethyst jumps out still in Young Steven's form.) Amethyst Get ready for Steven Tag! (Steven runs away, making Amethyst tag Garnet first.) Garnet What an unforeseen turn of events. Amethyst You know the rules. (Garnet turns into Young Steven, staring with Amethyst at their true target tip-toeing away.) Steven See ya! (The chase begins. Steven trips on a pillow, and the two jump from above. Steven forms a bubble in time.) Garnet You can't stay in there forever. *prepares a punch* (Steven gets up and throws Garnet and Amethyst into Rose's room, and Steven exits.) Steven That should keep you busy for a while. Maybe now, I can get these schedules done in peace. Huh? (Unfortunately, Garnet and Amethyst make it out through the Burning Room) Garnet Steven! (Steven retreats behind the table.) Steven How'd you get out so fast?! Whoa! (Garnet jumps over, forcing Steven upstairs and hidden under his bedsheets.) Amethyst Hiding under the covers, are we? (Steven is startled out of bed and falls down the stairs. Pearl warps into the Beach House.) Pearl Steven, what are you doing? Steven Pearl! Pearl Has cabin fever taken hold already? Steven It's Amethyst and Garnet. They're playing Steven Tag to mess with me. Pearl Steven Tag? Wow! That takes me back. Well, I'm sure they- *gasps* Steven *gasps* (A red electricity bolt appears behind Pearl and shocks her. Steven's eyes widen as Pearl drops her snow shovel. As it turns out, Garnet has *tagged* her. Pearl keels over.) Steven ... Hah! Jokes on you! Pearl doesn't shapeshift! Huh? (Contrary to Steven's expectations, Pearl shapeshifts into Young Steven. She couldn't suppress her compulsion to play.) Pearl The power of Steven Tag compels me! (Garnet and Amethyst giggle and cheer, proud of Pearl's development.) Steven *laughs* Wow. Good for her. (Eyes glint. They want to tag Steven badly. They chase Steven around the house until the garden dome room. Steven's rest is broken by Pearl's appearance out of a pot plant. Disguises continue to fool Steven into traps. He eventually stand on top of his clothes drawers, threatening to throw tidy clothes.) Pearl Steven, no! I just folded those! (Pearl is distracted, and Steven attempts to escape. However, Garnet and Amethyst already knew of Steven's plan and blocks his path. Steven had no choice but to jump outside and hide with the snow.) Steven *sighs* They can't hold those forms forever. I'll just wait until- (Something smashes the snow behind Steven as he looks up and sees a gigantic purple 4-armed creature wearing shades in the form of Young Steven. It's Sugilite, on top of a snowy rock.) Steven What?! You fused?! *runs* Hey! This is dangerous! (Steven summons his shield to ski across the snow. Snowballs rain down in response from Sardonyx who also looks like Young Steven.) Steven I'm still not playing! (Steven swerves to evade the continuing onslaught. He loses control and trips from flying off a nearby rock. Opal is in the prime position, in the body of 14-year-old Steven, too and using Garnet as the projectile to tag what seems to be Steven.) Garnet Target acquired. (Garnet crashes into the figure. However, her prediction is wrong. Steven is not under the jacket.) Garnet It was a snowman... with Steven's jacket. Noooooooo! (Steven has escaped but is shivering.) Steven They'll never stop until they make me play. (As Steven strike a pose, he gets startled as a shadow falls on him. He looks behind himself. It's Alexandrite, who has been shape-shifted into Young Steven as well.) Steven Oh, geez. (Alexandrite breathes a firey flame at Steven, who bubbles to protect himself.) Steven I really didn't want to do this. But you leave me no choice. *poses and scowls* I JOIN THE GAME!!! (Steven is finally convinced. He bounces off Alexandrite's head towards the Beach House. Alexandrite attempts to catch Steven landing on the Obsidian statue's hand but fails. Back and forth, he makes it to the slope of the hill and jumps to the Lighthouse peak.) Steven There's no way she can catch me here... Aah? (Alexandrite beats Steven on top of the lighthouse and unfuse to all separate gems including Garnet to Ruby and Sapphire who are both in Young Steven's form. Then they act as a bombardment for Steven to avoid except Sapphire.) Steven *forms his bubble fists and glares at Amethyst, Ruby and Pearl* ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! (Steven blasts through the bombardment and lands successfully on the lighthouse's roof, staring down menacingly.) Steven You shouldn't have messed with me. Huh? (And Steven is tagged by the unlikely Sapphire.) Sapphire Tag. (Everything shatters around Steven. He falls off the lighthouse.) Steven Oh, no. Is this the end of my adult life? (Crash landing. Steven Tag is finished.) Amethyst Ha ha! Ruby Sapphire, you did it! You're the best! *They fuse back into Garnet* Garnet You've been tagged. Amethyst You have to tuuurn into little Steeveeen! Pearl Those are the rules! Steven Hmph. No. Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl Do it! Do it! Do it! Cat Steven Meow. Steven *sighs* Et tu, Cat Steven? Cat Steven Meow. Steven *groans* OKAY! I'll do it! (Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl watch as Steven shape-shifts into his younger self.) Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl He's so cute! Steven No, I'm not! This is tough for me, you know? I-I feel like no matter how hard I try, you still see me like this! Amethyst Buddy, we just want to spend time with you. Pearl Yes, like we did when you were- Steven A kid? (The teen hero's multi-colored friends frown with concern.) Steven I don't want to disappoint you, but this isn't me anymore. Please, I need you to see me... (he shape-shifts back into his polite age.) Steven ...for who I am now. (Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl hug Steven.) Garnet Please forgive us. Amethyst We didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Pearl We just miss you, Steven. (Steven's eyes well with tears and his lip quivers.) Garnet, Amethyst & Pearl We're sorry. Steven I've missed you, too, guys, and, you know, *sighs* it was actually pretty nice to spend time with y-y- Ah-choo! (Amethyst receives Steven's jacket.) Steven Thanks, Amethyst. Garnet Steven, we're so proud of the person you've become. Amethyst Yeah, that's why we wanna hang out with you so much! Pearl But, if you need to get back to work now, we'll understand. Steven Well, I can't because, tag, you're it! Amethyst Ah ha! *laughs* Garnet *chuckle* I guess, we have to update the game... *turns into Steven's current form* to this. Steven Yeah! I love it! Garnet Perfect. *she summons her gauntlets* Now, you all better run. Steven Ha ha!
Why So Blue?
[edit]- Steven: Okay. This shouldn't take too long. Most Gems come around pretty quickly when I invite them to Little Homeschool in person.
- Lapis: What a gorgeous planet. (Steven and Lapis encounter a mysterious flower bud creature.)
- Steven: Woah. (Steven proceeds to touch it, which makes the bud retreat into a bush with other buds. Steven approaches the buds again and pets one.)
- Steven: It's okay, little guy. *gets crawled on* Hahaha *laughs more*
- Lapis: Wow, Steven. It took you a whole five seconds to make a new friend. You're getting rusty. *approaches* You know, I never used to notice creatures like this. Before Earth and you, I used to terraform planets without thinking twice. I wonder what I destroyed. *bud creature opens* Life like this is so precious. (The bud creatures all open up, but then close as something passes through the air.)
- Lapis: Uh, Steven. (They walk to an edge to see what's going on.)
- Steven: Ah. So the rumors are true.
- Lapis: You think they didn't get your message that we're not destroying planets anymore?
- Steven: I'm sure they did. Everyone did. But, I'll get them to stop.
- Lapis: This might be harder than you think. (A blue figure flies by.)
- Steven: There they are. (In the distance is "Nice" Lapis and "Mean" Lapis, who are manipulating the water to slice up a large rock. This terrifies the flower bud creatures into hiding.)
- Steven: Hey! Stop! (The Lapides decide to throw a tidal wave at Steven and Lapis, the former guarding against it successfully.)
- "Nice" Lapis: Wait a minute. That's Steven Universe!
- ""Mean" Lapis': He's smaller than I thought.
(Both float down to the edge.)
- "Nice" Lapis: Well, what do you think? We're almost done with this world.
- "Mean" Lapis: And who's this? We don't need the extra help.
- "Nice" Lapis: You must have heard about our exemplary work. That's why you're here, I presume.
- Steven: Yeah. Well, no. Look, the empire is over.
- "Nice" Lapis: We know.
- Steven: The Diamonds don't control you anymore.
- "Mean" Lapis: That's right.
- Steven': ... So, you don't have to terraform planets for them anymore. You're free to do whatever you like. Why don't you come on down to Little Homeschool where you can-
- "Nice" Lapis: Oh, I see. This is just a misunderstanding.
- "Mean" Lapis: Terraforming is what we like.
- Lapis: *sighs* Here we go.
- Steven: Uh, okay, wait. You're free to do whatever you like... as long as it's not destroying a world.
- "Mean" Lapis: That's not what you just said a second ago.
- "Nice" Lapis: Why would we stop?
- Lapis: Because it's wrong!
- "Nice" Lapis: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. How can the thing we've always done just suddenly be wrong? At the very least, we've got to finish this world! We're almost done!
- Steven: ... Team huddle?
- Lapis: Team huddle.
- Steven: One moment, please. *both retreat to the forest*
- Steven: You're right. This is harder than usual.
- Lapis: You've just got to force them to stop. This is going to be a fight. They're not nice like me.
- Steven: Uhmm...
- Lapis: Exactly.
- Steven: They just don't understand that they're doing harm. Y-you get it. What made it click for you?
- Lapis: A cycle of horrible torture. But other than that, living in nature, getting creative.
- Steven: Yeah. Come on! We can do that for them.
- Lapis: Okay. Just a little torture.
- Steven: N-no, just the other stuff.
- Lapis: *sighs* Fine. We'll try it your way. (The two return to the Lapides, walking backward while waving.)
- Steven: Hey, so, why don't we explore the many things that you can do that don't involve destroying worlds?
- "Mean" Lapis: Should we listen to him?
- "Nice" Lapis: He is half-Diamond. Maybe, we should half-listen.
- Steven: I'll take that as a "yes." Let's go. *into the forest again; sighs* Look at the trees. Smell the fresh air. Getting any life-altering tingling sensations yet?
- "Nice" Lapis: Everything is so... bright.
- "Mean" Lapis: *pokes leaf* I prefer only two colors- the colors of rock and mud.
- Lapis: I understand you don't see the beauty of this, but you will. There was a time when I couldn't see it either, but I learned to appreciate organic life. It's really different and special. Maybe, try something like this. (Lapis manipulates mud to create a shape.)
- Steven: This is "meep morp." It's subjective and debatable, but it is meep morp nonetheless.
- "Mean" Lapis: So, you can do whatever you want with your powers, but you choose to make junk?
- Lapis: I-it doesn't have to be exactly this. You can create anything. (Lapis creates a sun lounger, providing Steven with mud beverage and sunglasses.)
- Steven: *drinks mud and spits it out* So lifelike. I forgot.
- "Mean" Lapis: Okay?
- Lapis: It's more satisfying than you think. Trust me. Just give it a try. (The Lapides create a ball of water.)
- Lapis: That's it! Try making other shapes, too- anything you want. (So the Lapides do, but it's a spike ball, then a buzzsaw, which they throw and slice a rock behind Steven and Lapis.)
- "Mean" Lapis: That was way easier than what we've been doing.
- "Nice" Lapis: Yeah! We can clear out this planet in no time!
- Lapis: Steven, this isn't working.
- Steven: *approaches* A-Ahem. Looks like you two still have a lot of energy to get out. *chuckles Maybe, you'd like something more physical, like dance.
- "Nice" Lapis: Dance?
- Steven: Just, check this out. (Steven and Lapis dance to his phone's music, but this doesn't impress "Mean" Lapis. "Nice" Lapis, meanwhile, seems to be getting the groove until she noticed "Mean" Lapis' unapproving stare.)
- "Nice" Lapis: Uh... let's get back to it!
- Lapis: I get it. This stuff won't make you feel good right away. Maybe, it never will. But, it will help you navigate your new way of feeling. If you don't like dancing, you could try expressing yourself through song.
- "Mean" Lapis: Huh? (Lapis worries in demonstrating, but Steven gives the encouraging nod. "Why So Blue" begins to play)
- Lapis: Ooo-ooo-oooh, Why so bluuu-uu-uuue,
- So many shades of sorrow got mixed into my hue.
- And each new moment just astounds me. So much I wanna do.
- I finally feel my colors shining through.
- I'm tired of the fighting. I'm tired of the blame.
- That mirror was a prison, and fusion was the same.
- What's with these new sensations that suddenly appear?
- Deep as the roaring ocean. Free as the atmosphere.
- Ooo-ooo-oooh! Why so bluuu-uu-uuue?
- So many different reasons, but are they really true?
- I wanna keep on going. Wanna be right here with you.
- I'd love to see your colors shining throoo-oo-ooough!
- I'd love to see your colors shining throoooooooough!
(The Lapides laugh in mockery.)
- "Mean" Lapis: You really expect us to dance and sing like Pearls? *laughs* Forget it, Steven Universe. You've already got a Lapis doing what you want, and look how dull it's made her, or was she always this pitiful?
- Steven: Th-there's no need to be hurtful. We're just trying to-
- "Mean" Lapis: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. You've taken enough of our time. Let's get back to it, shall we? (The Lapides start to terraform.)
- Lapis: That's it! I've had enough of you two.
- Steven: Wait, we agreed we wouldn't fight.
- Lapis: If we had done this my way, we would've been done from the start. *flies to the Lapides*
- Steven: Wait!
- Lapis: Hey, you two! That's enough.
- "Mean" Lapis: Oh, look who it is.
- "Nice" Lapis: Have you decided to give us a hand?
- Lapis: You could say that.
(Lapis forms hands from her wings, which flick the Lapides away.)
- "Nice" Lapis: Did she just do that?
- "Mean" Lapis: She did that. *manipulates below water with "Nice" Lapis* Water hands, huh? Mind if we try?
(The water hand slaps Lapis from the sky and is heading to Steven and the bud creatures.)
- Steven: *gasps* Oh, boy. *summons shield to protect himself, also holding Lapis* Lapis! Are you okay?
- Lapis: I'm fine. Stay out of it. *flies back up, forming water chains as attacks*
- "Mean" Lapis: Water chains?
- "Nice" Lapis: You really need to stop teaching us new things. (Lapis is caught by a chain and smashed to the edge wall, then held bound.)
- Steven: Lapis!
- "Nice" Lapis: We really have to thank you for all the wonderful things you taught us today.
- "Mean" Lapis: Turns out, they're not totally useless. (The Lapides create a saw and throw it at Lapis.)
- Steven: Look out! (Lapis dissipates the saw and causes the area to rumble. Water flows into the area and washes the Lapides over. The former surrounds Lapis to form a giant figure of herself that she controls.)
- Lapis: WHO'S DULL NOW? WHO'S PITIFUL NOW?! (Lapis creates a water harpoon, terrifying the Lapides into submission. However, a glance at Steven stops her, and she returns to the edge.)
- Steven: Hey. You okay? (Bud creature jumps from Steven to Lapis.)
- Lapis: Yeah. Sorry about that. (The water disappears, and Lapis and Steven approach the Lapides.)
- Lapis: Hey. We're done. No more fighting.
- "Nice" Lapis: Sure!
- "Mean" Lapis: Fine by me!
- Lapis: And no more terraforming. You'll leave this planet alone?
- "Nice" Lapis: Uh huh!
- "Mean" Lapis: After that ridiculous show of strength, we'll do anything you say!
- Lapis: That wasn't strength! That was weakness. Restraint takes strength. Patience takes strength! ... Ugh. *walks away* I don't have the strength to deal with you.
- Steven: ... Here's some brochures for our school in case you're interested.
[Trans. Int. Little Homeschool]
- Lapis: I wish I hadn't done that. It's just... they reminded me so much of myself. It's infuriating.
- Steven: Give yourself a break. You've grown a lot. It's not your fault they're stuck in their ways. (Lapis smiles from that statement. Suddenly, "Nice" Lapis warps in.)
- "Nice" Lapis: Uh, so, is this that school you mentioned?
- Lapis: Yeah! Welcome.
Little Graduation
[edit]Steven ♫ Teens by day, hey, we're all right! Teens by day, but, every night, we're Sadie Killer and the Suspects! Whoa oh oh, Sadie Killer and the Suspects! ♫
[Trans. Int. Spacetries] Steven Hey, Blue Lace. (Blue Lace smashes dough being made.) Steven *coughs and laughs* Hey, Lars! Lars Hey, Steven! Here to pick up the cake? Steven Yeah, but I also want to see how you're doing. (Sadie Miller enters the shop.) Sadie Hey, Steven! Hi, Lars! Steven Sadie! Oh my gosh. I can't remember the last time we were all together in a pastry establishment. Lars Hey Sadie, I've got your moon cakes. Sadie Thanks. Lars Sure. So, how's stuff going with Shep? Steven Huh? Shep? Sadie Great. They're so cool. I can't believe we've been dating for almost two months, now. Everything just feels so, easy. Lars That's, awesome. Say "Hi" to them for me. Sadie Will do. Well, see you later. Lars Yeah. Steven What was that, and who is Shep? Lars Shep is Sadie's new partner. They met while she was on tour with the Suspects. It's cool. Steven Is it? Lars Yes, it is. Besides, I'm leaving anyway. Now that the Off Colors are done with school, we're going to head back into space. Steven *gasps* But what about the shop? Lars I asked Blue Lace to take over. I'm ready to move on. You get it, right? You're finished setting up the school. Don't you want to try something new? Steven Well, I... hmm. Lars Oh. Looks like the graduation cake is ready. I'll see you tonight, Steven. Steven Yeah. [Trans. Int: Graduation Ceremony on seashore'] Steven We're all proud to see our graduates evolve and be there for each other as everyone moves on to bigger and better things and new and exciting places. Well, except for me. I'll still be, right here. Ahem. Alright. Graduates, move those tassels! (The graduates moves their tassels from their right to their left.) Steven And with that, let's give them a hearty con-grad-ulations! (Everyone celebrates, and a party ensues after. Steven floats down to Sadie and Shep with style.) Steven Whhhat up, Sadie? Huh- (Steven loses his gliding and collapses.) Sadie Steven! I don't think you've had a chance to meet my new partner. Shep Hey! I'm Shep. It's cool to finally meet you. Steven So... you and Sadie have been dating for almost two months? Shep That, is true. Steven You know, a lotta people say you don't really know someone until you've been stranded on an island with them. Shep What? People say that? Steven Yeah. Shep Well... we're gonna go grab some cake before we go on at 7:00. Sadie *laughs* yeah. Steven Wait. Sadie. Isn't that when you're singing with the Suspects? Sadie Actually, I was thinking of doing a song with Shep. Steven Oh, uh, cool. Can't wait to hear it. Shep We'll catch you later, Steven. (Steven frowns and blocks Lars from advancing to the same cake place.) Steven I wouldn't go over there right now. Lars Is something wrong with the cake? Steven What? No, no. Sadie and Shep are over there. Lars Oh, cool. I'll go over and say hi. Steven H-hold on! A-are you okay? Lars Yeah. Are you okay? Steven ... Why wouldn't I be? (Steven looks at Jenny Pizza and floats on by.) Jenny Hey, Steven! Looks like everyone's enjoying the graduation so far. Steven Yep. Everyone but me. *sighs* I guess, it seems like everyone's got something new going on. Jenny Yeah. It's not a bad thing, though. Sour Cream has regular gigs as a DJ in Empire City. Buck got into medical school. He's gonna be saving lives in, like, 20 years, and I've been full steam ahead on jackets for phones. Steven What's that? Jenny It's my new online business. We- and by we, I mean I -- make the finest jackets perfectly sized for your mobile device. Steven Aw, it's got little pockets- *gasps* and a little phone in one of the pockets! Everyone on the planet is gonna want one of these. How are you gonna find the time? Jenny Well, I'm gonna have plenty of time now that the Suspects are breaking up. Steven What?! Jenny Did Sadie not tell you? Steven Uhh... Sadie Hey, Steven. Are you ready for us? Steven Oh! Right! Wait, I-I-I've gotta introduce you. *walks to mic* Hey. Is every-everyone having a good time tonight? *crowd cheers* Who here loves Sadie Killer and the Suspects? Well, our band tonight has, only one of them. Lars Oh, jeez. Steven So, yeah, here's, uh- what's your new band called? Sadie Um, we don't have a name yet. Steven Uh, heh, well, you should've asked me, hum, I'm really good at naming bands. *walks off* Sadie *on mic* This is just a little something Shep and I have been putting together, and, w-we really hope you like it. Shep We welcome any and all critique after the show. ("Looking Forward" plays, and Lars walks away sometime after) Steven Lars? Lars Ah. Hey, Steven. Steven Lars, wait up. Hey, Lars, where are you going? Lars I think I'm gonna bounce. I just wanted to be here for the crew. These big parties aren't really my thing. Steven But, you're leaving the planet tomorrow, aren't you? When am I going to see you again? Lars Dude, you can visit me whenever. I'm like, your magic portal, remember? Steven W-w-wait. Don't go yet. Lars It's been real, Steven. Steven Lars... *enters his pink state* STOP! Lars Steven- (Lars hits Steven's generated force field, the latter multiplying to form a dome that traps everyone at the graduation ceremony.) Lars *bangs force field* Steven, what are you doing? Steven Sorry, I-I don't know how I did this. Lars Well, just fix it. Steven Right, right, yeah, okay, umm, *grunts* ... Huh. Jenny You don't have any idea why this happened? Steven I think this dome activated as a reaction to some powerful feeling someone here has been bottling up. And, I guess we all know who that is. Lars! Lars What are you talking about?! Steven We won't be able to leave until you work out your feelings towards Sadie. You guys haven't even talked since you got back. Sadie We did, though... Look, Steven. The two of us tried to reconnect a few times, but, we both just, grew apart. Lars Sadie knows I miss her, but she knows how happy I am that she found someone better for her. Shep Awww. Sadie And Lars knows I'm really glad he found himself in space with his new Gem friends. Steven But when did this happen?! I didn't see any of this! Sadie That's because it was private. Jenny ... *cough* Steven But, I thought you were only leaving because you were jealous of Shep. Lars I'm leaving because I like being in space. There are still adventures waiting for us out there. We can take what we've learned to other planets! Steven But if there's nothing to work out... *looks nervously at everyone* Is it getting claustrophobic in here, o-or is it just me? (In response to Steven's emotion, the dome closes in on itself. Those trapped try to halt its progress through pushing.) Jenny Steven, You wanna get rid of this dome already?! Steven Okay. I can control this. I just gotta think real hard! Shep Hey, Steven? Steven Not now, Shep. I need to concentrate. Shep Just, hear me out- Steven Look! If I don't figure out how to get rid of this dome, all my friends are gonna die! Lars Wouldn't be the first time. Shep Well, but, your magic's all about your feelings, right? I don't know. It just seems like you're sad about all your friends drifting away, so you trapped us all in this dome to keep us from leaving. Steven I don't see the connection. Shep Maybe, you're trying to figure yourself out right now, and you want your friends along to help you through it. Steven It's just that, I've always been trying to help my friends! I don't know who I am without them! Sadie Steven, you're great, but you need to let us live our own lives. Shep If you don't give people room to grow, you'll suffocate them. In this case, literally. Steven I know. I don't want to hold any of you back. I just can't help it if my dumb heart misses you guys. Jenny Awww, Steven! Sadie We'll still be your friends. Lars Even if we're light-years away. Steven You guys..... (Steven's normal color comes back and the dome dissipates, freeing everyone from impending doom.) Jenny Hm. That wasn't the worst party I've been to. See ya, Steven. Sadie It was nice seeing you again. Steven Yeah. You guys are a really good couple, and I really like your new sound. Shep Want a CD? Steven Have any tape cassettes? Shep I got you right here. Take it easy! Lars So, yeah, Steven. Me and the crew are gonna... *blows raspberry* Steven Lars, *chuckles regretfully* I'm, I'm really sorry. Lars Yeah. I guess, it's kinda cute how bad you don't want me to leave. Steven Of course I don't want you to leave! Lars Buck up, man. Just come and visit. Steven It's just, for a second, we were all home together again. *sighs* I don't think I like graduations. Maybe I should quit running Little Homeschool. Lars ... Hey. *wraps arm on Steven* Come here. (Steven returns with a big hug, and Lars reciprocates.) Lars ... Are you gonna let me go anytime soon? Steven Just a couple more minutes.
Prickly Pair
[edit]Amethyst We got your dirt, dude! Steven Thanks, guys; come on in. *enters the building* (The trio follow him inside and are greeted by a plethora of blossoming plants.) All Wooow! Amethyst How much magic spit did it take to grow all these plants?! Steven *chuckles* I grew these the old-fashioned way. Garnet So this is what you've been doing since you left Little Homeschool. Steven Yeah, working at the school was great, but I dunno if it's my calling. Besides, watching the Off Colors graduate was so bittersweet. Pearl Well I think this is a wonderful way to get into some much-needed 'you' time. Steven 'Me' time? I'm hardly alone. *crouches to look at a blue flower* This lil' smartie is named Connie. *other plants are shown as he continues to name them* This onion's name is - Onion. And these perennials always come back. That one's Sadie, and the rest are her band. 'Daisy Clover and the Shrub-spects'. I named this one Lars. *baby-talk voice* You're stuck in da ground, aren't cha? Not gonna zip into space and leave evwy'one behind, isn't that right? (Garnet and Pearl look on in concern, as Amethyst holds up a wad of dirt.) Amethyst Uhhh, Steven? *eats the dirt ball in a single bite* Garnet This may not be the healthiest approach to your new hobby. Steven I'm just - havin' a lil' fun, that's all! B-but seriously, everything's going great. Pearl In that case, we'll leave you to it! Amethyst Have fun with your plants, dude. (The three of them exit the building. Garnet peeks in again briefly.) Garnet You should keep a close eye on your cactus. (The door shuts. Steven turns around to look at a small, solitary cactus which sits atop a wooden table.) Steven Huh...? *sighs* What am I doing? Is this really my thing now? *looks down at the cactus* Plants? (He uses a small scalpel to remove the top of the cactus.) Steven Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl aren't even impressed. Guess plants aren't as cool as liberating the galaxy... (He sets the cactus aside and fills another pot with dirt. He looks to the cactus top in his hand.) Steven Now! Have to give you a home. *pokes the cactus* Ah! Yowch... (Steven puts his injured finger in his mouth to relieve the pain, and a close up of his mouth is shown. As he removes his finger, the spit on the end of it sparkles. He then picks up the cactus by two spines and places it in the pot.) Steven There ya go. *brushes off his hands* That should do it. *stomach growls* Ooh- sounds like lunch time. I'll be back later to check on ya. (He leaves the building. The cactus is shown in the foreground and a high, ominous tone plays. Cut to Steven returning to the greenhouse with a watering can.) Cactus *growls happily* Steven *gasps and throws aside the watering can* Ohmigosh! Did I bring my cactus to life?! Cactus Woof, woof woof! (Cut to the Crystal Gems in the Beach House taking a groupie. Steven enters the house.) Steven Hey guys look what I made! Amethyst I thought you weren't using spit on your plants? Steven No, no I'm not! I guess I accidentally got some on this piece of cactus I was trying to plant, though. Amethyst *squints suspiciously* A likely story. Garnet That cactus really bounced back. Pearl He's a survivor, just like you. Amethyst Aww, and he's got a lumpy head like you! Let's call him, 'Cactus Steven.' Steven Cactus Steven, huh? Call me conceited, but I like it! Cactus Steven *coos* Pearl Is he...okay? Steven Oh...yeah, I think he just wants some sunlight. I think I could use some, too. (Cut to the beach at sunset. Steven and Cactus Steven sit beside one another on the sand.) Steven This beach- it never changes. I mean, a lot has changed. I'm trying to be cool about it, but it feels weird. Everyone's moving on, a-and I should be too, I gave up running a school but- now I don't know what comes next. Y'know? Cactus Steven *looks up at him with a hard-to-read expression* Steven It's probably better that I'm not running the school anymore. But who am I to decide what's best for all those Gem students? *gets up and takes some steps away* They're better off learning from Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl. I used to be helpful, but the Gems don't need me anymore. Agh! Why do I need to be needed? Steeeven, pull it together! (Cactus Steven looks on sadly. Steven looks to Cactus Steven apologetically.) Steven Awh, I'm so sorry to dump all of this on you. Cactus Steven *whimpers* Steven Aww, let's go home. *picks up Cactus Steven* (Cut to Conservatory. Steven is watering his plants.) Steven Goood morning Ronaldo! Good morning, Nanafua. And a special good morning- augh! *falls out of a flower bush* -to you, Cactus Steven! Woow, you've really sprouted up overnight! (Cactus Steven's shape now more distinctly resembles that of Steven's head.) Cactus Steven *grumbles* Good morning to you! Steven Huh?! D-did you just speak? Cactus Steven *raspy* Woow, you've really sprouted up overnight! Steven Ahh, this is too much! (Cut to the Gems on the couch engaged in various activities. Steven descends the stairs.) Pearl Oh, hello Steven. Hello Cactus Steven. Steven Hey Pearl. You have to see this! Cactus Steven Hay Pearl! Gems Whooa! Amethyst That is sooo cute! Garnet He's quite the talker. Pearl And he said my name! Steven I think he's learning to speak by copying me. Cactus Steven Hi, Pearl! Steven *laughs* Cactus Steven Why should anyone lithen to me? I'm tryna be cool about it, but it feels so weird! Steven Ohh my goshhh. Amethyst Steven, your cactus seems really down on itself. Cactus Steven Thsorry to dump this on you- (Steven covers Cactus Steven's mouth then abruptly pulls his hand away.) Steven Ouch! Cactus Steven Steeeven, pull it togetherr! Pearl Steven- are you okay? (Steven rushes upstairs with the cactus.) Cactus Steven Why do I need to be needed? Whyy do I need to be needed?! (The Gems look at each other, worried. Cut to the Conservatory. Steven sets Cactus Steven on the table.) Steven What was that? Why'd you say that stuff, huh? Cactus Steven Why'd you say that stuff, huuh?! Steven Because! I thought I could talk to you. I can't tell Pearl how I feel, 'cause she'll blame herself, and spiral outta control, and I'll have to pick up the pieces. And- I don't want any more 'high and mighty' advice from Garnet. I just want to know better for once. A-and I'm so sick of Amethyst acting like she's sooo mature now. Cactus Steven She's sooo mature now! Steven Pff, I know, it's like get over yourself. *gasps* Please don't repeat any of that. Cactus Steven I thought I could talk to you! (Steven places a box over Cactus' head.) Cactus Steven *muffled* Why'd you say all that? Why'd! Steven Oh you know why'd. *exits the conservatory and sighs* I can't let anybody find out about this. Amethyst Find out about what? Steven Th-th- nothing! Amethyst Are you okay, Steven? Steven Y-y-yeah! B-uhh, why do you ask? Amethyst Uhmm, well, it just seems like you've been having a hard time since you left Homeschool, and uh...just figured I should check in. Steven Yeah, no, I-I'm fine. That- I've just got some...some stuff on my mind. Nothin' a little green-thumbing won't fix. Amethyst Okay, if you need any help, just, let us know, y'know? Steven Yeah. I know... Cut to nighttime. The door to the conservatory is shown with a piece of paper taped to it. It shows a drawing of Cactus Steven with a thermometer in his mouth and reads, "CACTUS STEVEN NEEDS REST! NO VISITORS, PLEASE!" Steven sits inside the conservatory. Steven *sighs* Now the Gems are all worried about me. Cactus Steven *muffled cries* Steven *approaches the table* Hm? (An ominous tone plays and Cactus Steven continues to cry. Steven goes to lift the box but Cactus Steven throws it aside before he can, yelling in frustration. Cactus Steven looks lumpier and more lopsided, and has sprouted a stubby right arm.) Steven Yikes! Ohh no, Cactus Steven, you look so messed-up. What's wrong with you? Cactus Steven What's wrong with you?! Steven What's wrong is that you're making me look like a fool! Cactus Steven *points at Steven* Fool!! Steven I wish you wouldn't talk! Cactus Steven I wish you wouldn't talk!! (Steven begins to glow pink in anger.) Steven Nnghh, STOP IT!!! *glow abruptly vanishes as Pearl calls from outside* Pearl *offscreen* Steeven? Are you coming to dinner? Steven *silently places C.S. on the table* Y-yeah! I'm coming! (Cactus Steven's size increases as Steven leaves the room. Cut to Steven asleep. A crash causes him to wake up.) Steven Huh- (Cut to the conservatory. Part of the glass is broken and several plants lay in disarray.) Steven Cactus Stevennn...? (Steven follows a trail of needles into his bedroom. He hesitantly enters the room.) Steven C'mon, cactus buddy... (Cactus Steven growls and rises up from behind him underneath a blanket. As the blanket falls away it's revealed that he has grown to match Steven's height and only his foot remains in his pot.) Cactus Steven Steevennn! (Steven is startled and falls down the stairs onto the floor below. Cactus Steven follows suit and nearly crushes Steven.) Steven Oof-! Cactus Steven, you need to get back to your home. Cactus Steven You need to get back to your home! Steven Wha- ah- this is my home! Just get out! *begins pushing C.S. away* Ahh! *shakes his hands in pain* Cactus Steven Raah! *shakes his hands, shooting needles across the room* Steven Ow, cut it out! Cactus Steven *stops, approaches Steven* Just get out! Steven Don't come any closer-! *generates his shield* Cactus Steven Steeeven!! Steven Stop! (Steven thrusts C.S. away using his shield, slamming C.S. against the door of the house.) Steven *gasps* Sorry! (Cactus Steven stands, the shield now lodged in his shoulder. He dislodges it, leaving a large gash, and throws the shield back at Steven, hitting him squarely in the face. C.S. throws a plate off the nearby table, breaking it. He flips the table.) Cactus Steven This is my home! Steven He's going berserk!! (The Gems walk ascend the steps to the porch outside.) Steven *gasps* The Gems! Cactus Steven The Gems don't need me anymore! Steven Those are my real private thoughts! I can't let them hear this... (Steven runs to the door to meet the Gems just before they can enter.) Steven Hey guys, uhh, everything's great and totally normal but why don't you come back in uhh, let's say a couple hours for no reason whatsoever OKAY BYE! *slams the door and runs to fend off C.S.* (The Gems barge in with their weapons at the ready.) Pearl Steven! We'll help you. Cactus Steven I can't tell Pearl how I feel, 'cause she'd blame herself! Pearl What-? Steven Uh ha, I have no idea why he's saying that. Cactus Steven Just- get- out!! (C.S. runs toward the Gems. Garnet punches him in one arm, causing it to go flying and hit the fridge. The arm grows tendrils and 'stands' upright.) Amethyst Cool- (She is hit in the face by C.S.'s leg, the pot shattering as she is hit, revealing his roots. Garnet delivers another punch to his stomach, sending him flying. He slams against the kitchen sink, breaking it and causing water to gush from the pipes. The arm launches itself at Pearl but she skewers it with her spear; the arm then puffs itself up and explodes, causing needles to fly out everywhere. Pearl yells in pain. The water from the broken sink is absorbed by C.S. and his body expands. He forms new limbs and faces all over his body, and growls. The Gems and Steven look on in horror.) Cactus Steven The Gems don't need me! *pieces of the house fall as he stomps the ground* I thought I could talk to you. Amethyst Be quiet! *lashes her whip around one of his legs, causing him to fall* (C.S. breaks through a rafter as he falls. He growls and his roots extend to grab Amethyst.) Cactus Steven Cut it out!! *slams her onto the ceiling* (Garnet and Pearl run up to take him on; Pearl's spear gets stuck in C.S.'s side. C.S. tries to shake her off and attempts to punch her.) Pearl Why is it so durable?! Garnet The cactus is Earth's most resilient plant! (Garnet lands a punch on his leg, causing him to release more spines.) Pearl G-ge- Garnet! (Her spear is dislodged and she falls to the floor. Amethyst scales the ceiling, her whip in her mouth.) Garnet Give up! You can't win this fight! Cactus Steven I can't hear any more 'high and mighty' advice from Garnet! Garnet Uh- *gets punched away* Amethyst Sneak attack! *drops from the ceiling* Cactus Steven I'm so sick of Amethyst acting like she's sooo mature now! Amethyst Why's it being so- weirdly specific? (Amethyst is smashed between C.S.'s halves and falls to the floor. The three Gems are thrown to the wall with a swipe of C.S.'s hand.) All Aauuh! Steven He's repeating me! He's repeating everything I said to him. *gasps* He's copying me. Th-that's it! Guys, stand back, I've got an idea! Cactus Steven, get a load of this! *drops his shield; it rolls away and disappears* Steven I'm sorry I mistreated you. I know you didn't mean to hurt anyone- you're just learning from the only role model you've got: me! I should've given you more of the love and kindness that you deserve. So...who wants a hug? Cactus Steven Huh? Steven *hugs C.S.'s leg* Cactus Steven *grunts, then leans down to hug Steven* Amethyst *pointing* Look! (Pink flowers bloom all over C.S.'s body.) Cactus Steven I'm sorry. *steps back* Steven *teary-eyed, covered in spikes* Ohhhkay... C'mon, big guy. Why don't I take you back to the dome? Cactus Steven No! Steven W-wait! Where are you going? Please don't leave, I-I'll fix up the dome extra nice for you! (C.S. picks a flower off his own back and offers it to Steven. Steven takes it. C.S. bursts out of the front of the house.) Amethyst Hey- dude? Pearl Is there anything you need to talk about...? Steven ...I think I've said enough.
In Dreams
[edit]Steven *gasps* All right! Now that I've saved the universe... I can finally party! (Steven runs to his house and sees everyone... Rhodonite, Padparadscha, Rutile Twins, Fluorite, and Lars Barriga. Including Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Connie Maheswaran... even Onion. Steven is eager to join the party as he begins to open his door, but it disappears.) Steven Huh? *banging* Hey, guys! What's the deal?! Let me in! Cookie Cat *deep voice; echos* Steven. No one needs your help, so why are you still here? Steven What?? (Steven falls off of his house as he screams.) [Trans. Int. Beach House] Steven *gasps; wakes up heavily* Why do I keep having these horrible dreams? ??? (from afar) STEVEN! Steven Peridot? (Steven opens the door, letting Peridot in.) Peridot STEVEN, STEVEN, STEVEN, STEVEN, STEVEN!!!~ Today is the day! Did you tape it? Steven What are you talking about? Peridot You promised me! Steven Oh, are you talking about the reboot of the classic great northern teen drama Camp Pining Hearts that I recorded... on this tape? Peridot *gasps* AAAAAH! Steven & Peridot The return of Camp Pining Hearts! [Trans. Int. Steven's Room] Steven You know, I'm so glad you're here. I've been having some weird dreams lately- Peridot *covers Steven's mouth* Shh! That's great, now press play you monster! (Camp Pining Hearts song plays. "Starring, Olivia Bouchard, Jasmine", and "Starring, Victor Tourtiére, Rodrigo".) Rodrigo Oh, Jasmine, I wish you would fly into my arms, *voice fades* but every time... (Later that day.) Steven Wha- *to Peridot* What- Steven & Peridot *shouting off screen* WHAT HAVE THEY DONE?!?! (Steven and Peridot appear on screen.) Peridot What is with this Rodrigo guy!? He has no charisma! Steven And can we talk about this cinematography? Peridot GAHHHH! They've changed all the characters, and I don't care about any of them! *lifts up the television dramatically, slamming it on the ground* How could you do this to me?! *leaning over the TV, sobbing* Camp Pining Hearts helped me escape when everything around me was in chaos. Steven CPH brought us together. Peridot And now... LOOK AT THIS NIGHTMARE! (The television starts his dream.) Steven! You didn't tell me that they cast you! Steven What?! They didn't. I-Is this... my dream from last night? (In television, Steven falls off of his house. The television starts Camp Pining Hearts again.) Steven Whoa! My- My powers must be interfering with the TV signal! Peridot Steven! Do you know what this means?! Steven I have to start wearing a tinfoil hat? Peridot NO! It means that if we can put YOUR dreams on the television, we can reboot the reboot! Steven Reboot the- Peridot, you're a genius! Peridot I know. Steven And, well, it might be fun to fix something that isn't the entire universe. (Peridot grabs Steven.) Peridot This is going to be the beginning of Peridot and Steven productions! Steven Yeah! *falls off* [Trans. Int. Beach House] Steven So, Peridot, do you think Jasmine's end game is Khaz or Rodrigo? Peridot The writers are clearly trying to railroad us into a "Jasdrigo" partnership, but- Gah! These characters have no chemistry! Steven Just can't get into Rodrigo, can you? Peridot He's SO infuriatingly passive! Steven Hey! Hey! I get that his social anxiety and poutine allergy aren't really connected to the larger story, but maybe if he just had some kind of foil? Peridot A foil. Interesting. Steven I got it! *drawing* A hunky lifeguard friend with nice muscles and everyone always wants to hang out with him. Despite the blessing and curse of his popularity, he still makes time to help buddy Rodrigo with his confidence! (Peridot takes a look at Steven's drawing of "Stefan".) Peridot Bold. I like it! Good work, Stefan! [Trans. Int. Steven's Room at night time] Peridot ...And why are you eating right at bedtime? Steven Oh, this chili? *gulp* I read that eating spicy foods before bed makes your dreams super vivid. Peridot Huh, I appreciate your initiative. Steven Huh, thanks. Peridot Just don't forget. *whispers to Steven's ear* Action-oriented storytelling. [Trans. Int. Camp Pining Hearts] Stefan Hey, Jasmine, I hear you love birds. Jasmine Sure! *giggles* Stefan Well, a little birdy told me that downstream, there's an island full of rare specimens. Jasmine *gasps* Did you hear that? Thanks, Stefan. You're the best. ("Stefan" winks.) Stefan Hey, Rodrigo. This is terrible. Jasmine is in danger! Rodrigo W-What? Stefan She's headed toward an island full of dangerous birds! But if we go downstream, we can save her! Rodrigo Okay! Thanks, Stefan. You're the best. ("Stefan" shrugs. Rodrigo and "Stefan" are down the river.) Rodrigo Thanks, Stefan. You're such a great guy! Stefan Oh, you're great, too, you know. Great enough for Jasmine to like you. Rodrigo What? Stefan I can tell from the way she looks at you. Huh? ("Stefan" looks at Blue Diamond as a dolphin, and Yellow Diamond as a pineapple... and White Diamond's feet.) Rodrigo Stefan! What's happening to you?! ("Stefan" exits his dream, and Steven appears his dream and glowing pink.) Steven OH, NO! NOT AGAIN! [Trans. Int. Steven's Room] (Steven wakes up.) Peridot Steven! You did it! You just fell asleep and you started glowing pink. And then the TV went on the fritz, and then- Oh, I'll just show you! Our script, our story! I watched the whole thing live! Not sure what you were going for at the end there. That was pretty bizarre, but for a first attempt... Steven? Steven Oh, sorry. Just feeling a little off. Guess maybe the chili was a bad idea. Peridot Eh, don't worry about it. Our budget is nothing, and our schedule is infinite. Steven That's right. I can do a re-dream. We can do as many as we want until we get it right. Peridot Less talking, more sleeping. (Steven goes down in bed.) [Trans. Int. Camp Pining Hearts] ("Stefan" is down the river for the second time. "Stefan" sees Dogcopter and Dogcopter flies away, and "Stefan" says "NOOO!!" with no dialogue. Steven wakes up for the second time with bags in his eyes, and goes down. "Stefan" is down the river for the third time. "Stefan" sees Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl fly away the same way Dogcopter did, and "Stefan" says "NOOO!!" with no dialogue for the second time. Steven wakes up for the third time, with darker bags in his eyes, and goes down. "Stefan" and Rodrigo are down the river. "Stefan" sees Spinel's Injector, and Rodrigo sees "Stefan" missing when he's freaked out. "Stefan" turns into himself as a baby. Steven wakes up for the last time, with the bags in his eyes even darker than the last time.) [Trans. Int. Steven's Room] Peridot *sighs* [Trans. Int. Beach House] (Steven is sitting at the table, eating cereal, when suddenly, Peridot slams a big stack of papers down right in front of him.) Steven Huh? Peridot I've come to the conclusion that we keep failing because we're relying on a script when we should've taken a more visual approach. So I've prepared this storyboard for you. Steven ... You drew all of this in one night? Peridot Well, duh! I'm good at everything. Study these boards in preparation for this re-dream. Steven Oh, okay. Wow. You really posed this out. Peridot Thank you! Steven Huh? *sees "Stefan" kissing Jasmine on the picture* Hey, Peridot, why is Stefan kissing Jasmine? Peridot It's perfect, right? Just as Rodrigo is about to swoop in and save his teenage dream, he stumbles upon... *gasps loudly* Stefan! His good friend whom he trusts so much... kissing Jasmine... thus stoking the fire of Rodrigo jealousy! Steven I can't do Rodrigo "dirty" like that! Peridot Whoa, Steven. Hold on. You're talking about them like they're real people. It's just a story. And a story needs conflict. Steven No! I can't do this! Peridot Look, Steven, you seem pretty agitated. Let's just call this whole thing off. Steven What? Peridot There's no point if you're gonna get all worked up over it. *sighs* I should probably be getting back to Little Homeworld anyway. Steven ... No! Wait! I'll do it. [Trans. Int. Camp Pining Hearts] ("Stefan" shows up to Rodrigo.) Stefan Hey, Rodrigo. This is terrible. Jasmine is in danger! Rodrigo W-What? Stefan She's headed toward an island full of dangerous birds! But if we go downstream, we can save her! Rodrigo Okay! Thanks, Stefan. You're the best. ("Stefan" shrugs. Rodrigo is down the river by himself.) Rodrigo Wow, Stefan is so great. *gasps* What?! *sees "Stefan" kissing Jasmine* ...Stefan! How could you?! ("Stefan" looks at Rodrigo but he doesn't. "Stefan" sounds weird, but Jasmine and "Stefan" exit his dream. Connie Maheswaran and Steven appear his dream by turning Connie Maheswaran into Obsidian. Obsidian tries to stomp Steven by squashing him.) [Trans. Int. Beach House into the past.] (Steven wakes up, and sees the past into his house.) Steven *sighs heavily* ...Peridot? *walks over to Peridot* Peridot! Come on, we gotta stop! (Peridot does not respond.) Are you listening to me? Why won't you look at me?! (Steven turns her around, her gem and visor have been filled in with the SMPTE color bars and the rest of her face is neutral. Steven's past house disappears in his dream. Steven's pajamas turn into his own clothes and sees everything.) Steven Peridot?! Peridot! Where are you? Peridot!! *runs* [Trans. Int. Steven's Dream] (Steven enters at Beach City but it exits out. Peridot walks alone at Steven's own house.) Steven Peridot! Wait! *grunts; runs up* Stop! Don't go in there! Please! I still really want to hang out with you! (Steven's door then disappears.) Huh? (Steven jumps out of the black hole.) Steven Peridot! (Steven's house turns into a glitch over SMPTE color bars.) We've always had something to fix together! The Cluster, the Diamonds, or Spinel! I don't think I know how to be friend without something to fix! But I- I just can't do it anymore! I'm so tired. Now I'm even doing it in my dreams! *starts crying* I'm sorry I can't do this for you! Please don't leave...! Don't... Leave... (The dream ends with a visual similar to removing a tape from a VCR.) [Trans. Int. Steven's Room] Peridot *initially muffled* Steven? Steven! STEVEN! (Steven is in bed, crying.) Peridot Steven, I saw everything! *stammers* It's fine! We don't have to do this anymore. I don't care about the show, and I definitely don't care about Rodrigo! Ugh, I'm such a clod! Steven But I really wanted to spend time with you! I just wanted an excuse to hang out. Peridot We don't need an excuse to hang out. Steven Can we still watch CPH together? Even if it sucks? Peridot *laughing, removing her visor* Of course. [Trans. Int. Steven's Room] (Jasmine is onscreen.) Jasmine How could you lie to me like that, Rodrigo? I guess you just can't help being a bad person! (Cut to Steven and Peridot at the foot of Steven's bed, watching the TV. Steven is eating popcorn. Both are laughing.) Peridot Jasmine, you just buried a body in the woods, and now you're mad that Rodrigo cheated at cards? (They continue laughing.) Peridot This show is the worst! Steven *smiling contently* This show is the best.
Bismuth Casual
[edit]Connie Oh, man, I can't get enough of this song! *sings along* Sour Cream (on radio) And that was "Can't Hold Me" by Emily King, just one of the many songs you can request tonight at the Starlight Roller Rink featuring DJ Sour Cream! Pearl *while rolling up Bismuth's sleeve* I'm so excited for you to get out there *shows Bismuth blushing* and experience some interpersonal relationships with humans, Bismuth! Bismuth *chuckles* Pearl *while unbottoning Bismuth shirt a little bit* Don't be afraid to show off your gem. *while patting Bismuth* They're gonna love you for who you are. Bismuth Hope I can keep up. Pearl The most important thing to remember is- *commercial comes on* Man Are you tired of shady mechanics bleeding you dry? Pearl Ahhhh! I love this song! Man Bring it to Cams Steven *chuckles* You mean this commercial? Pearl Turn it up! *reaches over to the volume on the radio and turns it up and sings along with commercial* ♫ Cam's Camshafts is the place to bring your wreck Get your car repaired for cheap and fair Without risking your neck Cam's Camshafts ♫
(Steven and Connie start laughing as it shows the outside of the Dondai driving.) [Trans. Int. Starlight Roller Rink] Pearl *walks in with Bismuth* Here we are! Bismuth Wow! So you mean to tell me people pay to have wheels strapped to their feet for fun? That is really something else... Steven *looks over at something out of frame* Hey, there's Sour Cream! (Show's Sour Cream as the rink's DJ) Sour Cream Keep skatin' in circles. You're doing great. Bismuth I don't know about this, y'all. I've never skated before. Steven This'll be my first time skating. Bismuth How'd you end up missing out on this popular human activity? Steven Well, with everything that's happened since I got my powers, I've kinda missed out on a lot of human stuff. But hey, it can't be that hard to skate, right? *laughs* Pearl Yoo-hoo! There you are! *runs over to three people* Jaime Yo, Pearl! *they stand up and start laughing* Bismuth Wow, so that's Pearl's fan club, huh? They seem so... *Pearl pulls a roll of toilet paper out of her gem and throws it to Khadijah and they laugh* friendly and interesting. Steven It's like she has a whole other life going on. Pearl *waving them over* Steven, Connie, Bismuth, this is Khadijah, Jaime, and Brandish. They're just a few of my human friends. Khadijah So have you guys known Pearl long? Steven I've basically known Pearl my whole life. Connie Pearl taught me how to use a sword. Bismuth I guess I've known Pearl a, uh, few thousand years. Pearl That's right! Bismuth also built Little Homeworld. Khadijah You're also an architect?! Bismuth Somethin' like that. *Steven and Connie laugh* Connie Hey, let's get our skates on. Steven Okay. Connie Alright! You ready? Steven 'Mm-hmm! Connie Then let's get this- A girl *her and a boy skate over to them* Whoa, is that Connie? Connie Patricia! Daniel! Daniel What's up? Connie Steven, these are a couple of my friends from Cram School. Steven Oh, uh, h-how's it going? Daniel It's cool. Patricia You shoulda seen Daniel earlier. He was all bent out of shape cause his mom tore into him over his last test scores. Daniel UGH! You know I kinda forgot about it for a sec. Steven Heh. I know how that is. One time White Diamond tore into me. Literally, *laughs*, she, uh, she took my gem, I'm part Gem, by the way, she pulled it right out of my body. Daniel Okayy. Patricia So, what grade are you in, Steven? Steven Grade? Uhhhhh, ahhh, sixteenth. Patricia *laughs* Daniel So you're taking AP classes? Steven Uhhhhh. Connie Y'all ready to skate? Patricia Heck yeah! *laughs* (Connie, Patricia and Daniel skate off to the roller rink. Leaving Steven behind.) Steven *sighs* I really blew that one. I bet if they were enemy Gems we would be best friends by now. Connie Hey, Steven! Come on! (Patricia and Daniel laugh and enter the roller rink with Connie. Steven enters as well.) Steven Alright, here I come! Ah! (Steven slips and falls over.) Connie Woah, are you okay? Steven *nervously laughs* Yeah. Connie It's your first time, right? (Steven tries to get up, but fails.) Steven Uh, yeah. But I'm sure I'll get it. Connie Do you want some help? Steven No, thanks. I'm okay. (Steven tries to stand up on the edge of the rink. He slips, but manages to catch himself.) Steven You can go on without me. I'll catch up. Patricia Oh, okay. Connie Yell if you change your mind. (Connie, Patricia and Daniel skate off.) Steven Don't worry about me. *nervously laughs* (Steven slowly skates across the edge of the rink.) Steven I'm already getting the hang of it. (Pearl, Bismuth, Khadijah, Jaime, and Brandish skate past, laughing. Khadijah Wow, Bismuth. The way you skate is like marvellous. Brandish I love your flow. Bismuth Well, you guys ain't see nothing yet! (Bismuth bumps into Pearl. Bismuth picks her up and swings her across. They laugh. Bismuth Careful there! Pearl Bismuth, you're a natural! Now, get this. When humans want to see each other again, they exchange "numbers". You should try it. I'm sure you'll have fun. Bismuth *laughs* What are you talking about? I'm having fun already. Pearl Oh! Here, take this. (Pearl pulls out a roll of toilet paper from her gem, and gives it to Bismuth.) Pearl Every human has at least one of these in their homes. Sometimes they even use it for vandalism. Good luck out there! (Pearl skates and twirls away.) Bismuth Wait, where are you going? Pearl You don't need me anymore, Bismuth. The humans already love you. I'm going to make some connections of my own! (Pearl skates over to an old man skating.) Pearl Hello, fellow skater! Would you like a fresh roll? (Pearl pulls out another roll of toilet paper, and gives it to the man.) Bismuth Have fun. Jaime Hey, Bismuth! You gotta show us more of those cool moves. Bismuth Well, if you insist! Jaime Woo! Alright! (Bismuth skates away, and Khadijah, Jaime, and Brandish follow her. Steven is seen still slowly skating across the edge of the rink. He falls over at the exit from exhaustion.) Steven Okay, one lap! I think that deserves a break. (Connie skates over to Steven.) Connie Hey, Steven. Steven Connie! Where are Daniel and Patricia? Connie They're still having fun on the rink. Did you wanna hang out? I don't have to skate, you know? Steven No, no. You're here to have fun. You're so busy studying. You should get to be with your friends. Connie You're my friend. We could sit and have some tater tots? Steven No, no. You should skate. *gets up* I want you to skate. Connie Well, okay then... (Connie skates off.) Steven *groans* What am I doing? (Bismuth skates over to Steven.) Bismuth Hey, Steven. Done tearing it up? Steven Bismuth, I think I've forgotten how to talk to humans. Bismuth Really? Have you tried one of these? (Bismuth pulls out the roll of toilet paper that Pearl gave her, and gives it to Steven.) Bismuth Pearl says it's supposed to help. Steven Maybe later... Bismuth What's the deal? I thought you got along great with humans. What about Connie and Greg? Steven Greg's my dad, he doesn't count. And Connie, it's fine when it's just us, but I don't know how to talk to her when she's with her friends. You did fine making friends, right, Bismuth? Bismuth Oh, yeah, um. It was alright. Steven Alright? It was what you came for, wasn't it? Bismuth Uh, well... um. (Bismuth looks at Pearl.) Steven W-Wait, Pearl? Bismuth, you're here for Pearl? (Bismuth covers Steven's mouth.) Bismuth Shh! (Pearl looks at Bismuth and Steven. They wave at each other.) Steven Are you- trying to hide it from her? Bismuth I just don't want to take her away from what she's got. She's got her own thing going on. She's like the Pearl I remember, but a little different. She's happier. I just wanted to catch up. Steven Yeah. When Connie and I were fighting to save the universe things were sort of easier. We were fighting the same fight, now it's like we're living different lives. I wonder if I'm even her best friend anymore. (Bismuth slams her arm on the edge of the rink.) Bismuth How long has this been going on? Steven Uh, a couple months. Bismuth Listen, Steven. Pearl brought me here to set me up with her friends, but Connie came here to be with you. You've got nothing to mope about. Steven But her friends think I'm weird. Bismuth Of course you're weird! You're a Crystal Gem! Connie knows that, she's always known that. That never stopped you from being friends. Steven You're right. Connie knows who I am, she's been my friend, she's still my friend! Bismuth So, what do you want? Steven To do friend stuff with Connie. Bismuth And what are you gonna do? Steven Skate with Connie! Bismuth Then go do it! (Bismuth pushes Steven into the rink, and he skates towards Connie.) Steven CONNIE! Ah! (Steven trips and faceplants into the ground.) Connie Steven? (Steven slides across the floor as everyone stares at him. Connie skates over to Steven and kneels down.) Connie Steven! Are you okay? Steven Connie, I'm sorry. I don't wanna hold you back. Connie I don't mind. Steven You've got cram school, new friends. You're going places, and I'm happy for you. But I feel like you're drifting away from me. I wish we could reconnect, but- I don't know how to skate! Connie Skating is what you're worried about? Sour Cream Alright, everybody. It's time for our nightly skate competition. Everyone show off your sickest moves, and be crowned "skater of the night!" Connie Come on. I have an idea. (Connie offers Steven her hand, he takes it. A pink glow then comes out of their hands, and covers their arms, a white flash then appears as they fuse into Stevonnie.) Sour Cream Lets get this party started. (Sour Cream plays "Can't Hold Me" by Emily King on his DJ booth. Everyone on the rink begins to skate around and shows off their moves. Stevonnie goes to the reception and returns Steven and Connie's skates, they then get a larger pair. Stevonnie skates over to the rink, and almost falls over, but manages to catch themselves. They skate into the rink, and zoom past everyone. Stevonnie then jumps over Bismuth and gives her a high-five. They continue to skate, spinning Pearl around. Stevonnie then jumps into the air, and does the splits while landing. The crowds cheers as the music stops. Pearl *claps* I know them! Sour Cream I think we can agree who the winner is unless someone wants to follow that up. (The crowd shakes their heads.) Sour Cream I guess that makes the winner by default, Stevonnie! (Stevonnie picks up themself by their jacket, and unfuses. Steven and Connie laugh. Steven Connie, thanks. (Patricia and Daniel skate over to them.) Patricia Steven, Connie! That was amazing! Daniel What the heck was that out there? Connie Oh, fusion? Yeah, that's kinda our thing. Steven It's something I picked from my mom's side of the family. Daniel The only thing I get from my mom's side of the family is stressed out. Steven *laughs* Same. Patricia What was it like the first time you guys did that? Steven Okay. So, we were at this rave, right- Sour Cream Yo. Steven, Connie. Since ya'll won you guys get to pick the next song. Steven The next song? (Steven looks at Bismuth and Pearl.) Steven I know the perfect song! Come on, Connie. Connie BRB (Steven and Connie hold hands as they skate over to Sour Cream's booth.) Steven Hey, Sour Cream. I got a song for ya. Sour Cream This one goes out to Bismuth and Pearl from Steven and Connie. (Bismuth turns around and blushes. Steven winks as the commercial "Cam's Camshafts" comes on. Pearl happily skates over to Bismuth. Pearl Bismuth, it's my fav song! (Bismuth laughs, and begins to sing along with the commercial song.) Bismuth ♫ Cam's Camshafts is the place to bring your wreck! Get your car repaired for cheap and fair without risking your neck! ♫ Pearl ♫ Cam's Camshafts!" ♫ (Pearl laughs and skates off with Bismuth as the commercial song ends.) Sour Cream Lets spice this baby up!
Together Forever
[edit]Steven Wow, Connie. You really have all this college stuff figured out. Connie I've got a whole plan worked out for early admission to the University of Jayhawk, but I'm still not sure if I'm going to major in political science with a minor in sociology, or major in sociology with a minor in poli sci. Steven Did establishing democracy across the galaxy get your excited about politics? Connie *chuckles* Maybe. But, as far as long term careers go, I'm thinking more down to earth. (Steven and Connie both laugh, but stop when Connie's phone vibrates on the other side.) Connie Oh wow. Fifteen minutes went by fast. Steven Aww. These study breaks are so short. Connie I know, right? Steven Oh, hold on, Connie. *picks up a brochure* You left this brochure at my place last time. Do you need it back? Connie Thanks, but I've got two more at home, and you know, internet! Steven Oh, *chuckles* right. But you'll let me know when you want to hang, right? Connie Of course, silly! Alright, for real now, bye! (hangs up) (Steven rolls over on his bed, and picks up the brochure.) Steven Jayhawk, huh? Where's Beach City? *unfolds the brochure, revealing a very far map and distance between both locations* Oh. That's really far. *turns pink and sinks down into his bed* (Steven walks down from his room and sees Garnet.) Steven Garnet? You're still home? Garnet Steven. Steven *runs over* I could really use your advice. Garnet Mmm. Come back to me later. I gotta split. (Garnet unfuses into Ruby and Sapphire.) Sapphire I'm so sorry, Steven. I'm running late to my lecture on alternate timelines. *takes off her hat and gives it to Ruby* Have a nice day with the scouts, beautiful! *kisses her and rushes out the door* Ruby *to Steven* Hey, Sapphire's got her thing, but you can still talk to old Ruby! *walks offscreen to pick up a backpack, then goes back to him* Walk and talk, scout! I got things to do. *walks away* Steven Oh, okay! *runs after her* Int. Beach City Woods. Ruby is talking to her scouts, Larimar, Zebra Jasper, and Onion Ruby Okay, everyone! You remember what we learned last week, right? So, today is the day! Brace yourselves, we're gonna sketch nature and animals! (The scouts excitedly take out their notepads.) Ruby I'm gonna ask you to feel the beauty of everything that surrounds you. Draw it with your heart! And then, you'll have the honor of receiving this (holds up a badge) "Nature Sketching Badge"! Let's go! No time to waste! (Larimar and Zebra Jasper excitedly run into the forest. Later, Ruby and Steven walk and talk together.) Ruby So what did you want to talk about? Steven Every time I'm talking with Connie, I just realize that she knows exactly what she wants to do with her life, and I don't. When we're Stevonnie, I feel ready for anything. But on my own, I feel lost and stuck. I... *sighs* Ruby, what do I want? Ruby Wow, that's a tough one. Steven I know! Connie will probably go far away for college. And I'm gonna stay here, not knowing what to do and so far from her! I want to stay with her, like you and Sapphire. *paus* Wait, all I want to do is be with Connie, so maybe that means that... Connie is my future! Ruby *excited, running* STEVEN STEVEN STEVEN STEVEN STEVEN- *sees fire under her feet* Woop! *runs offscreen to grab a towel and puts it on the grass, putting it out* Ah! STEVEN! Propose! Steven What? Propose? Well, Ruby, I'm not-I'm not sure if this is, uh... Ruby Don't say you haven't thought about it. Steven *blushes* I...Of course, I have. Ruby *jumps onto him* Do it!! DO IT!! DO IT!!! Steven Y-you sure? Ruby Buddy! It worked for me! And if you do it, you'll have the honor of receiving this... *holds up a badge* proposal badge!! *Steven gasps* If you're not so sure...You should ask someone who can *winks* see the future. [Ext. On the beach, Sapphire is teaching her class near the water.] Sapphire Alright, class... Steven *running over* Sapphire!! Sapphire Steven, right on time. Steven Sapphire! I'm sorry to interrupt your class! Ruby says I should propose to Connie, but she said to check in with you and your future vision. Sapphire I understand. Let's run the numbers, shall we? *walks closer to the sand, where Steven follows* Alright class, using the concepts we've reviewed so far, we're gonna calculate the probability of Steven's proposal to Connie succeeding. *draws in the sand* Let's start with the probability of she will be willing to spend her life with someone. Then we'll multiply that by your differential factor of sociocultural marriage acceptance, which is then multiplied by the happiness potential of your cohabitation, multiplied by the factor for fear of engagement, multiplied by the intensity of the reciprocal love for each other, and finally, multiplied by the robustness of your life plans. *to Steven* Are you following so far? (Steven looks back at the sand, seeing complicated mathematical equations in the sand.) Steven N-N-No? (The tide comes in and washes away the equations in the sand.) Steven Oh no! Sapphire, your work! Sapphire And there we have it. *chuckles* Do you understand, Steven? My marriage with Ruby, our fusion as Garnet, eluded my future vision, defied every odd, and changed the course of time! We can write equations in the sand all day, but a wave of chance can just come crashing in and wash it all away. Love-it's unquantifiable! Even with my clairvoyance, I know better than anyone that true love makes the impossible...possible! Do it, Steven. Do it! Do it! Do it!! Steven Yeah. Yeah! *to the class* Alright, friends! Take a good look at this guy while you can, cause today may be his last day as Steven Quartz Cutie Pie DeMayo Diamond Universe! (Class cheers) (Transitioning scenes where Steven begins humming, picking up a cake that says "Together Forever" from Spacetries. He then buys flowers from Crazy Lace Agate. In his room, he twists Connie's Glow Bracelet to reignite it, packs the cake into a picnic basket, then dresses in a blazer and dress shirt in the mirror.) [Int. Connie's Room at the Maheswaran Residence.] Connie *hears a roar outside her room* Huh? *walks over and opens her window looking down, seeing Steven and Lion* Steven Hey, Connie! How you doin'? Connie Steven? What are you doing here? Steven You're gonna have a fifteen-minute break in...two minutes, right? Connie *checks her phone* Whoa! Spot on. Steven Connie, let's go for a walk. I'm sure you could use some fresh air. Connie I would love to! But um... Steven No, no, no! Don't worry! We'll go with Lion, and I promise you'll be back in fifteen minutes! Connie Okay! Let's do this! [Ext. Beach. Steven and Connie are walking near the water.] Steven You remember the first time we met? Connie You mean when you were trying to ride your bike on the sand, and you ran away screaming? Steven *laughing* Exactly! I was trying everything to get your attention! Connie *laughing* I'm pretty sure I was totally focused on my book and didn't see anything! Steven Well, that all happened right here! (Steven gestures to a picnic, at the exact same spot where they both met years ago.) Connie *surprised* Steven! This is... Steven *runs over* I remember it like it was yesterday! Connie *blushing* This is so cute. Steven Connie, there's something very important that I want to say to you today. *picks up a guitar* (Connie looks in awe as Steven begins singing I'd Rather Be Me (With You).) Steven I'd rather be tall, I'd rather be smart, I'd rather be sure you know I care. Wherever you go, Whatever you start, I'd rather be sure you know I'm there. I'd rather I always be apart of whatever you do. I'd rather be me, with you. Wherever we go, I already trust, I'd know what to do if it were us. I'd know what to say, I'd know how to be, I'd know your entire syllabus. I can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do... If I could be, I'd rather be me, with you... Connie *claps* Steven, that's so beautiful! (Connie pauses, seeing Steven get down on one knee and hold up her glow bracelet.) Connie S-Steven? Steven Connie... will you marry me? Connie What? Steven Let's get married and live as Stevonnie! Connie What?! *chuckles* Steven, maybe we should talk about this first? Steven I know you might think I'm being sentimental, but this makes sense! For example, I don't know what you've been studying, but Stevonnie does! We can go to college together! Connie Steven, come on, we're really young! Steven You... You don't want to be Stevonnie with me? Connie Of course I do. But I want to be my own person too. Steven Well, yeah. But... *closes his hand on the bracelet* (Connie goes over to hug him.) Is-Is it a "no"? Connie It's a "not now", Steven. Steven But if we're sure that we're gonna spend our lives together, why not say it now? Connie *holds his hands* We've got plenty of time. Don't worry. Steven I'm not worried, I'm just happy to be with you, that's all. Connie I'm happy to be with you too. It's just that- *phone alarm rings* Oh no! My alarm! *turns it off* Forget studying right now, it doesn't matter. Steven Yes, it does. It's important to you. Connie You're important to me! Steven I'm fine! We'll talk about it later. Lion's waiting for you. Connie Steven, a-are you sure? Steven Yeah. Connie *hugs him* I'll call you tomorrow at lunchtime. (Connie waves to him as she goes home on Lion.) Steven Good luck studying! (After Connie leaves, Steven falls on his back, turning into his pink form again, and starts an explosion of the things around him, leaving him in a crater, tears in his eyes. Spending the entire afternoon in the crater, Steven later gets up with tears in his eyes, and notices Garnet sitting right next to where he was, with the picnic blanket. They both walk home on the beach together.) Steven I don't get it. Ruby and Sapphire said I should go for it. Garnet You can't trust love advice from those two hopeless romantics. Steven Then why didn't you stop me? Garnet There was no future where you didn't propose to Connie. Steven Of course. Garnet *hugs him on the side* Your soulmate is your complement, not your missing piece. Ruby and Sapphire love being together, but they each have their own individual lives. Whatever hole there is in your life, Steven I want you to understand that Connie-Stevonnie won't be able to fill it. (They sit on the stairs outside the Beach House together.) Steven It's just that y-you make it look so easy! I mean, *takes picnic basket* I hate to say it, but this is kind of your fault for being so... so perfect! Garnet I know you're upset, Steven. Steven Well-Well maybe shoving this adorable cake in my face will make me feel better. (Steven opens the cake box and is surprised to see the cake is in pieces.) Garnet It really, really won't. Steven *shoves a piece in his mouth* *tearfully* I'm doing it anyway! Garnet I know.
Growing Pains
[edit]Speaker Dialogue (A scene from the movie, "Dogcopter 6: Til Death Do We Bark, I Now Pronounce You Man and Woof".) Drew I know you're eager to chase the mail truck, Dogcopter. But the mail truck is a decoy. Good boys chase the blue car. Be a good boy, Dogcopter. (Dogcopter flies to the blue car, opens the trunk, and removes a bomb and a small box.) Drew Nice work, DC! Now get the bomb off the bridge! We're almost out of time! (The timer runs out on the bomb and Dogcopter throws it off the bridge. He is thrown to the ground by the explosion. Drew Dogcopter! No! (Drew runs up to him.) Drew Dogcopter, I-I can't lose you. (Dogcopter wakes up and opens the small box revealing a ring shaped like a dog bone.) Drew Is this... what I think it is? Announcer Dogcopter 6: Till Death Do We Bark: I Now Pronounce You Man And Woof! [Trans. Int. Steven's room] (Zoom out to reveal Steven sitting on his bed watching TV.) Steven Everyone's getting married but me! *turns pink* Ughhh! I feel like poop. (Steven grabs his phone and calls the Gems.) Steven I wish the Gems weren't doing a field trip this week. I wonder if they have any reception. (The Gems don't pick up.) Steven I guess not. (Steven looks upset as he looks at Connie's name in his contact list, then he calls his Dad. Greg picks up and Steven gets happy as he returns to his normal color.) Greg (on phone) Hey, Steven! Steven Hey, Dad! How's it going? Greg (on phone) The tour's been going great, what's been going on with you? Throwing any big parties while you got the house to yourself? Steven *sarcastically* Yeah, you know me. But, I'm really glad you're getting home tonight. I really need to talk to someone about what happened between me and Connie. Greg (on phone) *laughs* Sorry, Steven. What was that? Sadie and Shep have been working on a new routine, you'll never believe what they throw into the audience! Hey, guess what? The tour's been extended! Steven Wow. That's— that's great! Greg (on phone) Yeah. You know, you were so right about this whole manager thing, Steven. I love it! I can't believe I'm touring again. Oh. We're about to head into another tunnel, do you wanna call me back with whatever you wanted to talk about? Steven I-It wasn't important. Greg (on phone) You sure? We can stop by on our way through Delmarva. Steven No. It's okay, just uh— have fun! (Greg hangs up and Steven sighs. Then he is seen walking to the fridge, Steven opens the freezer and glows pink when he sees Connie's glow bracelet. Steven's body suddenly swells up a huge amount and rips his clothes, then goes back to normal as he throws a box from the freezer onto the floor. Steven is shocked and pants. He goes to sit down on the couch with his phone and breathes in heavily, then glows pink again as he looks at Connie's name.) Steven I shouldn't worry her. (Connie calls Steven.) Steven Ah! I-I'll let it go to voicemail. (Steven's right arm swells up, answering the call from Connie. His arm goes back to normal.) Connie (on phone) Steven! Are you there? Steven H-Hey, Connie! What's up? Connie (on phone) Steven! I've been worried about you. A-Are you... glowing? Steven Oh! Am I? (Steven's face swells up.) Connie (on phone) Ah! What's happening to your face?! Steven *mumbles* Why? What's wrong with my face? Connie (on phone) Uhh... Steven *mumbles* Oh, right. The swelling. My body just keeps randomly growing. B-but, it doesn't hurt or anything, it's fine! Connie (on phone) How long as it been happening? Steven Since... this morning. (Steven's face swells up more.) Connie (on phone) What do the Gems think? Steven I can't reach them. (Steven's body swells up again as he is talking.) They're doing a school field-trip out in the wilderness. It's nothing to worry about anyway. Connie (on phone) You really don't look well, maybe you should see a doctor. My mom can see you at the hospital! Steven I wouldn't want to waste her time. Connie (on phone) Steven, you need to see a medical professional. (Steven's face is swelled up again.) Steven Right. Okay... [Trans. Int. Hospital] (Steven is seen sitting on top of an examination table, while Connie is standing next to him, and Priyanka is talking to them.) Priyanka You're lucky I had a cancellation today, normally I'm booked up weeks in advance. Connie Think you'll be able to help him? Even if this is some sort of Gem issue. Priyanka Gem issue or not, you have a human body. Which means we can run tests. At the very least we can determine if you're suffering from a non-Gem condition. Connie See? I'll go wait outside. I'm sure it'll all be fine! (Connie leaves the room and picks up her phone to call Greg.) Priyanka Let's start with your symptoms. (Priyanka puts a thermometer in Steven's ear.) Priyanka Hm. Mild fever. (Steven glows pink as she walks away to grab a stethoscope, then comes back.) Priyanka Glowing pink color to skin. (Priyanka checks Steven's heartbeat, then has a listen to his gem. It makes a sound.) Priyanka Hmm. (Priyanka goes to grab a blood pressure machine, then comes back and puts it around Steven's arm. As she takes his blood pressure, Steven's arm swells up and rips the machine. Priyanka falls to the ground in shock. Steven returns to his normal color again. Priyanka *takes note on clipboard* Blood pressure is... high! *gets up* Well, these readings are certainly... interesting. If you don't mind me asking, who's your GP? Steven GP? Priyanka You know, your general practitioner? Your regular doctor? Steven I guess you? I've never been to the doctor before. Priyanka You're 16 years old and you've never been to the doctor?! (Steven goes pink and his body swells up again, then goes back. Steven pants in stress.) Priyanka I-It's okay! It's okay! I'll have a talk with your father later. We'll just need to run some more tests. (Steven looks at her scared.) Priyanka Get undressed, and lets get you into a hospital gown. (Priyanka opens the cabinet and tries to find a hospital gown for Steven.) Steven Is that one of those blue things that doesn't cover your butt? Priyanka *throws the gown next to Steven* Yes. Now lets get started. *puts glove on* (Priyanka puts a tongue depressor into Steven's mouth, Steven glows pink again. Next, Priyanka tries to measure Steven's height, but his neck keeps changing in length. She then hits Steven's leg with a reflex hammer, triggering a bubble that traps her arm. Finally, she gives Steven an x-ray. Later, Priyanka sits Steven down as they are going through some x-rays. Priyanka So this is a typical human skeleton. Now, a couple of months ago, Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl allowed me to x-ray them for research purposes. Their charts look like this. (Priyanka goes through the gems' x-rays one by one, with only their gemstones showing due to their bodies being made of light.) Priyanka Only their gems appear on the radiograph. (Amethyst's x-ray shows some food and other objects that she has eaten.) Priyanka *clears throat* And this is your chart. Definitely a human skeleton. There's a clear history of numerous fractures like here on the skull. Everything is perfectly aligned. It almost looks like as if the bones healed themselves the instant the injuries occurred. Steven That's good, right? Priyanka Well, you seem to have made a series of miraculous recoveries, but that doesn't change the fact that you experienced trauma. You've recovered physically, but have you recovered mentally? Steven You think there's something wrong with my brain?! Priyanka Not wrong! It's that adverse childhood experiences, or childhood trauma, can have a lasting impact on how your body responds to stress. This can affect your social, emotional, and physical development. When humans are in crisis, the brain releases the hormone cortisol. Your heart races, your muscles tense. I wonder if your body is reacting to a gem equivalent of cortisol. Steven, do you remember anything bad in your childhood that particularly stuck with you? Steven I-I guess. I kinda freaked out when they cancelled my favorite ice cream, and then I got attacked by a giant bug monster, and I got trapped in a bubble and almost drowned, I lost control of my body and turned into a blob of cats, I almost turned so old I died, Amethyst almost died, Pearl did die, Garnet got destabilized right in front of me, I woke up with a black eye imprisoned on a spaceship— Priyanka Steven, this is serious! Steven But— that was just the early stuff! Priyanka I think all these experiences have been subjecting your body to a harmful amount of stress, and that's affecting your ability to respond to new forms of stress in a healthy way. You've been dealing with genuine threats from such a young age, your body is now responding to minor threats as if your life were in danger! Steven But— why am I only swelling up now? Priyanka Stress is less harmful when we have people we trust to help us through it. Maybe if— if you're losing your supportive relationships, or if you had a recent experience that was practically off— (Steven screams as he turns pink, falls out of the chair and rapidly swells up, cracking the ceiling.) Connie What's going on?! (Steven struggles to control his massive swelling as Connie runs in and goes to her Mom.) Connie Mom! What's happening?! Priyanka I don't know, I just asked if he had any stressful experiences lately. Connie Steven, you don't think..? Steven *continues to swell* It's not you, Connie! It's everything that happened before! Priyanka What is he talking about? Steven You haven't told your Mom?! Priyanka Told me what?! Steven It's not your fault, I think I just need you to leave! Priyanka This is a medical emergency, I am not leaving! Connie Mom! Us being here is making it worse! Steven AHHHHH! (Steven breaks the roof again and makes the alarm go off, his hospital gown rips off as he grows.) Steven Oh, no! Please— j-just GO! Connie Steven! Steven I...! can't...! be AROUND YOU RIGHT NOW!!!! (Steven's shout shatters the windows. He then breathes heavily as Greg comes rushing through the door.) Greg Steven! Steven Dad...? Greg I'm here! *runs up to him*' Connie Come on, Mom. Lets give them space. Priyanka Right. Steven H-How'd you know I was here? Greg Connie called me about an hour ago. (Priyanka and Connie start to leave the room.) Steven Connie... (Connie pauses.) Steven Thank you... Connie Yeah... I'll be here when you're ready. (They leave the room.) Greg Steven, I'm sorry! If I'd have known I— Steven It's fine, Dad. You were busy, and I didn't know what was going on. Greg Come on, Steven. Talk to me. Steven I- Well- I um- I proposed to Connie! *tears up* Greg You what?! Steven She said no... Greg Oh, Steven... Steven My body, it's reacting like it's the end of the world! I think I've seen the world almost end so many times now that- everything that goes wrong feels that- that extreme! I should be feeling so good these days, the Earth is safe, it's Era 3. But I'm swelling up over these third-era problems! What do I do? How do I move on from all the stuff I've been through? How do I live life if it always feels like I'm about to die?! Greg *holds Steven's finger* It's gonna be alright, schtu-ball. I'm here for you. (Greg's words shrink Steven back to his normal size. Greg walks up to him.) Steven I just— I wanna go home. [Trans. Int. Steven's room] (Steven is seen in his bed with Greg sitting with him, Greg gives him a cup of tea.) Steven I guess I thought I could just follow Connie to college. Like if we got married I'd know what to do with myself. But I'm the one that's gotta figure that stuff out. Greg Cut yourself some slack. It's okay to be worried and make some mistakes when you're figuring out what to do with your life. That's not unusual. Uh— the magic swelling is a little unusual, but that's okay too! If you wanna be a giant boy, we can use the car wash as a shower. (Steven spits out his tea.) Steven Dad, your tour! I've— Greg Don't worry about me. Just get some rest, kiddo. You don't have to solve all your problems in one night. Steven Yeah. Thanks, Dad.
Mr. Universe
[edit]in: Transcripts, A to Z Mr. Universe/Transcript < Mr. Universe (episode) View source This is a transcribed copy of "Mr. Universe". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode. Previous: "Growing Pains" Next: "Fragments" Speaker Dialogue [Open. Int. Crystal Temple] (Greg is seen making a bowl of ice-cream for Steven, with chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and a slice of pie. Greg Here you go, schtu-ball. Dinner is served. Ice-cream ala pie! Steven *laughs* Thanks, Dad. Greg Are you feeling any better? Looks like the swelling and glowing have gone down. (Steven pauses as he is about to grab a spoonful of ice-cream.) Greg You know, that pie won't eat itself. Steven Sorry, I'm just- thinking about stuff. Greg What kind of stuff? Steven I've spent so long trying to figure out whether I was Mom. Now that I actually know I'm me, it's like I have no idea who that is. I just wish I knew what to do with myself. Greg Well, I can relate to that. Steven Really? Greg When I was your age, I didn't know who I was, or what I wanted to do. Steven You didn't always want to be a rock-star? Greg No way. I didn't get my hands on good music until I was your age. Before I had the van I had no idea what was out there. But everything changed when I hit the road. I mean, sure, you've seen other planets but what about West Keystone? Or Charm City? I had some of my most formative moments eating rest-stop sandwiches outside Delmarva house, and watching the trucks go by. Steven Huh. Greg Maybe you need a change of scenery, schtu-ball. You're never gonna find yourself if you don't start looking. Steven Yeah, yeah! Greg Let's go, son. Right now! Steven Really? Greg The road is calling, Steven! Can't you hear it? (Greg runs out the door, and Steven follows him while carrying his bowl of ice-cream.) Steven Yeah, I think I can! [Int. Greg's Van] (A montage of Steven and Greg's drive is shown, with them first driving out of Beach City, then stopping at a Pepe's Burger joint and a Uaua gas station. Inside the Uaua, they each try on a pair of wacky sunglasses and laugh at each other. As their drive continues, Steven and Greg both sing along to Dear Old Dad, eventually stopping once they start driving through a neighborhood.) Greg About two blocks that way, that's where I played my first gig. Steven Really? Greg I wasn't even Mr. Universe yet. I was just a kid with a guitar, sneaking out past the warden on a Saturday night. Steven Wait, did you become Mr. Universe? Greg You know what? I can show you. (Greg parks the van outside of one of the houses and steps out.) Greg Good, no one's home. Steven Wait, what? Whose house is that? Dad! (Greg ignores him and approaches the house before jumping over the white picket fence and landing on the other side with a hard thud. Steven quickly gets out of the van and goes over to the fence himself, but instead only peaking his head above it.) Steven Dad? (Greg climbs the large tree that stands in the yard to get high enough to open a window and before falling through it.) Greg This used to be a lot easier. Steven Dad, you're breaking and entering! Greg I just gotta grab one thing. (Steven climbs through the window as well and lands with a matching thud.) Steven Dad, you're rich! You don't have to steal. C'mon, let's get out of here. Greg Just a sec. Steven What are you even looking for? Greg You'll see! (Steven goes and looks around the house, worry clear on his face.) Steven Is there really no one here? This is wrong. I better write a note, they must have a pen and paper somewhere. (As Steven's going down the stairs, he stops and glances at a picture on the wall before continuing down.) Steven But what would I even say? "Sorry for breaking into your lovely home. You seem like such nice people with excellent taste. And who enjoy potpourri." ..It's like a snack for your nose. (Steven goes and looks around again.) Steven "Your fancy foreign spoon collection is impressive. As are your tiny glass goats." (Steven sighs and grabs a pen from the pen cup.) Steven Ah, geez. It's as good a start as any. Any paper in here? (Steven opens a drawer, looking for some paper, but instead finds a neat pile of letters. Steven Huh? Letters from dad? They're all unopened. (Steven then gasps and runs up the stairs again, stopping at the same picture he did before, but looking at it more closely. The picture is of a man, a woman, and what must be their son. Steven immediately recognizes the boy in the picture.) Steven DAD?! (Greg is sill searching through boxes for something when Steven runs into the room again.) Steven Dad! Wha- Th-Th- This is your house? Greg Not mine. My parents'. Steven *gasps* This was your room! Wha- This place is beautiful! I thought you said you grew up in a prison. Greg I did. You have no idea what it was like-- curfew, chaperones, meatloaf. Steven You didn't like meatloaf? Greg Not every Thursday for twenty years. Steven Aw, it couldn't have been that bad. Greg Steven, it was horrible! Do you know how old I was the first time I had a taco? *sighs* Too old. (Steven then looks through a box as well, but with much more enthusiasm then Greg.) Steven Ooh, so this is your stuff! Is this your little hand? And your tiny baby boots! Wh- A wrestling trophy? I didn't know you wrestled. Greg Not by choice. Steven A middle school year book? Ooh! You had braces! (Steven took a picture of Greg's school picture on his phone.) Steven You look just like me! Only more...human. (Steven looks sad for a moment before perking up again.) Steven So many people signed this. Tim wants you to have a great summer, and *gasps* who is Lauren Hecht? She sure wrote a lot. Greg We were in mathletes together. It was just one of the million things my parents made me do. Steven Where are they, anyways? Greg At their time share on Florida Island. They go every single winter every single year. They threw a fit the first time I refused to go with them. Steven Your hair, it's so short! Greg Oh no, is that my graduation photo? They made me cut it, and it was right before a gig. Steven Do you have any photos of you on stage? Greg Ha! Are you kidding? Everything music was off-limits. Which is why I had to..hide my stuff. (Greg opens an air vent and pulls out a small box.) Greg Yes! This is it! We can finally get out of here. Now, leave that junk behind. (Greg climbs through the window again, this time with more difficulty. Greg Alright, one leg at a time. Steven Can't we use the front door? Greg Oh, sorry. It's a habit. (The two of them exit the house and Steven is about to hop into the passenger seat of the van before Greg stops him. Greg Hold on there, Steven. (Greg looks at Steven, excitedly spinning his car keys around his fingers.) Greg This is your journey of self discovery, so you should get behind the wheel. Steven But, where are we headed next? Greg That's up to you. (Steven gets into the driver's seat of the van with Greg in the passenger's and drives away from the house.) Greg I get it, Steven. When I was little Gregory DeMayo, I was just going through the motions, doing what everybody else wanted. But one day, my friend in social studies snuck me this, (Greg holds up a Kerry Moonbeam CD.) Greg This is the CD with the song that made me who I am! Hold on to your butt, Steven! (Greg puts the CD in to the van's CD player and the song he was talking about starts playing.) Kerry Moonbeam ♪ Looking for your place in the universe, don’t you know the universe is looking too? ♪ (Greg begging looking very happy and inspired, meanwhile Steven looks uncomfortable and untouched.) Kerry Moonbeam ♪ Lookin' for it's place in you, and now it's comin' through, your dream is comin' true. ♪ Steven Hey- Greg Hang on, you gotta listen to this part. Greg and Kerry Moonbeam ♪ Welcome to the party, Mr. Universe. We're so glad we are a part of you. Meet the rocks and flowers, the seconds and the hours. The splinters, winters, apples, chaples, teardrops, temples, cats, and castles. Anything that you can be, the things you see and cannot see. Are Mr. Universe, Mr. Universe. ♪ Steven Dad...I-Is this where our name comes from? Greg Yes, yes exactly! Steven You took it from a song? Greg Once I heard this, everything changed. I suddenly realized there was so much out there I hadn't even thought to dream about. The whole world-- the whole universe. I wanted to get out and see all of it. So I got in this van, on this road, and I never looked back! I never could have known a couple years of couch surfing and basement shows would lead me to your mother, and you. Now it's you turn! Where does Mr. Universe make you want to go? Steven What? I-I don't know. Greg Maybe you need to hear it again. (Greg plays the song again from the radio.) Kerry Moonbeam ♪ Looking for your place in the universe ♪ Steven Dad! Th-This isn't helping! (Steven turns off the song, Greg frowns and looks at Steven with confusion. as Steven starts to grow angry.) Steven I don't need this song! I need...I need what you had! Greg What? Steven I wish I could've grown up at a house like that. Greg No you don't! Steven Maybe your parents weren't so bad. Maybe they gave you curfews and chaperones and meatloaf f-for a reason! Greg Steven, you don't know what they were like! Steven They can't be worse than mom's family. I went halfway across the galaxy for them, and this was right here?! Greg Steven, I couldn't do anything growing up. Everything I liked, or wore, wanted was always wrong! Trust me, you're better off then I was. Steven I can't believe I never realized, you're.. you're just like mom! (Steven then glowed pink and his grip tightened on the steering wheel.) Greg You grew up with actual freedom! Steven I grew up in a van! I never went to school! I've never been to the doctor until two days ago! Greg Steven! You're a gem! You're not like other kids! Steven I could have done all that stuff! My problem isn't that I'm a gem, my problem is I'm a UNIVERSE! (Steven yanked the steering wheel clean off as he yelled the word "universe", and Greg's eyes widened in panic. Greg Watch out! (Steven slams his foot onto the brake and the van turns to it's side, skidding across the road at the same speed. The screen cuts to black as the sound of wheels squealing and a car crashing can be heard) (The sound of Greg's voice calling Steven's name progressively gets louder over a loud ringing as Steven slowly blinks his eyes open. Steven is lying in a dirt patch on the side of the road with Greg hovering over him. The van is destroyed behind them.) Greg Oh, thank goodness! You really scared me there, kiddo. Steven *groans in pain* What did I do? Greg Tow truck's on it's way. The van's seen worse.. We'll all get through this. And-- look, I-I-..I'm proud of you. Steven ...What? Greg Y'know, I never had the guts to tell my old man off like that. I'm glad you can tell me anything. You know you can tell me anything, right? You're having a hard time right now, I-I get it. We'll get the van fixed up, we can head back home. We'll get you some more ice cream, how does that sound?
[edit]in: Transcripts, A to Z Fragments/Transcript < Fragments View source This is a transcribed copy of Fragments. Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode. Previous: "Mr. Universe" Next: "Homeworld Bound" Speaker Dialogue [Open. Int. Crystal Temple] (Bismuth and Greg are seen trying to fix Greg's van after Steven crashed it in the previous episode. Steven is then seen watching them over the balcony, then heads back inside.) Pearl How could this happen? You crashed the van with Greg inside? You know how fragile he is, these pink outbursts of yours are getting out of hand. Steven It's not an outburst! *turns pink* Pearl See? This is exactly what I'm talking about! What's happening to you? Steven Nothing! ...It's nothing. Pearl S-Steven! Where are you going?! We're not through tal- (Pearl hits Steven's generated force field.) Pearl Steven! Drop this wall! Steven *gasps* Pearl, sorry. I'm trying- I just... (Steven's dome dissipates.) need... some space, OK? I'll be in my room. Amethyst Not so fast, my dude. You gotta tell us what's going on. Garnet It looks like Steven is trying to avoid a serious discussion about this all together. Steven No! I'm not! (Steven slams his fist into the stairs, unleashing a room-wrecking shockwave from his rage.) Garnet Steven, you have got to calm down and talk to us! Amethyst Just chill, man! Steven Nnghh... Pearl We need to do something about this before someone gets hurt! Steven NNGGHH... Garnet Don't let this power control you. You're better than this. Steven NNGGHH... Leave me alone!!! (The Gems start moving in slow motion.) Steven Huh? I'm speeding up again. I gotta get out of here. (Steven runs out of the temple as everything returns to its normal speed.) [Trans. Int. Beach City Woods] Steven And that's why I can't go back. Jasper So, what you're saying is; you're here- for a rematch?! (Jasper rips off her cloak.) Steven What? No! I'm telling you why I'm out here in the first place. I think my diamond powers are coming out, I can't control them. I just need to be alone so I don't hurt anyone. Jasper If you really wanted to be alone, you're doing it wrong. Steven But, Jasper! This is the last place anyone would look for me. (Jasper walks away as Steven follows her.) Steven W-Wait! Don't leave me here. (Steven pants as they walk further into the woods.) Steven This thing with my powers is a real problem. Jasper The only problem you have are your friends. Steven Huh? Jasper Can't you see they're holding you back? Steven What? No. Th-they're just worried about me. Jasper They're afraid of your power. Steven Yeah? Yeah.. I-I guess so. Jasper You are too! You came all the way out here to hide from it. But I'm not here to hide, I don't need to stifle my anger, or my power! I channel it into training. Steven Oh, right. This destroyed forest. Jasper I got no one to serve, nowhere to go. All I have left... is power! (Jasper punches a tree and destroys it, sending smoke towards Steven.) Jasper And in order to control that power, I have to use it. Those so called friends of yours don't understand, they want you to feel bad for being yourself. Steven I do feel bad. (Steven walks over to another tree and prepares to punch it, turning pink as he does. Then holds his hand in pain.) Jasper Yeah! Destroy that weakling tree! Steven No! (Steven heals the tree by kissing it.) Jasper Gross! That's disgusting! Burgh! No, the grass! (Jasper tries to kill the grass that grew by Steven.) Jasper Get out of here! *grunts* (Jasper picks up Steven by his jacket.) Jasper Quit helping the local ecosystem recover! Show me, show me your power! (Jasper throws Steven to the ground.) Steven *grunts and coughs* No way, Jasper! I can't control myself. Jasper Shut up! (Jasper lunges at Steven as he turns pink and creates a barrier but it breaks as Jasper punches it, causing him to shoot into the air.) Jasper This is it? This is what you were worried about? It's nothing! (Steven falls to the ground in pain.) Jasper I'm stronger than the ones who want to hold you back! Because I'm not afraid of this, and you shouldn't be either! (Steven turns pink again as he creates another barrier and shoots it at Jasper.) Jasper Yes! That's more like it! (Jasper runs at the barrier and breaks it.) Jasper Now, tell me. Did it feel good to let your anger out? Steven Y-Yeah. (Jasper laughs.) Steven If I stay here, will you teach me how to control this feeling? Jasper I'm not gonna teach you unless you fight me! Steven Well, I'm not gonna fight you unless you teach me! Jasper Hmm, fine! Steven *returns to his normal color* Really?! Jasper Lesson one: stop smiling! Steven But, I've seen you smile. (Jasper kicks Steven into the air.) Jasper Lesson two: Shut up! (Steven hits the ground in pain again.) Steven *grunts* I guess my training starts now.. (The next day, Steven is seen struggling to carry tons of rocks on his back while going up a hill, while Jasper is only carrying two. Next, Steven turns pink as he shoots multiple barriers at Jasper, who is smashing all of them. Then, Jasper charges into a pile of rocks and smashes them, Steven runs into a rock but face-plants into it. Jasper then throws a rock on top of Steven and walks away slowly until Steven, in his pink state, breaks out from underneath. Jasper tries to throw more rocks at him as he keeps running away. At night time, they are seen heading into Jasper's cave, but she kicks Steven out shortly after, leaving him to sleep outside. The next day again, shows Jasper throwing another rock at Steven as he activates his barrier and gets thrown into a tree by the rock. Next, it shows Steven splitting a log in half with his hand, as Jasper hits a tree. Then, Steven starts to construct a shelter with logs as he has his jacket tried around his head. At night time again, Jasper is seen in her spin dash until Steven runs past, sped up by his power. The following day noticeably shows Steven, in his pink state again, has a slight beard and ripped shirt as he throws another barrier while Jasper throws a rock into it and the barrier slams it into some trees. Next, Steven catches fish with his bubble barrier ball in a swamp. He is seen wearing a cloak, similar to Jasper's, sipping food from a bowl, while the fish he caught is cooking near a fire pit. Then, Jasper and Steven are seen punching more trees while Steven looks very noticeably taller, and more muscular, and has a different hairstyle. He breaks another rock with his barrier.) Steven Yes! Jasper Hm, not bad for three days of work. (Steven kisses his muscles.) Jasper I didn't teach you that. (At dusk, a crack of thunder goes off in the distance.) Jasper I found some new rocks. *Throws rocks into a pile* You won't believe how hard it is to find a good rock around here. Steven I'm done with rocks, Jasper. Jasper Huh, what? Steven I'm ready, for our rematch! (Steven stamps the firepit, putting it out.) Jasper *laughs* It's about time! Come on then! Show me what you've learned. (Steven creates another barrier and shoots it at Jasper, who jumps over it and runs towards Steven, trying to punch him. He punches her instead. As Steven gasps, Jasper summons her helmet and hits Steven on the head while he tries to summon another barrier in defense. She then throws him onto the ground. Steven coughs from the smoke.) Jasper What are you holding back for?! You think I can't take it? I'm not gonna coddle you, Steven! Do you wanna go home to your Gems? Steven *tries to get up* No... Jasper Are you afraid to be strong? Are you pathetic? Are you weak? Steven I'm not! (The shockwaves from Steven's shout knocks Jasper back, and he lunges at her as they start to fight.) Jasper *laughs* Is that all? (Steven throws a heavy barrier at Jasper, which slams her back into a tree. Steven pants and laughs.) Jasper That's more like it! (Steven lunges at Jasper again, but this time he is going insanely fast while repeatedly punching Jasper in mid-air.) Jasper Come on, come on! Show me what you can really do! (Steven's laugh becomes more maniacal as he kicks Jasper to the ground, then launches four shields around her, pinning her in place. Jasper grunts as Steven begins to make a huge barrier while floating in the air.) Steven You're right, Jasper. (Steven's huge barrier grows spikes, his irises take on the shape of white diamonds and he smiles maliciously.) Steven I have been holding back. (Steven throws the barrier at Jasper. Her eyes widen in fear as crack of thunder flashes. Cut to black.) [Trans. Int. Crystal Temple] (Later, as rain falls at the beach house, Steven is seen running to the temple in his normal state and size.) Pearl I've sent so many messages but he hasn't replied. (Steven storms through the door with his hand inside his pocket while Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl are waiting for him inside the temple.) Pearl Steven! Where have you been?! (Steven ignores them as he rushes to the bathroom and closes the door.) Amethyst *outside the bathroom* We looked everywhere for you! Steven Not now! (Steven turns on the faucet for the bathtub, then immediately grabs the remaining Diamond aura potions and throws them into the water. Steven breathes heavily as he pulls out Jasper's gem from his pocket, revealing that he had shattered her from the impact he caused. Steven puts the pieces of the gem back together.) Steven Please, please let this work..! (Steven holds Jasper's gem in his hands as he puts them into the bathtub water.) Steven *tears fall down his face* Jasper, I'm sorry. Please, come back! (Steven's tears fall into the water, causing it to turn into the rainbow-colored healing water.) Steven Please.. (After a while, Jasper's gem starts to glow between Steven's fingers, and he lets go as Jasper begins to reform.) Jasper *breathing heavily* Huh, what? You- shattered me... Steven Jasper! I-I'm so sorry! I should have stopped. I-I just wasn't thinking! (Jasper steps out of the bathtub.) Jasper *drops to one knee in front of Steven* I bow to your strength, my Diamond. Steven *horrified* No...
Homeworld Bound
[edit](Pearl knocks on the bathroom door.) Pearl Steven? Amethyst What's going on in there? (Jasper slams the door open.) Amethyst Jasper? Pearl What are you— Amethyst Where's Steven? Jasper Right here. (Jasper steps aside to reveal Steven.) Amethyst Steven? Where have you been?! (Steven does not respond and instead walks off to his conservatory. Jasper salutes him as he leaves.) Pearl You can't just disappear for days without telling us! Jasper My diamond can do as he pleases. Amethyst Wait, what?! Pearl Why are you calling him that?! (Steven walks upstairs.) Garnet Steven! Pearl Where is he going?! [Trans. Int. Steven's Conservatory] (The Gems follow Steven as he is about to step onto the Warp Pad.) Pearl Steven, wait! Garnet You don't need to go. (Steven sighs as he turns pink and puts a barrier in front of the Gems.) Amethyst WHAT THE HECK! Steven You guys, I love you, but— you can't help me anymore. I've been avoiding the only people in the entire universe who can. Please, don't follow me. You too, Jasper. Find something better to do with your life. Garnet Steven! Remember, we'll always be your family. (Steven warps away to Homeworld.) [Trans. Int. Gem Homeworld] (Steven enters the Diamonds' palace. Two Quartzes talk about an upcoming election, while Aubergine Pearl gives a tour to a group of Gems.) A Jasper I can't believe half of Homeworld's gonna vote for that Diamond stooge, Zircon. Now, Zircon, that's a face you can trust. Aubergine Pearl As you can see, this truly was the center of power in the Gem Empire throughout the second era. When you walk through these storied halls, it's easy to feel as if you too have the power of a Diamond. Now, if you'll follow me this way to the gift shop. (The group follows Aubergine Pearl off screen, revealing Spinel standing behind them.) Spinel Steven! (Spinel runs up and gives Steven a big, exaggerated kiss, which makes him furious and causes him to turn pink again.) Steven Spinel, what is wrong with you?!? Spinel Oh, y'know... the usual. (Steven calms down and turns back to his normal color.) Steven Uh, so. How've you been since, uh... Spinel Since I tried to kill you? That was so embarrassing. I was just a wreck back then, but I am so much better now! So, what're you doin' here? Steven I need to talk to the Diamonds. Spinel No kidding. You never call, you never write... Steven Yeah, I'm kinda going through something right now. I've been glowing pink and swelling up. Spinel Oh, if you're having trouble with your physical form, I know just who you should see. C'mon! (Spinel grabs Steven's arm and takes him to Yellow Diamond's quarters.) [Trans. Int. Yellow Diamond's room] (Steven and Spinel walk into Yellow Diamond's quarters.) (Yellow Diamond is sitting at her desk reassembling the shattered Gem, Flint, who cries out as she reforms.) Chert Hey. It's okay. Steven Yellow, what are you doing?! (Yellow Diamond is startled, and turns to Steven and Spinel.) Yellow Diamond Oh Steven, you startled me! I was just reversing one of my awful experiments... (Yellow turns and picks up Flint, bringing her to show Steven.) Yellow Diamond I can't always find every piece but watch this. (Yellow Diamond uses her powers to heal Flint) Flint Hey! Chert Welcome Back. (Flint and Chert share a big hug, happily greeting each other once again.) Yellow Diamond After all the damage I’ve done it's only right to use my powers for a little reconstructive work on the Gems I’ve hurt. Yellow Diamond Speaking of which, I’ve got to reconstruct the Gems inside the Cluster. (Yellow Diamond gets excited and shares even more of her ideas.) Yellow Diamond Oh, and if any of your uncorrupted Quartz friends want their horns reduced, just send them straight to me. I can permanently alter any physical form. (Spinel excitedly running towards Yellow Diamond) Spinel Oh! Do me! Steven Hey, I— (Yellow Diamond uses her powers on Spinel, giving her muscular arms.) Spinel She can make my arms really tough and big! Steven This is cool but I— (Yellow shrinks Spinel's feet.) Spinel And she can give me little teeny feetsies. (Spinel recovers from almost tripping.) Spinel Ta-da! (Steven continues to get angrier.) Steven Won’t you just listen to me? Yellow Diamond You have the floor, Steven. Steven My diamond powers have been causing scary changes in my body. I’ve been growing really large and I don’t know what to do. (Yellow Diamond goes up to Steven, prepared to use her new powers to help him.) Yellow Diamond Well, I can definitely help with that. Hold still. (Yellow Diamond uses her powers to shrink Steven, much to his dismay.) Steven No! I don’t want to be small! Yellow Diamond Oh, forgive the misunderstanding. (Yellow Diamond uses her powers to make Steven very large, angering him even more.) Yellow Diamond There, you can be as large as you want. Steven I don’t want to be large either! I just want to be ME! (Steven stomps his foot into the ground, creating a large crater beneath him, displeasing yellow) Yellow Diamond What has gotten into you? If anything's out of proportion its your temper. (Yellow Diamond starts changing Spinel's form while speaking). Yellow Diamond You can be big if you want to, you can be small if you want to, but if you’re going to be upset no matter what then this problem isn’t physical, it's emotional. Go see Blue, that's her department. (Spinel happily spins around Steven, getting ready to see Blue Diamond with him.) Spinel Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, ♪ Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue~! ♪ Trans. Int. Blue Diamond's room (Blue Diamond is showing sitting in her room relaxing.) Blue Diamond Your powers have been causing you dramatic mood swings? That seems awfully troubling Steven. Steven You don’t seemed troubled. Spinel That's because of Blue's cool new power. Blue Diamond Back before you came into my life Steven, I wanted every one to feel the pain I felt. I realized I must make up for my awful behavior by bringing joy to others. (Blue Diamond calmly comes closer to Steven and Spinel.) Blue Diamond In that moment my tears vaporized into clouds, bringing pure joy to those who come into contact with them. (A cloud brushed up against Steven, causing him to chuckle.) Steven Huh? Spinel Just hang on and you’ll be feeling the cheer in no time. Steven Ugh. Blue Diamond I think you’d like it. (Spinel proceeds to jump on a cloud, with Blue Diamond starting to sing a song.) Blue Diamond ♪ Cold palace walls, and endless empty halls, haunted by echoes of laughter. ♪ (Blue Diamond starts lifting up Spinel's cloud, with Steven staying on the ground using shields to push the clouds away.) Blue Diamond ♪ You gave a pull, and suddenly they’re full. You’ve thrown the gates open after you. ♪ (Steven is put onto a cloud that Blue Diamond uses to loft him up.) Blue Diamond ♪ And swept in with the throng, comes this wonderful song! ♪ (Blue Diamond stands up, playing with Spinel and trying to make Steven happier.) Blue Diamond ♪ My little reason why, I’ll never make you cry. ♪ (Blue Diamond makes heart shaped clouds for Spinel, and continuing to sing as well.) Blue Diamond ♪ Oh I have got the sweetest things to tell you everyday. ♪ (Spinel jumps down from her cloud, giving Blue Diamond a loving hug.) Blue Diamond ♪ My little reason why, you make me want to try, loving you ♪ (Blue Diamond ends her song, with Steven still appearing saddened.) Steven No, no, this isn’t right. (Steven falls backwards, being saved by Spinel.) Spinel Hang in there sunshine! Blue Diamond What's the matter? (Steven is shown to get angrier and more frustrated, not feeling any better after Blue Diamond's help.) Steven You can’t just magically make me feel better. Blue Diamond Yes I can. That's literally my new power. Steven I don’t want to feel better I want to be better! Blue Diamond I found happiness. If that's not something you think you deserve then I suspect this is an issue of self worth. I suggest you go to White for assistance with such matters. (Steven and Spinel leave Blue Diamond's room, with Steven craving answers even more than before.) Trans. Int. White Diamond's room (Steven and Spinel walk in and see White Diamond calmly sitting down.) White Diamond What perfect timing, Steven. I’ve just gotten back from my latest charitable escapade. I’ve been going from planet to planet giving voice to the little gem. (Steven and Spinel proceed to walk up to White Diamond, prepared to see what she can do.) Spinel White Diamond's powers work in reverse now! Steven What does that mean? White Diamond Why don’t I show you. May I, Spinel? (Spinel gets very excited, ready to show Steven White Diamond's new power.) Spinel Yes please. (White Diamond starts using her powers, allowing Spinel to take control of her. As this happens White Diamond's voice and color changes to match Spinel's.) White Diamond and Spinel Guess who? Steven What? (Spinel starts speaking to Steven, using White Diamond's power to do so.) White Diamond and Spinel Isn’t it great? Instead of taking control of other Gems, she can channel our thoughts into her body, so we can control her instead. Watch this! (White Diamond, being controlled by Spinel, starts doing an energetic and crazy dance, shaking the ground in the process and further annoys Steven.) Spinel You don’t like it? (Steven looks very uncomfortable.) Steven It's fine. (White Diamond stops using her powers, regaining her control.) White Diamond Oh, what fun. Thank you Spinel, but why don’t you leave me and Steven alone for a moment. Spinel Okay, don’t take too long. (Spinel leaves the room, poking her head in just before the doors close.) White Diamond Now, what is it exactly? Steven I’ve been getting more powerful. New Diamond powers are coming out everyday and it's, it's scaring me. White Diamond Oh Steven, so many would dream to have your powers, yet it only worries you. Steven I’m scared I’m gonna hurt people; I guess I already have. (White Diamond sits down, getting closer to Steven.) White Diamond Half a Diamond, half a creature of earth, in all the universe there's no one else that could know what you’re going through, so maybe it's time you talked to yourself. (White Diamond reaches out to Steven, pointing to him.) White Diamond Would you like to try? Steven Okay. (White Diamond uses her powers, allowing Steven to gain control of her.) Steven and White Diamond Woah, this is so weird. I’m... I’m... I’m a diamond. This—this is the last thing I needed to see. I don’t want to be you, I don’t want to be anything like you! Why won’t you just GO AWAY! (Steven, as the controlled White Diamond, punches a pillar, crumbling it.) Steven Don’t hurt me! ...she can’t hurt me, I’m controlling her. So why am I so... afraid? (Steven then flashes back to when White Diamond tried to remove his gemstone, feeling terrified as well. He scowls at the memory.) Steven She's the one who should be afraid. (Steven then grows big, towering over the fearful White Diamond.) White Diamond (in Steven's voice) What's... What's going on? (Steven begins controlling her like a puppet, forcing to stand.) White Diamond What! No, stop it, I don’t like this! Steven Too bad. (Now extremely vengeful, Steven begins steering her towards the pillar, clasping her hands to it.) White Diamond Let me go! Please, you’re scaring me! Steven This is for everything you put me through! (Steven tries to slam White Diamond's head into the pillar, in an attempt to shatter her gemstone, However he instead snaps them out of it and hits his own head, allowing White Diamond to regain her control.) White Diamond (in normal voice) What... what was that?? Steven I—I don’t know— (Once again swelling up and turning pink, Steven runs away from White Diamond and leaves the room.) White Diamond Wait! (Steven runs out of White's room, passing Spinel and the other Diamonds on the way) Yellow Diamond Steven! Was White able to help you? (Steven ignores her and continues running. Spinel chases after him, her legs a cartoonish blur as she runs.) Spinel Hey, buddy! Where 'ya going? (Steven stops, Spinel drags her feet across the floor to stop herself before she runs into Steven. He grabs her shoulders and shakes them desperately.) Steven Hey, wait a sec! You used to have vengeful thoughts! Spinel Ohh, yeahh. But I don't get 'em anymore. Steven How did you make them stop? Spinel I met a little someone named Steven Universe! And he told me... (Spinel starts singing the same song that Steven sang during their old battle on the injector, to which Steven groans in annoyance.) Spinel ♪ That I, I, I can make a change! You can make a promise— ♪ Steven Don't give me my own advice! (Steven glows and his face swells up again. The Diamonds then run in.) White Diamond Steven! Let us help you, Steven! Spinel ♪ I can make a stand— ♪ (Yellow and Blue look at Steven's appearance in horror and he runs away and Spinel continues to sing before noticing he'd left.) Spinel Hey, wait up! (As he runs, Steven swells up even more. He grows taller and his hair becomes poofier, greatly resembling that of Pink Diamond's. A sandal falls off his foot, he doesn't notice and continues making his getaway.) Spinel Steven! Yellow Diamond Let us help you! Blue Diamond We're your family! (Steven stops and looks back at them with tears in his eyes.) Steven Please, don't follow me. White Diamond Steven!
Everything's Fine
[edit]a call from Connie.) Steven ...Hey, Connie, what's up? Connie Steven! Good, you finally picked up! I can't believe we haven't spoken since the hospital. How are you? Steven I'm great! Never been better! Connie Really? Have you had any more issues with swelling and glowing pink? Steven Um... Nope? Well, maybe, but how about you? How's college prep? Connie Steven, that's, uh- It's fine, but what do you mean, maybe? Steven Look, there's nothing to worry about. I'm okay. Connie Steven... Steven I should go. I don't wanna wake up the Gems. Connie But they don't even sleep! Steven Uh, bye! (Steven groans as he ends the call. He looks down at his flip flop-less foot and holds his hands out in front of him. He grabs his head and his television turns on.) Steven (TV) *in "Mr. Universe"* -is I'm a UNIVERSE- (His television cuts to static, turning on again shortly after. The shattered shards of Jasper are shown from their reveal in "Fragments". His television cuts to static again. In "Homeworld Bound", White Diamond is shown from Steven's nightmare vision about to shatter herself. Steven gets up and turns the television off, gasping as he sees his diamond-shaped irises in the television's reflection.) Steven No! No-n-n-n-no! Th-Th-This isn't happening...! I didn't think about shattering White. I-I-I didn't shatter Jasper. I didn't fight with Dad. I- *happily* I'm Steven Universe! (Steven sees the portrait of himself and Garnet.) Steven I'm fine. I'm fine! (Steven shatters the glass of the sliding door to his room with his scream.) Pearl Steven? Is that you? (Amethyst is seen running into the room, followed by Pearl, who trips on the top stair, and Garnet.) Amethyst What happened? Pearl Are you okay? Steven I'm fine. (The Gems gasp at his appearance.) Steven Going to see the Diamonds was a waste of time. I thought I needed to figure myself out, but I know who I am. I'm Steven Universe! I help people, I don't... hurt them. Amethyst Dude, what's going on? You look really different. Steven Pfft, I'm still good ol' Steven! Garnet Steven. We're worried. Steven I'm okay. Really! (The Gems share a concerned look.) Garnet We'll take your word for it. Steven You know, everything's gone downhill since I quit running Little Homeschool. I should head over there and make myself useful! I'll see you all there. (Steven speeds out of the room. The gems turn around in slow motion. Steven speeds out of his home and past the Big Donut. The giant donut on top leans forward as he runs past, which he stops briefly to fix. He runs straight to Little Homeworld.) Steven Ah, Little Homeworld. Long time, no see! (Still speeding, Steven launches himself into the air and lands safely on the Little Homeworld Warp Pad.) Steven Time to find someone in need of my assistance. (The scene changes. Cherry Quartz, Pink Pearl, Peridot, and an Aquamarine are seen in Peridot's greenhouse. Steven appears in a window at the back of the scene.) Steven What do we have here? *gasps* Peridot's horticulture class! Perfect! If anyone can get a plant to perk up, it's me. (Steven enters the room. The same four characters, with the addition of a Sapphire, are seen gathered around a table. Pink Pearl holds a pot of flowers over the left side of her face.) Steven Need some help? Peridot Woah! Steven! What, uh, brings you back to school? Steven Just your friendly, neighborhood "Stev-o", passing through and ready to make a difference! And I see you have a couple of struggling saplings here. I can help with that! (Steven is preparing to lick his hands when Peridot stops him.) Peridot Not so fast! Amethyst says you're on a strict "No Plant Friends" policy! Steven Aw, what? No. I'm just giving them a healthy nudge! (Peridot looks at the plants. A leaf falls off of one of them.) Peridot Hmm... It is hard to see them in such sad shape. Mm, alright. Just a scientific smidge, though! Steven *chuckles* You got it! (Steven licks his finger. A slow shot is shown of the pink, sparkling finger approaching the plant. Suddenly, a large number of plant Stevens break the walls and ceiling of the Greenhouse. Peridot and the students of her class run out of the doors, screaming. Steven follows cautiously.) Steven Would you look at that? Life! It's everywhere. And, really, what's a little broken glass between friends? (A plant Steven runs out of the greenhouse, yelling excitedly. The camera shifts to Garnet giving a counseling session to two humans.) Garnet Now, tell me how that makes you feel. (Peridot screams off-screen, causing the humans to gasp in alarm and stand.) Garnet Alright, see you next week. (The humans run away as Garnet summons her gauntlets. She steps forward, ready for action, as three plant Stevens surround her.) Plant Stevens Steven's here to help! Steven's here to help! Steven's here to help! Steven Oh, Garnet! I see you're making some new friends! Then I guess this was a net win. Welp, gotta run and help more people. It's what I do! (As quickly as Steven entered the screen, he speeds off, as a plant Steven comes up behind him in slow motion, attempting to give him a hug. Steven comes to a stop in front of Bismuth's Forge.) Steven That's right! It must be shop-o'clock! Bismuth's shop class, that is. Time to get my shop on! (Amethyst enters the screen, wearing a sports coach's outfit.) Amethyst You good, bud? You talking to yourself? (The scene shifts. Bismuth is standing in front of her anvil with Pearl to her left. To her right, Yellow Pearl is seen modeling wedding armor, with Snowflake Obsidian, Bixbite, and Blue Pearl in that order following.) Bismuth Now, the detailing requires a light touch- Steven Uh, hey, howdy, hey! (The camera reveals Steven casually leaning against the door frame.) Bismuth Woah-ho-hoh! Looking good, Steven! Steven Why, thank you, Bismuth! So, you, uh, in need of a teaching assistant? Bismuth Well, Pearl's my TA today, but I guess I could use a wedding expert for my wedding armor crafting demonstration! Steven Woah... I can help with that! Bismuth Lemme just get some steel warmed up for us. (Bismuth pulls a bar of steel out of the coals. After morphing her fist into a hammer, she flattens out and curves the end of the bar.) Bismuth Alright, that looks good, for a start. Hey, Steven, help me finish shaping this pauldron? Steven Yeah! I got this. Bismuth All yours. (Bismuth backs out of the way and lets Steven get behind the anvil. He cracks his knuckles and raises his fist, about to punch the metal.) Bismuth Hold on there, boulder-brain. This is detail work! No need for a giant mallet when a humble hammer will do. (Bismuth passes Steven a tiny hammer. He gingerly accepts it.) Steven Oh, yeah. Right. (Steven gently taps the metal and the screen flashes pink upon contact. The anvil beneath the metal cracks and splits in two.) Pearl Ehh... Bismuth Ahh... Steven *laughing nervously* Ooh, look at that. Now you have two anvils. Bismuth *falling to her knees* Noooo! My anvil! My beautiful anvil! Steven Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, my work here is done. Well, toodles! (Steven leaves a concerned-looking Pearl comforting Bismuth, who has her hands over her face, by speeding away. More plant Stevens pass outside Bismuth's Forge. Steven speeds his way straight into a game of baseball. A Nephrite is shown pitching a baseball to a Ruby. Amethyst is to the right of the Ruby coaching the game while Onion stands next to her. At the bases are two humans and a Topaz, with Larimar in the outfield. Amethyst blows her whistle loudly.) Amethyst What's up, man? Steven I wanted to see if you needed any more players, 'cause I'm ready to have a ball! Amethyst Ooh, we could use a new outfielder. Oi, Larimar, hit the showers! Steven's subbing in. (Larimar gets up and runs off.) Steven Yeah, good hustle out there, buddy! Wow, I'm honored to be joining such a great game. I mean, everyone here has just been playing outstanding. Amethyst Batter up! (Onion takes a bat and takes his place at the plate. Nephrite throws the ball and Onion hits it. It flies straight toward a window.) Steven The window! (Inside the window, the Heaven and Earth Beetles can be seen. Steven speeds up and jumps to catch the ball. The Beetles' terrified faces are shown just before Steven catches the ball and lands safely on the ground.) Steven I did it. (The other players applaud.) Steven I didn't mess anything up! YEAH! (Steven's scream causes a windstorm powerful enough to send Larimar flying, shatters the glass around the courtyard, and causes the Beetles' building to collapse.) Steven Uh- oh... I-I'm sorry. That- that was an accident. But, what are accidents, other than new opportunities to improve, right? (Steven looks down at the Beetles, who look back at him with shock on their faces.) Steven We- we all make mistakes, and- and as long as we improve ourselves, everything is gonna be okay! (Two plant Stevens come up on either side of Onion, laughing. Amethyst looks on with concern.) Steven Alright, let's get to it. Hup! (Steven picks up a large log and walks off with it. One of the plant Stevens does the same, while the other picks up Larimar. Steven laughs nervously as he passes Amethyst.) Amethyst Uhh... Plant Steven WE'RE HELPING! (The scene changes to Steven's house. Steven himself warps in.) Connie Steven! Steven Huh? (Connie is standing next to Steven's couch while Greg, Amethyst, Pearl, and Garnet are sitting on it.) Connie I knew it! You are swelling and glowing again. I've been trying to call you, but I came as soon as I saw this. (Connie holds out her phone, on which Steven, glowing and swelled up, is doing the plant Steven's dance and looping the message "Steven's here to help!") Connie What is going on? Steven I... broadcast my subconscious sometimes these days. It's really no big deal. Connie Okay, but... I can tell something is bothering you. (Connie holds out her phone again. The message changes after some static from "Steven's here to help!" to "Steven help!" The static continues, switching the two words repeatedly.) Steven Ah, I don't know what you're talking about. I'm fine! Awesome, in fact. Come on, you've seen me when I wasn't doing well. Greg Steven, if being like this is what you want, then we'll support you one hundred percent. Whatever makes you happy. But, if you're not happy, if something's wrong- Steven Nothing's wrong! Besides, I don't want you to worry. Connie We are worried! Greg Steven, you know you can tell us anything. (Steven looks down and frowns.) Steven It's not that easy. You know what? I don't have to deal with this. (As Steven moves toward the door, Amethyst, Pearl, and Connie run to block his path. Off-screen, Garnet stands and blocks the path to the warp pad.) Amethyst Hold up, dude. Garnet Steven! You have to stop running. Greg Please. (Steven seizes up and his face swells.) Connie Steven, we should get you back to the hospital. Amethyst & Pearl HOSPITAL?! Pearl When were you in the hospital?! Connie You didn't tell them? (Steven groans, swelling up again. His breath quickens.) Steven It wasn't that important, you guys. You're making a big deal out of nothing. Have I done some things wrong? Sure! I trashed the house today. I broke an anvil. What teenager hasn't? Dad and I had a little disagreement. That's practically a rite of passage! (As Connie and the Gems turn their questioning gazes to him, Greg shrugs.) Steven I mean, it would be weird if we didn't, right? And maybe, I've had a not-so-nice thought or two about, like, you know, slamming White Diamond's head through a pillar, but it's not like I actually went through with it! I only actually shattered Jasper! (Pearl gasps and her eyes widen with shock.) Amethyst WHAT?! (Garnet's jaw drops, Greg and Connie gasp as well.) Connie You're- you're joking, right? Steven Oh, don't worry! I fixed that too! I can fix anything. I can just keep messing up and fixing things forever, and you'll never have to know or think about any of it! Garnet Steven... Steven *gasps* How messed up is that? That I've gotten away with this for so long. You have no idea how bad I am. (While Steven talks, Pearl is shown putting her fist up to her mouth in horror. Amethyst grimaces. Connie's face remains still, frozen in shock.) Steven You think I'm so great, and I'm so mature, and I always know what to do, but that's not true! I haven't learned a thing from my problems! They've all just made me worse! (Greg's face is shown while Steven rants, similar to Connie's. Garnet looks down and grimaces.) Steven You think of me as some angel, but, I'm not that kid anymore! (A close-up of Steven's scowl is shown.) Steven I'm a fraud. (Steven falls to his hands and knees, letting out a sob. He takes a deep breath.) Steven I'm a fraud. (Steven grabs his head with both hands as his body starts shaking violently.) Steven I'M A MONSTER!!!!
I Am My Monster
[edit]- Greg: [calling out] Just calm down, son! Take deep breaths! Deep breaths!
- Amethyst: Yeah! Relax, buddy!
- Peridot: Let's hurry up and clobber that thing!
- Garnet: Stand down.
- Peridot: What for?!
- Lapis: Where's Steven?
- Garnet: That is Steven.
- Peridot, Bismuth & Lapis: [shocked] WHAT?!
- [Monster Steven bashes his head against the cliff of the temple, causing an avalanche of boulders to fall]
- Garnet: RUN!
- Amethyst: He's not listening to us at all!
- Pearl: What happened to him? First, he says he's a shatterer and then he's turned into this...thing!
- Connie: We can change him back, can't we?
- Garnet: As long as he believes he's a monster, he'll stay one.
- Bismuth: We gotta keep him away from the town!
- Spinel: [jumps out of the Diamond ship, holding Steven's flip flop] You forgot your foot thong thingy! [sees Monster Steven] OOOH, OH!
- [The Diamonds walk out of the ship]
- Yellow Diamond: What is going on here?
- White Diamond: Why is something like this always happening when we show up for a visit?
- Blue Diamond: What is that thing?
- Garnet: That "thing" is Steven.
- [Blue Diamond, White Diamond, and Spinel all gasp in shock]
- Yellow Diamond: What?!
- White Diamond: Impossible!
- Blue Diamond: Is he corrupted?
- Yellow Diamond: But how?
- Garnet: Never mind that. We have to change him back.
- Yellow Diamond: Leave it to me. [she catches Monster Steven's head in an energy aura and tries to shrink it down, only for it to revert back immediately, to her confusion] With my new power, I should be able to alter his physical form.
- Blue Diamond: He's resisting. Maybe he needs to feel better first. I can help with that. [she sends a cloud of joy towards Monster Steven, but he blows it right back]
- Yellow Diamond: Look out! [the cloud hits her and Spinel, and they start laughing uncontrollably] Wow! Your new power didn't work either!
- White Diamond: [pushes Yellow and Blue aside and approaches Monster Steven] Enough. I know exactly how to help. If I connect with him and he speaks through me, maybe we'll understand what he's going through. Now then, do you hear me, Steven? [her gem glows and the atmosphere's colors change] Just relax and let me in… Wait-- [her eyes glow, and she cries out and falls back as Yellow and Blue catch her]
- Yellow Diamond: White!
- Blue Diamond: What happened?!
- White Diamond: [horrified] That's not Steven anymore!
- Amethyst: Guys, look! The Cluster is trying to hold Steven back!
- Peridot: I can't believe it! He's even stronger than the Cluster!
- Bismuth: Don't let your guard down. He could break free at any moment!
- Pearl: Deep inside this…monster, Steven must be in there, so angry.
- Amethyst: I knew something was going on. I- Why didn't I do something?!
- Sapphire: [crying] If we don't get through to him, he'll stay like this forever! [starts sobbing along with Ruby while Lapis watches]
- Amethyst: [to Greg as he takes a few steps back] Dude, you should get outta here before you get hurt!
- Greg: [stomps his foot] NO! Everytime Gem stuff happens, I run the other way! This is my son! And he's right to be angry, because I didn't protect him!
- Blue Diamond: [tearing up; crying] You didn't protect him from us! He's like this because of us!
- Yellow Diamond: [crying] We're the source of Steven's suffering!
- Spinel: [breaks down, sobbing hysterically and blowing her nose into her pigtails] THIS IS MY FAULT!
- White Diamond: [crying] Spinel, don't be silly. Everyone knows that all of this is because of me!
- Spinel: No, it's ME! I tried to wipe his friends' memories, so he would die alone on a barren world!
- White Diamond: [sobbing sorrowfully] That was because you were angry with Pink! And if Pink hurt you, it was because I hurt her! Like I hurt Yellow and Blue and Steven and everyone in the entire universe! This is all my fault!
- Connie: YES, it is! [rides in on Lion] Yes, you hurt him, but this isn't the time to make this all about you! That is not helping! Maybe Steven would care how sad you are, because he always puts everyone else's feelings first! But he can't do that for you right now, because he needs us this time! We all have Steven when we needed him. But the only person who's never had Steven is Steven! He's always been there for us, so… how can we be there for him now?
- [Ruby and Sapphire smile and fuse back into Garnet]
- Garnet: I know how. [Monster Steven breaks free of the Cluster's hand, defeating it and charges at the beach] Okay! No time to waste. Yellow, make me as big as him!
- Yellow Diamond: Right.
- Garnet: Blue, lift everyone up!
- Blue Diamond: Of course.
- Garnet: Everyone, get in line!
- Greg: You got it!
- Garnet: It's time to show Steven… some love.
- Garnet: [hugging her arms tightly around Monster Steven while he struggles; calmly] Steven, when I fell apart, you were there for me. I want to be there for you now. I'm here, Steven. I'm here.
- Lapis: This is working? You hear us? Steven! [comes and hugs him]
- [Everyone comes in for the hug too]
- Greg: I'm here, Schtu-Ball! Whatever you need, I'll make it happen! You hear me?!
- Peridot: Steven, you never gave up on me for some reason I don't understand! I'll do the same for you!
- Amethyst: I know you feel bad! Believe me, I get it! Sometimes it feels like you're never gonna like yourself but… it's possible, man!
- Pearl: Steven, I know how awful it feels to keep a part of yourself secret! You shouldn't have to hide anything from me!
- [Monster Steven stammers emotionally, and the Cluster's hand reappears and takes his]
- Connie: [jumps off Lion's head before landing on Monster Steven's nose and hugs his face; sighs] Steven… you must have been so afraid to show us this side of yourself, but we're not going anywhere. We're all gonna take care of you the same way you took care of us. You know what? I don't have your powers, but… [kisses him with a pink droplet appearing]
- Steven: [wakes up, back to his normal human-self, still crying] Huh? [looks and sees everyone smiling at him] Wha…I… Did-Did I-I'm- [Lion pops up and licks him; chuckling] Lion. [hugs Lion] Lion! [begins sobbing, letting out his emotions]
The Future
[edit]- [Open. Ext. Beach]
- (Steven sets down a stereo on the beach. He presses play on the stereo and backs up. The workout track from "Future Vision" begins to play. During this, Steven performs the exercise routine from the same episode.)
- Stereo: [in Korean] Let's exercise! Cha! One... two!... Two... two!... Three... two!... Four... two!... (Lion roars off-screen, and his portal opens just to the left of the stereo. Lion lands on top of it with Connie on his back.)
- Connie: Good morning, Steven. One last routine before hitting the road?
- Steven: Yeah... I'll be sitting for a while.
- [Cut to the Temple]
- (Steven and Connie sit on top of Steven's bed with Lion on the ground next to them. Connie types on a computer on her lap, while Steven studies a map laid out in front of him.)
- Steven: I'll be in Charm City in time for Shep and Sadie's concert, I'll meet up with you and Lion on Providence Island when you're touring schools, and then I'll catch up with Lars for our weekly space hangout.
- Connie: I'll add that to your Boogle Maps doc. So... how did everyone take the news?
- Steven: I basically told everyone in Beach City – plus my dad – but, I haven't told the Gems yet.
- Connie: You gotta tell them!
- Steven: I-I know, I just have no idea how they're going to take it. They've been so protective of me these last few months since my meltdown. I wonder if there's a way I can let them down easy.
- [Cut to the kitchen.]
- (Steven stands at the foot of the table, facing the Warp Pad, where Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl return from.)
- Pearl: Oh, Steven! Were you waiting for us?
- Steven: (Steven opens a cooler full of homemade Cookie Cats.) I sure was.
- Amethyst: Whoa, Cookie Cat!
- Pearl: I thought they stopped making them.
- Steven: They did, so I made my own. (Steven looks at the Cookie Cat's slightly deformed face.)
- Steven: You can kinda tell.
- Garnet: (Garnet takes a bite of her Cookie Cat, while Amethyst has already finished hers.) They're delicious.
- Amethyst: Mmm-mmm!
- Pearl: (Pearl takes a hesitant nibble out of her Cookie Cat's ear.) Scrumptious!
- Amethyst: Remember when you used to sing that song for us?
- Pearl: If I may... *clears throat* (As the music plays, the Gems recite the lyrics to the Cookie Cat song.)
- Pearl: *rapping* Oohhhhh! He's a frozen treat with an all new taste!
- Amethyst: *rapping* 'Cause he came to this planet from outer space!
- Garnet: *rapping* A refugee of an interstellar war!
- Pearl: *rapping* But now he's at your local grocery store!
- Amethyst: *rapping* Cookie Cat!
- Pearl: *rapping* He's a pet for your tummy!
- Amethyst: *rapping* Cookie Cat!
- Pearl: *rapping* He's super-duper yummy!
- Amethyst: *rapping* Cookie Cat! [Music stops.]
- Garnet: He left his family behind.
- Steven: That's right, he did leave his family behind.
- Amethyst: That's not how it goes!
- Steven: I think maybe Cookie Cat had run out of ways to grow on his home planet. And even though it must've been hard, and he loved his family so, so much, maybe he had to leave to keep moving forward.
- Amethyst: We're still talking about ice cream, right?
- Steven: Everyone... I've decided to move out! Don't worry about me, I have a very comprehensive plan to visit all 39 states before I decide where to settle down, and I can still video chat my new therapist while I'm on the road. Do not try to talk me out of this!
- Pearl: When are you leaving?
- Steven: Uh... tomorrow.
- Pearl: Oh, so soon! Well, all human adolescents need to seize their independence eventually. (Pearl gives Steven a hug.)
- Pearl: I'm so happy for you. (Pearl exits.)
- Amethyst: Yeah, bud. I'll miss ya. Peace! (Amethyst exits.)
- Steven: You guys know I may never come back, right? (Garnet places her hand on Steven's shoulder.)
- Garnet: We know, Steven. This will be an exciting new chapter in your life. (Garnet exits, leaving Steven shocked by their surprisingly calm response.)
- Steven: That... went well... right?
- [Cut to Little Homeworld.]
- Bismuth: You... WHAT?!?! (Bismuth looks dismayed at the boy, Lapis is glaring at him, and Peridot is starting to cry.)
- Bismuth: What's the problem, Steven? Are you mad at me?
- Steven: Of course I'm not mad at you. (Bismuth brings Steven into a tight hug.)
- Bismuth: Then don't leave! Oh no, am I smothering you? (backs away) I get it, I get it.
- Steven: Bismuth. (Bismuth turns her hands into a saw and hammer.)
- Bismuth: How about I build you a nice vacation house just outside of Little Homeworld?
- Lapis: (Lapis approaches Steven, briefly summons her wings and outstretches her arms.) Listen to me, Steven. You can't run away from yourself. Wherever you go, you'll be there. Trust me, I know.
- Steven: (Peridot drops down on the floor and sobs into her hands. Steven kneels down and gives her his hand to hold.) Peridot. Come on, it's okay.
- Peridot: Where am I going to find another Steven as good as you, huh? I like this one so much! Gehhh...!
- Steven: Here, I want you to have this. (Steven gives Peridot his old salmon-pink shirt from the original series.)
- Peridot: My very own Steven shirt? *sniffles*
- Steven: Be the Steven you want to see in the world. (Peridot sniffles again before wailing once more and blows her nose with the shirt. Steven approaches Lapis, who has her arms crossed.)
- Steven: Lapis, this is for you. (Steven gives Lapis a drawing kit as she reads the description.)
- Lapis: What the? 142 pieces? 60 crayons? 24 oil pastels? It even has watercolors?!
- Steven: (Lapis takes the box with tears in her eyes.) Do you like it?
- Lapis: I... love it!
- Bismuth: (Steven approaches Bismuth with a bright pink flag.) Stay back, Steven!
- Steven: Bismuth, I can't think of anyone who's more of a Crystal Gem than you. So please take this: the original Crystal Gem flag.
- Bismuth: Oh, Steven. (Peridot (wearing Steven's old shirt) and Lapis walk up to Bismuth and Steven.)
- Bismuth: If it wasn't for you, none of us would be who we are today. You make me so proud to be a Crystal Gem.
- Peridot: *crying* Why did you have to put it so well, Bismuth?
- Lapis: *crying* I'm gonna use my tears to make a watercolor painting of you. (Steven also breaks down as they all hug each other.)
- Steven: *crying* Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth... I love you!
- [Cut to outside of the tower Steven and his friends were standing on.]
- Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth: We love you too, Steven! *all crying*
- [Cut to Steven walking near the tower.]
- (Steven wipes his tears with a smile on his face. A hole is busted through the wall, revealing it to be Jasper, staying aloof. She doesn't face Steven.)
- Jasper: Heard you're leaving. (Jasper faces Steven.)
- Jasper: I'm coming with you!
- Steven: Jasper, I'm going alone.
- Jasper: Then who will protect you?!
- Steven: I can protect myself.
- Jasper: *gives a disappointed sigh and scowls* I know. (Jasper punches a hole in the ground and looks the opposite direction.)
- Jasper: Farewell, my Diamond. (Jasper headbutts the wall, creating another Jasper-shaped hole next to the previous one. She walks through it.)
- Steven: Whoa! Even Jasper's more upset than my own family! Maybe I need a round two?
- [Cut to the Temple.]
- Steven: Oh, Amethyst! (Amethyst jumps up into a sitting position on the couch with Steven in front of her, holding a box.)
- Amethyst: Huh?
- Steven: I have a gift for you.
- Amethyst: Is it food?! (Amethyst grabs the box, tilting the contents of the box into her mouth.)
- Steven: No! It's- (Amethyst holds an old game console in her mouth, surprised it's not food.)
- Amethyst: [mouth full] What the? (Amethyst spits the console back into the box.)
- Steven: It's my old video game systems!
- Amethyst: Aw, dude... you better kiss your high scores goodbye! [laughs]
- Steven: What?!
- Amethyst: And say goodbye to your save files, too! Oh, I've been waiting forever to play through Golf Quest Mini on my own! [exits the room] Why the heck would you own a game with only one save file anyway? (Steven is left dumbfounded and alone in the living room.)
- Steven: Uhhh...
- [Cut to the porch.]
- Steven: (Steven opens the front door and greets Pearl, who is sitting in a white chair, playing her bass.) Hello, Pearl!
- Pearl: Oh, hi Steven! Do you need help packing?
- Steven: No, it's just- (Steven takes out his old ukulele.)
- Steven: I'm leaving you with my ukulele.
- Pearl: Steven! That's very thoughtful of you. (Pearl puts the ukulele inside of her gem.)
- Steven: Pearl, it's okay to be sad that I'm leaving.
- Pearl: But, Steven, it's a good thing that you're going to get out there and explore the world. It's not something to be sad over. (Steven frowns, his eyes large and tear-filled.)
- Steven: [tearfully] Yeah, you're right. (Steven starts walking back inside, groaning.)
- Pearl: Alright, have fun.
- [Cut to the Temple hand.]
- Steven: (Steven warps to the Temple hand where Garnet is doing the laundry. He is holding a large scrapbook in his arms.) Garnet!
- Garnet: Well, bust my britches, it's Steven Universe.
- Steven: I'm here to give you a very important and sentimental gift because I'm leaving. Getting to plan Ruby and Sapphire's wedding was so amazing, and I hope that one day, you can help me plan my own. (He holds up the scrapbook titled "Dream Wedding" to Garnet. She takes the scrapbook in her hands.)
- Garnet: Thanks. I'll take good care of it.
- Steven: Okay, Garnet, level with me here. You used your future vision, saw that everything would be fine, and told the Gems not to worry about me. That's it, right?
- Garnet: Steven, I don't need future vision to know that you're gonna be fine. (Garnet heads over to the warp pad.)
- Garnet: Besides, part of the fun of leaving is figuring it out on your own. (She warps away, leaving Steven to cry alone.)
- [Cut to Steven's room.]
- Greg: (Steven shuts a suitcase filled with old items and sighs.) You alright, Schtu-ball?
- Steven: Yeah, it's just-
- Greg: Just what? (Steven puts the suitcase on the floor.)
- Steven: Well, I told the Gems I'm leaving but I don't think they're even sad about it.
- Greg: Isn't that a good thing?
- Steven: I guess I wanted them to be at least a little upset. Is that petty?
- Greg: You're allowed to have feelings, even petty ones. (Greg walks over to Steven and gives him a hug.)
- Greg: They love you, kiddo. They're probably just trying to be supportive.
- Steven: Thanks, Dad. Oh! I still have to give you your gift! (Steven jumps up onto the bed and puts a poster of "Kerry Moonbeam" on the empty wall.)
- Steven: It's all yours. I want you to move in!
- Greg: Huh? Don't you think it's a little... ritzy for me? (Steven sits back down on the bed, patting the space next to him with his hand.)
- Steven: Try the bed, Dad. (Steven and Greg lay down on the bed, looking at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling.)
- Greg: Woah. Steven, I don't think I can get up.
- Steven: I knew you'd like it.
- Greg: [sighs] I guess the Gems are gonna swap one Universe for another, huh? You know, you heading off and me settling down, it makes the kind of karmic sense I just can't resist.
- [Cut to the beach in front of the Temple.]
- (The Gems, Greg, and Connie are all gathered next to Steven's car, ready to give their goodbyes. Steven gives Connie a hug.)
- Steven: Bye, Connie. See you soon. (They share a kiss and Steven holds her hands, both of them blushing.)
- Connie: Text me when you get to that bed and breakfast. Don't breakfast without me.
- Steven: You got it. (Steven hugs Greg next.)
- Steven: Bye, Dad.
- Greg: Aw, I'm gonna miss you, Schtu-ball. But I'm so proud of you.
- Steven: Thanks, Dad. (He then approaches Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst and gives Pearl a hug.)
- Steven: Goodbye, Pearl.
- Pearl: Goodbye, Steven. (Steven hugs Garnet next.)
- Steven: Bye, Garnet.
- Garnet: So long, Steven. (He then hugs Amethyst.)
- Steven: Bye, Amethyst.
- Amethyst: See ya, bud. Don't forget about me!
- Steven: I won't. (Steven reluctantly says goodbye to all the Gems.)
- Steven: Well, I guess this is goodbye.
- Garnet: We'll be thinking of you.
- Steven: Alright, then. (Steven gets into his car and begins to drive off, watching his friends wave to him in the rear view mirror. As he gets farther and farther from then, he begins to panic, and once they are all out of sight, the car comes to a screeching halt and reverses all the way back to the Gems. Steven appears in the car window with tears going down his cheeks.)
- Steven: *tearfully* What's wrong with you guys?! Aren't you sad I'm leaving?
- Amethyst: (Amethyst bursts into tears.) *crying* Oh man, I can't take this anymore!
- Garnet: (Garnet sprays tears all over her visor as they run down her cheeks.) We were trying to be strong for you. (Pearl turns her head to face Steven, sobbing sloppily as she's unable to speak.) Pearl agrees.
- Steven: (Steven then jumps out of the car, running over to the Gems.) You guys!!! (They leap into a group hug and sob together.)
- Amethyst: [crying] I was kidding, man! I'm never gonna delete your save files!
- Pearl: [crying] Ah, I love that ukulele! I'll never play anything else!
- Garnet: I'd be overjoyed to plan your wedding. In fact, I've already planned over 363 versions of it.
- Steven: Why didn't you guys just tell me all of this?
- Garnet: I'm sorry, Steven. I couldn't resist looking into your future. I peeked. But I saw a possibility that our tears would keep you from leaving.
- Amethyst: [crying] We didn't wanna hold you back!
- Garnet: But I also saw many paths ahead of you, and we are a part of all of them. (Garnet takes off her visor.) Wherever you end up, we will visit you to talk, to listen, to be there, whenever you need us. We love you, Steven. (Steven wipes the tears away from his eyes.)
- Steven: I love you too. (Greg wipes a tear from his eye, and Connie puts her hand on his arm to comfort him. Steven begins to get back into his car as Garnet waves at him and Pearl begins sobbing again.)
- Garnet: Check your rear left tire before you hit the desert! It's not serious, but could be trouble if left unchecked! (A tear goes down Garnet's cheek, and Amethyst throws him a peace sign.)
- Amethyst: Later, bruh! (Pearl continues to sob uncontrollably as Steven starts the car and begins to drive off.)
- Garnet: Bye, Steven!
- Amethyst: Bye! Have fun!
- Connie and Greg: Bye!
- Pearl: [crying] Bye!
External links
[edit]- 2010s American animated TV shows
- 2020s American animated TV shows
- 2010s American LGBT-related comedy TV shows
- 2020s American LGBT-related comedy TV shows
- 2010s American LGBT-related drama TV shows
- 2020s American LGBT-related drama TV shows
- American sequel TV shows
- Traditionally animated TV shows
- Anime-influenced Western animated TV shows
- American children's animated action TV shows
- American children's animated comic science fiction TV shows
- American children's animated drama TV shows
- American children's animated musical TV shows
- American children's animated science fantasy TV shows
- LGBT-related animated TV shows
- Cancelled shows due to coronavirus pandemic
- Cartoon Network original series
- Teen animated TV shows
- Television series on DVD
- Television series by Cartoon Network Studios
- TV shows about alien visitations
- Steven Universe