QOTD by month + Suggestions for: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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Today is Sunday, January 5, 2025; it is now 05:18 (UTC)
- October 1
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- October 2
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- October 3
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- October 4
Yeah, it's over before you know it. It all goes by so fast. And bad nights last forever And the good nights don't ever seem to last. And man, we never had the real thing, But sometimes we used to kiss Back when we didn't understand What we were caught up in. Wherever you are tonight I wish you the best of everything, in the world, And I hope you found Whatever you were looking for.
~ Tom Petty ~
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- October 5
Watch out for the fellow who talks about putting things in order! Putting things in order always means getting other people under your control.
~ Denis Diderot ~
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- October 6
Perhaps … I should adopt a more positive outlook and try to make the best of what remains of my day. After all, what can we ever gain in forever looking back and blaming ourselves if our lives have not turned out quite as we might have wished? The hard reality is, surely, that for the likes of you and I, there is little choice other than to leave our fate, ultimately, in the hands of those great gentlemen at the hub of this world who employ our services. What is the point in worrying oneself too much about what one could or could not have done to control the course one’s life took? Surely it is enough that the likes of you and I at least try to make our small contribution count for something true and worthy. And if some of us are prepared to sacrifice much in life in order to pursue such aspirations, surely that is in itself, whatever the outcome, cause for pride and contentment.
~ Kazuo Ishiguro ~
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- October 7
The belief of some governments that nuclear weapons are a legitimate and essential source of security is not only misguided, but also dangerous, for it incites proliferation and undermines disarmament. All nations should reject these weapons completely — before they are ever used again. This is a time of great global tension, when fiery rhetoric could all too easily lead us, inexorably, to unspeakable horror. The specter of nuclear conflict looms large once more. If ever there were a moment for nations to declare their unequivocal opposition to nuclear weapons, that moment is now.
~ ICAN ~
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- October 8
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- October 9
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- October 10
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- October 11
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- October 12
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- October 13
In any given society the Remnant are always so largely an unknown quantity. You do not know, and will never know, more than two things about them. You can be sure of those — dead sure, as our phrase is — but you will never be able to make even a respectable guess at anything else. You do not know, and will never know, who the Remnant are, nor what they are doing or will do. Two things you do know, and no more: First, that they exist; second, that they will find you. Except for these two certainties, working for the Remnant means working in impenetrable darkness; and this, I should say, is just the condition calculated most effectively to pique the interest of any prophet who is properly gifted with the imagination, insight and intellectual curiosity necessary to a successful pursuit of his trade.
~ Albert Jay Nock ~
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- October 14
No people on earth can be held, as a people, to be an enemy, for all humanity shares the common hunger for peace and fellowship and justice. … No nation's security and well-being can be lastingly achieved in isolation but only in effective cooperation with fellow-nations. … Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children.
~ Dwight D. Eisenhower ~
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- October 15
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- October 16
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- October 17
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- October 18
A country, after all, is not something you build as the pharaohs built the pyramids, and then leave standing there to defy eternity. A country is something that is built every day out of certain basic shared values.
~ Pierre Trudeau ~
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- October 19
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- October 20
I'm watching the water Watching the coast Suddenly I know What I want the most And I want to tell you Still I hold back I need some time Get my life on track. I know that look on your face But there's somethin' lucky about this place And there's somethin' good comin' For you and me Somethin' good comin' There has to be.
~ Tom Petty ~
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- October 21
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- October 22
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- October 23
We must daily decide whether the threats we face are real, whether the solutions we are offered will do any good, whether the problems we're told exist are in fact real problems, or non-problems. Every one of us has a sense of the world, and we all know that this sense is in part given to us by what other people and society tell us; in part generated by our emotional state, which we project outward; and in part by our genuine perceptions of reality. In short, our struggle to determine what is true is the struggle to decide which of our perceptions are genuine, and which are false because they are handed down, or sold to us, or generated by our own hopes and fears.
~ Michael Crichton ~
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- October 24
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- October 25
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- October 26
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- October 27
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- October 28
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- October 29
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- October 30
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- October 31
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QOTD by month + Suggestions for: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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Today is Sunday, January 5, 2025; it is now 05:18 (UTC)