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Rocko's Modern Life/Season 4

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Rocko's Modern Life Seasons: 1/2/3/4 Specials: Rocko's Modern Life: Static Cling

Rocko's Modern Life is an American animated series premiered on September 18, 1993 to November 24, 1996. The series follows a Wallaby named Rocko and his friends, Heffer and Filburt.

Episode 1


With Friends Like These [4.1a]


Sailing The Seven Zzz's [4.1b]

Heffer: (as a pirate, using a pseudo-Swedish accent) I'll be takin' that map from yew.
Mr. Bighead: (sleepwalking, as a pirate) Good gads. What sort of accent is that?

Mr. Bighead: (sleepwalking, as a pirate) Poop the deck and waffle me winky.
Rocko: Mr. Bighead! WOULD YOU PLEASE BE QUIET?!!!

Filburt: Hey, fellas?
Heffer, Rocko: You're nauseous.
Filburt: Right. (vomits offscreen)

Episode 2


The High Five of Doom [4.2a]


Fly Burgers [4.2b]


Episode 3


Pranksters [4.3a]

Heffer: [repeated line] Yes, Granny Rocko.

From Here to Maternity [4.3b]

Filburt: [imitating Rocko] "Hey, look, fellas! I'm in jail! Heh heh..."
Rocko: Oh, come on, Filburt.
Filburt: Back off, Peter Cottontail! You're the reason we're in this mess!

Dr. Hutchinson: Hi honey, how are you? Oh, my babies!
Gilbert, Shellbert and Missy: [first words] Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy...
[The egg breaks, revealing there are four babies including a steer cow with glasses, turtle twins with glasses and a yellow cat]
Heffer: Oh, Rocko. Aren't they cute?
Dr. Hutchinson: Come to mommy. Oh, my little ones.
Heffer: Oh, I'm so happy for you, Filburt!
Filburt: Not now, I fainted.
Dr. Hutchinson: No, you haven't. You're still conscious.
Filburt: Oh, but I have.
[Norbert then walks over to the two]
Dr. Hutchinson: But your eyes are open, Silly.
Filburt: Oh, what do you know?
Rocko: Go away.
Dr. Hutchinson: Oh, Daddy's just playing. He didn't faint at all.
Filburt: Oh, yes I did.
[Hutchinson then kisses Filburt as the camera irises out on them; during the end, in the black screen is Norbert following Rocko]
Rocko: No, no. Go away. [he leaves as Norbert follows him] Go home.

Episode 4


Heff in a Handbasket [4.4a]


Wallaby On Wheels [4.4b]

DJ: Okay, all skate.
Heffer: Try not to flail so much.
DJ: Now backwards.
Heffer: Be the skates, Rock.
DJ: Skate on your hands.
Heffer: Try to get all five of your stomachs evenly distributed over the skates.
DJ: Skate on your nose.
Heffer: Put your nose... [muffled]
DJ: Skate all willy-nilly like an idiot.
Heffer: [imitating Rocko's skating] Now you're getting it, Rocko!

Episode 5


Ed Good, Rocko Bad [4.5a]


Teed Off [4.5b]


Episode 6


Wimp On the Barby [4.6a]


Yarn Benders [4.6b]


Episode 7


Mama's Boy [4.7a]


Feisty Geist [4.7b]


Episode 8


S.W.A.K. [4.8a]


Magic Meatball [4.8b]


Episode 9


Closet Clown [4.9a]


Seat to Stardom [4.9b]

Rocko: Can you see anything, Heff?
Heffer: Just the back of a bunch of heads. How about you, Rocko?
Rocko: Naw. Looks like a forest of ankles down here. Filburt?
Filburt: [looking at someone's butt crack] I've got a bird's eye view of the Grand Canyon.

[during the end of the episode, we see that Heffer is wedgie boy and then we cut to the "The End" screen]
Heffer: "The End!" Get it?! "The End"?! [laughs] No "butts" about it!

Episode 10


Turkey Time [4.10a]


Floundering Fathers [4.10b]


Episode 11


Dumbells [4.11a]


Rug Birds [4.11b]


Episode 12


Hypno Puppy Luv [4.12a]


Driving Mrs. Wolfe [4.12b]


Episode 13


Put to Pasture [4.13a]


Future Schlock [4.13b]

[In the future of O-Town, Filburt's sons, Gilbert and Norbert, are searching around inside Rocko's abandoned house]
Norbert: [from upstairs as sound of glass shatters] Ouch!
Gilbert: What was that?!
Norbert: I think I broke an antique!
Gilbert: [annoyed] Ah, for Pete's sake. [heads upstairs and finds Norbert in a room, sitting on the floor and holding a photo frame] What'd you break?
Norbert: It's a picture.
Gilbert: I believe the correct term was "phonograph."

[last lines of the series]
Rocko: So, Filb, what have you been up to these past 17 years? [beat]
Filburt: Are you kiddin'?
Heffer: [singing] Nine hundred bazillion bottles of root beer on the wall... / Nine hundred bazillion bottles of root beer...