Franklin (season 3)

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The following is a list of quotes from the third season of Franklin.

Franklin and His Night Friend / Franklin and the Two Henrys [3.1]

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could swim and ride a bike and do many things really well. But one day, Franklin learned that the thing he could do best was just be himself.

Mr. Turtle: That group of stars over near the north is Ursa Major, the bear.
Franklin: A bear? It doesn't look anything like the Bear I know.

Mr. Turtle: Come up on my shoulders. I'll show you some more stars on the way home.
Franklin: Show me some stars that look like a turtle.
Mr. Turtle: Ah yes. The constellation called: Franklin.

Franklin: You're upside-down.
Bat: So are you.

Franklin: You get to stay up all night?
Bat: Actually, I'm supposed to have after-midnight naps, but sometimes I play instead.

Franklin: Hey, we can both be bats. You can sleep upside-down on that branch.
Bear: Gee, Franklin, I don't have to take naps in the afternoon anymore. Don't you want to ride bikes or something?

Bear: What happened to your bat costume?
Franklin: I put it away.
Bear: How come? I thought you wanted to be a bat.
Franklin: The only "bat" thing I can do is hang upside-down and that gives me a headache.
Bear: Why do you want to be like Bat anyway? You're already good at being Franklin.

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had a pet goldfish named Goldie and a best friend named Bear. But Bear wanted to have a pet, too, and because they were best friends, Franklin wanted to help him.

Bear: Here, Henry, want a cookie?
Beaver: [gasps] No, don't feed him that! Henry has his own cookies. Happy Hamster Snaps. They're filled with vitamins and minerals and come in four delicious flavors. But he doesn't like the orange ones. He gets one of these a day. Got it?

Beaver: Henry is a very special hamster, you know. [in a baby-talk voice] Aren't you, Chubby-Cheeks? Oh, yes you are. Yes you are.

Franklin: Gee, Henry is a special hamster.
Beaver: Very special. And I'm gonna miss my little Chubby Cheeks.
Bear: It's okay, Beaver. I'll take good care of him.

Franklin: Whoa. What happened to your room?
Bear: Henry got out of his cage last night.
Franklin: Wow. He made all this mess?
Bear: No, I did, looking for him. And I can't find him.

Franklin: What are you going to call him, Bear?
Bear: Henry... Henry II.

Frankin's Nature Hike / Franklin's Starring Role [3.2]

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could help his friends build a fort and help his father in the yard. He could even help Mr. Owl plan a nature hike. But one day, Franklin was too helpful.

Snail: Look inside the shell before you take it. There might be somebody living in it.
Mr. Owl: A point well taken, Snail.

Franklin: Time to hit the trail, Snail. [laughs at his own joke] "Trail, Snail."

Franklin: Save your breath, Snail. Just whistle when you need help. I'm never far away.
Snail: [sighs] I know.

Beaver: See? He has his own snail way of doing things.

Franklin: Nice find, Snail. None of us could have ever climbed up there.
Snail: Glad I could help.

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He liked to tell stories and act in front of an audience. But one day, Franklin learned that you don't have to be at center stage to be a star.

Mr. Owl: Beaver will be the wicked witch.
Beaver: Ah-ha! I'll cast a spell on all of you!

Snail: Our shells, they're like armor.
Franklin: Oh, yeah, I guess so.

Mr. Owl: That's why I made you stage manager. I knew you were a quick thinker.
Franklin: I thought I was backstage because I wasn't good enough for a part.

Mr. Owl: Just because you're not on stage doesn't mean you're not important.

Franklin's Masterpiece / Franklin and the Computer [3.3]

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He did drawings for his friends and paintings for his Granny. Then one day, Franklin painted a picture for an art contest.

Fox: What tastes so good?
Bear: Franklin's painting.
Fox: Huh?

Mr. Turtle: He's a famous artist. You don't expect him to put his things away, do you?

Franklin: You guys painted stuff on it, too.
Fox: So why aren't our names on it, too.

Mr. Skunk: I still say that painting is a masterpiece, even if it did take four artists to paint it.

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He knew lots of games and all of their rules. But one day, Franklin learned that friendship is more important than winning a game.

Bear: I took your turn for you and you won.
Franklin: [to Beaver] See? I told you! I'm really good at games.

Mrs. Beaver: You live across the pond, not across the ocean. You can come back after supper.

Mrs. Turtle: I think it's time to eat your breakfast instead of playing "Dam Busters" in it.

Franklin: It's fun.
Mrs. Turtle: And so are swimming and soccer and riding your bike.

Mrs. Badger: That sounds like a good idea. It's such a lovely day.
Franklin: Badminton?

Beaver: It's too nice out to be in here.
Franklin: Yeah.

Franklin the Trooper / Franklin's Fossil [3.4]

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He liked to help his mother make cookies and he liked to help his father rake leaves. But one day, Franklin was tired of being a helper.

Mrs. Muskrat: You'll know all kinds of fancy boat words by the time we set sail for the fireworks show.

Mrs. Muskrat: Yes, sir, Trooper has weathered some bad storms in its day, but it's never let me down.

Mrs. Turtle: I thought you were excited about fixing the boat.
Franklin: I was, but I didn't think it was going to be so much work.

Franklin: I might not swim again for a long time.

Mrs. Muskrat: You are a trooper, Franklin. And we're a team.

Franklin: Thanks for letting friends come on the boat, too, Mrs. Muskrat.
Mrs. Muskrat: I'm glad to have them aboard. But, you know, I wouldn't have finished the boat on time if it weren't for all your hard work.
Franklin: It wasn't easy... but it sure was worth it.

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could read the books that his friends gave him and drink the lemonade that they made for him on hot summer days. But one day, Franklin learned that giving back is an important part of friendship, too.

Mrs. Turtle: I suppose I could always cook brussel sprouts for supper instead.

[The scene cuts to where Franklin and Bear are at Mr. Mole's home]
Franklin: Thanks a lot, Mr. Mole.
Mr. Mole: You're most welcome, boys.
Franklin: Gee, Bear, we've finally got Pluto!
Bear: Yeah, finally we can eat different cereal for breakfast!
[Franklin and Bear both laugh]
Franklin: Hey, Bear, look!
[The scenes pans to Mr. Mole's collection of fossils]
Bear: [off-screen] Wow, look at all the fossils!
Mr. Mole: Are you boys interested in fossils?
Franklin: We just got interested today.
Mr. Mole: [off-screen] Oh?
Franklin: [reaches something from his shell] When we were digging in the garden, we found this. [takes the trilobite fossil out of his shell]
Mr. Mole: [off-screen] My goodness, [on-screen] look at that. You found a trilobite.
Franklin: We did?
Bear: Wow, a tribolite!
Mr. Mole: You know, I've been looking for one of these for years, but it took a couple of sharp-eyed fossil hunters like yourselves to find one. [gives the trilobite fossil to Franklin] Let's see if I can find a picture of it in my field guide. [went to get his field guide]
Franklin: [stares at the fossil; to Bear] Do you think we should give this to him, Bear? He did give us Pluto.
Bear: What about our museum? Nobody will come without the fossil.
[Franklin looks at Bear and turns back to the fossil]
Franklin: [regarding about the trilobite fossil] Well, it is pretty special.
Mr. Mole: [off-screen] Here it is, lads. [shows Franklin and Bear a picture of a trilobite on his field guide]
Franklin: [off-screen] Hey, that's it!
Bear: [off-screen] It looks just like ours!
Mr. Mole: [off-screen] This one lived in the Palaeozoic era. Before the time of the dinosaur.
Franklin: Neat!
Bear: Can you believe it? And it liked to eat vegetables, didn't it, Mr. Mole?
Franklin: Yeah, that's why it lived in our garden.
Mr. Mole: [chuckles] Actually, trilobites lived in the sea. [off-screen] This area was covered with water hundreds of millions of years ago.
Franklin: [holding the trilobite fossil] Gee, that's amazing!
Bear: Yeah!
Mr. Mole: Yes, there's a lot of fascinating history contained in that fossil. [off-screen] It's worth hanging onto.
[Franklin stares at the fossil for one second and he and Bear look at each other of what to do with it]

Bear: Thank you very much.
Franklin: And enjoy the museum.
Beaver: For two cookies, I'd better.

Beaver: I think two cookies are a lot.
Franklin: There's a lot to see.

Franklin: Did I tell you it was a fossil?
Fox: Yeah, five times.
Goose: Beaver was right. This isn't worth two cookies.
Fox: That's for sure.

Beaver: You'd better throw this rusty old nail away.
Bear: It's on display.
Beaver: You put a rusty nail on display?
Bear: That's what museums have. Really old things.

Bear: You can see it on display at our museum.
Beaver: For two cookies, right?
Franklin: Sort of, but this time we're giving you a cookie.
Beaver: Huh? You're giving us cookies?
Goose: How come?
Fox: Yeah, why are you giving them to us?
Franklin: Because that's the kind of thing friends do.
Beaver: Great! We'll come every day!
[Franklin and Bear gasp]
Beaver: Just kidding!

Franklin and the Fortune Teller / Franklin's Cellar [3.5]

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had friends who told stories and friends who told jokes. But one day, a friend told Franklin about the things that would happen tomorrow.

Beaver: Well, Franklin, how was your day?
Franklin: Terrible! [Laughs] The worst!
Beaver: Then why are you so happy?
Franklin: Because I can start having fun again. I wasted too much time today worrying about things that will probably never happen.
Beaver: If the Top of Destiny says it will happen, then it will happen. I'm looking forward to a big surprise today. The Top of Destiny said so. OW!!!
[There's a Crayfish pinching the end of her tail]
Franklin: Hey! The Top of Destiny is right again!
[Franklin, Bear, Rabbit and Fox laugh]
Beaver: [Throws the crayfish back into the pond] Well, maybe it's not right every time.

Narrator: Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He could use his imagination to make the moon smile and the clouds look like animals. But one day, Franklin imagined something that he wished would go away.

Franklin Plants a Tree / Franklin the Hero [3.6]

Franklin's Day Off / Franklin's Homemade Cookies [3.7]

Franklin the Fabulous / Franklin Camps Out [3.8]

Franklin and the Puppy / Franklin Takes the Bus [3.9]

Franklin and the Copycat / Big Brother Franklin [3.10]

Franklin and the Grump / Franklin's Promise [3.11]

Franklin and the Thunderstorm / Franklin's Maple Syrup [3.12]

Franklin Helps Out / Franklin's Missing Snacks [3.13]