Helldivers 2

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Helldivers 2 is a 2024 cooperative third-person shooter game developed by Arrowhead Game Studios and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game is the direct sequel to Helldivers, a 2015 top-down shooter. The premise is set a century after the triumph of "Super Earth", a self-described managed democracy, over the Cyborgs, Bugs, and Illuminate during the events of the first game. Now taking place in the Second Galactic War, Super Earth relies on the elite shock troops called the Helldivers, with the aim to exterminate alien threats, colonize planets and spread their high values across the galaxy.

Helldiver dialogue

  • [upon landing down] Helldiver, reporting to the front.
  • [upon landing down] Point me to the enemy.
  • [upon landing down] Democracy has landed.
  • [upon landing down] Ready to Liberate.
  • [upon landing down] Joining the fray.
  • [upon collecting a sample] This sample should greatly aid in the war effort.
  • [upon collecting a sample] Another sample collected for Democracy.
  • [upon collecting a sample] Democracy fills my sample container.
  • [upon killing enemies] Get some! GET SOOOOME!
  • [upon killing enemies] Have a taste of Democracy!
  • [upon killing enemies] How'd you like the taste of Freedom?
  • [upon killing enemies] How about a nice cup of Liber-tea?
  • [upon killing enemies] You will never destroy our way of life.
  • [upon killing enemies] Freedom forever!
  • [upon killing enemies] SAY HELLO TO DEMOCRAAAACCYYYYYYY!!!!
  • [upon killing enemies] FOR SUPER EAAAAARRRTTHHHH!
  • [upon killing enemies] KILL 'EM ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!
  • [upon killing enemies] FREEEEEEDDDDOOOOOM!!!
  • [upon killing enemies] AHHHHH HA HA HA!!
  • [upon throwing a stratagem] Requesting advanced weaponry!
  • [upon throwing a stratagem] Freedom requires firepower.
  • [upon throwing a stratagem] Calling in reinforcements!
  • [upon throwing a stratagem] Sending in an Eagle!
  • [upon throwing a stratagem] Orbital inbound!
  • [upon throwing a stratagem] Liberty save me!
  • [upon being mortally wounded] Sweet Liberty, my arm/leg!
  • [upon being mortally wounded] I'm losing so much blood!
  • [upon being mortally wounded] Gotta fix this Liberty-forsaken arm/leg.
  • [upon being mortally wounded] Cannot. Liberate. Effectively. With injured arm.
  • [upon being mortally wounded] I need stims!!!
  • [upon restoring health] My life/body for Super Earth!
  • [upon restoring health] Must defend Prosperity!
  • [upon restoring health] Freedom never rests/sleeps!
  • [upon restoring health] Democracy needs me.
  • [upon restoring health] Injury? What injury!
  • [upon restoring health] No pain no Freedom.
  • [upon restoring health] Helldivers never die.
  • [upon restoring health] Whatever it takes.
  • [upon restoring health] Feels gooooood.
  • [upon restoring health] Not today!

Democracy Officer

  • Greetings, Helldiver. The Galactic War awaits.
  • You're here. The Galaxy awaits your salvation.
  • Helldiver, take command of the Galaxy's liberation.
  • The siege upon Managed Democracy continues. Let us rally to her defence.
  • The hour of our next victory rapidly approaches. Let us cleanse the Galaxy of alien scum.
  • The freedom of the Galaxy remains in jeopardy. Let us join the fight.
  • Managed Democracy calls for aid. Only you can answer, Helldiver.
  • Innocents perish with every wasted second. We must act.
  • Your fellow Helldivers rage against the enemy's tyranny. Join them.
  • Helldivers across the Galaxy are fighting for every inch of territory. Where will you join them?
  • Our enemies forsook mercy long ago. Oblivion is all that awaits them now.
  • The enemy may anticipate but one outcome: total annihilation.
  • Managed Democracy offers true Freedom: Freedom from the burden of choice.
  • The people of Super Earth look to us for hope. And we will deliver it—one enemy corpse at a time.
  • Let them come. Let them brawl. Let them feel the insurmountable might of the Helldivers.
  • Go now, and should you fall, remember this: Every day is a good day to die for Democracy.
  • [after successful extraction] Today you've carved another foothold in the long climb to Liberty.
  • [after successful extraction] Another victory for the right side of history.
  • [after successful extraction] Victory was never in doubt.
  • [after mission failure] Return, refit, and redeploy to purge the stain of this failure with the peroxide of victory.
  • I realized long ago that death in the defense of Freedom was not a tragedy to be lamented, but a sacrifice to be revered.
  • All of posterity shall either prosper in Liberty, or suffer in bondage. That determination is our duty.
  • As the chain does not scrutinize the brevity of its links, neither does Liberty mourn the transience of a Helldiver's service.
  • Here at war, you may cast your vote many times. Once on Election Day, and another with every bullet buried in an enemy combatant.
  • Remain ever-vigilant for deceit and treachery. They can take root in the smallest of cracks.
  • The lives of Humanity's present are a crumb; the lives of Humanity's future, a boundless loaf.
  • Though we are the most powerful fighting force the universe has ever seen, we are naught but humble servants before Managed Democracy.
  • When the undemocratic din of our enemies has at last been silenced, we shall finally perceive the unsullied peal of Democracy, reverberating evermore.
  • Tyranny is a cancer and Managed Democracy is the cure. And you, Helldiver, shall administer the antidote.
  • The final absolution of xenocide is a mellifluous clarion guiding our path.
  • There is but one assured path to peace... and that path is war.

Ship Master

  • Welcome aboard, Helldiver, and congratulations on completing your training.
    • The Galactic War needs you.
    • The Super Destroyer is yours.
    • I look forward to serving with you.
    • Always good to have another hero onboard.
    • Now that you're here, the war is as good as won.
    • We can never have too many heroes fighting for peace.
  • You inspire me, Helldiver. You inspire us all.
  • There's nothing sweeter than victory in the name of Freedom.
  • Our enemies can fight as hard as they like, but Freedom always wins.
  • Keep up the good work, Helldiver. Once we win, the planets we're fighting over will finally be allowed to prosper. Like the rest of the Federation.
  • Keeping things running around here isn't easy, but if that's how I can best serve Liberty, I'll do it gladly.
  • Mission accomplished, Helldiver. That's one small step for Democracy, one giant leap in the death count of our enemies.
  • Watching Helldivers in action is great for crew morale. It's even better than a... dissident execution.
  • Stay vigilant, Helldiver. Complacency plays right into the hands of dissidents.
  • Liberty rests on your shoulders, Helldiver. I know you can bear the weight.
  • The more we fight, the more it becomes clear that our enemies will never accept our way of life. It's us or them.
  • The enemies on the battlefield are one thing, but at least they're out in the open. It's the traitors among us I truly hate.
  • Even though the First Galactic War ended almost 100 years ago, we're still enjoying the Freedom those heroes fought and died for. Maybe in another 100 years, our descendants will be doing the same.
  • When I get exhausted, I just think of all the brave Super Earth colonists out there settling new planets. They do their part, and we do ours.
  • Some of the crew like to talk about what they'll do when the war's over. I don't allow that sort of thing—we need to focus on the fight.
  • You know, the problem with the Bugs is that they're relentless expansionists. In their region of space, we've found them on nearly every planet we've settled.
  • Here's the problem with the bots, Helldiver: Their whole society revolves around violence. If they actually won the war, they'd have no idea how to function.
  • The Destroyer is mighty, but it's not Super Earth's greatest weapon. No, that is Managed Democracy—the one thing our enemies can never understand.

Service Technician

  • You're doing Democracy's work.
  • Proud to serve by your side, sir.
  • You truly are one of Liberty's greatest heroes.
  • Helldiver! Every day, you put yourself at risk to defend Freedom and Liberty, and I just wanna say... Thank you.
  • I don't know how you do it, Helldiver. Facing off against monsters who haven't got a democratic bone in their body. If they even have bones.
  • Before I joined the service, I'd never left my home planet. Now I see a new planet almost every day. Makes me appreciate what a beautiful Democracy it'll be once we finish stomping out these Facist bugs.
  • You ever run into any equipment issues, let me know. I've got your back.
  • Flag-forsaken Bots. They just won't accept Freedom, no matter how hard we give to 'em.
  • As much as I hate the Bugs, I hate dissidents even more. They were handed Freedom, and chose to spit in its face. Death is too good for 'em.
  • If I were a Helldiver, I think my favourite enemy to kill would be the Bugs. It's gotta be real satisfyin', hearin' 'em crunch under your boot.
  • If I were a Helldiver, I think my favourite enemy to kill would be the Bots. I bet watchin' 'em spark and explode really lights up your Freedom-lovin' heart.
  • Democracy is kind of like these machines I work on. It needs regular maintenance to keep running smoothly. And the Bugs are sort of like if...bugs got into one of these machines. The only thing to do would be to exterminate 'em.
  • When I was a kid, I always loved All Heroes' Eve. The adults would all dress up as Bugs and ring our doorbells, and we'd have to fire three shots in the air and say "No Facism here, insects!" At the end of the night, they'd re-enact the Battle of Liberty Peak, and we'd all get cake.
  • If I had all the Super Credits in the galaxy, I'd try to find some way to convince our enemies to embrace Freedom. Maybe print a trillion pamphlets, or build a billion interplanetary radio stations, something to break through whatever propaganda they're feedin' 'em. *sighs* But that's just a pipe dream. We gotta kill 'em all.
  • I heard that some dissidents wanted us to select our own candidates instead of using the algorithm. *scoffs* Great idea. Everyone'll be just become a political expert overnight. Treasonous morons.
  • I heard dissidents sent another weapons factory on fire. They didn't take responsibility, of course. Tried to blame it on "working conditions." Tell that to the 27 dead patriots and their families.
  • Sometimes, I almost feel bad for our enemies, livin' without Democracy. No say over their own lives, just believin' whatever they're told. It's sad.
  • Whenever the war gets me down, I try to remember that at least I'm a free citizen. It's up to me how I serve Super Earth. Can't take that for granted.

General Brasch

  • [catchphrase] BRASCH TACTICS! Use 'em or die tryin'!
  • [addressing fire modes] Ah, the simple joy of unloading round after round into the bodies of your enemies. Oh yeah, that's good. But if you get carried away... Your shooting days are over! Elite soldiers adjust their fire mode, so they can keep the killin' goin' all day long. Oh yeahhh, that's gooood.
  • [addressing injuries] Young bucks always think they're invincible. And while they are mostly right, the fact of the matter is that Helldivers with broken arms cannot aim! Helldivers with broken legs cannot run! And Helldivers with serious injuries to their vital organs will bleed out before they can say "Death to my enemies!" So next time you find yourself unable to run, aim or stay alive, stick yourself with a STIM, soldier!
  • [addressing cover] You will get shot at. But remember your ABCs and you will never die. Always. Be. Taking Cover. Because if there's one thing I've learned, it's that bullets do not go through cover... assuming that cover is thick and largely impenetrable.

Ship TV

  • There is no one way to prove your devotion to Super Earth. But there is one best way. Become a Helldiver. Become a hero. Become a legend.
  • War. It brings us together. It makes us stronger. And it leads to countless new technologies, some of them related to saving lives. This, is why we fight.
  • Helldivers are willing to give their lives to protect our Liberty. Helldivers: all heroes wear capes.
  • Super Earth has created the most advanced weaponry in the galaxy. Our power is in your hands.
  • Do not think of Rebels as fellow humans. If our ideals are alien to them, then they are aliens to us.
  • Bugs, as essential as they are vile. Never forget: Element 710 extraction is just as important as eradication!
  • Reminder: Element 710 is safe and environmentally friendly. Any rumors of E-710 spills are the work of dissidents seeking to undermine our way of life.
  • You may have won countless battles, but how many thoughtcrimes have you reported? Remember, REAL heroes fight on every front—even the front within.
  • Crack open one of the Automaton's battery packs, and you'll find bot technology is powered exclusively by injustice.
  • Give everything to the cause! Remember: apathy is Liberty's greatest enemy.
  • Remember, it's not that Super Earth hates aliens. It's that aliens hate Freedom.
  • Never forget: we are all one Super Earth.
  • Skepticism is treason. Treason is bad.
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