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Saturn (Astrology)

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Saturn takes approximately 29.5 years to orbit the Sun and spends about 2.46 years in each zodiac sign. Most people will experience three Saturn cycles in their lifetimes.

Saturn (Astrology) in Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture, founder of civilizations and of social order, and conformity. It is the ruling planet of Capricorn and traditionally Aquarius, and is exalted in Libra.


Each planet takes a certain amount of time to travel thru all 12 signs and return to its original position in any given chart. The Moon takes only a month. The Sun takes a year. … Mercury and Venus stay close to the Sun, so their cycles through all signs are close to the Sun’s. Mars takes longer about two years...Jupiter takes about 12 months to complete a full cycle thru all 12 signs. Saturn takes 28-30 years to complete a full cycle. Because Saturn is a symbol of the wisdom which grows with age, its cycle is particularly important in reflecting our development. Every seven years, Saturn completes a a quarter of the cycle, and we move into a new stage of awareness. ~ Marc Allen
  • The Saturn Cycle is an important part of astrological interpretation. It moves the interpretation into the realm of transits, which takes into account where the planets have travelled since the movement of the birth chart.
    Each planet takes a certain amount of time to travel thru all 12 signs and return to its original position in any given chart. The Moon takes only a month. The Sun takes a year. … Mercury and Venus stay close to the Sun, so their cycles through all signs are close to the Sun’s. Mars takes longer about two years...Jupiter takes about 12 years to complete a full cycle thru all 12 signs. Saturn takes 28-30 years to complete a full cycle. Because Saturn is a symbol of the wisdom which grows with age, its cycle is particularly important in reflecting our development. Every seven years, Saturn completes a a quarter of the cycle, and we move into a new stage of awareness.
  • If there be any truth in astrology, I may outlive a Jubilee, as yet I have not seen one revolution of Saturn, nor hath my pulse beat thirty years. - Sir Thomas Browne Religio Medici Part 1 section 41
  • I was born in the planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have a piece of that Leaden Planet in me. - Religio Medici Part 2 section 11 Sir Thomas Browne The Major Works ed. C.A. Patrides Penguin 1877
  • It is said that the sure antidote of Saturn or Shanee's evil effect is the worship of Lord Hanuman. Scriptures say that when Saturn warned Lord Hanuman about his onset of the Seven and Half Years (w:Sade SatiSaade Saati) [period of bad times], the Monkey Lord accepted the challenge and allowed Saturn to have his play. When the planet dwelled on his head, the Monkey Lord ‘headed’ heavy rocks so viciously that the planet was almost crushed. Similar agony he faced when he tried to dwell on the Monkey Lord’ body and legs. Then the planet had to bow before the Lord, saying that whosoever worshipped Lord Hanuman shall be beyond the evil effect of the planet.
Saturn, with Capricorn at his feet and the New Year in his arms, from The Seven Planets with the Signs of the Zodiac - Saturn (Astrology} is the ruling planet of Capricorn and is exalted in Libra. In Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture, founder of civilizations and of social order, and conformity.... ~ Zoltan Veres
  • Aquarius has been traditionally ruled by the planet Saturn, and, since its discovery, Uranus has been considered a modern ruler of this sign. Being the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is associated with the astrological eleventh house.
    • Zoltan Veres in: p. 9
  • Saturn is called the Earth star in Chinese astrology, perhaps because its color is the yellow ocher of central China.
    • Derek Walters in: "The Chinese Astrology Bible: The Definitive Guide to Using the Chinese Zodiac", p. 18
He made the letter Resh king over Peace
And He bound a crown to it
And He combined one with another
And with them He formed Saturn in the Universe... ~ Sefer Yetzirah.

Western Astrology and Chinese Medicine


Jonathan Clogstoun-Willmott]] in: Western Astrology and Chinese Medicine, Inner Traditions / Bear & Co, 1 August 1985

  • SATURN. h: Western astrology's major malefic has a lot to answer for. He forces us to face the essential necessities of life, the obligations to our parents, clan and race we acquire just by being born, and the responsibilities we have to accept if we wish to continue in existence.
    • In: p. 103
  • Saturn is not very demanding really; he actually prefers the bare necessities: simple, uncontaminated food eaten regularly; a clean environment; adequate clothing, physical exertion and pure air; somewhere to live, neither too hot nor too cold; a supporting community or family.
    • In: p. 104
  • In traditional Chinese medicine the emphasis is on the blood and everything it nourishes, and on the process of transportation of material about the body...No wonder Saturn is blamed for degeneration and loss of vital organs. But this occurs either when we grow old, or when we fail to observe Saturn's requirements, by abusing ourselves. In the ordinary way Saturn gives life not death.
    • In: p. 105
  • Secondly, Moon and Saturn (Earth) are different levels of our strength, derived

from adequate nutrition and exercise. Saturn concerns the physical body, Moon its good working order. Sun and, to a lesser extent, Mars (Fire) denote our spirit and ...

    • In: p. 155
  • Saturn transits can be great opportunities for growth: it is the body and all its needs which are ready to move on. Unfortunately, Saturn also brings the probability of reduction of existing standards of life. The harder we cling to them, the harder we must work.
    • In: p. 156

Cosmopsychology: The Psychology of Humans as Spiritual Beings

The day, month, year, time and place of birth are all needed to calculate a birth chart. Each natal chart includes the exact positions of the Sun, Moon, and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.... ~ Dr. Gene F Collins Jr.
The Father archetype manifests as Chronus, Zeus, Saturn, Yahweh, Jehovah, and Allah. In his negative manifestation, he is the harsh, dogmatic, and punitive, terrible Father. ~ Dr. Gene F Collins Jr.

Dr. Gene F Collins Jr. in: Cosmopsychology: The Psychology of Humans as Spiritual Beings, Xlibris Corporation, Nov 21, 2009

  • Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign, meaning that it represents action, activity, and change in the material world. Capricorn is traditionally ruled by Saturn. Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Capricorn is the detriment of the Moon and the fall of Jupiter.
    • In: p. 48
  • Saturn is exalted in Libra. Libra is the detriment of Mars and the fall of the Sun. Libra is a cardinal air sign. Libra marks the beginning of fall. As an air sign, Libra symbolizes activities or actions that are social, intellectual, or mental in nature.
    • In: p. 52
  • The Taurus qualities are modified by Virgo's analytic and critical characteristics and Mercury's intellectual, mental, verbal, and communicative qualities. The last decan of Taurus is influenced by the next earth sign Capricorn and its ruler Saturn.
    • In: p. 71.
  • Saturn is retrograde for 140 days each year. It is stationary for five day before turning retrograde and then stationary again before turning direct. If Saturn is retrograde at birth, the individual's ability to work within the limitations of the physical, psychological, and social worlds is inhibited. He or she may be overwhelmed by feelings of inferiority or inadequacy.
    • In: p. 211
  • Saturn takes approximately 29.5 years to orbit the Sun and spends about 2.46 years in each zodiac sign. Most people will experience three Saturn cycles in their lifetimes.
    • In: p. 211-212

Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic Religions: Presented to Gilles Quispe

...And these are the names of the males who sprang from the heaven: Oceanus Coeus, Crios, Hyperion, Iapetus, Chronos, who amongst us is called Saturn.... ~ Gilles Quispel.
The last words show that the whole of the planetary spheres is conceived of as a huge cosmic man whose body is composed by seven folds. This explains why the highest planet [Saturn] is associated with the hair, and the lowest planet, the Moon, with the marrow. ~ Gilles Quispel.

Gilles Quispel in: Studies in Gnosticism and Hellenistic Religions: Presented to Gilles Quispel on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, Brill Archive, 1981

  • And from this i.e., Phaneta, they say they were produced substance, prudence, motion and coition, and from these the heavens and the earth were made, From the heaven they say that six males were produced, whom they call Titans; and in the like manner from the earth six females, whom they call Titanides. And these are the names of the males who sprang from the heaven: Oceanus Coeus, Crios, Hyperion, Iapetus, Chronos, who amongst us is called Saturn. In like manner, the names of the females who sprang from the earth are these : Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Tethys, Hebe.
    • In: p. 18-19
  • The last words show that the whole of the planetary spheres is conceived of as a huge cosmic man whose body is composed by seven folds. This explains why the highest planet [Saturn] is associated with the hair, and the lowest planet, the Moon, with the marrow.
    • In: p. 50

Why Astrology Is Science: Five Good Reasons

Navagraha or Nine planets as per Hindu astrology - Indian Vedic astrology uses nine planets, which does not include Uranus, Neptune and Pluto but consists of Sun (Ravi), Moon (Chandra), Mars (Mangala), Mercury (Budha), Jupiter (Brihaspati), Venus (Shukra), Saturn (Shani), North Lunar Node (Rahu), and South Lunar Node (Ketu).... ~ Tapan Das
...The Zodiacs in Chinese astrology have a twelve-year cycle. Each year of the Natural cycle is named after one of the original twelve animals.~ Tapan Das

Tapan Das on: Why Astrology Is Science: Five Good Reasons, Universe, 21 May 2009

  • Five elements in Chinese philosophy are different from Western and Indian elements. ancient Chinese astronomers called the five major planets by the names of the elements with which they were associated: Venus: metal, Jupiter: wood … Saturn: earth. The Zodiacs in Chinese astrology have a twelve-year cycle. Each year of the Natural cycle is named after one of the original twelve animals.
    • In: p. 75
  • Interestingly, a katun is very close (within fifty-four days) to the mean synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn, which is 19.86 years. It is very probable that the katun represents the Jupiter/Saturn synodic cycle, rounded off just as
    • In: p. 104
  • One would expect the Long Count's divisions into blocks of 260 katuns and thirteen baktuns to have some kind of astrological value, since they resonate with the Jupiter-Saturn cycle.
    • In: p. 104
  • The Sun has by far the biggest influence, followed by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Venus, Mercury, and Mars. Pluto has virtually no effect on cosmic energies. Moon’s effect is mainly due to its gravity and shielding, caused by its proximity to Earth.
    • In: p. 111
  • The cosmos is a vast living body, of which we are still living parts. The Sun is a great heart whose tremors run through our smallest veins. The Moon is a great nerve center from which we quiver for ever. Who knows the power that Saturn has over us, or Venus? But it is a vital power, rippling exquisitely through us all the time.
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