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Toy Story

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Toy Story is a CGI film produced by Pixar Animation Studios, released by Walt Disney Pictures in 1995. It was directed by John Lasseter, and is the first feature length CGI film ever made.

Don't yank my string!(taglines)

Buzz Lightyear

To infinity and beyond!
  • Buzz Lightyear to Star Command. Come in, Star Command.
  • Star Command, come in. Do you read me?
  • Why don't they answer?
  • [gasps] My ship! Blast! This'll take weeks to repair.
  • Buzz Lightyear mission log, stardate 4-0-7-2.
  • My ship has run off course en route to sector 12.
  • I've crash-landed on a strange planet.
  • The impact must've awoken me from hyper-sleep.
  • Terrain seems a bit unstable.
  • No readout yet if the air is breathable.
  • And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.
  • To infinity and beyond!
  • You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Farewell. [salutes and exits]


  • Reach for the sky!
  • Pull my string! The birthday party's today?
  • A moving buddy. If you don't have one, get one!
  • There's a snake in my boot.
  • Okay! Save your batteries.
  • Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red! You know what to do.
  • Howdy, my name is Woody.
  • Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony!
  • [sarcastically] "Rendezvous with Star Command."
  • There's no place like home. There's no place like home. There's no place like home!
  • [while Sid is surrounded by his own toys, through voice box] From now on, you must take good care of your toys! Because if you don't, we'll find out, Sid. We toys can see... [his head spins itself] everything! [comes to life] So play nice.

Mr. Potato Head

  • Ages three and up. It's on my box "Ages three and up." I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.
  • Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! [to Rex] Hey, I can dream, can't I?
  • Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?
  • That's Mr. Potato Head to you, you back-stabbin' murderer!
  • Toss him overboard!
  • Gee, I'd better shave.

Slinky Dog

  • I knew you were right all along, Woody. Never doubted you for a second.
  • Golly bob howdy!


  • Oh, ya big lizard!
  • I don't like confrontations.
  • Whiskers, will you get out of here! You're interfering with a search and rescue!
  • He's at it again!
  • Maybe Andy'll get another dinosaur, like a leaf eater. That way I could play the, uh, dominant predator!


  • What's going on down there? Is his mom losing her marbles?
  • Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but they're here! Birthday guests at three o'clock!
  • Pig pile!


  • Yes, sir! [jumps down from the table and onto one of the drawers] All right, men. You heard him. Code Red! Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute! Let's move! Move, move, move, move!

Sid Phillips

  • It came! It finally came! "The Big One."

Hannah Phillips

  • What's wrong, Sid? Don't you want to play with Sally?


  • Shark: Look, I'm Woody. Howdy, howdy, howdy.
  • Robot Guards: You are cleared to enter. Welcome to Pizza Planet.
  • Mrs. Phillips: What, dear? What was that?


[Mr. Potato Head rearranges his facial features crazily]
Mr. Potato Head: Hey, Hamm. Look, I'm Picasso!
Hamm: I don't get it.
Mr. Potato Head: You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?

[Rex roars at Woody]
Woody: [in a bored tone] How ya doin', Rex?
Rex: [stops roaring; calmly] Were ya scared? Tell me honestly.
Woody: I was close to being scared that time.
Rex: I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it. I think I'm just coming off as annoying.

[Woody walks over to the podium (a Playskool Tinkertoy container) and stands. Mike, a speaker with a microphone attached, clears his throat to get Woody's attention and held out his microphone]
Woody: Oh, thanks, Mike.
[He picks up the microphone. Feedback is heard]
Woody: Okay, whoa. Step back.
Hamm: [Off-screen] For crying out loud.
[Mike steps back until the feedback fades away]
Woody: Okay. Thank you. [blows into the microphone] Hello. Check. That better? Great. Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great. Okay, first item today: uh, oh, yeah... has everyone picked a moving buddy?
[The other toys are surprised]
Other toys: What?
Hamm: Moving buddy? You can't be serious.
Rex: Well, I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.
Mr. Potato Head: [holding one of his arms] Do we have to hold hands?
[The other toys laugh]
Woody: Oh, yeah. You guys think this is a big joke. We've only got one week left before the move. I don't want any toys left behind. A moving buddy. If you don't have one, get one! All right, next. Uh, oh, yes. Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting... was, I think, a big success, and we want to thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us. Thank you, Mr. Spell.
Mr. Spell: You're welcome.
Woody: Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One, uh, minor note here. [reads quietly] Andy's birthday party has been moved to today. Uh, next we have...
[The other toys are shocked]
Rex: What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not 'til next week!
Hamm: What's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?
Woody: Well, obviously, she wanted to have the party before the move. [to the other toys] I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried.
Mr. Potato Head: Of course Woody ain't worried. He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten.
Slinky: Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head. If Woody says it's all right, then, well, darn it, it's good enough for me. Woody has never steered us wrong before.
[Mr. Potato Head looks at Mr. Spell, pointing at Slinky's butt then pulls out his mouth and tap his butt with it. Mr. Spell laughs]
Woody: Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.
Rex: But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one? I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!
Woody: Hey, listen. No one's getting replaced. This is Andy we're talking about. It doesn't matter how much we're played with.
[Woody gestures Mike to move to him since the microphone's wire is stretched too far]
Woody: What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us. That's what we're made for, right?
Hamm: Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but... THEY'RE HERE!! BIRTHDAY GUESTS AT THREE O'CLOCK!!
[The other toys scream]
Woody: Stay calm, everyone!
[The toys run to the window passing Woody in a panic]
Other toys: Hey!
[Mike even joins in the panic, taking the microphone out of Woody's hand]
Woody: Uh, meeting adjourned.
[The other toys get to the window to see what's going on]
Hamm: Ho, boy, will you take a look at all those presents?
Mr. Potato Head: I can't see a thing.
[He pick out his two eyes and lifts them above the toys to see Andy's friends bringing in presents]
Hamm: Yes, sir. We're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.
Rex: Any dinosaur shaped ones?
Hamm: Oh, for crying out loud. They're all in boxes, you idiot.
Rex: They're getting bigger!
Slinky: Wait, there's a nice little one over there.
Child: Hi!
[The boy holding the present turns to the other kid, revealing his present to be really long and making the toys panic. All toys scream in the process]
Mr. Spell: Spell: trash can.
Rex: We're doomed!
Woody: All right. All right! If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?
Rex: Yes! Yes! We promise!
Woody: Okay! Save your batteries.
Hamm: Eh, very good, Woody. That's using the old noodle.

Hamm: So, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong?
Buzz: Well, no. I'm actually stationed at the Gamma Quadrant, Sector Four. As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps, I protect the Galaxy from the threat of invasion from the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance!
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.
Rex: And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel. I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased in a leverage buyout.

Woody: All right. That's enough! Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy.
Buzz: Toy?
Woody: T-O-Y. Toy!
Buzz: Excuse me. I think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger."
Woody: The word I'm searching for; I can't say, because there's preschool toys present.
Mr. Potato Head: Gettin' kinda tense, aren’tcha?

Mr. Potato Head: You couldn't handle Buzz cutting in on your playtime, could you, Woody? Didn't wanna face the fact that Buzz just might be Andy's new favorite toy. So you got rid of him. Well, what if Andy starts playing with me more, Woody, huh? You're gonna knock me out of the window too?
Hamm: I don't think we should give him the chance.

Mr. Potato Head: Let's string him up by his pull string!
Hamm: I've got dibs on his hat!
Bo Peep: Would you boys stop it?
Hamm: Tackle him!
Woody: No, no, no! W-W-Wait! I can explain everything.
Andy: Okay, Mom, be right down. I've gotta get Buzz.
Sarge: Retreat!

Buzz: I just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.
Woody: Oh. Well, that's good.
Buzz: [puts his head against Woody’s] But we're not on my planet. Are we?
Woody: No.
[Buzz tackles Woody and the two start fighting]

[after Woody and Buzz were left behind at a Dinoco gas station]
Woody: Doesn't he realize that I'm not there? [gasps loudly and knees on ground, sobbing] I’m lost! I'm a lost toy!
[pause; as Woody sobs]
Buzz: [to his "intercom"] Buzz Lightyear mission log. The local sheriff and I seem to be at a huge refueling station of some sort.
Woody: [growling] YOU!
[Woody angrily starts running to Buzz, but a Dinoco oil tanker truck's honking noise is heard and they look up. Buzz hides while Woody lays down. The truck stops, inches from Woody. He gets up and bumps into Buzz from behind.]
Buzz: According to my navi-computer, the...
Woody: [quietly] Shut up! Just shut up, you idiot!
Buzz: Sheriff, this is no time to panic! [closes his "intercom"]
Woody: This is the perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone, they're gonna move from their house in two days, and it's all your fault!
Buzz: My fault?! If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...
Woody: Oh, yeah?! Well, if you hadn't shown up in your stupid little cardboard spaceship and taken away everything that was important to me...
Buzz: Don't talk to me about importance! Because of you, the security of this entire universe is in jeopardy!
Woody: WHAT?! What are you talkin’ about?!
Buzz: Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg has been secretly building a weapon with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet! I alone have information that reveals his weapon's only weakness. And you, my friend, are responsible for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!
Woody: YOU... ARE... A... TOY!!! You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear! You're an action figure! You are a child's plaything!

Hamm: Yeah, boy, the weasel ran away.
Mr. Potato Head: Huh? Huh? I told you he was guilty.
Rex: Who would've thought he was capable of such atrocities?

Mr. Potato Head: B-3.
Hamm: Miss! G-6.
Mr. Potato Head: Ohh! You sunk it! Are you peeking?
Hamm: Oh, quit your whining and pay up. [Potato Head reaches for his ear] No, no, not the ear. Give me the nose. Come on.
Mr. Potato Head: How about three out of five?

[Woody getting hit as the auto passes over him. Woody looks Buzz and RC arrives]
Buzz: Whoa! Woody!
[RC hops up Woody and keeps driving. Woody found themselves sit in front of Buzz holds the remote]
Woody: Well, thanks for the ride.
Buzz: [pointing ahead] Look out!
[They slam into the rear tire of the auto in front of them. Woody screams and quickly turns the tire on the remote control]
Woody: Now let's catch up to that truck!
[Woody switches from the remote control and RC speeds up towards the moving truck. The toys are busy congratulating one another when Lenny glances and looks Woody and Buzz]
Lenny: Guys, guys, Woody riding RC, and Buzz is with them!
Other toys: WHAT?!!
[The toys rush to the edge of the open truck. Bo lifts Lenny up to look through him]
Bo Peep: It is Buzz! Woody was telling the truth!
[The toys including Mr. Potato Head gasps and horrified]
Slinky: What have we done?!
Rex: Great. Now I have guilt.
Woody: We're almost there.
[RC is gaining on the moving truck]
Bo Peep: Rocky, the ramp!
[Rocky rush over to a lever and push down the lever and the ramp starts to lower down. Woody and Buzz look up and come down]
Buzz: Look out!
[RC sped back just before the ramp slams down and sparks flew from the flashing in a road]
Slinky: [to other toys] Quick, hold on to my tail!
[Mr. Potato Head and Rex grab on to Slinky's tail, allowing Slinky leaps off the truck and onto the ramp. Slinky stretches out to Woody. Woody hands the remote to Buzz and leans forward to grab Slinky's paw]
Mr. Potato Head: Attaboy, Slink!
[Then all of a sudden, RC starts to slow down, pulls Slinky's front end off the ramp]
Slinky: Woody! Woody! Speed up!
Woody: [to Buzz] Speed up!
Buzz: The batteries, they're running out!
[RC's headlight eyes sag as he slows down even more]
Slinky: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
[Inside the minivan as the Hakuna Matata song from The Lion King plays, Molly look at the sideview mirror and saw RC with Woody, Buzz in it and Molly squeals. Slinky screams]
Slinky: I can't hold on much longer!
Woody: Slink, hang on!
[Slinky's paws slips out, sends his front shooting back into the truck and knocks over the toys]
Slinky: [screams] Ouch!
[RC slows down and sputters to the stop]

[Woody lights the rocket]
Buzz: You did it! Next stop ― Andy!
Woody: Wait a minute... I just lit a rocket, rockets explode!

[the rocket Woody and Buzz are strapped to launches into the air, taking the two into the sky]
Woody: [screams] This is the part where we blow up!
Buzz: Not today! [activates his wings, breaking free from the rocket, and soars with Woody]
Woody: Hey, Buzz! You're flying!
Buzz: This isn't flying. This is falling… with style!
Woody: [laughs] To infinity and beyond!


  • "Oooh...3-D" (USA 2009 re-release)
  • The toys are back in town.
  • It's light years ahead!
  • The adventure takes off!
  • Hang on for the comedy that goes to infinity and beyond!
  • Watch out for little green men.
  • I'm a nervous Rex!
  • Don't yank my string!
  • Buzz off!
  • Guts of steel
  • Proud to be a vegetable


Main Cast

Additional Voices

About Toy Story

  • I think the subject matter lends itself to the medium very much. When we started "Toy Story" back in 1991, computer graphics tended to make everything look like they were made of plastic, and so it was a natural subject matter. But with computer animation, we were also able to get the detail: the seams on Buzz Lightyear – the little screwheads holding the parts together. There was an embossed '© Disney' on his butt. All those things made it feel like the audience was looking at it going, "Yeah, I believe those are toys."
  • It was the hardest work I've ever done, purely as an actor.
This is how you make these movies, you stand there in front of a microphone and you scream your head off for the better part of six hours, that's my recollection of what it was.

Encyclopedic article on Toy Story on Wikipedia

Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
  Films     Toy Story  (1995) · Toy Story 2  (1999) · Toy Story 3  (2010) · Toy Story 4  (2019)  
  Spin‑offs     Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins  (2000) · Lightyear  (2022)  
  Shorts     Toy Story Toons  (2011-12)  
  Television     Buzz Lightyear of Star Command  (2000–2001) · Toy Story of Terror!  (2013) · Toy Story That Time Forgot  (2014)  
  Musical     Toy Story: The Musical  (2008)  
  Characters     Sheriff Woody · Buzz Lightyear · Jessie