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America's Next Top Model (season 7)

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Originally aired September 20 – December 6, 2006.

The Girl Who Marks Her Territory [7.1]


Jaslene: [to Tyra Banks, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] Hi! My name is Jaslene. I am nineteen years old.
J. Alexander: [to Jaslene] Did you learn all that in Catholic School?
Jaslene: [in audition home video] I should be America's Next Top Model because I devote myself. Every day is like a fashion opportunity. [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] I can portray so many different looks.

Jaslene: [walking out after finishing the audition with Tyra Banks, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] I walk like this every day, all day!

Amanda: [to Tyra Banks, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] Were you guys looking for some twins?

Jay: [to Eugena] You don't like the last season of America's Next Top Model's girls.
Eugena: [to Tyra Banks, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] They're boring! It just seems like they're really generic.

Tyra Banks: [to Eugena] Who's boring here?
Eugena: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] The twins are boring.

Megg: [to Megan, Amanda, Michelle, Brooke and CariDee] My name is Megan! I love to rock and roll!

Megg: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] I just feel on top of that world.

Brooke: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] Intelligent and classy! I got a cute, little booty. Not only brains. I got the beauty! Holla!

Christian: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] Oh my gosh! Good morning! How is everybody?

Monique: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] You have to pick me. I deserve it.

Melrose: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] Hello! How are you?
Tyra Banks: [to Melrose] Your name is Melissa Rose but you go by what?
Melrose: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] Melrose.
Tyra: [to Melrose] Why is that?
Melrose: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] I don't need the "issa".
Tyra: [to Melrose] No "issa"?
Melrose: [to Tyra, Mr. Jay and J. Alexander] It's too much. People don't remember Melissa Rose! They remember Melrose. [in confessional] I need to show America.

Jay: [to the Top 21 girls] Today you girls are going to be shooting nude! [the Top 21 girls scream]

Jaslene: [to Evita] Go Evita!

J. Alexander: I love one of the twins, I just can't remember which one it is.

Tyra Banks: [to Michelle] The next name that I am going to call is... Michelle. [Michelle hugs Amanda before joining Melrose and Jaeda] Michelle you seem shocked.
Michelle: [to Tyra Banks] Yeah.
Tyra: [to Michelle] Speechless.

Tyra Banks: [to Brooke] He name is Brooke!

Brooke: I'm on America's Next Top Model!

Tyra Banks: [to CariDee] CariDee come on over here. [CariDee joins the ten selected girls, later to Amanda] The next name that I am going to call is… Amanda! [to Michelle] I know why you had that weird look on your face Michelle.
Michelle: [to Tyra Banks] Yeah.
Tyra Banks: [to Michelle] You were like "What about the other one?" [to Amanda and Michelle] You both did a great job.

Jaslene: [to Tyra after missing out on the top thirteen] I’m not giving up.
Tyra Banks: [to Jaslene] You shouldn’t give up.
Jaslene: [to Tyra after missing out on the top thirteen] I’m coming back.

Megg: [in confessional] America's Next Top Model House! Yeah baby!

Brooke: [referring to Monique and Christian] If they come back up here to try to take my bed, I'm going to be like "No way!" [in confessional] There were only eleven beds. Monique and Christian were the unfortunate losers in the bed situation.
Monique: [referring to herself and Christian] That means these girls are going to have to sleep here. [in confessional] I am not sleeping on no bean bag. I will not do that! [walks to Eugena's bed and places her belongings on that bed trying to take it away hoping Eugena would be okay with it] Pff! That's what it is! [moves Eugena's belongings to the next bed] I politely moved her stuff and marked my territory. [pours water on top of the bed] I don't think they're going to want to sleep here now. [in confessional] I deserve a bed, so if I have to fight for my bed, I'm going to fight for it! [Eugena walks into the room]
Eugena: [to Monique] Get off my bed, Monique! Who sat on this bed?! [Jaeda walks into the room with Amanda and Christian]
Jaeda: [to Monique, Eugena, Amanda and Christian] Hey! That's my bed over there!
Monique: [to Eugena] Damn! You know what? I just decided to just pee on the bed today. [Eugena touches the wet portion of the bed]
Eugena: [to Monique] Did you do this?!
Monique: [to Eugena] Yeah, I did.
Eugena: [to Monique] The bathroom is down the hall, Monique!
Amanda: [to Monique] So that wasn't your bed?
Monique: [to Amanda] I don't know whose bed it was.
Eugena: [to Monique] It's my bed!
Monique: [to Eugena] It was someone else's when I came over here.
Eugena: [to Monique] No it wasn't. My stuff was over here.
Monique: [to Eugena, Amanda, Jaeda and Christian] I'm going to sleep right here underneath Tyra. I marked my territory.
Eugena: [in confessional about Monique] Monique she stole my bed. Bitch thinks that she owns everything. She's being a punk because she didn't tell me to my face that she was going try to take my bed. I wanted to fight her!
Monique: [in confessional about Eugena] Don't play with me. I'm going to have a bed, I don't care and you can call me a damn diva, vixen, whatever. I don't care! You guys can all bite me!

Christian: [in confessional about Melrose] Melrose tried to be the Mom of the house.

A.J.: [to Monique] There's other people living here!

Melrose: [to Jaeda, Amanda, Michelle, CariDee, Christian, Megg, Megan, Eugena, Anchal, Brooke and A.J. about Monique] This girl is so uncooperative!

Monique: [to Melrose, Jaeda, Amanda, Michelle, CariDee, Christian, Megg, Megan, Eugena, Anchal, Brooke and A.J.] I'm Monique! That's just what I do!

Amanda: [to Monique] You're telling us you won't change! [raises hands and rolls eyes]

Amanda: [in confessional about Monique] Monique doesn't want to compromise and I don't like that.

Anchal: [in confessional about Monique] Monique is cuckoo! There's something wrong with her!

Brooke: [to Tyra’s acting] Someone call the psych ward, dude!

Jay Manuel: [in confessional about Christian] She gave me the same pose! Shot after shot after shot!

Jay Manuel: [to Melrose] What's the issue?
Melrose: [to Jay Manuel] Oh, honey, I've been ready for like six hours but then I got my massage with my make up on and...
Jay Manuel: [to Melrose] Really? The attitude! Don't slow up the shoot!

Jay Manuel: [to Melrose] Is that horrified or is that bad acting?
Melrose: [to Jay Manuel] That’s bad acting.
Jay Manuel: [to Melrose] Yeah. Thank you. Can you give me horrified?
Melrose: [to Jay Manuel] Ugh!
Jay Manuel: [to Melrose] That’s bad acting.

Christian: [reading the Tyra Mail out loud to Melrose, Jaeda, Amanda, Michelle, CariDee, Monique, Megg, Megan, Eugena, Anchal, Brooke and A.J.] Tomorrow you will meet with the judges. Only thirteen of you will continue on in hopes of becoming America's Next Top Model. One of you will be eliminated. Love, Tyra.

Tyra Banks: [to Twiggy, Miss. J and Nigel about Melrose's attitude at the photoshoot during deliberation with the judges] I'm just so disappointed in her performance on the set. And to be talking back to Mr. Jay and flipping out and blaming this and blaming that. It's like, "Honey, this is the first week. You could be cut like that." If you're a bitch...hide it.

Tyra: [to Brooke, Christian and Melrose who are all left standing anxiously in the final three to await the last girl safe from the bottom two before receiving the verdict for the very first official elimination of America’s Next Top Model Cycle 7] The next name that I am going to call is… [flips over Brooke’s photo] Brooke.
Brooke: [relieved to be safe and walks up to Tyra to accept her photo] Hooh! I’m going to work really hard this week.
Tyra: [to Brooke] Congratulations. You’re still in the running towards becoming America’s Next Top Model.
Brooke: [to Tyra] Thank you. [collects her photo and joins the other ten girls who are already safe]
Tyra: [to Christian and Melrose in the bottom two] Will Melrose and Christian please step forward. [Christian and Melrose step forward and when Christian goes one step too far she stands in line next to Melrose] I only have one photo in my hands and I will only call one name. The girl that I do not call must immediately return to the house, pack her belongings and go home. Christian, you walked in here and didn’t look like a model. The judges also looked at your photo and said: “There’s something that’s just not popping through.” Two of the judges even said she’s boring. Melrose… [Melrose is crying] …you had one of the most notorious model stereotypes, and we look at that photo, and we're like, "She had all that to go on? And she delivered that?" And then on top of that, the attitude that you had on the set is just not acceptable. [Monique looks right at Melrose who is still crying]
Melrose: [still crying to Tyra] I'm so sorry.
Tyra: [to Melrose] It's a little too late for sorry, Melrose.
Melrose: [still crying to Tyra] Yes. [nodding]
Tyra: [to Melrose and Christian] I have one photo in my hands...[flips over Melrose’s photo] ...and if we catch you being a diva in your next photoshoot, you're going home. [Melrose is still crying and goes down to the floor when she sees her photo; Christian starts crying when she realizes she is the first girl eliminated]
Melrose: [still crying to Tyra] Oh my God! Oh my God! [touching the floor, Michelle and CariDee both look]
Tyra: [to Melrose] Are you okay?
Melrose: [walks up to Tyra to accept her photo and still crying] Oh my God! Thank you so much! [trying to hug Tyra]
Tyra: [to Melrose] It's okay. Just breathe. [hugs Melrose] What do you think you learned today? Tell me what you learned.
Melrose: [to Tyra] I learned that I can do this if I put my mind in the right spot.
Tyra: [to Melrose] And you're going to have to be waking up for a lot less than ten thousand dollars a day for a long time.
Melrose: [to Tyra] I'll wake for, like, a dollar! [A.J. and Megan both laugh] Thank you so much!
Tyra: [to Melrose] Congratulations.
Melrose: [to Tyra] Thank you.
Tyra: [to Christian] Come here, Christian. [Christian approaches Tyra for a hug] It’s okay. [hugs Christian who also hugs the top twelve girls and leaves the judging panel to go back to the house in Los Angeles]
Christian: [in confessional after getting eliminated first] I'm crushed. I’m not going to act like I didn’t want it because I did. I was just really hoping they would give me a second chance because I felt like I could have gone far in the competition.

The Girl Who Hates Her Hair [7.2]


Melrose: [in confessional about surviving the bottom two over Christian] I've been thinking a lot about Christian.

Tyra Banks: [to Amanda] Amanda, we're making you fireengine!

Jaeda: [to Amanda and Brooke] I've never had my hair that short before.

Brooke: [to Jaeda] You know it's going to look good!

Monique: [to Eugena] I don't want to look the same! Cut my hair off!

Megg: [in confessional about her makeover] I could do more headbanging in this hair than I could with the other.

Anchal: [in confessional about her makeover] I feel great!

CariDee: [to A.J. and Eugena] I can't believe Melrose is all upset with being blonde.
A.J.: [to CariDee and Eugena] I know. Honestly if I were in her position I wouldn't want to be blonde either.
Sutan: [to Brooke] What happened to Megg Ryan? That looks so good!
Brooke: [to Sutan] Thank you!
Sutan: [to Brooke] It's sexy!
Brooke: [in confessional about her makeover] I've never had brown hair. I've always been a blondie but Frédéric Fekkai is the master and it turned out beautiful.
Michelle: [in confessional about her makeover] Honestly I don't know if I can, like, work with this new hair. I'm just really bad with hair in general. Pretty much anything girly I'm bad at.
Amanda: [in confessional about her makeover] Me and my sister were kind of disappointed about having different looks because now we can switch. We can't like trick people as easily.
Jaeda: [to Jay Manuel] Oh gosh!

Eugena: [in confessional about her makeover] I was pleased with my makeover.

Megan: [in confessional about her makeover] It was amazing having Frédéric Fekkai work on us. He cut my hair in like two minutes.

Jaeda: [to Eugena] I hate this boy hair!

Jaeda: [to Melrose] You look crazy! [laughs with Eugena]
Melrose: [to Eugena] This is my look!
Eugena: [to Melrose] Yes it looks crazy! [Melrose does her makeover photoshoot]
A.J.: [to Frédéric Fekkai] You have to make it darker!
Frédéric Fekkai: [to A.J.] Why don't we just change the other part?
A.J.: [to Frédéric Fekkai] No! I hate this color! Please! [in confessional about her makeover] When I first got my hairstyle I was in complete shock. It's still a little bit too light for my liking and I'm not a smooth girl. I like spikes. [does makeover photoshoot]
Jay Manuel: [to J Alexander about seeing Monique crying out loud] J.! Miss. Monique. Look! Look! Look! Look! Look!
Monique: [placing a towel over her head and crying out loud to the hair stylist] Oh my gosh!!!!!! Why?!!!!!!!
J Alexander: [to Jay Manuel about seeing Monique crying out loud] If she wants to cry, then let her cry.
Weavin' Steven: [to Jay Manuel about seeing Monique crying out loud] That's what she said. She said that nobody's ever seen her without her weave.
Jay Manuel: Oh, please! Look at that picture of Tyra on the wall! There's Tyra without her weave on! [later goes with J Alexander to check up on Monique, who is having a meltdown over her makeover in the bathroom] Girl, I am not in the mood for these girls.
J Alexander: [to Monique] Come here, girl.
Jay Manuel: [to Monique] What's the story?
Monique: [crying out loud to Jay Manuel and J Alexander] I'm just having a bad day! I can't even sleep 'cause it's like, the alarm's going off and...it's nothing I can't see!
Jay Manuel: [rolling his eyes at Monique] Do you want this career? This is not hard. You are getting a fresh hair weave by a master stylist, and if the alarm's going off, put in earplugs! [takes Monique with J Alexander, later in confessional] To see these young girls who supposedly wanted to be here so badly, to just kind of throw it off, and say, "Ugh! I don't like it!" [Monique does her makeover photoshoot] It just disgusts me, and it makes me not want to be here. [to all the girls] Guys, when you walk into this business, you walk into this business as blank canvases. I wish that when I was 18 or 19, I had people come in and take me to the next level. So, you hate your hair and you're actually being insulting to a master who's been in this business. [to A.J.] No, you were. Just listen for one second!
A.J.: [to Jay Manuel] Right.
Jay Manuel: [referring to Monique] Miss Thing's crying up there because she got her tracks out and this, and that, and it's like...?! You're insulting our guests, you're insulting Tyra inevitably. I'm, like, over it! I'm just going to go home and sleep!

Jay Manuel: [to Megg, Monique, Melrose, Jaeda, Amanda, Michelle, CariDee, Megan, Eugena, Anchal, Brooke and A.J.] If you miss the elevator doors, you're instantly disqualified.

Monique: [in frustration over not getting into the elevator with Melrose, Jaeda, Amanda, Michelle, CariDee, Megan, Eugena, Anchal, Brooke and A.J. in time and getting disqualified from the CoverGirl make-up application, speed and presentation challenge on the fifteenth level] Freak! Stupid!
Melrose: [in confessional] When Monique doesn't make the elevator, everyone is like "Oh! We're all getting beating up tonight! For sure!".

Megg: [to Melrose, Jaeda, Amanda, Michelle, CariDee, Megan, Eugena, Anchal, Brooke and A.J. who are all returning from the CoverGirl make-up application, speed and presentation challenge that Eugena just won and chose Jaeda and CariDee to share the prize; Monique was also disqualified] You guys met Queen Latifah?!
Jaeda: [smiles and nods to Megg] I shook her hand and everything!
Michelle: [in confessional about Monique] Monique seemed pretty pissed. So I think I'm going to avoid her for like the rest of the day. [arrive home with Monique, Melrose, Jaeda, Amanda, Megg, CariDee, Megan, Eugena, Anchal, Brooke and A.J.]
Melrose: [to Monique who is going to use the phone inquiring about how long the phone will be used for] Monique, how long are you going to be on the phone? [Monique closes the door of the phone room and starts using the phone]
Monique: [to her mother on the phone] I'm so pissed off! Do you know they got to meet Queen Latifah?
Melrose: [in confessional] Tonight, I really need to get on the phone with my landlord. I need to talk to her about potentially getting my deposit back. [back to the scene, worried and stands beside Megan and Anchal] I'm gonna lose a thousand dollars... [tries to get Monique's attention by telling her to finish quickly by holding five fingers up; after forty-eight minutes have passed, Monique is still on the phone]
Brooke: Yeah, I need two.
Melrose: [about Monique] No response. I got nothing. [after one hour and twenty-three minutes have passed, Monique is still on the phone]
Michelle: [to Brooke and Amanda about Monique losing the CoverGirl make-up application, speed and presentation challenge which Eugena won] This is her way of getting back at us for her getting DQ'd.
Monique: [to her mother on the phone whilst Melrose is watching] These little, raggedy non-talented models ain't never even thought about being a model until they walked into the audition, and all of a sudden they want to come in here and act like they the stuff. What?! [still on the phone after one hour and fifty-eight minutes have passed]
Brooke: [to Monique] Monique! [Michelle tries to get Monique's attention by playing with kitchen utensils] Oooh!
Michelle: [in confessional about Monique] We were trying to get her attention, so everyone's thinking of funny ways, you know, to piss her off, like just joking around. [CariDee flashes at Monique]
Brooke: [to CariDee about getting Monique's attention] There's one way to do it! [CariDee flashes at Monique again]
Eugena: [about Monique] Oh, wait! Oh, wait! Oh, wait!
A.J.: [about Monique] Here she comes! [Michelle is eating Doritos chips and laughing; Monique notices that the other girls are trying to get attention whilst she was on the phone and opens the door to come out for a little bit]
Monique: [to all the other girls] I'm just enjoying this phone call! It's great!
Amanda: [in confessional, imitating Monique] "I'm really enjoying my phone conversation!" [smiles] Who does that?! Two-year-olds do that! [after two hours and twenty-six minutes have passed, Monique is still on the phone]
A.J.: [to Monique] It's not our fault you couldn't get in the damn elevator! Don't take it out on us!
Monique's Mother: [on phone to Monique about the other girls] When they mess with a child of God, they've got trouble on their hands. You tell them, "I am a 'Princess of the Throne.'" [Anchal makes her way to Monique, Melrose sips her water, Anchal opens the door to the phone room]
Anchal: [in confessional about Monique] She's a drama queen. She's just a stupid little bitch! [barges into the phone room after Monique talks on the phone for over two hours and twenty-six minutes] Hello?! [to Monique trying to end her phone call] Get off!
Monique: [to Anchal] Do not hang up my phone!
Anchal: [to Monique] Don't touch me! [Megg looks shocked and Michelle joins in to get Monique off of the phone]
Monique: [to Anchal] Do not hang up my phone!
Anchal: [to Monique] Do not touch me!
Monique: [to Anchal] Do not touch the phone!
Anchal: [to Monique] Do not touch me!
Monique: [to Anchal] You do not have the right to come in here!
Anchal: [to Monique] Bro! It's been an hour! It's an hour enough!
Monique: [to Anchal] You need to go talk to somebody else! Don't you ever come inside and touch!
Anchal: [to Monique] Don't touch me! [Michelle looks down at Monique angrily]
Monique: [to Anchal] You need to... [Melrose sees what's happening]
Anchal: [to Monique about Melrose] Bro! There's people that got to pay for their apartment!
Monique: [to Anchal] Okay... [Anchal presses the phone button to end Monique's call repeatedly and Michelle continues to stare down at Monique angrily] ...and you don't know what the hell I'm on the phone talking about, okay?! So, you get out of my face, and go in there! [Megg continues to look shocked and Amanda walks by] I'm not here to make friends with you guys! I could care less!
Anchal: [to Monique with CariDee standing beside her] Learn to respect other people! [flips Monique off]
Monique: [to Anchal] Hey, you know what?! [in confessional about being on the phone] This is my time. I'm not getting off the phone. [still on the phone after three hours and fourteen minutes have passed]
Phone Service Operator: If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again. [beeps]
Monique: [in confessional] You guys can all kiss my grits as far as I care. [comes out of the phone room after the phone call is finally finished after a total time of three hours and thirty-one minutes and everyone else has left] Oh, I'm sorry I spent so long on the phone! Sorry, you guys needed the phone! Oh my God! Is that Tyra mail?! Let me run! [commercial break]
Melrose: [to everyone in the bedroom about Monique] Everyone needs to just stop responding to her.
Brooke: [to everyone in the bedroom about Monique] Eventually she'll be so fed up with being the most hated girl in this house. It'll be miserable for her to be here.
Monique: [in confessional] They keep disrespecting me.

Melrose: [to Jay Manuel] That's what I really got! [Jaeda does her crazy hair photoshoot]
Jay Manuel: [about Jaeda's photoshoot] Like a kid at Christmas!

Amanda: [reading the Tyra Mail after the girls arrive home from the photoshoot] Tomorrow you will meet with the judges and only eleven of you will continue on in the hopes of becoming America's Next Top Model. Love Tyra.
Anchal: [in confessional about Amanda and Melrose] Amanda was reading the Tyra mail and before I knew it Melrose just went crazy!
Melrose: [to Monique] Agh! Ugh! I'm going to vomit! [in confessional about Monique] Monique puts her hand up her wet towel and goes like that onto my face! [Jaeda and Eugena laugh]
Melrose: [about Monique] Smells like an egg! Seventeen-year-old spoiled pumpkin!
Brooke: [about Monique] Just unhygienic! [Monique follows Eugena]
Jaeda: [in confessional about Monique] None of us want to see anyone leave except Monique because she's crazy and we can't live with her. Like, she's impossible to live with.

Tyra: [to Eugena] You need to rewind!

Tyra: [to Jaeda] Maybe you should go home and count the days till your hair grows back.

Tyra: [to Melrose] Last week your picture was dreadful but this looks like a model that would only wake up for ten thousand dollars a day.

Tyra: [to Jaeda and Megan] Jaeda and Megan you girls have short haircuts.

The Girl Who Goes to Texas [7.3]


Melrose: [in confessional about Monique] Monique has lashed out at every single person here in a different way!

Melrose's Mother: [to Melrose] Hello.
Melrose: [to her mother on the phone] Hi, Mama!
Melrose's Mother: [to Melrose] Hey! How's it going?
Melrose: [to her mother on the phone] Like... [she sees Monique walking nearby; in confessional about Monique] The door comes flying open! Monique's like, "I was there...!"
Monique: [to Melrose] I specifically called first for the phone.
Melrose: [to Monique] I'll be done in like twenty minutes, Monique!
Monique: [to Melrose] But if the person called for it then I shouldn't have to wait!
Melrose: [to her mother on the phone about Monique] This is the girl I'm talking about. [in confessional about Monique] I just wanted her to leave my space. You know, let me have my space!
Monique: [to Brooke and Anchal in the kitchen] What are y'all talking about?
Melrose's Mother: [to Melrose about Monique] Ignore her for the moment.
Monique: [to Brooke and Anchal whilst Melrose pushes the door] Am I supposed to be calm?!
Melrose: [to her mother on the phone about Monique] It's like dealing with children! [to Monique, who is still in the way of the door] Can you move, please? [closes the door right on Monique]
Monique: [to Brooke and Anchal in the kitchen] Did she just...
Brooke: [to Monique and Melrose] Oh, guys. Please don't start it again! [in confessional about Monique] I don't know how you can be fighting all the time. The drama is sometimes a little bit overwhelming! [When Melrose is finished using the phone, Monique shoves past Melrose and Anchal on the way to the phone booth; Melrose laughs and exchanges looks with Anchal who smiles]
Monique's Mother: [to Monique] Hello?
Monique: [to her mother on the phone about Melrose] Mom, I'm about to [bleep] her up! Excuse my French, but I'm about to really hurt her! [to Eugena about Melrose] And she went, bam! And I was like okay! [Eugena is not interested]
Eugena: [in confessional about Monique] Monique, she's very stressed out. She can't control her emotions. This might be too much for her.
Monique: [to Eugena] All these girls are here! That's all I got to say! [later in the bathroom to Eugena] I was just wondering since Melrose thinks I'm this big monster! Do you dare me to do it? [whispering to Eugena about the prank she's about to pull on Melrose who has just gone to sleep] I'm gonna take my undies out and rub them all over the bed.
Eugena: [to Monique] You are so bad! [Monique laughs and runs over to Melrose's bed and rubs her panties right on top of the sheets, Jaeda sees what happens, Monique goes back to the bathroom where Eugena is and continues laughing]
Melrose: [about Monique after waking up to the discovery] She just wiped something on my bed.
Jaeda: [to the girls in the bedroom about Monique's actions to Melrose] It's so icky!
Monique: [to Eugena about Melrose] I rubbed it all over her sheets. [starts laughing out loud while Eugena just keeps quiet, stares in horror and walks away]
Jaeda: [to the girls in the bedroom about Monique's actions to Melrose] That's so gross! [in confessional about Monique] She's crazy! Like, we're afraid that maybe she'll, like...chop up all of our clothes.
CariDee: [in confessional about Monique] She's capable of anything and I hate that. I hate that she's in this house.
Anchal: [to the girls in the bedroom about Monique] I'm freaking out that she's gonna come in the middle of the night, and throw, like, lemonade on me.
Monique: [while curling her hair] What else can I do?

Anchal: [in confessional about Melrose and Monique] It's really immature. Both of them!

Melrose: [in confessional about Monique] When you're with someone who has no compassion or respect like Monique, it's hard.

A.J.: [when selecting two girls to go to Austin, Texas] I want Megg!
Megg: [in confessional about going to Austin, Texas] I was like "Yeah! Rock and roll! This is so right! Let's go!"

Brooke: [in confessional] I love Texas! That's my home state!

Melrose: [in confessional about Monique] I just feel that all that negative energy is feeding back on her. Maybe she made herself sick!

Amanda: [to Brooke] We're going to dress up as pirates! I love pirates!

Eugena: [in confessional about Monique] Monique is getting sicker and sicker by the hour. I'm scared for her!

Anchal: [to Monique] Take lots and lots of fluids. [in confessional about Monique] I don't care if she's here. This is a competition. I'm here to do my thing.

Michelle: [in confessional about America's Next Top Model Cycle 6 Winner Danielle Evans being sick in Bangkok, Thailand in comparison to Monique] Danielle on season six, she was really really sick had IVs in her arm and instead of saying "Oh no! I won't go!" She went to the shoot and like rocked it!

Jay Manuel: A.J. looked breathtaking!

Eugena: [after falling on the water catwalk] I'm freaking bleeding!

[during the deliberation about Monique, the judges break out into song]
J Alexander: She don't wanna be here, she don't. She don't wanna be here, she don't! She don't wanna be here...
Tyra: No, no, no!
J Alexander: ...she don't! She don't wanna be here, she don't!
Tyra: She don't wanna be here no more! She don't wanna be here!
J Alexander: Oh Lord!
Tyra: She don't wanna be here! She don't wanna be here!
Twiggy: She don't wanna be here!
Tyra: I don't know if she should go! I'm not sure if she should go! She might need us to reach down and lift her up!
J Alexander: WOO!!! OH LORD! [eleven girls return to the panel to receive the verdict for the third elimination]
Tyra: Eleven girls stand before me but unfortunately only ten of you will still be in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. The first name that I am going to call is... [flips over A.J.'s photo] ...A.J. [A.J. shakes her shoulders and then comes to collect her photo] Work it! [referring to the challenge A.J. won] Uhh, you won! [A.J. runway walks] There you go. Woah! Gave me chills. [A.J. laughs] Congratulations.
A.J.: [to Tyra] Thank you!
Tyra: [to A.J.] You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.
A.J.: [to Tyra] Thanks Tyra.
Tyra: The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over Jaeda's photo] ...Jaeda. [Jaeda comes to collect her photo] We like the hair curly.
Jaeda: [to Tyra] Thank you.
Tyra: [to Brooke whilst flipping over Brooke's photo] Miss Wind in Her Hair, Brooke. [Brooke comes to collect her photo]
Brooke: [to Tyra] Right... [Anchal smiles]
Tyra: [to Anchal whilst flipping over Anchal's photo] Anchal. [Anchal comes to collect her photo]
Anchal: [to Tyra] Yes!
Tyra: [to Michelle whilst flipping over Michelle's photo] Michelle. [Michelle comes walking to collect her photo] Okay, try to walk with some poise. Get it together. [Amanda laughs] Get it together! [Anchal and Brooke laugh] It's a little three-year-old girl in her Momma's heels...
Michelle: [to Tyra] Thank you.
Tyra: [to Michelle] ... but you're getting there. Congratulations.
[Amanda, Monique, Eugena, Megg, Melrose and Caridee are left standing in the final six to receive the verdict for the third elimination]
Tyra: [to Melrose whilst flipping over Melrose's photo whilst imitating Melrose's facial expressions in the photoshoot] Melrose. [Melrose comes to collect her photo whilst runway walking, Monique takes notice] Oh yeah! Work it out!
Tyra: [to Megg whilst flipping Megg's photo] Megg. [Megg comes to collect her photo whilst runway walking] Everybody's just working it today, aren't they? [girls laugh] Congratulations, Megg!
[Amanda, Monique, Eugena and Caridee are left standing in the final four to receive the verdict for the third elimination]
Tyra: [to Amanda whilst flipping over Amanda's photo] Amanda. [Amanda comes to collect her photo whilst runway walking] Okay, still two left feet. What is up with you and your sister? [Michelle laughs] The next name that I am going to call is...
[Monique, Eugena and Caridee are left standing anxiously in the final three to await the last girl safe from the bottom two before receiving the verdict for the third elimination]
Tyra: [flips over CariDee's photo whilst imitating CariDee's facial expressions in the photoshoot] ...CariDee!
CariDee: [to Tyra whilst coming to collect her photo] Oh, jeez! [girls laugh especially Amanda] No, I can't even...! [CariDee laughs]
Tyra: Congratulations, CariDee. [CariDee smiles whilst the girls laugh] You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.
CariDee: [to Tyra whilst feeling relieved] Thank you for believing in me.
Tyra: Oh gosh, Jade!
Jade Cole: [in a flashback scene where the second runner-up from America's Next Top Model Cycle 6 is shown repeatedly saying the same thing almost every time after escaping elimination] [when Gina Choe got eliminated] Thank you for believing in me. [when Nnenna Agba got eliminated in Bangkok, Thailand] Thank you for believing in me. [crying a little when surviving the bottoms two for the second time over Mollie Sue Steenis-Gondi who got eliminated in the first time she ever appeared in the bottom two] Thank you for believing in me once again.
Tyra: [back to the present where Monique and Eugena are standing in the bottom two, both for the first time ever] I only have one photo in my hands and I'm only going to call one name. The girl that I do not call must immediately return to the house, pack her belongings and go home. Now, this photo in my hands, it might be a photo of a girl on a very rocky runway or it might be a photo from last week. There is so much potential in both of you and it is so frustrating that you two can't capture this beauty in a photo. Monique, we look at you and we wonder does she want this enough? And then there's you Eugena the cocky girl. But you're nowhere near those girls in cycle six. Nowhere near them. So you all are neck and neck so which one of you goes home? [long pause, flips over Eugena's photo which is the last and only photo of the bunch anyway because Monique did not participate in the photoshoot] Eugena, we know that you have it. We know that you do but if it's stuck in your head we'll never see it. Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.
Eugena: [to Tyra] Thank you.
[Monique leaves the judging panel without even saying goodbye to anyone, Melrose smiles indicating that she is happy to see Monique finally gone, Eugena joins the other nine girls who are safe and Michelle looks at Melrose's reactions to Monique's departure]
Monique: [after elimination in confessional] Melrose is going to have a freaking party. She'll probably bust out the celebration hats and horns and stuff like that and that's the part that really just sucks because I don't want to give her the satisfaction of me leaving. I just felt that this whole time here was honestly a waste. That's all I have to say. Farewell. [leaves the house pulling her suitcase and Monique fades from Cycle 7 made over group because she is now eliminated and only ten girls remain]

The Girl Who Joined the Circus [7.4]


Brooke: [in confessional] Melrose always rubs girls the wrong way. She's a little Miss. Know-it-all!

Megg: [in confessional] Melrose, I didn't even know! She gets to that point in me where I'm just like... [A.J. moves her fingers and sticks her tongue out behind Melrose] ..."Ugh! Shut Up!"

A.J.: [nods at Melrose, then in confessional] Melrose, she just likes to talk. Talk. Talk. Talk. Talk. Talk and I don't anybody really likes to hear her voice. I think a lot of us would just like to have Melrose gone.

Megg: [to Tyra after getting eliminated] I just want to say thank you for this wonderful opportunity. I'm going to take this as one of those things to make me stronger.
Tyra: [to Megg] That's what I want to hear. Now you give me a hug. [hugs Megg]

The Girl Who Punk'd Ashton [7.5]


Tyra: [voiceover] Previously on America's Next Top Model, Monique was gone but Melrose still wasn't making any friends.

CariDee: [in a "red carpet interview" challenge with Janice Dickenson] Why, why, why—Why are you so over-pungent?
Janice: Over-pungent!?

Jaeda: [same challenge] I don't know what to say?
Janice: Fine, gimme the mic! [grabs microphone out of her hand] Bye! Yeah, I got the mic...

Brooke: [same challenge] What makes you so bitchy?
Janice: [walks away without saying anything]

Janice: [to A.J., after red-carpet challenge] Yo, why are you still wearing that ugly pink thing on your head?
A.J.: [later, to camera] I don't care what she said, I love my hat

A.J.: [during photoshoot as Marc Anthony] God, what am I doing?

"Donald Trump": [actually played by Melrose, after photoshoot in confessional] Melrose will be America's Next Top Model!

Michelle: I might be—gay.

A.J.: [to Tyra] Thank you. [to CariDee, Brooke, Eugena, Jaeda, Amanda, Michelle, Anchal and Melrose] It's cool, guys. [to Melrose after hugging CariDee] Melrose you have it. You should be nice. Okay?
Melrose: [to A.J.] Thank you! [hugs A.J.]
A.J.: [in confessional after getting eliminated fifth] I think Tyra eliminated me for the right reasons. If I could give up my spot for another girl who is more deserving then I'm really glad I gave it up. I think I sabotaged myself subconsciously. You know, what could have been, could have been. Whatever. I'm not going to think about it because it's done.

The Girl Who Graduates [7.6]


Melrose: [to Amanda, Michelle and Brooke about the Seventeen Magazine photoshoot prize win] Brooke, Michelle and Amanda. We're going to be in Seventeen!
Eugena: [in confessional about Melrose] Melrose wins the challenge again. She's like "Oh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" I think it's stupid!

Tyra: [to the top eight return to the panel to receive the verdict for sixth elimination] Eight beautiful girls stand before me but I only have seven photos in my hands and these photos represent the girls that are still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. The first name that I am going to call is... [flips over Amanda's photo] ...Amanda [Amanda comes to collect her photo] Miss. Most Improved. You've come and pushed through. Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.
Amanda: [to Tyra] Thank you.
Tyra: The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over CariDee's photo] ...CariDee. [CariDee comes to collect her photo] Congratulations.
CariDee: [to Tyra] Thanks.

Tyra: Michelle. You're Miss. Excuses. I've never done that! I've never been cuddled! No more excuses Michelle. Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.

Brooke: Freaking high school graduation!

Brooke: [in confessional after getting eliminated sixth] I gave everything up to come here and ironically enough this the night that I get chosen to go home.

The Girls Who Made It This Far [7.7]


CariDee: [in audition home video singing whilst playing guitar] America's Next Top Model. Please pick me.

Sutan: [to Monique about boots] This is a disco ball walking down the street!
Monique: [to Sutan about her boots] Those are two hundred dollars!
Sutan: [to Monique about boots] These are for drag queesn and drag queens alone!
Eugena: [in confessional about Monique's boots] Monique's boots are fashion trash to me! [Monique's boots get thrown into the fashion trash can] They deserve to go in the trash! [Monique looks annoyed]

CariDee: [in confessional about the fashion trash can] Some people got like two hundred dollars worth of stuff were thrown away so I'm like this isn't funny!

Tyra: [to Christian] They say go ahead and be a bad actress! Hoh! Hoh! Hoah! Hah! You know?! Like over the top? [voiceover] And she was the first to be sent home.
Melrose: [to Tyra after surviving her first appearance in the bottom two] Oh my god!
Christian: [hugs Tyra and later in confessional after getting eliminated] I really felt like I had more potential than Melrose. I really wish I could turn back time because I felt like I could have gone far in the competition.

Jay Manuel: [in confessional] To see these young girls who supposedly wanted to be here so badly, to just kind of throw it off, and say, "Ugh! I don't like it!" [Monique does her makeover photoshoot] It just disgusts me.
Tyra: [voiceover] For the girls in the Top Model house, living with thirteen roommates can be challenging enough but living with Monique was turning into major drama!
Monique: [in confessional about the chips] The other day, one of the twins started eating my potato chips. So I'm opening up all the cabinets looking for my chips and the chips aren't there.
Jaeda: [to Amanda, Brooke, Megg, A.J. and CariDee about Monique's actions] You guys, we need to have a meeting. Monique just took all of our food and poured it all out because she's mad because somebody ate her stuff!
Brooke: [to Jaeda] What?!
Monique: [in confessional about the chips] So I take all the chips out and I start smashing them with my feet and poured them all into the trash can so nobody eats around here.
Jaeda: [to Amanda, Brooke, Megg, A.J. and CariDee about Monique's actions] We're, like, having no food!
Brooke: [to Jaeda] What?!
Jaeda: [to Amanda, Brooke, Megg, A.J. and CariDee about Monique's actions] She took everything out, stepped on it and threw it in the garbage can!
Brooke: [to Jaeda] What?!
Amanda: [in confessional about Monique's actions] She said people are eating her food! Even though previously everyone in the house pitched in the same amount of money for the same amount of food, and everyone’s supposed to eat all the food. There was no, like, anyone's food.
Jaeda: [to Amanda, Brooke, Megg, A.J. and CariDee about Monique's actions] I'm really scared that somebody's gonna get hurt! [runs with CariDee, A.J. and Megg to confront Monique who is with Megan]
Megg: [to CariDee, Michelle, A.J. and Megan who is confronting Monique about her actions] They’re in the trash!
Megan: [to Monique about her actions with Michelle, Megg, A.J. and CariDee watching] Monique, why did you throw away everybody’s chips?! Like I don’t understand!
Monique: [to Megan with Michelle, Megg, A.J. and CariDee watching] Because when I went to look for my Doritos, they were not there.
Michelle: [to Monique] You know, it’s ridiculous, Monique! Really?! [in confessional about Monique’s actions] She knows what... exactly what she's doing and just doesn't care. That is freaking pathetic!
Monique: [to Michelle] If you cannot share, then there's no reason for us to all get food together!
Michelle: [to Monique] Wait! Wait, who's not sharing, bitch?!
Monique: [to Michelle] Where are my Doritos?! [in confessional] Nice Monique is gone out the freaking window! Bitch had came in!
Amanda: [to Monique] We were all willing to share!!!!!!
Monique: [to Amanda] I don't have a problem with sharing but whenever I cannot eat the food that I put money in for, it makes me mad! [Megg frowns at Monique, A.J. walks by]
Amanda: [to Monique whilst provocatively opening numerous cabinets right in front of Monique] There's food there! There's food there, there's food there, there's food there, there's food there, there's food there! There's food everywhere! There's food to eat, you are not going to go hungry!! [in confessional about Monique's actions] I don't understand her at all. I've never met anyone like her. I don't get her, I don't know why she does that. [Jaeda, CariDee, A.J. and Megg all frown at Monique, later to Melrose and Brooke in the bedroom about Monique's actions] Huh! Someone ate my chips! Someone drank my grape juice! I can confront them or I can throw away all their food!
Melrose: [to Amanda and Brooke about Monique] She’s a psycho! [Jaeda sorts herself out in the mirror]
Jaeda: [in confessional about Monique] None of us want to see anyone leave except Monique because she's crazy and we can't live with her. Like, she's impossible to live with.

Megg: [to Megan] I just want to play some bongos, man!
Megan: [to Megg] You're so cute! [hugs Megg]

Brooke: [to Megg] What are you doing?
Megg: [to Brooke] Making a bongon drum set.
Brooke: [to Megg] Do you play the drums?
Megg: [to Brooke] No but I am going to today. [smiling at Brooke]
Brooke: [to Megg] Pretty good for a boxbeat and flower pots.
A.J.: [in confessional about Megg] Megg made bongos.

A.J.: [singing about Megg] Megg is so cool!
Megg: Yeah!
A.J.: [singing about Megg] She bounces around! She's got her battle ass bongos and she don't frown!
Megg: [singing] Boy, oh! Boy, oh!

Megan: [after elmination] I didn't expect Jaeda to be standing there with me. I actually expected Monique to be standing there with me.

Melrose: [to Monique] Monique! Stop! Stop!
Monique: [to Melrose] This is my taco seasoning!
Melrose: [to Monique] What are you doing?! You're so weird! Please just stop! You're so weird! Oh my gosh! Get away from me!
Monique: [to Melrose] What is wrong with you?
Melrose: [to Monique] Seriously you have psycological issues.
Monique: [to Melrose] Seriously you have psycological issues.
Melrose: [to Monique] You do.
Monique: [to Melrose] Yeah. You do. Ugh!
Melrose: [to Monique] You're scary.
Monique: [to Melrose] You're scary.
Melrose: [to Monique] Can you please leave? You're scaring me?
Monique: [to Melrose] Can you please leave? You're scaring me?
Melrose: [to Monique] You know I need to cook dinner!
Monique: [to Melrose] You know I need to cook dinner! [Melrose laughs]
Eugena: [in confessional about Monique] Monique, she's very stressed out. She can't control her emotions. This might be too much for her.

Megg: [to Melrose] The way you come off towards me I get very frustrated. Very frustrated.

Anchal: [to Melrose] I tried to get to know you however you make quirky remarks and you piss people off.
Melrose: Maybe there's a part of me that you don't like.
A.J.: [to CariDee about Melrose] I'm so sick of Melrose. It's uncalled for.

Amanda: [in confessional about Melrose winning the challenge] Melrose's reaction is basically everying Melrose does. Overexaggerated and like "Oh my gosh!"

Brooke: [after elmination] I want this more than any of those girls!

The Girl Who Wrecks the Car [7.8]


Melrose: [singing whilst CariDee is playing guitar about Brooke being eliminated] We love you Brooke and we're going to miss you like hell! You brought to this the feeling of I can't fail!

Michelle: [in confessional after winning the first challenge and then coming to know that the prize is actually a thirty-second shopping spree race challenge, where only one out of the four constants (including Michelle who had chosen CariDee, Amanda and Melrose to participate) who has the most number of items receives every item from the other three losing contestants] I didn't know that there was a challenge within my challenge prize. So I get nothing unless Melrose gives me something.

Eugena: [in confessional, referring to herself, Jaeda and Anchal who did not win the first challenge and were neither chosen to participate in the challenge prize] We were all in the back laughing because Melrose grabs everything because Melrose understood the rules but the other girls didn't.

Jay: [to Melrose] Melrose you always give us an amazing shot! Make the girls hate you even more!
Melrose: [to Jay] I don't know if it's possible!

CariDee: [in confessional about Melrose] Melrose is my biggest competition. She tries just as hard as I do.

Anchal: [in confessional before panel about Melrose] Melrose should go home. She's the most freaking annoying person I have ever met!

Nigel: [to Melrose] Box...
J Alexander: [to Melrose] Joyfully!

The Girl Who Breaks Down [7.9]


Tyra: [to Melrose, Eugena, Amanda, CariDee, Jaeda and Michelle] You're all going to... Spain!

Amanda: [in confessional] Who know? You might even see the twins in the final two!

Eugena: [about Melrose] I think she might be bipolar or something.

Amanda: [in confessional] Spanish guys and American guys are very similar. They all have the same jokes and stuff. But Spanish guys smell better.

Eugena: [in confessional about Jaeda's bad experience with her male model partner, Nacho] Jaeda's partner, Nacho, tells Jaeda that he doesn't even like black girls. She's like... "Are you serious?"

CariDee: [in confessional about Jaeda's bad experience with her male model partner, Nacho and Amanda] No one should be treated that way. I would hate if I had that guy. I would rather make out with Amanda before I made out with him.

Tyra: [to Nigel in a British accent] Hola! Hola, Nigel!

Eugena: [to Melrose] You are very fake.

Michelle: [to Tyra] Thank you.. I mean Gracias! [Tyra laughs]
Tyra: [to CariDee and Jaeda] Will CariDee and Jaeda please step forward?

Tyra: [to CariDee in the bottom two with Jaeda] I think you can deliver a commercial, CariDee.
CariDee: [hugs Jaeda and goes to Tyra to collect her photo whiltst relieved] I've never been so happy.
Tyra: [to CariDee] I think you can do it.

The Girl Who Sticks Her Foot In Her Mouth [7.10]


Michelle: [in confessional] I've never had this dream of always wanting to be a model. I want it, but I don't know if I have it.

Eugena: [in confessional about Melrose] I just don't want Melrose to win. She's really fake, she doesn't like us and she thinks she's better than everybody!

Eugena: Mr. Jay didn't look like a matador at all. He looked like... Mr. Jay in a matador costume.

CariDee: Taking our pictures! Yay! [in confessional] I'm very happy.

Melrose: [in confessional] I'm freaking out because Nigel is our photographer today. It's intimidating being shot by, you know, a judge.
CariDee: [to Nigel Barker referring to a large stick Nigel held as a joke] Did you just remove that from your ass from the last panel?
Melrose: [to CariDee] Ohhh! [in confessional about CariDee's comment to Nigel] I can't believe she said that!
Jay Manuel: [in confessional] CariDee messed up. That's not a good way to start because that's one key thing that Tyra's looking for. A girl who can work in this business and be respectful.

Jay Manuel: [to Eugena, Melrose, CariDee, Amanda and Michelle] CariDee made a statement about Nigel. That is not a comment you make.

CariDee: [to Eugena, Melrose, Amanda and Michelle] I was totally joking. Was that totally wrong to say? [in confessional] It wasn't anything to be mean. I was totally just... That's just my humor. Once it was brought to my attention it did make me worry so I'm like "I don't want to upset a judge". Like if I could take it back I would. [to Melrose] Nigel doesn't like me.

Nigel: [in confessional about Michelle's photoshoot] I was inspired by Michelle. She used the fear. She models.

Michelle: [in confessional] I never ever in my life envisioned myself being this close to becoming 'America's Next Top Model'. I want it, but don't know if I have it.
Amanda: Unacceptable!

Tyra: [during the evaluation at Eugena's bullfighting picture] Eugena this week is like model, slash, acrobat...
Miss J.: ...and slash Miss J.

Tyra: [during the deliberation at Michelle's and Amanda's bullfighting pictures] I wonder if Michelle does want this but she knows her sister wants it more. So she's going to sacrifice herself. I wonder that.

[Eugena, Melrose, CariDee, Amanda and Michelle return to the panel to receive the verdict for the ninth elimination]
Tyra: Five of you stand before me but I only have four photos in my hands and these photos represent the four of you that will still be in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. The first name that I am going to call... [flips over Eugena's photo] ...Eugena. [Eugena comes to collect her photo] This lady's come a long way and as you said it's the journey and what you're experiencing is a true journey. Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model. [flips over Melrose's photo] Melrose [Melrose comes to collect her photo] One thing you have over all of these girls here is a knowledge of fashion. [Melrose smiles] This competition's getting stiff. It's not just about a pretty picture anymore. It's about so much more. [smiles at Melrose] Keep up the good work.
Melrose: [to Tyra after being called second] Thank you. [joins Eugena]
Tyra: [to CariDee, Amanda and Michelle who are left standing anxiously in the final three to await the last girl safe from the bottom two before receiving the verdict for the ninth elimination, shuffles] The next name that I am going to call is... [flips over CariDee's photo] ...CariDee. [Amanda gives CariDee a little push of encouragement to go and collect her photo, CariDee cries, Melrose is stunned] It's so not worth it, is it? To be quick mouthed and...
CariDee: [to Tyra after being called third] Uh, uh!
Tyra: [to CariDee] ...cheeky because you see what happens and in the real world of modelling there's no second chances. They're like "She insulted me. Cancel her from my fashion show. Send her out right now." [CariDee nods] So you learned a lesson...
CariDee: [to Tyra after being called third] Yes.
Tyra: [to CariDee referring to Nigel Barker] ...and you have a man behind me to thank for forgiving you. Congratulations.
CariDee: [to Tyra after being called third] Thanks. [joins Eugena and Melrose]
[Eugena sees Melrose hugging CariDee]
Tyra: [to Amanda and Michelle in the bottom two] Will Amanda and Michelle please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands. I will only call one name. The girl that I do not call must immediately return to the house, pack her belongings and go home. Back in casting, I thought the two of you would be a part of the final three but that's not the case and I think you know why you both stand before me. [referring to Michelle who is standing in the bottom two for the second time since surviving over Anchal two weeks ago] One of you has such a natural talent and it's so crazy that in the modeling world that person that is so gifted doesn't have a passion for it. It just is but the judges look at you and they say "Damn! She might not have a passion for this yet. Maybe she needs to stand on her own. Not with her sister and then there's you. [referring to Amanda who is standing in the bottom two for the very first time out of all five girls] The girl that has all the drive in the world but the talent we don't know. Just because you want something and just because it's a dream it doesn't necessarily mean that you're great at it. [Tyra flips over Amanda's photo] Amanda. In this competition, passion is way more important than beautiful pictures. [Amanda receives a hug from Michelle before coming to collect her photo] We want the winner of America's Next Top Model to want it, to feel it, to breath it, to love it and I know you that you do and you are your worst enemy second-guessing, wondering, am I good enough? Is this right? Is that right? Just go! Just let it go and know that you're good enough and you're talented and you're beautiful! Trust that. Okay? [Amanda nods] Congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming America's Next Top Model.
Amanda: [to Tyra after being called fourth / last] Thank you. [joins Eugena, Melrose and CariDee, Michelle smiles]
Tyra: [to Michelle] Thanks, Michelle. [hugs Michelle]
[Michelle hugs the girls and leaves]
Michelle: [in confessional after getting eliminated ninth] I kind of shot myself in the foot today. [packing bags] I didn't want my sister to leave because this is one of her dreams too. Maybe I was a distraction. Now that I'm gone I hope it gives her more focus. [writing a letter] I don't want her to ever second guess herself. She is amazing. She is my sister. I love her. [portfolio is shown] I guess I was here to find myself and I found a little bit of something so that worked for me. I'm eighteen. I'm so young. There's so much more life to live. I need to start making good use of it instead of just hiding from it. [closes the apartment door and leaves]

The Girl Who Grates [7.11]


Amanda: I kinda felt like she made a sacrifice for me. I'm happy to still be here but I'm sad to see her go, I'm not sure if I should have been the one to go.

Amanda: Now that Michelle has gone, I think the competition has changed for me because I've never really done anything by myself. I really want to be an individual.

Amanda: The idea of dancing just makes me nervous because I'm not a very strong dancer. I definitely did not know what I was doing.

Eugena: Amanda looks like Amanda trying to dance.... Amanda looks awkward as usual

Jay Manuel: Today was a typical Eugena shoot -- flat, boring, and it looked like she was drowning in the water.

CariDee: I don't respect Melrose... if Melrose becomes America's Next Top Model I'm going to puke... all over. I'll just puke.

CariDee: Melrose has three different personalities and she's really good at it, she's really convincing... it's creepy... maybe she should be medicated.

Tyra: [to Amanda and CariDee in the bottom two] Will CariDee and Amanda please step forward? I only have one photo in my hands. I will only call one name. The girl that I do not call must immediately return to the house, pack her belongings and go home. You stand before me with an edgy, high fashion look a look that excites the judges and the judges look at your pictures from week to week and say 'Wow, these are beautiful pictures but there's something a little awkward about them.' They also look at personality and the judges say 'She's sweet and she's engaging but there's something that might be a little bit too soft, a little bit too meek maybe.'

Amanda: It's always hard when something good ends and this was definitely something good for and it's over. I wanted to be in the final three just to experience it all and I wanted to win but it was great to make it to the final four. It was a lot of fun, something you won't ever forget, something that can never happen again.

The Girl Who Becomes America's Next Top Model [7.12]


CariDee: I haven't had much conversation with Melrose because I'm going to kick her out!

Melrose: All I hear is kkhhuhhh! She steps on the dress and it rips! It's not like a little rip it's a hole! It's a hole. If you hold it up you can put your head through it. I was just so freaked out about the dress being ripped I just wanted to run! She ripped the dress! Cari. She ripped the dress!

Melrose: I’m pissed. I’ve put my heart and soul into this, and it wasn’t enough. And I got called a bitch the whole way through it and it sucks. And I feel really misunderstood and I’m sad.

CariDee: I'm America's Next Top Model, baby! Yeah!