Frisky Dingo
Frisky Dingo is an American animated cartoon series created by Adam Reed and Matt Thompson for Adult Swim. The series revolved around the conflict between a supervillain named Killface and a superhero named Awesome X, alias billionaire Xander Crews, and much of the show's humor focuses on parodying superhero and action movie clichés.
Season 1
[edit]Meet Killface
[edit]- [Killface is holding Brent by his legs at the top of the Annihilatrix, threatening to drop him]
- Killface: [sighs] You see, Brent? We all have jobs to do.
- Brent: Great, there goes my pen! Great!
- Killface: My job is to complete the Annihilatrix and destroy mankind by driving this vile planet straight into the Sun [Brent interrupts].
- Brent: Wait! I have another idea! Listen...
- Killface: And your job is to market it.
- Brent: Listen! No listen! We can get... Jason Alexander!
- Killface: Great!
- Brent: Yeah!
- Killface: You can call him when you hit the ground!
- Brent: Nooo! Wait, wait! I got another idea! Better than Jason Alexander! I got, uh...
- Killface: Don't say David Arquette to me!
- Brent: I wo... well now that you say that I'm not going to.
- [Killface is examining Annihilatrix DVD]
- Brent: ...Any standard DVD player.
- Killface: Or any uhh... "PC", it says here?
- Brent: Yes, any Personal Computer with DVD capabiliti-
- Killface: GREAT SCOTT!!
- Valerie: [Screams out in panic]
- Brent: What?
- Killface: [Laughs], "PC"...
- Brent: What?
- Killface: ...Stands for "Personal Computer"... I just this moment got that... VALERIE!!!
- Valerie: [Screams in panic again]
- Killface: It's alright if you want to laugh.
- [All three are silent]
- Valerie: [Nervous laugh]
- Killface: Good girl.
Meet Awesome X
[edit]- Stan: Five million dollars?!
- Xander: Well, I had to pay her off. I can't have some blabbity-mouth hooker running around with my secret identity! That's the first thing they teach you.
- Stan: Nobody cares about your secret identity!
- Xander: It's to protect my loved ones.
- Stan: You don't have any loved ones!
- Xander: [gasp] Stan!
- Stan: What, who? That girlfriend you treat like dirt? Your murdered parents?
- [Quick shot of pictures of Xander's parents]
- Stan: And you can say good-bye to the X-tacles.
- Xander: Wh--What?
- Stan: What what? You just spent their entire salary for the year.
- Xander: See, I knew you were going to trick me into doing this!
- Stan: Me?! You're the one who paid five million dollars for a blowjob!
- Xander: was a half-and-half, first of all; second of all...okay I'm going.
- [Xander, as Awesome-X, has a conversation with the Xtacles.]
- Xander: ...but the Crew Company funds the entire Awesome X operation. So, you know, take it up with Xander Crews.
- Xtacle #1: Let's kill that son of a bitch!
- Xtacles: Yeah!
- Xander: No, no, let's don't--he's a good guy. We don't kill good guys. We kill bad guys, come on. It's in our charter
- Xtacle #1: So, what's up with our 401(k)?
- [Xander just turns his head and groans]
- Xtacle #2: What--that's my nest egg! We're still gonna have health insurance, right?
- Xtacle #1: Oh my God! Health insurance, I need that.
- [Xander just clears his throat]
- Xtacles: What?!
- Xtacle #3: Are we at least eligible for COBRA?
- Xander: What, the little... the G. I. Joe dolls?
- Xtacle #2: No, not the G. I. Joe dolls.
Pimp My Revenue
[edit]- Sinn: If he always throws his food on the floor, how is he so fat?
- Simon: [gasps and runs off]
- Killface: No, son... [to Sinn] Now look what you've done!
- Sinn: Sire, I'm sorry!
- Killface: Apologize to his self-esteem! Now we've talked about the chubby cycle. One snarky comment like that and he's back in the cupboard! And he was doing so well! Three pounds this week!
- Sinn: Yes sire.
- Killface: Shut up. Just shut up and eat the cereal.
- Sinn: It's got glass in it!
- [glares at her until she gets on the floor and begins eating the cereal]]
- Killface: [on climbing machine] ...then find me that printer so I can cut his arms off.
- Valerie: But you signed off on...
- Killface: Mention those proofs again and just see what happens, Valerie.
- Valerie: Look, bad grammar aside, forty million people just saw your postcard.
- Killface: [stopping exercise] Bugger me! They poll those numbers?
- Valerie: It's the highest-rated daytime show ever.
- Killface: Ugh, I hate America.
- Valerie: [leading] And their booker owes me a favor.
- Killface: No, she doesn't. Valerie, if you could get me on Live With Mitzi and Verl, I'd...I'd want two segments--not the one after Verl monologue, that's garbage time--but the next two, after the break. Valerie, you get me on there, you just name your reward.
- Valerie: I'd like for you to let me go.
- Killface: [resuming exercise] Well, you know...except for that.
[edit]- Awesome X: Just a damn minute, Mr. man, are you even Asian?
- [Mao wipes away glasses and fake eyebrows]
- Mao: Yeah, see, I kinda got this minority business loan.
- [X-tacles cock and point guns at Mao]
- Awesome X: Those loans are for non-threatening educated women of color.
- Xtacle #1: Yeah, like maybe she wants to go into real estate.
- Xtacle #2: Or maybe open up a beauty salon.
- Xander: Screw it, shoot him.
- Mao: Hey. Hey, whoa. Can't we work something out here. [slips him a postcard]
- Xander: More. More. More, like a whole box more. And the villabouts of the whereain Kelly.
- Xtacle #1: Whereabouts of the villain killface.
- Xander: Did I say the villabouts of the whereain Kelly?
- Xtacle #1: Yeah
- Xander: 'Cause I've been doing that a lot lately. I wonder if it's a tumor.
- Xtacle #1: I know a good cancer doctor.
- Killface: Sinn, meet Mr Watley. But don't get too friendly. I'm afraid he's one of our competitors.
- Sinn: Charmed
- [the two stare deeply in each other's eyes]
- Watley: [strains as a plopping sound is heard]
- Killface: Did you just... lay a clutch of eggs?
- Watley: Well, I gotta go. You should get those in some sand. [runs off embarassed]
- Killface: That's... something you don't see every day... one hopes.
[edit]- Xander: Looking back, Operation Snooperfax was a little...convoluted. Convoluted.
- Stan: Convoluted? Damn it, you just about used up all of our operating capital.
- Xander: Do we still have enough to pay for Train Island?
- Stan: Yes, your little choo-choos are safe.
- Xander: Nice!
- Stan: Only because I had to make some pretty deep cuts in...elsewhere.
- [The X-tacles receive their drastically deducted paychecks]
- X-tacle #1: Guess I'll call Jan and tell her we're not going to Orlando.
- X-tacle #2: Orlando? Dude, this won't even cover my mortgage.
- Sinn: You didn't kill the taxi driver?
- Killface: You know, I was, but I think it's hard enough on the Arabs in this beastly country right now.
- Sinn: I don't think he's Arab.
- Phil: No, I'm pretty sure that guy is Filipino.
- Killface: Well then. [Shoots the taxi driver] London calling.
- Grace: Oh my God! Yes! THAT is exactly the kind of bloodlust that makes for a phenomenal interview. Hi. Grace Ryan, Force 10 News.
- Killface: And you must be Killface. What am I saying? Of course you're not Killface, not with a face like that; no one in their right mind would think to call you...I'm Killface...if anybody is.
Emergency Room
[edit]- Killface: Fetch the minivan. We're off to murder that wretch Xander Crews.
- Grace: Don't you dare hurt him!
- Sinn: Sire, Phil has cancer!
- Killface: First of all, he's obviously not that into you.
- [Grace gasps]
- Killface: Phil, given your strict forcemeats-and-cheese regimen, the only real surprise is you're not dead already.
- Phil: Phil, grappling with the cold reality of death, has no pithy rejoinder.
- Grace: Oh my God, Xander, where are you?
- Killface: Well, wherever he is, I'm sure he's laughing his fat face off.
- [Aboard the Xcalibur, Xander is tied to a chair getting punched by the Xtacles]
- X-tacle #1: Who's laughing now, Crews?
- Xander: I wasn't laughing before. [Punch]]
- X-tacle #2: I'm gonna punch him so friggin' hard.
- X-tacle #3: I'm gonna smash his face in!
- X-tacle #4: I'm gonna blow him. [Everybody looks at him] UP! Wh... [Walks off] Queers!
Meet Antagone
[edit]- [sitar Music Plays]
- Phil: Ohn-Naa. Ohn-Naa.
- Killface: No no no no! Stop that! Stop that Mantra!
- Phil: Oh Hi, and a blessed day to you.
- Killface: [annoyed] mm?
- Phil: [Optimistic] Mm!
- Killface: mm?
- Phil: Mm! Ohn-Naa.
- [Killface shoots through Phil's Speakers, ending the Sitar Music]
- Killface: Get the hell out of Here!
- Phil: Mm, I can't. Lorraine kicked me out when she found out I had cancer.
- Killface: That fat slag!
- Phil: Enh!
- Killface: Surely this town has a Y, Philip?
- Phil: No, I'm getting a pretty nice Healing Vibe here. Good for my Chakra.
- Killface: No, No, Cancer's a bad influence on Simon! Worse than Sinn and that Prawn and...whatever happend to Val?
- [The eyes of Mrs Killface's Portrait slide back, revealing Valerie's eyes, looking shifty; the original eyes are replaced.]
- Killface: Anyway, get your candles and your, white cells or whatever and just pop on down to the Y, hm?
- Phil: Ohmmmmy lawyers say the Annihilatrix caused my cancer.
- Killface: What lawyers?
- Phil: It's all here in the lawsuit.
- Killface: ... ...My God, the stones on you.
- Killface: [Unable to get his money out of the bank after Phil spends the money he received from suing Killface] Ridiculous! A hundred and eighty dollars for snake oil?
- Phillip: Shark oil, and some of that was for the bath salts and add... the luffa.
- Killface: Oh damn your luffa... [Starts pounding the machine] and damn Xander Crews and damn his snotty back!
- Phillip: Yeah, why do you bank here anyway?
- Killface: [Temporarily with a happier tone] Checking with interest. [Starts pounding the machine again, breaking it] But now this blasted machine tells me my checking account can't be accessed!!
- Phillip: Wow, already?
- Killface: I d- I beg your pardon?
- Phillip: Well, we had to freeze your assets. [Killface tries to suppress his anger with a deep breath] Come on, its common sense. I'm sorry, you want some walking around money?
- Killface: No, I want to go you to the car and get some plasma charges and blow Xander Crews' crummy, little bank to-
(The bank explodes, knocking Killface and Phillip away)
- Phillip: My loofah, where's my loofah?!
- Killface: Shut up, Phil.
Blind Faith
[edit]- Grace: [rapidly, holding stolen gems] Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
- Xander: Grace! Open the damn door, it's Xander!
- Grace: [tone of Antagone, eyes glowing green] Xander Crews?
- Xander: Yes, idiot!
- [Grace/Antagone growls]
- [Antagone opens door]
- Xander Hey fun bags, where's my idiot girlfriend?
- [Xander gets knocked out]
- Xander: [Xander has hit the blind Killface with his car] Hey, hey, no no man, don't move, man. I think you got a concussion.
- Killface: Ow! What happened?
- Xander: Hit... hit... hit... and... and they ran... hit and run, plateless gang car.
- Killface: Oh! On a blind man! Crap! Yes, riding dirty, no doubt... With their... Bubba Kush. Well I, sir, am Killface. And you are in my debt... I'm in your debt.
- Xander: Yeah, you have a house.
- Killface: Yes, let's go to my house. take Naps. Where's my food?
- Xander: Yeah, here...
- Killface: My head... kills.
- Xander: Um... this is actually just full of rocks.
- Killface: Oh, that guy!
- Xander: Yeah. [Laughs] ChickParm does that to blind people all the time.
- Killface: Oh, I hate them!
- Xander: Yeah, my girlfriend even did a thing on the news about it-
- Killface: Is your girlfriend on the news?
- Xander: My... what?
- Killface: Grace Ryan? Wait a minute. Who are you? Shhhhh. You smell that? I smell crickets.
- Xander: We should go to your house.
- Killface: Yes, let's go to my house. Take naps. And y... what's your name? I don't even know your name.
- Xander: Um... uh... mmm... Barnaby Jones.
- Killface: [Beat] Barnaby Jones!
- Xander: Yeah.
- Killface: [Singing] People, let me tell ya 'bout my new best friend, Barnaby Jones! [Long pause] ...Nap.
The Odd Couple
[edit]- Stan: [as Awesome X through transmission] How did he even escape anyway?
- X-tacle #1: We're...dealing with that internally, X.
- Stan: Inte...I'll deal with you internally!
- [The X-tacles gasp as Stan holds up a remote.]
- Stan: Yes, you'd better gasp collectively, because until you find Xander Crews, I'm gonna blow one of your heads off every hour. [1 X-tacle's head axplodes] Starting now
- [Transmission ends]
- X-tacle #1: Oh my f-ing God...
- X-tacle #2: Every hour? What are we going to do?
- X-tacle #3: First of all, maybe we shouldn't have agreed to have remote-controlled explosives put in our necks.
- X-tacle #1: Well where were you at contract time?
- X-tacle #3: Your mom's house. [X-tacle #1 points gun at #3] Cleaning! Dude I was only cleaning.
- X-tacle #1: [holstering gun] Yeah, that's what I thought.
- X-tacle #3: [pointing his own gun] Her vagina!
- X-tacle #2: What's that supposed to be?
- X-tacle #3: A little ashtray.
- X-tacle #2: For who?
- X-tacle #3: It''s for my mom.
- X-tacle #2: Wh--Diane still smokes?
- X-tacle #3: Yeah, right in know... [points at neck] the little neckhole.
- X-tacle #4: Dude!
- X-tacle #3: Dude I know... It's My mom
Flowers for Nearl
[edit]- X-tacle #1: Okay, got the tuxedo shirt.
- X-tacle #2: Uhh...what is that?
- Nearl: Everybody is Ken!
- X-tacle #1: What is what?
- X-tacle #2: That!
- X-tacle #1: It's the shirt.
- X-tacle #2: Really. And is it me, or is it 1987? A winged collar. Are you...doing this?
- X-tacle #3: What are...what's everybody doing?
- X-tacle #2: No, that's great. Maybe you and Nearl...
- Nearl: I'm Nearl!
- X-tacle #2: ...your f*cking prom date can borrow your dad's f*cking time machine...
- X-tacle #3: Please don't do this.
- X-tacle #2: ...and fly it into the gym down there at I'm-a-jackoff High School...
- Nearl: Everybody!
- X-tacle #2: ...and slow dance to Lisa Lisa and motherf*cking Cult Jam!
- Nearl: Lisa Lisa, the one I adore!
- X-tacle #4: [running in] I think it's the Cult Jam.
- X-tacle #1: [as Ed McMahon] You are correct, sir.
- X-tacle #2: No, he isn't, nor is that collar!
- X-tacle #3: Can we just fix the collar?
- X-tacle #5: [at sewing machine] Oh, sure, why not? I'll just do it tonight while I'm missing another recital.
- X-tacle #1: So...who's read Flowers for Algernon?
- Nearl: Ken!
- X-tacle #2: Oooh, about the kid with all the chains, and the goggles, and at the end he gets killed with a shotgun?
- Xtacles #2, #3, #4: Boosh!!
- X-tacle #1: That's Harrison Bergeron.
- Xtacles #2, #3, #4: Hollywood Squares!
- X-tacle #1: That's Tom Bergeron.
- X-tacle #2: Brother of Menelaus!
- X-tacle #1: Damn it, that's Agamemnon!
The Grate Escape
[edit]- Killface: Barnaby, listen.
- Xander Crews: What?
- Killface: I thought I heard something. [Xander Crews screams and presses against Killface]
- Xander Crews: I bet it's a chud.
- Killface: We really need to get you some pants.
- Xander Crews: Yeah, that's not a pickle.
- Killface: I know. It's your penis.
- Xander Crews: My penis? [deepens voice] My penis.
- Killface: Barnaby...
- Xander Crews: Scrinching back!
- [Old Spice, Xander and Killface navigate the Torpedo Vegas sewers]
- Killface: All right, tell Old Spice thanks for helping us escape… uh the map… Oh! And thanks for these new eyes!
- Xander: [in Mandarin] Thanks for your help. And the eyes.
- Old Spice: [in Mandarin] The glasses are only temporary.
- Xander: Neat!
- Killface: Oh, this bag of radishes.
- Xander: [in Mandarin] Also, thanks for the radishes!
- Killface: Move over bananas, I found a new source of potassium.
- Old Spice: [in Mandarin] There should also be a turnip.
- Killface: Oh, and tell him… [looks at Xander] you know, you’re really dead handsome.
- Xander: [in Mandarin] He says you’re very handsome.
- Old Spice: [looks nonplussed at Killface then Xander. In Mandarin] Tell him I have a wife. In China.
- Xander: Uh… he says he has a car, in China.
- Killface: Well, I don’t care about his car!
- Xander: Well, I’m not gonna tell him that!
- Killface: No, do tell him! Tell him that verbatim.
- Xander: Owning a car in China has got to be, like, a huge deal! Of course he’s proud!
- Killface: Barnaby.
- Xander: Think how many rags he had to pick!
- Killface: Time’s a bit of a factor here.
- Killface: What does it matter what I say?
- Xander: Well, he speaks English.
- Killface: [to Old Spice] You speak English?
- Old Spice: Yes.
- Killface: [walks away] Mm-hmm.
- Killface: Then I'll face off with Torpedo Vegas mano-a-mano. Probably with katanas. [Killface slashes at Vegas with a katana]
- Torpedo Vegas: You win this round... Killface... [the top half of his torso begins to slide off.]
- Killface: Then I'll have a tearful reunion with Simon and we can all go home. Bing bong bing.
- Xander Crews: Yeah. My part's kinda gay.
- Killface: Hah! Wait til you hear Plan B!
- Xander Crews: Uh...what's Plan B?
- [They Round a corner and are faced with a dozen gun-wileding guards]
- Guard: Fleeze, douche bags!
- Killface: I don't actually have one.
Penultimate Fighting
[edit]- Torpedo Vegas: He's like a kid in a candy shop, and that candy is... success. And I'm that friendly man at this cash register with a handle bar mustache *chuckles*
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: What?
- Killface: I think I'm missing the key reference.
- Torpedo Vegas: I can't have people sneaking in here leaking dooky water on my rugs. That's unacceptable.
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: I HAVE PATTY HEARST SYNDROME!
- Killface: Barnaby just-
- Torpedo Vegas: I'm getting furious at you, you don't even have any pants on.
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: Neither does he!
- Torpedo Vegas: Well he doesn't have a penis! As far as I can tell...
- Killface: I - uh -
- Xander Crews / Barnaby Jones: Yeah, what is the story on that?
- Killface: Oh, like you can talk.
- Xander Crews: Hey, my penis fills an entire tall-boy.
- [Quick cut to Xander, as Awesome X, dancing in front of the X-ticles, naked except for a beercan covering his groin and shouting "Master Cylinder!" through a megaphone. Cut back to Torpedo Jones' lair]
- Torpedo Jones: [Scoffing] I'm sure it doesn't fill it.
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: Oh, you're fuckin' dead.
- Killface: Yes, that's the spirit, Barnaby. [Xander smashes Killface in the face] Oh you're really selling it.
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: Oh, what's that? I obviously can't hear you.
- Killface: Okay, Barnaby?
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: Hey, I'm Killface, and I have a plan! Let me shoot your fuckin' eyes out! And then, let's wander around a fuckin' sewer our whole lives, looking for my fat ass, weirdo kid!
- Killface: Hey-
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: Who just happens to be-
- Killface: Barnaby-
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: The world's fattest fucking pussy! [Killface yells and bashes Xander to the ground]
- Killface: You made me do that! [Steps on Xander's neck]
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: Well, your kid's still a pussy.
- Killface: Barnaby-
- Xander Crews/Barnaby Jones: 'Cause you are a failure as a parent.
Thrust Issues
[edit]- [After Simon attempts to re-hang a portrait of his mother up]
- Killface: So just leave Lady Mom on the floor as a painful remainder of everyone I clutch to my bosom in friendship, only to feel the icy pang of betrayal as they sink their serpent's teeth into my... y'know... my bosom!
- [Phillip enters, wearing a tuxedo and carrying a basket of pickles]
- Phillip: [Cheerfully] Well, my ears are burnin'.
- Killface: Wha... Phillip?!
- Phillip: Ta-daaa!
- [Icy pause]
- Killface: [Stand-offish] Eager to know why you're here.
- ...
- Killface: Have you come to gloat?
- Phillip: That, and I think I might have left my Zune here. Have ya seen it?
- Killface: I don't know.
- Phillip: No? It's a...
- Killface: No, nothing here but a profound sense of betrayal.
- Phillip: ... little Zune, it's got Mp3s on it...
- Killface: Oh, and back knives.
- Phillip: Ah, it's no biggie, I'll just buy a new one. I'm a billionaire now, you know.
- Killface: Yes, I can tell by the tuxedo.
- Phillip: Yep, that's what we wear. Y'know.
- Killface: ZZ Top would be proud.
- Phillip: Chompa chompa.
- [Arranging to swap the $20 billion check for the Annihilatrix key]
- Xander Crews: We threw 'em! We throw 'em on three!
- Killface: No, I-I think it's windy for...
- Xander Crews: [Yelling quickly] One two three!
- [Startled, Killface throws the check; it is caught by the wind before Xander (who didn't throw the key) can catch it]
- Xander Crews: [Beat]... what the fuck, dude?!
- Killface: You said throw it!
- Xander Crews: Why?!... did I say that?!
- Killface: 'Cause you're an idiot! And a liar! You didn't even throw yours!
- [Pause]
- Xander Crews: I was gonna keep them both!
- Killface: You - Well, serves you right then!
Season 2
[edit]Behold a Dark Horse
[edit]- Mr. Ford: Well... bad is a relative term.
- (On the phone at his office)
- Mr. Ford: I said, what you think about global warming? Huh? Well, get a job, you damn hippie! Huh? Aww, fuck you.
- (Back to documentary interview)
- Mr. Ford: Basically, I just make stuff up and fax it over there.
- (cut from Mr. Ford's fax machine to Killface's)
- Killface: Oh! Ooh! There's a fax coming!
- (Back to documentary interview)
- Mr. Ford: Some weeks he doin' good, other weeks, he's not doin'... he's not doin' any good.
- Killface: (campaign stop at A.M.E. Zion Church, dressed like Michael Vick) Hello, African Zionists. Pleasure to be here, and how about that Jesus Christ, hmm? He's one bad mother--
- Churchgoer: You Hush your mouth!
- Killface: I'm just talkin' 'bout Christ.
- (At apartment)
- Killface: We should send them a pie basket.
- Dottie: They don't eat pie.
- Killface: Yes, they do.
- Dottie: Have you ever actually met a black person?
- Killface: Of course! Sinn was black.
- Dottie: I don't think a servant...
- Killface: Indentured servant...technically
- Dottie: How did you ever win the primary?
- (Shot of Killface on top of bus in ticker-tape parade, banner reading "Thanks Killface. Global Warming Cured")
- Killface: Duh.
The Opposition
[edit]- Xander: Can you even be gay for a robot? [in robot tone] Beep-beep, I am a gay-bot!
- Xtacle: think we're robots?!
- Xander: [in robot tone] May I offer you a robot blowjob?
- Xtacle: ..this-this is just armor! [clanks helmet]
- Xander: Power down gay robot; that is an an earthman order!
- Xtacle: Okay, hang on...
- [Xtacle takes off helmet, revealing a human head.]
- Xander: [Gasp]
- Xander: Oh my... god...
- Xtacle: That's what I've been saying.
- Xander: You look.. so... real!
- Xtacle: [exhasperated sigh] Look-
- Xander: Can I... touch you?
- Xtacle: Kinda prefer you didn't.
- Xander: Just be still.
- Xtacle: No, hey, come on!
- Xander: Feel my touch.
- [Xander sucker punches the Xtacle in the face, knocking him unconscious]
- Xander: So, what's this whole movie deal about Killface?
- Camera Man: Actually, he's running for president.
- Xander: He's what?! How?!
- Camera Man: Yeah, cause when he activated the Anihalatrix, he cured Global Warming.
- Xander: Wait, no, I turned it on!
- Camera Man: Well, he says he did.
- Xander: Son of a BITCH!
- Cmaera Man: Yeah, so do cabs ever come by here?
- Xander: Well, you know what? If he's running for President, then so am I!
- Camera Man: Well, it takes, like, tons and tons of money to run for president.
- Xander: [Holds up check containing his billions.] Well, is that enough? Ka-kow!
- Camera Man: Hey, when did you get the check back?
- Xander: Oh, just right after that whole incident with it blowing away.
- [Flashback, Xander comes down from Annihilatrix in elevator]
- Xander: Yeah, have fun getting the shit stomped outta you by the Xtacles when I go back to my house to get my Awesome X gear from that hooker who was living there the last time I... [check blows into his face] ...checked.
- Xander: Apparently, it's been here the whole time...SUCKERS!!
The Issues
[edit]- Xander: I need somebody who gets me, and also somebody who's a fighter, Stan. Just a tenacious smashin' bastard.
- Stan: Yep.
- Xander: He may be a little older...
- Stan: Mm-hmmm.
- Xander: Maybe a little balder...
- Stan: Well...
- Xander: But he's still the only player in NFL history to get two safeties in a single game.
- Stan: [pause] I'm sorry?
- Xander: Yes, Stan--two-time Pro Bowler Fred Dryer!
- Stan: You mean, TV's Hunter?
- Xander: He was Hunter?!
- Xander: You, Grace, do the roar.
- Grace: What?
- Xander: Roar like the "Team Jaguar" jaguar. [Grace roars quietly] Damn it, you're an apex predator. [Grace roars louder] Yeah! That's how she sounds when I'm bangin' her.
- [Talking head]
- Grace: I know, I just...can't stay mad at him. I'm gonna have his babies. [Holds up vial labelled "Xander Crews"]
- Camera Man: Is that...?
- Grace: Uh-huh.
- Camera Man: Shouldn't that be in a freezer?
- Grace: Sometimes I like to hold them.
The Image Problem
[edit]- Xander: You think they're looking for us?
- Killface: Both presidential candidates lost in bog? They must be.
- [In Killface's apartment, Dottie and Taqu'il watch a NASCAR race]
- Taqu'il: Man, I can't believe this.
- Dottie: Well, it's not like we can stay out there all night.
- Taqu'il: No, I can't believe I've been missing out on this white-knuckle thrill ride. Lookit, Junior's makin' a move!
- Dottie: God love him.
- Stan: All right, who's ready for another Tom Collins?
- Dottie: See, now he gets me.
- Killface: It's the international, you know, cry for help in the wilderness, bang bang bang, three quick shots.
- Xander: Where'd you hear that?
- Killface: It was in...oh, God, what was it? There was this whacking great bear...
- Xander: Oh, was it that movie The Bear?
- Killface: Shut up, no, it was...
- Xander: B.J. and the Bear?
- Killface: Tony Hopkins was in it.
- Xander: Oh, God, is he great?
- Killface: I could watch him read the phone book.
- Xander: And pay money to see it.
- Killface: I'd like to just smell his hair.
The Miracle
[edit]- Dottie: ...and, as you know, American voters insist on a Christian president.
- Killface: That's me. I'm Christian in spades!
- Dottie: But you have to be subtle about it.
- Killface: I'm subtle in spades!
- Taqu'il: They also don't want you to use the word "spades" all the damn time.
- Xander: (on headline outing Simon) BOOSH! Dude, we have got to jump on this with both feet.
- Stan: Nope.
- Xander: I want WebTV, I want Bluetube...
- Stan: Nope, we leave this one alone.
- Xander: Why?
- Stan: Because two words: John Kerry.
- Xander: Who?
- Stan: Exactly.
- Xander: [Beat] ...He some sort of famous gay dude?
The Middle
[edit]- Xander: I do have shortlist of four tentative maybes.
- Stan: [grabbing list]] Let's see here...
- Xander: Okay, Snatch-mo.
- Stan: [reading] Roxanne, the Real Roxanne, Roxanne Shanté, and Salman Rushdie.
- Xander: Which...I think it's actually "Salmon."
- [Fifty minutes after the computer goes down]
- Stan: No, what are the last three digits?
- Xander: I don't even see the I.P. address.
- Stan: It's right up...
- Xander: Now I'm thinking of I.P Freely. Now I'm thinking of Ace Frehley. Stan, Ace Frehley...
- Stan: Oh, for fuck's sake...
- Xander: Put him in on list.
- Stan: Why is the damn thing turned off?
- Xander: You said shut down.
- Stan: Momentarily, a half an hour ago!
- Xander: Well, I didn't go to computer academy!
- Stan: Oh, shut the fuck up!
The Debate, Part One
[edit]- Wendell: So, yeah. This is, uh... I'm undercover.
- Killface: Undercover for what?
- Dottie: Uh, aiy... Wendell's volunteered to look into some new fundraising avenues.
- Wendell: Yeeeep! Commence Operation: Meth Nazi!
- Killface: Operation WHAT?
- [Wendell drives off on moped, crashing into glass]
- Killface: Wendell!
- Wendell: Oi!
- Killface: I...don't have a great feeling about this.
- Dottie: Oh, grow up. Do you know how many American politicians are funded by the Neo-Nazis?
- Killface: Wh...shut up.
- Dottie: My God, there's Congressman [bleep], and Senator [bleep], not to mention Vice-[bleep] [bleep].
- [Cut to talking head]
- Killface: Going to bleep those, I hope.
- Awesome X: [flying through air with Ronnie on his back] Quit grinding your fucking dick on me!
- Ronnie: I cannot find comfort.
- Awesome X: How about finding Killface's house?
- Ronnie: Okay, but first, guess what.
- Awesome X: What?
- Ronnie: I feel like hobbit...on eagle.
- Awesome X: Well, that's great, Ronnie...
- Ronnie: Oh, Bilbo Baggins.
- Awesome X: [fuel gauge on wrist reads empty] ...because now you guess what. [Both plummet to ground]
The Debate, Part Two
[edit]- Clerk: You wanna watch while I call the police?
- Wendell: No, wait, I got some money down here in my sock.
- Xander: See, he's got sock money.
- Wendell: But...
- Ronnie: [with ice cream] Here, you lick...with tongue.
- Wendell: [with Awesome X mask and gun] You got change for a .38?! [Shoots clerk five times]
- Xander: What the fuck, Wendell?!
- Wendell: Wendell X.
- Carter: First question, both candidates--Article Two of the Constitution.
- Xander: The what?
- Killface: Um... [Lamont quacks]
- Xander: Why does he get a spirit animal? I think my buzzer's broken!
- Killface: Is that the one about tariffs?
- Carter: No, it's the one that says you have to be at least 35 years old and a US citizen in order to be President.
- Killface: Well, that can't be right. I'm not even a legal resident.
- Xander: And I'm only 33.
- Carter: So, follow-up--why are you idiots wasting everybody's time when you can't even be elected?
A Take on Hooper
[edit]- Doctor: So listen. I can't give you an okay to...
- Xander: Stand those pants up.
- Doctor: ...go battle a cadre of supervillains on top of a giant doomsday device.
- Xander: Well, not with that attitude!
- Doctor: Remember when Killface punched you with a penguin at the Haggar Pants Presidential Debate (Turns on X-ray of Xander's spine)
- Xander: Uh, vaguely, yeah.
- Doctor: Well, that cracked your C3 and C4 vertebrae, so... you ever see Hooper?
- Xander: Yeah, that robot with the big tits!
- Doctor: No, but that sounds awesome.
- Xander: It is!
- Doctor: I meant the Burt Reynolds movie where he's a hard-living stuntman.
- Xander: That sounds awesome.
- Doctor: It is. Anyway, one more impact to the neck, and you'll be paralyzed.
- Xander: My third-greatest fear!
- Doctor: Same basic plot as in the movie.
- Xander: God, that sounds awesome.
- Doctor: It is.
- Xander: But who's gonna stop Hooper?
- Doctor: Well, it's already out on DVD.
- Xander: No, I mean the robot with the big tits.
- Doctor: Really sounds awesome.
- Xander: It is.
- Doctor: Anyway...
- (Wendell, dressed in Awesome X top, delivers a flying kick to the Doctor)
- Wendell: I actually have some thoughts on that.
- Doctor: Oh my God, now my neck's broken!
- Wendell: What! How could you even say that? I'm a freakin' force of nature here. Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew--
- Xander: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! ::crash::
- Wendell: Oh...I'll get you a new lamp.
- Xander: Yeah, that was actually a sconce.
- Wendell: Still though...
- Xander: Yeah, it's just...I kind of spent a lot of time developing the Awesome X brand.
- Wendell: Totally, yeah and it's understandable, you know, you're protective of it.
- Xander: And I hate for you to go up there and...
- Wendell: I get it.
- Xander: ...get your fat ass handed to you.
- Wendell: Wow.
- Xander: Yeah.
- Wendell: You just, ah...went ahead and put it out there.
- Xander: Well...
- Wendell: Muffin Top X!
- Xander: Well...
- Wendell: Just so you know, this armor does not protect my feelings.
- Xander: Ok, you know what? Yeah, do it.
- Wendell: Really?
- Xander: Yeah, because either your dumb ass dies or you somehow manage to kill the unspeakable horror about to spew forth from my ex-girlfriend's womb.
- Wendell: Um...
- Xander: Cause ah, you know, big picture, child support...
- Wendell: You gonna...
- Xander: I'm not saying perform an abortion...
- Wendell: Oh my god...
- Xander: But, let's see if you can't stab that thing while it's still in her belly.
- Wendell: Could maybe stab her in the belly if I had a machete.
- Xander: Well...your words.
Wendell Goes Undercover Again
[edit]- [baby kicks in Antagone's womb]
- Deceptatacle #1: Whoa! Oh my god, that is adorable!
- Antagone: He's really getting worked up!
- Deceptatacle #2: Oh yeah, definitely some activity down here.
- Antagone: Can you see him, is he crowning?
- Deceptatacle #2: I don't know or care what that means.
- Antagone: He's gonna come soon, I can feel it!
- Deceptatacle #2: You can feel that?
- Xander: Mmm, yeah I'm gonna pass... on that... because it is retarded! Wendell!
- Wendell: Yes?
- Xander: Go kill that baby, buddy.
- Scientist: Now there's a movie I haven't seen.
- Xander: Uhh Vera Drake?
- Scientist: Didn't see it.
- Xander: It's... for an abortion movie? Pretty funny.
- Scientist: Let's rent it.
- Xander: Done! All abort! Toot toot!
Cody Gains a Namesake
[edit]- Deceptacle #1: All right, let me get this straight. You're saying that Steve guy and the crab-man killed Sinn.
- Val: Yeah, then put me in her armor to make it look like I did it...
- Deceptacle #2: Damn, that Steve's crafty.
- Val: ...then took off with the bug-lady to give birth in a secret location.
- Deceptacle #1: They're probably starting an ant-baby machete-squad splinter group! (All Decepticles gasp)
- Val: Steve mentioned that.
- Wendell: Big push, big push! Wait, wait, wait, stop, stop, stop!
- Antagone: What?!
- Wendell: I'm gonna throw up. (Hovers to bathroom)
- Antagone: Get back here!
- Wendell: (in bathroom, having vomited) Do you have any Scope?
- Antagone: Get your fat ass back here!
Differences Are Put Slightly Aside
[edit]- Killface: What on earth are you wearing?
- Xander: It's a halo, idiot! Not grab bars.
- Killface: Are those underoos?
- Xander: I'm Awesome X!
- Killface: Oh...
- Xander: Ta-da.
- Killface: I don't...know if I ever knew that. (Simon mumbles) Oh, you don't even know if you're gay or not.
- Xander: Snip-snap.
- Killface: Snip-snap, indeed.
- Deceptacle #1: Aw yeah, get 'em in there! (Kicks barrel of mini-cobs into pool) Can't have a clambake without corn.
- Deceptacle #2: Can we have one without clams?
- Deceptacle #1: Okay, uh...this is now Lowcountry boil.
- Deceptacle #2: Yeah, I still think that has clams.
- Deceptacle #1: Well, I'm sorry the prison food truck didn't have a fresh load of quahogs, but let's still give it up to Curtis for lettin' us hijack it!
External links
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