South Park/Season 20

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South Park: Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | Bigger, Longer & Uncut | Specials: The Streaming Wars, Joining the Panderverse, (Not Suitable for Children), The End of Obesity

South Park (1997–present) is an adult animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Distributed by and airing on Comedy Central, it follows the surreal adventures of four young boys who live in the small town of South Park, Colorado.

Skank Hunt [20.02]

[Outside, boys into the woods, he up the stairs, and Kyle opens the door]
Cartman: Oh, dude, is this it? This is cool. So isolated. [He looks a shovel to a hole dug in ground] Check it out. There’s a shovel next to a hole dug in the ground. [Inside the cabin, Cartman use the computer to show the password] Dude, is this where we’re gonna play? I call dibs on this side. What’s the WiFi called? Is there a password? [Kyle closes the cabin door, and show the tools to bring the Cartman’s electronics] I don’t see it… I don’t see it coming up on my laptop. I don’t know, I think maybe the WiFi’s not working. [He puts stuff on top] Where’s the box? You gotta unplug it and plug it back in. [Turning around] You guys? You guys… there’s… no WiFi.
Clyde: The girls are gonna do something drastic to us. We have to take matters into our own hands.
[Cartman looks afraid]
Cartman: [afraid] What are you… What are you guys talking about? What?
Stan: You brought this on yourself, Cartman. We’re sorry.
Cartman: Oh, my God. Oh, my God… you guys are gonna break all my stuff so I can’t get online.
Kyle: Just put your stuff on the table and step back.
Cartman: [panic] Please! Please don’t break my stuff, you guys! This is like, two Christmas and a birthday worth of stuff! You guys can’t do this! PLEASE!
Token: Let’s just get it over with.
Cartman: NO, DON’T TAKE IT OVER WITH! DON’T BREAK MY STUFF! I’M NOT SKANK HUNT… I’M NOT! You guys, you guys, you don’t have to do this… you don’t have to do this. We can still just play CounterStrike and forget everything. Oh, my God, there’s no WiFi… We can use my phone, to make a hotspot, we can still play CounterStrike! It’ll will be sweet! You guys, come on, please! PLEASE, YOU CAN’T!
Clyde: I can’t listen to this.
Cartman: Please, Clyde! Clyde, you’re my friend! Please, you, you know how much I need my… stuff!
Craig: Let’s just get it over with! [Walks up to Cartman, then he goes to break stuff]
Cartman: No, please… if I can’t get online, I won’t have a I… no… [Craig stabs Cartman’s laptop with his knife] WHOA, GOD! NO! DON'T! DON'T! DON'T! OH, MY GOD! [He knocked on the table and destroy the boys] OH, MY GOD! OH, MY GOD! OH, MY GOD! [Cartman screams in passed out]
[Outside the woods, Token pats the roots with shovel. The boys looks horrified]
Stan: What have we done?
Kyle: What we had to do.
[Cartman screams this instance]

The Damned [20.03]


Wieners Out [20.04]

Kyle: So somebody, like Heidi, could use it to see your entire Internet history. Everything you ever said and did on the Internet, even before you were together.
Cartman: [a look of fear crosses his face] Well, Heidi doesn't actually use the Internet. We've sworn off that stuff, so it's kewl.
Kyle: Right, but somebody, like me, could look up your entire Internet history, print it out, and give it to Heidi. I would imagine there's some things you've done or said on the Internet you wouldn't want Heidi to know about.

Dick: If someone Photoshopped a dick in your wife's mouth, would you just think it was funny?
Gerald: You mean my [shows his phone to Dick with image of Sheila Photoshopped] fracking screensaver.
Dick: It's true. You're just an asshole. I thought you were the ultimate rebel. I actually looked up to you and you're nothing but a super... dick.
Gerald: And what are [points at Dick] you, Dildo Shwaggins? Huh? You think you're a fracking political activist hauled up in your shifty little midget condo. You're nothing but a passed off little giant, lashing out at everyone because you can't get laid!

Oh, Jeez [20.07]

Tom: A historic election, and all the votes are in. Except of course in the city of Fort Collins, Colorado. It's been several days now since Fort Collins was hacked. Everyone's e-mails and Internet history became accessible to the public after being targeted by the Danish Trolltrace program. According to our eye in the sky, their votes will not be tallied anytime soon.
Eye in the sky: It's complete bedlam inside the city limits, Chris. [traffic accidents at every intersection, a broken fire hydrant spewing a geyser of water, three giraffes running through the streets...] Since the city was hacked there have been murder, suicide, and complete lack of civility. We also understand that nearly everyone within Fort Collins who was married is now divorced. Back to you, Tom.
Tom: This barricade behind me was put up not only to make sure nobody goes into Fort Collins, but also to make sure nobody gets out, since there's no telling whose Internet histories they've seen
Dangling Man: [at the top of the barricade] Please! [Tom glances at him and the camera zooms in] My wife is so pissed at me! [a bullet strikes him from the air and he falls to his death several stories down.] Guh!
Sheila: [outraged in shock to Ike] It was you all this time! What have you done, Ike?! Do you have any idea the damage you've caused?! How can my child be such a monster?!

Kyle: [enters home and finds Ike sitting in the corner] Ike? What are you doing?
Sheila: Don't talk to him! He is in big trouble!
Kyle: What'd he do?
Sheila: It's him, Kyle! Your brother is the Internet troll who's caused all this pain in our community!
Kyle: What?!
Sheila: It was him all along! Now we have to figure out what to tell people when they learn that this ugliness came from our family!

Not Funny [20.09]

[Broflovski Residence; Kyle's room]
Sheila: [enraged] WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! HOW DARE YOU OUTRIGHT DEFY ME LIKE THAT?! Your brother was being punished for using the computer, and you just decide to leave with him?!
Kyle: I just felt bad for him, Ma.
Sheila: You felt BAD for him?! After all the horrible things he said to people online?! Your brother is a sick troll, Kyle! You just wait till your father gets home! [leaves Kyle's room, slamming the door closed]

Kyle: "Officials have stated that all communication with Denmark has ended and that a military strike on the country is now imminent."
Ike: Yay!
Kyle: "The President stated that since the--"
Sheila: ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?! [Kyle and Ike scream and fall away from the computer] GET OFF THAT COMPUTER!!!
Kyle: Mom, we were just using it to look at the news.
Sheila: I DON'T CARE! I said, no computers! You kids are addicted to the Internet! You're sick, and you're addicted! It's changed your brother, and now it's turning you against me, Kyle!
Kyle: I'm not against you, Mom.
Sheila: You are! Your father goes away on business and all you do is defy me at every turn! The next time you defy me, it will be your last! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!
Kyle and Ike: Yes, mom.
Sheila: And when your father gets home from Denmark, you two are both going in for counseling.
Kyle and Ike: Denmark?
Kyle: What is Dad doing in Denmark?!
Sheila: The government sent him over there to do paralegal training. So it would have been nice if you could have shown a little support!

Kyle: Ike. It's time. I don't know if i'm strong enough to go through with this, but it's the only way now.
Ike: I know.
Kyle: Just remember... I always loved you, little brother.
Ike: I love you, too, big brother.
Kyle: Let's just get it over with.

Ike: Mommy?
Sheila: Yes?
Ike: Suck my balls. You're a fat bitch. [runs off]
Sheila: WHAAAAAAAAAT?! [gets out of her bed and chases after him downstairs to the kitchen] You get back here, you little monster! I HAVE HAD IT WITH YOU! Don't you run away from me, Ike! Who do you think you are?! [to Kyle] Where is he?! Where is your brother?!
Kyle: He's in the pantry.
Sheila: Don't you try and hide from me now! [goes in the pantry] You are in big trouble, Ike! [Kyle shuts the door behind her and props a chair up under the door knob] Whaaat?! What, whaat?! Kyle! You open his door right now!! Open this door!!!
[In the Broflovski kitchen, Sheila is still locked in the pantry from the previous episode]

Ike: You are all dumb-ass... fuckwads. [as Sheila furiously enters his room] Lick my asshole, you Mexican... bitch.
Sheila: [incredibly enraged] IKE!!! [Ike screams] You DARE lock me in the pantry so you can play on your computer?!?! [runs for his computer, picks up the monitor and smashes it to the floor]
Ike: Mommy!
Sheila: You're gonna pay for what you've done!
Ike: [screams as he runs out of his room and down the hallway into Gerald's study] Kyle!
Sheila: IKE!
Kyle: Shit! [gets off the computer]
Ike: Mommy got out!
Sheila: YOU! You helped make your brother this way!
Kyle: Mom, there's been a mistake. Ike isn't the school troll. We're trying to help the--
Sheila: [interrupting] SHUT UP! Not another word from either of you! You're both grounded from the computer, FOREVER!

[Tucker Residence, Sheila runs up to the door]
Sheila: [pounds on the door and Laura answers] Laura, have my boys come to see Craig? They're hiding from me. [Laura looks at her and breaks down, crying] What? What, what?
Laura: [sobbing] The son of a bitch. He's such a bastard! When you marry someone and you think you know them...
Sheila: I don't know what you're talking about.
Laura: Troll Trace. [points to a laptop on the table] It's up and running. It can tell you anybody's Internet . I couldn't resist. I looked up my husband. The Web sites he's visited are just... disgusting!
Sheila: May I use this a moment?
Laura: Sure. Type in any name. It'll show you everything they've ever done online. Be careful. You might not like what you see.

Sheila: There's nothing here. Maybe Kyle was telling the truth. Oh, Laura! I think my boys were being honest with me!
Laura: About what?
Sheila: I accused Ike of-- I can't really say. But this thing says he's clean! I gotta find my boys, Laura. Thank you so much!
Laura: It's not our kids we have to worry about. My husband was on three married-but-dating websites! He looked at porn 4,000 times in one month! Aren't you curious what your husband does? Huh? Sure he doesn't have any girlfriends?
Sheila: No. I, I have to respect Gerald's privacy.
Laura: Sure, yeah, respect. Nice of you to give him that. Come on, you really think you can resist the urge to type in his name…just for a quick little look?

Kyle: And so, life goes on. The end of civilization didn't happen. A massive electric pulse completely erased the Internet. We've been given a second chance. A mulligan. Anything we might be ashamed of, gone forever. Maybe now boys and girls can learn to respect each other again, and realize how careful our online lives have to be. Because we've all seen what happens when the Twitters, Facebooks, and trolls decide our reality. Now that we've been given this second chance, it's up to all of us to see what we do with it.
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