ER (season 11)

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ER (1994–2009) is a long running medical drama, airing on NBC, that follows the lives of doctors and nurses in a Chicago emergency room.

One for the Road [11.01]

[ Luka leans up against his car at the motel, Sam is getting ice from the ice machine. ]
Luka: [ sighs ] What are you doing, Sam?
Sam : This is what I do, you know that. I don’t stay in one place that long.
Luka: How long are you going to keep doing that?
Sam : As long as I have to.
Luka: You can’t keep running away.
Sam : Sure I can.
Luka: This isn’t just about Steve.
Sam : Sorry, sometimes there’s a little collateral damage. I have to do this for Alex.
Luka: From what I can tell, it’s not working for him.
Sam : Yeah well, he’s 10, he doesn’t know what’s working for him.
Luka: Is this the life you want for him? For yourself?
Sam :[ opens her mouth as if to say something, but is speechless ] I don’t know what else to do.
Luka: Go to your car and follow me back to Chicago. You don’t have to do this alone, I’m here, you can trust me.
[ A tear runs down Sam’s cheek. Luka pushes her hair back and caresses her face with his hand. ]
Sam : That’s not something I’m good at.
Luka: Why not give it a try? It can’t be any worse than this, can it?
[ They both smile and softly laugh ]
Neela (while examining Pratt): Keep your mouth open so I can check the pharynx.
Pratt: Thought you weren't supposed to be doing anything.
Neela: You're a resident; no one's going to care if I kill you. Open.
Weaver: Somebody go find Morris! He's probably in the bathroom again staring at Maxim.
Weaver: Back off Pratt, or I'll check your rectal tone with my crutch.

Damaged [11.02]

[ Luka wakes up, turns to see that Sam is not there and gets out of bed. We then see Sam at the open window. Luka comes out of the room and hugs her. ]
Luka: You’re not sleepy? You will get cold like that.
Sam : He’ll come back [ Sam moves away from Luka. ] We won’t have any idea when. Sleeping in one morning or on our way home from a movie, and he’ll just show up.
Luka: We’ll deal with that.
Sam : I don’t know why you would want to.
[ Sam looks into Alex’s room where he is sleeping ]
Luka: I can think of a reason. [ Luka closes the window. ] This place is too small. You should both come and live with me.
Sam : What?
Luka: My apartment has two floors. Alex can sleep downstairs.
Sam : Luka! If we all move in together it is going to be because it is something we all want, not because you think we need to be protected!
Luka: Hey.
[ Sam walks away and mumbles something about a shower. ]
Luka: Hey! [Sam stops and turns and Luka picks up the frying pan. ] Scrambled or fried?
Sam : Poached!
Luka: Poached?

[ Later, after shark guy, Luka, Sam , Malik and Jerry joking about nurse sharks. They are reading off the internet ]

Jerry: It says here they adjust well to captivity.
Malik: Sounds like a nurse to me!
Sam : Not all of us!
Luka: They tend to move slowly but with a relatively small range during the day.
Sam [ laughs ]: Hey, watch it!

[ Luka says goodbye to Carter. Sam give Carter a med record and follows Luka out the door and chases him down. ]
'Sam :Luka!
Luka: I thought you were still on?
Sam :For awhile, yeah. Ah, you know what you said, earlier, on the steps? [ Luka nods ] Me too. So… come on by later and I’ll make you some eggs.
Luka: [ nods again ] OK.
[ They both turn to go. Sam turns and yells out ]
Sam : Hey!
[ Sam runs to Luka he grabs her in his arms as he laughs and they kiss. ]

Try Carter [11.03]

[Neela, sitting in a registry/intelligence office]
Woman: So you placed very high on your placement test, but you haven't got a lot of experience in any other service industry. No retail, no sales. Secretarial?
Neela: No.
Woman: Uh... Bookkeeping?
Neela: Not really.
Woman: Horticulture?
[Neela shakes her head]
Woman: Mechanics?
[Neela shakes her head]
Woman: Electrical?.....Perhaps we'd have better luck if you told us what sort of things you can do.
Neela: Well, let's see: I can crack open your chest, reinflate your lung and squeeze your heart back to life.

Carter: How's the night shift going?
Luka: Ugly- but it's been quiet for the last hour or so.
Carter: Well, that won't last. Sunburns, blown-off fingers, potluck food poisoning- nothing like the E.R. on the Fourth of July.
Luka: You sound like you're looking forward to it.
Carter: Anytime you mix alcohol, gunpowder and the great outdoors, you're in for a good time.

Fear [11.04]

Carter: If you want me to tell anyone anything?
Corday: Tell them, uh... It's been lovely.
Ella: Mommy, in the picture?
Corday: Listen, John, i'm going to have go, okay, bye. [to Ella] Sorry, sweetheart, what?
Ella: Is this Daddy? [hands Elizabeth a picture of Mark]
Corday: Yeah! You know that! [hands the picture back to Ella, and she looks at another photo]
Ella: Who are they? [hands the black and white picture to Elizabeth.
Corday [smiling]: That's your Nana and Grandpa.
Ella: Are they dead too?
[Corday looks sadly into the distance, remembering Mark]

An Intern's Guide to the Galaxy [11.05]

Dubenko: Jet-skis account for only 20% of boats but are involved in 44% of injuries, know why that is? Dr. Lockhart?
Abby: No.
Dubenko: "No" is right -- no throttle, no steering, no way to stop.

Time of Death [11.06]

Pratt: You know what? It's Friday. I don't do lost causes on Friday. It's a religious thing.

Charlie: I never believed in God. That might bite me in the ass how, huh?
Luka: God will get over it.

Pratt: If you ask me, we need to have one line for legitimate patients, another line for all the rest.
Sam: Yeah, well, good thing nobody asked you.

Luka: Do you have a problem with me?
Pratt: ...No.
Luka: It's him? (indicates the Trauma room where Charlie is being cared for)
Pratt: I was outta line.
Luka: Okay. Let's go. (starts to head back in)
Pratt: The guy's a waste. (Luka turns back around) Dying from something he's doing to himself.
Luka: Last time I checked, alcoholism was still a disease-
Pratt: So is suicide. He should catch some of that, and save us the trouble.
Luka: We get ones like this every day-
Pratt: Well maybe I need a day off! (pause)
Luka: This personal?
Pratt: ...I guess.
Luka: Good. Then we don't have to talk about it.
Pratt: (smiles coldly)... You like raggin' me, don't you?
Luka: I don't think I do-
Pratt: Ever since I was an intern, you've been on my back.
Luka: Maybe a couple of times.
Pratt: Why?
Luka:... You're good, Pratt. But I think you could be better.

White Guy, Dark Hair [11.07]

[ Cut to Sam sorting supplies in an empty trauma room. Luka enters ]
Luka: The detective is still here.
Sam : You shouldn’t have been so dismissive of me in front of him.
Luka: You didn’t need to discuss the details of Louise’s condition. She deserves some privacy.
Sam : Yeah, and she deserves a chance to help. We have an option we haven’t even talked about.
Luka: And that is?
Sam : If we deflate the crike balloon Louise could wisper.
Luka: You want to take her off the vent?
Sam : Just for a few moments at a time.
Luka: She is requiring 100% oxygen
Sam : I take her off the vent every time I suction her and she’s fine. Come on, we both know it’s possible.
Luka: Technically, yes, but why risk it?
Sam : Because she wants to help.
Luka: She does or you do?
Sam : What is that supposed to mean?
Luka: [ a beat, softer ] You’re sensitive about these kinds of cases.
Sam : What?
Luka: You always want to stand up for women who’ve been assaulted.
Sam : And you don’t?
Luka: Of course I do. Maybe because of when you were with Steve?
Sam : Steve never raped me.
Luka: Physical abuse? Hitting you?
Sam : Oh, this has nothing to do with that.
Luka: Are you sure?
Sam : Yeah. There’s a violent rapist out there. How are you going to feel in two days, two weeks, a month from now when we get another woman like Louise in here.
[ Malik comes in and says: Hey, crit’s only 19 on your GI bleeder.Luka gives a nod to Malik ]
Sam : Go. Go.
[ Luka leaves. ]

[ Sam is preparing Louise’s body. Luka comes in and Sam notices him. Luka stands at the foot of the bed and Sam is looking at Louise’s face. ]
Luka: I thought they would have taken her by now.
Sam : Morgue’s backed up. Cororner’s backed up. Same ‘ol, same ‘ol. I thought you were with that (some medical term) kid.
Luka: Peds surgery took him up to the OR.
[ Sam starts to cry ]
Luka: Sam, you don’t need to do this.
Sam : I know.
Luka: There are other nurses.
Sam : I know.
Luka: Sam.
Sam : I shouldn’t have done it.
Luka: The contusions were severe. She could have died anyway.
Sam : I shouldn’t have done it, Luka.
Luka: You did what you did to help the patient, Sam.
[ Pause ]
Luka: Sam?
Sam : When I deflated the balloon Louise was still so traumatized. He kept asking her all these questions and the only thing that she could remember was….. white guy, dark hair.
[ Luka walks up to Sam, standing behind her. ]
Sam : I did what I did for “white guy, dark hair.”

Shot in the Dark [11.08]

Sam : Where'd he get it? [long pause] You subscribe?
Luka: I like the articles!
Sam : Oh, please

Abby: Have you ever done this before?
Dubenko: No one gets in trouble for acting in the best interests of their patient.
Abby: Yeah, tell that to Dr. Corday.

Neela: Why did you abandon that kid?!
Ray: My shift was over.
Neela: He was counting on you!
Ray: I had a gig!
Neela: Screw your gig! Medicine isn't a day job!

Twas the Night [11.09]

Abby: Next year, I'm going to invent a family so I don't have to come on Christmas.

Dr. Chen: You're not Chinese.
Pratt: Oh, so it's Chinese to euthanise your elders?
Dr. Chen: It's Chinese to respect them.

Dr. McPherson: Where's Lockhart?
Abby: Dr. McPherson?
Dr. McPherson: I didn't authorize dialysis for Sanders and you started it without my approval! I wanna speak to your Attending. (looks to see Carter off to the side)
Abby: Your patient was drowning; he needed emergent dialysis. You're an Attending on-call, I covered your ass.
Dr. McPherson: You can't just deceive Attendings when you don't agree with them!
Abby: Well, if you report me for working the system, I'll report you for abandoning your patient.
Ray: Go, Abby.

Skin [11.10]

CJ (while pointing a gun at Abby) You're scared of big black men, huh?
Abby: No. I'm scared of big black guns.

Susan (to Neela): I need to talk to you later about your patient satisfaction scores.
Neela: Is there a problem?
Susan: Yeah, they suck.

Luka: Weaver?
Susan: Yep, otherwise known as the four letter word beginning with a "c".
Luka: Crab?

Susan (to Ray): When people come to the hospital, they want to see a doctor, not a rock star.

Only Connect [11.11]

Sam : He's to young to go, and shouldn't even be listening to that kind of music anyways.
Luka: I did't know you already said no.
Sam : Luca, I'm trying to teach him the value of a dollar and you go and give him everything that he wants.
Luka: It was only fifty bucks.
Sam : For a concert ticket for a ten year old, NO. That's ridiculous.
Luka: I just don't think you should be worried about money so much.
Sam : Look, I appreciate your generosity, but I am not going to let you start paying for everything.
Luka: But you don't have to pay exactly half the rent and half the bills every month, that's ridiculous.
Sam : You know I've been taking care of me and Alex for 10 years on my own, I think I can handle it.
Luka: You know, this isn't about money at all. You're worried about losing your independence or something. And about my role in Alex's live. What are you worried you're losing control or something.
Sam : You know what, you always do this.
Luka: Do what?
Sam : This! Telling me what I'm really mad about.
Luka: Most of the time you don't know what you're really mad about.
[ Sam walks to the door ]
Luka: Sam, this isn't our stop

Kerry: If we don't get our patient-satisfaction scores up, we can't start pursuing HMO contracts.
Luka: OK, who's low?
Susan: Ray, Neela, Morris-
Carter: Abby's the only one with a decent score.
Kerry: Even Pratt's been on the low end.
Luka: I think Pratt's okay with the patients- it's the other doctors he has a problem with.

Neela: Does every 10-year old kid have ADHD?
Sam : ADD, A Gameboy and an I-Pod

Haleh: You owe me one.
Sam: What? No, I don't.
Haleh: Yeah, you do. I put down the NG on Mrs. Leighberger.
Sam: I didn't ask you to do that.
Haleh: Dr. Kovac did.
Sam: What?
Haleh: He said you were a little 'over-extended' today, unlike the rest of us. (leaves)
Sam: Abby, will you excuse me? I need to go yell at someone.
Abby: (doesn't look up from her patient) Have fun.

Sam : You're really good at teaching other people how to communicate.
Luka: Thanks
Sam : We shoud try it ourselves sometime.
Luka: Yeah.
[ Silence, Luka gets a smirk on his face and tilts his head down to her a bit. ]
Luka: But my English, you know? I still need to work on it.
Sam : Aw, you're pulling the Croatian card? That's low!
[ She hits him gently and he pulls her into an embrace, hard. He looks down at her adoringly and she returns the look. ]
Luka: You were right about one thing.
Sam : Only one thing?
Luka: $50 is too much for a concert ticket.
[ She watches him as he comes in for a kiss. It's romantic as the camera pulls away and the show ends on them on the El kissing. ]

The Providers [11.12]

Dr. Abby Lockhart: You slept with your instructor?
Dr. Neela Rasgotra: Dr. Gibson had a very tender way with cadavers.
Dr. Abby Lockhart: And you called him "Dr. Gibson"?
Dr. Neela Rasgotra: Only in bed.

Dr. Luka Kovac: Do you have an intern on this?
Dr. John Carter: I got Ray.
Dr. Luka Kovac: Uh... what do you think about taking Neela instead?
Dr. John Carter: Why is there a problem?
Dr. Luka Kovac: Just do me a favor, okay?
Dr. John Carter: Alright, send the Punjabi powerhouse my way.

Amanda: So, it's the pelvis we have to worry about?
Dr. Abby Lockhart: That's right.
Amanda: But other positions...?
Dr. Abby Lockhart: Yeah, sure. Get yourselves a six-pack, a copy of the Kama Sutra and shoot out the lights.

Nurse Samantha Taggart: Dr. Carter? Dr. Weaver's on the phone for you. She sounds kinda...
Dr. John Carter: Kinda what?
Nurse Samantha Taggart: ...Weaver-like.

Middleman [11.13]

Luka: He doesn't get to you?
Sam : Doctor Hair? I think he's kinda cute.
Luka: What?!
Sam : Surgery and ER have these battles in every hospital I've ever worked in. It's not personal. It's, surgeons think they're much better and smarter than everyone else. It's a defense mechanism. To make up for their terrible lifestyle.
Luka: The guy needs an ex-lap.
Sam : It's a pissing match, Luka. Let it go. Come on, you're taller and sexier, and you already got the girl.
Luka: This isn't about ego.
Sam : Oh, it's not?

Luka: (to Pratt) Nothing will get a doctor into bigger trouble, than the fear of looking stupid. Trust me.

Neela: Ray, the plumber came, and the shower's fixed.
Ray Barnett: Oh, Hallelujah, I love you!
Neela: You owe me eighty bucks. Ready to sign out?

Just as I Am [11.14]

Dr. Kerry Weaver: Watch out for those lesbians they've ruined our God gifted life.

[Kerry confronts her conservative birth-mother about accepting her homosexuality]

Kerry Weaver: Can you accept me for who I am?
Helen Kinglsey: (tearfully) I can love you, whoever you are-
Kerry Weaver: (shakes her head) I don't want love without acceptance. (pause) It was so good, to finally meet you. (she comes forward and hugs Helen, who hesitates then hugs her back)

Alone in a Crowd [11.15]

Carter (to Wendell): Look, I'm sorry.
Wendell: Who was it?
Carter: It was stupid, it was rude and I'm sorry. Can we go back inside please?
Wendell: Is this a little diversion for you until she comes back to the States?
Carter: It's freezing out here.
Wendell: Go back inside, John.
Carter: Hey, hey, I had a baby with her. What am I supposed to do? Cut her out of my life completely because I'm with you now?
Wendell: Are you with me?
Carter: Can we just please go back inside? Don't, come on, don't walk away! OK, so that's it. One phone call and you're gone, huh?
Wendell: One phone call? You were in bed with me, John. You could have mentioned that, somewhere between "how are you" and "how's the weather."
Carter: Look, we spend every night together, we enjoy each others company, we have fun. Alright. I know what you want me to say, and....and I can't say it, OK? I'm sorry.
Wendell: Well, at least you're honest.
Carter: Look, it doesn't mean that we can't...
Wendell: Yeah, it does. (walks away)
Carter: (sighs) Wendell!

Here and There [11.16]

Gallant: (in his letter to Neela) You guys probably don't even remember me by now. I'm the tall, good looking, black guy with the best bedside manner in the place. Tell Pratt I said that.

Pratt (about the letter Neela is writing to Gallant): Tell him to hurry up and get his ass back here in one piece. I'm tired of waiting for my rematch. Now let's get back inside.
Neela (in her letter): Pratt says he misses you.

Pratt: Neela, you could be the best doctor here- Hell, everybody knows you're five times smarter- but most of the time, you're in your head.
Neela:... You're right, I am. I... blow things out of proportion, I obsess.
Pratt: So stop.
Neela: Well, it's just- I come here, I do my shift, I go home, I sleep. I can't believe this is my life!
Pratt: See, now that's the problem. This cannot be your life. You need to go out, you need to have some fun- when was the last time you were on a date?
Neela: Why does everybody seem to think I need to get laid?!
Pratt: (grins, pats her shoulder) Trust me on this- sometimes it helps.

Back in the World [11.17]

Dr. Michael Gallant: [regarding Neela's dinner outfit] If that's your deep-dish outfit, I'm glad I didn't say French food.

Luka (to Sam about Steve being back in town): What do you wanna do?
Sam: I'm not gonna run away again. Especially not now. I don't want you to have to worry, it's my problem.
Luka: I kinda think it's our problem.

(As Steve and Luka are fighting & Alex comes out with his bags packed)
Alex: Luka!
Steve: It's nothing, kiddo. Just a little disagreement.
Luka (to Alex) What's all that for?
Alex: We're going to Florida. My dad's got a place by the beach where we can watch the whales migrate. Mom said it was OK.
Luka: Alex, go back up!
Alex: No!!!
Luka: Alex, now!!!
Steve: Easy, Hoss. Not your kid!
Luka: Listen. You can take what you want, I don't care, but he's not going anywhere with you.

Refusal of Care [11.18]

Abby: How come you have to panhandle?
Patient: Because they're not hiring at Hooters.

Dr. Ray Barnett: [Ray's patient has cancer] Well, that sucks. She's a nice lady.
Dr. Gregory Pratt: Yeah, I hear that's a risk factor for cancer.

Debra: Who's gonna get me to the doctor all the time? Who's gonna stay with me when I'm spittin' up all night? Who's gonna help me up the stairs when I'm too weak to walk? Who's gonna do that? You?

Ruby Redux [11.19]

Carter (to Abby): When I was a student on my surgical rotation, Rubadoux's wife was very sick. She was part of this research study. When her results, uh... when she was no longer useful, there was a lot of pressure to get her out. So I did. I dumped her into a nursing home.
Abby: Did she belong in one?
Carter: We all figured she'd end up back in the hospital which would be on Medicine's shoulders, not ours.
Abby: So...? Surgery dumps another patient on Medicine. Happens every day.
Carter: I told Rubadoux that she was going to get better, told him that her situation was going to improve, told him what he wanted to hear... you know, when you're a student, you're so desperate for approval. You want everybody to like you: you want your patients to like you, you want their families to like you. Gotta be efficient too, though. You gotta impress your superiors.
Abby: Yeah, you don't have to tell me. I'm still on the bottom rung of the ladder.
Carter: I mean, when the Chief of Surgery tells you to get rid of her, you get rid of her.
Abby: Yeah.
Carter: And then she came back three days later, and she died and Rubadoux was so surprised. Ultimately it was the Attending's fault. It wasn't my responsibility.

Carter (to Ray): I need to know everything about your patients. I need to know the status of every single one of them. I need to know how they are, where they are, where they're going, why they're going. You're still an intern, Ray. I'm the attending. I'm responsible.
Ray: I'm sorry.

You Are Here [11.20]

Dr. Archie Morris: Excuse me everyone, I have an announcement to make... effective immediately, I am your new chief resident!
Dr. Greg Pratt: ...this is a joke, right?

Dr. Susan Lewis: This is my home! This is where I started! This is where I want to stay! Sometimes, I get this feeling that you want to be anywhere but here, Carter.

Jerry: 2 words, Pratt, voice mail.
Dr. John Carter: What's all that?
Dr. Greg Pratt: Friends of mine begging me to go to a party after a long 12 hour shift. That's the problem with the non-medical types, they don't get it.
Dr. Archie Morris: Par-tay tonight at Ike's! The boss man is buying, but dont get used to it. Who's on board?
Dr. John Carter: [aside] Sometimes the medical types don't get it.
Dr. Archie Morris: Ray?
Dr. Ray Barnett: Uh, other plans.
Dr. Archie Morris: Neela?
Dr. Neela Rasgotra: The Apprentice is on.

Carter est Amoureux [11.21]

Meredith Smart - Couples Therapist: What are you feeling, Luka?
Luka: I'm happy! I'm happy and Sam's not. I don't know why. We're healthy, we enjoy each other... our work. We have a good life.
Meredith Smart - Couples Therapist: How does that make you feel, Sam?
Sam : Like hitting him over the head with a hammer.
Meredith Smart - Couples Therapist: So what brings you to me today?
Sam : I don't think Luka and I should be together.

Abby: Don't go away mad, Jake.
Jake: But do go away, right?

Susan: (to Luka) I know that Morris isn't the sharpest shovel in the shed, but he's a paperwork hound. Besides, it keeps him from seeing patients. Think of it as community service.

The Show Must Go On [11.22]

Carter: You set the tone, Morris.
Morris: Huh?
Carter: Never mind.

Alex (to Sam): Where's Luka?
Sam: He's at work.
Alex: You still fighting?
Sam: No.
Alex: We're gonna have to move again, aren't we?

Luka: OK, listen up! OK, first of all, you should all eat and drink well, because the party's on Weaver.
Carter: That is a surprise.
Luka: You guys who are still on duty, don't let me see a beer in your hand.
Pratt: Eleven years, couldn't we spring for some caviar for the man?
Luka: Anyway, ah, there's something my father would say when a friend went on a journey. And, he said it to me when I came to the United States first. So I thought of it today when I realized I wouldn't be working with this guy anymore. Not for a long time at least. Ah... my father would clasp the persons hand and say: We only part to meet again.