Hell's Kitchen/Season 6

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Hell's Kitchen is an American cooking reality show based on the British program of the same title, where Chef Gordon Ramsay puts aspiring chefs through different challenges and dinner services to decide who is the best.

Episode One [6.01]

Gordon: What is that?
Louie: Sausage gravy over biscuits.
Gordon: Sausage gravy?
Louie: Yes.
Gordon: Over biscuits?
Louie: Yes. I sell about five gallons of it a week.
Gordon: Gallons? What, you serve this to pigs?
Louie: No, actually, I own a diner.
Gordon: Uh-huh, okay. And how much do you charge for that?
Louie: $4.75.
Gordon: $4.75?
Louie: Yeah. With coffee.
[Gordon tastes some of the dish, and quickly spits it out in disgust]
Gordon: (Bleep) me.
Louie: What's wrong with it?
Gordon: What's wrong with it? It tastes like gunk.
Louie: (interview) Hundreds of people eat that in my diner each week. I don't think it was worth spitting out!

Joseph: (interview) I feel like a dog that's been taken off his leash. I'm hungry, I'm hungry and I want this, and I'm gonna get it. None of them will get in my (bleep) way.
Gordon: So, this is...?
Joseph: This right here's a roasted veal chop, with roasted root vegetables.
Gordon: Uh-huh. Lovely color on there.
Joseph: Thank you.
Gordon: What a shame the brussel sprouts are rock hard. Are they supposed to be that crunchy?
Joseph: No, they're not.
Gordon: (gives a sprout to Joseph) Will you have a little taste for me, please?
Joseph: Absolutely. You got a fork? (interview) I ain't no animal. If there's a fork available, I like to (bleep) use it.
Gordon: You can bite that. You're a big boy.
Joseph: I'm not an animal. (interview) Do I look like a caveman? Do I eat with my (bleep) hands?
Gordon: Don't get defensive. Relax.
Tony: (interview) I was like "Damn! Throw down with Chef Ramsay!"
Gordon: Are you mad?
Joseph: (interview) Me and him, we're going to go head to head, without a (bleep) doubt. I will drag him to the parking lot by his (bleep) jacket and stomp the (bleep) out of him. That's (bleep)! I nailed that (bleep) dish. He knew it and I knew it! No (bleep) way!

Gordon: (to Tony and Amanda) Let's go.
[Tony and Amanda went in front of Gordon to present their dishes]
Amanda Davenport: Two seconds chef. I need to grab one thing.
[Amanda returns to the pass to get two glasses of tequilla]
Gordon: What's that?
Amanda Davenport: Tequila.
Gordon: Tequila.
Amanda Davenport: (interview) I'm definitely asking Chef Ramsay to do a shot of tequila with me. It goes with the dish.
Gordon: And what's your dish?
Amanda Davenport: Margarita French toast with tequila wine butter.
Gordon: Show me? (looking at Amanda's dish) I thought you were joking. You're cooking a slice of (bleep) toast dipped in egg with...
Amanda Davenport: Tequila.
Gordon: ...to get me drunk.
Amanda Davenport: (interview) One tequilla, two tequila, three tequilla, four... (cuts to Amanda drank a glass of tequilla) Give me a lot more! Keep on going!
[Gordon was shocked at Amanda]
Lovely: (interview) Are you kidding me? (laughs) Why would you do that?
Gordon: (raises a piece of toast with a knife) That's it? (brief pause) What the (bleep) were you doing for 42 minutes 'cause that takes literally 3 minutes. SHOCKING!

Melinda: (interview) My dish is very rich and succulent and lushious and velvety. You just feel what's happening on your mouth and the satisfaction that comes. (laughs)
[Melinda opens her dish and Gordon was shocked]
Gordon: Where's the lobster tail? (portions her dish) Where's the (bleep) tail?
Melinda: During the cooking process, I had some challenges.
[Gordon raises the "tail"]
Gordon: Poached lobster tail, where's the (bleep) tail? [grabs Melinda's plate and throws it in the trash bin] ABSOLUTELY (bleep) PATHETIC!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) Dang... That's another zero.

[Before dinner service started]

Narrator: But moments from opening, his optimism...
Gordon: [sees some fondants at the pass] Oh, dear. Who cooked these?
Narrator: ...begins to fade.
Gordon: Who cooked the fondants?
Sabrina Gresset: Lovely.
Gordon: (calls out Lovely) Lovely!
Lovely: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Which they're not... come here! Why these are cooked? We put it in the oven when the order comes on.
Lovely: Yes, chef.
Gordon: We haven't even opened yet and you cooked them.
Tennille: (interview) That's all we have to work with. We're (bleep) screwed.
Gordon: [raises one fondant] Look at that! [scoops the fondant and drops it with a spoon] Look. It's like a (bleep) hockey puck. Oh, my God! We haven't even opened yet and you screwed it up! What a (bleep) disaster!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) That's it. The end.
Gordon: GET (bleep)!!
Suzanne: Obviously I was thrown in a kitchen with a bunch of circus clowns!

[Gordon checks on scallops brought up by Jim]

Gordon: JIM!!!!!
Jim: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Look at me. Three scallops cut in half means what?
Jim: Six pieces.
Gordon: I've got four! Are you doing this on purpose to get me going?
Jim: No.
Dave: (interview) Don't insult Chef Ramsay's intelligence.
Gordon: So look at me. Count to six for me.
Jim: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Gordon: Louder!
Jim: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6!
Gordon: Then WAKE UP!!
Jim: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks the scallops on Tek's station]

Gordon: Look at this. I swear to God. [gets some scallops] It's a kind of (bleep) you'd expect Tiger Woods to tee off it. Look at it. Rubber, rubber, RUBBER!!! [throws the scallops away]
Narrator: But, they have to start over.
Gordon: (on Melinda's cappelini) It's limp and (bleep)!
Narrator: And over.
Gordon: (on Tek's scallops) It's (bleep) raw!! [throws the scallops away]

[Gordon noticed Louie put an unseasoned lamb in the oven]

Gordon: Louie? Did you just put the lamb in the oven?
Louie: Yes, sir.
Gordon: OH, MY GOD! (calls out the entire team) Hey, guys, come here quick! At least you know, Louie's on entrees and the (bleep) lamb goes in the oven like that. No salt, no pepper, no seasoning, not even seared! [slams the lamb on the plate] (to Louie) Louie, why do we sear meat?
Louie: To lock in the juices, sir.
Gordon: To give it color, to improve the flavor!
Louie: Sorry, sir.
Jim: (interview) You're a man. There's a primary instinct inside you that knows how to cook meat. You need to find it.
Gordon: (Bleep) hell!

[Gordon returns to the Red kitchen for the Red team's appetizers]

Gordon: For the eighth time, can I have one (bleep) scallops and a (bleep) beautifully cooked capellini?!

Gordon: (on Melinda's capellini) Is that cooked? It looks undercooked.
Melinda: Is it cooked?
Gordon: (tastes the capellini) Not cooked.
Melinda: Not cooked?
Gordon: That is not cooked. Not cooked. (Melinda throws the undercooked capellini away) Oh, my god!! Why did you throw it away, Melinda? Just put it back on the stove to the lid on the top 30 seconds cooking it, what did you threw the trash it further away?
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) Melinda...she had the deer-in-the-headlights look and that'll kill you.
Gordon: (Discovers a capellini thrown in the bin) Look at all this (bleep)! Who's put all this in the bin?! How many portions are you putting in there? How much is in the bin!? Look! LOOK! WHAT THE (bleep) IS THIS?!
Narrator: An hour into dinner service and the red team has cooked ten appetizers. But unfortunately, none of them have made it to the dining room.
Gordon: (to Melinda) Hey, madam, how much capellini are you throwing away? (Melinda doesn't reply) Look at it! Why are you doing Melinda? Why are you doing?
[Melinda begins attempted interview and doesn't speak]
Gordon: You're making me mad!
Melinda: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: (Bleep) mad!
Melinda: Yes, chef.
Tennille: (interview; referring Melinda) That girl would lead us into destruction. She's stupid and mad!

Gordon: Salmon, lamb please, how long?
Tennille: Seven minutes chef.
Gordon: Hey, what's that piece of (bleep) there?
Suzanne: It's supposed to be the salmon.
Gordon: Holy (bleep)! Look at that. It's like a... bison's penis! What is that (bleep)? [opens up the salmon wrap, revealing the interior to be totally frozen] Look at that! Stone-cold, frozen salmon. Who put the salmon in the freezer?!
Amanda Davenport: Me. I (bleep) it up. (interview) The salmon was my fault because I stuck it in the freezer instead of the fridge, and it was frozen.
Gordon: Yeah, you (bleep) up, big time!
Tek: All the salmon's the same, I think we should try and fix it.
Gordon: Yeah, 'cos she's wrapped it frozen.
Heather: And we have five on order.
Gordon: We've got five on order?
Heather: Five on order.
Gordon: (to Amanda) Hey, ditzy! Great job!
Amanda Davenport: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Oh, (bleep) off.

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Louie]
Gordon: Louie! Wha-what is that? What is that?! Did you bite that?! Look! That's one, that's the other. It's on the same (bleep) table!
Joseph: (interview) Louie's lost. He's out of his league.
[Gordon discovers that Louie has wasted a huge amount of lamb]
Gordon: What's all that lamb here? Look at this! Hey, Van, you, hey, Joseph! Stop! Look... at... this! Look! LOOK! LOOK! WHAT THE (bleep) IS THIS?! LOUIE!
Louie: Yes, sir?
Gordon: (Bleep) off back there! GET OUT! Yes, get (bleep)! Pile of (bleep)! Hey, get upstairs, get your bags packed---
Louie: Can I help? Can I help in the kitchen?
Gordon: Yeah, you can help me! (Bleep) OFF! GET OUT!
Louie: (interview) You want me out? I'm out. You want me to pack my bags? My bags are packed! YOU CAN KISS MY (bleep) ASS!
Narrator: With the kitchen at a complete standstill, Chef Ramsay is left with no choice.
Gordon: (to Joseph) Switch it OFF!
Joseph: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to the red team) (Bleep) off!

Gordon: Melinda was completely lost in space. So I sent her back to whatever planet she came from.

Episode Two [6.02]

[during the Blue Team's reward where they are having Shrimp Cocktails with Gordon]
Gordon: Enjoy it.
Dave: It's a treat to be sitting here chef and not being screamed at.
Gordon: Trust me, each and every service, you're going to get stronger. Have you any idea how much (bleep) I've taken in the kitchen? And the more the took, the better I became.
Joseph: (interview) What am I learning by shooting (bleep)? Nothing. What gets accomplished by running your mouth? Not a thing.
Joseph: I didn't come here for lunches, you know. That's not what I'm here for. I'm not going to lose my eye on the prize.
Dave: Well we're fired up too man. I'm not relaxing because I get to have a good nice lunch with the chef.
Joseph: It's good to get out but I don't really care.
Dave: (interview) Joseph, he's a complete (bleep). He's a little hotheaded, he's being a little too intense in the way disrespects Chef Ramsay.

[Van and Jean-Philippe are having problems in the dining room]
Gordon: Hey, what's the matter between you two?
Jean-Philippe: There's a language barrier.
Gordon: What do you mean a language barrier? He's speaking English, you (bleep)!
Jean-Philippe: I know, but he's from Texas. (Gordon rolls his tongue around.)

Jean-Philippe: (to Van) Don't run in the restaurant, please.
Van: (interview) Jean-Philippe better stop trying to tell me what to do. I know that.
Jean-Philippe: I'm going to explode. (misreferred to Van that is him). (to Van) I'm going to explode, my friend! Listen to me!
Tony: (interview) Whoa, whoa! JP! He's about to like, pound him down. Damn!
Jean-Philippe: (to Van, turning red) Listen! Listen! LISTEN TO ME!!!
Andy: (interview) I cannot believe I'm seeing this.
Jean-Philippe: LISTEN TO ME!!!
Kevin Cottle: (interview) He's going to (bleep) hit him.
Jean-Philippe: (to Van) We have a problem here.
Jim: (interview) Hit him!
Van: (to Jean-Philippe) Don't touch me, bro! Better get out of my face! (JP pushes Van)
[Gordon is furious about Van and JP arguing]
Gordon: OI! Stop! Hey, both of you, come here! (referring Van) Bozo, come here! NOW!
Van: (to JP) I'm going to (bleep) you up, bro. (interview) We're going to get it down and it's going be a first round knock out.
Gordon: What's is going on?
Jean-Philippe: (referring Van) He's got no respect, Chef---
Van: I'm sorry, Chef.
Jean-Philippe: He's not respecting his dining room, Chef.
Van: (interview) Man, shut the (bleep) up. He thinks he's some kind of boss man around here and he ain't nothing.
Gordon: (to Van) Calm down, listen to him. (to Jean-Philippe) And you, pay a little bit of respect. (to Van again and points his finger to him) And if you do your job, (to Jean-Philippe again and points his finger to him) and if you do your job, we'll come together. Cause right now, you're turning the whole place upside down, are you going to do it?
Jean-Philippe: (referring Van) If he listens to me.
Gordon: (to Jean-Philippe) ARE YOU GOING TO DO IT?
Jean-Philippe: Yes, I will.
Gordon: (to Van) Are you going to do it?
Van: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: Last chance.
Jean-Phillippe: (Letting Van out of the store room) Ladies first.

Gordon: Where's the chicken?
Andy: Just a second. I'll cook it a little bit more.
Gordon: (sees what Andy is doing) Oh, no. Oh, dear. We're cutting up a piece of chicken and frying it off. What do you think of it? A chicken nugget? OY!! Come here you! Now, you're cutting them like bits of chicken nugget and frying them off?
Andy: Yes, chef.
Gordon: YOU (bleep) DONKEY!! (grabs Andy's pan) Is that how you cook in Whistler?
Andy: No, chef.
Gordon: So why are you cooking it like that now?
Andy: I made a mistake, chef.
[Gordon throws the pan into the sink]

Gordon: Hey, come here you! All of you! Both kitchens are down and they're waiting. So we're standing here and we got (bleep) all going out! Nothing! That's where I draw the line. I'm about to do something I've never done before in Hell's Kitchen!
Dave: (interview) It's a desperate time. I don't know what's going to happen. For all I know, we're all going home.
Gordon: I have no option now! There's one (bleep) thing that you can do here, it's a (bleep) shrimp cocktail. Do you know why? Cause it's not cooked! Give me a (bleep) shrimp cocktail!
Suzanne: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Give me some shrimp cocktails now. Jean-Philippe! I'm serving shrimp cocktail. At least they're going to get something to eat! Hey you, nothing cooked! Nothing seasoned! Crushed ice in a glass with ketchup!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) When Chef Ramsay says "You know what, stop cooking and just send out cold stuff!" That's embarrassing.
Gordon: Let's go. Shrimp cocktail. Let's go.
Narrator: With no cooking required...
Van: GO! GO! GO!!!
Narrator:...both kitchens...
Sabrina Gresset: Five more right here.
Narrator:...manage to get shrimp cocktail to the dining room.
Jean-Philippe: With the compliments of Chef Ramsay.
Lady: A shrimp kind of night. Isn't it?
Gordon: Hey ladies, come here. Hey, come here! Come here!
Tony: (interview) Everybody's like freaking out! Like Chef Ramsay's going to walk over with a fricking machine gun and like (imitates a machine gun) blow us all away!
Gordon: The entire (bleep) dining room has shrimp cocktail. That's a first for me! You just turned my restaurant into a shrimp stand! And what's the point of going on? Shut it down!

[After disastrous dinner service, both teams lost, the Red team already nominated Lovely and Tennille for elimination, as for the Blue team hasn't decided to nominate two of its chefs]
Gordon: Blue team. Joseph, let's be honest, that's a pretty sorry battalion you got there. Isn't it?
Joseph: Right now it is.
Gordon: Who's the first nominee for the men?
Joseph: They can speak for themselves but they know who they are.
Gordon: Hey, smart-arse, I asked you to tell me. Who's the first nominee and why?
Joseph: No problem. Tony and Andy.
Gordon: Listen, I know you may be slightly stupid. First nominee and why?
Joseph: First nominee and why? Tony. He knows why. We sat down as a group and they wouldn't pick each other. You know. No peer pressure! We're men!
Gordon: Just, just, just, what do you want? A (bleep) medal?
Joseph: What do you want me to (bleep) say? What do you want me to say? They know who they (bleep) are. We chose as a group and they stand out and they said they belong there. Stand up, they know who they are.
Gordon: (approaches Joseph) Listen, you chippy idiot. I asked for one nominee and why, in plain English. And you're mouthing off and you couldn't answer me. Now can you just tell me in (bleep) plain English, the first nominee, and why he's nominated. Is that (bleep) clear?!
Joseph: That's clear.
Gordon: Thank you! (walks back) Unbelievable! One simple request, who and why, and you make a big (bleep) song and dance about it!
Joseph: I ain't no (bleep) bitch, chef! I don't give a (bleep). I ain't no bitch!
Gordon: What?!
Joseph: I'm not no bitch!
Robert: He's trying to bring the best out of you. You got to look past it.
Joseph: He's not bringing the best out of me.
Ariel Contreras: Yeah, show some respect.
Joseph: Shut your (bleep) mouth is what you should do right now.
Suzanne: Come on, man!
Joseph: I'm talking here. I don't give a (bleep) about you. I didn't come here for you.
Suzanne: You want to be an executive chef, Joe?
Joseph: Shut your (bleep) mouth!
Gordon: Oh, my God!
Tek: You signed up to (bleep) learn and grow, and...
Joseph: Yeah, shut your (bleep) mouth.
Tek: ...you do this, dude!
Gordon: Okay, answer the (bleep) question!
Joseph: You keep talking like this, I'll have you out in the (bleep) parking lot. I don't give a (bleep)! What do you want me to say?
Gordon: I ask the (bleep) questions, you give the (bleep) answers!
Joseph: (takes off his jacket and walks out of the line) (Bleep) that (bleep), dog. I ain't here for that! (approaches Gordon and tosses his jacket at him.) You want my (bleep) jacket? You want to talk some (bleep)? Let's go step outside, (bleep)! (gets in Gordon's face) I ain't here for that, dog!
(To Be Continued... appears on the screen.)

Episode Three [6.03]

(Continuing the confrontation from the episode before, two guards step in to separate Joseph from Gordon.)

Joseph: Want to talk about (bleep) fighting?
Gordon: Oh, wow.
Joseph: Want to get (bleep) rough?
Gordon: You think I'm scared? Huh? Look at you.
Joseph: Yeah, keep talking for the (bleep) cameras.
Gordon: You've just blown your-- Yeah, (bleep) the cameras.
Joseph: Yeah?
Gordon: Yeah.
Joseph: Let's go step outside!
Gordon: Out in front here? I asked you one simple question, and you couldn't (bleep) answer me. And then you want to get all tough and up close and personal.
Joseph: (Bleep) you!
Gordon: There you go.
Joseph: You ain't nothing but a bitch!
Gordon: You've got no respect.
Joseph: No respect.
Gordon: Now get out.
Joseph: (Bleep) you. You (bleep) bitch! (Double flips off the chefs.) (Bleep) all of you! (The guards lead him out; he trips over the step.)
Gordon: Watch the step.
Joseph: Yeah, watch the step, bitch.
Gordon: What an idiot. Total, total shame. (Gordon kicks Joseph's jacket up to the table.)
Joseph: (outside the restaurant.) I don't need this (bleep). I don't need some limey (bleep, bleep) talking to me like that. Without skipping a beat, I'll go back home, I'll work. Anybody who (bleep) hires me to work in their kitchen, they'll be proud to have me there! (Bleep) him! (Bleep) him!

Gordon: (to the remaining chefs) And I've got more thing to say to you, in fact to you all. I'm nobody's bitch.
[The chefs laugh.]

Gordon: Where the lamb?
Amanda Davenport: Right here, chef!
Gordon: I missing. I missing. Hey, madam! I got eight chops! I missing one. 3 3's are what!?
Amanda Davenport: 3.
Gordon: 3 of 3, (bleep) me. 3 times 3 is what?
Amanda Davenport: 6, chef.
Gordon: 6! Oh, my god!
Amanda Davenport: 9, I sorry! I not-
Gordon: What?! 3 times 3, Amanda!
Amanda Davenport: 9!
Gordon: 9! Then give me 9 (bleeping) chops, you stupid, big bitch!
Amanda Davenport: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Come here! All of you! It's that the best lamb we got?! It's imagine experience inside in Hell's Kitchen and that the best lamb we got?!
Amanda Davenport: OK, chef.
Gordon: Bull(bleep)!
Amanda Davenport: Yea, I have another lamb.
Gordon: Come on now, I want it!
Ariel Contreras: Come on, Amanda!

Gordon: (after sparing Lovely and Tennille from elimination) Now listen up: Because Joseph took himself out of the competition, tonight you get a gift--and I'm not sending anybody home. Last chance.
Chefs: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Understand?
Chefs: Yes, chef!
Gordon: And I've got one more thing to say to you--in fact, to you all: I'm nobody's bitch. (everyone laughs) Now get some sleep.

Gordon: Amanda.
Amanda Davenport: Yes, Chef!
Gordon: 12 3's?
Amanda Davenport: 9 (that was the correct answer when she incorrectly made 8 lamb ribs (3 portions of 3, but she incorrectly said the answer to that question four times.))

[Everyone laughs]

Gordon: Oh, my God!
Amanda Davenport: 36, I'm sorry, Chef.

Episode Four [6.04]

Gordon: Is there anyone here who has never made a sausage? (all the women apart from Lovely and Sabrina raise their hands, while the men look on) Gentlemen, clearly comfortable with your meat. (Robert snickers, while Jim smirks)
Gordon: Van!
Van: Yes chef?
Gordon: the secret of a good sausage is what?
Van (demonstrating with his hands): To hold it steady (Ariel and Sabrina smile and smirk at each other, knowing what's coming next), then pump it slow and easy (the contestants and Gordon laugh)
Van (During the sausage making challenge): Come on, get it in there!

[The blue team has to clean up the dorms as punishment]
Robert: Right now, I just want to win a challenge. I want to win. All through my life I hear (bleep). People thinking (bleep) I'm too fat, too slow, do this, do that. I ain't about to be a loser, I hate it.
Scott Leibfried: Good Robert. That's how you should feel. It kinda sucks that the intensity is coming out during being punished and not neccessarily during...
Robert: You know chef I...(Bleep)!
Scott Leibfried: Robert, what do you want me to tell you? You could've won, you didn't. But you know, the competitive parts should come out during that time and not afterwards.
Robert: (throws his broom down) I (bleep) almost died last time for this (bleep)! Don't tell me I'm ain't (bleep) tired! I ain't giving my (bleep) 110%! Dancing around like (bleep) Fred Astaire all (bleep) day!! LAST SEASON, I ALMOST (bleep) DIED FOR THIS (bleep)!! AND I'M HERE AGAIN AND I (bleep) DON'T WANT TO LOSE IT!! (Breaks his broom)

[both teams are coming down to the wire during service]
Gordon: Where's the chicken?!
Robert: Come on! Come on!
Andy: (rushing with the chicken) Coming right behind you. Go now!
Scott Leibfried: Hey, (bleep) nit-wit, that is (bleep) raw.
Robert: Oh man! (interview) Here we go again!
Scott Leibfried: (gets in Andy's face) You get that ready by the time the rest of the (bleep) table is ready to go! You got it?!
Andy: Yes, chef.
Scott Leibfried: GO!

[After a solid good dinner service for the second time in a row]
Gordon: Right, no close. Ladies, you've beaten by the sides.
Suzanne: (raises her right hand) Chef, can I get play-by-play on that?
Gordon: Yeah, first of all. Okay. I'm telling you, straight to your face, you lost. And you, one more thing, you do have a one more member than the men, they will do have eleven of us. No play-by-play, take it on the (bleep) chin, with a little bit of respect. End of (bleep) story.

Gordon: If people were named for their cooking, her name wouldn't be Lovely. It would be Useless.

Episode Five [6.05]

[After an hour and a half of trying, the red team has not managed to serve a single entrée]
Gordon: I don't know where to go! I can't even turn and look at the dining room, I'm so embarrassed. This is still your first table... (points to the blue kitchen) that's their last! (Bleep) off! WE HAVEN'T SENT AN ENTRÉE OUT! STUPID COWS!
[Ramsay crosses over to the blue kitchen, where the men are starting to clear down]
Gordon: Ohhh, (bleep) hell... hey, have you all finished?
Andy: Desserts, chef.
Gordon: Desserts? Kevin, stay on desserts. All of you, come in here! Hey guys, get on a section will you, please, yes?
[The blue team members go over to the red kitchen and start working]
Tennille: (interview) AWWW! Add insult to injury, rub salt in the wound, what... just... happened?
Gordon: Away now! Two penne, three New York Strip, two chicken, one catfish.
Blue Team: Yes, chef!
Robert: (interview) AAAAAAAAGH! YEEAAAAH BOOOOOYS! (cups his ear) That's right. I can hear it. It's them bitches cryin'!
Tennille: Do you need anything?
Jim: No, I'm cool. (interview) It was just scraps of meat, everywhere. It was a kitchen-pocalypse. Like a hand grenade went off in a cow's ass.

Episode Six [6.06]

[In the final round of the health food challenge]
Gordon: Gentlemen, I can't wait for a fantastic dessert. I hope it's substantial. You've probably saved the best until last.
[Dave carries the platter with the blue team's dessert over to Ramsay]
Amanda Davenport: (interview) Man, that had better be a giant piece of chocolate something, to beat us!
Kevin Cottle: (interview) I was worried, the girls had some really nice stuff. This has got to kick some ass.
Andy: (interview) I make an apple fruit compote every day of my life. No problem.
[Dave lifts the lid on his platter, and Ramsay instantly starts laughing]
Gordon: Oh, come on! What is that?
Dave: (interview) When Chef Ramsay laughed, it definitely like, stung. I felt like a loser. (Ramsay samples the dessert) Chef, we have an egg white crepe filled with a fruit compote, and we have a blackberry and vanilla yoghurt cream.
Gordon: It tastes... foul! That's the kind of crap they serve when you have a heart bypass or an ulcer operation, that is a joke! Back in line, Dave.

[Ramsay and Tennille have just had an argument about the mashed potatoes]
Gordon: Good. Are you upset now?
Tennille: Yeah, I'm (bleep) pissed off!
Gordon: (Bleep) glad you are! Because you're crap!
Tennille: You're crap! (interview) I'm sick, I'm sick of his (bleep), man! You're not going to keep talking to me like that!
Gordon: Hey, madam, madam. Get out!
Tennillle: Yes, no problem, chef.
Gordon: Get (bleep) out!
Tennille: Oh, I'm out!
Sabrina: Oh, no...
Gordon: Get the (bleep) out of here!
Tennille: (Bleep) you! (Bleep) YOU!!! (interview) Right now, I'm pissed off and I'm trying to maintain my cool for slapping him in his jaw.
Sabrina : Thanks a lot, Tennille. (interview) Now we have to work her station. Thanks a lot!
[Gordon follows Tennille to the back area, following her walk-out]
Gordon: Hey!
Tennille: I'm busting my ass for you!
Gordon: That's right. That's right.
Tennille: Busting my ass for you!
Gordon: You're not, you're lying.
Tennille: YOU DON'T KNOW (bleep)!!
Gordon: You're lying.
Gordon: Get off your back? Who the (bleep)? You're lying.
Gordon: Don't you dare turn around and tell me that I'm (bleep) crap...
Tennille: You know off my ass!
Gordon: ...or you can (bleep) off through those doors! That's right!
Tennille: You can dish it, but you can't take it?! (pushes over a rack of trays)
Gordon: Hey, madam, what are you doing?
Gordon: Listen to me, you're not-
Tennille: It's not good enough for you, man!
Gordon: You're not listening to me! Shut your fat (bleep) mouth and listen to me! The potatoes are-
Tennille: I'm trying to learn from you!
Gordon: You're not learning! You're only opening your fat mouth!
Tennille: I am! I am! You're the one who's trying to-
Gordon: Shut up, then! Shut up! Are you going to keep it shut? (Tennille doesn't reply) Are you going to keep it shut?
Tennille: Shut.
Gordon: Good! If you can't hack it, (bleep) off. If you can, get back in there! (Tennille walks back to the kitchen) Hey madam!
Tennille: Yes, Chef!
Gordon: Come here! I want an answer!
Tennille: I'm on my way back into the kitchen, CHEF!
Gordon: Good! Let's go.
[Tennille marches back into the kitchen, where Amanda and Suzanne have taken over the garnishes]
Tennille: GET OFF MY STATION PLEASE!! What's working?

Gordon: (After eliminating Jim from Hell's Kitchen.) Big man, let me tell you something. I can teach a chef how to cook but I can't give you a heart. You're not the Tin Man and I'm not the (bleep) Wizard of Oz.

Episode Seven [6.07]

Gordon: All of you, come here! Come here! Come here! Come here! (to Kevin) Hey, Kevin, you starting to piss me off! PUT IT DOWN! When I ask you to stop with you doing, you better (bleep) stop it! Come here! Cocky! OUT OF THE WAY! (holds a cooked rabbit) It's (bleep) raw! (throws the cooked rabbit on a floor) (Kevin) Happy now? You standing there you tossing your tagliatelle to make yourself look good, I'm serving raw rabbit, Chef?
Kevin Cottle: Understood, chef.
Gordon: (to Robert) You? (Bleep) off!
Robert: Yeah. Yes, chef.
Dave: (Bleep)!

Robert: (interview) (after blue team lost the dinner service) Yes, I have bad service. But I do not deserve to go home. Because people here, but Andy has better than me.

Gordon: Robert, tell me why do think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen on the back of that performance?
Robert: My history here in Hell's Kitchen never been on the block once. And I'm disgusted that I even share the same (bleep) stage this guy (Andy) right here. Been here three times not bad for the team always (bleep) around.

Episode Eight [6.08]

[Jean-Philippe returns to the pass with lamb]
Gordon: Oh, (bleep) hell... What's the matter?
Jean-Philippe: Raw, chef.
Gordon: What?
Jean-Philippe: It's not cooked.
Gordon: Oh, (bleep) hell. Sabrina!
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Look, raw! Like you're still running around in the (bleep) field! Is that on purpose?!
Sabrina Greset: No, chef.
Gordon: So WHY?!!
Sabrina Gresset: (interview) I should have stuck to my grounds when I said it wasn't ready. I said we can't go and Suzanne forced me to go. Suzy (bleep) me.
Gordon: Hey madam, come here! (gives her the lamb) Take that.
Sabrina Gresset: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Inconsistent, dry lamb on the outside, raw in the centre! (Bleep) off and eat it! (leads Sabrina to the dining room) There you go! Taste your own medicine! PISS OFF!!
Sabrina Gresset: Thank you, chef.

Episode Nine [6.09]

Andy: Awwww. (hurts his finger when slicing a potato) (Bleep) me!
Scott Leibfried: Medic! I need a medic!
Dave: Are you serious?
Andy: Aahhh! It's just a cut, second on the middle thumb, middle finger. It's getting in the fingers too.
Dave: (interview) Andy liked the tipped off his fingers more literally taken off. It was so deep and so horrible.
Medical crew: (Dispatching to the paramedics) I have Andy. He needs to go to the clinic and needs stitches on its all three fingers.

Andy: Do not finish two crepes.
Kevin Cottle: (interview) Andy is just (bleep) all night long. Just turn into a disaster.
Kevin Cottle: Bring one cream frog all fall one another.
Gordon: Andy, what aren't you doing anything?
Andy: He's assisting me, chef.
Gordon: You're not assisting him, you're doing it! And it standing watching you. Hey, you? Hey, come here! Do me favor: (Bleep) OFF! UPSTAIRS! GET OUT! PISS OFF!

[Gordon checks the lamb brought up by Suzanne]

Gordon: Oh, (bleep) me. (returns to the workstation) Come here, both (Sabrina Gresset and Suzanne) of you! It's requested med-rare! All of you, come here! Touch that! Yeah, touch that! Touch that---YOU (Sabrina) TOUCH AS WELL!! What is that?!
Suzanne: Medium-well, chef.
Gordon: Medium-well?
Suzanne: Well-done, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, hey! Overcooked!
Suzanne: (interview) I overcooked liked an entire pan of lamb. Oh, it's terrible!
Gordon: (slams the plates down) Medium-well? And... that's well-done. (to Suzanne) Well done to you! And well done to you! (to Sabrina), I can't believe just how inconsistent you are! Do me a favor! You and you (Bleep) OFF UPSTAIRS! GET OUT!! Both of you! Get out! Get out!!
Tennille: (interview) Holy (bleep)! He's gonna shut us down!

Kevin Cottle: (interview) (after escape elimination) We don't want Suzanne (moved to blue team), we don't want her all. But it doesn't matter what jacket Suzanne has all on me. She's going to go home just like anybody else. I will be the last man standing.

Episode Ten [6.10]

[Gordon has found out that Van has brought up 7 scallops instead of 6]
Gordon: Van, come here! Straight away! Two three's are what?
Van: Two three's?
Gordon: Two times three?
Van: Two three's?
Gordon: Two three's are what? Two times three?
Van: (interview) I'm kind of confused on that right now. (to Gordon) What?
Gordon: Van!
Van: I don't understand chef.
Gordon: You don't understand two times three?
Van: (interview) I can count, yes. (to Gordon) Yeah, it's six.
Gordon: So you gave me seven--
Van: I gave you an extra. I'm sorry, it won't happen again.
Gordon: Dumbo!

[Chef Ramsay discovered a halibut was raw]
Gordon: Come here, all of us! Come here! Come here, all of you! Look, it's not... it's just... no, it's not about "oh"! (Chef Ramsay slaps a raw halibut on a plate after someone says "oh" in disappointment) it's not about that!
Dave: (interview) Oh... damn. Halibut splurged all over my face and like I have little tiny like bits a halibut in my eyes.

Episode Eleven [6.11]

Gordon: Van, so you started to sear on the sea bass. Come here! Quick and you leave it there! You're searing a sea bass!
Van: It's big.
Gordon: LISTEN TO ME!!!
Van: Yes, chef.
Gordon: We haven't sent the appetizers!
Van: (interview) HERE WE GO AGAIN! KNEW I'M (bleep) THE BAD NIGHT!
Gordon: (to Van) Hey! I'm watching you like a horn (bleep) eagle! Poissonier! Let's go.
[Van begins to cook scallops]
Van: Coming up, chef.
Gordon: Scallops!
Van: Coming right now, chef. [beads of sweat fell on his scallops]
Gordon: Van! VAN!!! NO, NO, STOP!!! Come here, you're sweating in the food!
Van: It's hot, chef.
Gordon: Awww, I know it's (bleep) hot!! (throws his spoon down) YOU'RE SWEATING IN THE FOOD!!!
Van: (interview) Man, I was sweating my ass off. (flashback of sweat fell on his scallops) I own there to win the food.
Gordon: (to Van) What's wrong with you? Serve them? By the way, you can touch on there that one. Look at me, help me out of here!
Van: (interview) I'm not going to bust my ass, bro. I'm sweating my ass off! (to Ramsay) I'm working that I can do for you chef.
Gordon: You're sweating in the food, Van.
Van: (interview) He makes me look like a bitch constantly.

[Gordon finds a lettuce burning on Ariel's station]
Gordon: (gets Ariel's garnish pan) Just stop! Come here, come here. ALL OF YOU, COME HERE!!
Dave: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (points to Ariel) You!
Ariel Contreras: I'm sorry, chef. I turned around for a minute.
Gordon: Look!
Ariel Contreras: (interview) That lettuce, I didn't even know the (bleep) burner was on. (to Gordon) Sorry, chef.
Gordon: What the (bleep) are you doing?! In front of your (bleep) eyes!! (throws the pan in the bin) This is not possible! NOT GOOD ENOUGH ARIEL!!
Ariel Contreras: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (holds up a piece of burnt lettuce) WHO THE (bleep) GOING TO EAT THAT?!! (throws it in the bin)

[Van, Ariel, and Suzanne have pushed Gordon to his breaking point with their careless cooking and lack of attention to detail]
Gordon: Scott, clear out, come here. (Bleep) off. (Bleep) me.
[Gordon and Scott Leibfried walk out of the kitchen and out of the restaurant]
Van: Is that it? Or what?
Gordon: (Bleep) that. Absolutely (bleep) that.
Scott Leibfried: Not worth it.
Gordon: (Bleep) them.
Dave: What the hell is going on here?
Gordon: Can’t take it any more. I cannot take it any more. Un(bleep) real. Oh (bleep) me. That’s a first.
JP: They’re gone. So, are they coming back?
Gordon: I can't take it any more. Oh, dear.

[Gordon and Sous-Chef Scott return to the kitchen; Gordon calls Van, Ariel and Suzanne to the pass]
Gordon: (to Kevin in the dining room) Kevin, now.
Kevin Cottle: (interview) Oh, (bleep). Here we go.
Gordon: Urgently, Kevin. Let's go. (Kevin enters the kitchen) I've never done that. No-one's ever pushed me out far to (bleep) just disappear in my own (bleep) restaurant. Nobody! (to Van, Ariel and Suzanne) You, you, you. (Bleep) off will you?! Get out of here! Just get out! All of you!

Gordon: Van may have been a poissonier, but his performance on fish was anything but Vantastic.

Episode Twelve [6.12]

Gordon: Suzanne had a red jacket, she had a blue jacket, she had a black jacket. Now she has no jacket.