Hell's Kitchen/Season 8

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Hell's Kitchen is an American cooking reality show based on the British program of the same title, where Chef Gordon Ramsay puts aspiring chefs through different challenges and dinner services to decide who is the best.

Episode One [8.01]

[During the signature dish tasting]
Gordon: What is it?
Antonia: It's a Mardi Gras gumbo. (lifts the lid)
Gordon: Oh, god! Does it normally look like a plate of liquid (bleep)?
Antonia: No. (interview) Every time I make my gumbo it always gets eaten, and everybody loves it. It's going to be good.
[Chef Ramsay eats some of the dish, gags, and then throws up in the trash can]
Gordon: (coughs) (Bleep) hell!
Antonia: (rolls eyes) Oh, god.
Gordon: Are you crazy?! Have you tasted that?
Antonia: No, I didn't get a chance to taste it, Chef.
Gordon: So you cooked it and you didn't even taste it?
Antonia: I didn't have enough time. I'm so sorry you don't like it.
Gordon: Don't like it?
Antonia: I'm sorry it wasn't up to par.
Gordon: Up to par? It's inedible!
Antonia: (shrugs) Okay, then throw it out.
Gordon: No, I'm not going to throw it out! (to Raj) Big man! You like your food, take a mouthful and pass it along.
[Raj samples the dish and passes it along to Rob, who also tastes it]
Rob: (interview) It was completely repulsive. I would rather have had a cat (bleep) in my mouth than have eaten that any further!
[Vinny and Nona taste the dish, and also look disgusted]
Gordon: (coughs) Oh, (bleep)!
Nona: (interview) Oh, my God! I don't even know how to explain that!
Gordon: Vinny! What does that taste to you of?
Vinny: A big bowl of mud.
[Sabrina brings the bowl back over to Ramsay, who throws it into the trash can]
Gordon: Dear, oh dear!

[Raj and Sabrina Brimhall are about to present their signature dishes]
Gordon: (to Raj) Nice suspenders. (they are both wearing suspenders)
Raj: Oh thank you. Yes sir. Yes, chef.

Gordon: Big boy, first name is...
Raj: Raj. (interview) I am an executive chef and I began cooking when I was 14 years old.
Gordon: Show me your dish.
Raj: (interview) I was always the best cook in the kitchen, so I can't see why this would be any different.
Raj: This is a seafood and vegetable pancake.
Gordon: My god! It's a what?
Raj: A seafood and vegetable pancake.
Gordon: Pancake?
Raj: Yeah a pancake.
Gordon: What?! That is a pancake?
Raj: It's uh-- yeah.
Gordon: Does that look like a pancake?!
Raj: Mm-hmm.
Gordon: (tilts the plate allowing the grease from the pancake to drip down.) It's going for a (bleep). A pancake that (bleep). (tastes) It's a shame because the seafood actually tastes quite nice inside.
Raj: Oh thank you.
Gordon: However, it looks a mess. Presentation's shocking.

Narrator: In the Blue kitchen, Chef Ramsay needs...
[Raj is stood on the pass, writing tickets]
Gordon: Raj, help them or (bleep) OFF!!!
Raj: (interview) It was fairly abusive on his part. I'm a little bit worried about Chef Ramsay's, you know, karma.
Gordon: Russell, get off of there and let these two work as a team.
Russell: (interview) Boris and Raj are working together. It's like watching two idiots do a Rubik's Cube, and there's no chance on Earth they're going to get it right.
Boris: Mozzarella cheese, I got the cheese. (To Raj) All I'm asking you to please to help me the roll the (bleep) dough.
Raj: Where the (bleep) is it?
Boris: It's here. First, shape it. Here. Put it here, put it down, shape it.
Raj: It's dough, say you can't roll it.
Boris: Roll the (bleep) pizza dough.
Raj: Here's more mozzarella. (starts cutting the dough)
Boris: (To Raj) ROLL THE (bleep) PIZZA DOUGH! What are you doing? Are you (bleep)...? Grrrr!
Boris: (interview) My partner was sent here to sabotage. That guy is (bleep) nuts.
Gordon: Why aren't you two working as a team?
Boris: We're doing as best we can, Chef.
Gordon: We're screwed on the (bleep) pizza.

[Gordon returns a salad to the workstation]
Gordon: All of you. ALL OF YOU, GET HERE!! Who dressed that?!
Trev: I did. [Gordon raises an overdressed piece of lettuce] Too much.
Gordon: "Too much"?! Did you honestly think they came here for that?!
Trev: No.
Gordon: We got worse now. We can't even dress a (bleep) salad! (throws the salad away) SALAD, TREV! LET'S GO!!
Trev: (interview) Who doesn't know how to make a salad? (points to himself) This guy!

Gordon: (with a pizza) Melissa.
Melissa: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Touch that. Touch that. What is that?
Melissa: It's raw, chef.
Gordon: It's what?
Melissa: It's raw, chef.
Gordon: Touch that! It's RAW Melissa!
Melissa: Yes, chef.
Gordon: It's RAW! Come on!
Melissa: Yes, chef.
Boris: (mocking Gordon) "It's RAWWW!!" "It's (bleep) RAWWW!!"
Louis: (interview) Boris, what were you thinking buddy? You don't mock Gordon Ramsay.
Gordon: Boris.
Boris: Yes sir?
Gordon: Come here.
Boris: Yes sir.
Gordon: So I'm telling her about a raw pizza and you're mimicking me out of the back.
Boris: Sorry chef.
Gordon: What's your game?
Boris: I'm just going to cook sir.
Gordon: Yeah. So I'm telling her the pizza's raw, come here you (bleep) face.
Boris: (interview) Oh noooooo!
Gordon: And there you go, you touch it then. Now look at me! Take the piss out of me now, (bleep)-face! I'm ready for you to (bleep) around! I'M READY FOR YOU TO (bleep) AROUND!!
Narrator: It's an hour and a half into an opening night filled with careless mistakes. But one chef has made a mistake that Chef Ramsay is not going to forgive or forget.
Gordon: What's your (bleep) crack?
Boris: I don't have any crack chef.
Gordon: What's your game?
Boris: I'm just here to cook sir.
Gordon: Now look at me! You (bleep) take the piss out of me one more time in the middle of (bleep) service yeah, kiss your (bleep) arse goodbye. Is that clear?
Boris: Understood chef.
Gordon: WAKE UP!!
Boris: It will not happen again. (interview) I shouldn't have done that. I meant no disrespect. What can I say? I'm losing my mind.
Gordon: (to Boris) Just concentrate. Look at me, look at me. Just (bleep) concentrate.
Boris: Will do, Chef. Yes, sir.

[Sabrina brings her meat to the pass]

Sabrina Brimhall: Here's the two beef and a lamb.
Nona: What is she doing?
Gordon: Two beef and a lamb, where's the halibut?
Sabrina Brimhall: No, I just wanted to bring this to you chef.
Gordon: You just what?
Sabrina Brimhall: I wanted to bring this to you chef.
Gordon: What?!
Nona: (interview; in a high pitch voice) Wha-- a-- Is this bitch crazy?!
Gordon: And where's the halibut, then? And where's the garnish? (to Gail) Are you ready?
Gail: No, chef. (interview) I told her not to bring the beef up because everything has come up at the pass together so that we can send the whole entire table together at the same time.
Gordon: Why are you throwing them under the bus?
Sabrina Brimhall: I'm not chef.
Gordon: So what the (bleep) is this doing here?!
Sabrina Brimhall: I'm sorry, chef. I cooked it for you chef. I don't know--
Gordon: What can I do with it?
Sabrina Brimhall: Nothing chef.
Gordon: Oh, (bleep) off. Hey, Baby Spice. As long as you're okay, right?
Sabrina Brimhall: No, chef.
Gordon: "Here's my food, (bleep) everybody else!" She doesn't (bleep) care.

[Gordon has found out that Trev has overdressed the salad again; returns the salad to the workstation]
Gordon: Trev!
Trev: Yes, chef?
Narrator: Trev's salad is once again seriously overdressed.
Gordon: Oh, my God!
Trev: Probably too much chef.
Gordon: That's just on one (bleep) leaf, come on!
Trev: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Dress me a (bleep) salad!! [angrily throws the salad on the floor] Hey, (bleep) you all!

Gordon: BLUE TEAM!
Blue team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: One hour and thirty minutes into service, that's the first table of appetisers gone!
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Ohhh, (bleep) hell!

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Lisa]

Gordon: Jesus. Lisa!
Lisa: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here! [returns the halibut to the workstation] It's sushi!
Lisa: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Hey, madam. What's happening here?!
Lisa: (interview) It was a mess. I (bleep) up big time and I'm disappointed at myself.

[Customers are leaving Hell's Kitchen]
James: Chef, I got tables walking out. They've been here two hours chef.
Gordon: (Bleep) hell. Hey, ladies, come here. Hey, all of you, come here! LADIES! Move your (bleep) arse! BORIS!
Boris: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Look out there! You're kidding me? Tables are leaving. No one's even working together. No one's even caring. You're (Sabrina) bringing me the main courses, bypassing your team. You (Boris) laughed at me earlier, pissing around with your (bleep) pizzas. And you (Raj) just switched off! Where do we go? Where the (bleep) do we go? Any bright ideas?
Narrator: Over two hours into dinner service, not a single entrée has left either kitchen and the diners are leaving.
Gordon: No one's even working together. No one's even caring! (Bleep) off, is that clear?
Chefs: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Everything off. Clear down.

[During the elimination process]
Gordon: Sabrina, you are quite frankly the most selfish cook in here?
Sabrina: Believe it or not, you don't know me and you don't know what I'm capable of, Chef. I made a mistake, I (bleep) up. Give me an opportunity to prove to you that I can do better, Chef. And honestly if it's between us two... I mean... I'm... she's spent, Chef... you know...I'm young.
Lisa: What was that? I'm spent? Spent? Are you kidding me? I will cook circles around you honey. I may be 48 but believe me you don't have a chance.
Gordon: Sabrina who do you think who should go home?
Sabrina: I think that Nona should go home Chef. Her idea of fine dining is fried chicken Chef. She can't cook asparagus. She snores and it keeps us all awake and I honestly believe she's good for nothing chef.
Gail: (whispering) That was low.
Gordon: She's crap she can't cook asparagus but she's not standing in your shoes there. Quite frankly all four of you (Lisa, Sabrina, Raj and Trev) should go.

Episode Two [8.02]

[After the chefs had been woken up early in the morning]
Gordon: Good Morning.
Chefs: Good Morning chef.

(Raj begins breathing heavily.)

Gordon: Last night's service was memorable...(the other chefs starting looking around hearing Raj's breathing)...for all the wrong reasons. (Chef Ramsay now hears heavy breathing) Who's breathing in here? What is that?
Russell: (points to Raj)
Gordon: (to Raj) Are you okay?
Sabrina: (interview) Raj was breathing a bit creepy, it was like: (imitates breathing).
Jillian: (imitates Raj's deep breath in interview).
Vinny: (interview),(imitates Raj's heavy breathing) and it sounded like a big jerk.
Gordon: Slow down!
Raj: Yes Chef.

Gordon: On order, four covers away, Table 23, yes? Two risotto, two scallops, entrée one chicken, three rib-eye.
Blue Team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: (sees Raj turning back without any response) You, come here. You're standing here next to me, I called it out and you just turned your fat arse around you didn't even acknowledge me.
Raj: I'm here. Yes, chef. What do you need?
Gordon: What do I need?! What did I just call out? (Raj doesn't answer) WHAT DID I JUST CALL OUT, RAJ?! I'm talking to you!
Louis: (interview) The fact that Raj is 49 and still alive and not in jail or in an asylum is a (bleep) miracle.
Gordon: What did I just call out?
Raj: I didn't catch it.
Gordon: Oh (bleep) me. Useless.
Narrator: Just over half a hour in the dinner service Raj hasn't even begun cooking but is already disappointed Chef Ramsay.

Gordon: (to Scott) Yeah, just check that. There's no sides on there, I don't know why.
James: (to Vinny) Come over here! Chef, one of his tables, he's telling them they can't have side orders because it takes too long to get it out of the kitchen.
Vinny: What I said was, I'd be happy to bring them to you...
Gordon: Shut up! Come in here!
Vinny: That is not what I told them.
Gordon: Why?
Vinny: That is NOT what I told them.
Gordon: What did you tell them?
Vinny: Exactly what I told them was this: I said "I'm telling you the truth. The sides are delicious, but it's going to take a lot longer if you want sides, so..."
Gordon: STOP EVERYBODY! Now Captain Vinny here is telling the customers not to order sides! (to Raj) Come here, did you tell him not to order sides?
Raj: Of course not! Why would I say that?!
Gordon: Don't (bleep) shout at me, (bleep)-face! You told him that? "Don't push the sides, so I look good."
Raj: No, I'm ready with the sides! Look, I got all the sides ready, I'm waiting for the order.
Gordon: So why's he not taking the orders?
Raj: I have no idea, but look at these sides, it's all ready! He's- he's- I'm- he's- okay...
Vinny: Want to know the truth?
Gordon: Yeah, I do want to know the truth!
Vinny: The truth is, I have no faith that he's going to be able to get the sides out.
Gordon: You'd better understand one (bleep)thing! You do NOT decide what goes out of this kitchen.
Vinny: I don't know.
Gordon: GET OUT!
Vinny: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: GET OUT YOU!!!
Vinny: (Bleep)!!!

[Gordon has found out that Melissa has fired garnishes for the wrong table]
Gordon: (to Melissa) Come here you. [reads a ticket] One salmon, one halibut, one chicken, one beef. Where's the wellington?
Melissa Doney: Wellington's coming up--
Gordon: Where's the wellington?
Melissa Doney: It's not on the window chef.
Gordon: It's for the next table.
Melissa Doney: Yes, chef. (interview) I just put up the wrong thing. I can't explain it. It's (bleep) embarrassing.
Gordon: You are about to sink your team. Now.
Melissa Doney: Focus chef.
Gordon: No, don't focus. Swap places with Jillian. Now (bleep) off!
Melissa Doney: Yes, chef. (to the Red team) Guys, I have to go out to the dining room. If you need--.
Gordon: Get out! Get out! (Bleep) the explanation! GET OUT!!

Gordon': Curtis! (returns a sushi to the workstation)
Curtis: Working on it again chef.
Gordon: Yeah, (bleep) off. Gentlemen, gentlemen, GENTLEMEN!! Look at this! (points to some sushi) Fat (bleep), fat (bleep), fat (bleep). Look at that there. Look at that. Look. Look at-- (to Curtis) come here you! It's not good enough for me. It's not good enough for me!
Curtis: Yes, chef. Working now chef.
Trev: (interview) Sushi's coming back. Seriously, you're not cooking anything.
Gordon: Do you think that I'm going to (bleep) send-- you can't even clean the (bleep)-- (bleep) off, Curtis! (Bleep) right off!

[Gordon checks on sushi brought up by Curtis; finds that there's no wasabi in it]

Gordon: (returns to the workstation) I've got the sushi now with no wasabis! (to Curtis) You, (bleep) off out of here!
Curtis: (interview; sulkily) Don't tell me to (bleep) off. Man, (bleep) that!
Gordon: I've had enough! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!

Narrator: While members of the blue team continue multiplying in the dorms...
Gordon: Look at the (bleep) garnish.
Narrator:...so are Raj's pans of garnish.
Gordon: Come here. The big (bleep) sack of piss and wind. You're stacking up your garnishes and it's getting longer and longer and longer and longer. In about five minutes time, you'll have all those (bleep) garnishes right outside the kitchen. Shut up! Get out!
Raj: (interview) I don't know what to do. I don't know how to... I don't know. I don't know how to handle the situation, I mean...
Gordon: GET OUT NOW!!
Raj: (interview) I don't even know what the hell's going on. What happened? Why? (walks into the dorm and puts his head inside the freezer.)

[After failing to serve a single table, Chef Ramsay has finally had it with the remaining members of the blue team; comes back to the workstation with Caesar salads]

Gordon: Come here, all of you!
Louis: (Bleep)!
Gordon: There's the walnuts on one, there's the walnuts on the OTHER!!! (Bleep)! (to the blue team) Hey, you, you, you! Hey, you! Come here! Hey, you! Come here! [Gordon approaches the blue team to the washroom and kicks the door straight out to the dorms] Get out! GET OUT!!!
Louis: (interview) Not only did he throw us all out of the kitchen. He let us out of the kitchen. (screenshot of Louis and the other blue team members are inside the dorms) This makes me feel like you're (shows his hand) this big.
[The blue team had got out of the kitchen by Chef Ramsay due to their horrible performance during dinner service]
Louis: The girls were calling out entrées for the last two hours. I didn't come here to look like an (bleep) two nights in a row, okay. We're going to do it again tomorrow if we don't...
Raj: Okay, fellas, yeah. Please, please, please, kids...
Louis: HOW DARE YOU CONDESCEND ME! I'm 28 years old, I've been a professional in this industry for 14 years, I work in a camp and I work my (bleep) ass off! You're 50, how dare you (bleep) condescend to me, man! YOU STUPID (bleep)!
Boris: (to Raj) Shut the (bleep) up.
Raj: Listen!
Louis: How dare you condescend to me!
Boris: (throwing a box at Raj) You're a (bleep) douchebag!
Vinny: (to Boris) Go, bro!
Raj: You're attacking me! (Bleep)! You're throwing (bleep) at me!
Vinny: Shut up!
Boris: (Bleep) you, man.
Raj: (Bleep) you, you bitch!
Boris: You're a waste of life. You're a (bleep) waste of life, Raj.
Raj: (Bleep) you. (interview) They just blame me because I'm an easy target for them. You know, here I am in that snake pit, and I'm the mongoose, and the mongoose is trying to fight the cobra.

Gordon: Gentlemen, you lost. Vinny decided that it was a bright idea to tell the customers, "Don't order sides, because the kitchen can't deliver." How dare you! That's my decision, and not yours. None of you are here to kiss my arse, but I expect some (bleep) RESPECT!!

[The blue team had lost, they nominated Raj and Boris for elimination, Chef Ramsay also nominated Vinny]
Gordon: Raj, why just did you stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Raj: I just stay in Hell's Kitchen, chef, Because I am being falsely accused and I'm getting more familiar with everything and it's going to be good and it just need a little more time I'm a slow learner.
Gordon You're forty-(bleep)-nine and I need a fast learner.
Raj: Yes, chef.

Episode Three [8.03]

Rob: (interview after Raj has escaped elimination) I'm more shocked that that lunatic is still here.
Raj: (interview) YAHOOO WOOOAOOOOAOAAAAOOAH! ALL RIGHT!! Thank you lord! Thank you Jesus! I FEEL LIKE PRAYING! Now I am definitely going to win this competition now. I know it!

[During the breakfast cooking challenge]
Gordon: Raj, where's the scrambled egg?
Raj: Okay. (brings the scrambled egg to the pass.)
Gordon: (tastes) Hey, guys, guys. Come here. All of you, come here quick! Hurry up! (to Raj) Get out of the way. Get out of the way. Oooh, get out of the way. Taste it. Taste it. Taste it! Taste it! Taste it! Taste it! Not an OUNCE of seasoning!
Raj: What do you--?!
Russell: We're doing it again! Don't argue with chef!
Trev: (interview) Don't talk back to chef. He says something, you say "Yes, chef." and move on. That's it.
Gordon: Say that again? Say that again? Hey, don't spit (bleep) scrambled egg in my face! Say that again?
Narrator: In the true test of teamwork, the red team has come together and served over half of their diners.
Diner: Oh, this is really good.
Narrator: The men, however haven't served a single table and they're at a standstill. Thanks to Raj's unseasoned eggs.
Gordon: Say that again?!
Raj: Yes, chef.
Gordon: There's not an ounce of (bleep) seasoning in there. These guys save lives for a living and you're about to (bleep) up their breakfast. Got it?
Raj: Yes, chef. (interview) Chef Ramsay's like "Oh, my God! THERE'S NO SALT! THERE'S NO PEPPER!" and I'm like "What the?"
Raj: Go ahead, go! Go! (interview) I thought I seasoned it chef correctly but obviously I didn't.
Gordon: Why's he cooking scrambled egg when he can't even season it?
Raj: (interview) I tried to make some sense of it. This intense chaos.
Raj: (walks into the storeroom and puts his head in the refrigerator) I gotta cool off somehow. (interview) I tried to cool off by sticking my head in the refrigerator but I couldn't.
Gordon: RAJ, MOVE YOUR FAT (bleep) ARSE!

[During the blue team's punishment]
Trev: What's this? Raj? Raj? Just give up halfway?
Raj: I'm just trying to cover it.
Trev: Give me a (bleep) wrap. (interview) I've tried everything I can with this big dumb animal and it's frustrating. It's tiring.
Trev: It's (bleep) that he's even still here.
Raj: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Vinny: I'm going to be in here longer because obviously you've been (bleep) cooking in restaurants for the last 30 years.
Raj: Unfair.
Trev: What's so unfair about it?! You suck!
Vinny: You're going to tank us.
Raj: You guys are going to keep going with it?
Trev: Yes! Nothing gets through that thick skull of yours!
Raj: (interview) Trevor's harassing me for no reason and he's being more of a problem than a solution.
Raj: You guys seem to be targeting me in a vicious fashion. You got something about me because I'm older?
Trev: Go home Raj! Just go home. Go home and stuff yourself with Twinkies so you can have a (bleep) heart attack on your recliner!
Raj: Oh, so now you're going to make fun of my weight.
Trev: We gotta figure out what you're good at. You gotta be good at something, right? Aside from sleeping and (bleep) eating and running your (bleep)-damn jaw. You gotta be good at something! Mr. "I'm a chef and I'm almost 50 and I've got more experience than anybody." What the (bleep) have you done so far?! You're (bleep) dilly dallying in the (bleep) pastry section...
Raj: Shut up! [Snaps and gets in Trev's face] SHUT UP!!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT THE (bleep) UP!!
Narrator: Near the end of a long, punishing day, a non-stop verbal between Raj and Trev is at its peak.
Trev: Or what?
Raj: I said shut up! Just shut up!
Trev: Or what?!
Boris: Guys, guys, guys! Come on!
Raj: (Bleep) all of you! YOU GUYS ARE A BUNCH OF SNAKES! YOU (bleep) SNAKE!

[the chefs meet up in front of Chef Ramsay]
Gordon: Raj, haven't given up on you. However, push it tonight.
Raj: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Come back.
Raj: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And stay out the (bleep) fridge.
[flashback where Raj sticks his head in the freezer during the team challenge]
Raj: Yes, chef.

[James comes back to the pass with appetizers]
Gordon: What's wrong with that?
James: Red team, salty.
Gordon: (comes back to the workstation) Oh, dear. Ladies.
Jillian: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Now it's coming back, salty! (tosses one plate on the workstation) Wow!

Narrator: While the blue team...
Gordon: Salmon!
Raj: The salmon's ready.
Narrator: Has moved on to entrées.
Raj: And it's perfect! (interview) I have personally cooked thousands and thousands and thousands of salmon in my life.
[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Raj; finds that the salmon is floating in a brown liquid]
Gordon: What's that in there? Wh-what...?
Scott: That's not grilled.
Gordon: Oh, dear. Raj! What's that? What is that stock he's putting in that salmon?
Vinny: It's supposed be grilled, dude.
Raj: Yeah, I grilled it, and then I finished it with a little bit of sauce.
[Gordon tastes some of the liquid in the pan, then spits it out in disgust]
Russell: No sauce, bro. [Ramsay pours the contents of the pan onto Raj's worktop and drops the pan] C'mon, get another one going, bro!
Raj: (interview) My personal techniques are not working for Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: Disgusting!
Raj: (interview) He's the chef, it's his opinion, and I have zero opinion.
Scott: Start over.
Narrator: Raj's cooking techniques aren't cutting in with Chef Ramsay. And in the red kitchen...
Gordon: (with an overcooked Dover Sole) Melissa, it's overcooked!
Narrator: ...neither are Melissa's.
Gordon: Out it comes, look at that. Overcooked on the bottom, crispy as (bleep), and it looks like Gandhi's flip-flop! What a shame!
Jillian: (interview) I don't know where he comes up with this stuff! Gandhi didn't even wear flip-flops, he lived in the jungle, I don't think the dude even had shoes.
Gordon: Look it underneath!
[Chef Ramsay knocks his hand on the workstation]
Melissa Doney: (interview) (Bleep)!
Narrator: As Melissa starts over with her Dover sole, guests on both sides of the dining room continue to wait, but not for long. In the blue kitchen...
Gordon: Where's the salmon?!
Raj: T-two seconds.
Narrator: Raj is ready with his second attempt on the salmon.
Gordon: Two seconds, one two!
Raj: I mean uhm, thirty sec-I mean uhm one minute.
Narrator: Well, almost ready.
Gordon: Just concentrate. I don't want a blah-blah-blah.
Raj: I'm sorry to say that, but it's true.
Gordon: What a (bleep) bozo!
Raj: Here it is. Here it is.
[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Raj; finds out that it's still raw]
Gordon: Oh, dear. Raj! Come here you. It's raw. (Gordon angrily smashes the raw salmon) It's (bleep) RAAAWWW!!!
Boris: (interview) Come on, man!
Gordon: It's raw!!!!
Boris: (interview) That guy can't change his underwear the right way.
Gordon: We haven't even served the (bleep) entrée for in the need to get the food out.
Boris: Oh boy, here we go.
Gordon: I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!!
Narrator: 90 minutes into dinner service, and Raj's problems on the fish station continued.
Raj: Chef, would you mind if I said something or no? (Gordon plugs his ears)
Gordon: Not to me, you're not.
Russell: No don't say a damn thing. Just finish the tickets.
Raj: You know the salmon that I gave you that I smashed, right? (interview) I'm not this timid man who's just going to sit back and just say "OOOKAY, CHEF."
Raj: You know, I'm going to try to make a case for myself. Really chef, really.
Gordon: We're in the middle of service right now and I want food. SHUT IT!!
Raj: (interview) But...it's hard.
Gordon: Hey, what do you think this is a talk show? COOK YOUR (bleep) DISH AND SHUT YOUR FAT MOUTH!!!
Raj: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Vinny, get a piece of salmon on there, yes?
Vinny: Yes, chef. (interview) Raj just cannot cook at all, anything, ever. (back in the kitchen) Give me a time. (inteview) So I gotta go there and do it for him. (back in the kitchen) Hot behind, salmon on the pass.
Gordon: Perfect, let's go.
Narrator: Thanks to Vinny, Raj's salmon is finally making its way out to the dining room.

Boris: Chef, hold on. (on his wellingtons) It's raw.
Gordon: Oh, come on.
Boris: I can't give you raw meat. I'm sorry chef.
Narrator: Thanks to Boris, no food is leaving the blue kitchen.
Scott: There you go, send it back.
Narrator: But thanks to Raj, none of them are going to waste.
[Raj starts eating the leftover fish]
Raj: (interview) I see all this food, and it looks delicious, so I just, you know, ate it.
Boris: Raj, please don't do that.
Gordon: Look, he's eating it, look! Have you got enough in there?
Raj: But that's so good! It's really a waste.
Gordon: Wow.
Raj: No. I mean it just a quick little bite. It's really tasty.
Gordon: Aaahhh, (bleep) hell!
Raj: (interview) How could Chef Ramsay blame me for eating this delicious food? It's fantastic.
Narrator: While Raj has snack time in the blue kitchen, over in the red kitchen, Gail... (cuts to Gail staring in space)
Gordon: Gail!
Narrator: ...has nap time.
Gordon: Wakey-wakey! You're on fire.
Nona: (interview) Oh, my god! There's flames shooting up! And Gail was (sticks her tongue out in disgust) nothing. Nothing's happening.
Gordon: Gail, out of the way! Oh, my god.
[Gordon picks the pan from the burner and throws it on the sink, then picks up the burnt rib-eye beef]
Gordon: (holding the rib-eye beef) Gail, I think your pan's a bit too hot. (throws the rib-eye back in the sink) You've lost it.
Gail: No, chef.
Gordon: No, you've given up. Body language, face, attitude. You've given up. You're just standing there, watching a piece of rib-eye beef set on fire, it's out of control! You've given up.
Narrator: Back in the blue kitchen...
Raj: Up to the pass with the halibut.
Narrator': Raj is eager to finally impress Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: Sorry for the delay, let's go.
Narrator: ...maybe, a little too eager.
Gordon: How many have you cooked? One two, three. Oh, my god.
Raj: (interview) When I get busy, I start firing everything. So when they need it, I got it.
Gordon: What are you doing? Playing the odds? Maybe one will be good out of three.
Raj: (interview) But this is Chef Ramsay's kitchen, you can't do that.
Gordon: Why will I try to fire three tables?
Raj: Uhm, yes, uhm...
Gordon: (disgusted) Donkey!
Vinny: Dude, you can't serve this to anybody. He's not going to take that. (interview) Raj cooks three dover soles before we're even to close to..to needing them.
Gordon: Sole special!
Raj: Chef? We, uh, ran out of the sole special.
Gordon: What? (reaches for a ticket) I've got three on or-DAH!
Louis: (interview) We ran out of dover sole. Oh man, this is going to be real ugly.
Gordon: Oh no...
Boris: (interview) This sucks. Embarrassing! (Bleep)!
Raj: (interview) It's a very bad situation. I don't know what we're going to do at this point. I think we're going to have to figure something out quickly.
Narrator: Thanks to Raj, the blue team has run of dover sole. And Chef Ramsay has run out of patience.
Gordon: Get out there and tell them you're dragging two! You go to the customers and tell them you (bleep) it up!
Raj: I need another jacket, though, I can't go out there with this jacket.
Gordon: Hey, come he--come here you. If I tell you to get out there, I don't give a (bleep) if you've got a thong on your fat crack. Get out there!
Raj: I can't, with this thing. I can't, I'm sorry, Chef.
Gordon: Hey, hey, listen, (bleep) off out there, will you?
[Raj removes his apron and walks over to Chef Scott]
Raj: I can't put this...
[Raj leaves the kitchen to apologize to the diners]
Raj: (interview) Couple of things are going to my head.
Raj: (begins talking to hungry diners) Hi, my name is Raj.
Raj: (interview) My God, look at this, I'm a star.
Raj: (goes talking to hungry diners, again) I'm terribly sorry, but we ran out of the sole special week.
Raj: (interview) Then the next thing you know, look at this, I'm an idiot. So it's this elation and then this degration. All at the same time.
Raj: We have other nice fish if you like to try that instead.

[The red team have lost, and nominated Emily and Sabrina for elimination]

Gordon: Sabrina, tell me very quickly, why you should stay in Hell's Kitchen.
Sabrina: I don't think that I should go home. I shouldn't be here, Melissa should be here. Who has been consistently horrible? The executive chef, right there! Emily, yeah, she (bleep) up and she sucks, but at least she hasn't done as horribly as Melissa.
Gordon: Take a big, deep breath. I want to know why you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen, yeah? You.
Sabrina: I'm here to learn, and I'm here to grow. I have bigger balls and more determination than any of these (bleep) girls here! All of them put together, chef!
Gordon: Okay, this is a very difficult decision. The person leaving Hell's Kitchen is... (a pause, then Chef Ramsay points to the blue team, who won that night's service) Raj! Get your arse over here. (Raj stands up and walks over to Chef Ramsay, while the assembled red and blue team members laugh at him) You, big boy, are out of your league, big time. And I personally can't go an inch further. Jacket! (Raj hands over his jacket, then starts walking in the direction of Chef Ramsay's office. Ramsay points him to the actual exit) There's the door there, big boy!
Raj: (outside the restaurant) I can't believe it. It's just a shock. I didn't get along with anybody. I didn't get along with Chef Ramsay. I didn't get along with Scott. I didn't like the menu. But it was a great experience. I had a great time and I'm glad I did it.
Gordon: (to the blue team) Relieved?
Vinny: Oh, yeah. It was like a reward, bro. Thank you.

Gordon: When the going gets tough in the kitchen, a chef puts his head down and cooks. All Raj wanted to do was put his head in the freezer and that's why his stay in Hell's Kitchen was a short one.

Episode Four [8.04]

Rob: Can we have some of that sausage to take upstairs?
Red Team: (together) No!
Jillian: Make us something delicious for dinner!
Vinny: (drunk) I'm delicious.

Gordon: (to Melissa) So three three's are what?
Melissa Doney: (while cooking ravioli) Six.
Gordon: (shakes his head) Oh...
Melissa Doney: Oh, three three's nine! Yes!
Gordon: And you've got-- hey, come here you. Come here. Three three's are six?
Melissa Doney: I was counting the pans chef.
Gordon: Yeah, I'm watching you like a hawk. Do you know why? You can't even count to nine. You scare me.
Gail: (interview) What the (bleep) is she doing over there? Melissa can't handle it.
Gordon: Two three's are six. Three three's are what?
Melissa Doney: Nine.
Gail: (interview) Do you want me to come over there and cook for you?
Gordon: Right now, get it together and we need to focus!
Melissa Doney: Yes, chef.

Gordon: One chicken, one pork chop!
Louis: Five minutes, chef.
Gordon: (Seeing holds the tickets) (The man is going to propose on his girlfriend) He's trying to propose to his future fiancée!
Louis: Yeah.
Gordon: Move, Louis!
Louis: Yes chef.
Gordon: You may make them break up before they get married!
Louis: Thirty seconds, cutting pork now. (interview) Once you get behind out something it can't let things get to you. I am just hitting my strive and ready to rock.
Louis: The pork is (bleep) pink! Chef Scott?!
Scott Leibfried: What?
Louis: [carries the pork in his hands] I (bleep) the pork and it's pink. Behind chef.
Scott Leibfried: You can't even put it on a pan, you (bleep) damn SLOB! You're going to walk around with the pork chop in your hands like that?! GET IT IN THE (bleep) OVEN!!!
Louis: Yes chef.
Scott Leibfried: (to Louis) You walked around like a pig and what kind of slob are you?
Trev: (interview) Seriously what the (bleep)!
Gordon: All of you! COME HERE! All of you! You (bleep) go on a reward, you take advantage, you come back and you perform like (bleep) idiots?
Louis: Yes chef.
Gordon: Get a grip?
Louis: Yes chef.
Gordon: Or (bleep) off!
Louis: Yes chef.

Gordon: (to Boris) Can you stop washing pans?
Trev: Boris!
Rob: Wow! Boris, what the (bleep) up?
Gordon: This is a (bleep) kitchen, I'm trying to (bleep) run a restaurant.
Boris: Yes chef.
Gordon: (Calling Boris out to the washroom) Come here, you! You want to wash pans, get down there! (Bleep) off will you! Do it full-time! Get on there! What a muppet.
Boris: (interview) I've never been kicked out of the kitchen in my life and it's all my (bleep) fault.
Gordon: LA Market is not looking for a (bleep) head chef in PANS!!!

[after Louis failed to bring the pork for third attempt, Gordon has had it]
Louis: It's raw, it's (bleep) raw.
Gordon: [hurls the pork on a plate] GET OUT!
Louis: Yes, chef.
Gordon: [Louis doesn't care] GET OUT!!! And the both of you washing dishes, get out! (to Vinny) Vinny, on the meat, please!

[after Russell failed to bring the polenta for the pork, Gordon has had it]
Gordon: All of you, just stop! You make yourself look so stupid. And look, the food died. It's like a funeral in here. Do me one big favor: Get out. Get out. GET (bleep) OUT!! (Letting himself and sous chefs Scott and Andi to finish the service) Andi, Scott, let's go! [The women and the remaining men leave the kitchen]
Trev: (interview) Let's throw a whole bunch of chicks in to the mix and maybe it'll make everything all better. No it made it worse, too many cooks in the kitchen man!

Episode Five [8.05]

Gordon: Wha-- What is that? Wha? Wha? Wha? What? What is that? Argh! It's like Barbie's vomit and it's like purple snot.
Jillian: (interview) They did kinda look like of baby poop. [sic] Nobody wants to eat purple puss baby food on a plate.
Gordon: (Bleep) off!

[Gordon checks on crab cakes brought up by Emily]

Gordon: Crab cake, aiyayay. (returns to the workstation) Excuse me! All of you, come here! This is what you've just served me! Just look at that, look. They're not even crispy, touch that on top. They're soggy. THEY'RE SOGGY!! It's like I've eaten it and sent it back!
Jillian: (interview) The only thing Emily had to make is crab cakes. My 6-year old could do this.
Emily: Give it back. I'll make new ones.
Gordon: OH, MY GOD!!
Emily: Yes, chef.
Gordon: (to Jillian) Jillian, three (bleep) salad, fresh!
Jillian: Okay, chef. (interview) Emily sucks.

Narrator: Meanwhile, in the Blue kitchen...
Gordon: Boris? How many crab cakes have you got in the pan?
Boris: Ten altogether chef.
Narrator: Boris is getting a little ahead of himself.
Gordon: There's only two away and you just cook me ten. Boris?
Boris: Yes, chef?
Gordon: I fired two, I got ten. Is this the sign of things to come?
Russell: (interview) Boris started firing like a gang-bang on crab cakes. It is like, "dude, learn to count."
Gordon: Look at me! We'll do one table at a time, it's not a race! Common sense, gentlemen!
Boris: Yes, chef. Understood.
Gordon: Fresh crab cakes, let's go!

Narrator: While Boris is now cooking his crab cakes to order, in the Red kitchen, Melissa has already moved onto entrées.
Gordon: What in the (bleep)?
Narrator: Unfortunately, her team is not even close to completing the appetizers.
Gordon: Melissa!
Melissa: Yes, chef?
Gordon: What is that?! All of you come here!
Nona: (interview) Melissa had put in a huge pile of filets in the oven. Apps weren't even done yet. I don't even know what to do in this situation.
Gordon: We've sent three tables of appetizers, and you're sticking all the beef in the oven!
Sabrina: (interview) Why the hell would you do that? Even I wouldn't do that.
Gordon: Do you want to go home? Why don't you make my life easier and just (bleep) off home? You can't be normal! (starts counting the filets) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6...
Jillian: (interview) Oh, my God!
Gordon: ...7, 8, 9, 10, 11...
Jillian: (interview) Stupid!
Gordon: ...12, 13, 14, 15, 16...
Nona: (interview) Oh, HELL no!
Gordon: ...17, 18, 19, 20, 21...
Emily: (interview) What the hell are you doing, lady?
Melissa: There's 23 on the board, chef.
Gordon: SO WHAT?! WHY ARE YOU COOKING THEM NOW?! (no response from Melissa) Nona, why?
Nona: I don't know, chef.
Gordon: It doesn't make sense! They're gone, they're overcooked.
Melissa: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I can't do it anymore with you. You need a system! THERE'S NO SYSTEM! I CAN'T KEEP ON TELLING YOU EVERY (bleep) SERVICE!
Melissa Doney: Yes, chef. (interview) Sometimes, I just go stupid. But I'm better than this. I just have to show Chef Ramsay that I have what it takes.
Gordon: Madness!

Episode Six [8.06]

[Gordon asks for scallop salad in the Blue kitchen]
Gordon: Melissa, scallop salad how long?
Melissa Doney: I'm all out of scallops chef.
Gordon: What?!
Melissa Doney: I cooked the (bleep) out of all the scallops. I (bleep) the team chef.
Gordon: What the (bleep) are we doing? (gets the rejected scallops on Melissa's station) Oh, my God...
Russell: That's all the scallops!
[Gordon pours all the scallops on one plate]
Rob: Oh, my God.
Gordon: Just come here, all of you. Stop. All of you, Vinny! (gives the plate of scallops to Russell) Take the plate, take the (bleep) plate! Pass it around!
Russell: Seven pounds of scallops.
Vinny: (interview) She just can't cook.
Rob: (interview) Melissa must have cooked about ten pounds of scallops, all cooked off to the garbage.
Melissa Doney: (interview) It is just (bleep) embarrassing.

Episode Seven [8.07]

[Family night dinner service]
James: [Gives Gordon a ticket] It's your family.
Gordon: Here we go. On order: six covers, table one.
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Three wings, one mozzarella, one risotto, one truffle salad.
Boris: Yes, chef!
Gordon: My family!
Boris: (interview) We better get this (bleep) order right.
Boris: Let's go, guys yes?
Russell: Three wings, one mozz(erella) is coming chef. Vinny, are you ready on the risotto?
Vinny: No, no.
Gordon: Vinny, I need the (bleep) risotto! What are you doing?
Vinny: (interview) I can't sit there and [waves his hands] go like this and have my risottos' magically finish.
Gordon: Hurry up Vinny! We've got to go up now!
Vinny: Yes, chef. (interview) I grabbed the risotto I had just sent up for the previous table. There's nothing wrong with it.
Vinny: Yo, I'm going up with the risotto, guys!
Gordon: No, that's not fair. That's old! Trying to get away. Hey bozo, come here you.
Vinny: Yes, chef. What happened?
Gordon: Shut your fat East-Coast mouth! This table that you just sent me that (bleep) for, happens to be my family!
Boris: (interview) Oh, no. What are you doing?
Gordon: And even if it's not my family, they deserve a fresh risotto. Look at me, you dirty little (bleep)! If you can't be bothered to do it, (bleep) off out of here! Do you want to go home? Whether it's my family or not, if your family were here, or your family were here, or your family, I'd make your family or your wife or your children A FRESH (bleep) RISOTTO! He sneaks that in there. That's the (bleep) I served five minutes ago!
Rob: Okay, refire guys!
James: Everybody's really happy, apart from your family.
Gordon: Apart from my family? Come on, Vinny!
Vinny: (interview) Yes, chef. Sorry, chef, won't happen again. That's all he wants to hear and I'll fix it.

[Nona and Rob are up for elimination]
Gordon: Rob, give me your jacket big boy... (Rob takes off his jacket) ...because it's filthy and dirty. This is a clean one, get it on and get back in line!

Episode Eight [8.08]

Gordon: All of you, come here! What night is this? What the (bleep) night?!
Red team: Important night of the year!
Gordon: Yeah, the most important night. Is this the most important gnocchi you'll ever get?
Trev: No, chef.
Gordon: (Bleep) off! (slams the pan on the workstation)
Jillian: Come on, Trev.
Gordon: What is that?
Sabrina Brimhall: (interview) Trevor looks like a big-ass booger.
Holli: Oh, my God.
Gordon: Wake up, Trevor! Nothing's coming out I'm in late tonight! WAKE UP!!!
Jillian: (to Trev) My lobster's up and you have no garnish.
Trev: (interview) Get off my pass and let me cook!
Danny: (to Holli) Trev is gone tonight. What do you think?
Holli: Yeah.
Nona: What do you need Trev?
Jillian: (interview) This is not what he needs. Trev sucks. Dude, are you stoned? Like, did you smoke a joint before you came in here?
Gail: Trevor, you can't serve with those carrots in a burned pan.
Trev: Oh, no. I am going to (bleep) fix it.
Sabrina Brimhall: I'll help you!
Trev: Do not help me! Get the (bleep) out of my ass! Don't (bleep) help me!
Sabrina Brimhall: (interview) He is so stupid.
Nona: Does anybody need help right now? I'm good on app(etizer)s.
Trev: Could use a hand over here, definitely.
Nona: Here's your shallots.
Gordon: How many are on the garnish? One... two... three of you. Sabrina garnish, Nona garnish, Trev, what are you doing?
Trev: Working it, Chef?
Gordon: (to Gail) Gail, go over to the garnish as well.
Gail: (interview) I've never seen Chef Ramsay called over the entire kitchen to help one person. Ridiculous.

[Trev has just been thrown out of the service]
Trev: (interview) I'm pissed at myself, 'cos I'm supposed to be the guy that can do anything. I feel like (bleep) because I've let them down. They expected me to be Superman, and Clark Kent showed up.

[Vinny brings his lobster to the pass; Gordon checks it]

Gordon: [to Scott] Is it cooked?
Scott Leibfried: Uh, it's cooked alright. Half of it is mush on the outside and the center's well done.
Christina Machamer: Uh oh.
Gordon: [returns the lobster to the workstation] On a night like tonight! You (Rob) keep me dragging for the chicken! You (Boris) keep me dragging for the appetizers, then Vinny sends me this.
Vinny: I'll fix it.
Gordon: (sarcastically) "I'll fix it."
Russell: (interview) We're going down in a heap like a California mud-slide.
Gordon: Chicken?
Rob: (brings his chicken to the pass) Going up with the chicken!
Gordon: It's pink. [returns the chicken to the workstation] All of you, come here!
Boris: (interview) Uh-oh. It's (bleep) chicken, Rob.
Gordon: Pink, pink, don't dare touch it! Pink, pink. All of you, what are we doing here? [Shows the faces of Boris, Russell, Christina & Rock, the people in the dining room, Danny & Holli, Vinny & Rob] GET OUT! Get out of here! [angrily throws his spoon at the Blue team as they exit the kitchen] GET OUT!!

Episode Nine [8.09]

[Gordon and Nona at the beef station]

Gordon: Hey look at me! You are not evening listening! I'm trying to help you!
Nona: I known chef and I am taking on what your are saying!
Gordon: It [three beef] should be (bleep) seared by NOW!!!
Nona: Yes Chef!
Gordon: It will help if the pan was on!
Nona: It's on Chef!
Gordon: (Bleep) off will you!!! (Starts walking down to Nona's Station) Get out of my WAY! Look (Red Team) at that! Dose that look hot enough to sear three beef? Let me show you (Nona) something! LOOK! There you go! (Takes the three beef out of the pan showing that the pan is not hot enough) Its hot, chef!!! (Sarcastically)
Nona: I just put them IN!!!
Gordon: Get out of my way!!! (Nona walks back slowly) Get of my (bleep) way!!! Get of my (bleep) WAY!!! (Nona is at the back of the kitchen) GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!
Nona: I'm not in your WAY!!!
Gordon: (Bleep) OFF UP STAIRS THEN!!!
Nona: Alright, fine!!! (Leaves the Kitchen)
Gordon: (Bleep) OFF!!!

[Once Nona leaves]

Gordon: Jillian!!!
Jillian: Yes Chef!
Gordon: Start working that station (Meat)!!!
Jillian: Yes Chef!

[Gordon checks on halibut brought up by Rob]

Gordon: (returns to the workstation) (Bleep) off! Yeah, come on. (to Rob) Come here you. Look at that. It's like split vomit. Look at that. Hold on, hey. It gets worse. (splits one halibut in half) Raw. [angrily throws the halibut away on the workstation] (Bleep) off!
Russell: Damn it! Let's go! Focus!
Rob: Sorry, bro. I'm sorry.
Russell: Don't say you're sorry. Just go. (to his team mates) Guys we need to go!
Gordon: Here we go, yet again. Nothing's coming out!

[Gordon returns to the workstation with gnocchi]

Gordon: Who cooked the gnocchi?
Vinny: I did chef.
Gordon: Yeah, crispy one side and raw. They're raw underneath. [throws the gnocchi away]
Vinny: I'll fix it.
Gordon: Yeah, GET OUT!! Fix your (bleep) hair! (Bleep) off out upstairs, get out! (Bleep) OFF!!!
Vinny: (interview) Of all the things, (bleep) gnocchi. Gnocchi of all things.
Trev: Garnish is in the window! [brings his garnish to the pass]
Russell: Coming to the window with chicken! [brings his chicken to the pass]
Gordon: [checking Russell's chicken] My (bleep) head's throbbing! [returns to the workstation] (to Russell) That is raw!
Russell: Can I send this one?
Gordon: Get out, Russell! Get out!! BECAUSE THE CHICKEN'S RAW!!!

Narrator: It's more than two hours into the dinner service. (shot of Russell, Vinny and Nona) Three chefs have already been kicked out of the kitchen, and much to Rob's confusion, he is about to join them.
Gordon: (quietly, to Rob) Get out.
Rob: Why, chef?
Narrator: Which leaves only one chef left to complete service in the blue kitchen, and ironically...
Trev: (interview) Uh... hi?
Narrator: ...it's Trev.
Trev: (interview) The whole service just fell on my shoulders. I'm just going to have to push the fear down and fight through it.
Gordon: Salmon!
Trev: Good to go.
Gordon: Ooh, la la. Well done, Trev. Service!
Trev: (interview) It was like a big light just kinda opened in the dark sky, and I'm gettin' it.

Episode Ten [8.10]

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Vinny]

Scott: Lamb's still not ready.
Gordon: Un-(bleep)-believable. Vinny! Are you (bleep) kidding me?! With a man like that and his reputation, (knocks his hand on the workstation) ARE YOU (bleep) SERIOUS?!! OH, COME ON!!
Russell: (interview) Don't serve it if ain't right. You should know better Vinny.
Josiah Citrin: If my lamb was here, these guys wouldn't be getting yelled at.
Gordon: It's still (bleep) walking! Look at it!! THIS IS CAR CRASH!! Trev, Russell, Vinny! DO SOMETHING!! WHAT THE (bleep) IS GOING ON?!!

[Josiah Citrin has finally been served his entrée but disapproved of it for being overcooked]

Gordon: [to James] How's Josiah?
James: Really, really unhappy.
Gordon: [to the Blue Team] All of you, so you (bleep) go there. You grace his table, he looks after you he comes in here and look at the treatment. Hey (Trev) have you ever won a Michelin star?
Trev: No I haven't. I haven't even won one!
Gordon: Yeah there's a guy out there with TWO MICHELIN STARS AND LOOK AT US LIKE A BUNCH OF (bleep, bleep)! Well done! Unbelievable!

Episode Eleven [8.11]

Jillian: (interview) I thought Michelin was a tire.

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Sabrina]

Gordon: Oh, no! What is that? Sabrina! That is cooked to (bleep), and that there, fried risotto?
Russell: Burnt!
Jillian: (interview) Come on, Sabrina! Don't start us off like this!
Gordon: I want risotto, not fried risotto!
Sabrina Brimhall: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Right now!

Sabrina Brimhall: How long Trev, two spaghetti?
Trev: Four!
Sabrina Brimhall: Four! Four minutes that is pasta getting to cook in four minutes, Trev?
Jillian: Stop yelling!
Scott Leibfried: (approaches to Trev and yells at him) Hey! You watch your mouth right now! You don't stand over there and scream, I'm the one that's waiting for food from you, GET YOUR (bleep) TOGETHER AND COOK THE PASTA!
Gordon: (Bleep)!
Trev: (interview) Now I'm trying, all you want to do is berate me, belittle me, get on my ass?! Piss off!
Gordon: Talk about out of (bleep) control.

Gordon: Oh, no. Gail?
Gail: Yes, chef?
Gordon: It's not possible! That's what I got at the pass. (Gordon holds up a piece of halibut stuck to the pan) When it's burnt, it's cooked. When it's black, it's (bleep).
Gail: (interview) Stuck to the pan. Yeah.
Gordon: That's what I got given at the (bleep) PASS!!! (Bleep)!!! (Gordon slams down the pan, and a pair of tongs almost hit him in the face).

[Gordon checks on rib-eye beef brought up by Russell; after finding out that it's raw, he has had it]

Gordon: It's raw in the center... Russell! (goes worried) Stop! (throws spoon on the floor) I can't take it anymore. I can't. I can't do this. (throws tantrum) I CANNOT DO THIS ANY-(bleep)-MORE! I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! IT'S NOT FAIR ON (bleep) ME! (overviews to tell the customers) IT'S NOT FAIR ON THEM!! (to the final six) GET OUT!! (Bleep) OFF!! GET OUT!!! Yeah, that's right! Get out! GET OUT!!! (to Trev; tosses a blue steak to him) Hey, catch your blue steak! (Bleep) blue.
Trev: (interview) This sucks. The horrible feeling and it feels like going down to the world.
[Customers are leaving Hell's Kitchen]

Gordon: Sabrina was quite dramatic in her final plea, but I'm not looking for a drama queen. I'm looking for a head chef.

Episode Twelve [8.12]

[Gordon returns an undercooked appetizer to the workstation]

Gordon: (to Trev) Hey bozo! [does a stop signal; angrily knocks the workstation with both hands] Just all of you, look at me now! It's like you're doing it on purpose!
James: Oh, chef's losing it.
Gordon: Hard, undercooked, and stone-cold. Three beef are on the way just a lick a finger on that. Look at us! WE DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS!! WHERE'S YOUR PASSION?!! (angrily throws his spoon) I'm done. Standing here in a bunch of idiots! (throws his apron on the workstation) (Bleep) you all! Good luck, superstars! [he and Sous-Chef Scott exited the kitchen and left] (Bleep) useless. Aiyayayay.
Nona: (interview) We are (bleep)! Come on!
Paris Hilton: Oh, man.
Steven Cojocaru: Aw, there he is!
James: What is that?
Gail: (interview) This is over. Over.
Gordon: (to himself) Oh, (bleep)! I can do some real damage by staying there.

Gordon: This is like a joke. It's like you've been Punk'd, like you've been set up to look stupid.

Episode Thirteen [8.13]

[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Nona]

Gordon: (tastes) It (bleep) me off. [returns the risotto to the workstation] STOP! (to Nona and Trev) Come here you! (to Russell) Come here! (to Jillian) And you as well! Have a (bleep) good taste! [Gordon tastes, as well as the final four]
Nona: (interview) Awesome. It's freaking great. I love what's happening right now.
Gordon: What's the first thing that comes to your mouth?
Russell: Pepper! (interview) Yeah, can we have some risotto with the pepper, please? Re-fire.
Gordon: [spits out the risotto in disgust] Three stunning risottos away.
Nona: Yes, chef. (interview) Sucks, sucks, sucks.