Hell's Kitchen/Season 9

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Hell's Kitchen is an American cooking reality show based on the British program of the same title, where Chef Gordon Ramsay puts aspiring chefs through different challenges and dinner services to decide who is the best.

Episode One [9.01]

[The eighteen chefs arrived at Orpheum Theatre to dream to become a "stardom"]
Theatre Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Orpheum Theatre. Please put your hands together for the Hell's Kitchen chefs. [Unveils the curtain; gives the chefs to raise their arms up. The chefs then see that there is no audience and Chef Ramsay at the top, clapping his hand loudly and slowly]
Gordon: Seriously, what on earth did you expect? A packed house? Standing ovation? Screaming fans? REALLY? Right now, NONE of you are stars. Résumés mean NOTHING, got it?
Chefs: Yes, chef!
Gordon: GOT IT?!
Chefs: (louder voice) YES, CHEF!
Gordon: Un-fucking-real.

Gordon: Right? First name and what in the hell is that on there?
Krupa: My name is Krupa. This is a traditional Gujarati dish of stuffed naan.
[Chef Ramsay sees the stuffed naan]
Gordon: First off, doesn't exactly look appetizing, does it?
Krupa: No.
Gordon: No. It's like you've got four bits of asswipe on a plate. Splat!
Krupa: You're right.
Gordon: [takes a bite of naan] Spices are raw, bland. My dear Krupa, yeah? That is crap-a!

Gordon: What is it?
Carrie: It is a chicken-fried ribeye with Yukon gold mash and white truffle cream gravy. I actually have a little sugar in there.
Gordon: Stop! Say that again?
Carrie: I have sugar in there. That's what my mother always did!
Gina: (interview) I do not know who in their right mind would put sugar in mashed potatoes.
Carrie: Just try it! (interview) Chef Ramsay is going to love it because it's fuckin' delicious! It's like an orgasm in your mouth, come on! [as Gordon spits out the mashed potato] Oh, God!
Will: [stifling a laugh] I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh!
Gordon: That... is disgusting.

[Jamie and Steven are the next two contestants up during the signature dish challenge]
Gordon: First name?
Jamie: Jamie.
Gordon: What do you do?
Jamie: I'm a sous chef.
Gordon: You're already a sous chef?
Jamie: Yes. (interview) I'm still a young chef, but I know how good I am.
Gordon: Tell me about the dish.
Jamie: It's lamb lollipops with a red onion confiture.
Gordon: [after eating a bite of lamb] You've overcooked the most important thing: the lamb. If you're going to have the balls to call yourself a sous chef, learn to cook lamb properly first.
Jamie: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Okay, uh...
Steven: Steven.
Gordon: What is that? [picks up plate]
Steven: I have seared diver scallops over wild mushroom risotto. (interview) I've been cooking thirty years. Nobody else has a chance in this thing!
Gordon: Honestly, it's like toenails. I'm a fucking dinosaur! [some of the contestants laugh] Look at them!
Steven: It's got good flavor.
Gordon: "It's got good flavor?" You can't be that deluded. The point goes to... none of you. Stop fucking around.
Steven: Sorry, chef.

Gordon: [as Jonathon's signature dish is revealed] What the fuck is that on the plate?
Jonathon: I call this the Punch Drunk Chicken. (interview) I got the Southern flavor, you know? I put a lot of flavor in the food, raw but real. So, if Chef Ramsay complains about it, well he's full of shit, man.
Gordon: Hold on, it gets worse. [holds up sliced piece of pineapple] The pineapple looks like... canned?
Jonathon: Yes.
Gordon: You open a can of pineapple, and you stick it on top of a chicken?
Jonathon: Limited time today.
Gordon: "Limited time?" Forty-five minutes?! Limited time?!
Jonathon: Yes.
Gordon: You're so full of shit, even your eyes are brown! While you come in here and serve me a canned fucking pineapple, you can fuck off now. Seriously! I'll pay for the ticket! You tell me.
Jonathon: No, sir.
Gordon: It's an absolute freaking mess. But the surprising fact was you opened it out of a can. That's what pissed me off more than anything. I'm not even going to taste it! Ladies, congratulations.

Narrator: Tonight, Hell's Kitchen is once again the place to be in Los Angeles. The restaurant has been redesigned with a stunning balcony above the kitchen to give those diners a unique view of the action of the kitchen.
James: [Carries the first order tickets to Blue Kitchen, approaches Gordon] 'Kay, alright! First order, chef!
Gordon: [Receives the tickets from James] Let's go. [to Blue Team] Okay Blue Team, here we are! First ticket to Blue Team: One risotto, one scallop, one squab, one spaghetti!
Blue Team: Yes, chef!
Chino: I'm sorry chef, can you repeat that?
Gordon: Can I repeat that?
Chino: I'm sorry? I-I'm sorry, chef!
Gordon: Yeah, let me repeat it: Fuck yourself!
Chino: Yes, sir!
Gordon: "Can I repeat that?" Is he (referring Chino) fucking stupid?

[Gordon walks into the Red Kitchen as he carries the first order for Red Team]

Gordon: Okay, Red Team! Come here, let's go! [Red Team approaches Gordon] First ticket! Good luck!
Red Team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Two tables away, cover four: two more scallops, one risotto! Entrée: One New York-
Elise:[Interrupts Gordon; Talks to other Red Team member] Oh, one risotto!!
Gordon: [to Elise] Hey, madam!
Elise: Sorry!
Gordon: I'm not gonna shout over you, I've got ten seconds from window to call these out!
Elise: I'm sorry. I apologize.
Gordon: Come here, you, Big Mouth! Come here, [Puts and bangs the ticket on the table] call out the fucking ticket! COME HERE! Call out the ticket!
Elise: [Grabs the ticket, calls out the ticket to the Red Team] Y'all ready? We need one scallop, two risotto for appetisers! Thank you!

Gordon: Oh, fuck me. So the lobster's ready for the second table thanks to Steven, but I just want the first!
Steven: I'm working on the first, chef!
Steven: I'll–I'll go one at a time.
Gordon: The thought of you doing two things at once, forget it! Just focus on the first ticket, Steven!
Steven: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on cod brought on Chino]
Gordon: What's he done to this? [returns the cod to the workstation] BLUE TEAM!
Paul: Yes, chef?
Gordon: NO garnish anywhere, STILL fragmented and look! It's burnt! [holds up the cod, shows it to the Blue team and angrily slams it on the workstation; calls Chino]
Chino: (interview) I burnt a piece of cod. You know, I should know this shit too because I'm Asian.
Gordon: Oh, guys!
Jonathon: (interview) Chino really fucked the cod up, man. Basted that motherfucker with roof tar or something.
Gordon: Chino!
Chino: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here, you! Get out of my sight.
Scott Leibfried: [leads Chino to the Chef's Table] Sit down.
Gordon: Scott, get him peeling onions and garlic, but away from the stove!
Scott Leibfried: [brings onions and garlic to Chino at Chef's Table] There you go. At least you won't be burning any of that.
Chino: (interview) Ugh. Horrible.
Gordon: Absolute fucking useless!

Steven: Scallops are in the window!
[Gordon heads to the pass to check on them; they're not properly seared]
Gordon: (to Steven) Hey. come here, you. Just touch.
Steven: They're springy, chef.
Gordon: They're what?
Steven: Springy. When you spring back, usually they're ready.
Gordon: So they're ready, are they?
Steven: I feel that they're ready.
Gordon: That fucking rubbery?
Steven: Sorry, chef.
Paul: (interview) Everything Steven was touching was turning to shit tonight. You know how they say, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"? [smirks]
Gordon: Sit down and eat them. Enjoy your "springy" scallops! Let me know how you feel halfway through! Bon appétit.
Steven: I think they're perfect. [eats his scallops on the chef's table]

Gordon: [checks on scallops brought up by Tommy] Hey, rock-and-roll Bozo, come here!
Tommy: Shit!
Gordon: I go from, "springy", to boiled bits of shit.
Tommy: (interview) Aaaahhh, yeah, that sucked. Took a hell of a dive.
Gordon: Take a seat and fucking eat them. (to James, who is in the dining room) Service please, little glass of wine, sauvignon blanc, goes beautifully well with the raw ceviche scallop.
Brendan: [Watches other three contestants on the chef's table] (interview) Hell's Kitchen whizz up the whee. This competition is mine. It's only a matter of time!
Gordon: One, two, three of you, ALL ON THE FREAKIN' FISH STATION!
Steven: I jumped over to help out, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, I wish you'd jump in the oven! That would make my life a lot easier!

Narrator: Back in the red kitchen, Carrie is looking to redeem herself on the fish station.
Elise: [goes to Carrie's fish station and takes over] I'll cook the fish, I'll cook it.
Narrator: But Elise has other plans.
Carrie: I got it babe. No, I got it.
Elise: Don't push me!
Carrie: Thank you.
Elise: (interview) Clearly, Carrie is the weaker cook than I am. So I felt like I want to take charge to impress Chef Ramsay.
Gordon: Why is she (referring Elise) cooking fish?
Carrie: I don't know what she's doing. She just came here and grabbed it chef. (interview) I mean, are you fucking kidding me? That bitch is crazy.
Gordon: (to Carrie) What in the fuck is she doing?
Carrie: I didn't let her cook and she just came here and grabbed it chef.
Elise: So I was going to cooking for you because we're on the team, right?
Gordon: [covers his face] Ugh.
Carrie: She trying to prove a point.
Gordon: Elise!
Elise: Yes, chef?
Gordon: [holds a ticket] I got a six top dying for the appetisers! And you're cooking fish!
Elise: I'll put the spaghetti up.
Gordon: (to Elise) You, fuck off! Sit on the Chef's Table!
Krupa: (interview; laughs loudly) HA!!!

[After Blue Team's failure to serve beef wellington for the first time due to failed side dish, for the second attempt, Jonathon delivers perfectly cooked wellingtons to the pass while Gordon and Blue Team are waiting for Brendan to cook the potatoes]
Paul: (to Brendan) Fry oil's already hot, bro! Watch the potato, they're about to burn!
Brendan: Got'em.
Paul: Well then pull them off!!
Gordon: We're waiting on the sides!
Brendan: Got'em.
Gordon: [sees the potatoes burnt while Brendan still sears them] Brendan, look at me. The potatoes in front of you. They're burnt. You're standing over them!!
Brendan: (brief pause) Yes, chef!
Will: (interview) Brendan wanna sit there and puff out his fuckin' chest: "I'm gonna fuckin' do this! I'm a fuckin' man!". Bullshit bro, you suck!!!!
Gordon: That's twice in a row. Cooked to perfection, but we can't even SEND THE TABLE TOGETHER! Because NOBODY'S TOGETHER! SMOOTH SERVICE? MY ARSE!!
Jonathon: I've never in my whole career ever been stopped by fucking side items. Never.

[The customers have begun leaving. James returns to the pass]
James: Chef...
Gordon: James?
James: Tables are walking out.
Gordon: Blue team, they're walking out! (to Chino, Steven & Tommy from the Chef's Table) You muppet, get off your fat arse! (to Blue Team) Let me show you something: Not one entrée has left this fucking kitchen! NOT ONE!
Steven: Yes, chef.
Gordon: And look at the pans back there! Any bright ideas?
Steven: Want me to jump in? I'll clean them.
Gordon: I'm talking about the customers! Not the fricking pans!
Steven: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Any ideas?
Steven: No.
Gordon: Hey, what are you going to do now? They are walking OUT! FUCK OFF!
Brendan: (interview) At that point, it was a train wreck on ice. There was nothing we could do about it.
Gordon: Stop! You're out of your misery! [throws his spoon away; goes over to the Red kitchen]
Carrie: (to Red team) Let's do this ladies, come on. Let's not disappoint the customers.
Gordon: Carrie! They've gone! (brief pause) SHUT IT DOWN!
Carrie: Fuck!

Gordon: I realized early on that Steven had as much of a chance of being the head chef of BLT Steak as I do of winning a gold medal in figure skating.

Episode Two [9.02]

[Chef Ramsay & Sous-Chef Scott check the risotto given by Chino]
Gordon: Burnt on the bottom?
Scott Leibfried: Yup!
Gordon: [Returns to the workstation with burnt risotto and scrapes it in front of the Blue Team] Risotto burnt, and overcooked on the bottom! [Drops the pan] It's going to pot!
Chino: I got it, chef! [Prepares another risotto] I got it, chef! I got another one, chef!
Jonathon: (interview) It looked like somebody took the pan and shitted in it, and then tryin' to push the risotto on that, man.
Chino: [Brings the risotto to the pass] Risotto, chef.
[Sous-Chef Scott checks the risotto; finds out that it is still burnt on the bottom]
Scott Leibfried: I can't believe it, he did it again.
Gordon: [returns to the workstation and scrapes the risotto] I've got another burnt risotto, it's burnt! [Throws the risotto in the bin along with his spoon and the pan] It's FUCKING BURNT!!! Chino, what the fuck is going on? How long for the risotto?
Chino: Eight minutes chef.
Gordon: Eight minutes? (to James) Excuse me, I apologize for the risotto, it's falling behind, yes? (to Chino) Come on, Chino!
Chino: (interview) I can't have another bad service today. Right now, I have to take this one seriously like nobody else. I have to prove to Chef Ramsay that I belong here.
Gordon: If you burned me that risotto one more time. Look at me...
Chino: No, chef.
Gordon: Hey, look at me... I'll drag you out of here.
Chino: No, chef. No, chef.

Narrator: Brendan on the fish station is now ready to move onto entrées.
Brendan: Sea Bass is ready. Are we ready to go?
Paul: Coming out now.
Gordon: Brendan, I haven't called it. Who called the entrées?
Narrator: Even if Chef Ramsay hasn't.
Gordon: Who fired? I didn't fire.
Brendan: Yes, chef. Sea bass is fired and it is ready.
Gordon: What is going on? You cooked the bass. Is your meat ready?
Tommy: No, chef.
Gordon: And the garnish all ready?
Paul: No, chef.
Gordon: You've got to work as a team! Please!
Jonathon: (interview) Brendan, man he jumped the gun. You know, he's too busy trying not to fuck up and he forgets. It's about communication.
Gordon: Okay, let's go for the first entrée together!
Brendan: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Timing!
Brendan: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Away now: One seabass, one wellington, one New York strip, one prime rib.
Blue team: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Get it on the pass!

Gordon: Brendan?
Brendan: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Is that the same bass?
Brendan: No, chef.
Gordon: You didn't start a fresh one?
Brendan: Yes, I did, chef.
Gordon: So where's the old one then?
Brendan: I threw it away.
Gordon: Show me.
Brendan: Yeah. [looks through the garbage] Chef, I can't find it.
Gordon: Are you lying to me? Because I'm going to stop this whole fucking kitchen. I'm going to ask you one more time to tell me the truth. Is that the bass from ten minutes ago or is that a fresh one you cooked? Because I'm going to turn this fucking kitchen upside down...
Brendan: (interview; wiping his face) Oh, my God. (to Gordon) Chef, yes.
Gordon: [tosses the bass down] Why?
Paul: Start a new bass. Start a new bass. Everyone stop your garnishes.
Chino: (interview) Brendan is an idiot for lying to Chef Ramsay. It's like seriously, you're making a fool of yourself.
Gordon: And how dare you go to the garbage can, search it and turn me out like that. Period!
Brendan: Yes, chef. Firing again. Firing again.
Gordon: You do that to me one more time, trust me, fuck the elimination, I'll send you out there and then. Let me tell you that.
Brendan: Yes, chef. Won't happen again. (interview) Chef Ramsay's not a stupid person. I was blowing smoke up his ass and he called me out on it.
Gordon: Start again!
Brendan: Firing a new bass now, chef.

[Gordon checks on duck brought up by Tommy]

Gordon: Oh, come on. [Returns to workstation] Hey, Tommy! The duck is OVERCOOKED!
Will: FUCK! It's ridiculous, man!
Paul: Tommy, start a new chicken. It's overcooked! You have one ready.
Gordon: That's a duck! [throws his spoon away]
Paul: Duck. Sorry, chef.
Gordon: (calls the entire team) All of you, come here! Not one entrée has left this fucking kitchen! GET IT TOGETHER!
Blue team: Yes, chef!

[Krupa has accidentally dropped her prime rib while serving tableside; returns to the pass with James]

Krupa: Chef Ramsay, I just fell with the whole rib in my hands so--.
Gordon: Oh, fuck's sake. The whole fucking thing?
Krupa: The whole fucking thing. I'm sorry.
Gordon: Oh, you're kidding me. Oh, come on. One simple task. (calls Monterray) Monterray!
Monterray: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Once you've finished the rib, serve the ribs to Krupa. (to Krupa) Hey, Butterfingers. When you finish serving the ribs from the Blue team, take the trolley. Do not drop it!
Krupa: Yes, chef.

[After failing to serve a single entrée, Gordon has finally had enough with the blue team]

Gordon: [checks Brendan's seabass] Oh, come on. Brendan, it's raw.
Will: (to Brendan) COME ON, BRO! REALLY?! (interview) Brendan, you suck! You suck!
Gordon: Blue team, BLUE TEAM!
Paul: Yes, chef?
Gordon: STOP! It's just got worse. Not one entrée has left together yet. NOT ONE! (Chino) You fucked me on the risotto! (Tommy) You screwed me on the duck and now I got a raw bass! What are you going to do now?! Any suggestions? [the blue team doesn't answer] I've got one big suggestion! [points to every member of the Blue team] You, you, you, you, you, FUCK OFF OUT OF HERE! GET UPSTAIRS!
Jonathon: (interview) What the fuck man?! It is so frustrating, dude. It made us look like a bunch of little sissy-ass bitches, man.
Gordon: (calls to the red team) Ladies?
Red team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Any four of you in here to finish the blue team. Any of you.
Carrie: Yes, chef.
Paul: (interview) Having another person coming in to finish what I fucking started is the most infuriating slap in the face, literally "taking your dick out and whipping it across my chin" feeling that I have ever had in my life.
[The entire Blue Team goes outside to smoke after returning to the dorms]
Jonathon: [angrily throws water bottle] FUCK!!
Will: I didn't sign up for this, bro. Send my ass home, bro. People just don't know how to fucking cook. (interview) That was, like, the biggest pussy bullshit I've ever experienced in my life, man. [to his teammates] I've never been kicked out of a kitchen, bro.
Will: I didn't sign up for this! I signed up to win! We're all supposed to be professional chefs, right?!
Paul: I AGREE!

[The Blue Team lost the night's service second time in a row]
Gordon: Men, I'm disappointed. Will?
Will: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Who should leave Hell's Kitchen tonight?
Will: A hundred percent, Brendan and Chino.
Gordon: Paul, who should go?
Paul: Brendan and Chino.
Gordon: Jonathon?
Jonathon: I voted for Brendan and Chino.
Gordon: If you have to pick one?
Jonathon: I choose Chino.
Chino: Some of you guys are just a bunch of fucking phonies, you know that? All you do is scream while Chef Ramsay says...and when Chef Ramsay leaves, you just clam up. You–you don't wanna put yourself out there.
Jonathon: You can go fuck yourself, Chino.
[Will shakes his head while the Red Team stares on in shock]
Chino: You know why they're (Red Team) winning? You know why the girls are winning? They may not like each other, but they all fucking study their shit! I–I'm getting balled out on risotto. What do you do? You go at me!
Jonathon: I didn't see you trying to help out somebody else like I was!
Chino: I couldn't! 'Cause I was getting fucked up! I was fucking up! How could I help somebody if I'm fucking up?! [Gordon facepalms]
Jonathon: Team player? You ain't no team player!
Chino: Okay?! I felt sorry for him, alright?!
Jonathon: You don't even know what that means! Fuck you!
Paul: Guys!
Gordon: Anyway, Brendan and Chino, step forward.

Gordon: The only thing bigger than Brendan's ego are the lies that he tells and I can't have that in Hell's Kitchen.

Episode Three [9.03]


[During the Mommy and Me team challenge]

Gordon: Where is the quesadilla?
[Elizabeth sends the quesadilla, which cooked by Jamie, to the pass]
Gordon: [checks the quesadilla] It's burnt. It's chewy. [Returns to workstation] Ladies. LADIES! COME HERE, ALL OF YOU! Would you serve that, to your baby?
Red team: No, chef.
Gordon: Unbelievable! [Sees Jamie wiping her face with kitchen napkins] Jamie, STOP SULKING LIKE A FUCKING BABY! The babies are out there, not in here! [slams the tray on the workstation] Start again!
Jamie Gregorich: Fucking shit!

[Gordon checks on panini brought up by Jonathon]
Gordon: All of you, just stop! Look at me! LOOK AT ME!! [crowds' sees what's happening on the kitchen while a baby cries] There's no chicken in here, and you think I'm going to push that out. You've got a small lead, but it's shrinking away! Start the table again!
Blue team: Yes, chef!

[During Family Night Dinner Service]

[Gordon and Sous-chef Scott check on two pairs of chicken fingers brought up by Tommy]
Gordon: They're overcooked and they're fucking dry. [returns to the workstation] Tommy, come here. Come here! I know they're children, right? I've got four of my own. [gets a piece of overcooked chicken] Would you serve them that shit?
Blue team: No, chef.
Gordon: What is that? It's-it's like a fucking baby's flip-flop! [throws the chicken away] Oh, piss off will you?
Natalie: Come on, quality product Tommy!
Gordon: Piss off.

[Carrie and Jennifer bring their meat entrées to the pass]
Sous-Chef Andi: Why do we have a kid's burger?
Gordon: It's not even on the ticket.
Sous-Chef Andi: Neither is the wellington.
Gordon: [returns the entrées to the workstation] All of you, come here! It's the first freaking ticket of the night. Two bass, two New York strip, one lamb, one cod.
Jennifer: Fuck!
Gordon: No burger, no wellington.
Jennifer: (interview) Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Gordon: Your first ticket. Jennifer, THIS IS EMBARRASSING! Half the dining room is filled with children! PATHETIC!!
Jennifer: (interview) I'm mortified that I was even a part of this. I will not go down for Carrie. I should have just pushed her away and had her do something else.
Gordon: Start again!!
Red team: Yes, chef!

Gordon: (to Amanda) What's going, Amanda?
Amanda Colello: I'm sorry, chef?
Amanda Colello: I have two bass on this ticket with the lamb.
Gina: And a cod.
Gordon: And a cod?
Amanda Colello: And a cod.
Gordon: The cod is not on?
Amanda Colello: The cod is not on chef.
Jennifer: What?
Amanda Colello: I forgot about it.
Gordon: Oh, my GOD!!
Elise: (interview) Amanda, is there anyone home?!
Gordon: You haven't got the cod on?!
Amanda Colello: I forgot about it. (interview; laughs nervously) Ugh.
Gordon: Family night?! Disaster night!
Amanda Colello: I'm sorry, chef.
[Gordon throws his spoon away on the workstation out of disappointment]

Jamie Gregorich: How much start now?
Jennifer: I'm waiting on the lamb?
Elise: Are you saying there it's on the hips where you on this ticket out?
Carrie: No, I'm not.
Elise: I'll better see you cooking something.
Carrie: (interview) Elise is always yelling at me. I'm not letting her to me, I know I can do good. I know I'm good.
Elise: How long through on the window?
Carrie: One more minute.
Elise: Please let's get it up.
Gordon: Garnish, let's go! Here we go! Thirty seconds to the window!
Andi: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Where's the bass?
Amanda Colello: It's coming up right now.
Gordon: Service! Where's the lamb?
Carrie: Right here, chef.
Gordon: Let's go! Garnish please. [sees that the lamb was raw] Look at this. Ah, fuck me. It's raw! (returns to the workstation)
Carrie: Is it still raw?
Amanda Colello: Come on, it's walking. No, it's right there.
Jamie Gregorich: You've got to be kidding me, guys!
Carrie: [touches the raw lamb] Know that- that- okay.
Gordon: STOP! [letting Carrie out of his way] Leave me alone! [sounding as if he might cry] All of you come here! Look at the fucking state of this!
Carrie: I thought it looked good.
Elise: (interview) I always think that Carrie has all of her marbles.
Gordon: (to Carrie) Why are you doing this to me?
Carrie: I saw this and I thought it was okay, chef -
Gordon: "I saw this." It's not even hot, it's raw! RAW! [slams the lamb on the counter] SHIT! [throws the lamb away; calls Gina] Gina - please!
Gina: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Take this... useless brigade... around every fricking table... and I want a sincere apology on the back of your crap performance! Piss off! Every one of them!
[Red team exits the kitchen to apologize with the hungry customers]
James: Why have you spend on this table? Did you look all of these children? They're all famished.
Elise: We sincerely apologize about your entrées. (interview) It was humiliating when I apologized to tables when I felt like it wasn't my fault.
Carrie: We're very sorry.
Elise: We apologize.
Carrie: We're sorry, we don't have your entrées right now.
Elise: (interview) Yes, we're a team, but you can only do so much when you have a broken leg.
Carrie: [while returning to the red kitchen] Ladies, our promise it will not happen again, okay.
Gordon: Ladies.
Red team: Yes, chef?
Gordon: That was the first useful thing you have done tonight. It's also the last. Get out of here! All of you! [The Read Team leaves the kitchen] And hang your heads in shame! Because you absolutely suck! PISS OFF! Embarrassing! And on family night! YOU CERTAINLY DON'T CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN!
Carrie: Oh, my God.
Young male diner: "Shut it down!"

[Red team returned to dorms after their disappointing performance]
Amanda Colello: Chef is going to call me out, I'm telling you.
Elise: (to Amanda Colello) He's going to call you out, but there's two of you going up. (interview) This could be a great opportunity for the Red team, we can rid of Carrie to turn a something negative into a positive.
[Carrie goes to Elise to fight her]
Carrie: First time all the food was mess.
Elise: [interrupting Carrie] Don't talk to me right now!
Carrie: No, Elise.
Elise: I don't want to hear to talk about the say. Get out of my face!
Carrie: Just wait, you can talk to me later.
Elise: She can talk up on the chopping block, that's where she can fucking talk. Don't say a word.
Carrie: No, I'm not going to have you--
Elise: Nobody said here-- Let me ask you to a serious question right now - Do you take medication?, because I think that you are living in another world. You are nothing but a distraction on me. You didn't call anything. You fucked up in the whole kitchen but I knew this was gonna happen!
Carrie: I did not, Elise. Stop it!
Elise: Yes, you did!
Carrie: (starts to get furious) THE FUCK I DID! ELISE, STOP IT! I DID NOT. STOP IT!
Elise: [talking over Carrie] Yes, you did! Yes, you did. Yes, you did.
Gina: Stop it, ladies!

Carrie: (interview) I do deserve to be here, I'm not ready to leave Hell's Kitchen. I'm ready to fight.

[The Red team lost the night's service; Gordon became the only nominator for the episode]
Gordon: Jennifer, step forward please!
Jennifer: Shit!
Gordon: My next choice is... Carrie, step forward! (thinks on a third nominee) You know what, Amanda, join them.
Gordon: Carrie, tell me why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Carrie: I love cooking, but is in my passion and it is in my heart. I'm not ready to go yet, Chef. I am going to prove you I am good enough.
Gordon: Why is your team is so desperate to see you out of here?
Carrie: I don't know have Elise against me. She's had something against me since day one; I'm not quite sure what it is.
Amanda Colello: It's not just Elise, Carrie.
Gordon: Amanda, why do you think you should stay in Hell's Kitchen?
Amanda Colello: Well, Chef, unlike Carrie, I'm not in denial that I had a fucking crap performance tonight. Not in denial at all. I want this, Chef. I'm not going to fuck around and lie to you and say like, "OH SAVE ME AND FEEL BAD FOR ME, I'M GOOD." I can fucking work my ass off for you, Chef; you've seen me do better.
Gordon: You didn't fight back!
Amanda Colello: Yes, Chef.
Gordon: You threw the towel in!
Amanda Colello: I know, Chef.

Amanda Colello: (after being eliminated) I'm so completely and utterly embarrassed and disappointed with myself. My dream coming into Hell's Kitchen was to win and to have one of my idols tell me "you're not worth it," that shit sucks.

Gordon: Amanda lost the will to cook on the line tonight. I lost the will to keep her here.

Episode Four [9.04]

[During their punishment prep, the Blue Team decides to rehearse running dinner service]
Paul: Alright, order in. Squab, risotto, tart. Entrée: wellington, cod, strip, and bass.
Will: Yep, rice is going.
Natalie: Scallop.
Will: Starting to go, starting to go. (interview) We had our first two services, and it was a loss. It sucked.
Natalie: Doing my fish thing.
Will: (interview) We got an opportunity to work out any kinks we might've seen in service. [to Natalie] Three minutes out.
Chino: Now, I'm gonna say, "Okay, dude, it's not ready. So, it's still, uh... in the oven, so... Hey, you gotta give me four minutes."
Natalie: No, that's not good!
Paul: [impersonating Gordon's British accent while slamming his fist on workstation] HOW LONG?!
Chino: You gotta give me four minutes, dude.
Will: (interview) Chino sat there and was like... [chuckles and shakes his head]
Chino: I got three minutes—three minutes on the wellington.
Paul: Three minutes!
Will: (interview) He can't even fake being a good cook. [facepalms]
Natalie: So I need two minutes!
Chino: Say—say I'm behind again.
Jonathon: (interview) I mean, really? There's no cooking involved. I mean, how hard is that?
Chino: I just—I'm gonna try.
Paul: [in British accent] HURRY UP!
Natalie: CHINO!

[During prep]
Narrator: While the Blue Team seems focused and united, in the red kitchen, Elise...
Andi: That's all we have?
Elizabeth: Yeah, that's everything we get.
Elise: That's why I'm putting eggs on there, because it cooks down, like...
Andi: Could you stop talking to me like I'm your fucking child?
Narrator: ...has found someone else to agitate.
Elise: Whatever.
Andi: You need to calm down.
Elise: I am calm! I'm just saying...
Andi: Yeah, you're always talking back to me, and you don't need to talk back to me. [Carrie smirks]
Narrator: ...Seems to have a problem with authority.
Andi: I'm here, you're here. Get it straight. Hello?
Elise: I heard you.
Andi: You're so fucking disrespectful!
Carrie: [smiling with Krupa] This is the first time I smiled all day.

Gordon: Cod, bass!
Monterray: Oh, Jesus Christ! Sea bass is fucking falling apart.
Gordon: Sea bass is what?
Monterray: Sea bass fell apart.
Gordon: Oh, boy. Scott.
Scott Leibfried: (Gives Monterray on a lesson) When you take the fish out of the pan, you leave it on the spatula.
Monterray: It fell apart. There's nothing I can do. It fell apart.
Scott Leibfried: You leave it on the fucking spatula! Is that what you did?
Monterray: No, it's not.
Scott Leibfried: No, you didn't. So it's the fish's fault again?
Monterray: No, it's not. It fell apart. There's nothing I can do. It fell apart.
Scott Leibfried: There IS something you can do, because you should be fucking responsible enough to CARE! YOU'RE GONNA FUCKIN' LIE TO MY FACE AND TELL ME THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO!
[Screenshot of Janet Evans and Mark Spitz (two Olympic gold medalists on swimming) on Chef's Table]
Monterray: (interview) I understand what he's telling me and I'm listening to him, but you ain't going to keep fucking cussing at me. I don't give a fuck who you are: Chef Ramsay, Chef Scott, Chef Andi. You ain't going to keep talking to me like that!
Scott Leibfried: So don't sit here and BULLSHIT me and tell me that there's nothing you can do!
Monterray: I'm not bullshitting you. I put it on- I have it. I'm putting it on there-
Scott Leibfried: You've given up! Get- BULLSHIT! SHUT UP!
Narrator: And Monterray has decided to go toe-to-toe with Sous Chef Scott.
Scott Leibfried: All you have to do is bring it up, and it won't break!
Monterray: I understand. I understand.
Scott Leibfried: DO YOU?! Then FUCKIN' DO IT!
Monterray: I'm positive.
Scott Leibfried: Then DO IT!
Monterray: Then it's done then.
Scott Leibfried: Fuck you!
Monterray: Well fuck you too then! [throws pan into the sink] You fucking serious, man?
Jonathon: (interview) When you fucking got too much pride and you wanna stand there and fucking cuss at Chef Scott, that's the motherfucker that needs to go home.

[Gordon checks on wellingtons brought up by Chino]

Gordon: What is that?
Scott Leibfried: Cold too. Ice-cold.
Gordon: CHINO!!
Natalie: (interview; sighs)
Gordon: All of you, come here! Just touch that. Touch the meat.[Blue Team touches the wellington] It's raw! RAW!!
Natalie: Come on, we need to get it together!

[Elise prepares the sea bass and is about to send it to the pass]

Elise: [Picks up the sea bass] Behind you, hot. Coming through, coming through! Sea bass!
Gordon: [Checks the sea bass with Sous-chef Andi] What's she done to that? [Calls Elise] Elise!
Elise: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here. COME HERE! That's right! COME HERE! I've got one bass dry, and one bass raw. Raw! RAW!! Get the bass back in the pan!
Elise: Fuck!
Carrie: (interview) Elise had some problems on the fish station. I mean, I thought Chef was about to kick her out of the kitchen. I was kinda hoping for him to, but you know... [shrugs]
Gordon: Elise!
Elise: Yes, chef.
Gordon: I don't know what kind of frame of mind you're in, but it's not on a fucking championship performance, let me tell you!
Krupa: (interview) Elise will never admit that she's wrong. She just stood there with her eyebrows up and just looking. [pouts like Elise]
Gordon: Who're you going to blame now?
Elise: Nobody, chef!
Gordon: It's about time you looked at yourself in the mirror and took some responsibility!
Elise: Yes, chef.

[Chino brought the second-attempt order for VIP table to the pass and Gordon checks it with Sous-chef Scott]

Gordon: (on the wellington) Look at that. Chewed up to fuck. (on the lamb) And that? That's raw.
Scott Leibfried: Yep.
Gordon: It's pink. [returns to the workstation and throws his spoon away] Blue team, STOP!! (to Chino) Come here you, look at that. [holds the undercooked lamb] That is raw. [points the lamb fat] That is white fat, [takes the destroyed wellington dough] and what have you done to this? Wha-wha-what is that? So now, you've just fucked (knocks his hand on the workstation) me!!
Chino: Yes, chef. Yes, chef. (interview) I feel like a dumbass, moron, idiot because I can cook better than that. It's just... It's embarrassing.
Gordon: There you go. [tosses the tray on the floor] All of you! FUCK OFF OUT OF HERE! GET UPSTAIRS!
Will: [leaves the kitchen] I'm so fucking pissed, it's not even funny. (interview) We suck. The way I look at it is, any time you get a service shut down, you suck.
Gordon: (to Janet Evans & Mark Spitz) My apologies. In the last service, they were good. That’s what hurts.
Janet Evans: You gotta fight for it!
Mark Spitz: Exactly.

[Gordon checks on lamb brought up by Gina]
Gordon: Oh, come on. [returns to workstation] Stop. All of you, come here. What is that?
Gina: It's raw, chef. I just sliced into it.
Gordon: Oh, really? I'd never guessed. So in front of (Misty May-Treanor and Jen Kessy) these ladies here, this is how we want to perform? Raw bass, overcooked bass. Raw lamb, what an embarrassment.
Gina Melcher: Sorry, Chef.
[Screenshot of Misty May Treanor and Jen Kessy (two volleyball players) on Chef's Table]
Gordon: Why are you doing this to me? It's like being in a volleyball match and I'm the ball getting pounded.
Gina Melcher: (interview) I was just like, Oh, my God. It was bad.
Gordon: Let me tell you something really important: SHUT IT DOWN!
[Customers start leaving Hell's Kitchen]
Narrator: After shutting down both kitchens...
Gordon: I'd rather send something.
Andi: Oui, chef.
Narrator: Chef Ramsay has Sous Chefs Scott and Andi make the entrées for the chef's tables. And after a disastrous dinner service, [both Red Team and Blue Team gather in the kitchen while Chef Ramsay is in front of them] Chef Ramsay sums up the evening with one word:
Gordon: PATHETIC! So therefore, the winning team tonight is... NOBODY! Both teams, think of two individuals that could really make your team stronger... by exiting! [pause] Get out of here.

[The Blue Team nominated Chino and Monterray, while the Red Team nominated Carrie and Elise]
Elise: If you asked my team who they'd rather see leave between me and Carrie, I'm sure the answer would be Carrie.
Gordon: Elizabeth, if you had to drop Elise or Carrie, who would you drop?
Elizabeth: Carrie, chef.
Gordon: Jamie?
Jamie: Elise, chef.
Gordon: Krupa, who would you drop?
Krupa: Elise as well.
Gordon: Jennifer, who would you drop?
Jennifer: Elise.
Gordon: Gina?
Gina: Elise, chef.
Gordon: Natalie [transferred to blue team since previous episode], you were in the Red Team. Who would you send home? Elise or Carrie?
Natalie: Elise, chef.
Gordon: No hesitation there. Elise, I did what you asked! I took a vote! Here's the sad news for you. Your team wants you out of there so badly, you may be better off.
Elise: I can guarantee one thing: I never make same mistake twice. This is my first time on the carpet, (Carrie) this is her second, (Monterray) his second and (Chino) his third. It is not my time to go yet, chef! I'm not here to throw anybody under the bus.
Monterray: It's too late! [laughs]
Elise: I'm keeping it 100% with you, chef. I can work on my attitude, but you can't give somebody common sense and talent, [points at Carrie] especially when you're 31! I'm 26! I have so much to learn and so much more to give!
Gordon: Are you done?! [pause] Okay. Time for a difficult decision. My decision is... Elise. [everyone on the Red Team smiles as Elise walks up to Gordon] Stop crying and get back in line!
[Jamie and Jennifer facepalm while Krupa shakes her head]

Gordon: Chino took his time in Hell's Kitchen very seriously. The problem is he seriously couldn't cook.

Episode Five [9.05]


[Gordon checks on risotto brought up by Krupa]

Gordon: Who made this? Who made that risotto? The risotto's like soup! [returns to the workstation and pours the risotto into another pan] Krupa, risotto is like soup. Soup, soup, soup, fucking soup!
Krupa: (interview) Soupy risotto, what the fuck was wrong with me?
Gordon: Come on, Krupa! I know you don't know the difference between veal and beef, but you must know the difference between soup and risotto!
Krupa: [Prepares another risotto] Yes, chef. (interview) This sucks! I am better than this. [Brings risotto to the pass] Risotto.
Gordon:[Checks the risotto] Krupa, cooked perfectly! [Krupa smiles while cooking another food] Okay, let's go, service!

[While Blue Team starts for the entrée, Jonathon suddenly forgets the side dish for each entrée so he asks Paul for help and Paul takes over the garnish section while explaining it to Jonathon]
Gordon: [Sees Paul at the garnish section] Jonathon!
Jonathon: Yes, chef!
Gordon: Why is Paul taking over the garnish?
Jonathon: Yeah, he is helping me out, chef!
Gordon: Helping you out or doing it??
Jonathon: I've a little bit- I've a little bit of trouble!
Gordon: Oh, come on....(to Paul) Paul!
Paul: Yes, chef?
Gordon: Come here, you!
Paul: [Approaches Gordon] Yes, chef!
Gordon: "Help him out" has a big difference! That should be "taking over" I'm not going to let.
Paul: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Do you understand?
Paul: Yes, chef!!! [returns to his previous section]
Gordon: (to Jonathon) Will the garnish be ready, Jonathon???
Jonathon: Yes chef, it'll be ready!
Gordon: Look at me, because if it's not, you can fuck off!!
Jonathon: I will have it ready, chef!

Gordon: How long, Gina?! [Gina doesn't respond] Talk to your team!
Gina: I'm re–I'm ready.
Krupa: Can you slow it down? I need a minute and a half on my pasta.
Gina: I'm good to go!
Krupa: Slow down a little bit. (interview) Gina seemed to be in a rush to try and get things done, but the pasta wasn't ready. So, I kept pushing it back and pushing it back.
Gina: I'm walking with the scallops!
Gordon: Oh, are you? Everybody else ready?
Krupa: Hold on. Hold, fifteen seconds!
Gina: [walks to the pass while Krupa continues cooking pasta] Walking with my scallops!
Gordon: Oh, fuck me.
Krupa: (interview) It's frustrating that she's not listening to me. She was focused on the task that she was doing, but there was no communication.
Gordon: Let's go, spaghetti!
Krupa: Lobster spaghetti coming right now, chef!
Gordon: You're not even working as a team yet. Hurry up, Krupa!
Krupa: [brings the lobster spaghetti to the pass] Chef, lobster spaghetti.
[Gordon tastes the lobster spaghetti brought up by Krupa]
Gordon: Undercooked! [spits the spaghetti on his napkin] Fuck me. [returns to the workstation and throws his tongs away] Krupa, taste that! Hurry up! [Krupa tastes the spaghetti] RAW!
Krupa: I'll give you another one, chef. (interview) Gina definitely screwed me over. Tiny wise - and I have no choice but she is taking up like that and I take the blame for it.
Gordon: Gina! Krupa! All I am begging for is communication! Get it together! Start the table again!

[Gordon checks on lobster spaghetti brought up by Krupa]
Gordon: Oh, my God! I'm so pissed off! I can't take it anymore! (returns to the workstation and throws tongs away) ALL OF YOU, COME HERE! AT MY FUCKING SIDE! [knocks his hand on the workstation] (to Elise) What's wrong with that?
Elise: It looks like shit.
Gordon: There's no pasta! It looks like baby food out of a fucking tin! (to Krupa) IT'S DISGUSTING!! [slams the pan down]
Krupa: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: From a soupy risotto to fucking spaghetti drowned in sauce!
Elise: (interview) Right now, appetizers is sinking the whole ship.
Gordon: (to Krupa) Hey, you! You! Fuck off upstairs! GET OUT! I can't bear to look at you anymore! GET OUT!

Gordon: Two cod, one lobster, one wellington!
Blue Team: Yes, chef.
Monterray: (to Tommy) Three and half minutes, yes? On the two cod? The wellington? [Tommy doesn't respond]
Gordon: Tommy!
Paul: Tommy, how long on the cod?! You're driving!
Gordon: TOMMY!
Paul: (interview) Tommy doesn't talk. He shuts down, he gets all quiet! And then he doesn't talk to Chef, and that's a sign of disrespect to Chef, so Chef gets even madder at him! (to Tommy) Tommy, how long?!
Gordon: Tommy, you're keeping us all fucking waiting now!
Tommy: I'm just going, chef. It's coming, I promise.
Gordon: Yeah, then give me a fucking time!
Monterray: Two minutes, yes?
Tommy: No, give me five!
Gordon: Oh, fucking hell.
Tommy: I gotta re-do that cod. (to Will) Can't put that out, right?
Will: Fuck, man!
Tommy: (to Monterray) Yeah, push it back. Five on that cod. It's five on that two cod. (interview) I'm being a leader for myself in Hell's Kitchen right now. I'm making sure things leaving my hands are perfect, and that's how I'll be noted.
Gordon: Monterray! Hey, Bozo! How can you keep on reheating your meat before it's overcooked?!
Monterray: It's not, chef!
Gordon: You don't know how to fucking do it!
Monterray: It won't be, chef! It won't be!

Gordon: Cod, sea bass, wellington, (New York) strip! I HOPE IT'S WORKING!
Tommy: These are up for the cod. Can we plate this?
Natalie: (to Monterray) Wellington!
Monterray: [cuts into the wellington] Oh, my fucking God! [both halves of the wellington are raw in the center] Will, take a look at this. I don't think that's gonna pass.
Will: If you don't think that's right, you need to let them know now.
Monterray: Guys, I don't think it's right! Pull back!
Gordon: Oh, fuck off! [slams spoon on workstation] Fuck off! (to Monterray) Come here, you!
Monterray: That was me, chef.
Gordon: I sent it four minutes ago! How can you continue cooking a wellington?!
Monterray: I had two, chef. One was over and I still had one to send with the others, chef. And that one was overcooked as well.
Gordon: So they're both overcooked?! [points at Tommy] You! Come here, you!
Tommy: Yes, chef.
Gordon: Last table was the cod, overcooked. Now it's the wellington. Let me communicate to both of you! FUCK OFF OUT OF HERE!! Get out of here, both of you! PISS OFF! Get upstairs and fucking sit and high-five each other! GET OUT, TOMMY!

[The Red Team is waiting for the sea bass but still suffers communication problem between Gina and Elise]
Gina: [walks to the pass with sea bass] It's hot, chef. Very hot.
Gordon: Oh, stop - fuck off will you? [separates the sea bass] Aaaahhhh. [returns to the workstation] All of you! Come here! Raw bass! [points at the bass] Raw fucking bass!
Gina: (interview) Oh, my God. Like here it comes.
Gordon: Anything to say now?!
Elise: No, chef.
Gordon: Nothing at all? Anything to say?! Anybody? FUCK OFF! [smashes the bass as it splatters around the Red Team] (to Gina and Elise) Both of you, fuck off upstairs!

[After completing the dinner service, both Red Team and Blue Team gather in the Blue Kitchen with Chef Ramsay at the front]
Gordon: I've had enough! I am so pissed off, 'cause I can't see a leader anywhere! NO INSPIRATION! NO COMMUNICATION! ZERO! (to Red Team) YOU'RE GOING BACKWARDS!! Winning team?! No such thing. Both the Blue team and Red team, get upstairs and come up with two individuals for each team that could really make your team stronger - by getting the hell out of here. (Brief pause) Fuck off!

Gordon: They say good things come in small packages. But unfortunately in Gina's case, her talent matched her size: Tiny.

Episode Six [9.06]

[The red team have to make the cake for tonight's dinner service for their punishment; Carrie and Jennifer notice some of their teammates slacking off]
Jennifer: Alright, can we have a team meeting for five seconds?
Carrie: This cake's gonna look like shit, and it's not funny.
Elise: Who's laughing?! Stop saying that like no one's taking it seriously! (interview) Carrie got a big mouth as always. If she wanna try and get in my face with it, she better back down.
Carrie: I wasn't saying that I was making a joke!
Elise: That's exactly what you said!
Carrie: No!
Elise: You said, "No one's laughing either!" Like, that to other people, makes them feel as though they're not taking it serious.
Carrie: Okay, I'm not trying to make anyone feel inferior.
Elise: I'm just telling you what you said.
Carrie: Elise, can I please talk for fucking once?!
Elise: You don't make me feel inferior. I just don't like how you try to act like no one else around you is taking it seriously.
Carrie: (interview, impersonates Elise talking) "Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah, Carrie! Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah!"
Elise: You're a trifling-fuck bitch.
Carrie: Are you kidding me?
Elise: I'm about to show you, bitch!
Carrie: You don't have to yell at me! I'm right here!
Elise: You better get out of my face!
Carrie: Goddammit, Elise.
Elise: Know that! You get up out of my face!

[Before the start of the dinner service, Gordon presents a cake for the high school reunion]

Gordon: Where's the cake? Please? (to Scott) Scott, we are all order the special cake, right?
Scott Leibfried: Yes.
Gordon: Very good. Excellent. What on earth? [finds that the cake that the Red team prepared during their punishment was poorly made] Holy crap. Someone vomit on it? What's on this bits of brown? What a mess.
Carrie: We thought it looked like sand.
Jennifer: [laughs] Yeah chef.
Gordon: Look at it! It's like a big Mexican sombrero gone wrong with someone shat on it. (to Blue team) Blue team, have you seen this disaster?
Paul: [raises his right arm] Olé!
Gordon: Yeah. Let me tell you something, we are definitely not serving that thing. [brings the cake and hands it over to Sous-chef Scott] Would you mind, Scott? Would you mind putting it over there? Thank you.

[Gordon notices Carrie adding an old rice into a fresh risotto that she is cooking]

Gordon: Carrie! Look at me. LOOK AT ME!!
Carrie: Yes, chef.
Gordon: You're adding the old rice into the fresh rice, just reheating it. I'm watching whatever you're doing.
Carrie: [responds hesitantly] No, I did a- some- oh- yes- I'll start over right now.
Gordon: So -
Elise: [Interrupts Gordon] (to Carrie) Drop that pan and start over!
Gordon: She wants to cut corners! (to Elise) And you wonder why I'm pissed off?!
Elise: No, chef. (interview) That's pretty stupid. My mind was blowing, I was like: "Well, Chef Ramsay sees it from who she (Carrie) is, the weakest of the team".
Gordon: (to Carrie) I know the name of your restaurant: "Chez Leftovers".
Carrie: Yes, chef.

[Gordon checks on snapper brought up by Paul]

Gordon: Paul? [returns to workstation & touches on the center of the snapper as Paul approaches Gordon] It's cold in the centre and it's fucking raw.
Paul: Yes, chef. I'll re-fire chef.
Gordon: I'm struggling, Paul! I don't expect that from you! It's our first table! [smashes the snapper] I'm struggling, Paul! I don't expect that from you! NOT TONIGHT!!
Paul: Yes, chef!

[Gordon checks on snapper brought up by Paul]

Gordon: It's fucking raw. [returns to the workstation] All of you! [angrily throws his spoon away] I'm- I'm struggling! The fish is fucking RAW!! [knocks the workstation] IT'S THE SECOND TIME!! And it's the committee's table! You can't do that to me!
Paul: Yes, chef.
Jonathon: (interview) Paul's crashing and burning on the fish station like a Titanic, you know? It's fucking going down.
Gordon: (to Paul) YOU, OFF FISH!!
Paul: [angrily slams his towel] Fuck!!
Gordon: Jonathon, Monterray! On the fish!
Monterray: (interview) I'm like, "okay." (to Jonathon) Come on. Let's go, let's go.
Gordon: Get a grip, guys!
Monterray: Four to five minutes.
Gordon: Jesus Christ.

Gordon: Jonathon! Monterray! Committee table, we've got to put it together!
Monterray: Two minutes.
Jonathon: Two minutes chef.
Monterray: Not bad.
Jonathon: Don't yell. You did do what you got.
Monterray: No, no, no, no.
Jonathon: Just what you got to do.
Monterray: (interview) Chef Ramsay throws me on fish station, so I do what I can. And Jonathon's sittin' back and I'm like, "Dude! What the hell are you doing? Start fucking cooking for your team please! Like, what is wrong with you?!"
Gordon: What the fuck is Jonathon doing?
Jonathon: I'm trying to help chef. Trying to help.
Monterray: (interview) Jonathon's sitting in the corner like some stray dog with his tail between his legs.
Jonathon: If anybody needs anything, just holler at me, okay?
Monterray: (interview) So I guess I'm by myself, I have to step up and I'm like, more capable of doing this job.
Gordon: Where is the snapper?
Monterray: [Brings the snapper to the pass] Right here, chef.
[Gordon checks the snapper; after finding out that it's raw, he has had it with the Blue team]
Gordon: It's raw. All of you, come here!
Monterray: What the fuck happened?
Gordon: Just touch that! [touches the top of snapper] Put your hand on top of there. Touch it! Touch it! [Tommy touches the snapper while Monterray walks away] Don't you dare- I am so pissed off! I can't take it anymore. I've had-I've had enough!
Monterray: Sorry, chef. Sorry, chef.
Gordon: He (Paul) screws me, you (Monterray) walk away!
Monterray: Sorry, chef.
Gordon: Where's your respect? GET OUT! Fuck off!

[Blue Team leaves the kitchen]

Natalie: Ugh.
Jonathon: Can a couple of us stay, chef, and try to do something?
Gordon: PISS OFF!
Jonathon: Fuck!

[Monterray, Paul and Jonathon have been nominated for elimination]
Gordon: Paul, that was one of the worst dinner services I’ve ever witnessed.
Paul: I’m sick to my stomach for what happened tonight. I ruined somebody’s 20-year anniversary that they’ll never get back. I feel that I’m not done, chef. I take full responsibility for what happened, but I really, really don’t want to go.
Gordon: I’m unconvinced. You disintegrated! You backed up the entire dining room!
Paul: I know, chef. I had the worst service of my life! I am so disappointed in myself, that I’m literally cringing–cringing of watching you at the pass, and I’m shitting on you every fucking table, 'cause I couldn’t get my shit together! I don’t want that to ever happen again, and I have enough determination to ensure it WON’T fucking happen again! That’s why I still want to be here, because MY FIRE ISN’T OUT!
Gordon: Paul.
Paul: Chef.
Gordon: ...Back in line!
Paul: Thank you, chef.

Gordon: It was high school reunion night in Hell's Kitchen. Unfortunately, for Monterray, he flunked the test.

Episode Seven [9.07]

Jonathon: How long on the bass?
Natalie: Three and a half minutes. (interview) I've never cooked sea bass here before, but it just like in a piece of fish and you know you've messed up once and I don't know to pay to do it again.
Natalie: (to Jonathon) How long do you need?
Jonathon: Go ahead. I'm fixing two wellingtons.
Natalie: (brings the sea bass to the pass) Behind.
Jonathon: This wellington's over done. Shit! Here it is, baby. (interview) I'm over on the point path. Tommy prepped my wellington and slice dig bowls of shit. What am I suppose to do?
Jonathon: This is going to be fucking right there. Trying to get my ass now and two piece on done. (brings the wellington to pass) This.
Gordon: Oh fuck me. (returns the sea bass and wellington to the workstation) All of you, come here!
Jonathon: (interview) Chef Ramsay's about to fucking kill my ass.
Gordon: One, I don't know what the fuck that is. [grabs a wellington]
Jonathon: That's a little one and that's my fault, Chef. It won't happen again. It's a fucking little bit overcooked because of the size. I realize that. It won't happen again, I promise.
Gordon: Just like that?... [throws a spoon on a workstation] (brief pause) (Natalie) And you? It's raw in the centre! RAW! And you're a talented cook! (Natalie goes silent to give her response)
Jonathon: Chef, I've got some more wellingtons.
Gordon: (calling Jonathon and Natalie out of the kitchen) You and you... fuck off! Get out!
Jonathon: For crying out, man, I'm so sick of this bullshit, man.
Gordon: Hey, hold on! Take that shit with you.
Jonathon: I'm done. I'm quit.
Jonathon: You can kiss my ass.
Gordon: JONATHON! I'd respect you more if you told me BEFORE you brought it to me! (brief pause) You have anything to say?!
Natalie: It won't happen again.
Natalie: Yes, chef. Won't happen again.
Gordon: Fuck off!

Episode Eight [9.08]

Gordon: Jonathon, come here. I want a word with you.
Jonathon: (interview) The pain is starting to get to me. I thought I could push through dinner service, man. But it's–it's gradually getting worse.
Gordon: [follows Jonathon into the pantry] What's happening?
Jonathon: Honestly, chef...
Gordon: What's happening? Look at me straight in the eyes! What's happening? Come on!
Jonathon: Uh...
Gordon: Give it to me!
Jonathon: My mobility's a little limited. I didn't want to give up on the team or be a bitch or give up. So I'm in here doing the best I can.
Gordon: It doesn't stop you using your brain! I've had a young man in here two years ago that broke his fucking arm! [referring to Dave, who won season 6] He went on to win the fucking competition!
Jonathon: Yes, chef.
Gordon: If you've given up, GET OUT!
Jonathon: I'm not giving up!
Jonathon: I am fighting, chef!
Jonathon: Yes, chef!

Episode Nine [9.09]

[Gordon notices Tommy firing a seabass]
Gordon: Hey! Hey, hey, look at me! Hey, hello? [calls the attention of the blue team by knocking the workstation twice] He's (Tommy) cooking the seabass, what the fuck is he doing?!
Paul: Come on, Tommy! Tommy, are you serious?
Gordon: Come here you! Hey, come here! He's cooking the fucking entrée [knocks his hand on the workstation] before we get to the fucking appetisers!
Tommy: (interview) I got a little ahead of myself, I was on Speed Racer Mode. Started to get a little racy in the brain. I'm doing everything a hair early.
Gordon: So he's cooking the sea bass now! For the third table, we haven't even sent the appetiser!
Tommy: Okay, I'm rushing it.
Gordon: Rushing it? Do me a favour. Fuck off outside, get a big, deep breath of fresh air. Piss off! Go on. Outside. Outside! Hey, look at me, fuck off! What a fucking muppet!

[Gordon checks on sea bass brought up by Carrie]
Gordon: Now, look at this. [returns to the workstation] All of you, come here. Yeah, that's you (Carrie).
Carrie: What? [sees her sea bass] Oh, God. I didn't even see that. Oh, shit.
Gordon: (to Carrie) Hey, come here. You didn't see that?
Jamie Gregorich: (interview) Burning stuff to crisp and trying to pass it off like you didn't see it? That's some kind of joke.
Gordon: Get out!
Carrie: I didn't even see that. I have another one in the oven. Don't kick me out, chef. Please. I'm not ready to quit, chef--
Gordon: Yeah, look at- get out!
Carrie: No!
Gordon: Get out.
Carrie: No, I have another one in the oven!
Gordon: Get out of here.
Carrie: [tries to return] Goddammi-- I have another one--
Gordon: Get out!
Carrie: Fuck! [tries to return again] Chef, please, no! I have another one in the oven! I can do this!
Gordon: [knocks his hand on the workstation] Fucking move! You thick fucking idiot! [calls Carrie and gives her the burnt sea bass] Hey madam! Madam! Take your shit with you. Yeah. Enjoy your romantic dinner on your fucking own!

Narrator: Meanwhile, in the blue kitchen...
Gordon: How long two bass, one chicken, one cod?
Paul: Walking now, chef.
Narrator: Paul is ready with the blue team's first entrées.
Gordon: What's he done? It's raw! (brief pause) Paul!
Paul: Is it raw chef?
Gordon: Stop! All of you, come here! Paul just asked me, 'Is it raw?'
Paul: It's under!
Gordon: (To Paul) Will you tell me? Just touch that! TOUCH THAT! [Natalie touches the chicken] ROMANTIC DINNER?! [throws his spoon away on the workstation]
Will: (interview) It pisses me off because Paul knows better that. I mean... you just can't serve raw chicken.
Gordon: (to Paul) Hey, chef! Let me ask you, is that raw?
Paul: Chef, its under. I got another one. I'll give it to you right now--
Gordon: Hey, come here you! Answer my fucking question.
Paul: Yes, chef. It's raw.
Gordon: GET OUT!
Paul: [loses his temper and throws his towel on the floor] Fuck!
Gordon: Pink carnations, maybe. Pink chicken, no chance!
Paul: [knocks on the wall having throw tantrums] (interview) I fucked up on a chicken! I mean, I'm fucking furious at myself! [kicks his door to the dorms] Chef Ramsay, let me back in! Let me finish what I started.
Gordon: Tommy, give that to Paul for his fucking romantic dinner. Upstairs, hurry up!
Gordon: Shut up!

Elise: Vegetarian cap(ellini)?
Narrator: Elise is ready with the vegetarian capellini.
Gordon: Oh, Jesus Christ. That's not vegetarian. Elise! It's the-- Shut your fucking mouth! One capellini, no lobster.
Elise: I'm sorry.
Gordon: Start again. Yeah, fuck off! I'm sorry you're here. You [points to Jamie] are like her. You just can't be bothered anymore!
Elise: No, chef!
Jennifer: (interview) Elise is one of those people that thinks that she's one of the strongest, but not tonight.
Gordon: Entrées! [knocks his arm to the workstation; reads the ticket] One fucking vegetarian capellini, no lobster, just plain tomato sauce! Call out, chef.
Elise: [begins to read the ticket] Entrées! One vegetarian lobster capellini.
Gordon: One more time!
Elise: Entrées is vegetarian lobster capellini!
Elise: One lobster capellini vegetarian!
Gordon: IS IT IN?!
Elise: Yes, chef!
Gordon: WAKE UP!!
Elise: Yes, chef! (interview) I know Chef Ramsay is pissed off at me because I know respect so much more to me. I expect toward myself and I'm pissed off at myself.
Gordon: (quietly, to Elise) A black jacket? You need a straitjacket!

Narrator: While Tommy finishes what Chef Ramsay stared, over in the red kitchen...
Elise: Vegetarian cap(ellini). [brings to the pass]
Narrator: Elise is ready to impress with her next oyster dish.
Gordon: Let's go! [Elise pesents the dish] Aw, come on! (Brief pause) In fact, you tell me chef, are they overcooked?
Elise: [after touching oyster dish] Yes they are, chef.
Gordon: Come here you, GET OUT! Hey! Do you know what? You don't care.
Elise: I do care!
Gordon: Look! Come here! Look, look! They're like bullets! Look at the water... Look at... You're going to say... You're going to say they're fresh and delicious?
Elise: No, chef.
Gordon: Yeah, take that, take that and fuck off out of here! Eat them! Enjoy your dinner! Nice romantic plate of oysters for a little superstar.
Elise: (interview) Uaagghh...!!!
Gordon: (to Elise) Bon appetit, princess!
Elise: (interview) I'm pissed, I'm embarrassed. The only way to get worse is if I don't have a chance to redeem myself because I know I can fucking do it.

Episode Ten [9.10]


[Gordon checks on mashed potatoes brought up by Carrie]

Gordon: What the fuck? [returns to the workstation] All of you, just stop! Come here.
Elise: Uh-oh.
Gordon: [sees Carrie still doing her garnishes] Oh, my God. Look, she's so fucking rude.
Carrie: I'm not rude chef.
Gordon: Put your fucking pan down. [gets a spoonful] That's burnt! [angrily slams the pan upside down]
Carrie: I got more potatoes coming right now chef.
Jennifer: Come on, Carrie!
Elise: (interview) Garnish was slow as hell today. That was not coming off.
Gordon: [throws the spoonful on the workstation] SHIT!!
Carrie: I got more potatoes coming right now.
Gordon: It's like a fucking bullet!

Gordon: Elise, you have a bright career in this industry... as a customer! Your biggest problem is you can't work with a team.
Elise: That's not true, I have been trying to work with my team since I got here.

[Carrie shakes her head]

Gordon: How many people on The Red Team think Elise is a unique dynamic team player then?
Jennifer: I think she's an individual, I'll say
Gordon: More concerned about her in her little world?
Elise: [over Gordon speaking] Was I an individual when I went up and read the tickets for everybody? [Carrie sighs in disbelief] Was I an individual then? [bangs the work surface] When no one else would step up and I did? Was I an individual then?
Carrie: One time Elise?
Elise: Oh I take constructive criticism!
Jennifer: Shut up, one fucking time. [Will shakes his head] That's your problem, no one fucking listens! [Paul gives off a shocked look]

[during the blue team's punishment]

Tommy: Grape jokes. So many grape jokes.

[Natalie laughs]

Will: (to Tommy) Are you serious right now bro? Natalie is going to fucking snap if you tell one grape joke.
Paul: (interview; with a deep funny voice) Hey Guys This Is Grape! Hello! [laughs then groans in frustration]
Tommy: If you hold on a second, uh.. you know I think my brain will work if I have "grape" expectations.
Natalie: I'm so tired.

[Paul, Will, and Tommy laugh]

Natalie: (interview) Please say one more damn grape joke. Please do it. Because, I'm going to fucking choke you-
Tommy: Natalie, I feel like after my jokes, I've lost all ap-peel to you.

[Everyone except Natalie laughs]

Natalie: (interview; softly) Oh my god! [Natalie has enough] I am tired of these stupid fucking grapes. [throws the grapes away]
Paul: Calm down, Natalie.
Natalie: You know why? because I'm not peeling anymore grapes, this is as stupid as shit, and I'm not doing it....... [throws the grapes on the ground, and jumps on them like she is throwing a tantrum] I'M NOT PEELING THEM ANYMORE! NO MORE! NO MORE FUCKING GRAPES! I'M NOT PEELING ANYMORE GRAPES EVER AGAIN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE! THIS IS STUPID!

[Tommy, Will, and Paul all laugh]

Natalie: (interview) [says nothing]

[Natalie calms down]

Paul and Will: Do you feel better?
Natalie: (calmed) I feel better.
Tommy: Oh, that was grape.
Natalie: [throwing grapes at Tommy] Tommy I'm.... I'm going to kill you.

[Tommy starts laughing again]

Episode Eleven [9.11]


[Elise brings her meat to the pass]

Gordon: Unbelievable. [returns to the workstation] Hey, stop! This is ridiculous!
Jennifer: Oh, my god. We're so going to get thrown out again.
Gordon: (to Elise) Is this the one you sliced?
Elise: Yes, chef. [touches the meat]
Gordon: It's dry. What are you doing? You've been to New York, you've had your hands on the prize. This like night one in here.
Elise: No, chef.
Gordon: And you, Elizabeth. You can't time and you can't talk to anybody. You've given up over there.
Elizabeth: No, chef. No, chef.
Gordon: (calling Elise and Elizabeth out of the kitchen) You and you, fuck off out of here. Get out! Take that with you, just leave me alone. Get out of here, both of you! Fuck off up to the dorm... [Elise kicks the bin out of anger] (to Elise) Hey, you! Pick that fucking thing up! You want to serve shit, overcooked meat, now start kicking the bin! Wow! Un-fucking-believable! GET OUT! FUCK OFF! Pathetic! Embarrassing!

Episode Twelve [9.12]

[Gordon checks on the Red team's capellini]
Jennifer: (to Elise) Elise, give your opinion.
Elise: It looks good.
Gordon: [finds that two of the plates have different amount of lobster] "It looks good"? "It's looks good"! [gets two plates from the pass] Look at this one with four little bits of lobster on. Twelve on there, five on that! LOOK AT THAT TO THAT!!! DAMN!! [pounds the counter; throws his spoon away] I'M SO EMBARRASSED!! COME ON!!
Elise: Jennifer, what do you want me to do?
Jennifer: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?! Are you trying to sabotage me?!

[Gordon checks on the Red team's apples]
Gordon: [slicing the apples] The apples are raw. Just touch that inside. [Elise touches the apples] Fuck off will you? CAN WE GET THE APPLES BACK IN THE PAN?!!
Jennifer: (interview) I had Elise cook one fucking pan of apples, and it's raw. This fucking bitch will do anything to get rid of fucking me. Anything!
Gordon: You put them on, you put them on, not one of you can tell her they're undercooked. You don't care for each other!
Jennifer: (tearfully) I worked fucking hard with them for them, I make sure you guys are fucking great!
Elise: I did exactly what you told me to do.
Jennifer: Elise!
Elise: Are you serious?
Jennifer: Yeah, this is for the whole mashed potato thing. You know what, Elise? You're petty as you can be. You know what, I kept my mouth shut for a long time, I'm not keeping it shut anymore. War's on!
Elise: WHAT?!
Jennifer: (brings her apples to the pass; to Elise) I don't need your help. Thank you.
Elise: I'm going to help anyway.
Jennifer: I really don't want it.
Elise: (interview) Is that how it's going to be? Jen's blaming me trying to make me look bad. She's going to regret not making a friend in me.
Gordon: (to the servers) Go, please! [throws his apron on the counter out of disappointment] Anything to say?
Jennifer: We suck, yes.

[After the service in which the Blue team had clearly won]
Gordon: (to the Red team after another argument between Jennifer and Elise) Ladies, the only thing I can say to all three of you is get ready to plea for your lives. Because tonight, all three of you can be leaving this competition. Now, FUCK OFF!!

Episode Thirteen [9.13]

Elise: Hope you all brought sunglasses, 'cause we're going to shine.
Tennille (from season 6): No, I just brought body bags.

Episode Fourteen [9.14]


[Gordon checks on salmon brought up by Elise; after finding out that it's raw, he has finally had it with the final five]

Gordon: [returns to the workstation] All of you, stop. [throws his spoon away] Just fucking stop, ALL OF YOU! (to Elise) Come here you. Put your finger in there. [Elise puts her finger inside the salmon] Not pink, raw! I'm done! (to the other chefs) Leave me alone. All of you, fuck off out of here! All of you! Get out, please! Just fuck off! Enough is enough!

[After the end of service, in which Elise, Jennifer and Tommy were sent out of the kitchen]
Tommy: Chef? I got to ask you something. Why did you send me out of the kitchen? I wanted to be back in there with my team. I should not have had to fucking leave tonight, and I could have fucking held it down and fixed it! I'm so fucking mad!
Gordon: Fuck off, Tommy! Or I'll stick your fucking head in that oven and talk to you through the fucking gas burner.
Tommy: Do it.
Gordon: [after a brief silence] Please don't rub anymore salt in the wound.

Episode Fifteen/Sixteen [9.15/16] (Two Hour Finale)


[After Paul wins Hell's Kitchen]

Gordon: (To Elise during the celebration) Get out there and continue, all right? Take this and continue with it and really go with it. And seriously, just stop being such a bitch!