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Justin Trudeau

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In my conversations with Canadians right across the country, I’ve seen firsthand that there is so much more that unites us than divides us. Canadians expect us all to focus on our shared vision of a stronger Canada, and I intend to work hard to make that a reality.

Justin Pierre James Trudeau (born 25 December 1971) is a Canadian politician who has served as the 23rd prime minister of Canada since 2015 and has been the leader of the Liberal Party since 2013. Trudeau is the second-youngest Canadian prime minister after Joe Clark; he is also the first to be related to a previous holder of the post, as the eldest son of Pierre Trudeau.


I'm a teacher; I'm a convenor; I'm a gatherer; I'm someone who reaches out to people and is deeply interested in what they have to say.
Sorted chronologically


  • We need genuine and deep respect for each and every human being, notwithstanding their thoughts, their values, their beliefs, their origins. That's what my father demanded of his sons, and that's what he demanded of his country. He demanded this out of a sense of love. Love of his sons. Love of his country, and that's why we love him so.


  • For me, to represent people who represent the future of Canada and the great challenges we will face over the coming decades — this is where I wanted to start. … I'm a teacher; I'm a convenor; I'm a gatherer; I'm someone who reaches out to people and is deeply interested in what they have to say. And people see that I'm not faking it. I'm actually genuinely committed to this dialogue that we're opening up, and this understanding that needs to happen in order to be an effective MP.
  • Honour killings shouldn't be called "barbaric"
    • As quoted by the Toronto Sun (March 14, 2011)
    • In response to a new citizenship guide for new immigrants that said “Canada’s openness and generosity do not extend to barbaric cultural practices that tolerate spousal abuse, ‘honour killings,’ female genital mutilation, forced marriage or other gender-based violence.” [1]
  • You're not going to hotbox my office, no way!
    • Responding to comedian Mark Critch pulling out a (prop?) marijuana joint in Justin Trudeau's office in 2013, as cited in The Huffington Post
  • You know, there's a level of admiration I actually have for China because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime and say "we need to go green fastest...we need to start investing in solar." I mean there is a flexibility that I know Stephen Harper must dream about of having a dictatorship that he can do everything he wanted that I find quite interesting. But if I were to reach out and say which...which kind of administration I most admire, I think there's something to be said right here in Canada for the way our territories are run. Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and the Yukon are done without political parties around consensus. And are much more like a municipal government. And I think there's a lot to be said for people pulling together to try and solve issues rather than to score points off of each other. And I think we need a little more of that. But Sun News can now report that I prefer China.
    • Trudeau's controversial statement in full on what he termed China's "basic dictatorship" (8 November 2013), where he elaborated further that what piqued his interest in the country was their ability to accelerate drastic changes to their economy, such as environmental "green shifts"; that he was concerned Stephen Harper aspired to model Canada's government upon China's centralized autocracy; that his actual favourite governing model is the "consensus" style of government used in the Canadian territories and municipalities; and that he expected media reports to take his words out of context. Though he was also criticized for incorrectly listing the Yukon as a government without political parties, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories do operate under a nonpartisan consensus-seeking system.
  • I pointed out that globally Canada is up against big countries (China, for one) that can address some major issues quickly. It’s ridiculous for anyone to suggest that I of all people would trade our rights and freedoms for any other system of [government]. Some countries play by rules we wouldn’t and shouldn’t ever accept, but, we still have to compete with them. We need to get better at coming together to address big issues, and that’s what I asked people to think about last night.
    • On Twitter, Trudeau clarifies the intent behind his controversial remarks regarding the Chinese government (8 November 2013)


  • the commitment needs to be a commitment to grow the economy and the budget will balance itself
  • We have to realize that the way of thinking that got us to this place no longer holds. We have to rethink elements as basic as space and time, to go all science fictiony [sic] on you in this sense.
    • Speaking to university students in September 2014, as cited by the Toronto Sun
  • Tomorrow, millions of people will gather with loved ones across Canada and around the world to mark the Christmas holiday.
    On this day, Christians reflect on their faith and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. This occasion inspires families and communities to come together, share what they have, and give back to those less fortunate.
    May we take this time to reflect on our many blessings, and remind our loved ones how much they mean to us.
    On behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada and our entire Liberal Caucus, Sophie and I wish you all a most joyous holiday season. From my family to yours: merry Christmas.
  • I would agree that encyclopedias could teach me facts, but only a great story could transport me into the mind of another person. These stories taught me about empathy, about good and evil, about love and sorrow. My tastes covered many different genres, but the books I loved most proposed the idea that ordinary people (not to mention hobbits) are born with the capability to do extraordinary, even heroic things. The realization came as a sort of code to all the lessons my parents had taught me about looking beyond wealth and appearances, and appreciating the worth of everyone I met. ... It’s a lesson that sticks with me to this day. No real leader can see the people around them as static creatures. If you cannot see the potential in the people around you, it’s impossible to rouse them to great things. That may be one of the reasons why, even now, I always make time for a novel or two every month, amongst the mountains of serious works and briefing notes. Facts may fuel a leader’s intellect. But literature fuels the soul.
    • Trudeau on how his fondness for literature influenced his leadership style, in his memoir Common Ground


  • To me, pluralism means diversity, and diversity is at the very heart of Canada. It is who we are and what we do. We do it better than anyone else on Earth. So well, in fact, that we often take it for granted. So let’s remind ourselves: Canada is the only country in the world that is strong, not in spite of our differences, but because of them.
  • The Liberal Party believes that terrorists should get to keep their Canadian citizenship ... because I do, And I'm willing to take on anyone who disagrees with that.
  • I want to lead Canada. All of Canada, not just parts of Canada. ... I am not going to write off certain parts of the country just because we had a tough past 10 years. Or, tough past 100 years.
  • Yes, yes. I am a feminist. Proud to be a feminist. My mom raised me to be a feminist. My father raised me, he was a different generation, but he raised me to respect and defend everyone's rights, and I deeply grounded my own identity in that, and I am proud to say that I am a feminist. The things we see online, whether it is issues like Gamergate, or video games misogyny in popular culture, it is something that we need to stand clearly against.
  • A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian
    • In response to Harper in the Munk Debate (September 28, 2015) [2]
  • We believe in our hearts that this country’s unique diversity is a blessing bestowed upon us by previous generations of Canadians, Canadians who stared down prejudice and fought discrimination in all its forms. We know that our enviable, inclusive society didn’t happen by accident and won’t continue without effort. ... Have faith in your fellow citizens, my friends. They are kind and generous. They are openminded and optimistic. And they know in their heart of hearts that a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.



  • ISIL would like us to see them as a credible threat to our way of life, our civilization.
    We know Canada is stronger, much stronger, than the threat posed by a gang of murderous thugs who are terrorizing some of the most vulnerable people on earth.
    Call us old-fashioned, but we think that we ought to avoid doing precisely what our enemies want us to do.
    They want us to elevate them, to give in to fear, to indulge in hatred, to eye one another with suspicion and to take leave of our faculties.
    The lethal enemy of barbarism isn't hatred.
    It is reason.
    And the people terrorized by ISIL every day don't need our vengeance.
    They need our help.
  • The North American idea that diversity is strength, is our great gift to the world. No matter where you are from, or the faith you profess, nor the colour of your skin, nor whom you love, you belong here. This is home.
  • We should be past tolerance in Canada
    In Canada, can we speak of acceptance, openness, friendship, understanding? It is about where we are going and what we are going through every day in our diverse and rich communities
    Tolerating someone means accepting their right to exist on the condition that they don’t disturb us too, too much.
  • I think that everybody should be in the business of improving opportunities for women and girls. We need women and girls to succeed because that’s how we build stronger, more resilient communities. It’s how we grow a stronger economy. Encouraging the full participation of women and girls in public life and in the business world leads to better decision making all around. ... It’s not just about women’s issues, it’s about everyone’s issues. We know that if kids grow up in an equal world, it is a better world — more open, more prosperous, and more peaceful.
    • Statement marking the second anniversary of the United Nations "HeForShe" gender equality movement. As quoted in TIME Magazine (23 September 2016)


  • To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada
    • Statement on Twitter affirming Canada's commitment to refugee resettlement in the wake of President Donald Trump's controversial executive order banning immigrants, refugees and travelers of primarily Muslim origin from entering the United States, January 28, 2017
  • It's an old idea from the 19th century. It is something that is not relevant to the vibrant, extraordinary, culture that is Quebec as Quebec is an amazing part of Canada. Nationalism is based on a smallness of thought that closes in, that builds up barriers between people, and has nothing to do with the Canada we should be building. It stands against everything my father ever believed.
  • Every time there was a big transformation, whether it was the Industrial Revolution and the steam engine, there was this worry that there were going to be no more jobs. ... But I think at the same time, looking at a delay that might have happened 100 years ago or 200 years ago is different from understanding that the pace of change is so rapid that if we start, and we tool up our workforce to be more flexible, more open, more skilled in seeing where the opportunities are, we’re going to be better positioned than anyone else in the world. I’m not saying there’s not going to be disruption. [But] we’re doing well because we are back investing in the kinds of things that are making a difference in people’s lives.
  • Gender equality is not only an issue for women and girls. All of us benefit when women and girls have the same opportunities as men and boys—and it’s on all of us to make that a reality. Our sons have the power and the responsibility to change our culture of sexism, and I want Xavier and Hadrien—when he’s a little older—to understand that deeply. But I want, too, to help them grow into empathetic young people and adults, strong allies who walk through the world with openness, love, and a fierce attachment to justice. I want my sons to escape the pressure to be a particular kind of masculine that is so damaging to men and to the people around them. I want them to be comfortable being themselves, and being feminists—who stand up for what’s right, and who can look themselves in the eye with pride.
    • Trudeau on raising feminist sons and the role of boys and men in addressing gender equality, in an essay for Marie Claire (11 October 2017).


  • Our celebration of difference needs to extend to differences of values and belief, too. Diversity includes political and cultural diversity. It includes a diversity of perspectives and approaches to solving problems. See, it’s far too easy, with social media shaping our interactions, to engage only with people with whom we already agree — members of our tribe. Well, this world is and must be bigger than that. ... To let yourself be vulnerable to another point of view — that’s what takes true courage. To open yourself to another’s convictions, and risk being convinced, a little, or a lot, of the validity of their perspective.


  • Mr. Speaker, over the years, we’ve seen an increase in the number of terrorist attacks targeting Muslims all around the world. So, families flee to democracies like Canada, and the United States, and our allies, praying that their new homes will give them safety. Hoping that their kids will know a place where they are not targeted because of faith. ... And yet, while the majority of our citizens welcome these newcomers with open arms, small, toxic segments peddle the belief that greater diversity is a weakness. The irony is that these fringe groups say they despise Daesh, Al-Qaida, Boko Haram, and others. But they spew hatred, and incite violence, and murder the innocent just the same. They are no better than those they claim to hate.
  • We look forward to working alongside internet companies, but indeed, if they do not choose to act, we will be forced to continue to act in ways that protect Canadians and we will have more to say about the kinds of tools we will be using in the coming weeks and months
  • The platforms are failing their users. And they’re failing our citizens
    They have to step up in a major way to counter disinformation. And if they don’t, we will hold them to account, and there will be meaningful financial consequences.
  • One of my favourite prime ministers, Wilfrid Laurier, often talked about patriotism and the unifying power of common goals and aspirations. And I’ve thought about that a lot since getting into politics. In my conversations with Canadians right across the country, I’ve seen firsthand that there is so much more that unites us than divides us. Canadians expect us all to focus on our shared vision of a stronger Canada, and I intend to work hard to make that a reality. ... We all want safer communities, a cleaner planet, and a good quality of life. We want this for ourselves, for our neighbours and for our kids and grandkids. We seek hardship for none and prosperity for all. That is the world we’re working toward. And if we unite around these common goals, I know we can achieve them.


  • I'm not perfect. But not being perfect is not a free pass to not do the right thing.
    • Speech in the House of Commons responding to international protests condemning discrimination and police brutality against African Americans (2 June 2020); Trudeau's remarks were also presented in the context of revelations made during the 2019 federal election that he had engaged in blackface performance in his youth.
  • Anti-Black racism exists in Canada and we must do all that we can to end it for good. So as leaders and as allies, we must listen to, learn from, and work with every person who marches and posts and expects more than the status quo.
    • Statement on Twitter addressing structural racism in Canada, amid heightened racial tensions in the United States. (2 June 2020)
  • We all watch in horror and consternation what's going on in the United States. ... It is a time to pull people together. But it is a time to listen. It is a time to learn what injustices continue despite progress over years and decades. But it is a time for us as Canadians to recognize that we too have our challenges, that black Canadians and racialized Canadians face discrimination as a lived reality every single day.
  • If countries around the world, including China, realize that by arbitrarily arresting Canadians, they can get what they want out of Canada politically, that would make an awful lot more Canadians who travel around the world vulnerable to that kind of pressure.
  • John Lewis was a fearless advocate for what he knew to be true, and he never stopped fighting for equality and justice. My thoughts are with his family and friends - and all who have been inspired by his work, words, lifetime of service and action, and the good trouble he caused.
    • Statement on Twitter remarking on the life of U.S. Democratic congressman and longtime civil rights leader John Lewis, after his death at the age of 80 (18 July 2020)
  • Nelson Mandela was a voice for justice and a symbol for freedom - and his legacy reminds us that we all share a responsibility to continue building a just, sustainable, and equitable world for all. On this #MandelaDay and every day, let’s keep working together to make an impact.
    • Statement on Twitter marking the anniversary of the birth of South African anti-apartheid leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Nelson Mandela (18 July 2020)
  • A quiet force, a strong mother, and a devoted partner, Aline Chrétien faithfully served Quebecers and all Canadians alongside her husband, Jean. She was authentic, tenacious, and championed multiculturalism and bilingualism - and she helped bring our country closer together. Never afraid to stand up for those she loved, Aline taught us to persevere even when things get tough. Sophie and I are sending our heartfelt condolences to Jean, their entire family, and all Canadians who are mourning her passing.
  • A profound and fearless advocate for women, equality, and justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s impact will undoubtedly be felt for generations. My thoughts are with her family, colleagues, and all who were inspired by her lifetime of service.
  • John Turner was one of a kind. An honourable gentleman and an upstanding Canadian, John cared deeply about democracy, equality, and those he served. His optimistic outlook, energetic approach, and tireless service inspired many - and our country is a better place for it. Today, we learned with great sadness that John has passed away. Sophie and I are sending our deepest condolences to his family and friends, and to all Canadians who are mourning this loss. We will never forget all that he contributed to our country.
    • Statement on Twitter in response to the death of the Rt. Hon. John Turner, longtime Liberal cabinet minister and 17th Prime Minister of Canada, at the age of 91 (19 September 2020)
  • John Candy would’ve been 70 today. And though he’s been gone for 26 years now, he’s still making us laugh - I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of watching "Planes, Trains and Automobiles." So today, pull up your favourite John Candy movie - if you can choose one - and have a good laugh. We could all use it. And to his children, Chris Candy and Jen Candy, thanks for always sharing your dad with us. He’s a real Canadian treasure.
    • Statement on Twitter marking the 70th anniversary of the birth of Canadian comic actor John Candy (1950-1994), after Toronto mayor John Tory proclaimed the date "John Candy Day" in his memory (31 October 2020)
  • Congratulations, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Our two countries are close friends, partners, and allies. We share a relationship that’s unique on the world stage. I’m really looking forward to working together and building on that with you both.
    • Statement on Twitter in response to the official announcement that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris had won the momentous and hotly-contested 2020 United States presidential election, defeating Republicans Donald Trump and Mike Pence at the top of the ticket (7 November 2020); Trudeau was the first world leader to send a message of congratulations to the Democratic candidates, as commentators and observers anticipated a reset of relations between the neighbouring countries that had deteriorated in large part due to an intense personal rivalry between Trump and Trudeau.
  • We have lost an icon. Almost every night for more than three decades, Alex Trebek entertained and educated millions around the world, instilling in so many of us a love for trivia. My deepest condolences to his family, friends, and all who are mourning this tremendous loss.
    • Statement on Twitter marking the death of longtime Jeopardy! host and cultural icon Alex Trebek, native of Sudbury, Ontario who succumbed to complications from pancreatic cancer at the age of 80 (8 November 2020)
  • Look, Barack Obama and I agree on many things... but on this, we disagree because he’s clearly wrong. I’ll put it on the record again here: “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie.
    • In a tweet replying to the 44th U.S. President's sharing of a Q&A with Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon, disputing Obama's view that the iconic Bruce Willis action film does not qualify for the category of Christmas-themed cinema (5 December 2020)

Covid-19 pandemic in Canada

See also: COVID-19 pandemic in Canada
  • Mr. Speaker, as I stand here today, I think of the young men who died taking Vimy Ridge. I think of the Greatest Generation who grew up during the Depression and fought through WWII. They showed us how to fight for what we believe in and how to sacrifice for what we hold dear. Today, across this country, the last members of this Greatest Generation live in nursing homes and long-term care facilities. They’re in their small apartments and the homes they built so long ago with their own hands. They are the ones most threatened by this disease. They fought for us all those years ago. And today we fight for them. We will show ourselves to be worthy of this magnificent country they built. And for them and for their grandchildren, we will endure. We will persevere. And we will prevail.
  • If you're risking your health to keep this country moving and you're making minimum wage, you deserve a raise.
    • Statement announcing a pay hike agreement for essential workers across the provinces during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis (7 May 2020)
  • Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, kids. It’s a special day for all the people who are mothers to us: our moms, stepmoms, grandmothers and older sisters. So let’s show them how much we love and care about them. You might want to get up early to make her breakfast or ask Dad to help you get her some flowers. Or, if you’re not together this year because of the virus or other reasons, you can draw her a card, or set up a video call. Whatever you do, I’m sure it will make her day and express how much you love her, how much you need her and how much she has your full support and love during this difficult time. And, all the time as well.
  • Your voice, your talents, and your passion are needed now more than ever. Enjoy this moment - and all the best to you and your fellow graduates in the years to come. This is only the beginning of an incredible journey, I’m sure.
    • Statement on Twitter congratulating University of Toronto Class of 2020 medical student Chika Stacy Oriuwa, for being the first black woman valedictorian to graduate the university's medical school (2 June 2020); Trudeau's message, and Oriuwa's milestone achievement, came at a watershed moment for visible minorities in Canada: a wave of international protests against anti-Black discrimination and racial inequality in the wake of a police brutality incident in the United States, simultaneously occurring amid the Covid-19 pandemic crisis disproportionately affecting the health and well-being of communities of colour.
  • You understand not just the value, but the power, of community better than most. And that's why I trust you will be the 21st century's greatest generation. You know what is wrong with the world and how to fix it. Your job is not only to challenge people like me, but to bring us along.
  • This is not the first time our country has been called to stand united and strong. In the face of change, our Greatest Generation showed us that overcoming crisis isn’t easy. They didn’t give up. And neither can we.
  • We are in an unprecedented global pandemic that really sucks. ... This sucks, it really, really does. But we're going to get through it by doing what Canadians always do: by pulling together, by working hard, and by knowing that better days are coming.
    • Off-the-cuff remarks at a press conference to discuss the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, in response to a reporter's question about "COVID fatigue" impacting the public (27 October 2020); Trudeau also mentioned that his six-year-old son Hadrien had asked him if the pandemic would last forever, and that as a father, he lamented that his children and other Canadian children were not able to experience milestones or enjoy activities in the classroom.
  • Be a superhero this Halloween, not a super-spreader. Wear your mask, keep your distance, and follow your local public health rules. And whatever you get up to tonight, stay safe. Happy Halloween, everyone!
    • Statement on Twitter encouraging Canadians to follow public health protocols and modify their celebrations due to the unique circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic (31 October 2020)


  • What we witnessed was an assault on democracy by violent rioters, incited by the current president and other politicians. As shocking, deeply disturbing, and frankly saddening as that event remains, we have also seen this week that democracy is resilient in America, our closest ally and neighbour. Violence has no place in our societies, and extremists will not succeed in overruling the will of the people.
    • Further statements in regards to the attack on the U.S. Capitol by radicalized supporters of Donald Trump, made during a COVID-19 press conference outside Rideau Cottage (8 January 2021); observers and news reports described it as "perhaps his harshest-ever attack on the U.S. president," noting that it was the first time Trudeau named Trump specifically as a factor in public remarks condemning politically-motivated violence in the United States.
  • We know that, even as we watch with extreme concern everything unfolding in the United States over these past few days ... we are not immune to that in Canada. ... We have a responsibility as Canadians to continue to lead with respect, to engage substantially with different points of view and to never resort to violence as a way of impacting public discourse. That is something that Canadians have recommitted to across the country over these past days and we will continue to be extremely vigilant to remember that the choices we make as leaders, as politicians, have consequences.
  • 50 years ago today, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau announced multiculturalism as an official government policy. It was the first policy of its kind in the world, and it recognized and celebrated a fundamental characteristic of our heritage and identity - our diversity.
  • The Incident Response Group met today to discuss the floods, landslides, and extreme weather conditions that are affecting thousands of people in BC. We’ll keep doing everything we can to make sure people get the help and support they need. More here: [blocked by WMF spam filter]
    • Justin Trudeau@JustinTrudeau on Twitter (November 17, 2021)


  • The concerns expressed by a few people gathered in Ottawa right now are not new, not surprising, are heard, but are a continuation of what we have unfortunately seen in disinformation and misinformation online – conspiracy theorists about microchips, about God knows what else that go with the tinfoil hats.
    • In response to a question from Marieke Walsh of The Globe and Mail regarding protesters' concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines, during an address to Canadians from a secure and undisclosed location where he and his family had been moved due to security threats, at the peak of the "Freedom Convoy" demonstrations in the nation's capital of Ottawa (January 31, 2022) | Video
  • Canada firmly and unequivocally denounces female genital mutilation. No woman or girl - anywhere in the world - should ever live in fear of physical or psychological harm.
  • She would proclaim ‘it was good to be home’ when returning to her beloved Canada. She was indeed at home here, and Canadians never ceased to return her affection.
  • As you know, we Canadians love to boast when our artists succeed on the world stage. Quite frankly, throughout your career, Ryan, both on and off the screen, you've given us so much to swagger about.
    • In a pre-recorded message, Trudeau salutes Canadian actor and personal friend Ryan Reynolds, the recipient of the 36th annual American Cinematheque Award (November 17, 2022) | Video
  • I am absolutely, absolutely serene and confident that I made the right choice.
    • Trudeau defends the invocation of the never-before-used Emergencies Act to disperse the "Freedom Convoy" occupation, during testimony at the final day of a six-week-long inquiry (November 25, 2022) | Video
  • It has been an incredible pleasure to be part of fighting the good fight on the right side. That is about respecting people. Can we move beyond "tolerate" and start embracing, loving, and accepting, and learning from, and being challenged by? That's how you build a resilient society. That's what we're trying to do in Canada. And we've got a lot of work still to do.
    • Trudeau promotes the cause of compassion for others and openness to diversity during a period of heightened concern for the well-being of LGBT communities, in a cameo appearance on Canada's Drag Race: Canada vs. The World (November 25, 2022) | Video
  • Our greatest strength will always be the openness, ingenuity, and resolve of all Canadians. I'm proud of who we are as a country.
    • Remarks to attendees at the Liberal Party's 2022 holiday gathering, after a tumultuous year that included war in Ukraine, an economic crisis in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Queen's death, and the "Freedom Convoy" demonstrations throughout Canada (December 15, 2022) | Video
  • I can... but I don't... often. And whenever I do, it drives Sophie crazy, because I'm slow. I'm meticulous. It's just like, "oh my God, it takes hours -- just throw it in!" I'm like no, I'm trying to do it right.
    • In response to a question from longtime friend and former radio D.J., Terry DiMonte, as to whether Trudeau is adept at cooking, during their annual year-end "non-political" conversational interview (December 20, 2022) | Video
  • It's the time of year when things slow down a little bit, when Christmas movies -- including Die Hard -- are on repeat...
    • Statement marking the 2022 Christmas holidays in which Trudeau reiterates his stance that the 1988 action film Die Hard is deserving of inclusion in the holiday-movies canon, a position he had taken previously (December 25, 2022) | Video




  • Canada is better off because of Ed Broadbent's selfless service. An advocate for equality and champion for justice, his commitment to helping others never wavered. He leaves behind an incredible legacy – one that will, no doubt, continue to inspire people across the country.



Quotes about Trudeau

Sorted alphabetically by author or source
  • No major US ally has been spared from the president's indignities. In private, he pillories partner nations and their leaders and is not shy about doing the same in the open, as in the case of his comment about the Canadian prime minister being "very dishonest & weak," only hours after being hosted by the northern neighbor. He's done the same with France, mocking President Emmanuel Macron on Twitter for his low approval ratings and high unemployment, and with Germany, criticizing Chancellor Angela Merkel's administration for failing to reduce crime and accusing its leaders of being freeloaders that take advantage of US generosity.
    • Anonymous, A Warning (2019), p. 175 [4]
  • There will be a few names globally that will become etched in our history books. They will be the names that mark the shift in our political landscape, when younger politicians took the reins and heralded a different type of politics. Justin Trudeau will be one of them. Youth alone is not remarkable, but winning over people with a message of hope and warmth, tolerance and inclusion, when other politicians the world over choose an easier route — that is remarkable.
  • Prime Minister Trudeau, you were my first meeting with a foreign leader, just 1 month after my Presidency during the hardest days of COVID-19. We had to make a visit virtual, but since then, we've been all over the world, talking to some—taking on some of the toughest issues our nations have faced in a very long time. I want to thank you for your partnership and for your personal friendship. I thank you very much. Jill and I are grateful for the hospitality that you and Sophie have shown us.
  • You know, the incredible diversity that defines each of our nations is our strength. And the—Prime Minister Trudeau and I know this is a belief that you and I share. We've both built administrations that look like America and look like Canada. I'm very proud that both of us have Cabinets that are 50 percent women for the first time in history. Even if you don't agree, guys, I'd stand up. We took the lesson from you. Because the bottom line is this: When we make it easier for historically unrepresented and underserved communities to dream, to create, and to succeed, we build a better future for all our people. So let's continue the work. Where there are no barriers, things look better. Where there are barriers to equal opportunity, we've got to tear them down. Where inequity stifles potential, where we unleash the full power of our people. Where injustice holds sway, let's insist on justice being done.
  • I'd seen a whole lot of nastiness directed at Justin Trudeau over the years ... but [some comments] went beyond an expression of hatred; [they were] a plea for someone to murder the man. ... Here we have individuals wishing and calling for the death of a man, our prime minister, for the sole reason that they disagree with his policies. What this says about the culture of the Conservative Party is reflected by the fact that these comments are rarely challenged by others, while the party itself maintains a silence.
  • [The] degree of hatred and threat thrown at Justin Trudeau on social media is extraordinary. He's dehumanized and condemned as a traitor and threat, often by organized and influential groups and people. Shameful!
  • The prime minister of Canada, by contrast — whose Liberal party should have something to say about liberty — had this to say about Castro’s death: feels “deep sorrow” upon hearing the news, notes his dad was “very proud to call him a friend,” and offers his “deepest condolences” to the dead dictator’s supporters.
    A good leader leads. We encourage young people to speak truth to power. Yet when a powerful leader won’t speak plainly about clear cases of large-scale evil — what lesson does that teach?
  • Justin Trudeau was born on 25 December 1971. By means of a rough estimate, we note that a 2013 study published in the journal Human Reproduction used data from 130 pregnancies to investigate the range of different pregnancy lengths from conception to birth (gestation) and reported a range of from 247 to 284 days: It is extremely unlikely that Justin’s birth fell outside of that gestational range, meaning that Castro and Margaret Trudeau would have to have conceived their secret love-child between March 16th and April 22nd, 1971.
    It should be noted that Margaret and Pierre Trudeau were secretly wed on March 4th, 1971, and honeymooned until March 8th. When they returned home, Margaret moved in with the prime minister for the first time. If ever there were a time to make a baby and have it be born in late December, it would have been then, as hinted at in a Harper’s Bazaar profile of Margaret: "Margaret moved into the prime minister’s official residence, at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa, and gave birth to Justin just 10 months after the wedding, on Christmas Day in 1971."
  • these children are ready to deliver their moral verdict on the people and institutions who knew all about the dangerous, depleted world they would inherit and yet chose not to act. They know what they think of Donald Trump in the United States and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Scott Morrison in Australia and all the other leaders who torch the planet with defiant glee while denying science so basic that these kids could grasp it easily at age eight. Their verdict is just as damning, if not more so, for the leaders who deliver passionate and moving speeches about the imperative to respect the Paris Climate Agreement and "make the planet great again" (France's Emanuel Macron, Canada's Justin Trudeau, and so many others), but who then shower subsidies, handouts, and licenses on the fossil fuel and agribusiness giants driving ecological breakdown.
    • Naomi Klein On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal (2019)
  • WTF? Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada!? He has Down Syndrome. What the fuck have you idiots done!?!?!!?
  • In many ways Canada is no longer the country I grew up in, but when I hear Justin Trudeau talk, it sounds like my Canada again. Bold, clear as a bell and progressive. In politics as in show business, there are three things you need to be successful: talent, discipline and luck. Trudeau clearly has the first two. I wish him luck. I believe he will be a force for good.
  • The seething hatred many on the right have for Justin Trudeau is downright pathological. One can think poorly of an opponent without being hysterical.
    • Alheli Picazo (Canadian writer) 21 September 2019 tweet
  • President Trump is very intimidated by Justin Trudeau because he’s a good looking, smart kid and President Trump is like this orange fat blob. I mean the poor guy has the self-esteem of a small pigeon. And Justin Trudeau has been very, very smart at keeping his distance from Donald Trump.
  • God help us, some day Justin might be our prime minister. Don’t be surprised if his first initiative is to try to repeal the law of gravity. Dark matter, anti-matter, doesn’t matter — somehow we would survive his rejection of the “thinking that got us to this place."
    • Monte Solberg, "Justin is Beyond Infinity", Toronto Sun, (21 September 2014); responding to Trudeau's statement that Canadians must rethink space and time.
  • Watching China’s markets implode — and bring down the world’s interconnected economy with it — one has to wonder, does Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau still admire this country’s government?
    It wasn’t that long ago Trudeau stated we should look to China for an example of how to manage economic growth.When asked to name a country’s whose government he admires, with a smirk and an unrehearsed explanation, Trudeau told us he admires China.
    Despite China’s grave human rights abuses against minority religious and ethnic groups, its horrendous environmental degradation, and the serious restrictions it imposes on the rights and freedoms of its citizens, Trudeau said he admired China’s “basic dictatorship.”
    Specifically, Trudeau mused about the Chinese government’s ability to turn its economy around on a dime. Yes, it was China’s market manipulation that specifically wooed Trudeau.
Justin Trudeau was one of those leaders who inspired me to go into politics~Volodymyr Zelensky
  • Justin Trudeau was one of those leaders who inspired me to go into politics.

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