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Wikiquote:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations

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Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations, published in 1922, is the latest and largest public domain quotations book available. The entire work has now been incorporated into Wikiquote's theme pages, but some correction may still be needed. The work has also been uploaded in an unformatted state at our sister project, Wikisource. The original work is also available to view at Google Books, here, and also here. The work is arranged by themes, not authors. These themes are listed below. Note that Hoyt's has some very short sections on things such as types of flowers, trees, and birds, or on individual rivers. These short sections have generally been combined into the existing pages on general themes such as Flowers.


  1. Abhorrence
  2. Ability
  3. Abraham Lincoln
  4. Absence
  5. Acacia (into Trees)
  6. Accident
  7. Acting
  8. Action
  9. Admiration
  10. Adventure
  11. Adversity
  12. Advice
  13. Aeronautics
  14. Affectation
  15. Affection
  16. Affliction
  17. Age
  18. Agriculture
  19. Albatross (into Birds)
  20. Alchemy
  21. Almond (into Flowers)
  22. Amaranth (into Flowers)
  23. Amaryllis (into Flowers)
  24. Ambition
  25. America (into United States)
  26. Amusements
  27. Ancestry (to Ancestors)
  28. Anemone (into Flowers)
  29. Angels
  30. Anger
  31. Angling (to Fishing)
  32. Animals
  33. Ants
  34. Anticipation
  35. Antiquity
  36. Apparel (into Clothing)
  37. Apparitions (to Ghosts)
  38. Appearance
  39. Appetite
  40. Applause
  41. Apples
  42. Apple Blossoms (into Flowers)
  43. April
  44. Arbutus (into Flowers)
  45. Arcadia
  46. Architecture
  47. Argument
  48. Art
  49. Asphodel (into Flowers)
  50. Ash (into Flowersand Trees; current base pagename is now a disambig)
  51. Aspen (into Trees)
  52. Ass (to Donkeys
  53. Aster (into Flowers)
  54. Astronomy
  55. Athens (to Greece)
  56. Audacity
  57. August
  58. Aurora
  59. Authority
  60. Authorship to (Authors)
  61. Autumn (into Fall)
  62. Avarice (into Greed)
  63. Awkwardness
  64. Azalea (into Flowers)
  65. Babyhood (to Babies)
  66. Ballads
  67. Banishment (to Exile)
  68. Barber (to Barbers)
  69. Basil (into Herbs)
  70. Bats
  71. Beach Bird (into Birds)
  72. Bears
  73. Beauty
  74. Bed (to Beds)
  75. Bees
  76. Beetles
  77. Beggary (to Begging)
  78. Beginnings
  79. Belgium
  80. Belief
  81. Bells
  82. Benefits
  83. Birch (into Trees)
  84. Bird of Paradise (into Birds)
  85. Birds
  86. Birthand Birthday
  87. Blackbird (into Birds)
  88. Blacksmiths
  89. Blessings
  90. Blindness
  91. Bliss
  92. Blood
  93. Bluebell (into Flowers)
  94. Bluebird (into Birds)
  95. Blushing
  96. Boating
  97. Bobolinks
  98. Books
  99. Bores
  100. Borrowing
  101. Boston
  102. Bravery
  103. Bribery`
  104. Brooks (to Streams)
  105. Business
  106. Butchering (to Butchers)
  107. Buttercups
  108. Butterflies
  109. Calmness
  110. Calumny (into Defamation)
  111. Camomile (at Chamomile, in Flowers)
  112. Canary (into Birds)
  113. Carcassonne (into France)
  114. Cardinal-Flower (into Flowers)
  115. Cards (to Playing cards)
  116. Carefulness
  117. Carpentry
  118. Cassia (into Flowers)
  119. Cats
  120. Cause (to Causality)
  121. Cedar (into Trees)
  122. Celandine (into Flowers)
  123. Ceremony
  124. Challenge
  125. Champac (into Flowers)
  126. Chance
  127. Change
  128. Chaos
  129. Character
  130. Charity
  131. Chase
  132. Chastity
  133. Cheerfulness
  134. Cherry Tree (into Trees)
  135. Chestnut Tree (into Trees)
  136. Childhood
  137. Choice
  138. Christ (into Jesus)
  139. Christianity
  140. Christmas
  141. Chrysanthemum (into Flowers)
  142. Church
  143. Circles
  144. Circumstances
  145. Cities
  146. Cleanliness
  147. Clouds
  148. Clover (into Flowers)
  149. Cock (into Chickens)
  150. Cologne (into Germany)
  151. Columbine (into Flowers)
  152. Comfort
  153. Companionship
  154. Comparisons
  155. Compass-Plant (into Flowers)
  156. Compensation
  157. Compliments
  158. Conceit
  159. Confession
  160. Confidence
  161. Conquest
  162. Conscience
  163. Consideration
  164. Consistency
  165. Conspiracy
  166. Constancy
  167. Contemplation
  168. Contempt
  169. Contention
  170. Contentment
  171. Conversation
  172. Convolvulus (into Herbs)
  173. Cookery (to Cooking)
  174. Coquetry
  175. Corruption
  176. Countries
  177. Country life
  178. Courage
  179. Courtesy
  180. Courtiers
  181. Covetousness (into Envy)
  182. Cow (to Cattle)
  183. Cowardice
  184. Cowslip (into Flowers)
  185. Creation (into Creationism and Intelligent Design)
  186. Credit
  187. Crime
  188. Criticism
  189. Crocus (into Flowers)
  190. Crow (into Birds)
  191. Cruelty
  192. Cuckoos
  193. Curiosity
  194. Custom (to Customs)
  195. Cypress (into Trees)
  196. Daffodils
  197. Daisy (to Daisies)
  198. Dancing (into Dance)
  199. Dandelion (into Flowers)
  200. Danger
  201. Daring
  202. Darkness
  203. Day
  204. Death
  205. Debt
  206. Decay
  207. Deceit (into Dishonesty)
  208. December
  209. Decisions
  210. Deeds
  211. Delay`
  212. Delft (into Pottery)
  213. Delight
  214. Democracy
  215. Dentistry
  216. Desire
  217. Desolation (into Depression)
  218. Despair
  219. Destiny
  220. Devil
  221. Dew
  222. Difficulties
  223. Dignity
  224. Dimples
  225. Disappointment
  226. Discontent
  227. Discretion
  228. Disease
  229. Disgrace
  230. Dissension (into Discord)
  231. Distrust
  232. Doctrine
  233. Dogs
  234. Doubt
  235. Doves
  236. Dreams
  237. Dresden (into Germany)
  238. Drinking (into Alcoholic beverages)
  239. Dueling (to Duels)
  240. Duty
  241. Eagle
  242. Easter
  243. Eating
  244. Echo
  245. Economy (into Economics)
  246. Education
  247. Egypt
  248. Electricity
  249. Elephants
  250. Elm (into Trees)
  251. Eloquence
  252. Emigration
  253. The End
  254. Enemies
  255. England
  256. Enjoyment
  257. Enthusiasm
  258. Envy
  259. Epigrams
  260. Epitaphs
  261. Equality
  262. Error (into Mistakes)
  263. Estridge (to Ostriches)
  264. Eternity
  265. Evil
  266. Evolution
  267. Example
  268. Expectations
  269. Experience
  270. Explanations
  271. Expression (to Facial expression)
  272. Extremes
  273. Eyes
  274. Evening
  275. Faces
  276. Failure
  277. Fairies
  278. Faith
  279. Falcons
  280. Fame
  281. Familiarity
  282. Fancies
  283. Farewell
  284. Fashion
  285. Fate
  286. Faults
  287. Favors
  288. Fear
  289. February
  290. Feelings
  291. Festivities
  292. Fidelity
  293. Fig (into Trees)
  294. Fir (into Trees)
  295. Fire
  296. Fireflies; "Firefly" is a redirect to the TV series)
  297. Fish
  298. Flag
  299. Flag (Iris) (into Flowers)
  300. Flattery
  301. Flea
  302. Flirtation (to Flirting)
  303. Florence (into Italy)
  304. Flower-De-Luce (at Iris, in Flowers)
  305. Flowers
  306. Flies
  307. Feet
  308. Folly
  309. Footsteps
  310. Foppery
  311. Forget-Me-Not (into Flowers)
  312. Forgetfulness (to Forgetting)
  313. Forgiveness
  314. Fortune
  315. Fox
  316. Frailty
  317. France
  318. Fraud`
  319. Freedom
  320. Friends (into Friendship)
  321. Friendship
  322. Fruit
  323. Furniture
  324. Future
  325. Gain
  326. Gambling
  327. Gardens
  328. Gazelles
  329. Geese
  330. Genius
  331. Gentian (into Flowers)
  332. Gentlemen
  333. Gentleness
  334. George Washington
  335. Gifts
  336. Glory
  337. Glow-worm (to Glowworms)
  338. Gnat (into Arthropods)
  339. God
  340. Gods
  341. Gold
  342. Goldenrods
  343. Goodness
  344. Gorse (into Flowers)
  345. Gossip
  346. Government
  347. Grace
  348. Grapes
  349. Grass
  350. Grasshopper
  351. Gratitude
  352. Grave (into Grave (burial))
  353. Greatness
  354. Greece
  355. Grief
  356. Growth
  357. Guests
  358. Guilt
  359. Habit (to Habit (psychology)
  360. Hair
  361. Hands
  362. Happiness
  363. Harebell (into Flowers)
  364. Harvest
  365. Haste
  366. Hatred
  367. Hatters (into Hats)
  368. Hawks
  369. Hawthorn
  370. Health
  371. Hearing
  372. Heart
  373. Heaven
  374. Heliotrope (into Flowers)
  375. Hell
  376. Help
  377. Hemlock (into Trees)
  378. Hen (into Chickens)
  379. Hepatica (into Flowers)
  380. Heroes
  381. History
  382. Holidays
  383. Holiness
  384. Holly
  385. Home
  386. Honesty
  387. Honeysuckle
  388. Honor
  389. Hope
  390. Horses
  391. Hospitality
  392. Humanity
  393. Humility
  394. Humming-bird (to Hummingbirds)
  395. Humor (to Comedy)
  396. Hunger
  397. Husbands
  398. Hyacinth (into Flowers)
  399. Hypocrisy
  400. Idleness
  401. Ignorance
  402. Imagination
  403. Imitation
  404. Immortality
  405. Impatience
  406. Impossibility
  407. Inconstancy
  408. Independence
  409. Indian Pipe (into Flowers)
  410. Influence (into Social influence)
  411. Ingratitude
  412. Inheritance
  413. Injury
  414. Inns
  415. Innocence`
  416. Insanity
  417. Instinct
  418. Insults
  419. Intellect (into Intelligence)
  420. Intemperance
  421. Invention
  422. Investigation(to Research)
  423. Ireland
  424. Islands
  425. Italy
  426. Ivy
  427. Jackdaw (into Birds)
  428. January
  429. Jasmine (into Flowers)
  430. Jay (into Birds)
  431. Jealousy
  432. Jesting
  433. Jews
  434. Journalism
  435. Joy
  436. Judges
  437. Judgment
  438. June
  439. July
  440. Justice
  441. Katydid (into Arthropods)
  442. Kindness
  443. Kisses (into Kissing)
  444. Knavery (into Villain)
  445. Knowledge
  446. Labor
  447. Lamb (into Sheep)
  448. Language
  449. Lapwing (into Birds)
  450. Larks
  451. Laughter
  452. Laurel (into Trees)
  453. Law
  454. Learning
  455. Leisure
  456. Lemon (into Fruit)
  457. Liberality
  458. Liberty
  459. Libraries
  460. Life
  461. Light
  462. Lilac (into Flowers)
  463. Lily (to Lilies)
  464. Lily-of-the-Valley
  465. Linden (into Trees)
  466. Linguists (to Linguistics)
  467. Linnet (into Birds)
  468. Lions
  469. Listening
  470. Literature
  471. Livery (to Coaches)
  472. London
  473. Loss
  474. Lotus (into Flowers)
  475. Louse (into Arthropods)
  476. Love
  477. Love Lies Bleeding (into Flowers)
  478. Luck
  479. Luxury
  480. Lying
  481. Magnolia (into Flowers; base pagename is now a disambig)
  482. Mammon
  483. Man
  484. Manners
  485. Maple (into Trees)
  486. March
  487. Marigold (into Flowers)
  488. Marsh Marigold (into Flowers)
  489. Martlet (into Swallows)
  490. Martyrdom
  491. Masons (to Bricklayers)
  492. Matrimony (into Marriage)
  493. May
  494. Medicine
  495. Meditation
  496. Meeting
  497. Melancholy
  498. Memory
  499. Mercy
  500. Merit
  501. Mermaids
  502. Merriment
  503. Mice
  504. Midge (into Arthropods)
  505. Midnight
  506. Mind
  507. Miracles
  508. Mischief
  509. Misers
  510. Misery
  511. Misfortune
  512. Moccasin Flower (into Flowers)
  513. Mocking-Bird (into Birds, at Mockingbird]])
  514. Moderation
  515. Modesty
  516. Money
  517. Months (into Time)
  518. Montreal (into Canada)
  519. Monuments
  520. Moon
  521. Morality`
  522. Morning
  523. Morning-Glory (into Flowers)
  524. Mortality
  525. Mosquito (into Arthropods)
  526. Mourning
  527. Mouths
  528. Moth (into Arthropods)
  529. Motherhood (into Mothers)
  530. Motive`
  531. Mountains
  532. Mulberry Tree (into Trees)
  533. Murder
  534. Music
  535. Myrtle (into Flowers)
  536. Name (to Names)
  537. Naples
  538. Narcissus (into Flowers)
  539. Nature
  540. Navigation
  541. Navy
  542. Necessity
  543. Neglect
  544. New York City
  545. News
  546. Niagara (to Niagara Falls)
  547. Night
  548. Nightingales
  549. Nile
  550. Nobility
  551. Nonsense
  552. Nose (to Noses)
  553. Nothingness
  554. Novelty
  555. November
  556. Nuremberg (into Germany)
  557. Oak (into Trees)
  558. Oaths
  559. Obedience
  560. Oblivion
  561. Obscurity
  562. Occupations (into Employment)
  563. Oceans
  564. October
  565. Olive
  566. Opinion
  567. Opportunity
  568. Oracle
  569. Orange
  570. Oratory (into [Public speaking]])
  571. Orchid (into Flowers)
  572. Order
  573. Owls
  574. Ox (into Cattle)
  575. Oysters
  576. Pain
  577. Painting
  578. Palm (into Trees)
  579. Pansies
  580. Paradise
  581. Paradox
  582. Parting
  583. Partridge (into Birds)
  584. Passion
  585. Passion Flower (into Flowers)
  586. Past
  587. Patience
  588. Patriotism
  589. Peace
  590. Peach (into Fruit)
  591. Peacock (to Peafowl)
  592. Pear (into Fruit)
  593. Pelicans
  594. Pens
  595. Perception
  596. Perfection
  597. Perfume
  598. Perils (into Danger)
  599. Perseverance
  600. Pheasant (into Birds)
  601. Philadelphia
  602. Philanthropy
  603. Philosophy
  604. Phrenology (into Pseudoscience)
  605. Pigeon (into Doves)
  606. Pine (into Trees)
  607. Pink (into Flowers)
  608. Pity
  609. Plagiarism
  610. Pleasure
  611. Poetry
  612. Poets
  613. Poison
  614. Policy
  615. Politics
  616. Poplar (into Trees)
  617. Poppies
  618. Popularity
  619. Possession to Ownership
  620. Post (to Mail)
  621. Posterity
  622. Pottery
  623. Poverty
  624. Power
  625. Praise
  626. Prayer
  627. Preaching
  628. Prejudice
  629. Presumptions
  630. Primrose (into Flowers)
  631. Pride
  632. Principle
  633. Printing
  634. Prison
  635. Probability
  636. Progress
  637. Promises
  638. Proof
  639. Prophecy
  640. Prosperity
  641. Proverbs (about)
  642. English proverbs (alphabetically by proverb)
  643. Providence
  644. Prudence
  645. The Public
  646. Public trust
  647. Publishing
  648. Pumpkins
  649. Punishment
  650. Purity
  651. Quackery
  652. Quality
  653. Quarreling
  654. Quail (into Birds)
  655. Quotation
  656. Rain
  657. Rainbows
  658. Ravens
  659. Reading
  660. Reason
  661. Rebellion
  662. Recklessness
  663. Redemption (into Redemption (theology))
  664. Reed (into Plants)
  665. Reflection
  666. Reform
  667. Regret
  668. Religion
  669. Remorse
  670. Repentance
  671. Repose
  672. Reputation
  673. Resignation
  674. Resolution
  675. Rest
  676. Results
  677. Resurrection
  678. Retaliation
  679. Retribution
  680. Revelation
  681. Revenge
  682. Revolution
  683. Rhine (River) (to Rhine)
  684. Ridicule
  685. Righteousness
  686. Rights
  687. Rivers
    Afton (River), Alph (River), Arno (River), Ayr (River), Bronx (River), Cam (River), Chattahoochee (River), Clyde (River), Congo (River), Dee (River), Doon (River), Dove (River), Isar (River), Keedron (River), Lee (River), Leven (River), Potomac (River), Rhone (River), Scheld (River), Schuylkill (River), Swanee (River), Teviot (River), Thames (River), Tiber (River), Yvette (River)
  688. Robins
  689. Romance
  690. Rome
  691. Rook (into Birds)
  692. Roses
  693. Rose, Musk (into Roses)
  694. Rose, Sweetbrier (into Roses)
  695. Rose, Wild (into Roses)
  696. Rosemary (into Herbs)
  697. Royalty (into Monarchy
  698. Ruins
  699. Rumors
  700. Sabbath
  701. Sacrifice
  702. Sadness
  703. Safflower (into Flowers)
  704. Sand-Piper (into Birds)
  705. Satire
  706. Satisfaction
  707. Scandals
  708. Science
  709. Scorn
  710. Scotland
  711. Scripture (into The Bible)
  712. Sculpture
  713. Sea Bird (into Birds)
  714. Seasons
  715. Secrecy
  716. Self-examination (to Self-awareness)
  717. Self-love
  718. Selfishness
  719. Senses
  720. Sensibility
  721. Sensitive Plant (into Plants)
  722. September
  723. Service
  724. Shadows
  725. Sickness (to Illness
  726. Sighs
  727. Simplicity
  728. William Shakespeare
  729. Shame
  730. Shamrock
  731. Sheep
  732. Ships
  733. Shipwreck
  734. Shoemaking
  735. Sight (into Vision)
  736. Silence
  737. Sin
  738. Sincerity
  739. Singing
  740. Sky
  741. Slander (into Defamation)
  742. Slavery
  743. Sleep
  744. Sloe (into Flowers)
  745. Smiles
  746. Sneer
  747. Snow
  748. Snow-Drop (at Snowdrop, in Flowers)
  749. Society
  750. Soldiers
  751. Solitude
  752. Song
  753. Sorrow
  754. Soul
  755. Sound
  756. Spain
  757. Sparrow (into Birds)
  758. Speech
  759. Spice (at Umbellularia, in Trees)
  760. Spiders
  761. Spirits
  762. Sport
  763. Spring
  764. Stars
  765. Statesmanship
  766. Storm
  767. Storytelling
  768. Strategy
  769. Strawberries
  770. Strength
  771. Students
  772. Study (to Studying)
  773. Stupidity
  774. Style
  775. Success
  776. Suffering
  777. Suicide
  778. Summer
  779. Sun
  780. Sundial mottos
  781. Sunflowers
  782. Sunrise
  783. Sunset
  784. Superstition
  785. Suspicion
  786. Swallows
  787. Swans
  788. Swearing (into Profanity)
  789. Sweet Pea (into Flowers)
  790. Sweet-Basil (into Herbs)
  791. Sweetness
  792. Swine (into Pigs)
  793. Sympathy
  794. Symbols
  795. Tailors
  796. Talent
  797. Talk
  798. Taste (to Taste (sociology)
  799. Tea
  800. Teaching (to Teachers)
  801. Tears
  802. Temperance
  803. Temptation
  804. Thankfulness (into Gratitude)
  805. Thanksgiving Day (to Thanksgiving)
  806. Thieving (to Theft)
  807. Thistle (into Flowers)
  808. Thorn (into Hawthorn)
  809. Thought
  810. Thrushes
  811. Thunder
  812. Thyme (into Herbs)
  813. Tides
  814. Tigers
  815. Time
  816. Toasts
  817. Tobacco
  818. Today
  819. Tomorrow
  820. Tongues
  821. Traveling (into Travel)
  822. Treason
  823. Trees and Plants (into Trees and Plants)
  824. Trials
  825. Trifles
  826. Trouble
  827. Trust
  828. Truth
  829. Tuberose (into Flowers)
  830. Tulips
  831. Tulip-Tree (into Trees)
  832. Turkey
  833. Twilight
  834. Tyranny
  835. Umbrellas)
  836. Unbelief
  837. Uncertainty
  838. Undertakers
  839. Unity
  840. Unkindness
  841. Valentines (to Valentine's Day)
  842. Valor
  843. Value (to Value (ethics))
  844. Vanity
  845. Visions
  846. Voice
  847. Vows
  848. War
  849. Water
  850. Water-Lily (into Flowers)
  851. Weakness
  852. Wealth
  853. Weeds
  854. Welcome
  855. Whip-Poor-Will (into Birds)
  856. Wickedness
  857. Will (into Will (philosophy)
  858. Willow (into Trees; base pagename is now a disambig)
  859. Wind
  860. Windflower (into Flowers)
  861. Wine
  862. Winter
  863. Wisdom
  864. Wishes
  865. Wit
  866. Wives
  867. Woodbine (into Honeysuckle)
  868. Woe
  869. Women
  870. Wonders
  871. World
  872. Worship
  873. Worth
  874. Wounds
  875. Wooing (to Courtship)
  876. Words
  877. Work
  878. World peace
  879. Wren (into Birds)
  880. Wrongs
  881. Yew (into Trees)
  882. Youth
  883. Yukon (into Canada)
  884. Zeal
  885. Zephyr