Wikiquote:Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations
Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations, published in 1922, is the latest and largest public domain quotations book available. The entire work has now been incorporated into Wikiquote's theme pages, but some correction may still be needed. The work has also been uploaded in an unformatted state at our sister project, Wikisource. The original work is also available to view at Google Books, here, and also here. The work is arranged by themes, not authors. These themes are listed below. Note that Hoyt's has some very short sections on things such as types of flowers, trees, and birds, or on individual rivers. These short sections have generally been combined into the existing pages on general themes such as Flowers.
[edit]- Abhorrence
- Ability
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absence
- Acacia (into Trees)
- Accident
- Acting
- Action
- Admiration
- Adventure
- Adversity
- Advice
- Aeronautics
- Affectation
- Affection
- Affliction
- Age
- Agriculture
- Albatross (into Birds)
- Alchemy
- Almond (into Flowers)
- Amaranth (into Flowers)
- Amaryllis (into Flowers)
- Ambition
- America (into United States)
- Amusements
- Ancestry (to Ancestors)
- Anemone (into Flowers)
- Angels
- Anger
- Angling (to Fishing)
- Animals
- Ants
- Anticipation
- Antiquity
- Apparel (into Clothing)
- Apparitions (to Ghosts)
- Appearance
- Appetite
- Applause
- Apples
- Apple Blossoms (into Flowers)
- April
- Arbutus (into Flowers)
- Arcadia
- Architecture
- Argument
- Art
- Asphodel (into Flowers)
- Ash (into Flowersand Trees; current base pagename is now a disambig)
- Aspen (into Trees)
- Ass (to Donkeys
- Aster (into Flowers)
- Astronomy
- Athens (to Greece)
- Audacity
- August
- Aurora
- Authority
- Authorship to (Authors)
- Autumn (into Fall)
- Avarice (into Greed)
- Awkwardness
- Azalea (into Flowers)
- Babyhood (to Babies)
- Ballads
- Banishment (to Exile)
- Barber (to Barbers)
- Basil (into Herbs)
- Bats
- Beach Bird (into Birds)
- Bears
- Beauty
- Bed (to Beds)
- Bees
- Beetles
- Beggary (to Begging)
- Beginnings
- Belgium
- Belief
- Bells
- Benefits
- Birch (into Trees)
- Bird of Paradise (into Birds)
- Birds
- Birthand Birthday
- Blackbird (into Birds)
- Blacksmiths
- Blessings
- Blindness
- Bliss
- Blood
- Bluebell (into Flowers)
- Bluebird (into Birds)
- Blushing
- Boating
- Bobolinks
- Books
- Bores
- Borrowing
- Boston
- Bravery
- Bribery`
- Brooks (to Streams)
- Business
- Butchering (to Butchers)
- Buttercups
- Butterflies
- Calmness
- Calumny (into Defamation)
- Camomile (at Chamomile, in Flowers)
- Canary (into Birds)
- Carcassonne (into France)
- Cardinal-Flower (into Flowers)
- Cards (to Playing cards)
- Carefulness
- Carpentry
- Cassia (into Flowers)
- Cats
- Cause (to Causality)
- Cedar (into Trees)
- Celandine (into Flowers)
- Ceremony
- Challenge
- Champac (into Flowers)
- Chance
- Change
- Chaos
- Character
- Charity
- Chase
- Chastity
- Cheerfulness
- Cherry Tree (into Trees)
- Chestnut Tree (into Trees)
- Childhood
- Choice
- Christ (into Jesus)
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Chrysanthemum (into Flowers)
- Church
- Circles
- Circumstances
- Cities
- Cleanliness
- Clouds
- Clover (into Flowers)
- Cock (into Chickens)
- Cologne (into Germany)
- Columbine (into Flowers)
- Comfort
- Companionship
- Comparisons
- Compass-Plant (into Flowers)
- Compensation
- Compliments
- Conceit
- Confession
- Confidence
- Conquest
- Conscience
- Consideration
- Consistency
- Conspiracy
- Constancy
- Contemplation
- Contempt
- Contention
- Contentment
- Conversation
- Convolvulus (into Herbs)
- Cookery (to Cooking)
- Coquetry
- Corruption
- Countries
- Country life
- Courage
- Courtesy
- Courtiers
- Covetousness (into Envy)
- Cow (to Cattle)
- Cowardice
- Cowslip (into Flowers)
- Creation (into Creationism and Intelligent Design)
- Credit
- Crime
- Criticism
- Crocus (into Flowers)
- Crow (into Birds)
- Cruelty
- Cuckoos
- Curiosity
- Custom (to Customs)
- Cypress (into Trees)
- Daffodils
- Daisy (to Daisies)
- Dancing (into Dance)
- Dandelion (into Flowers)
- Danger
- Daring
- Darkness
- Day
- Death
- Debt
- Decay
- Deceit (into Dishonesty)
- December
- Decisions
- Deeds
- Delay`
- Delft (into Pottery)
- Delight
- Democracy
- Dentistry
- Desire
- Desolation (into Depression)
- Despair
- Destiny
- Devil
- Dew
- Difficulties
- Dignity
- Dimples
- Disappointment
- Discontent
- Discretion
- Disease
- Disgrace
- Dissension (into Discord)
- Distrust
- Doctrine
- Dogs
- Doubt
- Doves
- Dreams
- Dresden (into Germany)
- Drinking (into Alcoholic beverages)
- Dueling (to Duels)
- Duty
- Eagle
- Easter
- Eating
- Echo
- Economy (into Economics)
- Education
- Egypt
- Electricity
- Elephants
- Elm (into Trees)
- Eloquence
- Emigration
- The End
- Enemies
- England
- Enjoyment
- Enthusiasm
- Envy
- Epigrams
- Epitaphs
- Equality
- Error (into Mistakes)
- Estridge (to Ostriches)
- Eternity
- Evil
- Evolution
- Example
- Expectations
- Experience
- Explanations
- Expression (to Facial expression)
- Extremes
- Eyes
- Evening
- Faces
- Failure
- Fairies
- Faith
- Falcons
- Fame
- Familiarity
- Fancies
- Farewell
- Fashion
- Fate
- Faults
- Favors
- Fear
- February
- Feelings
- Festivities
- Fidelity
- Fig (into Trees)
- Fir (into Trees)
- Fire
- Fireflies; "Firefly" is a redirect to the TV series)
- Fish
- Flag
- Flag (Iris) (into Flowers)
- Flattery
- Flea
- Flirtation (to Flirting)
- Florence (into Italy)
- Flower-De-Luce (at Iris, in Flowers)
- Flowers
- Flies
- Feet
- Folly
- Footsteps
- Foppery
- Forget-Me-Not (into Flowers)
- Forgetfulness (to Forgetting)
- Forgiveness
- Fortune
- Fox
- Frailty
- France
- Fraud`
- Freedom
- Friends (into Friendship)
- Friendship
- Fruit
- Furniture
- Future
- Gain
- Gambling
- Gardens
- Gazelles
- Geese
- Genius
- Gentian (into Flowers)
- Gentlemen
- Gentleness
- George Washington
- Gifts
- Glory
- Glow-worm (to Glowworms)
- Gnat (into Arthropods)
- God
- Gods
- Gold
- Goldenrods
- Goodness
- Gorse (into Flowers)
- Gossip
- Government
- Grace
- Grapes
- Grass
- Grasshopper
- Gratitude
- Grave (into Grave (burial))
- Greatness
- Greece
- Grief
- Growth
- Guests
- Guilt
- Habit (to Habit (psychology)
- Hair
- Hands
- Happiness
- Harebell (into Flowers)
- Harvest
- Haste
- Hatred
- Hatters (into Hats)
- Hawks
- Hawthorn
- Health
- Hearing
- Heart
- Heaven
- Heliotrope (into Flowers)
- Hell
- Help
- Hemlock (into Trees)
- Hen (into Chickens)
- Hepatica (into Flowers)
- Heroes
- History
- Holidays
- Holiness
- Holly
- Home
- Honesty
- Honeysuckle
- Honor
- Hope
- Horses
- Hospitality
- Humanity
- Humility
- Humming-bird (to Hummingbirds)
- Humor (to Comedy)
- Hunger
- Husbands
- Hyacinth (into Flowers)
- Hypocrisy
- Idleness
- Ignorance
- Imagination
- Imitation
- Immortality
- Impatience
- Impossibility
- Inconstancy
- Independence
- Indian Pipe (into Flowers)
- Influence (into Social influence)
- Ingratitude
- Inheritance
- Injury
- Inns
- Innocence`
- Insanity
- Instinct
- Insults
- Intellect (into Intelligence)
- Intemperance
- Invention
- Investigation(to Research)
- Ireland
- Islands
- Italy
- Ivy
- Jackdaw (into Birds)
- January
- Jasmine (into Flowers)
- Jay (into Birds)
- Jealousy
- Jesting
- Jews
- Journalism
- Joy
- Judges
- Judgment
- June
- July
- Justice
- Katydid (into Arthropods)
- Kindness
- Kisses (into Kissing)
- Knavery (into Villain)
- Knowledge
- Labor
- Lamb (into Sheep)
- Language
- Lapwing (into Birds)
- Larks
- Laughter
- Laurel (into Trees)
- Law
- Learning
- Leisure
- Lemon (into Fruit)
- Liberality
- Liberty
- Libraries
- Life
- Light
- Lilac (into Flowers)
- Lily (to Lilies)
- Lily-of-the-Valley
- Linden (into Trees)
- Linguists (to Linguistics)
- Linnet (into Birds)
- Lions
- Listening
- Literature
- Livery (to Coaches)
- London
- Loss
- Lotus (into Flowers)
- Louse (into Arthropods)
- Love
- Love Lies Bleeding (into Flowers)
- Luck
- Luxury
- Lying
- Magnolia (into Flowers; base pagename is now a disambig)
- Mammon
- Man
- Manners
- Maple (into Trees)
- March
- Marigold (into Flowers)
- Marsh Marigold (into Flowers)
- Martlet (into Swallows)
- Martyrdom
- Masons (to Bricklayers)
- Matrimony (into Marriage)
- May
- Medicine
- Meditation
- Meeting
- Melancholy
- Memory
- Mercy
- Merit
- Mermaids
- Merriment
- Mice
- Midge (into Arthropods)
- Midnight
- Mind
- Miracles
- Mischief
- Misers
- Misery
- Misfortune
- Moccasin Flower (into Flowers)
- Mocking-Bird (into Birds, at Mockingbird]])
- Moderation
- Modesty
- Money
- Months (into Time)
- Montreal (into Canada)
- Monuments
- Moon
- Morality`
- Morning
- Morning-Glory (into Flowers)
- Mortality
- Mosquito (into Arthropods)
- Mourning
- Mouths
- Moth (into Arthropods)
- Motherhood (into Mothers)
- Motive`
- Mountains
- Mulberry Tree (into Trees)
- Murder
- Music
- Myrtle (into Flowers)
- Name (to Names)
- Naples
- Narcissus (into Flowers)
- Nature
- Navigation
- Navy
- Necessity
- Neglect
- New York City
- News
- Niagara (to Niagara Falls)
- Night
- Nightingales
- Nile
- Nobility
- Nonsense
- Nose (to Noses)
- Nothingness
- Novelty
- November
- Nuremberg (into Germany)
- Oak (into Trees)
- Oaths
- Obedience
- Oblivion
- Obscurity
- Occupations (into Employment)
- Oceans
- October
- Olive
- Opinion
- Opportunity
- Oracle
- Orange
- Oratory (into [Public speaking]])
- Orchid (into Flowers)
- Order
- Owls
- Ox (into Cattle)
- Oysters
- Pain
- Painting
- Palm (into Trees)
- Pansies
- Paradise
- Paradox
- Parting
- Partridge (into Birds)
- Passion
- Passion Flower (into Flowers)
- Past
- Patience
- Patriotism
- Peace
- Peach (into Fruit)
- Peacock (to Peafowl)
- Pear (into Fruit)
- Pelicans
- Pens
- Perception
- Perfection
- Perfume
- Perils (into Danger)
- Perseverance
- Pheasant (into Birds)
- Philadelphia
- Philanthropy
- Philosophy
- Phrenology (into Pseudoscience)
- Pigeon (into Doves)
- Pine (into Trees)
- Pink (into Flowers)
- Pity
- Plagiarism
- Pleasure
- Poetry
- Poets
- Poison
- Policy
- Politics
- Poplar (into Trees)
- Poppies
- Popularity
- Possession to Ownership
- Post (to Mail)
- Posterity
- Pottery
- Poverty
- Power
- Praise
- Prayer
- Preaching
- Prejudice
- Presumptions
- Primrose (into Flowers)
- Pride
- Principle
- Printing
- Prison
- Probability
- Progress
- Promises
- Proof
- Prophecy
- Prosperity
- Proverbs (about)
- English proverbs (alphabetically by proverb)
- Providence
- Prudence
- The Public
- Public trust
- Publishing
- Pumpkins
- Punishment
- Purity
- Quackery
- Quality
- Quarreling
- Quail (into Birds)
- Quotation
- Rain
- Rainbows
- Ravens
- Reading
- Reason
- Rebellion
- Recklessness
- Redemption (into Redemption (theology))
- Reed (into Plants)
- Reflection
- Reform
- Regret
- Religion
- Remorse
- Repentance
- Repose
- Reputation
- Resignation
- Resolution
- Rest
- Results
- Resurrection
- Retaliation
- Retribution
- Revelation
- Revenge
- Revolution
- Rhine (River) (to Rhine)
- Ridicule
- Righteousness
- Rights
- Rivers
- Afton (River), Alph (River), Arno (River), Ayr (River), Bronx (River), Cam (River), Chattahoochee (River), Clyde (River), Congo (River), Dee (River), Doon (River), Dove (River), Isar (River), Keedron (River), Lee (River), Leven (River), Potomac (River), Rhone (River), Scheld (River), Schuylkill (River), Swanee (River), Teviot (River), Thames (River), Tiber (River), Yvette (River)
- Robins
- Romance
- Rome
- Rook (into Birds)
- Roses
- Rose, Musk (into Roses)
- Rose, Sweetbrier (into Roses)
- Rose, Wild (into Roses)
- Rosemary (into Herbs)
- Royalty (into Monarchy
- Ruins
- Rumors
- Sabbath
- Sacrifice
- Sadness
- Safflower (into Flowers)
- Sand-Piper (into Birds)
- Satire
- Satisfaction
- Scandals
- Science
- Scorn
- Scotland
- Scripture (into The Bible)
- Sculpture
- Sea Bird (into Birds)
- Seasons
- Secrecy
- Self-examination (to Self-awareness)
- Self-love
- Selfishness
- Senses
- Sensibility
- Sensitive Plant (into Plants)
- September
- Service
- Shadows
- Sickness (to Illness
- Sighs
- Simplicity
- William Shakespeare
- Shame
- Shamrock
- Sheep
- Ships
- Shipwreck
- Shoemaking
- Sight (into Vision)
- Silence
- Sin
- Sincerity
- Singing
- Sky
- Slander (into Defamation)
- Slavery
- Sleep
- Sloe (into Flowers)
- Smiles
- Sneer
- Snow
- Snow-Drop (at Snowdrop, in Flowers)
- Society
- Soldiers
- Solitude
- Song
- Sorrow
- Soul
- Sound
- Spain
- Sparrow (into Birds)
- Speech
- Spice (at Umbellularia, in Trees)
- Spiders
- Spirits
- Sport
- Spring
- Stars
- Statesmanship
- Storm
- Storytelling
- Strategy
- Strawberries
- Strength
- Students
- Study (to Studying)
- Stupidity
- Style
- Success
- Suffering
- Suicide
- Summer
- Sun
- Sundial mottos
- Sunflowers
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Superstition
- Suspicion
- Swallows
- Swans
- Swearing (into Profanity)
- Sweet Pea (into Flowers)
- Sweet-Basil (into Herbs)
- Sweetness
- Swine (into Pigs)
- Sympathy
- Symbols
- Tailors
- Talent
- Talk
- Taste (to Taste (sociology)
- Tea
- Teaching (to Teachers)
- Tears
- Temperance
- Temptation
- Thankfulness (into Gratitude)
- Thanksgiving Day (to Thanksgiving)
- Thieving (to Theft)
- Thistle (into Flowers)
- Thorn (into Hawthorn)
- Thought
- Thrushes
- Thunder
- Thyme (into Herbs)
- Tides
- Tigers
- Time
- Toasts
- Tobacco
- Today
- Tomorrow
- Tongues
- Traveling (into Travel)
- Treason
- Trees and Plants (into Trees and Plants)
- Trials
- Trifles
- Trouble
- Trust
- Truth
- Tuberose (into Flowers)
- Tulips
- Tulip-Tree (into Trees)
- Turkey
- Twilight
- Tyranny
- Umbrellas)
- Unbelief
- Uncertainty
- Undertakers
- Unity
- Unkindness
- Valentines (to Valentine's Day)
- Valor
- Value (to Value (ethics))
- Vanity
- Visions
- Voice
- Vows
- War
- Water
- Water-Lily (into Flowers)
- Weakness
- Wealth
- Weeds
- Welcome
- Whip-Poor-Will (into Birds)
- Wickedness
- Will (into Will (philosophy)
- Willow (into Trees; base pagename is now a disambig)
- Wind
- Windflower (into Flowers)
- Wine
- Winter
- Wisdom
- Wishes
- Wit
- Wives
- Woodbine (into Honeysuckle)
- Woe
- Women
- Wonders
- World
- Worship
- Worth
- Wounds
- Wooing (to Courtship)
- Words
- Work
- World peace
- Wren (into Birds)
- Wrongs
- Yew (into Trees)
- Youth
- Yukon (into Canada)
- Zeal
- Zephyr