Inside Out 2

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Inside Out 2 is a 2024 American computer-animated comedy film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is a sequel to Inside Out and tells the story of Riley's emotions as they find themselves joined by new emotions that want to take over Riley's head.

Make room for new emotions.
Directed by Kelsey Mann. Written by Meg LeFauve, and Dave Holstein.


  • I'm the worst! [cries]
  • I'm too gross to go to camp or anywhere ever AGAIN!
  • I am a good person. [first Sense of Self]
  • I'm not good enough! [second Sense of Self]




  • This is Joy coming to you live from Riley's mind. Get on your feet and make some NOISE!
  • Our girl is growing up so fast. And things couldn't be better.
  • This is for all memories that belong in the back of the mind. Like this penalty one, it's weighing on her, so let's lighten the load. A one-way express to "We're not going to think about that right now."
  • Orange? Who made the console orange?
  • Welcome to headquarters, Embarrassment.
  • You got a real sweaty palm there, buddy.
  • Look, again, love the energy. But you're being silly. None of this will actually happen.
  • You can't just bottle us up!
  • Delusional...? Of course I'm delusional! Do you know how hard it is to stay positive all the time when all you folks do is complain, complain, complain?! Jiminy, mother-loving, toaster strudel! Do you think I have all the answers?! OF COURSE I DON'T! We can't even find the back of our own minds. Anxiety is right: Riley doesn't need us as she needs them, and that hurts. It really hurts.
  • Boy, are we so lucky we ran into you guys!
  • Fear, you have a parachute?!


  • Yay.
  • You take such good care of Riley.
  • Oh, this is a sad story.
  • [Joy: "Have I ever steered you wrong before?"] Yes, many times.


  • Aah! Who are you people?!
  • No, no, no, no! That's not ours!
  • Orange is not my color.
  • The Riley we knew is gone.
  • Uh-uh. What do you mean "we"?
  • I never miss a look.
  • Guys, you just got to turn on the charm.


  • Let me at 'em!
  • What's going on?!
  • I barely touched it.
  • Do I look orange?!
  • Ever since that alarm went off, nothing around here works!
  • Wow, those guys are jerks.
  • It's a brain storm!
  • [Disgust: "The Riley we knew is gone!"] If Joy can't see that, well then she's delusional! [Joy: "Delusional...? Of course I'm delusional! Do you know how hard it is to stay positive all the time when all you folks do is complain, complain, complain?! Jiminy, mother-loving, toaster strudel! Do you think I have all the answers?! OF COURSE I DON'T! We can't even find the back of our own minds. Anxiety is right, Riley doesn't need us as she needs them, and that hurts. It really hurts."]


  • We gotta get our mouth guard, people!
  • How dare you, madam!
  • We are suppressed emotions!
  • This whole trip is just a series of deader and deader and deader ends!
  • Joy, if we can't follow the stream, we don't know where we're going. And if we don't know where we're going, we can't follow the stream! It's an endless loop of tragedy and consequence.
  • [Joy: "Fear, you have a parachute?!"] Uh, yeah. The question is why don't any of you?


  • Hello, everybody!
  • Oh, my gosh. I am such a huge fan of yours. And now here I am meeting you face to face. Okay. How can I help? I can take notes, get coffee, manage your calendar, walk your dog, carry your things, watch you sleep.
  • Oh, I'm sorry. I can get ahead of myself. I'm Anxiety. I'm one of Riley's new emotions. And we are super jazzed to be here. Where can I put my stuff?
  • That's Embarrassment. He's not really big on eye contact or talking, but he's a really sweet guy.
  • Look, we all have a job to do. You make Riley happy, Sadness makes her sad, Fear protects her from the scary stuff she can see, and my job is to protect her from the scary stuff she can't see. I plan for the future.
  • She finally arrives at high school. She has no one. She eats alone, and only the teachers know her name.
  • That's not going to haunt us for the rest of our lives at all.
  • I know change is scary, but we need new friends, or we'll be totally along in high school. Out with the old, in with the new.
  • Riley's life is more complex now. It requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you. You just aren't what she needs anymore, Joy.
  • It's not forever. It's just until Riley makes Varsity. Or until she turns eighteen. Or maybe forever. I don't know. We'll have to see. Bye!
  • Let Operation: New Riley begin.
  • [during Riley's panic attack] I'm sorry. I was just trying to protect her.


  • I wish I was as tall as all of you. [Anger: "Who the heck are you?"] I'm Envy. Whoa, look at your hair! [Disgust: "Oh, yeah. Not happening."]
  • These girls are so cool!
  • Anxiety, you're putting too much pressure on her!


  • Ennui. It's what you would call the boredom.
  • That was like 30 seconds ago, Nostalgia.
  • You care way too much about things.


  • Remember when we all finally came up to headquarters?
  • Yeah. Those were the days.


  • Because she's got us! Woo-Hoo! Yeah, right?



[Anxiety and the other new emotions have sent Joy and the others to the Vault inside of a jar]
[everybody starts losing it]
Joy: Stay calm! Riley's gonna be fine. TOTALLY fine.
[someone else pops in]
Bloofy: Hey! You know what we call that? Denial! Can you say "denial"?
[Fear's flashlight points to a 2D preschool show character, the emotions scream]
Bloofy: [talking to the emoions] Hi, friends! [talking to the audience] Welcome! It's so good to have you hear with us today!
Joy: Ha, ha, ha! It's Bloofy!
Disgust: From that preschool show Riley used to like?
Bloofy: That's right, and here's a little secret.
[Bloofy goes up to the jar, and presses his nose against it making Fear scream]
Bloofy: [whispering] Riley still likes the show.
[he walks away from the jar, and turns to the audience to sing his song with Joy dancing in the background]
Bloofy: [singing] Stomp like an elephant, scurry like a mouse, make your way down to Bloofy's house!
Anger: Please kill me.
Joy: Bloofy, we're in a real pickle! Could you help us get out of here?
Bloofy: Uh-oh! [to the audience] We're gonna need your help! Can you find a way out?
Anger: Who are you talking to?!!
Bloofy: [to the emotions] My friends! [to the wall, where the audience would be] Do you see a key? [silence] Hmmm... I don't either.

[Joy is trying to get a vehicle to work, whilst Fear, Anger, and Disgust talk amongst themselves about Riley's current state and Joy's plan]
Fear: This whole trip is just a series of deader and deader ends!
Anger: Ever since that puberty alarm went off, nothing around here works the way they're supposed to!
Disgust: I don't even recognize this place anymore. It's light out at 1 in the morning!
Fear: I never been inside so many jars in my life.
Disgust: And the Riley we knew is gone!
Anger: And if Joy can’t see that, well, then she's delusional!
[Joy hears Anger's words, and turns around and stares]
Joy: Delusional? [she briefly smiles, but then she snaps] OF COURSE I'M DELUSIONAL!! Do you know how hard it is to stay positive all the time when all you folks do is complain, complain, complain?! Jiminy, motherloving toaster strudel! [she smacks the controls of the vehicle, whilst Fear cowers, and Anger smiles] Do you think I have all the answers? Of course I don’t! [stops herself, and sighs heavily] We can’t even find the back of her own mind. [she cowers in front of the control panel] Anxiety is right. Riley doesn’t need us as much as she needs them. [starting to break down into tears] And that hurts... it really hurts...
[the other emotions look at each other, and Anger walks up to Joy]
Anger: Joy, you've made a lot of mistakes. A-A lot. And you'll make a whole lot more in the future. But if you let that stop you, we might as well lie down and give up now.
Fear: Well, actually, that does sound kind of nice. [Disgust slaps him] Ow!
Anger: [offering Joy his hand] Come on.
[Joy is helped up to her feet by Anger, and the emotions continue their journey]


  • Big changes. New emotions.
  • Make room for new emotions.
  • Contain your emotions.


  • Kensington Tallman — Riley Andersen
    • Kaitlyn Dias (previously)
  • Sumayyah Nuriddin-Green — Bree
  • Grace Lu — Grace
  • Yong Yea — Lance Slashblade

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